Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 31, 1890, Image 1

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J# - OFJEKEDJBV- A Close Voto la the Primary Ycatcrdry —Dunn’s Plurality About 80—Calla way » Glow Bscond. For Men, Women and Children. / A Handsome Black 811k Dress for $10 00 ' A Handsome Colored ellk dress for $16.00 _ A Handsome Evening silk dress for $16.00 A nice Black silk warp Henrietta for $8.00 A nice Black all wool Henrietta from 4.00 to 10.00 A nice Black all wool Cashmere from 8.50 to 7.50 A nice Whipcord for 7.G0 A nice Biarritz for 7.60 ~ A nice Cashmere Stripe for 6i25 i and Gros Ora In for 7.88 1 Henrietta from 8.75 to 7 00 A choice colored wool Ladles Broad Cloth for 4.98 A Fancy Stripe cloth for 5 95 Real good half wool Henrietta cloth for 1.75 Real fine engllsh Parametta cloth for 3.08 Real handsome* novelty suite. A stylish cloth or plush jaoket A Jaunty new style snoulder cape LINEN GOODS. You can yet here choice table damasks from 50c to 1.25 per yard. Linen table sets (cloth and napkins to match) 4.00 . 1000 Hemstitched linen table sets (cloth and napkins to match) 12.50 bfnstltched linen table sets (cloth and napkins to match) 13.50 One dozen nice napkins'. One dozen nice towels, "• 'A nice counterpane. " * ~ ~ ~ .A llden table scarf, tidy, dresser searf, various and stindry useful < altloiea to-b« fcnnd fh this department and at prices very reasonable. . In small articles you,find to make nice presents: j i L, ■ . u dozen nr 1 dozen ladles or gents, plain handkertHiffb * Bordered handkerchief. Hemstlthbea handkerchiefs. — Embroidered handkerohiefs. Initial handkerchiefs. ' White oi*black silk handkerchiefs. Nice Silk umbrella, either ladies or gents. Ladies gossamer 'Gents-or boys rubber coats. Nice wool shawl or embroidered scarf. NHbpnliimDlto'er colored blankets. * ' - In notions and small warvewwe have a great many particularly use* ful and descriptive articles. Fifst, we hare th* largest and most com plete line of pocket-books, shopping bag?) catfcLtiurte*) and more, leather goods generally than was ever carried by any house en this sec tion. Buying direct from, I" 4 factories and in such quantities, .as spa-, bias os to give you lower prices than you hayejsvjfr. known these goods ollered- HUnAI Joods make nice an<0§6?Pfcn*lVef presents and 3 .are always appreciated, -(For men and boys you can gfet dozen prs. •S9S"FrnloeaffipOTcSr*.;Tr yool, kid Sr deg skin gloves, . FpuJPlm tsxas&s lain, or fanoy bosom shirts. Night _ oxes. Traveling comb and brush cat CURTAINS REDUCED. If you wept something nice for your houA, buy a set of lace or silk curtains, or a pair of Chenille Portierses. We will give a special cut on la for the holiday trpde. We hove a-great many u If you v rill only come and give us an opportu nely to come and see us. The the Fine Dress Goods and Dry Goods Trade. Stoves, Stoves, •^he cheapest and most varied assortment of Cooking Ranges and - Office Heaters, GMUi rtXTTTRES IN THE ITY. t.lR JUST- RECEIVE-* A LARGEfLOT OF Fiower Pots and Grates! Call early and inspect our goods. a'lanre lot of hardware ordered and will soon be in. Plumbing and Repair Work Our Specialty J. B. Dana it Is! . Our nextTAftCollector{, I if He wine by a neok. His majority In the city only 34. Which was lowered four by the country preoints heard from. With three not yet known. Callaway waeaclose second. With Windsor third. Yesterday was the day set by the county Democratic Executive Committee fpr the primary elec tion to settle upon a man for Tax Collector, the place made vacant by (he death oi Major Furlow. There were live candidates lh the raoe, and tor some time they have been livening things up by their work. Each bad a backing of strong friendi, and each made a strong effort to wtn the raoe. Yes terday, bright and early, the voting was begun,, and kept up pretty: steadily till 6 o’clock. From the first it was apparent that In the- city Messrs. Dunn and Callaway' had the bulge, and it was a ques tion as to which of these would lead. Aad antipe election yarapi to go the way the city went, Inter-’ est at once settled upon these two, although fhe friend, of’the other candidate* remained hopeful. As the evening'dfe*' on it became more apparent that one of the two above mentioned gentlemen would lead, the friends of each claiming. ton of U, and the lieueei is $ t h't'rtrrlrfT'r. from th, Atlanta. Gonitltuilon. . Now that the official# have bud their eay: in.- (he: transfer of the State road to the new-lessees, there can be nothing wrong In letting , tl&> men who worked for the. old lessees talk some. .Aod they are talking, too. Some are talking a great deal, some veiy little and some not at all. Stilt the talk la Interesting. “That old road," said a- man who baa been on the road for year*. “Is a regular bonanza to the - State. Why your children and mine tful be rich by being Georgian*. Thir ty-five thousand dollars ai month for It la nothing, and the-new les sees know It.. In! Chattanooga alone they will get back a great big sllce of that rentil,’ to s*/ nothing of what they will make by some changes right herd la Atlanta.. In the seohanges they will receive an inoome the road has never had be- fore.” “In Chattanooga the State’s real 'estate Is assessed at (1,900,000. It fronts about 600 . tent on Ninth g reet, and ad]olh^tbeuiil&n depot. Intb Is one of Cbattaqopga’s lead- 1 lDg streets. Then It fronts ou Mar ket street, Chattanooga’s biggest street,800 feet. On this are the road’s freight houses slid other' buildings. things still remained thus, and no The count was Impatiently awaited for, and a large croWtf gathered lannfol^rtheT windows; waiting for the result. A little _ after (even It was announced, anfiltgi Mr. J. B. Dunn leads the ticket here by 84 vote*. j .v" j' Here lj the vote as cast in tbA’ city: . ", !•? ' ! * J." B. Dunn, 227. ^ ;* ■ Merrel Callaway, 193. R. 8. Windsor, 108. * ’ Y p.iviQ John Sims, 58. ■< P. V. Wesson, 4. W. 8. Windsor, 2. The last two were evidently meant tor Mr. R. S. Windsor, but had to be counted as caat. By this It will be seen that Mr. Dunn led Mr. Callaway by 84, and, that unleas the oountry precincts gave the latter great gains that J. B. Dunn would be the man. Tha vote In the 16th stood: Sims, S3; Windsor,25; Callaway, 2; Wesson, 0; Dunn, 0. In the 28th: Windsor, 21; Calla way, 5; Dunn, 4; Wesson, 1; Sims, 1. Others were heard from, and it was estimated that Dunn had a lead of SO, with three preclnota to hear from. These are the old 26th, the new 26th and the 29tb. The first of these la .claimed by Callaway; the second by Dunn, and the third said to be in favor of Wesson. This would yet give Dunn the race, if the estimate from the other praolota are right, and it may be ■aid with confidence that he haa the place. It was a oloee nee, and Mr. Dunn gets the place by a email plurality. He ie a well known and popular gentlemen, and ie a good man for theplaee. Hie friend* were con gratulating him on his victory last night, and he certainly la to bj$ congratulated on beating such men ae were oppoeed to him. s’e appa^o?, wogd fylm-, proved... No«uybe*$(He|fe*ftlwrej no use for thug* buildings,-because; (key hatefood hwtMingS of Abtfij own id Chattanooga. I’hove heard, and If dome* pretty ktratghV’1<*>, that th* tuhir lessees "hatfe heen r pt- PUBLIC SALE Of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hsrdwsre and Qiuini lft mil in ill m On the first day of January the stock of good* of Maddox A Per kins, In Lumpkin, will be sold at Sheriffs sale. . Aa the sale la pos itive, dealers who Wish to purchase goods will find It to their advantage to attend. The sale will be contin ued from day to day until all the goods are sold. Id A Prominent AUantlan Dies. Special to Itaconnu. Atlanta, Deo. Kb—C. T. Swift, at the head of the great 8. 8. 8. company, and the originator of the concern, died to-day. Ho wae one of i Atlanta’s most wealthy and prominent citizen*. The beet medical authorities eay the proper way to trek* catarrh is to. take a constitutional remedy, like Hoad’s Sarsaparilla 4, Chaf taboo— amhtiSe Me, p hotel about a a bad xs any town talfieyd&’Hafit.rott^ MMil >ouid w. i#»d*Mto block loan***, lip the* efaem# tstbe brevity oftheleaaA.’Ao euun ilaoW j , *BM Whutb <wohKNthe> 'Atlanta, bettefit tu“<bs»r»ad Vhfcfl#’•tal?'* ^ •J “Down ’jW Atlantic de^PhiV,/ Jwkwpi railroad; m*m,-'ii:l l eArwu*ee,^jfciye buildings are about used .up,, and the nerr lejpee^woiyt Jmlld any more, ’cause V«fc%nA*d 1 'i*m. Wlty. won’t they meed .ftem?-Re- cause they are sure ;tp. take the shops to Nashville. They have the finest shop# In the South there. Atlanta wahtA * heWfcnlori depot, and where,Hi a bettor f plaoe ttjan where those Old shops erf,'. X know what I am talking About,. wbAu.‘ I tell you the NaebvUle, Chattanooga and St. Louis people and the Rich mond and Danville people are now hand In hand working tor a new passenger depot on that ground that tha NlfVvUle, Chattanooga and 8t. Loots III control for tha next thirty :j Don’tyouknow they won’t give up the use of that ground for nothing. Oh, no.” •*You doubt th* removal of the ■hope from Atlaato, do you T” con tinued the rsllrosd man. “Well I don’t. Inside of; sixty days they’ll Itave a blacksmith’* kit’of tool*, an anvil, is bellows and tWQ or three men here to do repair work. They’ll have th* tagib In OhAttan?o$*, and thfiblg wtoS’ftjBjjfwjjto In Nash ville in them fioe ebops. I tell you again,th*State haegot abonansa lu that peepertg, hut the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis will en joy it forth* nexf 'Otlrty year*. Wdwder 'tf PU be K Mtlvwhaa the next lease take* place?” ' “Yes, the boys along the Hue are somewhat Ahaky,”*ald therall man. “Some of the throttle-grip pers ain't gCleg to buy any new ovAralls aatn ihing* settle -like. Then eooM ot the ticket puncher* are looking at their cap* to see how long ’they'U hfdd out. Th* from Atlanta to NAAhvUle la to make the boy a tired.” Walt and itopi hnw near right myr. r. mania. If Your Bouse teoo rue You pat water »n tb* burning Um ber*, not on the smoke. And If you have catarrh you should attack tha dlaeato In the blood, not in your no##.' Remove tb# Impure cans*, and tbotoeal offset subsides. To do this, take Hood’s Serwum- rllla, th* are*’, blood purifier, which radically and permastently ™ It alao r*: ; :!■ ; * -ii. 4 - i The Chriitm ■ s. Trsdo B ho wed ho D d - -SS?5aaK»S"SS5' Hasn’t Adboted it. < ’ ’■ . t ■-. -.-if, i:--: l A > t*l am-.Bb “Well; how’s tradio7” uskeil a reporter of one of Amerlous’ most promlnaut sad soooesafal - morn uhauts yesterday, (tot ,<dae jfttt ,.!t “Excellent. And I - am feeling 1 mighty good over the'Christmas trade. I thought last year that my bualuess durlng the holiday* wav splendid, anij ao.,,lt waa,l but U was overreaoUed last week -and the week bolore. And every body I’ve talked to says the same thing.. Wo were all feeling a little dubloue dn account of the flurry -ltt the money market, and therefore feel especially good account of tha unprecedented amount of bnpl-, BOSS don*. Then since Christmas money has-held up wonderfully,- and yon may say that thle season Is the beet we have hs^t.” This gentlem n was most enthu- muohi mpre t: the abnvo in (bp, same strain. The reporter then determined to see whet the other merchants had to **y, and to to* how this season’s: trikde. compared with that of that.' jhave,bfcp jnpet excellent, . gown said-last year’* wae at little, better,, (Other* (bat Aker*! MU- iittle diffwft $ While aome agteed with--the flret. All agreed in -the point Of ngmoA f jfWIR WSArioiq mu ....vm. tkidPdwtoy, 4>»*k -coma Met plaints atth«dulne**<ot < times, !aodi hbte TnaeteneCurtglngi ■JMioirMfW <knMr.«hAt she Writ rn)’ m there is nut a shaky firm to .Am«lq'iiMwl mm mult Null .f'tilcels •-oThesU'lmaitbeadwuc.’seusoityme® «aoii*jv*ttt wferwettWhot-thlnk w gifts* and just a* manyrccstly one^ Stole presented as at any pteoeed. Into ■Just ** good -dinners were hfca, and 1 there Marti' Juki As 'hlahd jolllflcattn-s r ai If the ; tlifita weft not considered bard. " The marabout*joldja**— much, the pries* wen' j oat as good,)and Mr* is orie plao* where tbera ie .Atm that great’prosperity Which tut* been ‘boasted by m*ny cltlei jftiwSWwWS- m dnlnes*. . Now that Christmas la gune It light he expected that after the unusual business there would now be unusual depression; bat th# re verse is true. For an after Christ mas trade, It Is even better than last year, whleh was ons of th* beat the country over. Thele U no dull ness to be soen anywhere, and Americas still leads th* prooeeslon of growing dtle*. -.--r ",To ths Buflbrtn*. ’,' i ; Over one hqpdred oclumns voluntary certldoates have been printed to (ksAUanta Journal from such people aa Rev. J, B. HAw- thernv, Rev. Bam P. Jouee, KAhf. H. W. Grady, Maj. Chas. W, Hqh- ntr. late of tha “ChrUtlan Tndfex.•> Special to Bi cpsDcs. ;* syAfi^koToir, Deei 80.—The Hops* met to-day with less than forty members and without action adjonroed until next Friday. Only tour Georgia members were In ithAlyplacea-rCritp,, pipunt, Clem- eDts and Turner. i "In the Senate to-day Hoar fin-- ishedhle speech in favor of the force bill, being followed by Wal- cott, of Colorado, who. delivered a | ^ttBd(&b3i»ln fiitL trim *nd at tracted the . closest attention. Ho iwas a bit stage frightened, but his voice waa sonorous and dear and the galleries and senate paid him rapt attention. No sooner had the drift of hi* speeoh been developed than Ed- muni and Hoar fled to the privacy of the cloak room. After Walcott, Stewart, of Ne da, Injected a speech. Into the’,-] ceedlngs, and then Teller get floor, and he harassed the cloture rule. Altogether, it wap-* big day tor the Democrat aniitvhelr silver al lies- iUaw t The impretoloD these speeches will have on the situation remains iAmi. The lines are tightening anfafi*break must ‘occur shortly. UKsutoderstood to-day that Al drich’ will press his gag rule to a vote on next Tuesday, so the fluale may be deferred untit -that date. ’ , J. H. Davenport succeeds Ida |john(oa‘as postnit L ster ’ at Galhoun)' * jGa. This Is a Preehlentlal office. ! The postmaster recently noml- ;nAted !, a( VAIdosta has been con- ;firmed. \ , : Buok le expected here dally. RED YOUTH. 2 Keel In Atlanta. Special to Bacoasaa. . - ATLAirfA,' Lei.'' 'Ail.—WA Amerl- I can-Association of Edneators of oolored youth 'convened In Lloyd street M. B, Chnroh this morniue, "a large number of prominent edn- catora from all part* of the £>Alali/Kom ike . f. James J ory, of Howard University, Wash ington, D. C., prealdent of the asso ciation, oalled the meeting to order. Morris-Brown College, and Prof. , J. O. Murray, of Gammon Theolog ical Seminary, del(be*ed addresses of welcome, whleh were responded I* that made of Prof. J. O. Murray, G*., Prof. W. S, Scarborough, Oblof-BtUsbiA: -XL- Rankin, D) C.; R*y,,^. J. Trimke, D, C.; Preat. E. M. Cavdth, Tenn.; Prest. D. J. Satterfield, N.O.' 1 ' id W. 8. Montgomery, M. D., deRv- ' eredavery exhaustive address on th* ralstive morality of th* oolored •uo*,i-i * ..." >• ;U The convention will be In sesilqn.. two day*, and, much Important work ie expected..- nor, late of th* “Christian Index,’ Qn- .lwm Uf&mfc CtfUKt Ar*%,toto Aditer Adlaat* “Cou(U- tlQ^md bnodfidi of pfomlBW&l 4lTlti—I'liitnrij doctors, ^oolsltBts and others, oArtuying to remakable cures performed by Dr. King’s %»y- alGermatuer, after eminent physi cians- and all known remedies had failed. Mud (wo-eent etompTfc King’s Royal Germatuer Co., At- UukU, Go*, for book of porticolon* It is truly * gnat remedy, and rarely enreewton all ete* falls v-o Msasm^rsLk. i In your paper to the effect, a' home- nompAay; which•!>-. Item MM*' peals to Amerione people for sup- poiv, bapJnat received'.an elegant ##.»?•»* ,to It oeauniomathaf we should be 00nAI*tAPVTtbAA If tok txpect home people to patronise home iadne- tritt, we ’should do so ourselves. Could not one of our 'carriage mak er* have mad* this wagon almost as cheap aa aforelgn house, and If w* expect to bn sustained by hewn patronage, should' we not give ffil the patronage W* can to bom* eh- i W3HI: A Ton**. .•.* ..-rori ! -• -• . ________ Highest of ail in Leavening Power; -^U, S. Gov’t Report, Any. 17, ij