Newspaper Page Text
--t^Y ,
, of lUktac Oilb and why
I So Sira One Plasm*.
Thera inuat bo something very good In
tinman n atnm or people would not ex
perience so much pleaanro in giving;
then most be something very bad in
hnman nature or more people would try
the experiment of giving. Tboeewho
do try it becotao enamored of it and get
their chief pleasure in life out of it; and
eo evident is this that there is some basis
for the idea that it is ignorance rather
than badness which keeps so many peo-
n|t from, bring generous. Of course it
' is*g iriruan' s sort of dissipation, or
more than that, a devastation, as many
men who have What are called “good
wives' have reason to know, in the grad
nai ^nwrannn at their wardrobe if
they chance to lay aside any of it tem
amount that a good woman csm i,tf °
give away is'only measured byberopa|- j n the rtowtoy lirht be
portnnity. Her mind becomes so trained
in the mystery of this pleasure that sho
experiences ho thrill of delight in giving
away only the things her husband does
not want Her oflico in life is to teach
him the joy. of self
other VBabitual.
a gift bhleas it
seriously whether he
■HMWUlti tW i f a
ont of one given. It-
* it is
Ism aJMJnjp by my fireside,
In its warm and ruddy glow.
While the day U slowly dying
And the shadows come and go;
And within the glowing embers
Shadowy forma I seem to see-
Shadows that bring back to memory
Friends and days once dear to ma
And although this AreUgbt dreaming
Pleasant la, yet still the/'s run
Through it ail deep tones ot sadaem,
i Jim to shadows o'er the sun;
For the dear ooes whose sweet faces
Made my heart so glad and gay.
They with whom I talked and Journeyed
On each happy summer day
Now are absent; and I miss them
As I sit alone to-night,
Ah I see their dreamland faces
In the dim and flickering light
Yet some day in the far future,
If our Father wills It so,
I shall meet the friends I dream of
In the firelight's ruddy glow.
‘ when they are absent.
before me,
Faces of those dear to me.
So I sit and dream and wonder.
In the Are flame's ruddy glow
While the day is slowly dying,
And the shadows come and go.
—Good Housekeeping
time when moot
it for want of
tbtekof. This
incontestably tine
tyiat enllght
freely indulge
S ao many imagine thekyiro
any BatisfrfcftaiL what
a by wilL 'nSmay htin a i
when they will enyEwU jNbe wi
\ state
they will enj#it fl*0ho will is
not fbneht over; bat it# shocking BMr
rims ot Anvtases.
ins an the tfcst pressed men of
i that wear jvhst is known asi
, pants and vest
landish* *atfd the
1 thS Americta-i*
ut EJfWjie by,the quiet
i and practical fit,of Uatlotbing.
j reflect upon this wMnoengttag
ttw 'brilliantly UafiSt assembly
of tSe SonthsnJWKn 1 note the
i~«*ttr* oTfiB^Uensn, prtrao-
ularly thoaa fto«* too east and the large
cities of the fcntnlaMM, as they spend
a half hour before going ont to the thee-
neoSshet ehAwnent .The BtigHsii
’"fit” is as
By feccgqUod as a wefiWMmtoner. A
1 Retold aflighfl sdceq
«Chicago Mm letter moto by hie
perhaps hit *
St LdtffOlobe-i
Vnsrlcaa lbcsn>lhs,BMt.
EaglUl^yimon aro still calleTfbr by
ladSsThut tailors and others nsing scis-
son in their daily work have long since
ceased to look for the Sheffield mark.
This is very significant end tho fact
that a tailor insists on American made
t, compliment, as the very
l in catting ont gar-
| fa apparently similar
rican make. Now the
most costly sheen in these days are of
home manufacture, and every year a
greater quantity of them Is being ex
ported. It is the boast of an eastern
noose that they ship shears regularly to
Sheffield, and by so doing discount the
oft repeated story sod fable about “ship-
i Newcastle.”—Interview in
’n>l Was Mot Heard.
Once a speech that waste be delivered
braweB known political orator in Mu-
me half never readied the public, al-
morning dailies.:, The speaker was pres
ent at the meeting all ready to address
tbs great audience, bat the time con
sumed by tho speakers who wen given
precedence was eo great and the andi-
enoe so wearied that the hall was cleared
before the presiding officer had a chance
to do more than to shout after tho re
treating forms that the meeting was ad
journed—Boston Transcript.
A Deep llo
For the last 200 or 300
sen much speculation among'
on HsV'the exact cause of the phe
nomenon ot cSiAiqJakes, which has in
cidentally -added new interest to the
qnery: How thick is the earth’s crust?
In disenaring the earthquake problem
differenttohools of scientists have taken
different raSws oflhe matter, one branch
of them supposing too “quake” to be the
'result of on effort of the great internal
keat to escape tjirdugh a weak portion
of the earth's crnstjiithe others declare
that iteds caused by shrinkage o{ toe
outer stratm om account of .the cooling
process . gpm£y>n deep down in tho
bowels oflhe earth.
About ten ottwclve years ago the Gere
ifi^Mmvemin^Hmtade a gigantic effort
to senrewhte perplexing question for nil
tfme to come by sinking a shaft near toe
city of SAladeboch, with the object
cfpBcially-gf obtaining trustworthy data
ooncerning^BS rate of increase of the
i’s temperature with each succeed-
100 or fraction of 100 feet of descent
At last aortunts the shaft bad reached a
depth of 1,392 meters, which is believed
to bd the greatest depth to which man
hap yet aspirated the substratum of toe
globe. *TjL.temperature of toe abaft at
toe 1,800 XScr level was 48 degs. centi-
Fahrenheit If this per
is maintained the
of water will be reached at
leters, and at 45 miles the
htat would be sufficient to melt any
known snbs^nce.—St Louis Republic.
Deceived by Apqcnrnnccs.
On a Philadelphia t train that came
through here the other day the pass
engers derived considerable-amusement
from toe actions of a'handsome young
man and ayworried looking bat stiU
pretty womjfi. They were so entirely
absorbed in iqpch other that they were
not separate for a minute the whole
trip. When she wanted to walk on the
platform in Baltimore he promenaded
np and down at her side, yet they never
^oke cafy4men necessary, and the
people concluded that a honeymoon quar
rel was in progress.
Nobody doubted for an instant that
they were bride and groom. When they
got out here* to change cars for Rich
mond, their destination, the condnctoe
who knew toe man well, said: “Well, so
Hope ‘ yon get her there all
right' “Oh, I guess so. But she's a
mighty slippery customer, and 1 have to
watch her like a cat." The good looking
man was a deputy sheriff, and was tak
ing back to Richmond an unnsually
clever shoplifter that he had tracked to
Philadelphia and arrested.—Washington
Barks Wanted.
We will pay six cents n piece for bran
and oat sacks.
june28-d*2w Anxmcus Icn Co.
A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil
et waters, Ac., at Dr. Eldrldgo Drug
For Kent.
A commodious dwelling only a few
rods from the artesian well, seven
rooms, a large garden, lot, barn, stables,
truck patch, bath room, and every con
venience. If not rented as a whole to
desirable tenant by September 1, will
rent rooms separately. J. E. Ham..
June 20d0t
1 have a large lot of good cigars that
I will sell cheap by the box or larger
lot*. C C. L'aiitkh.
Stockholders' Meetlnc.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Savannah, Americas and
Montgomery railway will take place at
Glover's opera house, Americus, tia., on
Thursday, July 9, at 10 a. m.
8. H. Hawkins, President.
8. C. Cooper, Secretary.
Call on J. Henry Freeman. He has
the best prepared paints to be found.
Tic also has Brewer’s Rubber Koof paints
and will contract for your work.
m ' -v For
Th^fllHsi residence on Lamar street,
li table for boardinghouse. Possession
July 1.
S. M. Cohkn.
Medicinally pure wines, brandies and
whiskies at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store.
Afraid of Being Buried Alin
l not at all surprised at the
j instructions in the will
of tho late Daches
that in order to makcyquit
death her heart should bo'
U)P body. The dread of
olive in a condition of
- a number of people express a do-
firaWWi"Tni—-tod not upon bygicnio
grounds, bat simply through a horror of
being buried alive. The supposed neces
sity of such strong measures it not very
flattering to the doctors, but that it ia a
idea ia obvious.—Lady’k-Rfe-
W a-iftoat'sacks
E will pay six cent* a piece for hr„
QNE Set Hlmrle^Buggy^Ha
VII Lee Street.
Finder will leave at tllliOlTtce. JunCutl
DESIRABLE ROOM torrent In the
L* Church street.
EVF-RAL choice rooms In business center
Call ou M. Callaway at Mardre’s apr9-tf
Notice of Dissolution.
The copartnership heretofore existing un
der the amt name of UtualJlou St t o., is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. R.T.
Johnson assuming the liabilities of the
America, offlee H „ BAHfLTON,
B. T. J0HN8ON,
Savannah, Americas A Montgomery R’y.
Taking Effeot April 10,1801
8 oo am Ire.....Birmingham arr 7 00 p in
lve....Chlldsrsbnrg(....lTe " **
Ire Sylacauga lve
Ivc •Opelika Ire
arr Columbus arr
lve Columbus lve
. Kllaville arr
’EUavllle lve
arr Americus arr
lve ....Americas lve
Cordele lve
.Helena lve
lve.... ... Lyons lve
arr Savannah arr
arr Charleston..... anrj
fatw*n koatiomery and Americas, via Opelika
10 oo
10 27
2 15 pm
3 25
0 10
e 40
7 00
8 27
11 00
4 30 am
7 55
5 20 p
8 50
8 00
8 10 a m
3 15 pm
lve Montgomery ....arr
lve Opelika. arr
.. Americus .lve
between Montgomery
7 15 pm
1 06
Amdricua, via Union
arr I 7 05 p m
bctw'n Montgomery andfAmaricus, via Eufaula
SUvertoora, a hotelkeeper at
Corel, Mich., haa a spectacle case five
inehea long that date, bock to the misty
part. Th* Ud and bottom ora of brass,
tbs rtdes of copper. On the Hd and op
posite aide are .even rude engravings,
and under eecb is written in toe PoHah
languaga the scriptural account of
birth of Christ It is claimed to be from
HO to 100 yean old.
- i^vi k>si« >:<:
A Ooatl. Voice.
Tommy—Oh, Fm so glad you've come
home, papal Mamma has been awful
mean to me today.
Mr, Skyflatt—Ah, 1 uin afraid you
have been a naughty boy Did she
spank you?
Tommy—No; but too scolded, and her
voice sounded like it doea when toe talks
at the ice man down the dumbwaiter
Ex-Governor Long, of Massachusetts,
possesses tho remarkable ability of recol
lecting what he has written without
reading it over even by himself, It is
said that daring bis most animated
speech he has in his mind's eye a vivid
impression of his manuscript eo that ho
knows where every page and every line
ends, and oven where there are inter
Fowls hare undoubtedly a larger vo
cabulary than any of tho other domestic
animals; yet in half a day yon will proba
bly hear from them all the sounds that
they use in ordinary life. But anything
out of the ordinary is instantly expressed
in unusual sounds.
Possibly the most expensive dgare ever
made ware the 80,000 Havanas made for
S lsh Marshal Prim as a present for
leon m, each cigar being stamped
the imperial N. in gold. They are
said to hare cost $12,000.
Soundings in the Black Sea show that
beyond a depth of 800 feet the water is
so impregnated with sulphurated hydro-
gengas emanating from decaying ani
mal and vegetable matter that living
organisms are not fonnd there.
7 40 am lve~..Uon+mmgty mrr
11 06 Ire Eutantft Ivc
7 06 pm
fectwten Amerlctu and Jacksonville, vw Helena
hr# Ameriosc
arr Jacksonville lve
Close connection made at Montgonu ,
mints in the Southwest, and at Americus for
IjnHtnLrhamumi all points in the Northwest.
• Meal Stations.
Sleeping cars between Columbus and Sevan-
Passdllgers from Charleston destined to points
rest of Sovannah, change cajaat C. & 8. June-
Gen. Pass. Agent
Gen. Superintendent.
. Americas .Oe.
Ammow. ua. Americus,
J. M. CAROLAN, 8. E. Pass. Aft.
Savannah, tia. B. A.
Western P
M. D. ROYER, T. P.A,
Americus. 4
4NO. T.
O. H. SMITH, G. K.A.,
New York, N.Y.
(Hondaij and Tuesday next.
The prices we quote, we Positively will not charge on the Books
All goods charged will be at the regular prices
Fifty patterns White
Side-band Organdies;
worth $2.00 to go at
95c. per pattern.
At 12^0. yd., one lot
Wool Challies, worth
15c. yd.,the choicest
and largest line fine
Wool Challies in all
the fine designs, such
as Polka Dots.Figurea
and Flowers, worth
the world over, 25c.
9^o. our entire stock
Pineapple Tissues.
East Tennessee,
Virginia and
Georgia R’y
Short and Direct Line to the forth, East or
ThU tine Is eoncadad to b. th. bet aqaippM
ud mas th* finest Pullman Btospinfi Can In
Elegant Pallmu Sleeping Chra, between
Jacksonville and Cincinnati,
Titusville and Cincinnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga and Washington
Memphis and New York,
Philadelphia and New Oileans,
Chattanooga and Mobile,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
Without Ghufe.
B. W. WBKNN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Aft
Knoxville, Tenn.
0. W. KNIGHT, Ass'tOen. rui. Ay
Atlanta, Georgia.
12Ko. our entire
stock Persian Mulls.
4>2C. one Thousand
yards checked Muslin,
worth 7^o.
7^c. 1,000 yards
Dress Ginghams, sold
every day at 10 and
8 3-4c. one lot extra
choice Percales,worth
12 l-2c.
4 l-2c. one lot Fine
Cotton Challies,worth
13 l-2c, 1000 y*rds
India Silk Finish
Shantong Pongees.
Worth 25c
9 3 4c. 1000 yds.
Manilla Plaids, worth
12 Kc the world over.
125 c. one lot White
Ground Organdies
with colored figures,
worth 20o.
19c. 1000 yards
those light weight Ba
tistes other houses ask
30 to 35c for.
12 l*2o. yd. magnifi
cent white Plaid Or-
gundies. worth 20c.
$1.50 pattern black
Lawns, worth $2.00.
$2 35 pattern the
choicest black Mus
lins ever shown in
A mericus, at the price
90c. a pattern, choice
Black Plaid and Strip
ed Lawns.
Grenadines way
down—too many on
hand, cash will move
One lot Grenadine
suits at $5.90, worth
One lot iilk Stripe
Grenadines, ** o r t h
$12.50 suit to go at
$7 90.
One magnificent lot
S il k Stripe Grena
dines, worth $1 25 yd.
at 79c.
Wedefy anybody
anywhere to match us
on prices.
39c. our entire stock
of50c Surah Silks.
42c. your choice of
our entire stock figur
ed China * ilks sold
hereto fore at 65 and
75c per yard.
Big lot remnant
Silks at low prices.
89c Black Silk Sub
lime 46 ins. wide and
worth $1.25.
7 l-2c. one lot ladies’
Ribbea Undervests,
worth 20c.
75o. C-B Corsets;
sold at $1.00 and $1.-
25 all over town.
Big lot remnant wht
goods slightly soiled
from handling, to be
cleared out. -
Too many on hand.
Too little room.
33 l-3o. one iot'Bal-
briggan Undershirts,
worth 50c.
45c. one lot gents’
B albriggan Under-
shirts and Drawers,
worth 65c.
50o. one lot magnifi
cent Shirts and Draw
ers, worth 753. to $1.
69c. our finest goods
worth $1 anywhere.
25c. one lot fast black
Sooks, worth 35o.
Cut prices on entire
line Half Hose.
49o. splendid quality
Gents’ Night Robes,
worth 75c.
69c. Night Shirts,
worth $1 anywhere in
75c. some of the
choicest Night Robes
ever shown in Ameri
89o. one lot Night
Robes worth $1.25.
98c. one lot Night
Robes worth $1.50.
89c. our entire stock
onarch Shirts, laun-
dried and unlaundried
worth $1.25.
Hundreds of artioles
too tedious to mention
will be thrown out for
this speojal sale at pri
ces simply ridiculous.
If you want anything
in Dry Goods or Gents
Furnishings, call and
see ns.
, ilijsno’i fill