Newspaper Page Text
offer the
t$j}Jfh& , 1 l ft$PPi'tunitie8 for
. ^ay "or”tw. ,,! Oon’t wait
ii[^prt»p»|>flyi while you can
„ few days a
..IfteSllave been closed
received new goods on
Saturday last and pri-
,i$ij$ly,' 1 lo 1 w will be marked
8u extra choice 10-4 sbeet-
'.ftujiregnlar 30c. quality, at
Onyx dye hose worth
40e,$7 , . l 25c. pr.
I/adies drop stich Lisle hose,
Oqyr dye, worth 75c, at 49o pr.
1000 yds 10c. Ginghams at 7jc
1000 yds Calicoes, 4}c.
Gents’ Bnlbriggan Hose at 15c
pr, worth 25c.
Gents’ Blk. Onyx dye hose at
25c pr, worth 40c.
Extra large counterpanes at 89c;
$1.25 quality.
Extra large buck towels at 15c,
worth 25c.
Magnificent table damasks at
Undressed kid gloves at 69c,
worth $1.00.
Undressed Mosquetaire kid
cloves at 75c. worth $1.00.
Foster’s lacing gloves $1.25
quality at $1.00.
Lot mixed Tricots, 1| yds. wide,
33 Jo.
Wool Henriettas, 36 in.wide, 40c
quality at 25c yd.
50 pcs. Wool Cashmere, splen
did quality, 36 in. wide, at 25c,
40 in. all wool black Henriettas,
formerly 66c., at 49c.
Silk finish black wool Henriettas
worth $1, at 75c.
Bedford Cords, magnificent
quality, 98c.
Camel’s Hair Serges, 46 in.wide,
grand quality, 95c.
C B Corsets, $1 quality at 76o.
Children’s Derby ribbed fast
black hose, worth 25c, for 15c pr.
Day by day the success of our
selections in dress goods is more
prouoquced. That we have- the
right things is evidenced by the
way they are selling.
High-class and exclusive dress
materials; styles not to be seen
Reinforced by recent arrivals,
this department makes a most
brilliant showing, Suits, $7.60 to
At 50c we'show a line of dress
stuffs unquestionably the choicest
ever placed onfthis market.
Overehot*and illuminated effects
in Scotch homespuns;- Storm
Serges, 54-inoh|Trioots, eto. A line
worth your while to see.
Novelties in Black Goods. No
need to'tire yourself wearing the
same fabrics from year to year.
Our stock offers choice things.
Chevrons, Bedfords, Camel’s Hair
Serges, Storm Serges, etc. Any
thing yon want at right prices.
We propose to make extremely
row prices on them to close ont at
once. They will range from $2.76
snit upwards. See these quick to
get choioe of lot.
Ladies ribbed undervests at 25c,
worth 60c.
Several cases blankets just
opened, prices from the lowest, to
as fine as yon can ask for.
The finest white flannels at 25c
in the country.
Grand lot of embroidered flan
nels from 98o to 1.50o yd.
The best canton flannels at 10c.
in Americas.
The Thief Who Took Mr, D. W. Bagley’e
Horae end Mr Anirej’e Baggy Monday
Night Probably Held Up with the Stolen
Property at Knoxville.
Our cloak stock is very complete
Full range of sizes and now is the
time to get the pick.
Splendid line of cheviot reefer,
jackets at $4.98.
New style long capes and ulsters.
Beautiful cheviots, beavers, clay
worsteds and cloths, both plain
and for trimmed.
chudben’s cloaks in great va-
New Chiffon and Chantilly laces
black and cream.;
New style shopping bags.
New feather trimmings.
New cords and gunpa.
The finest line of curtains ever
shown in;Americas. ,
Wholesalers and .Retailer, of high-class
Dry Good, at popular price,.
One hundred year, ago horae stealing
might have been a lucrative branch of
the burglar's profession, as at that time
the captured property afforded about the
swiftest means of loc,omotiou or commu
nicatlon. and with a few hours start giv
en to the thief there was every chance of
escape, but in this day of railroad trains,
telegraph wires and vigilant police ser
vice, he is no better than a fool who goes
into his neighbor's stable and steals
therefrom a horse with the expectation
of continuing in possession of his booty
A horse is someiblog a little difficult to
conceal, and within twelve hours after
he theft telegrams have been flashed
over the wires in every direction within
a radius of 100 miles from his starting
point, and almost every officer of the law
within that area Is furnished with an
accurate description of the animal’s ap
pearance, and in nine cases in ten the
thief will And himself under arrest with
in forty-eight hours.
Chief of Police Lingo yesterday morn
ing received a telegram from the Sheriff
of Crawtord county in Knoxville, Ga.,
informing bim of the detention of a ne
gro at that place with ahorse and buggy
stolen from Americus.
This is doubtless Mr. Bagley's horse
and Mr. Autrey’s buggy. Chief Lingo
telegraphed for a description of the re
captured property, and if the answer
proves, as itdoubtless will, that the right
party has been caught, nn officer will
immediately be sent to bring the prison
er back to Americus.
This class of theft seems to be becom
ing popular, as also on Monday night in
Albany the same trick was played, even
the vehicle and horse belonging to dif
ferent parties, with the difference that
the Albany thief has already been
caught and lodged in jail.
The Contract* Let Yesterday to M. Rich &
# , Bro. t of Atlanta.
Mr S. B. Jackson, representing M
Rich & Bro., of Atlanta, was in the city
yesterday and closed the contract with
the owners of the new Hotel Windsor to
furnish for that magnificent hostelry all
the carpets needed for the entire build
ing, in addition to the parlor and bridal
chamber furniture and the drapery for
the dining room.
Messrs. Rich 4 Bro., are probably the
most extensive dealers in their line in
the south, and have decorated and car
peted many of the leading southern
hotels, including the Oglethorpe and St.
Simon's of Brunswick, and the fact that
this part of the finishing has been given
to so eminent a firm insures to the Wind
■or taste and completeness in the work,
Some idea may he gained as to the mag
nitude of the hotel when it is knowr
that the contract price for this detail
alone is over $7,000.
But there is a company of men at the
head of this enterprise who never do
things by halves, and they have
spared neither money or effort to build
and equip for the city of Americus a
hotel which in costliness, beauty and
completeness will compare favorably
with any in the South.
Messrs. Rich A Bro. say that the car
pets and decorations which they have
contracted to furnish for the Windsor
are especially rich and elegant, and that
in this line at least, it will be surpassed
by none.
With the completion of the Windsor,
Americus will add to its list the last of
the needed modern improvements, a
first-class and attractive hotel. And its
effect upon business and progressiveness
will be instantaneous, as there 1b no bet
tor advertisement for a city than a well
managed modern hotel. The American
people are strictly business, yet there Is
nothing which so strongly appeals to
their liberality as the cuisine and service
of their temporary stopping places.
Efforts to Awaken Mr. Geo. W. Poole'
Sleeping Daughter Still Futile,
At a late hour yesterday evening the
condition of Mr. Geo. W. Poole’s little
girl, who has slumbered steadily for a
week, remained unchanged.
The diagnosis of the attending pbysi
elans wai to the effect that during a fit
of coughing the patient ruptured
blood vessel, bringing about paralysis of
most of the active nerves. There teems
to be no trouble in administering nour
ishment, though Its reception it purely
mechanical and apparently involuntary
upon the part of the child.
The sleep in whloh she le wrapped
seems to be a healthy one, and to any
one seeing her for the first time the elm-
pif presents the appearance of a slum
bering child.
The attendant praeticionera say that
the duration of the attack cannot be
foretold, it may break at any time and
may continue indefinitely.
Attention, Knight, of Pythias.
Attend regular meeting to-night at
CastleHall. All visiting Knights invite J.
By order of O. C.
B H. Mayo, K. of B. A 8.
Tb. Indian. Going to Dawson,
The Kiokapoo Indian show leaves to
day for Dawson after several weeks of
profitable business in Americas,
The entertainments given by the troupe
are clean and pleasing, possessing excel
lence and variety seldom displayed by a
free exhibition. While in Americus
their afternoon and night performances
were visited by our best people, includ
ing many ladies, and throughout the en-
or Indian baby waa greatly admired and
petted by the girls and truly it is a cute
little one.
The management of the company is
composed of gentlemen who have be
come very popular even during their
short stay here, and doubtless their so
journ in Dawson will be eqnally success
ful with that in Americas,
Two AtlroQomic.1 Event, to Occur Daring
the Month of November.
There are two Interesting events to
take place during the present month.
The first Is periodical and will occur
about the 14th or 15th instant. It is the
passage of the earth through the
meteoric or “shooting star’’ strata of the
universe. This display is not always
great enough to attract espeolal atten
tion, as the mass of these meteors seem
to either (lightly change its position an
nually, or to evince less of life and move
ment, nor is It always as conspicuous
to some parts of the earth's surface
ae to others, yet the observer will always,
find the shooting-stare more abundant at
this season of the year than at any oth
er, and the sight is liable to be one well
worth seeing,
The second astronomical Irregularity
la an ocllpte of the moon, occurring on
the evening of the 15th Inst. The moon
rising, aa it does, about 6 o'clock, will
probably be in eclipse upon its appear
ance. In this latitude the eclipse will be
only partial, while to that portion of the
United States lying west of the Rooky
mountains it will be total.
“Tb.Pnt Man's Club.
If the reception given last night by
the audlence>t the People’s Theatre to
J. C, Stewart be a criterion, that gentle
man’s popularity as'a comedian must be
of the first water. From the beginning
of the first act of “The Fat Man'a Club"
until the final drop, the audienoe was
kept in one perpetual state of unre
strained merriment. At the close of the
first act Mr. Stewart was called' before
the curtain and presented with two beau
tiful floral tributes, and before he could
retire was the victim of vooiferous calls
for a speech. In a fow pleasant words
tire time there was nothing objections- and with bis characteristic good nature
ble and much to enjoy. The papoose, "ha explained that his production was
Yesterday*. Doings In Pungent Para
graphs—Some Snap Shots by the Itepo tu
torial Camera-What Waa Going os
Town Told in Briefest Manner.
Down the sl<le».lk tripping lightly, grace
ful, blue-eyed, smiling brightly,
Visions transcendental, they're so love'y
'Us a pitr;
And although the men adore them, they fl.e
wild. * from before them,
For they nee In thena two angels the Holtolt-
tng Committee.
—M. Bracx.
Be sure and see the “Fat Men's Club”
The city carts are at work cleaning up
in front of the city hall and water
Over at the new Gallery, next door to
Davenport Drug Co , they make baby
photographs, cabinet size, for $2.00 per
The members of the Americus Club
who intend being present at the compli
mentary German to-morrow night are
requested to call at the office of the sec
retary, People’s National Bank, and
check their own and the names of their
ladies from the list.
By all means secure gooj seats for
“The Fat Man’s Club" at the opera
house to- night. You will, for two
and one-half hours, shake from your
shoulders the mantle of dull care and
live only in the present enjoyment.
Seats on silo at Thompson A Anderson's
jewelry store.
The fact that wo are making Cabinet
Photographs for $2.50 per dozen is con
clusive evidence that you'lnivoformerly
paid an extravagant price for pictures.
‘A hint to the wise is sufficient." Pat
ronize the people who had enterprise
enough to reduce the prices.
Hai.ey & Phillips,
Gallery Next Door to Davenport Drug
Wejdesire to announce that we have
moved’to the corner store, 414 Jackson
street, under new hotel, next to D. B,
Hill’s, where we shall be pleased
to see you.
R.v. Clelmnil K.
Nelson Chosen
Messrs. U. B. Harrold and O. A. Cole
man returned to the city last night from
Macon where they had been in; attend
ance upon the Episcopal diocesan con
vention held in that city yesterday for
the purpose of electing a successor to
the late Bishop Beckwith.
The convention was held in {St. Paul’s
church and resulted in the election of
Rev. Uleland K. Nelson, of South Beth
lehem, Pa., on the first ballot.
*- Religious. "■
Owing to the absence of the pastor,
Rev. Dr. Campbell, the prayer meeting
services at the Baptist tent will be con
ducted to-night by Judge W. F, Clark,
A Sow Trios to Eat o Baby.
Celie Nelson, s negro woman on the
Vason place, went ont to the eowpen to
milk and carried her baby. She left the
baby on the ground just outside the pen.
Inside the pen were some hogs, and it Is
supposed that these attracted the atten
tion of the baby and it thrust one of its
hands through the fence at them. Any
how, while the mother was engaged with
her milking she heard her child scream.
An old aow had caught the baby's hand
and waa proceeding to devour It In regu
lar hog fashion. The mother rescued
the ohlld quickly as poesible, but not un
til its hand and arm had been badly
crushed In the jews of the ravenous
swine. Dr. W, W. Bacon is attending
the child, and thlnka he will save the
injured limb,—Albany Herald.
A Plea far the Orphan.
The ladles of the Baptist church earn
estly request those who have promised
and are willing to aid the Baptist or
phan's box to send their contribution to
either Mrs. Judge Kendrick or Mrs.
Thornton Wheatley at once and oblige.
Rheumatism and Syphilis yield readily
to P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and
simply written to amuse, and if it bad
failed in its purpose It would be through
no fault of his. Failure was not in it
with “The Fat Man's Club;" it
was a great and gorgeous suc
cess, rich in humor, passing rich
in the excellent and unexcelled strength
of its cast As! “Professor Baton,”
teacher of music and a decided bon vi-
vant, John C. Stewart wae at his best
and his good nat-ured mirth was infec
tious. As “Baraaby Peters," an invent
or, Robert Garnelia was fanny, with a
great big F. So wae Dick Garnelia as
“Johnny," a good boy (t not). So were
the entire company.
Several specialties were introduced in
the second act, ipecialties of a supreme
order of merit: The celebrated Acme
Four, a gigantic fund of amusement In
themselves; Lillie Allyne and Georgie
Lingard, two exceedingly clever and
versatile ladies; the Tally Ho Trio, as
good as they make ’em, and Miss Patti
Henri, a vocalist of no small merit If
this show does not play to S. R. O. for
the remainder of the season it will not
be through any fault of the company's.
If yon 1 jive not seen it go, and it will be
a red-letter episode to look backward to.
—Philadelphia Enquirer.
Over One Hundred Thousand
Worth Destroyed.
Avgusta, Ga., November 11.—Fire at
8:30 this morning, on upper Broad
street completely destroyed B. J. Myers'
Beehive dry goods, shoes andolotblng
■tores, L. F. Padgett's furniture store,
J, W. Smith’s electrio saloon, Mrs. W. J.
Harter's boarding house, and Mrs. Ellen
Skerrett’s home. '
The fire started in the “Bee-hive” dry
goods store. The origin is unknown.
The total loss by fire is $180,000; insur
ance $62,000. Padgett only bad $12,000
insurance on $30,000 stock,
Beeblve stores bad $30,000 insurance
on $00,000 to $70,000 stock. The Bee
hive store building was owned by SL Jo
seph’s orphanage of Washington, Ga.,
St- Joseph’s convent aad SL Patrick's
parish of Augusta, valued at $14,000;
only $5,000 insurance.
Hansberger had $4,000 insurance on
hie building which covers loss. Not ev
en the walls of the destroyed buildings
Chambliss Bros.will deliver wood any
where In the city, oak and pine, cut any
length desired/ Orders left at their
InneryJ^Kr Central depot, or at Davis
rOs.' Multure bouse will receive
prompt attention. Satisfaction gnaran-
L novl2-sun-tues4frf-lm.
If yon tha'e yourself 'twill pay yon to
buy one of those Tower Razors told at
Da. Eldbioox’s.
Small, black rat terrier, answers to
name of “Snelder." Finder will please
return to J. W. Shiver.
He—“So you positively will not give
me one kiss? And I had a ten dollar bet
with Bioklee that you would.” She—“I
am sorry for you, but I have a bet with
him of a box of gloves that I would not."
“Oh, what a precious little money
bank,” exclaimed a visitor at the Jan
gles as she examined Freddy's birthday
gifts, “Yes,” said Freddy, “and there’s
precious little money in It, too.”
Mrs. Strong—The greatest thing I
Whst you are I Her Pretty Niece-
Wrong, auntie; the great thing is, what
you wear.
The electric light plant at the palace
of Vienna is to be extended so ae to
make a total of 4,000 incandescent
No, Constance, yon are wrong. A
razor-back hog does not resemble a rise
her-back eat at salt.—'Yonkers States-
Last April we accepted the agency of the
Watches, and haye just received our first
installment direct from the factory,
which is located at
Messrs. Patek, Philippe & Co.
Are manufacturers of the finest grade
watches in the world, surpassing in merit
the well known Jules Jurgensen, and there
are only a few cities in Georgia, where these
watches are sold. We will take great pleas
ure in showing them to any one who wou'd
like to see a very fine watch.
We aie also headquarters for all styles
and grades of American Watches, from
the long wind Waterbury to tne finest grade
A New Supply J> st Received
Also handling Tennessee and Georgia Pork. All first-class.
No. 213. Telephone 116.
First Dade—I raw—aw—where did
yen got your hair cat? Second Dade-
On my head.
It to singular how a surgeon retaint
hto popularity when he so often onto bit
A new choirmaster in a eharch ought
to make eveiything just hum.
Changed HU Slroplus Piece.
Louisville, Ky., November 11.—A
■pedal from Verralllei, Ky., rays an at
tempt wax made to asrauinate W. T.
Parker, of that place, at 2 o’clock this
HU bed formerly rested against
door, which opened out on an alley, and
only a few days ago he made a change in
the arrangements of the rooms and for
tunately. though unwittingly, saved his
own life.
A bomb shell was placed against the
door. The building was almost de
stroyed. Dr. Parker’s Injuries were
slight. The other occupants of the
building were thrown from their beds.
The town to wild with excitement over
the attempted assassination.
GalnsevUle's Fair Open.
Gainesville, Ga., November 11.—
The Gainesville fair opened this morn
ing with most favorable ansplcea. The
weather Is perfect, and large crowds are
in attendance.
Governor Norlhen came up from At
lanta this morning, and will speak this
afternoon at the grounds upon the politi
cal issues of the day. The Governor was
met at the depot by a large party of
Gainesville’s citizens, audisbetngshown
every attention possible?
He Is very popular in this county.
The fair continues until Friday, and the
indications arc that it will be the most
successful fair that has yet been held in
the city.
Now is the; season to plant your
onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge's and buy
your sets.
The Howard Trial On.
Columbus, Ga., Nov. 11.—The last ju
ror in Howard-Blokerstaff was obtained
this morning, and the first witness, Maj
D. P. Dozier, took the stand jnst Wore
noon. The witness gave a thrilling ao-
connt of the tragedy. His testimony wu
the same as given on a (formor trial.
Chief of Police Beard la on the stand
this afternyon. Ills testimony will de
velop no new evidence.
Col. C. J. Thornton is examining the
witnesses for the state and Judge J. M.
McNeill for the defense.
Laugh and the World Laughs With Ton!
Supported by hit aplc
of recogu
In the highly succeenfnl musical farce
The Fat Men’s Club.
This funny oreation is guaranteed to
contain more original laugh provoking
ideas, t
Better singing and dancing,
Greater acrobatic feats, »
Cleaner sentiment and purpose,
More screams of delight
Than any other Faroe Comedy in the
fan-makers category.
Guaranteed Greater than Ever!
Absolutely Pure.
_ ersem of tartar baking powder,
of all In Iravsnlnz strenftli—I.—
■taut Government Pood Report.
Thursday, November 12.
Advertisement, win betoswted la tjds
column at the rate of One Cent per Word for
each Insertion. No advertisement taken for less
TTEY to Herring’s Selh. .Finder will be
Jv liberally rewarded by leaving rame et
this office. novll-tf.
?OR SALE CHEAP.—A young, gentle
C NoV*/'
*SepiMtir Ap5> *‘° T1 “ e *' R ® co,der offl
* NICELY ^rnUhed^rent reom^ly
novlO-St m Taylor SI wet.
* BOOM In the Thomea Bolldlng. «nimble
A for gentlemen's apartments. APPjJJJJ
The ninth call of ten per cent, upon
the capital atock of the Americus Manu
facturing and Improvement Company
has been made, and will be payable at
the office of the treasurer, at the People a
National Bank December 1st, 1891.
John Windsor, Treasurer.
nov.7 td.
Colognes, extracts, toilet wa,< ™
all toilet articles at Dr. Eldbilox s.