Newspaper Page Text
Ought on the Fly ami Made late Short
Pan>j(r*pha-Roa.l|> end Facia, Here
Ueemeaad Thief, to Come Talked About
—New«y Notes.
102 FOR8YTH«8TR££T.
The world leader for frozen dainties. If yon already bare one, wlut did y
(Ire for It ? If you need one, then read what they are telling for at the Artesi
;orner. - ■>. { - h ••,;•!.-i-tei* A
1 quart White Mountain Freezer, ft.60.
We hut tell yon, there it not only a world of Comfort, hut there It alto a
“coiner 1 * lot of economy In owning a refr,iterator. We are not ipeaking merely
of a box to hold lee, water, odors, moisture, etc. all at one time, fly a refrigerator
MenartB. & B, mean something handsome, well ventilated, well made, Moms-
thing that la a
In the best and fullest meaning of the word. They ore at the A rtealan t 'orner. in
large and smalt slew, with dingle or double door, with or without water tank, ail
klnda, all slses and prices from 1 * •»», ^utaoo)
$8,00 to $23 00 -
’ you are ba nning to feel the heat of summer, ami are ton hot to work, too
> sing, too hot, too hot for anything, and you want to get ddwn into the rold
depths of a domiuer coniforUblenetw, then take advantage of these ad-
leuients, remember the pietures, the prices, tho people and the place, and
r etire of whether you love your neighbor or not, if you love yourself only,
pay yootoremember . , ( r*->mlf '. efftf.tJ
Butler & Bqrry,
The most perfect-fitting
1 i -If, , .ill !o jn } .U .IilHI nioniM "iK
Paying $6 50 4 $7.00
shirt ever made.
For Men’s Fine Shoes, when we will sell you
the best and finest made Shoes for $5:00 ?
Our $2.90 Men’s Shoes are the best on earth
* • '
for the money.
Matthews & Co
f want the very latest in
; 1 *- r
. Neckwear, Hats, Shoes
,.l IIJ tiffU i - id ?
and all kiuds of Mens’
. The Arm of Andrews A Carter U this dax.
di-polved by mutuwl consent. R. Td. AndrewV
retiring. • Hh wi.I he succeeded by C. C, Cart
ter and the Arm hereatier will am C. C. Car
ter, who aeramee toll the llsbiiltles of the late
drill of Andrews A Carter aud will collect ell
.I..I.JU ||||<> llinrn IV I' r.rlAF MiSA AMlMM
debts dnr them. C.C. Carter also bmumm
Hll liability* and will collet aU debts due
tho firm of Argo A Andrews.
K. M, Andrews, ,i
In retiring from the Arm* oir Anditti'i 1
Carter 1 return tnuuks to the pufctlc fer Use •
gciu rmiH patronage beslowtsi, and u- apeak,
tor the new Arm a coattnaanee «Ctbe
Atiierfciu, Ua., June 15, INI.
Richard Malcorn Johnston’s deacrip-
tion of Bob Toombs Indicates that he
never wore a flannel ablrft In hot weath
er, but “boiled” both without and
A full line of lamps, chimneys, burn
ers and all lamp fixtures sold cheap At
Dr. J. £. Emhudok.
Call or i o' <*ne Andrews J Carter
for bread* ya-**, confections and tine
grttecries iu Ainericus.
Attention Builders,
We sell Longman A Martinez prepared
paints, and are authorised by the manu
facturent to repaint any bouse at their
expense on which their palnka do not
proye satia»actory.
E. J. Kldhiikik, Druggist.
O NE four room house on Hants aired ,and
two three room houses In East Amerl-
CIIS. Apply to J. llKNKY FllEKMAW,* A
J unelf ^ »f . 112 Cotton uvenue.’
I.’L KNIWHEll or untarnished r.iotnsnt 821
i Churcti Hiret t June 14-tf
Furnishings, go direct
O NE furnished room suitable for young
men. Bath ro-mi vonvanit'iit. A|>p‘yut
711 I***? street. Dtf. K T. Mathis.
S KV KRAI, choice rooms In hustti^e^ntei
Call ou M. Callaway al Martin*** itprU-tf
Have Exclusive i»le of Ihn Celebs
teu Ulahhe, lii Americas, Ga.
is only Manufacturing Opticians
Andrews A Carter, tb« Lunar street
grocer., are headquarter, fur fane; gro
ceries, conned coeds. fruit* and confec-
«... 1
119 Forsyth St.
Tbs onl. Manufacturing —
the South, Atl.bta, Gaoaaia.
65 c to 85c
Y ou Can Find
John R. Shaw’s
The llnptl.t Female Cullec* at Card.1. a
Certainty-Whir Can't America. liar, a
F.male geinlnary-One Wsuld Certainly
I’ro.per Ben-Do Somethin.
From 4 to 14 yr*.,
Patent Shirtwaist
No.Buttons can be Torn off
either in Wearing or
T in Mother’s Friend doe* away en
tirely with tlt» sewing on of buttons. It
is supplied with an adjustable belt,
which is easily taken off when the waist
is washed; the buttons are riveted on the
belt, consequently can not be torn off,
either in wearing, washing or irouiug.
Shirt Waists
Of tho ordinary kind,
AT 29c to 75c TO CLOSE OUT.
fecial offer
200 Boys’ Sailor Suits.
47 Suita at $1.25. Reduced from *1.75.
03 Suita at $1.50. Reduced from *2.00.
51 Suita at *2.00. Reduced from *2.75.
39 Suita at *2.50. Reduced from *3.50.
Colon In Blue, Brown and Gray.
Buy one of these suits for your little
oy—it will nearly tickle him to death.
lien’ll, Youths,’ Boys’ and
It will be of interest to Tub Times-
Recokuek'h thousands of Baptist read
ers throughout the country to know that
Cordele will, In 1692, be the center of
education for the Baptists of south Geor
From a Cordele gentleman who was in
the city yesterday it was learned that
the Freddie Shipp Female College will
soon be a grand reality; and Its comple
tion promises great things for the girls
iu this whole section.
Several months ago thirteen Baptist
associations, comprising a territory of
aoveral hundred miles lo all directions
in south Georgia, met and came to the
conclusion that the people of this part
of the state needed an institution, for
the higher education of the girls
They decided to act at once, so a com
mittee was appointed to select s loca
tion for such an Inalllutioii. Tlioy re
ceived bids from many or the towns in
south Georgia and by a donation of *12,-
000 and an endowment . ftipd of *3,000
together with a free site Cordele secured
the college.
Notes havo been signed by the sub
scribers making twen'y per cent, of the
amount payable July 1 and Ilf teen per
cent muntbly thereafter. So that work
on the buildings will begin nt once.
7 he plans are being prepared now,
and It is safe to say that no college
buildings in the state will be more con
veuient or better adapted for the work
for which they are Intended;
An interview with one of. the pro
moters of the Institution brought out
some interesting facts. “Its territory,”
he said, “extends from the Georgia
coast on the east to the gnlf, and as the
thirteen Baptist associations have a con
stituency of 10,000 the college Wilt be
tilled to overflowing with students.
“It will be conservative in Its manage
ment. Although'it will be under the
control of Baptists, sectarian tenets will
have nothing to do with Ic.
“Besides the college firoper, fqr. the
purpose of educating our girls jo all tho
branches common to onr best, female
college, there will be a primary depart
ment for the education of both sexes as
in the best high schools.
■We intend to keep op with the times.
We want first-class Instructors lo all de
partments and just as soon as possible
we wltl furnish the college with overy
needed aparatus.”
“Much preliminary work,such as sccnr-
ing titles to property, a charter {
college and designator tbo building.,
will delay tho work some, so that tho
Institution may not be able to open its
doors for a year, but when the doom are
“Well, the Baptist! of south Georgia
will have a college to bo proud of.”
Cordele has served well her own in
terests in securing this college end the
people of Americas can serve theirs by
establishing a first-class female eemlnary
Cordele has set an example In tbie
matter that it worthy'of imitation.
There la no ration In the world *hy
Araerlcui girls should go oft to aooufe a
college education. Theio ia every in
ducement here—except the college—to
attraot girls from other placet to Ameri-
cus to have the finishing touches added
to their education.
Suppose some effort is made to secure
a non sectarian female seminary, the
equal of any in the country, here. It
can be done if some one will take the
.lead in the matter.
The thirtieth call
ter Real Estate
of tho Sum-
and Improvement
Company is now due and payable at my
office, Room 4, Barlow Block. Tho*e
who fall to pay by « p. ro, will be chaiw-
0 f .tuek.
. , . op. 10,0
cd ten per cenL on each snare «
Secretary and Treasurer.
One bundled and flffj fre«h Watermel
on. for ul. to day at Avery's Emery.
Send In your order, early and E«t the
Telephone No. Ot.
A nice lot of clgare, emoklng tobacco
and pipes at Dr. Eldridgo’s Drug Store.
For Rent.
The Taylor residence on Lamar afreet,
suitable for boarding house. 1’osscs.ion
July 1. S. M. Coiik.xi
The beet baker in southwest Georgia,
at Andrews A Carter’s.
The concert which was to have been
given last night failed to materialize for
the want of nn audience.
Everything goes to Inrilcnte a bend
some increase in Sumter's tax returns
over wbat they were last year.
Again yesterday the Montezuma base-
balllsts failed to show up to tackle the
Amerlcus boys on the diamond.
It was talked yesterday that several
chicken fights .were wltuessed in Ameri
ca. Thursday night by parties who en
joy that sport.
The deadly cucumber Is now looking
very fresh and enticing while the city
doctors are buoyant own the prospects
of a lively practice.
Several applicants for lear.bei’s places
in the public schools were examined
yesterday All the papers were good
and some decidedly above the average.
Next Wednesday will also lie the oc.
esston for a grand Masonic celebration
St Buena Vlsla. Richland seems to have
the call on. Ainericus Masons for tlmt
The first cotton bloom of the season
was exhibited In Amerlcus yesterday. It
was brought down from Buena Vista by
a drummer who bad it presented to him
While, as a matter of course, business
Is not as lively in Amerlcus as it was
during the fall and winter months no
body can he seen bore holding down dry
goods boxes and wearing out their
Those of Sumter county’s planters
who put a small acreage in tobacco this
year are elated with the indications for
a good yield. It may be that tobacco
will be grown extensively in this county
another year. »
The alliancomen of ' Sumter county
have received an invitation to attend a
grand barbecue and fish fry which will
be given at Knowlton’s mill in Marion
county sometime during July. The ex
act data lias not boon aunnunced yet
Quietly and without any blow a party
of Amerious men have gone to work and
commenced the manufacture of an ar
ticle whltdi is meeting with a ready sale
throughout the country. The result
may be another manufacturing estab
lishment for Amerlcus
Considerable complaint is being made
jqst now about the condition of the side
walks on Cotton.avenue, hotweeu Lamer
and Forsyth streets. The proper au
thorities would place the people of
Ainericus under obligations if they
would giro this; matter Immediate sad
much needed attention.
They say—the old authority for many
marriages—that there will soon be a
doublo wedding In Amerlcus. The
brides to be, according to tbo report,
are two popular and pretty listers and
the prospective grooms two well known
business young men of Amerlcus. It is
■aid that these marriages will be the oc
casion of a grand social event.
Americas is a good melon market
Ive hundred melon* w
yesterday without any trouble at all,
and tbo gentleman who told them said
be oonld have as easily disposed of 500
more. The enm realized from the sale
wae altogether satisfactory and more
shipments are to be expected between
now and tbo time when the local grow
ers will be ready to place tbeir product
on the market
Amerlcus has one of tho neatest
press offices Iq the country and no more
polite and accommodating men ever
served tbo publio than agent Collier and
his assistants.' By the way Amerlcus
hoi outgrown the time whan tho ex
press company Is forced almost to close
up shop on account of tho decreased
business which comes With warm weatk-
Tho business at Hits agency Is bold
ing up remarkably well.
This is your opportu
nity to buy them at a
The hot weather is now
up n us, and you
will «aut lo
Keep Cool!
So come along to the
and buy a upply at
for the lightest, and
coolest Pull Shirt
on the market
m*. —
Cf< i
, J&V
PUOK. M ATH1H wtUt«Mk*atn!lf4i
For your toitot aoapa, toilet powder* .. PKOK. mathim
and all totlst articles, go to tSlSHmt,
Da. Bi.dkumje. Mouisy Is July. M
—rrr ; .-’w .;
Loenx negotiated at LOWEST &A*TB8»‘
Kaey pay meats, ot city orttwi
oetft tf