Newspaper Page Text
Yesterday's Dotnp In Pnnxent Pan
KTSpha—Soma Snap Shota by the Itepotu
torial Camera—What Waa Going on In
Town Told In Brietoat Mannar.
The time baa passed for moonlight atroll
Or hanging on the gate.
The old man klofca about the coal
Bui ned In the parlor grate.
M. Brace.
Fellow Citizens!
And Friends
Of Southwest Ga.:
With'complin.onts of the season
we respectfully invite your
attention to our
Hewest Styles in High Grade
We have outdone ourselves this
soason and excelled all previous
attempts in placing before you
more attractions and exclusive
Novelties in Clothing and Haber
dashery. We carry,beyond a doubt
(and the most of you know it) the
Mr. D. W. Bagloy’s new residence on
Lee street le nearing completion and
pretents a very handsome appearance
from the street
There will probably soon be given at
the Americue Club rooms a fancy dress
German or “bal poudre.” Either of this
style of entertainment is enjoyable and
will prove doubly so on this occasion
from Its novelty.
What about the gymnasium associa-
which several of our young men recent
ly spoke or organizing? There Is plenty
of good material here, and with slight
effort might be established an athletic
institution second to none In the state.
Last night os the last hour of the
twenty-four was drawing to a olose Tiib
Recorder office was treated to a seren
ade of melody and sweetness. The per
formers were Henry and George Mitch
ell, two colored boys, and the instru
ments used were a violin and guitar.
In' the number and style of handsome
private residences, Americus will com
pare favorably with any -city of similar
size in the south, and there is a con
stant increase and improvement in this
respect In the suburb and residence
portions are; homes which in architec
tural beauty and tasteful invironments
are not to bo surpassed anywhere.
The train on the S. & W. R. R., from
Columbus yesterday was delayed about
four hours from a forest Are which had
spread until It had burned many of the
cross-ties from under the rails, render
ing it unsafe to proceed until the dam
age was repaired. The stoppage was
made in the woods and to adequately
depict the impatient disgust of the pas
sengers would be impossible.
Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa
says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm for severe and painful burns with
belter effect than anything else I have
ever tried. It relieves the pain instantly
and eures without leaving a scar.” Pain
Balm Is one of the most useful medicines
that any family can be provided with,
especially for rheumatism, lame back,
sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, ear-aehe
and like ailments. One application will
relieve the pain, and a fair trial insure
cure. 50,cent bottles for sale by W. C,
A Sad Death.
Cut off In his prime and glory. Taken
from tho joys of this world In the very
zenith of life. What aching void is left
in the heart whea the eye falls upon his
vacant place. His cheery voice will de
light no more those to whom bis songs
brought joy and gladness. Poor “Billy I”
ho was only a pet canary belonging to
Miss Belle Shaw, but the sight of the
cage in which be used to sing out his
bright little life to the sunny skies, hang
ing empty and silent, brings to the heart
throb of bitter pain. The disease,
which removed him from the busy
haunts of men was rather complicated,
but was chietiy a want of breath.
Miss Belle’s many friends deeply sym
pathize with her in her irreparable loss
Wbon In need of a good satchel or
traveling bag go to
1.25-su tu fri Thornton Wheatley,
In this part of the state, and are
offering them at the very lowest
prices. Coll and examine these
lines, as well as our complete
assortment in
Extra Sizes,
Stouts and Slims,
which, as 'to style and 'fit, cannot
be surpassed.
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Illnkle III.
Her many friends will be delighted to
learn that Mrs. Albert Hinkle has suffi
ciently recovered to be pronounced out
danger. On Saturday her life was
despaired of, but thanks to constant
attention and the best of medical skill
she is now groatly improved.
Worn ont by uneeaalng watching and
attendance upon his wife Dr. A. B.
Hinkle was obliged to succumb and is
now also 111.
For a picture of the baby come to the
now gallery.
Avera Grocer; Co.
117 Forsyth St.,
have their business on the highest
pinnacle of excellency. They are
the leaders in their line. Smoke
that in yonr pipe after yon have
eaten some of our sweet potatoes
alter the following directions:
Boil four large sweet potatoes
until done; drain off all water;
dost with salt and stand them on
fire till dry. Then remove skin
and mash them until they are
smooth and light. Add to them
a tablespo6nfnl of butter, same
amount of cream; season with salt
and pepper, and mix thoroughly.
Form into cylinder shaped cro
quettes, dip in beaten egg and
bread crumbs, and try in smoking
Avery Grocery Co.
“Belle of the Suwanee *’
For centuries the old stream wended
Its way lazily on to the Gulf through
tropio land, satlified with the praises of
the red man, happy as the home of the
’gator and the crane, never dreaming of
the morn that It should find Itself fam
ous. But by chance one day the pretty
name was sung, and bas lived everslnoe,
making the hearts of multitudes beat
faster, and bringing tears to the eyes of
borne longing ones. The old Suwanee
hss beon born to greatness and will for
ever live in the mind of man as a beauti
ful “song” river.
Thousands of tourists for years past
have flooded Florida, making for Jack
sonville os tho Mecoa of the South's
pleasure land, and influenced by hotel
guides have spout tbelr time in the
southern portion of the state and over
on the coast, never dreaming of the
most picturesque stream of all that
semi-tropic land. But the restless spirit
of the hunter ever impelling him on to
new discoveries, has led him to explore
the famous stream in search of the alli
gator and the feathered tribe. The tide
of tourist travel to the Suwanee banks
has been steadily on the increase for the
past two years; ’tis hero that tho invalid
finds bubbling from the river’s rocky
bed health giving springs, and an at
mosphere as buoyant and grateful as the
air'of the,Sierras.
If you wish to realize its beauties,
however, you must not stop at the resorts
scattered on its banks; one roust navi
gate its dark brown waters. Like all
noted bodies, this quiet stream has Ita
“belle,” the neat little baek-wheel
steamer “Belle of the Suwanee,” plying
between Lurayvllle and Cedar Keys.
This trip is full of interest to the travel
er—the summer sunshine In mid-winter
making one feel like nature bad fashion
ed the day for him alone, the wonderful
formations of rock along tho high banks,
tho grotesque figures formed by the
smooth current of this stream as it
washes away tho sandstone, the cavos
and grottoes of white, the o’er-bangiug
trees dressed in fancy costumes of Span
ish moss and then, too, the contrasted
beauty of gardens of wild roses, violets
and grassos on the opposite bank; ever
on the lookout for an alligator, so often
seen taking his morning sun bath on
some fallen log, the oraneso gorgeous in
plumage as it seeks some high point of
observation from the neighboring lagoon,
Even the steamer itself as it makes Ita
landings, the shouts and songs of the
negro deck bands, all of the little things
whioh attract the eye and ear for a mo
ment leaving one better pleased with
himself and the world around him; all
of these make the trip seem a short one
as you draw near its end and find your
self among the cedar treos and making
for the oldest seaport town on the east
coast of the gulf, Cedar Keys.
Yes, should you go to Florida take the
adviee of an old traveler, do not forget
the home of the “old folks.” Take
trip on the "Belle of Suwanee,” and
day’s ride will give you thoughts never
to be forgotten, the old song wilt have
for you a new and brighter interest, and
when tho visions of happiness come,
somehow you will think of the quiet,
peaceful day away down on the Su-
Finest Stock of pure { {
Candies ever shown
in Americus—Sole
Agent for
Ansley’s Seal brand,
Lowney’s Chocolates,
G-oussett’s Chocolates
All kinds fine hand
made creams, at
Cotton Report.
Aueiucus, Ga., Oct. 20,1801
Following is the cotton report In this
oity up to date:
Received by wagon 210
Received by railroad 140
Received previously 28,420
Total 28,701
Corrected daily by L. G. Council, ware
Good middling. 7|
Middling 71
Low middling 7j
Market dull.
Spots, middling ; 710-10
Market, dull.
Spots, middling 8j
Market, steady.
Spots, upland middling 4]
Market, dull.
Market easy. Sales, 130,000
Op’g. Cl’g.
January 8.58 8.44
October 8 07
November 8.20 8.14
December 8 41 8.28
Highest market prices are paid for
sound cotton seed delivered to the
Akibicus Guano Company.
Mr. W. E. Clark received a telegram
yesterday afternoon from Cochran an
nouncing the death of Mr. John White
hurst of that place.
Ur. Whitehurst lived for sometime in
Americus, and while here married the
daughter of Ur. and Mrs. C. F. Hand, of
the 28th district of this county.. His re
mains will be interred to-day at 3 o’clock
p. m.
I have just received a fresh lot
Black Buckwheat Flour, New crop
Maple Syrup, Apples, Malaga
Grapes, Cocoanuts, Evaporated
Peaches, Evaporated Apricots,
Cheese, Macaroni, Olives, Piokles
of all kinds.
Cabbage, Onions, Rutabaga Turnips,
Irish Potatoes and Old Fashioned Cod
A new lot of California Honey just in.
Pigs Feet, Mackerel, Breakfast Bacon,
Hams, Shoulders, etc.
Can Goods, world without end, cheap
er than ever.
If you will once |try* our McFerrin’s
Lard aad Alcanro Coffee you will use
no other.
Get one of my Books and see how much
money you can save by trading with me.
is Bisnes.
Look in at Artesian corner
China store and you will see
a modern store—with a mod
ern stock-with modern pri-
ces-all the result of modern
ideas—everything denotes a
business way of doing busi
Pearl White, 70 * 80c.
White Granite, $1.00
Decorated, 1.45
“ 2 00
Pearl White, 12.00
White Granite, 2.75
Decorated, 3 00
“ * to 123.50
Brass Swinging, ’
Uammoth Store,
Small Htlk Pans, (
Dish Pans,
Wash Basins,
Japanned Cuspidors, 40
LAMPS (bound wick):
Little Jewel, (1.25
Nickel “Banner" 2 00
Banquet (30 Inches), 4.50
Plano (8 feet) 8.00
305 Lamar St.
Telsphone 27.
HouR; In Block.
Returning from Amerious a few days
since, Ur. R. L. Greer, our worthy Or
dinary, discovered that hie cash was ten
dollars short. He had been down to
turnover some money oolleoted from
several negroes, some of them living in
Sumter and some inJIMacon county. In
the division he had paid one of them ten
dollars too muoh, but had no Idea which
one had reeelved the overplus.
He considered the money as good as
lost, but mentioned it to one of the
party who happened to be returning on
the same train.
“Don’t worry boss,’’ [said the fellow,
“I know every one of them niggers,
they are honest, and I tell you that the
money will be returned just as soon as
one of them finds he bas it.” Sure
enough, a letter came next day from J.
W. Russell, of Amerious, one o' the par
ties, stating that in counting his money
he had discovered that he was ten dol
lars ahead and asking Mr. Greer If be
had not made a mistake In counting.
The Ordinary explained that be had and
sent an addressed envelope for its re
turn. Tuesday tho envelope returned
with the money in it. *
Those who believe that there is no
honor in the colored race simply don’t
know thorn all and judge the entire
race by the worst characters among
The editor of the Citizen while driv
ing through Schley county, not long
ago, lost his pocket book containing
papers and money. After searching in
vain for it we finally gave it up is
Charley Powell, a negro boy about 18
years of age, son of Tom Powell, who
lives four miles east of Ellaville, passing
along the same road found the pocket
book and without any display or ado,
hunted us up and returned the book and
Of course there aie hundreds of ne
groes who are not so scrupulous about
bow they obtain money, yet are there
many others who are aa honest as the
two mentioned.—Mocon County Citizen
Ornamental Iron, (12 50
Gasoline Improved, 7 0 00
Oil, .95
Spirit, .45
let Lot Choice, ( ,25
2nd “ “ 50
3rd “ “ .73
4th « »
Dolls, All Prices.
Rubber Toys, “ “
All Games, . “ “
Banks & Safes," •«
- Last season onr friends seemed to appreciate
“the” Musio Box. Every one hod their fa
vorite tune and the Mnsio Box wets everyone's
favorite. This year we have gotten a large
$150.00 Box—with 12 tones, drams and bells.
Some evening after tea, get a friend or two
and drop aronnd and listen to it play—we'll
be glad to see you.
Butler & Berry
tad mrythlig site Is the w«f oh, eliek Mi
Jewelry line ran be bought at
lowest priote of
We respectfully Invito alt to call In and examine or stook.
Thompson & Anderson.
Takes this opportunity of informing the people of Amerious
and the adjoining country that no has fitted up in the best
of style, and will run one of the
Finest and Host Complete Restaurants to be Found in tbe SontbS
I yon over expect to bay • watch, read
our new advertisement
James Fricker A Bro.
He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the
patronage of the very best people, and Americas can then
boast of a place where everything good will be served in
a style as never before seen in this city.
Remember the place-Schmidt’s Reading Room, Lamar St.
• v ■ - Si y -' WM
8-1 dawly Respectfully, JOHN E. SCHMIDT.
rary |
lamps and fixtures sold at reasonable
prices at Dr. Eldbidok’s Drag Store.
Rev. J. W. Lee, of Atlanta, ,wiU lec
ture at the opera house on Friday even
ing and although the subject of his dis
course has not yet been announced,
those in attendance will be sure to enjoy
an Intellectual treat, as this eminent di
vine bears a high reputation as an ora
tor and scholar.
Ellaville, Ga., October 23.—Harried
at the Methodist Episcopal church at
5 30 o’clock p. m., on Tuesday, Rev. O.
A. Thrower officiating, Mr. J. E. Robin
son, of Amerious, and Uiss Lillie Che
ney, of this place. The church had
been beautifully decorated by loving
friends of the bride, and a large congre
gation qf friends assembled to witness
tbe beautiful ceremony. Ushers—Wal
ter Gaines and Charley Willis, of Ogle
thorpe; W. P. Horaady, of Americus; O.
A. Thrower, Jr., M. J. Kent and U. Hud
son.—Atlanta Constitution.
Mr. Robinson has many friends in
Americus who rejoice at his good for
tune and welcome him and his charming
wife to their new home.
Georgia Beef, finer than any Western beef you ever saw, at
Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and
all toilet articles at Dr. Eldridoe’s.
Beet Cream Cheeee in town at Avera's.
FoanTeers For Blfamj.
Lumpkin, Ga., October 28.—S. P.
Gwent, the bigamist, was tried Friday,
fonnd guilty and sentenced to fonr years
imprisonment In the penitentiary.
For Over Flit; Fears
Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrap has been
need for children teething. It soothos
the child, softens tho gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
remedy for disrrhiBa. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
out the world.
Highest market prices paid
sound cotton seed delivered to the
sept25tf Americus Guano Company.
New Raisins, Currants and Prunes, at
, To Onr Patrons.
After this week we will collect all bills
for job work weekly. This will make
payments easier for you, and help us
materially, as our expenses are pavable
• Times Publishiq Company.
Tbe shrinkage In the production of
pig iron during the last year hss been
the greatest ever known.
Knowing that a cough can be chocked
in a day, the first degree of consumption
broken In a week, we hereby guarantee
Dr. Acker’s English Cough Remedy, and
will refund the money to all who boy,
take it as per directions, and do not find
our statement correct. For sale by Dr.
W. C. Russell, Americas, Ga. 1