Newspaper Page Text
Tbis ^Correspondence Speaks
^ for Itself.
(We wit'/iVjld names (or obvious reasons).
Office Peddle & Co. \
Chicago, Feb. i, 1891- f
Dear Sir:—We call your
attention to the near approach
of the spring season, and hope
/ $at we may receive your order
for your spring suit of clothes.
You have purchased of us be
fore, and '#0 not, therefore,
need to be reminded of our
terms or the liberal discounts
and low prices we offer. Your
measure is on our books, and
at you request we will send
samples of suitable materials
from which you may select, or,
if preferred, we will include
your town in our Agent’s route
and submit to you a full line
of samples and styles.
Your order will be filled
with as little delay as possible,
and is respectfully solicited by
Yours very truly,
Peddle & Co.
y taT*- APRIL 8, 1891.
An Old CitlMO't Opinion.
The Ti jjks-Recokdek ; — The
\ writer does not often ask for space in a
LOCAL COMPANY TO RUN THE newspaper that might more appropriate-
ELECTRIC CARS* fijbe assigned to others, but be desires
/ to manifest in some way the interest he
Almost Certain to Result In a trsjle—
Good For Americus. V ’r
. Answer to Above,
Americus, Ga., Feb. 6,1891.
Messrs. Peddle & Co., Chica-
. - go;'.'Ill:,"Gentlemen:—I shall
not trouble your agent to call
on me this season. When I
purchased of you it was be
cause- I thought that I could
not get Clothing in my own
town which would be satisfac
tory in price and fit. Having
given a trial order to John R.
Shaw, the champion Clothier
Outfitter'of this city, I am
so well pleased with the result
in. every way that I shall con
tinue to give him my patron-
agST"" Yours respectfully,
At last the people are waking op to
the necessity of the electric line being
owned and controlled by a local syndi
cate. ;
For weeks they have bewailed the faot
of the stopping of the cars, bnt no steps
were taken to start them again. ;
They fully expected the present com
pany to put things in shape sodn, and
run everything In first-class styljL Now
they feel that they have waited . as long
as they oan, and are spurred on by the
rumors about moving tbs lino to some
other point It looks to them as if there
will be nothing done unless' they take
hold, and of tbia there has been consid
erable talk recently.
Within the past few days this talk has
increased to serious discussion, and sev
eral of our moSt prominent men say
they are more than willing to go into a
company and purchase thq entire plant.
It is understood that the cost of materi
al and construction was something over
$80,000, and while no proposition has
been made, it is thought that the trade
can bo made for $25,000.
The idea is to get one hundred men to
put in $100 each, making $10,000. This
amount will be paid cash, and a mort
gage given for the remainder. That this
price is very low is recognised by all
who know the property. It is bonded
for $50,000.
It has become .clearly evident that
Americus can not do without her elec
tric cars, and everybody is sick of look
ing at the track almost buried. Now
is an important time in the history of
our city, and if there ever was a period
when the people should act this is it.
Realising this some of our ablest and
most influential men are working up the
matter, and if you are approached, re
member ho'w great a good It will be for
this enterprise to be run by local par
ties. Then Hie best interests of the
town will be looked to, and yon as well
ac others will be helped inestimably.
There can be little doubt about the
success wbich will be met, and the day
when the alarm fclang of the electric
cars, operated by a home company, is
beard will bp a most eventful and joyful
one to the whole city.
No better news could be given out
than this, and although the company is
not yet organised, it may be taken as
certain that not many weeks will pirns
before you will again be whirled over
the streets in the cars propelled by Hie
mysteriuos fluid.
'The greatest of interest is felt in the
matter by all who have heard of it, and
great will be tbe rejoicing when news of
theconsummation of the trade is given
And this assuredly is net long off.
Tbe'Rotliw . Property to be Purchased/ feels In the success cf the now enter-
Ths Movement Just St.rtcd-lSet prise which has inaugurated This Timeb-
Recoedeb, a paper combining capital,
intelligence, inflnenco and business en
ergy—everything necessary to make it
one of tbe best daily papers in the
state—and as I cannot do this In a more
substantial way, having no money to In
vest in it, I have adopted this method
of giving the best practicable demonstra
tion of tbe fact that I am la full sympa
thy with this new enterprise, and, a*
one of the oldest citizens of Americus, I
appeal to my friends everywhere, not
only to subscribe for. the paper, but to
do all they can to sustain it
Americus has been trying for some
time to publish two daily papers—al
most a hopeless task—for l^ie writer,
though an old man, dees not remember
a single instance in which a town of the
same . size of Americus, has ever suc
ceeded in publishing two daily papers,
except for a very short time, and I think
the business men and capitalists of
Americus acted wisely in consolidating
the two papers, for it will enable them
to publish a much better paper than
either could have been otherwise, and
with more profit to the stockholders.
I want to say, besides, that the Tiues-
Recobpeb will not only give yon the
latest news and a great deal of other val
uable reading matter, but you can get
your “job work” done at the office as
cbeap and as well as you can in tbe larg
er cities.
During a good many years the writer
visited New York twice a year, and fre
quently had “jobs” done there, bnt now
be finds there is no necessity to go be
yond Americus to have sueh work done,
either as regards the character of the
work or the expense of getting it done.
Some time ago I carried a volume of
Clark’s Commentaries, that was almost
literally torn np, to the Times office for
lepalrs. When I called for the book I
hardly knew it, for they had put it in
perfect order, and the charge was very
moderate, much less than I expected. I
mention this not only for the benefit of
the Times-Recobdeh, but hopingit may
be of so,me profit to others.
I could write more, but I am afraid the
editor will say, “this is enough, snob as
it is,” but will not add what the overseer
said of his fare: “It -is good enough,
what there is of it.”
J. J. Gbaxberut.
are the Leading
Announces to his f r lcnds-and pat
rons that prepared
to furnish
Leslie Storey, of Eufaula, is in
the city.
Mr. L. B. Johnson, of Oglethrope,
spent yesterday in Americus.
Miss Mervin. Callaway, one of Ameri
cus’ most charming daughters, lieturned
last night from Atlanta, where she has
been visiting.
Dr. A. H. Black, an old Americus boy,
returned yesterday from New Orleans
wbeie he has just graduated from the
The Melon Growers and O. F. A’s. of the | medical college. /
. initial Transportation Lines. Judge W. H. Fish, of Oglethorpe, is In
The following plan for, the inspection J the city. His numerous friends here
of melofishas been suggested by some of J say he is sure to be the next Judge of
the growers, and is submitted for care- the Southwestern circuit /
Their reputation circles the globe.
Watches of all makes and grades, sold on easy terms.
Join our WATCH CLUB.
Consult your interest and call on
^Telephone 103,
102 Forsyth St.,
Cor. Cotton Ave.
_ . ' 18 SIZE NO. 7. $**
Cfcron. Bal„ Pat. Re*?., ndj. to IT.. C., Position
and Isochronlsm, Nickel / .
At prices lower than any out
side or other competing
Gjfthifcr or Tailor.
Call and see his* Stock (the
most, extensive in ’ Southwest
Georgia) of
Ready Hade Clothing.
Also his large line of
For Suits to Order.
117 Forsyth St,
■ tarfn.O.
ful consideration and discussion at the
next meeting of the growers, to be held
at Albany on the 20th Inst.
“The growers to provide wagon scales
at each shipping point.
“To have each car load - of melons
carefully weighed and counted by
Sworn Weigher and counter.
“To attach the certificate of weight
and number of melons in each car
(showing the average weight ol each
melon), to tile shipping order.
“If the average weight of the melons
should fall below —:—• pounds, the
product to be considered unmerchant
able, and the initial line shall require
prepayment of freight, otherwise the
car to be shipped ‘collect.’
“The agents of the initial lines (local
op special), shall see that the rule is
rigidly enforced.” G. R. MeREE)
'President Melon Growers’ Ass’n.
C-* Friday Night.
’the next meeting of “Tho Club” will
be held at the residence of Mr. H. C.
Storey Friday night, the 10th. There
will be nnotber issue of the Club Jour
nal, wbich has made such a hit In the
Nice lino Hat*, Beall a Oakley.
Beautiful flowers.
; I have 500 Mareschal Niel and La
France roses, and aa many Carnations
for sale to-day. Call early at the tele
graph office. Geo. Staxpikld.
The most select line black embroider
ed flouncing*, Beam. *, .
Fifth Call.
A call of 10 per cent on the capital
stock of the Amerious Manufacturing
and Improvement Clmpany was made
for April 1st, 1801, according to the by
laws as they now stand.. Monday, April
ISth wUlbetbe laat day of grace. A
fine of 25c.a day per share will be made
after that date.
John Windsor, See’y and Treas.
Amerious, Ga., April 4th, 1801. tf?.
Worked Like a Charm.
Bradfleld’s Female Regulator worked
like a charm; Improvement been Won
derful; cannot express my gratitude.
Wish every lady afflicted would try It.
I know it would cure them. Mbs.
Li la A. Loxn, Spring Grove, Fla.
Write tile Bradiiebl Ueguiator Co., At
lanta, Ga„ for further particulars.
Sold by all druggists.
Elegant silk sublimes.
Beall a Oakley,
Mr. Tom Felder, son of 5Iay6r Felder,
spent yeaterdsy with tbe homo folks and
his many friends here. man
ager of the Corbin Banking Company
for Georgia, a most important position,
and one which speaks^ well for his
ability. Tom was one of Amerious’
most popular boys, and fits upward
strides are noted wlthpleasure.
Beautiful China silks,
Beall a Oakley.
Humphrey’s Homeopathic remedies at
Cook’s Pharmacy, Slappey’s corner.
11-30-suu, wed-tf
To Bent.
A nice front room on Jackson street
suitable for an office or sleeping room,
over the Davenport Drug Co’s, store
next to Library. Apply to
D. F. I
apr 7-1 m.
. Davknpobt.
The Value of Money.' ■
Men of unlimited means hardly ap-
irectate the valqe of just ono dollar,
jut with the poor every dollar means so
much' toil ana so,much effort. It is a
comfort to know that the poverty strick
en invalid can derive so much good
from so little expenditure, when they
Invest their dollars in B. B. B.^(Botanic
Blood Balm).
W. C. MeGanhey; Webb City, Ark.,
writes: ‘ffl. B. B. has done me more
good and for lessmoney than any other
blood purifier I ever used. I owe the
comfort of my life Jo It.”
A. Pv McDonald, Atlanta, Ga., writes;
“I had a running ulcer on my leg. Sev
eral doctors failed to do It good. Three
bottles of B. B. B. effected a eure. B.
B. Bi also cured my brother of a running
David Thurman, Atlanta, Ga., says: I
was a constant sufferer for many years
with scrofula and eczoma. A few bottles
Qf B. B, B. entirely cured me.”
f John M. Davis, Tyler, Texas, writes:
“I was subject a number of years to
spells of inflammatory rheumatism,
which six bottlesof B, B. B. thank heav
en, has entirely cured. I have not felt
the slightest pain sine?."
Dr. Leslie Keely, an Illinois physician,
claims to have oured over 5,000 cases of
drunkenness by Injections of a lymph
he makes for the purpose.
Little Things thst Tell.
It is the littlethings that toll—little
brothers for instance, who hide away
in tbeparior while sister entertains
her beau,etc. Dr Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets areiittle thing* that tell. They
tell on thever and tone up the system?
Garden Seed, Seed Potatoes, Golden
Dent and other early corn, direct from
Landreth’s warehouses', and warranted
genuine, at Dr. Eldridge’s drugstore.
Special prices on Novelty suits ono
day~rmly, Monday 0th.
Hr all a Oakley.
Calls for medicine* promptly answered
at all hours, day and night, by W. A.
Cook, Ph. G. 11-30-sun, wed tf
With thte new issue of the “Times-Re-
corder” I announce NEW ARRIVALS of
making my stock LARGER AND MORE
am prepared to. offer EXTRA INDUCE
MENTS to those who favor me with
their trade. I have a few REMNANTS
left, which wilt be sold WITHOUT RE
J. J. Gbaxdkbby, Agent.
Select stock shoes,
BkaLl * Oak lb y.
Perfumes, Colognes, Extracts, Toilet
Water, Toilet Soaps. A very fine asso; t-
ment at Dr. Eldridge’s.
Special Sale of Novelty suit* Monday-
only, Beall a Oakley.
Diamanta Spectacles and Eye Glasses
are the best. For sale at Cook's Phar
macy, Slappey’s corner,
11-30-sun, wed tf '• j
Bilious Headaches, Biliousness and Con
stipation. Put up In vials, convenient
to carry.Their use attended with no dis
Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Garden
Seed, direct from Landreth’s and^war
ranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge’s 'drug
store. g
Cure Your Cnrn.'by Using.
Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint for
Bunions and Warts, it Isgreat.
apr 7-dl2-w2t.
Every one should use P, P, P. because
at this season nearly every one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize and en
rich the blood.
If In the bloom of health; if sho is not.
Dr. Pierco'e Favorito Prescription will
restore her. Ladies who use this peer-
loss remedy nre tinamlnons In its praise,
for it cures tlioso countless Ills which
ore tho bape of their sex—irregularities,
draggiua4lown pains, iuflanintion, hys
teria, sleeplessness, nod tho “all gono”
sensations which burden their dally
lives. A tonic and nervine without al
T. Reid Cavls, of Toccoa, gets some
thing over $8,000 from tbe railroad com-
tiat tail millet! Cat tail millet! Want
ed, 500 pounds, at Dr. Eldridge’s drug
store. •
Lovely Grenadioe*,
. Beall a Oakley.
Hawkes S|
at Dr. Eldriage'*.
is Spectacles, Hawkes Eye
celebrated for theft excellence
Remember, fine silk warp Henrietta*
$1,00 per yard, Beall a Oakley,
The celebrated ftnesf 'Tower Brand
Razors. If. not satisfactory in thirty
days return It and get the money, at
Da. ^ldiudoe’s Dbvo Stobe8.
>er Rent
A neat nine-room house near Central
depot. Especially adapted for S^board-
lug house. Apply to C. A. Bell.
apr 5-41
Elegant Novelty suits,
Beall a Oakley.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Cattorla.
When she was a Child, abs crlsd for Csttori*.
When she became Miss, she dun* to Outori*.
Tue finest Brandies and Wines, ete.,
for medicinal purpose*, also purest whis
kies at
Drug Stores.
Db. ELDHtDOE's 1
Yon Will Do the Same Thins.
Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir has proven a
great blessing to suffering humanity; has
cured more cases than perhaps any otbor
preparation on the market All who
have taken it testify to its virtures. If
you still doubt ask your druggists to
show you testimonials. Ifyou arc trou
bled with any of the following diseases
it will euro you: Dyspepsia, Indi|
tion, Liver Complaint, Constipatl
Jaundice, Feadacho, Heartburn, Chronic
Diarrhoea, Kidney Disease, Heart Trou
bles, Yellowness of tbe Skin, Brown
Splotohes, Torpidity and Asthma, If
complicated with Dyspepsia. In short,
it is a specific for ail diseases arising
from a disordered condition of tho stom
ach and bowels. Manufactured by Dr.
Holt’s Dyspeptlo Elixir Co., Montezuma,
Ga. Price $1.00. Bottles doub'
size. For sale by all druggists.
Dr. Holt's Croup and Cough Syrup pre
vents and cures croup. No eure no pay.
Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic
Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga.
A erah was caught iu tbe harbor of
Viotoria; B. C., that vas three feet six
inches around the waist. It was pre
sented to the Museum of Natural
The Handsomest of all Coins.
This proud distinction Is generally
conceded to tho United States twenty-
jj l
* Of Augusta,
will have a repres
shortly who will J
for Clothing I
selection for Springisso varied,
so choice and so huge that it is
well said that Dour carries the
- ■
largest'" and finest stock of
Men’s Suitings &c., in the
The Leading Merchant Tailor
of tlie South,
718 Jiroad St., AUGUSTA, 0
pany for the loss of bis leg.
ova YEltrwwT ruqpLK
Confirm bur statement wbsu we say that
Dr. Ackar’s English Remedy is In every
way superior to any and all other pre
parations for the Throat and Lungs. In
Whooping Cough and Croup, it is magic
and relieves at once. Wo offer you a
sample bottle free. Remember, this
remedy is sold on a positive guarantee.
For tale by Fleetwood A Russell, Amcri-
eus, Ga, , 3
Beautiful silk warp Gloria.
Beall a Oakley.
Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir oured W.
A. Wright; comptroller-general of Btato
of Georgia, of Dyspepsia, after having It
several yeaes in Its worst farm. For salo
by oil druggists. inar3-lm
Kd. Littleton, W.A.Beai».'Jn>eB*Ueran>l
others bsv* made application for a secoml-
claes public ros-l, de* tliied In said pelltloo,
—, Hiw Point Cbnranor —-
«d end running in K '
„ Jin* Muesaioocbee t
A L. Fsllls plate, and Intersecting
Cutbbirl road st sehoolnouse near
Ktevcus place, which has been marked out
by the Commli*toiu-i s and a report thereon
mndcon oa-.bby them. ^
All persons sra uotliled that raid new
road will, on and niter the that Monday In
May, U*l, by the ComnilMlooer* of Holds
ana Revenues - ( said county, he finally
emitted If no new rsuse be shown to the
contrary. Thls<Uhda.vofAyrjl, Mil.
ap«-4w Clerk County < lt *--^s«lon»fs.
A PPp,CAT,0 E NKOU’ I m^^^ipecU i U>:,
ecoDd clo , r - - :
r —
' Pharmacists
Hava Exclusive sale of these Cki.’i
tkd Glasses in Americus, Ua.
Tlio only Manufacturing Optic
the South, Atlanta, Gkouoia.
Agreeable to an order ol the Court of Ordi
nary of County, will he sold «t “ w ■
lie outcry at tbe eourl. house doer •'
county on the First Tuesday in y
whhlutheiejial hour80f*alu, the
property, towlt: Two and on ha’.. _
theCdphal Block In the International
cine Company. Bold ns the u
Brumby, Into of Maid
Terms cash, Thin A
Mk* Htklla O.'
April 6th, 1801.
IlltUMJlY, A'lmll
ted l
itttd con
GKOUGIa—HuttrRR Coosr
.r, ret ail e to an order gran
ible Court of Ordinary of gi
be toM before the court nouiw door f n A
cum, Ceoriil*, nntd county, on t* e Flmtlu
day tn May,between the lawful hoar*of w
the followlntc property, towlt: T,, “
of lot of land muuber Two_
Twenty -one (221) in
ehtaltfof Seth Rodger*, late of
deceased. Sold for T
and creditors of said <
dny of 4prila
When she had Children, she gave them Castorfa IJfj.’V . K - i * M
.v:real estate, stock and bond
•orsyth Street, W