Newspaper Page Text
Such is the Order to Receiver Felder From
the Court—a Plan Suggested for Leasing
the Line to * Local Company—Americas
Should Own the Road.
Clothier & Outfitter,
117 Forsyth St*, a Amerlcus, Ga..
x prepared to clothe the people of
Americus and vicinity; in [fact
whole of Southwest Ga. with
That is correct in style and|perfect
n fit.
Every garment is made by the
argest New York and other manu-
ufacturirs up to the highest standard
of art.
No clothing house South of At
lanta can boast of such an admirable
assortment of
In our line of business we are the
recognized leaders, and wo propose
to continue to carry off the honors.
While we possess all the requisites
necessary for the success of a legiti
mate and dashing business, WE
and wt arc known throughout this
section as the
Our friends and the public know
that we have for the last 22 years con
ducted a live business in Americus,
and we will “win or die” on the field
tn battle harness before we will sur
render our banner on which is
The Americus street railroad is to bo
sold at public outcry.
The order of court authorizing the
sale has been granted, and Ileceiver
Felder will dispose of the road to the
highest bidder thirty days from this
date—June 27th.
And what interests Americus is to
know who will buy the property.
More than likely the bondholders will
bid it in to scouro themselves, but a
bona-fide sale to other parties would be
very desirablo in the premises.
The road's bonded for $30,000, which
Is little more than half the actual cost
of the property, this being in the aggre
gate something over $80,000. Theso
bonds are held by the Xow York Trust
Six or eight months ago the road sus
pended operations, it having been claim
ed by the officials that the patronage ex-
tended during the winter season did not
pay the current expenses of the line
owing to the excessive charge for mo
tive power. Great regret was expressed
on all sides when the cars ceased run
Since that time repeated efforts have
been made tc organize a local company
and operate the road, but it seems that
terms for the purchase of the property
could never be agreed upon. The road
finally passed into the hands or a
celver, and in tills shape the matter
stands to-day. |
The present owners of the road, It is
stated, offered w> sell It for *33,000 and
It does seem that these figures are most
reasonable. The road is more than five
miles long, as well built and equipped,
and under proper and economical man
agement ought certainly to bo a paying
Receiver Felder says that the line has
really never had a fair showing to prove
what it could do. The operating ex
penses last year were necessarily great,
and many obstacles, he thinks, were
thrown in its way which tended very
much towards its embarrassment and
ultimate suspension. Under a local
management this state of affairs would
haidly exist
There are a hundred good reasons why
Americus should own and operate this
road, and not one against it. It can bo
made a profitable investment, and local
pride should impel the organization of a
company that would take hold of it and
make It a success if the property can bo
bought at a reasonable price.
Why not organize such a company. It
would be of greater benefit to Americus
just now than anything else that could
be inaugurated.
Another suggestion made Is that the
road be leased for tho present and
operated by local management. It Is a
fact well known that during the months
of May, June, July, August and Septem
ber last year the road could scarcely
handle the volume of travel received,
and the same condition of affairs would
exist now it the cars were running.
Why, then, would it not prove a good
investment to lease tho line for, say six
months. Leaso also a numbor of the
light horse cars formerly used on tho
Macon line and run a horso car line here
until fall, by which time tho financial
stringency will have ended?
The sale has been ordered to tako
place on Juno 27th, as above stated, but
there is little doubt if in the event such
an arrangement as suggested is made
but that Judge Fort would order a stay
of proceedings for such a length of time
as might be desired.
What, then, say the business men of
tho city to the plan to leaso the road
now, and, if found profitable, to buy it
later on. It would be the best invest
ment Americus ever made, and would
benefit the city as no other enterprise
could or would.
The Club Sleeting To-night.
The elegant new mansion of Mr. U. B,
Harrold, on Lee street, will be the
scene of a beautiful and brilliant enter
tainment this evening, given under the
auspices of “The Club” of Amerious.
This palatial borne with its luxurious
drawing rooms is especially arranged for
elaborate and large entertainments; the
entire upper floor by unique architect
ural contrivance can be thrown Into one
large reception hall.
The Club has planned a most beauti
ful program for the evening, a pretty
compliment to Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Har
rold on the 20th anniversary of their
mirriage, aud thus the occasion Is a
most auspicious one on which to throw
open a lovely home and receive the con
gratulations of many welcome friends.
For several weeks the club mombers
have anticipated making this mooting a
memorable one in the history of the
club. The best dramatic talent will de
light tile company with a well selected
farce, and many artistic tableaux will bo
There will be music and other charm
ing social features, all of which will be
heartily enjoyed by the large club mem
bership that will meet to do honor to
the genial host and hostess, and rejoice
with them, forgetting all griefs on this
happy occasion.
Start the Cars.
Last summer the street railway, though
handicapped with too great an expense
for electric motive power, made now and
then its expenses, and demonstrated that
with a reduction of expenses in the eost
of power, the line could be easily made
self supporting the year round.
Xow, If a local company will take hold
and exchange the heavy cars for light
ones, and arrange for cheaper power,
either electricity or mules, good money
can be made during tho entiro summer;
and when this Is demonstrated, as it can
easily be, without risk to the operators,
then the property can find purchasers at
a satisfactory price to all.
If some such scheme will be under
taken by responsible parties, it can no
doubt be arranged with the court and
the bond holders to postpone the sale
until fall, when abundant money and
practical resu’ts of the summer’s bush
ness will justify, its purchase by our
own people.
Let a company be organized at once to
operate it for four months. There is
not the least risk of loss, and this will
no doubt prove the salvation of the
Who among our enterprising citizens
will take the lead?
Sickness Among Children.
Especially infants, is prevalent more or
less at all times, but is largely avoided
by giving proper nourishment and
wholesome food. The most successful
and reliable of all is the Gail Borden
“Eagle" Brand Condensed Milk. Your
grocer and druggist keep it.
The Whist Club.
Leeton is nothing if not sociable. A
very delightful meeting of the Ladies'
Whist Clnb took place recently at the
residence of Mrs. B. Xycewander, when
sociability, science, and a most delicious
lunch divided quite equally the honors
the occasion. Mrs. Xycewander Is a
charming hostess and most valuable
member of the club.
Another meeting took place at Mrs. II.
C. Storey’s on yesterday afternoon, from
half-past three until six o’clock.
Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenn., writes:
"For six years I have been afflicted with
running sores and an enlargement of the
bones in my legs. I tried everything I
heard of without permanent benefit un
til Botanic Blood Balm was recom
mended to me. After using six bottles
the sores healed, and I am now in bet
ter health than I have ever been. I
send this testimonial unsolicited, be
cause I want others to be benefitted.’’
may 12 d w-lm.
Dr. J. A. Fort went to Smlthville yes
terday, to be gone a day or two.
Col. U. B. Harrold returned last night
from a business trip to Savannah.
Dr. J. W. Jones is confined to his bed
with fever, at his residence on Lamar
Miss Mollie Adair, of Talbotton, is a
guest at the home of Dr. W. P. Burt, on
Church street.
Mrs. W. H. Powell, of Griffin, is visit
Ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.
C. Pope, in this city.
Col. C. C. Duncan and daughter, Miss
Lila, of Perry, were the guests of friends
In Americas yesterday.
The charming -Mrs. Pomeroy and
ter, Mrs. Riggs, of Atlanta, are visiting
Mrs. Davis on Prince street.
Mr. Frank Oliver, of Macon, was
culating among friends and relatives
the city yosterday morning.
Capt. and Mrs. W. II Tondee leave
day for Rhea Springs, Tenn., where they
will spend the summer months,
Mr. H. T. Davenport has returned
home from a two weeks stay in Atlanta,
where ho went to look after business
Mr. John W. L. Daniel leaves to-day
for Gainesville, where he will take
needed rest of a week or two among the
Col. John M. Green, president, and
Mr. Edgar Dunlap, general manager
the Americus Guano company, came
down from Atlanta yezterday,
Hon. C. F. Crisp left yesterday after
noon for Knoxville, Tenn., to attend the
funeral of Congressman Houk He will
probably return home Saturday morn
Judge J. H. Black, one of Sumter'
beat known oltlzens, is quite sick at the
Hawkins House. He was resting easy
yesterday evening and will perhaps be
able to return home in a day or two,
Mr. E. S, Goodman, general passenger
and tlcketagentof the Savannah, Ameri
cus and Montgomery railroad was in
Columbus yesterday on, business in con
nection with the passenger agents of
that city.
Stock Holders Meeting.
The annual meeting of stock holders
of the Americus Grocer j company will
be held at the office of the company.
417 Jackson street, on Wednesday June
10th, at 10 o’cldckVm.
may 28-td C. R. Whitley,
Sect’y and Treas
The Early Closing Movement,
It seems that some of. Amerious* mer
chants are tired of waiting upon any gen
eral movement towards the closing of
stores at 0 o'clock p. m. and have already
tsken such a step.
The following was handed The Times-
Recorder yesterday for publication
We the undersigned furniture dealer*
agree to oloee our placet of baalnstt at 0
o’clock p. m, except Saturday, btglnnlng
June 1st until August 1st.
Hawkins a Loving,
O. M. Davis A Go.,
Geo. Staplbton,
D. B. Hill.
Now that the furniture dealers hare
taken the initiative in regard to the
matter, let the other merchants and
business men follow snit and close their
stores and places of business also,
The clerks need the hour of recreation
thus afforded, and their employers
should not hesitate to give it to them.
Let a list be circulated to-day among the
merchants, and make tho movement
started by tho furnitnro men a general
one. - v * »
Attention Red Men.
John R. Shaw,
Ho! for Anderson vide.
Mr. T. C. Parker, of Macon, has the
control of the privileges of the grounds
at AndersonviUe for the big occasion on
Saturday, and all who want stand privi
leges on that day will see Mr. Parker,
who will be in AndersonviUe Friday on
the grounds for the purpose of making
these arrangements. may 28-2L
Perfumes, Colognes, Etrxacts, Toilet
Water, Toilet Soaps. A very fine assoi t-
“ Eldridg '
ment at Dr.
Commander-in-Chicf of
Important Meeting.
A meeting of the Sumter County Agri
cultural Society will bo held in Ameri
cus tho lirsfc Tuesday In; Jujie. A full
the Le- I attendance of members Is earnestly de
sired, as business of much importance
to the society is to be attended to.
J. L. Addejitox, President,
5-20-1 wd Aw
Business of Southwestern Ga.,
>■—This may not be modesty
Business a 1 the same.
Tho finest cakes, and tbq celebrated
cream bread, baked every morning, at
Andrews & Carter’s.
Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Garden
Seed, direct from Landreth's and war
ranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge's drug
Notice to Stockholder..
The sixth installment of 10 per cent,
of tho capital stock of the Americus
Manufacturing aud Improvement Com
pany has beon called, and must bo paid
on June 1st, Inst.
John Windsor, Seo'yand Treas.
You are earnestly requested to meet
at Masonic hall to-night at 8 o'clock.
Business of importance.
W. K. Wheatley, Sachem.
II G. Snaxfjeld, C. of R.
There is a difference between the old stylo “cooler” refrigerator
with its moisture —its odors—and the new style Patent Refrigerators
which keep a constant dry cold air “blast” circulating from the ice
chamber through the provision deportment and give the greatest re
frigerating effect for the least expenditure of ice.
With Porcelain-lined Water Cooler.
Plated Faucet, with Stand for Glass
*10 00
18 00
20 00
10* “
18* “
13 in.
lei “
IDS lbs.
210 “
245 “
We are proud of having the highest grade refrigerators known
and we are not ashamed of asking the lowest prices for good refrigera
tors that you have ever heard of.
Artesian Corner, Lee and Lamar Sts,,
Arrival and Departure of Trains.
Arrive From. Leave For.
10 pm 12:15p. m. Columbus 8:3) nut4:45pm
0:37 p m Macoti 2:35 p jn 8:33a i_.
p m 8:33 a m Albany 1:08 p m 9:37 p m
e. a. A x. k. it.
» m 6:10 p in Savannah 8:20 a m 7:00 p m
pm 7:15am Omaha 6:13 p mO:45a tn
each Insertion. No advertisement taken for lees
Going Fast (8. A. A M.).........
fiolnir Wont
The best baker In southwest Georgia,
at Andrews & Carter’s.
Hawkes Spectacles, Hawkes Eye
Glasses, celebrated for their excellence
at Dr. Eldridge's.
Delicious “Ice Cream" Soda every
day except Sundays, at Davenport's.
For spot cash we will sell
Brick in car-load lots deliver
ed in Americus at six dollars
per thousand.
Ocmulgke Brick Co,
may 15-d2w.
The finest Brandies and Wines, etc.,
for medical purposes, also purest whis
kies at
Pr ' iiuidoe’s Drug Store.
Andrews & Carter, tho Lamar street
grocers, arc headquarters for fancy gro
ceries, canned goods, fruit* and confec
The Superior Court.
Nearly the entire day was consumed
in the superior court yesterday in the
trial of the McGIlvray-Bagley case, and
very little business besides this was
called. The court Is still engaged npon
the civil docket, and rapid progress is
being made towards a finish this week.
Going West
Going North anil West (8. <k W.j 7:50 a m.
*' ‘ (Can)2:00 pm8:00pn*.
‘ “ 12:00pm8:00pm
A GOOD milch cow. Apply to
may 28-4t Shock Cobb.
De Witt's Little Early Kiser* never
gripe or cause nausea. Mild but sure,
assist rather than force. Best little pill
for sick headache, chronic conaUpatlou.
dyspepsia. For sale by the Davenport
Drug Company.
Headache is readily cured by P, P. P,,
which tones and regulates the digestion
and creates an appetite.
The celebrated finest Tower Brand
Razors. If not satisfactory m thirty
days return it and get the money, at
Dr. Eldridok’s Drug ‘.torus.
Cali or • -1 bone Andrew* & Carter
for breads'* cakes, confections and lino
groceries in mericus.
“Plumb Good" aud “Grand Repub
lic” cigars, fresh lot just in at Andrews
& Carter’s.
Pure fruit juices, pineapple Ices,
cream melange, ginger aie, and every
thing that is good, at Davenport's sod*
Garden Seed, Seed Potatoes, Golden
Dent and other early corn, direct from
Landreth’s warehouses, and warranted
genuine, at Dr. Bldridge'a drugstore.
The excellent, nutritious and coolin;
drink “Malt Ale,” combining beer am
ale, but better than cither. Recom
mended by IcadiDg physicians every
where, and sold at Davenport’s soda
Green Apple*
Eaten in the spring time, or any other
season, are liable to give one bowel
trouble, which can be speedily checked
by the use of Dr. Dippers' Iludklebeny
Cordial. Also for children teething.
Service* To-Night.
Services will be held this evening at
the Baptist tabernacle by ,tbo pastor,
Itev. A* B. Campbell The public are
cordially Invited to attend.
three room bonse* in East Americas. Ap
ply to J. Hskbt Pbkbxax,
»y27-tf 4I2C -
2 Cotton Avenue.
MrajMhop l
i Brdxnxr,
om .ultsM. for young
) Call oi. M. Callaway at Mardre’s aprO-tf
Dave Exclusive tale of these Cxlsbba .
trd Glasses in Amerions, Ga.
Public Schools of Americus.
The only Manufacturing Opticians in
the South, Atlanta, Georgia.
Agent for Columbia and-other Bicycles, at
Bank of Houthwes’jem Georgia.
C*aetl*allea. a mall. vice*.,
•at a ad a faverlte with the*
ladle*. Sold tn KnffUnd tor U;
1VL. In America tor 15*. Got"
ihrm from jour Prugglst*, art
Mod to W. M. MOOKKR * CO* |
|IV«almtnr,h«TNh J
, ^ HI
Prices *35 to *135.
A targe fln*
sr r ‘ * *
8. A* W AJ TlkS.
■ Examination* of applicant* for rosttlons
*M*achtnt In the public school* of the city
will be Held at J*ck*»n street school hons*.
For white teacher*. F*May, June ltthl for
colored touche?*, Saturday. Jane 2Uth, Kx*
ami niton* from 8 o’clock a. 5 p.m
Election day, Jane 2>Rh. New teachers wilt
be needed tn Om white* and In tho colored
H the best known remedy.
" ••JJ.O.C." Core Conor u;n nnd
Gleet In 1 toil liny*, without I’ain.
Prevents Stricture; Contain* no
O prescribed by physicians. I«e*t Sy
ringe free with »*ch bottle. Prices!
Bold by druggists. Beware of gab-
Sold in Americus by Cook’s Phari
E. J. Eldridge, Fleetwood A Hi
E. Hall and Davenport
oseefi, J.