Newspaper Page Text
Arthur Ryiander’s
r : » • .S . • •
Nellie Ply Caps
Christmas Goods
I offer for next ten days tbe fol
lowing very low prices:
,1000 lbs New Crop* Nuaeatel
j* J P®'* 1 "* »* 15o lb.
'1060 IbB English Walnuts at 17’J lb.
500 lbs Filberts st 15c lb.
600 lbs Almonds at 25o lb.
5001b* Brazils at... 25o lb'.
2Q00 lbs Mixed Nuts at .20c lb.
100 J^-Boxe* Unisons at .. 8oo bx.
Thousands of pounds of Fancy Can
dy at 12}» to $1.00 per pound.
Arthur Bylander Happy.
Mr. Arthur Bylander was being
congratulated on all elded yester
day upon the arrival of a sweet
little lady who will take up her
abode at his bouse.
Call and inspect those
comfortable smoking jackets
and dressing gowns, at T.
An Evening of Pleasure.
There was n large gathering out
at Mr. J. I.' Hudson’s about 4 utiles
from the city Friday night. Be
sides those from the neighboring
country a number of the Atnerlcus
young folke went out, and a rare
time vas bad by all.
Beautiful dressed and un
dressed kid gloves for gen
tlemen at T. Wheatley’s.
An Appreciative Merchant.
Mr. C. H. Sckrlber, the Lee
etreet merchant, will give a large
Christmas turkey to u number of
his oustomere who have been trad
ing with him the past year. He
appreciates their trade, and gives
away gratis 18 of tbe finest gobblers
he could buy.
Old Hermitage Whisky at
Allen House Bar.
The Happiest Season of the Year at
Hand-8ome of the Entertainments
to Ooeur—And Mention of the Joye
of The Past Week.
Steam Heating In Jackson Street School.
It is expected that stoves uud
stovepipes will notbo used in the
new eohool house after tbe first of
January. Mr. Daly, who has the
contract for placing a beating ap
paratua in the school, will begin
work next Monday. He eaye that
In ten days everything will be ready
for use.
With the approach of the holiday
season social entertainments be
come more numerous, and social
pleasures increase In deligbt, This
week'cotttalus Christmas, tbe mer-
t lest time o( the year, when noth
ing but happiness can be seen or
heard. Thiels the on* time When
all cares are thrown to the winds
and Joy alone Is admitted to tbe
heart. When troubles .with which;
hard struggles have been gone
through, and which still claim the
every attention, are for tbe time
thrust aside aud uot allowed oue
sinelo thought. When those who
have had few troubles and are usu
ally happy and free from care, be
come happier,-and when joyful ex
hilarating thoughts, glowing coun
tenances and happy hearts are only
to be found.' ’ v 5.
To the Southern talk especially,
is this time gladful. Itistheouiy
season recognized by all our people,
rich and poor alike, and when
everyone does his best to odd to the
happiness of those around.
*** "
From a social standpoint, as from
every other, this week Is far in ad
vance of all others. Family re
unions aro held on all sides, and he
or she who is unable to gather with
father and mother, brother and sis
ter, uncle aud aunt, cousins, or if
married, with husband or wife and
happy little children, cannot reach
the pinnacle of joy. For however
glad and Lapp t be hie surround
ings, every now aud then a thought
can’t help ente- lug of the loved oues
at home.
Then, besides family reunions
there will ,e many au elegant
dining where old friends will
gather, and while enjoyiug the
many good things go over together
the happiness of times gone by.
A)| sorts of gatherings will be held
—but at all liappineeB aud joy will
reign, and at all only light hearts
will be allowed.
Christinas night will witness one
of tbe loveliest arrays of beautifpl
women In tasteful costumes, and
handsome men’iq legulatiou dress
suits gathered lu the old halls Of
the A. 8. A. rooms, that Is seldo'm
the lot of any to see. On this
uigbt, one of the most splendid en
tertainments Ih the history of
Amerlous will occur ut' the place
mentioned. It will be a Christmas
danco, given by tbe young men to
the youug ladies of our city and
their fair guests.
The affair Is gotten up ou a larger
Beale than any that has yet occur
red, aud will reglsterja grand social
success for those interested lu tho
* *
Prof. W. C. Kaler, of Foudunlao,
Wla., is visiting Id the city.
i Mr. Will T. Bichard* baaretumed
from a flying trip to Macou.
Mr. J. B. Fltzgerajd la spending*
tbe week with the home folke.
Mr. C. F. Stanfield has been very
ill the past week, at his residence
In Leeton. 1
Mr. H. L. Stanford,' a prominent
Sumter oonty planter, was In tbe
city yesterday. ^
Mies Nannie Dodson returned
home yesterday from LaGrahg* to
spendtfips holidays. - s ^
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Williams, of
Hardaway, are visiting Mr, G. L.
Williams, on Felder street. '
Mr aud Mrs. P. B. Stanfield have
both been confined to their bede the
past week by eiojtnees. Mrs. Stan
field is still very ill.
Miss Jennio Hollis is home ou a
visit to her parents. Site is attend
ing Bchool at the Lucy Cobb Insti
tute In Athens, where she will re-
turn after the holidays.
Howell Simmons, who Is attend
ing school in Cntbbert, returned
home yesterday to spend tile hull
days. He Is dressed |n a neat and
becomiug gray soldier uniform and
looks as trim and handsome as a
peacock. f*~
Are You in Needs
Are you In need of good ndvice?
Do you suffer from palpitation of
the heart: have you epelis of dizzi
ness ; do you feel listless, and do
you frequently get tired without
cause or exertion ? Do you suffer
from rheumatism, neuralgia, and
other mysterious .and unaccounta
ble backucheB and pains in limb*
and joints and bones? Do you feel
nervous; are you sleepless at uigbt,
and do your dreams disturb you?
Are you excitable and does your
heart beat unevenly, sometimes
hardly beating at all aud at other
times thumpiug like an euglne?
Do you worry over little things?
Are your kidneys disordered and
■your ilver inactive? Are you-
troubled with indigestion and con-’
sUpatlou? Are you annoyed by
*ny urinary difficulty? Do you
want to be cured of all such weak
ening ailments? Then use Dr.
John Bull’s Sarsaparilla. It will
make you strong . and perfect )n
every part.-; vCJ -ui> cC
Allen Home Arrival!.
Following are tbe arrival* at tbe
Allen House ye»tp,day;
H.C. Berry, city; F, B. Staple
ton, Philadelphia, Pa. ;*H. H. Mil
ler,* Philadelphia, Pa’.; W. A. Tay
lor, Macon, Ga,; A*. IS. Ettiuger,
New York'; W«‘ 8,. Maugham, Jr.,
Birmingham, AJa. j B, G. McCarty,
Birmingham, Ala.; W. A- MeNeal,
Georgia; W. N. Peale, Baltimore,
Md.; J. M. Blaek, Macon, Georgia';
C. O. Kerris, New York City;
J. B. Armstrong, Chicago, III.;
Mrs. A. Peacookand nurse, Seville,
Ga.; T, B. Jones, Evansville, Iud.;
Will H. Donaldson, city; N. M.
Block, Macon, Ga.; B. J. Clomp,
Atlanta, Ga.; Dr. J. Cohen and
wife, Louisville, Ky.; G. Yi Hor
ton, Columbus, Ga.; Jno. F.
Goodman, Atlanta, Ga.; W,
D. Stockton, South Georgia;
J. L. Thurston, New York; MIbb
Katie Hays, city; Miss Annie
Hays, dty; L. O. Bell, city; J. C.
Byrd, Ga; Mrs. McKewen, Ga;
B, L. Greer, . Oglethorpe, Ga,;
W. H. Harrison, Augusta, Qa. ,
Popularly called the king of med
icines—Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
couquors scrofula, salt rheum aud
all other blood dieeaeee.
We cau show you any
thing you want for a Christ
mas present in the line of
white silk initial, embroider
ed or plain silk handker
chiefs, from 50c to $1,50.
T. Wheatley.
Advlce„tf> Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Syr
up should always be u-ed for chil
dren teething. It soothes the child,
softens the gums;; allays all pain,
cures wind colic,. and is tbe best
remedy fm diarrhoea. Twenty-five
cents per bottle..
Is Ready for Tour Trade.
tim£ pri-es.
L. L. Raisins, $2.50 for whole boxes.
“ * ;*• $1.60 •••half 0
" " «*' 85 “ quarter <•
“ ** 20 lib by retell.
5.00011b forest nuts. at -
20 ots pound best Almonds.
20 eta pqund best Brazils.
17W ots pound best Walnuts.
12’j eta pound best Filberts.
15 cts best mixed huts.
25 ots pound beet Citron.
10 cts pound best Currants.
50 barrels Apples, 05 to 75o peck.
20 boxes Oranges, 25 to 80c doz.
20 boxes Pru nes, 15 and 20o pound.
10 barrels Mallga Grapes, 20o lib-
1,000 Cocoannts,5 to 8c.
Colt oh us
Joiner & JNionolson.
We have now open and on
sale the largest, prettiest aud
finest line of Dress Shirts in
the city. T. Wheatley.
Chriscmai Holidays.
Tue thirteen hundred children
that attend the public schools of
this city will have a good time for
a good long week, a* the Board of
Education decided at their last
meeting to close the schools for tbe
Christmas vacation, from the
.evonlug of tho twenty-fourth of
thia month to the mornlug of sec
ond day of January.
Just received, a fresh ship
ment of those delicious
“Cherries” at Allen House
Bar. Don’t fail to try them.
A Fine Turnout.
Yesterday Mr. C. A. Lester, of
tiohley county, drove Into the city
one of .the finest three hundred
dollar horses eve? seen uu our
streets, pail Inga neat Oliver buggy,
tbe best In the world. He said
that bis wile had sent him down
after Col. E. G. Blmmone to go out
and spend the holidays with them,
that she always remembers old
friends. Tne Colonel regrets very
much that-buslness prevents blm
from going.
Come down to-morrow
morning and let us show you
tK^se •beautiful hand-painted
. • and tinsel embroidered
' Scarfs. Nothing nicer for a
Christmas present. Thorn
ton Wheatley.
The party will leave again to-mor- was a charming evening,
row, and take a aeveral days’ hunt, oue long to be remembered.
The younger set, too, will overdo
their past record by an entertain
ment at the Bame place tbe night
after Cbrietmas. They have been
working up tbe affair for some
time, aud will proffer to tbeir
friends an elegant occasion.
Fine string bands have been en
gaged for both nights, and tempt
ing refreshments will be served.
The Sunday Bchool of the Bap
tist church will be made happy by
a gorgeous Christmas tree. In the
eobool are some 125 pupils, every
one of whom will receive a nice
present. Enough money has been
collected to insure this, aud the lit
tle oueeare looking forward with
delight to tho time.
# # #
Among the entertainments of the
past week, none was more pleasant
than that at the residence of Mr.
T. Wheatley. A number of the
young people were present, and af
ter playing progressive whist danc
ing was Indulged in till & late hour.
Miss Alice Wheatley, anu her
guest, Mies Mary Bones Dougher
ty, wero the hostesses, and as Buch
cannot be exeelled. They are two
most charming young ladies, and
are blessed with the gift of carry
ing happiness always with them.
Another most pleasant enter
tainment was tho candy pulling
given by Miss Maud Livingston,
Friday night. A list of those pres
ent has' already been published,
and every oue Is enthusiastic over
the delightful evening. Miss Liv
ingston entertained her guests in
her charming way, and the hours
flew rapidly to all present.
"Tbe Club” recently organized
under that name will hold another
of its pleasant meetings at the res
idence of MaJ. Speer, next Friday
It being known to a number of
her friends that to-day was tho
birthday of Miss Ibb Prince, they
gathered oat at her honeo last night
and heartily joined In wishing
her many happy returns of thoday.
Mlasl’rlneels never at a loss to on-
ter tain her friends, and did to last
night in a manner that captivated
%u. After dancing for a time,
those present were invited into tbe
V - , Three Warrlore Bold.
Capt. Cliff Clay, Messrs, n. F.
Putnam and John Cobb, Jr., have
returned from their hunt, and tell. %
marvelous tales of bloody enconn- those 1
(' ters with the leathered tribe aud dining loom, vrhere each found a
other wild animals. Exactly wbat
they killed osaoc-t he stated, as
they wisely refrained from bring
ing anyto the city. When asked,
their ana we’, was either 67, or 6 or 7,
it couldn’t be distinguished which
plsto of home made caudy. Pull
ing this until until snowy white
Lovely Window!.
Wheatley & Ansiey will dis
play two lovely show windows to
morrow. They are the work of Mr
Smith Btanfleld, and cannot be ex
celled. In one are beautiful.dress
goods, moBt tastily arranged.. The
bottom is composed of a light blue
marbelized plush. To the back
hangs pair of handsome ohenille
portlerres. The centrepiece* are
three of the most elegant suits ever
seen in tbe elty. All are composed
of faille Francais silk, exquisitely
trimmed In velvets and silks. One
suit Is brown, another grey and the
third garnet, harmonizing perfect
ly with the whole window. Dress
goods of all kinds are on each aide,
and the effect is beautiful.
The other window Is one that
housewives can appreciate. It Is
all linen. Towels, napkins, table
cloths, etc., arranged handsomely,
thus combining beaut/ with use
Personal Liborty
Physical Slavery.
We are all free American citlzsna,
enjoying our personal liberty; but
moat of ua are In physical slavery,
suffering from scrufnla, salt rheum
or some other form of impure
blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the
great bloodjpurlfier which dissolves
the bonds of disease, gives health
and perfect physical liberty.
Dolnc Wall.
Mr. Bmlthwick, who accidentally
shot himself Thursday night, Is
getting along even better than
could be expected. The load was
of bird shot, and entered both leg*,
tearing them badly. Ha te at Mrs.
Snyder’*, and Improving dally.
was tufa gone through, at least,
tbe ladies pulled theirs until white,
though I he gentlemen could hardly
get theirs so immaculate. Dancing
wgs then resumed, and kept up uu-
the Babba’.h was almost reached,
charming evening, and
To the Buffering.
Over one hundred columns of
voluntary certificates have been
printed in the Atlanta Journal from
snob people at Bev. J. B. Haw
thorne, Bev. SamP. Jones, Hon.
H. W. Grady, Maj. Cbas. W. Hub-
ner, late of the "Chrletlan Index,”
Gen. James Ikmgitreet, Col. W.
Avery, late editor Atlanta "Constl-
tton,” and hundreds of prominent
dlvlnee, editeu doctors, specialists
and other*, oeitlfylng to remakable
cure* performed by Dr. King's Boy-
al Germatner, after eminent physi
cians and all known remedies had
failed. Bend two-cent stamp to
King’tBoya! Germatner Co., At
lanta, Ga„ for book of particulars.
It Is truly a great remedy, ami
■urelj cures when all else fail*
We have a beautiful line o|
figured silk and white em-
roidered pique vests for full
ress, very cheap. Thornton
Good Old Baker Whisky
at Allen House Bar.,
In passlug take a look at our
show, window. They will be full
of Christmas goods,
James Frickbb & BBO.
Buy a nice silk Umbrella
for a Christmas present for
your husband, brother or
sweetheart at T. Wheatley’s.
Watabes, Diamonds, Jewelry,
Solid Silver and Plated ware, all
ulled for Christmas presents.
James Frickeb & Bbo.
Scotch and Irish whiskies
at Allen,Home Bar. Don’t
forget to call at Allen House
Bar for your Christmas bran
dies, wines and fine liquors.
Our store wjll remain open at
night until after Chriitma*. It
will bo beautifully lighted by elec
tricity, kept warm, and we will
have good music and jolly crowd.
We Invite everybody to call.
James Frickeb A Bros.
If j’ou don’t know what
you want for a Christmas
present call at Thornton
Wheatley’s, and his atten
tive clerks will endeavor to
help you make a selection.
Bbowk’s Iron Bitten enrol Dyspepsia.
Malaria, Biliousness and General Debility.
Gives Strength, aids Digestion, tones tne.
nerves—creates appetite. The best tonlo for
Nursing Mothers, weak women and children.
An elegant stock just re
ceived for Xfnas, at Allen
House Bar.
It,Is tbe ainall jeweler who can
save you money in 'the purchase
of Watches and Diamonds. Call
and be convinoed.
Jab. T. Cotney.
Is Filled With Artlstl Articles.
Mrs. M. T. Elam's store, 'with Its
holiday goods, Is truly a bower of
beatity, and the artistic eye is
pleased with the artistic taste dis
played In the selection of tbe vari
ous articles. . In. plush goods there
are dressing eases for ladle* and
iufents, writing, desks, memoran
dums, manicure sets, work' boxes
from 75 cents to $8.00; collar and
euffboxes, smoking sets, whlsp-
holders, caVd receivers and purses.
Then bpqks from 60 cents to $2.00,
pockets lu velvet, olotb and paint
ed chamois! and artletle
goods, lambrequins, mats, scarfs,
head rests, eaoh a poem. Here are
sereen* of all kinds, large and
small. In willow ware, there are
baskets, cradles, bedsteads and
wagons. Doll* there are without
end, of all alses and atylet. The
Japanese, Chinese and Ivory ware
Is simply exquisite. The deoora-
tod tete-a-tete China sets are
dreams of delight. Then there are
bronze good*, glove boxes, hand
kerchief boxes, and hundreds of
other pretty artioles, *0 that tbe
taste and purse of all can be suited.
If you want to aee something that
I* handsome, spend a quarter of an
hour at Mrs. Elam’s.
^ Gas night oaiy
Wednesday, pec. 24,
The r.ooiroiuus Fun Makers of a*'
' Nation,'
(The ortgtngl O’Donovss Duffand Felly
Ilrl>lle ol tlio Two Old Cronies.) !
And* their company of fttnitless comedi
ans, singers and dnnoers, presenting
the Merrimentat Comedy,
An operatic jExtravagania, Brimful of
All that la New
AU that Is Original
. All that is Funny.
And all that Is Sparkling and Taking la
the fun makers’ world, and containing
More and Sweeter Musio.
More and Prettier Bongs.
Mors and Brighter Punnyisms.
More and Handsomer Costumes,
and Mors and Heartier Laugh*.
Thaa any otl)er coined ywot Usual
The maaftgtreUkepleaeare In announcing
the eeoond appearance hero of the
■ Company, for a
Our line of underwear is
just the nicest in the dty.
Call and get what you need
before cold weather. Thorn
Call and see our large and .hand
some assortment of Christmas
Jambs Fbickeb & Bbo.
Jamaica Rum, the best to
be had, at Allen House Bar.
A fine Piano, cost;$400, for sale at
$75 cash. J. E. Hall.
A merry Christmas at Al
len House Bar.
LADIES needhuf a tonic, or children who
wont building ap, should take Brown’s Iron
Bitten. It is pleasant 10 Ink* euros Mala
ria, Indigestion, Itilanwnei and Liver
Complaints, makes the blood rich and pan.
fcSgpini " "
Fine imported
Allen Honse 7
- Presents
Beats on tale Monday morning at nlaa
Consists of
8t|Iteh Silk Hats,
Fine Drese Shirts,
Patent Leather Shoes,
Lovely Neckwear, .
611k and Linen Handkerchiefs,
Bilk Umbrellas,
Walking Canes,
Collar and Cuff Boxes,
Gent'* Toilet Cases,
Gents Toilet Slipper*,
Black Silk Half-Hose, .
Traveling Bags,
Sleeve Button
Americu8. - > Qa.
Partnership limited to olvll eases. Ofltoe
S > stairs on corner of Tee and Lamar
recta, near Artealan Well, In Artesian
! at the Rscobubb off
reliable man—snl-
MaitovacTDBSB. Look Box 1585. New
Chewacla Lime.
The Best In tbe Booth.
Plaster Paris, . ritei ]
and Hair
Always on hand, iqgj;
A. J. HAMIL’S, Agent
616J Cotton Avenue,
Hamit Block Americas, Ga.
Etc., MSS
AU at Bottoc Prices.