Newspaper Page Text
Jack and Joe.
I have to get an overcoat
Says Jack to his friend Joe,
And, with but little cash to spare,
Where had I better go?
This buying clothes just bothers me,
The smartest man can’t tell „
From looking at a coat, just If
The goods will wear real well.
And lots of these here clothing men
Are that keen on a trade,
They'll He like sixty anyhow
About how clothes are made.
And some they stick the dollars on
And then you have to Jew
'Till tboy take off what they put on,
Whlsperin: “Just for you."
Now I don’t like that kind of way
And blame me if I know
With just the little cash I’ve got
Where it is best to go.
Says Joe to Jack, I know your fix.
For I’ve been that way, too;
But you’ll get over that right quick
If you trade where I do.
Try John R. Shaw, and you can tie
To every word he says,
And lay your money out, dead sure
That your investment pays.
His prices aro 'way down below
The prices ohters ask;
The folks that try to sell with him
I tell you have a task.
Low prices—quality the host—
Large stock—and goods all new—g
I’ts plain that John R. Shaw’s the man
To sell to me and you!
I i
117 Forsyth St. f
Where Society People are Goins—Who the
Strangers are Vliltlng—Where BusMCcs
Wen are Bound and What They Go for—
Pleasant Mottoes.
e greatly
indebted to those of Its patrons who will
advise the office as to personal move
ments of selves and friends. Any mes
sage over the telephone to No. 00 during
the day or No. 00 after 7 p. m. will re
ceive prompt attention.
The Americas Jewelry Company are
now organizing their sixth watch club.
It only coats you one dollar par week.
Ladles or gents given $25.00 and $200.00.
Call and join.
Judge Ansley returned Tuesday from
Oglethorpe court
Messrs. B. P. Hollis and Eugene Hawk
ins have returned from Macon court
Miss Lady Edmondson of Eatonton,
is visiting at the residence of Mr. D. T.
Wilson, on Jackson street RGB
Mr. W. T. Lane the popular young at
torney returned home Monday from
Monthello, where he has been for sev
eral days conducting an Important mur
der case.
Rev. Robt. Adams leaves to-day to at
tend the convocation of Synod at Deca
tur, Qa., and In consequence of his ab
sence there will be no service at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday.
Rev. Dr. A. B. Campbell leaves to-day
to attend the South Georgia General
Baptist Association, which convenes at
Abbeville to-day and lasts through the
week, includlbg Sunday, but Dr. Camp
bell will return to the city Saturday and
fill his pulpit at the nsual hours on next
All styles of toilet and paint brushes
at Dr. Eldridge’s drug store.
What buttons Are Made Of.
Do you know of what material the
buttons on your coat are made?
Well, perhaps if you did you would
never recognize it in the raw, for in four
cases out of five it is a material vulgarly
known as vegetable ivory. To the trade
it is the ivory nut. Down on the pier of
the Pacific Mail Steamship company
will be seen long rows of sacks made of
jute, which bear the appearunce cxtor-
nally of being filled with potatoes.
These are stacked at the head of the pier
in the open air. There is no danger of
them being carried away, for they are
as heavy as lead, and not extremely val
uable, as they are. Potatoes would not
remain in that exposed position un
touched for a single night. The ivory
nnt, however, is valuable only when it
comes from the hands of the manufac
turer in the button or the ornamental
state.—New York Telegram.
How a llliliop Was Put to death. I
Traces of this primitive superstition;
bewitching by images, are found among
civilized people, for Orimn reports that
in the eleventh century Jews were ac
cused in Europe of having killed Bishop
Ebergard by a sorcery of the kind. They
were said to have made a figure of wax
representing the bishop, hired a priest to
baptize it. and put it into the fire. As
teen ns the wax was melted, the bishop
was attacked by a mortal disease.—L.
Popoff in,Popular Berta qe Monthly
Hu Had to Keep Him Going.
Stranger (to car driver, conductor,
etc.)—Why don't you atop? I want to
get off I . ’ i ’
Car Driver, Conductor, etc.—I'll hnvn
. ask ya t’ jump off. Thia mule's balky,
an if baatbpa onct thar won’t be any
■tartin 7m inside nv • hour.—Harper’s
A lonpl* Mor* Listed-
Nxw Oauutts, Nov. 5. -North Lott-
Ilians is doing very badly in the matier
lynching. There were three lynch
ing* there last week and two additional
this week at Merrouge, in Morehouse
pariah. A man by the name of Dyoas
was murdered in that pariah three
weeks ago by unknown parties. Two
men by the names of Smith and Felton
were suspected of the crime, and ar
retted and lucked up in jail. Friends
of the murdered man forced their waj
into the jail, took the prisoners from i
and lynched them.
A full line of library and pedestal
lamps and fixtures told at reasonable
prices at Du. Eldmuoe'b Drug Store.
Why you should trade at
Yon save money.
You get the freshest groceries in
the market.
They do np the neatest packages
yon ever saw.
They keep the best of everything
at the lowest prices. 1
They guarantee perfeot”satisfao-
They will do anything to oblige
their customers, and yon will never
regret ithe day yon gave ns your
trade. wB ■■
■ j ^jZn'The Hustlers.
Thu Warrant Was Wot Served.
“The wont scare I ever had.” remarked
Superintendent of Police Colbert, “was flandioa
one night when Quigley, John Lowe and
myself sneaked into a boarding bonse
without the inmates knowing of our
presence. We went np stairs into the
room of a boarder for whom we bad a
warrant to wait for his coming. Hew**
likely to be in some time between 13 and
3, and was said to be a very slippery
citizen. We kept very quiet, as we
didn’t want any one to know we were
there. A large coal oil lamp was burn
ing in the room, and instead of patting
it out, John Lowe, who had a skin coat,
undertook to shut off the light by hold
ing the coxi around it Pretty soon
Lowe fell sr.ieop. We woke him up and
he promual not to do so any more. But
the promise was hardly cold when we
heard him snoring.
“This was worse than ever and enough
to wake up every one in the house. We
punched him, and as he awoke, with a
start, he pitched over and the lamp
came to the floor with a crash that, in
the dead silence of the night, conld have
been heard half a mile away. There
waa nothing for it but to rush out of the
room and down stairs into the street
ks I went down stairs I felt awfully
queer. My hair was standing straight
up, and I was expecting at every step
that some one would tuke a crack at Us,
thinking we were burglars.
“Tlie next day the papers all had a
sensational account of an attempted
burglary, and one or two of them spoke
of the inefficiency of the police. As for
us we said nothing,’’—Indianapolis Jour
London Life In Elisabeth's Time.
In Elizabeth’s time the ordering of the
household was strict Servants and
'prentices were np at 6 in the summer
und at 7 in the winter. No one one on
any pretence, except that of illness, was
to absent himself from morning and
evening prayers; there was to be. no
striking, no profane language. Sunday
was clean shirt day. Dinner was at 11,
supper at fl. There was no public or
private office which was not provided
with a Bible. In the better classes there
was a general enthusiasm for learning of
all kinds. The ladies, imitating the ex
ample of the queen, practiced embroid
ery, wrote beuutifully, played curious
instruments, knew how to sing iu parts,
dressed with as much magnificence as
they could afford, danced the coranto
and the lavolta os well us the siniple hey,
and studied languages—Latin, Greek
and Italian.
The last was the favorite language.
Many collected books. Dr. John Dee
had as many os 4,000, of which 1,000
manuscripts. They were arranged
the shelves with the leaves turned
ward, not the backs. This was
the gilding, the gold clasps and
silken strings. The books were boupd
with great care and coat; everybody
knows the beauty of tha type used In
the printing.—Walter Beaant in Hart
Finest Stock of pure
ever shown
in Americas. -
A gent for
AnsleyVj Seal brand,
t ownev's Chocolates,
G-oussett’s Chocolates
All kinds line hand
made Creams, at
i .to show
and the
linking a Fuss.
Many years ago a prominent clergy
man was consulted by the ladies of ijs
in which they .were interested, j t
at theiriearnestness, .he said;- “That’*
right, ladies; make a fuss-make a fuss!
That's the only way to get work done in
this world) Set abont it yonnelf and
make a fuss while yon dot" And so it
it. Thinking abont wrongs and aighing
over them never mended one. But the
people who exert themselves to right the
wrong, making a good stir abont it
while they do, and worrying at other
' | tg exart tttemnplvea^toc^ will oftets
the other people into activity in
sheer self defense.
The other people womU -Bha - to ait
quiet and taka it <rat in aighing, bat
these energetic fasten njlLnqt let then.
At last, to get ridof theaagi tutors, they
the take of the pesos they obtain there
by. -- But irbativtr their motive, all
mankind baa the benefit It ia not only
Wellto gerwwngf 'rtgWea.-ir1s do
Big Chine, toT Improvement.
First Arctic Explorer—I say!.
Second Arctto Explorer—Say on..
“I say I We’re in a box."
“Well have to wait for a rescuing
“That’s it."
“One will come 1 suppose.”
“Yes, they always come—but not al
ways on time.”
“1 say!"
“Weil?” ’
“Don’t yon think the present style, of
arctic exploration might be improved?"
“Perhaps so. What would you sug
“I think the rescuing party ought to
go ahead.”—New York Weekly
f u .i.i-.rf eomti
uts moif r Btnujfff
fwjiwontui vLimosr
l::;j>-if a'v.ellAOtfW uoitnotfT
ofttoj el»nu oaud iHiij n^iiuii
Ji .ejotflfidi mo
clou oK-.-fl* ni o
yM ,79riibH oildutt
jM-qubO iroqin 9ilj .au
wol iff Huoitol
jmjciusSjrtOff -gais
wi.homA lo ohjoeq i
*)'«! yiiattOO ■“HttlUJ
I KiftHflX
llj,T8-d'x HI1T
•Hhwi.«r -.irUuH-io) rt.^-u^jnfis awlMIB
in am
attempt 2 koajbin op -2 (th» mefch idsand pbabiKtas of thto,timer,:let J
e,„ h.. %
provments- 1 4dt ) thiem'%a^th^He rby to ’afld V 1 tflll'do
Ima ,i!-siJia oh-o)-Kes» avail uiio vboaoa baa lettataudr ■
wel 2 let wmuiaT « iud) iwun o.W otfj
Lee and Lamani-atreete.ij&odaju hav'
rarely B<1 *-
Nothin’ fctrtiplukan'-’-'eyffr^ J
iff the ttfer names
o do
a stok fcfthitl 11 st»fSrte<f fltfWte
large as then—lt^isstil'^grcwi i!
.rtnftlol lii-sino*? A
Berry. tju» aj&feWnWBftP
Just received a handsome line of all
kinds of Watches. Solid Gold, filled
cases, guaranteed for 20 years. Silver,
nickel, and, in fact, any kind of a watch
a man or lady wants at all prtoea.
Thompson & Anderson
Hotel Windsor Jewelers.
N. B.—We have on hand a few very
handsome shell case watches.
Dickon*' Sons.
Three sous of the great author of “Pick
wick” are still living. Charles Dickens,
his father's namesake, is editor of All
the Year Round, and is known to Amer
ican audiences for his readings from his
father’s works. Alfred Tennyson Dick
ens is a merchant in Melbourne, and the
youngest member of the family, Edward
Bulwer Lytton Dickens, is a sheep farm
er and a new member of the New South
Wales parliament.—Exchange.
All Bad.
It is never safe to study the opinion of
the multitude. “What do folk* say
about me?" asked an old lady who had
been largely enfolding a budget of
scandal. “1 a'poae there's some bad
mixed in with the good!” “Well, there,"
said ber frank neighbor, “1 do’ know’a
there's any good spoke of to mix it with."
—Youth’s Companion.
The Queen's Oja ter*.
The qneen is remarkably fond of oys
ters. All the shells which make their
appearance on the royal table are sand
papered and polished so brilliantly at to
glistou almost like mother of pearl.—
London Tit-Bits.
I have just received a fresh lot
Black Buckwheat Flour, New crop
Maple Syrup, Apples,' Malaga
Grapes, Ooeoanuts, Evaporated
Peaches, Evaporated Aprioots,
Cheese, Macaroni, Olives, Pickles
of 401 kinds.
Cabbage, Onions, Rutabaga Turnips,
Potatoes and- 01di| Fashioned Cod
. mi itow>rkc«w<
tflgs Feet, Macl
.without end, cheap
er than ever.
If rob will
t Honey just In.
of mj Btplfi tnrijoo how much
money you can aaxa by trading with me.
SOSfonzfrxfiL 'Telephone$7.
A Peculiar Prajer.
In a Maine -town near the seacoast
waa one of many communities where the
men were, so to speak, a cross between
farmers and sailors, and where, aa a
natural consequence, the cultivation of
the toil waa somewhat neglected.
The minister of a neighboring town
exchanged with the minister of this
community, and as a drought waa npon
them the people sent him a request that
he would pray for rain. This he did,
aa follows:
“O Lord, thy servant is asked by this
people to pray for rain, and he does aa
Bnt thou knowest, O Lord, that what
this soils needs is dreasin.”—Atlantic
How flic Natives Treat Gorilla.,
Natives in the countries inhabited by
great apex regard thorn always as human
beings of inferior types, and it ia for
thia reason that for a long time it waa
found imposxible to get hold of an entire
gorilla skin, because the savages con
sidered it religiously necessary to cut off
the bands and feet of the suimals when
they killed them, jnat. aa they do with
their enemies, possibly for the purpose of
rendering them harmless in case they
should by any chance come to life again.
—Interview in Washington Star.
A Protest*
Bunting—Good morning. Dr. Paresis.
Paresis—Good morning, Mr. Banting.
How is yonr health?
Mr. Bunting—Now, doctor, don’t talk
ihop.—New York Troth.
For sal*.
Contemplating early removal from the
city, will sell cheap for cash kitchen and
household furniture, carpets, Ac. -Call
at residence of ' J. L. Mack.
Fall has come and with It the time to
settle “that little bill” at
Da. Eldbidoe's,
_ 9NBw,
bua ,saoo0 T/Aona: ciilJlo enjoin
aaomT wo J YJTKAOtfja-H.i'iu';! etfj
'All men hav titer prices,”-trtrf lttUl; he
~~eajMo.elyieil liiioaopn/jj yliiO
srf) elldw olb oi fjeioxqx#
enw oinoris oilT .vevoo
liyed in Ameriitt^'mi&'tvad
hying sntiA quautite»at oJargmp ieefyonUihyi Jarggjha'htitH^E ghtifem
ffi ^nsgnbi
own ideaff«*fneoodonq»i'htw>fiig< e the Btezen Komer hedqhariond^or
every^ , 4%ftift , 1 c^3 ‘ A
yera ^MK»S° f 0Ur8t0r +*** open, an we
ciate th4^^»&^
u often, an-any^mie?rotS l nSw
... , „ |li MA.flU'l'l flW'llll!) A
we 11 invite, bfigm,;-,
Nov. 6, im.i ,3.UIV7813H(i
; eill lo Hoilmq Fssnisird
Hors lo love? a oiul
■ reiieos wilt oJ Jxifl -jMI
on| pnl
d roi
l ot nild oxlsiot “(Til
vonfi tirrr .tovewod
-a xii'J la silihinr eiM
Sirilli.1 eim ulnt
I Ha liidi he-isvoo
^allc/pq <q(j - no
Dlbinq -'etD - no
iebno.1 . .svriw
er modi hjodS
If n r sociable earn, we’lPB 'gltffl J2 0
111 onr next anavereary week, and then
• next anaversarv week, i
! 31 AH
TOTJ7IAO jndl .hatfaffio Lttn hii8
■TitnrbT jiah
L(8 (inli[o([outsoO >
2i9itn/in. olmaq
w^aHy yna
.Team'I W7
385U1G lo oiiif totaoebi]/a A
aHA 8 r -WA08 ,83IT yBTHIHa
lovon .saw aiamoflfliicraAH
SuiA oi mu ;
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,€23 ’
■■■ By la ill 8'voiJ«9tl .
jfiosaiq oj jnnw haa haorcfa 03 noy
n'iinrn“inffn ifvili/ta fmn nnoln <1118
B-J ,naoJ- t3 (ioA'9i9^ MATH
DBAdfttelS$£h°f ^' aB posta hho Oil)
We solicit a share of the patronage of the tradlngpabUWtfdimatdelngjaatlsmetloB
low prices, and good goods. We deliver (sods aayvtare in the jilty, Cell end sep.qe,
Green'House and Bedding Plants a Specialty,
Hyacinths, 10c. each. 75c. pei|doz.
Tulips, 5c. each. 40c per. doz.
Easter Lilies, 25c. each.
FalmSj 25c. to $15.00.
Japonicas four feet high and fnll of bails, $1.50 each.
dltawk.* Imo.