Newspaper Page Text
Of the Smuter Count; Sunday-School A.-
The fourth quarterly meeting of this
association will be held at Leslie, 6a.,
on Friday, November 0, 1891. The fol
lowing programme has been arranged:
Opening service of song.
Speech of welcome by Master Jimmie
Song by Leslie Sundav-scbool.
Address—“Teaching the Lesson”—By
Uev. Robert Adams of Americus.
Song—By Miss Bessie Janes.
Essay—By Miss Aurelia Sims.
Song—By the Leslie Sunday-school.
Recitation—By Master Frank Janes.
Song—By Leslie school.
Recitation—By Miss Bessie Janes.
Basket dinner.
Service of song by the association.
Address—“The Church and the Sun
day-school,” by Judge Wellborn F.
Clarke of Americus.
Songs by visiting schools.
Reports of delegates and pertinent
Benediction and adjournment.
Each school in the eounty is earnestly
requested to send at least two delegates
to the meeting.
The S., A. & M. railroad has very
kindly given reduced rates to delegates
and visitors to the moeting, as follows:
From Plains of Dura, round trip, 50c
“ Littlejohn’s, “ “ 35c.
“ Now Pointchurch, “ “ 35c.
“ Americus, “ “ 25c.
Visitors and delegates will go on the
regular passengor train leaving Americus
at 8:30 a. m. and return on the 0:10p. m.
passenger. These low rates and conven
ient schedules should induce a large at
tendance. Not only regularly appointed
delegates, but all Sunday school workers
and friends arc cordially invited to at
tend the convention and each is request
ed to carry a woll tilled lunch basket.
.1. D. Gloves, President.
IV. T. Lane, Secretary.
1 have just tlninfshed a teacher’s
course in “The Lawrence School of Elo
cution and Acting,” also one in “Dowd’s
School of Physfoal Culture.” I will
teach a class in Americus. Special at
tention paid to the voices of ministers
and lawyers. All persons interested in
voice or body culture either for children
or grown people would do woll to call on
me this week between-9:30 a. m. and
12:30 a. m., at the residence of Prof. J.
E. Mathis, 520 Lee street.
Miss Kate Weaver.
Fine lot of Mountain Apples, firm and
juicy, only 25o. per peok, for to-day.
French & Mavo,
The Popular Grocers.
“The Clemenceau Case."
The Lord Chamberlain having read
the Fleron version of “The Clemenceau
Case,” has given his opinion that the
play is both moral and Instructive, and
has granted his permission for its pro
duction in London, where it will be seen
in July next, probably at the Standard
Theatre, as Manager W. A. Brady is now
negotiating with the English managers
for the appearance of the entire Emma
Bell company with his Buperb American
production. The fact that the English-
censor has accepted this play would seem
to be a rebuke to such of the press as
havo swecpingly condemned the per
formance, as it is well known that our
British cousins have always been more
particular about tho character of the
dramatic works presented there than in
America. The indorsement by tho Lon
don authorities of tho American version
of this now colobrated play is the high
est compliment “The Clemenceau Case”
has yet received. It will be presonted
on Tuesday night by tho original com
pany at Glover’s opera house.
Thoy sat under tho moonlight, with
clasped hands, trying to guess "what
star would bo their homo when love be
came immortal,” but soon, alas, how
soon she caught a cold and they bad
temporarily to stop guessing. They
cured her, howevor, with one bottle of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Haley & Philipps are making fora
short time only cablnot photographs at
82.50 per dozen. New gallery upstairs
next door to Davenport Drug Company.
A Directory of Churches In Americas Pro-
pared for Strangers
Catholic Church—Led street. There
will be no services to-day.
Second Methodist Church — East
Amerieus. Rev. R. F. Williamson, pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. Mr.
Childers, and 7:15 p. m. by Rev. Or. J.
Boring. Sunday-school at 3250 p. m., T.
F. Logan, superintendent.
Calvary Protestant Episcopal
Church—Lee street Sunday-school this
morning at 9.45. O. A. Coleman, sup
erintendent. Church service at 11
o'olook a. m. Strangers In the olty are
cordially invited to attend.
Presbyterian Church — Jackson
street between Lamar and Church. Rev.
Robert Adams, pastor. Sunday-school
9:30 a. m. H. S. Davis, superintendent.
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and
7 p. m. Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 7KX)
p. m. Visitors cordially welcomed.
Baptist Church—Corner Loo and
Taylor streets. A. B. Campbell, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Sunday-school at 9250a. m., M. Callaway
superintendent. Prayer-meeting Thurs
day 7 KX) p. m. Strangers in tho city aro
cordially invited to attend.
First Methodist Church—Corner
Church and Lee streets. Rev. . T B.
Johnstone, pastor. Preaching at 11 a.
m. and 7 KX) p. m. by Rov. J. W. Lee.
Prayer-meeting Wednesday night at 7XK)
o'clock. Sunday school at 9250 o'clock
a. m ; Lott Warren, superintendent. All
strangers are cordially welcomed.
Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa
says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm for severe and painful burns with
hotter effect than anything else I have
ever tried. It relieves the pain instantly
and cures without leaving a scar.” Pain
Balm Is one of the most useful medicines
that any family can be provided with,
especially for rheumatism, lame back,
sprains, braises, tooth-ache, ear-ache
and like ailments. One application will
relieve the pain, and a fair trial Insure a
cure. 50 cent bottles for sale by W. C.
•3 00 SHIRT AT #2.25.
•2.60 SHIRTS AT *1.84.
•2.00 SHIRTS AT Sl^O.
New Raisins, Currants and Prunes, at
Cotton Report.
Aukricub, Ga., Oct. 31,1891
Following is the cotton report In this
olty up to date:
Received by wagon 393
Received by railroad 74
Received previously 29,807
Total ,30,834
Corrected daily by L. G. Council, ware
Good middling 7}
Middling 7j
Low middling 7
Market, dull.
Spots, middling 7 11-10
Market, dull.
new yohk.
Spots, middling 8jj
Market, firm.
Spots, upland middling 4 11-10
Market, Bteady. •
Market steady. Salos, 20,300.
Op’g. Cl’g.
January 8.37 8.37
February 8.50 8 57
March 8.03 8.00
December 8.20 8.27
The man who keeps his month shut
never has to eat any crow.
Wo want every mother to know that
croup can bo prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. Tho
first symptom is hoarseness; then the
child appears to have taken cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarso-
ness from the start, After that a pecu
liar rough cough Is developed, which is
followed by the croup. The time to act
is when the child first becomes hoarso; a
few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy will prevent the attack. Even after
a rough cough has appeared, the diseaso
maybe prevented by using this remedy
as directed. For sale by W. C. Russell.
Now is the season to plant your
onions. Call at Dr. Eldrldge’a and buy
your sets.
England suggests an international
eight-hour day.
Iloth Saint and Slnnor.
It troubles the tinner and troubles the
It’s a troublesome, trj log and nasty com
Don't think it Incurable; I tell) on It ain't.
Excuse the grammer; it’s the truth
I'm after, wbethor grammatically or un
grammatically told The truth is, that
catarrh can be cured. The proprietors
of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy offer 8500
for an incurable case of Catarrh in the
The Symptoms of Catarrh.—Head
ache, obstruction or nose, discharges
falling into the throat, sometimes pro
fuse, watery and acrid, atothers, thick,
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody,
putrid and offensive; eyes'weak, ring
ing in the ears, deafness,; offensive
breath, smell and taste impaired, and
general debility] Only a few of these
symptoms likely to be present at once.
Dr. Sage’s Remedy cures the worst eas
es. Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists,
Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and
all toilet articles at Dr. Eldridoe’s.
On Saturday, October 34, 1801, Mrs.
Cornelia G. L Boone, in the 08th year of
her age. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend the funeral from the res
idence of her daughter, Mrs. Rena
Brown, 42 K street northeast, Monday
the 20th instant at 2 o’clock, p. m.—
Washington (D. C.) Post.
Mrs. Boone is well remembered by old
citizens of Americus, who will learn
with grief of her demise.
Buckwheat, Graham Flour.
Maple Syrup, Pure Sap Syrup.
Celery, Cranberries.
Mince Meat.
Pears, Grapes, Bananas.
Oranges, N. Y. Applet.
Pure Jersey Butter.
French 4k Mayo.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for ohange of advertisement
must be handed in at tbit office before
12 o'clock on day before publication.
This applies to all and will be enforced.
. . Tikes Fublisqinq Co,
July 28,1891, tf.
A full line of library and pedestal
■amps and fixtures sold at reasonable
price# at Dr. Eldridoe’s Drug Store.
I you ever expect to buy a watch, read
our new advertisement.
James Fricxxb A Bso.
Excellent Buckwheat Flour at A vera’s.
The bone of contention is the jaw
“Oh speak, ye ghosts of the dead, and
say what killed you " Tho answer camo,
born on the fierce east wind: "Cold!
cold! cold!” Then let us bo thankful
that sinco then wc have Di\ Bull’s
Cough Syrup.
For a picture of the baby come to the
now gallery.
For Sole.
A valuable pleco of truck farming
property can be had by applying to
sep23-tf The Bank of Sumter.
The Courts.
The remaining courts of this term In
the Southwestern circuit will be held as
Lee, first Monday in November.
Macon, second and third Mondays In
Sumter, fourth Monday in Novem
Notice to Stockholders.
The eighth call of ten per cent upon
the capital stock of the Americus Manu
facturing A Improvement Co., has been
made, and will be payable at the office
of the treasurer, at the People’s Nation
al Bank, November 1.
John Windsor, Treasurer.
Earth baa no greater joy than the dis
covery of a quarter In a cast-off vest
Yon never tried DeWitt's Little Ear-
S ' Risers for constipation, billlousncas,
ck headache, or you would not have
thesese diseases. For sale by the Da
ronport Drug Company.
PlMMUil, Elegante
For biliousness and constipation, take
Lemon Elixir.
For fevers, ohiUs and malaria, take
Lemon Elixir.
For sleeplessness, nervousness and
palpitation of the heart, take Lemon
For all aick and nervous headaches,
take Lemon Elixir.
Ladies, for natural and thorough or
ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir.
Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not
fail you in any of the above named dis
ease*, all of which arise from a torpid
or diseased liver, stomaob, kidneys or
Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At
lanta, Ga.
50o. and >1.00 per bottle at druggists.
Lemon Hot Drops
Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage
and all throat and lung diseases. Ele
gant, reliable.
25 oents, at druggists. Prepared only
by Dr. B. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.
Best Cream Cheese in town at Avera's.
New York has a Hebrew pavement
workers’ union.
We cannot afford to deceive you. Con-
dence is begotten by honesty. De
Witt's Little Early Risers are pills that
will euro constipation and sick headache.
For salo hy the Davenport Drug Com
Imported Potatoes at A vent's.
A reigning folly—Leaving home on a
cloudy day without an umbrella.
Austin, Texas, Jan. 29, 1887.
Mb. A. K. Hawkes—Dear Sir: I am
02 years old. I bought a pair of your
Crystalized Lenses about a year ago,
when I could with difficulty read very
large print. After using your glasses
three or four months I noticed that my
sight Improved, and I now read the fin-
eat print with the naked eye.
James H. Bell.
All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed
at Drug Store of E J. Eldridgo.
All styles of toilet and paint brushes
at Dr. Eldrldge’a drug store.
An old sad sea dog Is probably a dis
mantled ocean greyhound.
P. P. P. Saves Life.
A prominent Savannahlar, formerly
superintendent of a railroad says: “I
was crippled in my foot and arms so
that I could not walk without crutches,
nor eat without having a servant to feed
me. I tried physicians everywhere, but
to no purpose, and finally went to New
York, where my doctors, at ono time,
decided to amputate my arm, but found
that courso impracticable on account of
a wound I had received during the war.
I returned to Savannah a complete
wreck, and my case seemingly hopeless.
As a forlorn hope I began to take P. P.
P., and am rejoiced to say that after
using throe bottles my limbs began to
straighten out, my appetite and health
soon returned, and I now feel like a now
man; really, as if I had been made over
again, and as If I could live forever—so
long as I can get P. P. P.”
This gentleman will not give his name
for publication, but authorizes us to
refer anpbody to him for a verification
these facts, who will apply to us.
Yours truly, Lipfman Bros.,
Wholesale Druggists,
Proprietors of P. P. P.,
Savannah, Ga.
The first cotton gin made by Ell Whit
ney will be exhibited at the Chicago
World's Fair.
Capt. T. D. Johnson.
To all whom It may concern: I take
great pleasure in testifying to tho effica
cious qualities of the popular romedy
for eruptions of the skin, known as P. P.
P. I suffered for eeveral years with an
unsightly and disngreoable eruption on
my face, and tried various remedies to
remove It, none of which accomplished
tho object until this valuable prepara
tion was resorted to. After taking tbreo
bottles in accordance with directions I
am now entirely cured.
J. D. Johnston,
Of the firm of Johnson A Douglass,
oct.20,d2t,w2t Savannah, Go.
Labor organizations in Paris, France,
need pay no hall rent. The city has
built halls for the holding of meetings
in the different districts. .
For Orer Fifty Year*
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been
used for children teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colie, and is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cent*
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
out the world.
Wbaa shewaea CMd,she cried tot Gutasia.
Others sell paint, but I sell paints. 1
will give a personal guarantee to look
better and last lunger than any other
paint That’a what you want I handle
leads, oils, putty, etc.
JT. Henry Freeman,
Cotton avenue.
How About This.
Fresh Crisp Celery.
Cape Cod Cranberries, Grapes—Ma
lagas, Catawba* and Niagras.
New Florida Oranges.
Coooanuta, London Layer Figs and new
Eastern Apple*. Lemons.
Potatoes, Ruts Bagaa, Beets.
Eastern Cabbages.
Dodson A Hill’s Famous Pickles,
sweet and soar mixed.
Mango* and German Dills.
Onr regular Friday shipment of that
Pure Jersey Country Butter and Fresh
Country Eggs.
New Oranam Flour and Fresh Grits
from new corn.
Derlllea Crabs with Shells, Pigs Feet
and everything that is new and seasona
ble at living prices.
Jellies, Jams, Preserves aud Jellies of
all kinds at French A Mayo.,
The Popular Grocere.
Canned Goods, world without end at
Savannah, Americas & Montgomery R’y
Taking Effect Oct. 26,1891.
i 00 smlve Bt
10 00
6 10
0 40
• • • MADE EASY!
“ Mothers’ Friend ” Is a scientific
ally prepared Liniment, every ingre
dient of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro
fession. These ingredients are com
bined inamanner hitherto unknown
WILL DO all that Is claimed for
itANDMORB. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens PCi, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con
taining valuable information and
voluntary testimonials,
Sentbyeiprewon receipt ef price |tA0 per bottle
Shortand DlrectLineto the lortb, East or
This line Is oonoedod to be tbs bast equipped
and rune the finest Pullman Bleeping Out in
Elegant Pullman SleeplngCere, between
Jacksonville and Cincinnati,
Titusville and Clnolnnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga and Washington
Memphis and New York,
Philadelphia and New Orleans,
Chattanooga and Mobile,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
Without Change.
For any Information address
B.W.WBENN, Gen. Pane, and TicketAgt
Knoxville, Ttm
C. W. KIGHT, Ast’tOcn. ft**. Ayt.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1891.
n .
The Tax Rate.
Tho Commteelonere of KoeUa and Revenue
of Sumter County have thin day levied a
taxor forty-nine and Iwo-tenthaoeula upon
one hundred dollar, of taxable property Id
the county for th- current sear, me eamr
twins one bnndred nod slxtvone end one
ilrdpercent, npontbeetaleanaeaumnt. |
BIxty-one and nne-tblrd per cent, being Ml
bonding n new Jail, and ont bnndred pf
cent. b-Tns for current expense* of the corn*
ty, apportioned an fOllowe:
Food No. I.teneral Indebtedness II
Pond No. 2,c -art house, Jail and
Pond No. I, officer.’ fee. WL
Pond No. 4, ooroner'e foe. .J
Fond No. 5. stationery, etc L*
and No *. Jury feet
Fund No. 7, anppon of poor 4.0
o. i, county court,
J. H. Black.
C. A. Huntinoton,
, John A. Conn.
' Gao. W. Council,
J. W.Whsatlby,
OctlO-wtt County Commlaloncn.
Physician and Surgeon.
Will do a general practico In the city
and vicinity. He will be found at
his office vrhenjnot professionally en
gaged. WUl keep slate on office door.
Office: Second floor, Artesian Block.
•unAw ty 4-11-91
B IS p m air,
i Birmingham..... srrp
Cblldereburg Jvel I
lire ..•Opelika......!'
are Columbus a
Ira Columbus 1:
are KUavtlle a
Ira • Hlavffl# 1'
BJ-: ‘
TOO lv* ..... Americas !
8 ST lv* Cord*!*
SI 00 !▼• Helena 1
4 80 * m It* Lyons
... Lyons’.*.*.*.*.*.V.lre 1 68
. Savannah arr 7 401
B*tw*n Montgomery and Americas, via
8 10 *m It* Montgomery *rr 0 & pm
8 IB pm It* Opelika err l 08
* “ arr Atnrlcoi It* 8 80am
Between Montgomery end Amdrlcus, via Union
Spring* and Colnmbns,
o 68 a tuilve Montgomery arrl 7 20 p m
8 60 It* Columbus arr 11 90
0 40 [arr Amnrlcns lre| 8 90
B*tw*n Montgomery and Americus, via Eufaula
7 4o a m Ito ..... Montgomery arr
10 0! It* Knianla.. It*
8 66 p m It* Albany arr
• *" arr America* It*
4 12 r
3 66
Between Americus and Jacksonville, via Helena
7 00 p mltve Atneriuso
1 17 aiujlvo Helena It*
6 10 arr Brunswick...... Ire
8 .SO |arr Jacksonville Ive
8 (U am
8 63 am
11 00 pm
Meal Stations.
Passengers from Charleston destined to points
west of Sovannah, change oars at C. & 8. Junc
B. 8. GOODMAN, Gen. Paas. Agent,
Americus. Ga.
Savannah, Ga. Birmingham,
Columbus, Ga. Americas, Ga.
O. H. SMITH, G. E. A., *
New York, N. Y<
East Tennessee,
Virginia and
Georgia R’y
-18 TH* ONLY-
flned, cotton wed meal and cake, cotton se* d
balls and ashes, crushing, preying and re
doing of MO)*! further, th-t of purchasing
and dealing In teed cotton and cotton seed,
after the cotton ha* been ginned, of all kinds
and varieties; and the manufacture, prepa
ration and Mle of product* derived irom.
cottonseed; and the carrying on, manage
ment and control of anch business or manu
facture connected therewith; and generally
to engage In all such employment* and lines
of business, where cotton seed or Its products
ars utilized wholly or Id part. Also, the
leasing and owning of tank cars, manufac-
tilling of barrels and casks, and all other
commodities In connection with said busi
ness. The main business of the corporation
Is to bo the manufacture and sal* or cotton
seed oil. and aa Incident thereto the utilizing
aud Ml* of all product* or seed cotton and
cottonseed. Petitioners fort her show unto
the ooart that their principal place of busi
ness will be In the county of Humter, State of
Georgia; but that they desire to carry on
business, employ and send agents elsewhere
In said state, and Into other atate* and terri
tories of the United Btates, and establish
branch offices therein, if they de*m It ad
visable. That the amount of capital to be
employed by petitioners Is on* hundred
thousand (flOu,u») dollars, fifty thousand
(960,000) dollars of which is actually paid In
before beginning business, with the privilege
of Increasing their capital to any sum
not exceeding one hundred andflfty thous
and (tldu.000) dollars. Petitioners desire to be
Incorporated for twenty years, with the priv
ilege or renewing their charter from time to
time a* they see proper. Petitioners desire
the further right to purchuse, lease, hold,
own and control, self, assign, transfer, or dis
pose of such real estate, or Interest !n~ real
estate, as may be neoeieary and proper for
the legitimate and convenient transaction
of their business. Petitioner* desire the
rUlit and rower to make all such by-laws,
and alter th* Mm* at pleasure, as they may
see proper; to hare and use a common seal,
and to change the same at pleasure! to have
aright to sue and be sued, and to make all .
necessary contraets in the conduct of It*
business; to borrow money, and to seeura the
same by giving notea, Indentures, bonds,
mortgages and land, as the corporation may
ken proper to do; and farther to be invested
with all th* rights, powers, privileges, Im
munities and franchlaea incident to corpora
tions of the kind, and necessary to carry on
and eonduot the objects and purpose* of the
buslne** of petitioners. Petitioners further
desire that they shall be Incorporated so that
no stockholder In the corporation shall be
bound In any way fot the debts or liabilities
~f th* corporation beyond the amount of hi*
opald subscription of the capital stock of
ild company.
Wherefore petitioners pray that after this
it It Ion shall have been filed, recorded and
^nbllahed, according to law, that the court
will grant an order granting this application.
Petit loner** Attorneys.
Filed In office September 23d 1801.
J. H. ALLEN, Clerk B.C,
I certify the above and foregoing to be a
true extract from the Record of Charters In
Humter Superior Court this September 23rd
1891. J, H. ALLEN, Clerk S» C.
oraulo Court of Ordlnsnr of ssld county, will
be sold at the late reuldeneeof 8. 8. Hloan.
deceased, about seven mile* north M*t of
Amenens, on Friday, October 80th 1801. be
tween the hour* of Ida. m. and 4 p. ra-, alltbe
personal property belonging to said estate,
consisting of four mules, three hor-es.two
two-horse wagons and harne*a.oneone-hor»e
wagon and harness, one old ph-atori, one no
lop *»uggy and harne-*, one Mlll-r orga i
nearly new, nine quit*", one whe-*-l-'»arroW,
one syup kettle, one vnU n press, buliou*.
vise and blacksmith's tml-, two plow si ok*
year and plantation too!*, on#* grtnt mill ahd
attachments and food *et of rocks one a *w-
mid and attaebmeets, one old engine boiler,
shMftlng* and attach men tn. fifty saw tree*
inoro or lesson Mr*. Morris* tend. 00 gallons
syrup, more or less, 3QU bushels com, more or
less. 4,0U0 bundles fodder, more or le-s, 450
bushets cotton seed, more or less, and* few
pea*. Also one second-band gin at Barlow
mil) place, and one pair scale*,one steam en
gine, boiler aud cotton pr**a at Barlow mill
place Hold by order of the Court of Ordin
ary nf Sumter county as the property of 8,
H. HloAi, deceased, to pay the debts and for
purpoM ot a,.trt u utlon. a T.rm.
Administrator of 8. S. Sloan, deceased.
Amorlnu., Un„ October 17,1991.
A pplication pen public road.
I. H. Daniel, O.W.Monrnn and other, have
made .ivnllc.llon for a aecond-clau road de-
acrlbed In ..Id petition, a. .bcylnnlng at the
llharlea M<«rxau place, l.auliiK 6MI
between th. land, of K. K, Merrill and W.
H. Hannon, then between lend, of *fn.
Jonee end R. E. M.rrell, then between Undo
of Mn. Maahburn and Mm. Jone.,thenbe-
tween land, of A. J. Logon and Mrs Maah-
burn.thenaeroM Dr. Lnaan'. land and be
tween the land, of J. W, Doxlerand J. J, Du
pree, Interractln* th. A roorlcu. and Frlend-
ahlproad; which ha. been marked ont by
the commlulonen and a report thereof
made »a oath by them.
All penon. are notified that Mid new road
will, on and after the lint Monday In Novem
ber next, by the Comml—lonen of road, and
revenueof wild county,beflnallyiran ted If no
Agreeable to an order fran ted by' tb.
Honorable Couit of Ordlitary of raid county,
will be Mid before tbe court houra doorfn
American, Georgia, Mid county, on tbe firat
Ttwwlay in November, between lb. lawful
Tba .outb Lalf, lot of land number ality-on.
(61) containing (lei;,! acre, more or In.; al»o
tbe north hall, lot of land number atxty ItO)
ooutalntng (10152) acre, more or 1m*; alyo
twenty-alx (30) .hare, of th. Sumter County
Alliance Co-operation aMoelatlqn .took, be
longing to the eetateof John B. Klnard, let.
of raid county, deceaeed. Hold for tba benefit
nf tbe helm and creditor* of raid deqeaaed.
Term. crab. Tbl. 5th dayyX^OcbjberJh'Jl.
A v
Agreeable to an order from tbe Honorable
Ordinary of Mid county, will be wild before
tbe court houao door In the town or Proton,
Web.ter county, ou tb* firat Tueadar In
November nut, .abject to tb. widow',
dower, tb* following deaerlbed property i
Lot of land number one hand*ad and forty-
four (144) and all of lot.f land nnmberona
bnndred and forty-tbie* (143) lylog —• =*
Klncbafoonee creek, lying cud
Sept 5,18,1.
Wb dlSrtet of Webarer county. OmVrtde.
tbe property of W. A. CbrUUan, deeeened.
for tn. benefit ofhelr. nndcradjtora^
Agreeable to nn order from the Honorable
Ordinary of Webster county wUI be sold be
fore the Courthouse door In Prvstou.Webarer
county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday In No
vember next, the following described prop
erty: Lot of land number two hundred and
fourteen.<2141 In the nineteenth(I9lh) district
of originally Lee now Webster county, sold
as the property of B. T. Leonard, deceased,
for the benefit of th* heir* and creditor* or
•eld deceased. Jacob Dkpward,
Oct. 6,1*01. Administrator.
To the Superior Court of Mid County:
The petition of E.H. Ferguson,J. J.CafTrey,
both of Louisville. Kv., John M. Green of
Atlanta, Ga., H. C. Bagley and M. 8. Har
per, respectfully, shows that they and their
successors desire to be incorporated under
the corporate name and style of "Americus
Oil Company." That their objects and pur
pose* are for pecuniary gain for themselves,
their associate* and successors; and that tbe
GEORGIA—8uhtsb County.
To the Superior Court ot raid County i
Tb, petition nf 0. W. Lamar, R. T. John-
•on, \v. M. Hitt and Mnnhall Martin togeth
er with their araeetntes.bow. tbat tbey have
entered Into an nuoolatton under tbe name
and tty In of “Tba Shipper. CnraprMi Amo-
elation”. Thattbeuhjeet of ..Idauoelation
la peenntary gain to the Individual member*
and tbe corporation In tbta, to-wlti By tbe
running, owning and controlling a compress,
using said eompresa in Americas, Humter
county, Ga., forth, purpose of compressing
cotton peeked tn balk, for more convenient
and reedier transportation.
Tbe principal office or tbe said association
D to be In Amerieus, Georgia, with privilege
of doing business or both owning, control-
Ingand leasing compisrae* In said county
ana la nay section or tb, Unlled Statee tbe
association may see proper.
The petitioner* pray that they be Invested
together with their aasooiatee and successor*
with tbe power to carry on tbe aforemen
tioned objects togsibcr with tbe power to
purchase and bold property, real and person
al! to rent and leaa* property, both real and
persona:; losueand be sued: to use scorn-
inou seal. If th* cMociatlou should no desire,
and to exercise all power usually conferee >
upon corporation* of similar ohamoier, as
may be oonsi-ten' with tho laws of Georgia,
or any 'lata In which *>ld association may
do bualnesa nod not locuurlsteut with tbe
laws of tba Uoiled Sisks.
Petltionsrs further allow that th. capital
stock of raid araooUl Inn |a thirty thousand
nodert, more tliaq 10 per emu of wlilcl: lias
been actually paid la. Your petitioner. fur,
ther show tbat they desire tbe passing of an
order allowing them to increase at any >lm*
they may we fit tbe cephal stock to any
and their successors be Incorporated for and
during tbe term or twenty years, with the
prlvilegeof renewal at the expiration nf tho
said term. And as >n duty bound, your pett-
tion.«wm.».rpra WoN40uTTS(
A ttoruH m tor Petitioner*.
Filed In offiee October 21. IHWl,
.1. H Ai.LE.V, Clerk fl.C.
I certify the Abort* to be a true extract
' , of *'hnrtcra.thl*0*1.31,1*91.
J. H, ALLEN,CI*rk H,C.
oEottoiA—Humter County
Will b« wild, by virtue of » decree of Burn-
tor Bnpcrior Court, held in PebruAry. 1891.
before th* Court House doonln the ulty of
Americui,G«n between ih« legal hour* of
Mle, ou tuo flr*tTu*sdAy lo November next,
the following de*orib«d lot* end pert* or lots
of lend, to-wlt: - - - .
Lot* of IaimJ numbers twenty-six, thirty-
five aud thirty-six (98.85 And M), In the 27tk
District of Humter county. Ga., Mch con
taining two huodreJ And two And one-hAlf
('JUifk) acres, more or i*m.
AinoeAathAlfoflot If land number one
hundred And twenty-six (198), bound'd * n
tbe west by public r Ad running north from
Americus toward* tbelAto Burney Parker’s
place until *aU1 roAd intersects the* Travel
er’* Rest road, then due south to the south
lino of Mid lot, containing one hundreo (l(.o>
seres, more or les* (except one-half (K) «r*
sere deeded to W. W. Barlow in the north
west corner of Mid Iplanl moiiwis tie
rlghtcf WAV of the H. W. BsIIroad), «ald laud
In the 2fth District of Humter comity, Ch.
Also • snip of I* nd on th* notib ?*de of
Mat half of lot 146 In Z7th district of Sumter
“ ~ if 9S7r*«t wide end hou n<ii (i on
»nouth line of the cast half of lot
Win jiaiuulMriet; ‘containing seven acre*
more or leaa, the right ol way of tho 8. W.
rallroid exoeptod. Thwetwo parc.-U of land
lust above described containing In tho aggre
gate, oce hundred and seventeen acre* more
All of Mid property sold by virtue of said
decree as th* property of the estate of W, U.
Htowart, late of Sumter County, deceased,
sold to pay the debto of said estate, and for
the purposes of distribution among the heirs
according to the terms of said decree-
This October l, 1801. ** ’’
ft. It. Stewart,
Executor of W. It. Stewart, deceased.
GEORGIA—Sumtxr Count v.
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Humter county, will be sold to
the highest bidder before the court hou4e
door In the city ot Americus. Sumter county.
Georgia, on the first Tuesday In November,
between the legal hours of sale, the
following property belonging to e«tate ot A.
R. Coulter, deceased, to wit: Five heavy
wagons (new) two with bodies,one road cart,
four sets strong double harness, two sets for
large mules, one set black-smith U*ols and
forge, five tents with ttys, twelve or fifteen
matrosses with covers, blanket*, etc., on-
bedstead and spring, three wire cots, two
box-stoves aud pipe*, onn No. 8 cooking
stove and utensils, one box croekerr.kltchea
furniture and camp outfit,four che*'* of com
plete tools for bridge and iresll* building,
ten log chains, lot or largo rope and tockl*
and pile bands, three pile driv*f hammer*,
two pile driver engines, also t#o building
lot* In Brooklyn Height* survey, known m
lot* two and three In block MTen. TernM
cash. W. Mi. MURPHEY.
d4t-tn«* Administrator.