Newspaper Page Text
So great was the rush duriug
last week we concluded to offer the
same unexcelled opportunities for
another day or two. Don’t wait
bnt come promptly while you can
get what yon want.
During the past few days a
' great many things have beon closed
out, but we received new goods 'on
Friday and Saturday last and pri
ces extremely low will be marked
on them.
1000 yds. extra choice 10-4 sheet
ing, our regular 30c. quality, at
Ladies' Onyx dye hose worth
40c, for 25c. pr.
Ladies drop stick Lisle hose,
Onyx dye, worth 75c, at 49c pr.
1000 yds 10c. Ginghams at 7fc,
1000 yds Calicoes, 4fc.
Gents' Balbriggan Hose at 15c
pr, worth 25c.
Gents’ Blk. Onyx dye hose at
25c pr, worth 40c.
Extra large counterpanes at 89c;
$1.25 quality.
Extra large buck towels at 15c,
worth 25c.
Magnificent table damasks at
Undressed kid gloves at 69c,
worth $1.00.
Undressed Mosquetaire kid
gloves at 75c. worth $1.00.
Foster’s lacing gloves $1.25
quality at $1.00.
Lot mixed Tricots, l£ yds. wide,
Wool Henriettas, 36 in.wide, 40c
quality at 25c yd.
60 pcs. Wool Cashmere, splen
did quality, 36 in. wide, at 25c.
. 40 in. all woolsack Henriettas,
formerly 65o.. at 49c.
Silk finish black wool Henriettas
worth $1, at 75c.
Bedford Cords, magnificent
quality, 98c.
Camel’s Hair Serges, 46 in.wide,
grand quality, 95c.
C B Corsets, $1 quality at 76c.
Children’s Derby ribbed fast
black hose, worth 25c, for 15c pr.
Day by day the‘[success of our
selections in dress goods is more
pronounoed. That we have the
right things is evidenced by the
way they are selling.
High-class and exclusive dress
materials; styles hot to be seen
Reinforced by recent arrivals,
this department makes a most
brilliant showing, Suits, $7.60 to
At 50o we'show a line of dress
stuffs unquestionably the choicest
ever placed onfthis market.
Overshot’and illuminated effects
in Scotch homespuns; Storm
Serges, 64-inoh|TricotB,eta Aline
worth your while to see.
Novelties in Black Goods. No
need to'tire yourself wearing the
some fabrics from year to year.
Our stock offers choice things.
Chevrons, Bedfords, Camel’s Hair
Serges, Storm Serges, eto. Any
thing you want at right prices.
We propose to make extremely
row prices on them to dose out at
once. They will range from $2.76
suit upwards. See these quick to
get choice of lot
Ladies ribbed undervests at 25o,
worth 60c.
Several cases blankets just
opened, prioes from' the lowest to
as fine as yon can ask for.
The finest white flannels at 26c
In the oonntry.
Grand lot of embroidered flan
nels from 98o to 1.60c yd.
The beet canton flannels at 10c.
in Americas.
Our olo&k stock is very complete
Full range of sizes and now is the
Where Society People ere Going—Who the
Strangers ere Vleltlng-Where Dullness
Men ere Bound end Whet They Go for—
Pleasant Notices.
line of cheviot reefer,
time to
jackets at $4.98.
New ‘ ‘ '
choviots, beavers,clay
worsteds and doths, both plain
j and fur trimmed.
| children’s cloaks in great va-
I New Chiffon and Chantilly laces
black and cream.
New *
New feather
New cords and gimps.
The finest line of curtains ever
shown in Americas.
Wholesalers and Retailers of high-class
Dry Goods at popular prioes.
The “lottery scheme” watch club, run
by a so-called watch and jewelry compa
ny, is in no way connected with the
Amerlcus Jewelry Company. When
thinking of buying a watch or anything
kept by jewelers call at the Amerlcus
Jewelry Company’s store, 421 Jackson
street, and see their beautiful stock.
Col. Henry Lumpkin returned last
night from Buena Vista.
Mr. Ramey Haynes is at home from a
pleasant visit to the Macon fair.
Mrs. M. E. Love, her son Tom and
Master Fred West left yesterday for Lees
Mr. J W. Willett and bride of Ten
nessee are on a visit to their father, Mr.
A. A. Willett.
Rev. G. B. Allison of Baxley, Ga., was
in the city yesterday visiting Ills brother,
Mr. li. E. Allison.
Mr. Wm. Cobb of Columbus, Ga., who
has been stopping in the city several
days, left yesterday.
Mr. A, B. Edwards, one of Smlth-
ville's most prominent merchants, spent
yesterday in the city.
Mr. nowcll Simmons Is up from Cutlv
bert where he attends college. Ho will
spend some days with his parents, Col
and Mrs. E. G. SiminoAs.
Maj. W. L. Glessner, who was a prom
inent figure about the Capitol during the
session of the legislature, is delighting
his Aracricus follow-citizens with his
presence. —Augusta Chronicle.
Dr. Charles A. Brooks was called yos-
terday to Cordele to attend the little son
of Col. J. E. D. Shipp, which is critic
ally ill. The many friends of Col. and
Mrs. Sldpp extend sympathies in this
hour of trouble.
Mr. S. S. Shipps of the Georgia Loan
and Trust Company has returned from a
business trip for the company extending
to Rome, Ga. He was one of the pas
sengers on the recent Barnesville train
wreck—escaping without Injury.
Every one interested in the A. L. I.
fair to bo held the latter part of this
month are cordially Invited and earnest
ly requested to some out Monday night
at the new armory—city hall—from 7 to
10. Let every one go and make the fair
a success.
R. B. Reppard, Eqr., a prominent citi
zen of Savannah is in the city. Mr. Rep
pard was for many years president of
the Georgia State Sunday Sohool Asso
ciation, and is now chairman of the ex
ecutive committee of that body, and is
one of the most prominent and useful
Sunday-school workers in the South.
Mr. Reppard will meet today with the
Flrit Methodist sohool; the Presbyterian
school and the Hampton street school
and deliver short addresses at eaoh.
To bo Delivered to Consnmen by November
' 20th.
The new gas works will be In opera
tion and will be able to deliver gas to
consumers in three weeks.
This Is good news for Americuis, u
then we will be Independent and not be
obliged to remain In total darkness until
we can rustle around and light a lamp
when anything occurs to stop the Row
of electricity over the wires.
Almost every house In theclty is fitted
with piping and fixtures, and during the
interval which has elapsed between the
shutting down of the old plant and the
present completion of the new one, the
people have experienced the discom
forts attendant upon the use of lamps
alone, which necessarily require con
stant care, are unclean and dangerous.
The new plant is fitted with the latest
Improved machinery for the manufacture
of a first-class produot, and the capacity
Is sufficient for an output which will
easily supply Amerlcus until the city
shall havo attained several times her
present size, though from indications
that period is not far distant.
.Just Opened.
Now line of Dress Goods, Hosiery,
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Now Style But
tons, Gimps, Braids, Feather Trimmings,
etc. Whkatlev A,
Attention, Ladleet
I have opened a first-class bakery at
Clarke’s old stand and respectfully so
licit your patronage. I will visit your
homes Tuesday, November 2, with
tickets for sale. Warm bread for break
fast every morning.
Very respectfully,
W. M. Martin, Proprietor.
octSl sat sun tues
Dr. In Will Preach To-day.
Rev. Dr. Lee will preaob at the first
Motbodlst church this morning at 11
o'clock and to-night at 7 o'clock. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Tax Tmes-Recorder has been re
quested to call attentlou to the change
In the time for holding evening services.
At all the churches the evening services
will begin promptly at 7 o’clock.
Knowing that a cough can be eheeked
In a day, the first degree of eoneumptlon
broken In a week, we hereby guarantee
Dr. Aoker’a English Cough Remedy, and
will refund the money to all who buy,
take it as per directions, and do not find
our statement correct. For sale by Dr.
W. C. Russell, Amerlcus, Ga. 1
Special Train (or Augusta's Exposition.
The Central railroad will run a special
train [from Albany to the Augusta expo
sition on Thursday, November 5, leaving
Amerlcus at (1:47 a. m., arriving at Au
gust at 4:10 p. m. For rates and all
other information apply to
A. T. Maxwell, Agent.
Our motto “the best work for the
least-money.’’ Haley A Philipps,
A Pleasant Party.
Last night Mr. C. E. Shepherd gave at
bis residence a Halloween party compli
mentary to,Miss WUlle Rutherford. A
most pleasant gathering of friends ush
ered In the reUglous festival.
If you are Interested In fine watches,
or would like to become so, read our
new (advertisement.
Janes Fricker A Bro.
Rev. E. A. Kccsc, recently the pastor
of the Baptist church at Lumpkin, will
fill the pulpit at the Baptist church In
this city at the usual hours to-day.
We are headquarters for everything
that is nice to make np your Sunday
dinners. French A Mayo.
A Brilliant Wedding.
At 8:30 o’clock last evening, at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Kamscr, corner of Forsyth
and Barbour streets, Mr. Luther C. Bell
and Miss Emma G. Ramser, were united
in the holy bonds of wedlock, Iiev. R. L.
Adams, of Americus, officiating.
Tlic attendants were: Mr. G. L. Zuca-
rello, of Montgomery, and Miss Viola
Bell, of Americus; Mr. Major L. Ramser,
of Eufaula, and Miss Etta Bedding, of
Cuthbert; Mr John Shiver, of Americus,
and Miss Mamlo McNiel, of Columbia;
Mr. W. P. Wallis, of Americus, and Miss
Irene Shropshire, of Eufaula; Mr. J. W.
L. Daniel, of Americus, and Miss Dovie
Dudley, of Mobile; Mr. U. W. McNeil, of
Ozark, and MissEulaLockett, of Amerl
cus. Those sweet little girls, Marie
Blair and Alico Trippe, neiecs of the
bride, acted as liower gills.
An hour after the nuptial ceremony, a
most elegant and sumptuous wedding
supper was enjoyed by the large assem
bly of tho frlonds of the family and of
tbo wedded couple. The bridal pres
ents were numerous, very beautiful and
some of them eostly, among the latter
being a diamond pondant of great bril
liancy and beauty, presented by tho
Of the personal of this happily united
youDg couple it may not be amiss to say
of the groom that he Is one of the best
and most popular young business men of
Americus, Ga., pure and upright in pri
vate life and prosperous in business.
And of the bride, the scribe can say that
he has known her from iDfaney, and
always os one of the loveliest and most
charming young ladles be ever knew. It
oannot be otherwise than that heaven
smiles upon the union of two such
hearts and lives, and the Advertiser,
with a host of other friends, humbly In
voke upon them all of life’s choicest
It was the desire of the bride that she
take to her new home a group photo
graph of the bridal party, that she
might have about her the features of
life-long and Intimate personal friends.
Hence to secure this photograph the
wedded couple and attendants from
abroad are still in the city, and will not
leave until to-morrow morning. The
happy pair will spend a few days at the
exposition In Atlanta, and will then re
turn to Amerlcus.—Eufaula (Ala.) Ad
The many friends of Mr. Bell in this
city will rejoice with him In his newly
found happiness and join with The
Tihks-Recordek In wishing for the
popular groom and his charming bride
long years of happiness and prosperity.
Danclox Class.
Mrs. Mark Chiles will open her day
dancing class Monday at 2210 in the
afternoon and evening class at 7:80, In
the Hart building on Forsyth street All
pupils are requested to be on hand
promptly. sun,tues.
The Georgia Minstrels.
Richards A Pringle’s Georgia Min
strels held the boards at Glover’s opera
house last night, and played to a paeked
gallery and a fair audience in the lower
part of tho house.
Tbo full programme was well ren
dered, and especially good were the
Crescent City Quartette, who were
obliged to respond to numerous encores
and at each recall they gave a number
more delightful than the last.
The female Impersonation of Mallory
was good.
But the whole show hinged on Billy
Kertsnds, who is, beyond doubt, unex
celled in his negro character, Infusing
Into it more of natural originality than
is often attained by artists in hls line.
The entertainment Is clean, enjoyable,
and one which any lady may safely at
Don't forget the location of the new
l ptllery next door to Davenport Drug
i Company upstairs.
We have the exclusive control of
Chase A Sanborn’s world-renowned
Coffees, the finest goods made.
Prench A Kayo.
■The reed to fortune Is through print
ers’ Ink.—F. T. Barnum.
An EnaUah “Fob ”
To those who have enjoyed a trip to
“the old country," Gambrinu. Halle,
with its white-sanded floor, polished
woodwork and gleaming crystal, is dis
tinctly reminding of that most ancient
institution, the English publio bouse,
or “pub,” aa they are called ovet there.
Around the old “pubs" of. England
cluster many historical events and tales
of fiction. Many of them have been
rendered well nigh famous, and of the
standard writers of English folk-lore
and fiction, there arc few who do not in
troduce the “pub" In more than one
place of prominence.
Dickens, In bis ini mltahln works, has
woven many a chain of charming narra
tive from the English tap-room and
evolved from the habitues of the road
side tavern many a noble nature. Thack-
ery, too, makes of this cheerful and
homely spot the place of social converse
with a “feast of reason and a flow of
Over a glass of foaming ale or porter,
or a mug of “arfn'arP’ life takes on a
roseate hue; the frailties of our fellow-
men are viewed with lenient eye, and we
decide that, after all, there are worse
places of abode than this world.
Beautiful, but of Sad Significance.
Yesterday Messrs. Hawkins & Loving
received by freight a beautiful vehicle.
The car of death, panoplied with the em
blems* of grief and the trapping of woe
Rich in its appointments and perfect in
its symmetry and beauty, a fitting con
veyance in which to remove to its eter
nal resting place all that is mortal of de
parted loved ones. What more meet
than we should in small measure dem
onstrate our love and affection by mak
ing the last sad rites as impressive and
imposing as po&sihie, ’tis the final trib
ute from life to dissolution. 4
The hearse * was manufactured by
Messrs. Sayers & Scoville of Cincinnati
and Is a triumph of carriage building
art, Bronze statuary ornamentation,
and lamps with cut glass lights.
Messrs. Hawkins & Loving have pro
cured a complete undertakers’ outfit,and
as Mr. Loving has recently taken a full
course in embalming with Clarke, the fa
mous Cincinnati embalracr, the firm is
prepared to perform in artistic manner
the offices pertaining to undertaking.
Orders for the hoarse may he left
either at the store on Cotton avenue or
at Prince’s stables.
We desire to announce that we have
moved to the corner store, 414 Jackson
street, under new hotel, next to D. B
Hill’s, where we shall be pleased
to see you.
Last April we accepted the agency of the
Watches, and have just received our first
installment direct from the factory,
which is located at
Messrs. Patek, Philippe & Co.
Are manufacturers of the finest grade
watches in the world, surpassing in merit
the well known Jules Jurgensen, and there
are only a few cities in Georgia, where these
watches are sold. We will take great pleas
ure in showing them to any one who wou'd
like to S68 a very fine watch.
We aie also headquarters for all styles
and grades of American Watches, from
the long wind Waterbury to tne finest grade
tt.L- McMATH.
lion. IV. I). Murray Still Sick
Ellaville, Ga., Oct. 31, 6 o’clock
m.—[Special.]—Hon. W. D. Murray is
still desporatuly ill, and in consequence
a gloom pervades our entire town. In
everything tending to tho advancement
oI this community hls sound judgment
and wiso counsel have beon felt, and
everyone realizes that hls death would
be a terrlblo calamity. We are hoping
almost against hope that hls useful life
may yet be spared.
Meeting of the Sumter Alliance.
Mr. D. C. N. Burkhalter, the
president, requests The Tiues-Re-
corber to state that there will be
mooting of the Sumter County
Farmers’ Alliance in the eity of Amer
icas on the first Saturday In November
(the 7tb), at 10 o’clock a. m, In the
county oourt room. The state lecturer,
Mr. W. S. Copeland, will be present at
the meeting, and all Alliancemen are In
vltod to attend.
Groceries, Provisions, Connlry Produce-
We solicit a share of the patronage of the trading public, guaranteeing satisfaction
low prices, and good goods. We deliver goods anywhere in the city. Call and see us.
Green House and Bedding Plants a Specialty,
Hyacinths, lOo. eaoh. 76c. per doz.
Tulips, 5o. each. 40c per. doz.
Easter Lilies, 25c. each.
Palms, 25c. to $16.00.
Japomcas four feet high and full of buds, $1.60 each.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest
of all In leavening atrength. —Latoat|iUmtad
State.OoTOrnmentFood Report,
auglfi wlyr
The new gallery I* equipped with the
fineet inetrumenti made.
I have just received a fresh lot
Black Buckwheat Flour, New crop
Maple Syrup, Apples, Malaga
Grapes, Cocoanuts, Evaporated
Peaches, Evaporated Apricots,
Cheese, Macaroni, Olives, Pickles
of all kinds.
Cabbage, Oniona, Rutabaga Turnips,
Irish Potatoes and Old, Fashioned Cod
A new lot of California Honey just in.
Pigs Feet, Mackerel, Breakfast Bacon,
Hams, Shoulders, etc.
Can Goods, world withont end, cheap
er than ever.
If you will once try our McFerrln’a
Lard and Alcanro Coffee you will use
no other.
Get one of my Books and see how much
money you can rave by trading with me.
305 Lamar St. Telephone 27.
Neatest and most durable for yards, lawns and ceme
Will be in Americus Nov. 1st.
Leave orders aod get information of A. T. Oliver.
_ Decorator, 1888, May, 18*. March. 1880,
Agrll, l*0._ Apply to Timas-Recorder office
A BOOM In the Thomaa Building, suitable
jHL for gentlemen's apartments. App{j^at
JL tag sod Loan Association for cash. Ap-
to Mrs. Bells Brown, on Jackson street.
meabte to an order Irom the Honor,
oary of Bumter oonoly, will to aold
fore the court hooae door, In Amerlcus, on
Saturday, November 7,1881, on. good bora,
harness and boggy, also a good onshore,
wagon. Alt belonging to the estate of O.F.
Stanfield, deceased.
Policy No. 702,274 of the Greenwioh
Insurance Company having by some un
accountable means passed out of the
KMsession of the company, notice la
tereby given that If said policy has been
issued to, or Is held by, any one the
Greenwich Insurance Company ha* do
knowledge of that fact, received no con
sideration therefor and will not be liable
for any loaa or risk thereunder.
T. F. Gatewood, Agent.
Dried Peaebee and Apples at Avera’s.
GEORGIA—BuMTia County.
Will to .old, before th. court house door
In ILs eity of America.. Bumter county, Ua„
between tbo legal hoar, of sale, on th. Bret
Taexday In December, INI, the following
described property, to-wlt:
Seventy-five (7.,) acre, of land, more or
leas, off of lot of land number two hundred
and Ofly-ona (251) In th. twenty-ninth (28th)
dleti let of Sumter county, bound a. follows:
On lb. cut by the old .tag. road, oe the
aouth by land, of M. P. Sober, on the west by
land, of W. F. Eastcrlln and Georg. Bator,
on the north by SUaiBmlth.
Levied on aa tbs property of W. H. Glover
to satisfy one fi fa Issued from the County
Court orBumteronuoty In favor of Cbaa. G.
Conn va. the said W. H. Glover. Propany
K Inted oat by W. H. Glover. This March
b, 1881. Levy made by L. B. /onset, dep-
uty sheriff. L.B.FORREBT, Sheriff.
Will be sold before the court bouse doer
Inth. city or Amerloua, Banner eonaty, Ga,,
on the mat Tuesday In December,! ffibbetwr an
the legal hour* of sale, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: .
One house end lot In the city of America.,
bounded west by Strife Mreet, .oath by Mr*.
Buoy end John JeObnon, east by lot of Wil
liam Jefforeon and north br lotof Qreaswell
A Turner, known aa 108 Strife street, and It la
tba place where Campbell Washington now
Uvea. Levied on ana sold as Ibe property of
Campbell Washington, to ■attxly a county
conn execution Issued from the county court
of retd county. In favorer B. B. Hawkins,
Levy made by J. W. Cobb, coonty court
bailiff. Thl.Ocl.ll, 1881.
J. B. LAIIAftf
Deputy Bhtriff.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice U hereby given that the arm of
Martin A Lewis has thliday been dlmplTed
by motoal consent, R. M. Lewis withdraws
from the firm. The baatiiem will keeootton
ed by tf. M. Martin, who reUleaall the aa-
eota end assumes all the liabilities of laid
This October 28th. 1881.
oeti.-u.iw zzazsr
For you*, toilet powders, toilet oeeme.
and in fact all toUet^pregareficm^,caB