Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 31, 1890, Image 3

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V1T8 1 * r tJuieiia .r ,w ■ latal •>">1*1 ton /ft * im/mw * .l/lglu vsMil .• 'uxJmiit«// j/v I tt t«i y;g«,i * U-*r*l/| ►!<( J| ,it taanMOBf fa+1 oT-4itlT?Sj MJUtawtil »Mi **t **«J| ftojf .IflnoilmMfjmif -a:*# of clothing with which to do it You now ) fun" ugoh ru; haft Iliw no7 9i9ifW !*v*7h? 1*»U ;*4ljf ry fV.nijtooij tilt inf \ua ' )<» c t >Ul9» Wji :watA jiin-twl .HInote ;-*j .uftoi HM^dlTHA 'M rftofo -rfT .«»lHfom*iai»h Wi lo .*w*u»tmoH .t-«oH jiiuf w#k #»id : /av* *•**.! 4t4u H^huxaM .inv«fif »Hl more goods thari money, we are determined to swap^ood^Jor dol cut down the prices to do so.—We mean rift ‘>iiS (IB !to sriooff asked to call and examine/ • ioo\ dim* »tfi no miooIm* if# 9;*Biq •••■t llOffnwrffrltrect^ *•* ‘'i ‘''"imii f»r» *»L'On* f i^’loaf/s It where yotf'feap'MiWs'Jfi 'hblPTfie '.S/Tt/teiu/ «v!-/wt jaij’i Largest and'Best-Stock ■1**11^* nr jews o' *{£& ***££' of Boots' ta ri'i'elty. We keep ttie goods of sil Itsdlng mak er*, such as EDWIN CMBUflT, '* ' ui '-‘'kVm * Hough * ford, Roohe/Ocr, N. Y., , DREW, SHELBY * CO., Portsmouth, 0. For persons of nil «gt* and sizes. The Goods Fit the Feet and the Prices Fit tins Pocket. srfj oJ Iwsorjxa iloif; ’ -noli Di tial! lod» nil loll U1W j -»i//*l'| 9/11 no Iijj/iodi/ t- /lit i’ b/Uif 1 ■kUH la-.// ,/l)tv/li/sH .h .io /it/il i tl^^lnc/ rtUitt .yntyiulnh olfiv > s/^^hsftnslls lyill .ill ,(wttiio!i j 9/11 n^k.'i/': ////-/.( 1/ftr, tistn bobsi: * -9- .1*1*1 v i 3JA8 HOT . , ♦*7ft *rltV* *rtr*4* Vn*f»tnrt# | t BOiMllHi tdUHilM kODimA **rtl J ■iri ,1/ .H f*l YimiA ./lOj iHi'tOMs/. ! You can selects very handsome and useful Christmas present from our stock of Umbrellas, Walking Canes, Satchels, Trunks, Gent’s Jewelry, •>• Kid Gloves, Site pdk’fs, Silk Mufflers, Suspenders, Hosiery, n wholesale ss Detail fwmnotH stock -’•« *-• S JOI ’• ^^ r lJ-T70^ j[ •* «v • t' fin ‘ 3*» V, ‘»Y ** f| Td , TA> * hn#» , »#d *‘ HEN’5 T0UTH5’ BOTJ *25 CHILDREN’S '«nj (f.l J •VOl«:iil9 j nr**tf«ro I llttif fiT9J jFr twi^nrij I '/» •<*' * 11101**1 afiir f 4- . n O !;• *•••» 7h i ladies, Misses land,Children Cad find In jfilf >(6cV['n perfect rf( ln AfCHOaO ’AIM *»nni ! klNPtha beatn. wentttwnkjw Ike 1 fAtdlhin.grades at -verjalow. - prloes , «o we are bWtbled to fit every Hot ami purte. *>•-»- •;»*■ »<= Wowonl/Toallttie eapeclai at ten* tlon of (to ladies to own- /. « 11 i<j fuiii Ftjtuo-- # IQW fb^JiiW OlU v-i'. >/'T .pit -Jl ad* l.i fcijoiq 0/1 of the If teat,’and nrateet styles. In I *Ut A>/ i t j p/9 H Ul fill/- i /f| ii » IU 111 i lylmi/vi w9 Q H Ma* ,i«w otir'/3ol»tt/iji '• 1m*im) «(///!« itrtt hiibm* i /*.|i'ii.1 ^HtAUTH UNDERWEAR. -*l vvf’ VatfT .tio*fioT HtfrU .Hii ifdA n«‘ Je i; m|h .n'dioifX i •vli i^nudT vj'iubp «so> nsH hiii 1(1 ‘JOWH *.- ■ .u h*: <>■ jL'* - r d .<Ol 17UI •!< •'H.-fTiSM /IXTV '** > In tbi pH9*edJl i.ruudn, ud pric< canuot^be sur* ile tho- loading re you all styles . . nj !■: ■ f l 4 JV 'UJU • t ' L • f .11 Sizes, AW Classes. Special attention is called to , i ud .1 • i-t • - t;ti «i IU ,muit OftuNt OrtJ Mf «*• r 4 m** Tailor fitting Long and Slim Suits, Shorts and Fats, ExtraSize Suits, unit ohum* onl )i» .ilntq'f jfufc Men’s Furnishing Goods. We have tbe largest mid most complete line In this department ever shown In Amerlcus. _ In Shirts. We have Fine Dress Shirts, of a all tbe beet makes, - FJanneP SbirU, -- Working Shirts. Vbllt in > r Collars and Cuffs We have the E * W imported, and all-other leading makes in all the latest shapes and novelties. Neckwear The largest and handsomest line otNeoktles, Four-Iu Hand, Staffs and a new device in ties that makes them the handsomest and beapest in the market. ■ft If H IhhJ Hi»<> Lff* ”<UOflf"»'' ij<^A xi . ji|4?. M.lTi ??5 fOAii It is getting pc in L i} The Men OVERCOATJ have not been forgotten,' and’they .cap And Shoes of all sizes and styles, as weU as prices.' We pride ourslves lilbat wp esn fit all apd piease all/ 1 ,«-,«»*Wt !*}-. .. *F**r H*v~ S-' 1 SlG Thf Hnvs > And yon may as well get one that has 71 poor onei. ' t ‘‘ 1 ‘ilOhflii If 1 *- iirf <y*m t nuUiiV -tikt nil j blU' sHtf-r! »* i. tUeHvit’j. m | HUO • .V*3 IJfr TLt fO’ - ^ ^*4 -ffffT tu ii J ?M « ff#!** A 1 rft f* <70ft >A ; i ; i; *‘H7 , can 1 be ‘ suppirell *lth ? handsome l/aukruptlag.their parent^. lvfi „ 0 Of -7"‘ a HATS ! 7 The Haberdasher and Outfitter 1)7. Forsyth Street. I /ti- *.< '-V-;/;!/ V! >/»*<: isl/' |*mj t ‘i j i/'/W hii/i embraclnglall the, styles'of thembst^’i ers, si' tic HP 4 o For a Christmas Present. You can get nothing that more good. Remember tbkt yot^3^ti 1 fee/^ct r $dfb,-’i Southwest Georgia, and that we want to selfr fi’bmsfife will both happy. Remember farther, that the » *»!'- itit'r hitwlp *IJ6I Dy S r I zz!/’r. .ac-U/TJ Ml" *d» ,«• 6< h. </..T ■* agsald '' si.jw: v'TCiftWkf i!t//oA •;:!■« el l uS V-M!)V*/tli».li -mil :ill,:4ther fail ‘ W4 *m liur*eb& '*' 1 nlnw {\i uj ijle/H*! r«f f»hi: j t^>onoH>u t<m» ' tfJoMavMAOjia tl ^m shapes .leirioO -«ft pi hag ftehok** el ' tSihj-irf ISUO|<fA»OCT1 SiMAat! jhsaMaUf tkf( mifl