Newspaper Page Text
the November Report Ketlmatee tb-J
Yield Nt Two Billion HiwUels.
Washington, Not. 11.—Statistical
returns of the department of agricul
ture for November make the corn crop
one of the largest in volume, with»
rate of yield slightly above mi average
of twenty-si* bushels per acre. The
condition has not been very high at
any period of its growth, but it has
been quite uniform, with no record of
more than 10 per cent, of disabilities
from all causes. The eastern and west
ern ends of the corn belt—Ohio, Iowa
and Nebraska—gave somewhat better
yields than Indiana and Illinois, or
Missouri and Kansas, the lower levels
of the great com belt suffering more
from threatened drought than higher
The highest rate of yield, as estimated,
appears in New England, from thirty-
five to forty bushels per acre; in the
south the range is from eleven in Florida
to twenty-five ill Maryland.
Much of the crop is yet in stock, and
its condition and rate of yield may be
somewhat better known after gardening
and marketing.' Yet it is evident the
product will not be less than 2,000,000,-
000 bushels, or thirty-one bushels per
unit of population.
The Outlook Not Favorable—State Av
erages Given.
Washington, Nov. 11.—The cotton
returns of the department of agricul
ture for November are not favorable
for a high rate of yield. Lateness of
crop, extremes of temperature, excess
of rainfall, followed by drought, caus
ing enfeebled vitality and loss of foliage
and fruit, have been unfavorable for a
large crop. On the northern border of
the cotton belt killing frosts occurred
<Jct. 29, and in some places as early as
the 23d. West of the Mississippi there
has been some improvement during the
past month. The season has been very
favorable for picking. The quality ip
almost everywhere reported high, and
the fibre is of good color and nnnstmlly
free from trasii. The yield as averaged
from county estimates averages 179
pounds per acre, distributed by states
as follows: Virginia, 151; North Caro
lina, 160; Georgia, 155; Florida. 120;
Alabama, 155; Mississippi, 190; Louis
iaua, 20(1; Texas, 195; Arkausas, 210;
Tennessee, 170. As killing frosts have
not been general in southern and west
ern sections of the belt, it is possible,
with favorable weather following, that
enrrent expectations may be slightly
Fur Ninth Carol Ins Willow, nf Confed
erate Soldiers.
Raleigh, Nov. 11.—State Auditor
Sanderliu was interviewed during
the day specially in regard to the
pensions to ex-Confederate soldiers and
sailors’ widows. He said the number
of new pensions approved of is largely
in excess of thoset t icken from the rolls
by the county boards. This increase
will decrease the pro rata share of each
of four classes of pensioners as follows
First class, $60 annually, instead of $71;
second class, $15, instead of $53.25;
third class, $30, instead of $35.50;
fourth class, $15, instead of $17.,75.
There are nearly 400 new pensioners,
the largest increase in any one y.ear.
This includes many who last year Were
required to make new applications, tint
who failed to do so, and who avkil
themselves of the privilege this year.
Last year there were 4.800 pensions of
all classes. This year there are 4.582;
Of class 1, 5b; of class 2?241; of'cla*»$J
83, and of claw 4; 886. The amount to
be paid out this year is $83,000 against
$87,000 last year. ■ 7 • , >
The legislatniWr in:<>passings sons*
special pension acts, required this over-
drawing last year of $4;000, which
cause* the aboy* reduction.
Congress to lio Asked for aw Appropria
tion to Open (Ip Trails,
ViL-ronu, B. C„ Nov. 1!.—A. J.
Glave, late of Stanley’s exploring ex
pedition, who has been in Alaska for
the last seven years, arrived here after
an attempt to discover the head waters
of the Alaska river. He located the
source about 110 miles northeast of
Mount Elias, and has, by his expedi
tion, demonstrated thb fact that the
whole of the conntryeast of Schwatka's
held of explorations is available for
pick-horses. He himself took and
brought back four horses in perfect
condition. Heretofore nothing but
siannal labor has been employed in the
country traversed. He lias discovered
and taken photographic views of the
whole country lying between North
1 ukon and the base of the St. Elias
Altw, and finds it more suitable for
; ramc than was ever imagined. Glave
going direct to Washington to ask
me United States government for an
appropriation to enable him to open up
trails next season.
The Visible Grain Supply.
New York, Nov. lt.-The statement
tl!e visible supply of grain in store
and afloat, up to the close of last week,
as compiled by the produce exchange,
is as follows: Wheat, 38,971,951 buah-
jJ,. 1 !!™™ 2.740,195 bushels; corn
2.811,931 bushels, decrease 240,544 btuh-
'«“? 4 384,393 bushels, increase 195,-
’*’■ bushels; rye 8,428,477 bushels. d»-
errase 911,322 bushels; ’ barley 3A81,148
bushels, increase 12,353 bushels.
Changed nu Rad and tend Bis Lira.
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 11,—A speefad
rotn Varsailes, Ky., says an attempt
was made to assassinate W. T. Parker,
of th *‘ P^c*. at 8 O’clock in the more-
• ng - His bud formerly rested against a
°or. which opened out on an alley,
chsnm l ?„*»/ 6W ^“ ys ae ° ,le raa,Ia »
XSS? “\ tlie arrangement of the n«m
though unwittingly, saved
Against <t bombshell was placed
slm^. t i h ^ door ’ Tha building was
Wwn*alUh. tn,,r ^ Mr - P“ rlf er's injuries
the hUif?,*’ The other occupants of
{^building were thrown from their
Death Came Like a Soft and Fleecy Mantle,
end Its Touch Had Bren Painless,
They said there was an old colored
man In the smoking-car who was going
back to visit his old plantation home In
Alabama, and I went in to talk to him.
I found him to be old and wrinkled and
white-headed, and when I expressed
wonder that his friends in Kentucky
should let him set out on suoh a journey
he replied:
”Dey jest couldn’t help derselves,
sob 1 I tole de chil’en I was bound to
cum, an’ dey jest bad to let me.”
“And how long since you left the old
“Way back in wall times, sail. I dun
went right off wld some Yankee sogers,
an’ dat’s de last I eber did see cf Mars
Thomas’ folks. I’so gwine down to stir
prise ’em.”
‘Where Is It?"
‘Jest a leetle ways out o’ Selma. Dey
tell mo dar am great changes ’bout Sel
rna, but I reckon I kin walk right down
de road an’ find de plantashun in de
night. Bress de Lawd, sab, but I doan’
reckon I could liev closed my eyes in
death if dey hadn’t let me cum. Bar’s
bin slch a longin’ to see de ole place agin
dat I couldn’t stand it."
Three or four of us chipped in to get
his meals and make him comfortable,
but we saw the journey was telling on
Ills strength On the morning of the
day wo were to reach Selma I could see
that lie was weak and nervous, and when
I sat down beside him he said:
“Izefeelin’ sort o’ skeart’bout myself
dls mrvwniu’. I had a dream last night
dat I was walkin’ long de road an’ met a
funeral, and when I axed who was gwine
to be buried a white man spoke up an’
“ 1 ’Pon my soul if dat hain’t Mars
Thomas's ole nigger, Job, who runned
away doorin’ de war! Heah, boy, let me
tole you sumthin'. Yo’ has cum too late,
to see yer ole Mars; dat’s him in de cof
fin, an’ he was axin’ about yo’ jest de
day afolihe died.' ’’
I told him that dreams didn’t signify,
and after a bit the old man had quite
chirped up. I got him some tobacco for
bis pipe and saw that he had breakfast,
and as 1 left him he smiled all over with
happiness as he said:
“Only two hours mo' to Selma. Ize
moas got dar?'
Thirty minutes later the conductor
beckoned to three or four of us to come
Into the smoker. The old man sat in bis
seat, leaning against the side of the car,
and seemed to be sleeping.
“He's beendead ten minutes,” quietly
observed the conductor, “and he died as
peacefully as a ohild falling to sleep?’
So he had. There was a smile on hts
old block face—a smile of anticipation,
and the pipe had fallen from his fingers.
Death had come' like a soft and fleecy
mantle, and Its toueh had been painless.
Suffering for years with severe attacks
of neuralgia. I tried a number of so
called remedies without any good re
sults. Finally I tried Salvation Oil, and
to my surprise and delight on oitng one
bottle my sufferings ended. I cheerfully
recommend it to all sufferers.
Mrs. Laura Lehman,
535 W. Baltimore 8t. Baltimore, Md.
A peach, grown at Rylvania, Ga.
weighed 18 ounces and measured 13
lnehes In circumference.
Notice to Advertisers,
Copy for ohsnge of advertisement
must be handed in at this office before
12 o’clock on day before publication.
This applies to all and will be enforced.
Times Publishing Co.
July 28,1891, tf.
The telephone between Paris and Lon
don having been ao successful It is pro
posed to connect Brussels and London.
For that purpose a cable will be laid
between Ostend and Dover.
"For evil news rides fast, while good
news waits" and this is the reason you
see so many persons limping about with
dreadful seiatlca and rheumatism They
have not yet heard that this wonderful
Salvation Oil kills pain.
To Onr Patrons.
After this week we will collect all bills
for job work weekly. This will make
payments easier for you, and help us
materially, as our expenses are payable
Times Pubmsuio Company.
Cotton Report.
Ameiiicus, Ga., Nov. 11, 1891.
Following is the cotton report in this
city up to date :
Received by wagon 197
Received by railroad
Received previously 82,002
Total 33,112
Corrected daily by L. G. Council, ware
Good middling 7j
Low middling 6J
Market, quiet.
Receipts to-day at all United States
ports 51,138
Spots, middling 7j
Market, quiet.
Spots, middling 8j
Spots, upland middling 4 9-16
Market, weak.
Market steady. Sales, 160,900.
Op’g. Cl’g.
January...*. 8.02 8.02
February 8.20 8.15
March 8 20
November 7.77 7 82
December 7 89 7 89
• • • MADE EASY!
“ Mothirs’ Fzieno ” it a scientific
ally prepared Liniment, every ingre
dient of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro
fession. These ingredients are com
bined in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO all that is claimed for
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pi.n, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to “ Motheks ” mailed FREE, con
taining valuable information and
voluntary testimonials,
fientby expie— on receipt of price It.SO per bottle
BRADFIEl 0 nECUUTOR CO.,«Hants. 6a.
Good Mother* — the Life of the hatton.
Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the
Peace, at Riobland, Nebraska, waa con
fined to his bed last winter with a se
vere attack of lumbago; but a thorough
application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
enabled him to get up and goto work.
Mr. Price taya: “The Bemedy cannot
be recommended too highly.” Let any
one troubled with rheumatism, neural
gia or lame back give It a trial and they
will be of the same opinion. 50 cent
bottles for sale by W. C, Russell, Ameri
cus, Ga. uovl-lm.
There are too many people who think
they can edit a newspaper better than
the editor, but who have been complete
failures In managing their own business.
Mirtle U. Tanner, Boonvllle, Ind.,
writes: “I had blood poison from birth.
Knots on my limbs were as large as hen's
eggs. Doctors said I would be a cripple,
hut B. B. B. has cored me sound and
well. I shall ever praise the day the
men who invented Blood Balm were
born.” oc20 lm
The Chinese do not permit their wo
men,to be photographed.
Wbta Baby was sick, we gave nsr Ctotoria.
Wbto She was a ChOO, cried for OsstorU.
When she became Kiss, she dune to Cutoria.
For Bant.
The store now occupied by E. D. Ans
ley will be to rent Possession given nt
once.' Apply early early to
E. D. Ahsley,
• The Grocer.
If you want your house painted with
paint that Is guaranteed to l>e more
durable and more economical than other
paints, buy L. Sc M. paints, sold by
Db. Eldridoe,
A resident of Evart, Mich., has in
vented a device whereby brakes applied
to a locomotive will operate every brake
on the train.
Perfect action and perfect health re
sult from the use of DeWitt's Little
Early risers, a perfect little p!lL For
sale by the Davenport Drug Company.
Pleasant, Elegant, Bailable.
For biliousness and constipation, take
Lemon Elixir.
For fevers, chills and malaria, take
Lemon Elixir.
For sleeplessness, nervousness and
palpitation of the heart, take Lemon
For all siok and nervous headaches,
take Lemon Elixir.
Ladles, for natural and thorough or
ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir,
Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not
fall you in any of the shove named dis
eases, all of which arise from a torpid
or diseased liver, stomaoh, kidney? or
Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At.
Unto, Oft.
50c. and $1.00 per bottle at druggists.
Lemon Hot Drop#
Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage
and all throat and lung* disease*; Eft-
rant, reliable.
25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only
by Dr. H. Mosley, Atlanta, Ga.
A tree near Manistee, Michigan, thir
ty-six feet In circumference, twelve feet
In diameter and one hundred and- seven-
ty-fivu feet high, will be blasted with dy-
namlte, a* there to no saw that will cut
it, and no law mill that can out it Into
Chamberlain's Eye and BUS
A certain core for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Balt Steam, Scald Bead, Old
Cfanmlo Bona, Fever Bores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Bora Hippies
and Piles. It to cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of esses have been cured by
it after all other treatment bad tailed
It to put up la 25 and 60 oeat boxes.
Artistic Tailor
Under T. Wheatley’s Store,
Having been in the tailoring business
for twenty seven years, I have given
perfect satisfaction to my customers, and
save made no misfits. I deal with a
first-class house in New York city, and
can show many excellent samples; also
good English, Frenoh and Indian dye
goods, ana customers will find my goods
are all first-class. A large number of
samples of imported suitings. I can
make up aults for $22 to $35.
Gall and see me.
' Cor. Forsyth and Jackson Sts.
For all Machine* on easy term*, and ean
Supply the beat
Needles, Oils, Umeets, tic,, | lilt a
Special attention siren to repelling
malt Machinery. Ord.r< by mat! will
elve promt attention.
IslTXOJIgfl — A safe, simple and harmless
remedy for all irregularities of women. It haa
been extensively used by Dr. A. Is. Barry, a
prominent physician of Atlanta, Us., of SOyesrs*
exjierience,with unvarying success. Itmakei
and child.
r to moth
ay, din
><f Is a sure cure f<
a &: r j M nV,zr M ,~
symptoms Incident to a rhange In lift.
It entirely and permanently relieves all pains
Incident to female diseases,Indigestion, sick,
headache, constipation, general lassl.
lade and depressIan or spirit*. It builds
up from the first dose. It makes women
For the cure of hysteria, neuralgia, ovarian
pslns. restlessness, nervonsuesa. etc., It Is with*
out a rival or a peer In the whole range of ma
teria medlca. It Is not a so-called patent medi
cine, but It is prepared by the direction of an
eminent specialist, who has made female dis
ease* * life study. It never falls, and Is
Thousands of whom attest Its virtue and sound
Its praise. By the use of Luxomni tho whole
system is strengthened and Invigorated, aod
lovely woman Is made more lovable. For young
girls Just budding Into womanhood It Is the best
of friends. Pentby mall, securely packed and
free from observation, for tl. —
satisfaction or the money will 1
" References*. Capital 6lty Bank, Atlanti
■Utmlou, Commercial Agencies.
bs refunded. Bend
Savannah, Imwtcns & Montgomery R’y
TaklnglEffeot Oot. 26,1891
....Birmingham.....arrl 7 00 p m
... Childersburg Ire] 0 05
B/lacaun lve 4 40
lve "Opelika lve 1 25:
arr Columbus arr 11 45 a m
lve Columbus lve 11 20
arr El!aville.......arr .905
* Ellaville lve 8 50
Americas arr 8 20
Americas lve 8 00
Cordele..... ..Ire 8 20
.Helena lve 8 55
4 30 amtlve Lyons ...lve 1 65
«oo arr Savannah arr T40pm
6 15 pmlarr......Charleston arrl 215
8 ou am
10 00
10 27
2 15 pm
[8 10 a mtlve Montgomery ....arrl 9 36 p m
|2 15 p m lve Opelika arr 1 05
6 40 larr ..... Americas ......lve| 810 >m
Between Montgomery and Amdricus, via Union
Betw'n Montgomery and Americas, Wa Mufh5E>
lve*.< Albany..,
ary...... Americas..
An ordinance to repeal Reetldn(Worth
code of ordinance, of the cMy of America.,
and In lien thereof to fix the time wb*n all
city taxe* shall become due and payable,
and to provide for tbe collection thereof and
for other pnrpows.
Bsction I. Be it ordained by tbe M
and City Council of Amcrtcu,, and
Tl and enacted by the author-
.That, Section 4U2 of tbe oode
by roeoiutlon tbe time when city taxes (ball
become due, and lor notice thereof by tbe
cleik and treasurer be, and the aame t*
hereby repealed, and In lieu thereof th.fol
lowing section I. enacted, to-wjt:
eso. 2. Be it further ordalntd by the au
thority aforesaid, that from and after the
paaaage of till, ordUsnce, all City taxes shall
become due aod pa, able by tbe lint day of
Ootoberofeacb year, and any taxpayer wbo
•haHneii led or refuse to pay >ueb taxes by
thegothday of 1 ee-mtoror each year, shell
to entered upon tbe list of defaul era. and
the Clerk and Treasurer shall forthwith, aa
early aa praetloab-e, liiue execution asalnat
Inch taxpayer for hie unpaid ta,c», which
execution shall bear test tuthe name of the
Mayor and City Council ot Amerlcus and be
directed to the Mnrehnl, who .hall, by levy
and nale, forthwith collect the aerae aa pro
vided by law.
HXC 8. Be It further ordained, that all
ordinances and parts of orolnauceln eon-
nlet'wlth,hi.ordlnaneei.beand the ftomear.
hereby repealed.
Adopted by City Ctranell.^85|^ 24,1881.
Cleric and Treasurer.
An ordinance to repeal rect'oi f09 of tbe
code of ordinances of the cltv of Amertcn.,
and In lieu thereof to prescribe by ordinance
the time when all fax return, .hail to made,
and for other purpose..
Section 1, Be It ordalood and enaoted by
the Mayor and city Council of Amerlons,
and ft is berebv ordained and euaoted by tbe
authority of tbe same, That from and after
the passage of thl. ordination HeetlonSWnr
tbe cooe nr ordinances nf tbe city of Ameri
ca., which prescribe, that the Mayor and
City Council ot Ametloua aha l by resolution
fix the time within which all tax retun.
■hall to made, and cause the clerk and treas
urer to give thirty day. public notice thereof,
be, and the same la hereby repeated, and In
lieu thereof P'e fotlowlngnectlon bn enacted;
Bsc. 3. Be It further enacted and ordained
y tho authority aforesaid, That from and
after the paa.age or this ordinance all tax re-
turns shall be made between the flrst day of
A pril and the nretday of July of each year.
That upon tbe drat day or July of each year
It shall be the duty ef the cterk and treasurer
to cl-ae his digest and to proceed Masses,
and tax all unreturned property aa provided
In Neci Ion 400 of tbe code of ordinances oi tha
city. r
sac. 8. Be It further enacted and ordained, Mona of the kind,
That ell ordinance, and parts of ordinances
and resolutions, contrary to this ordinance,
be, and the aame are hereby reptaled.
Adopted by City Connell, Aug. 24, 1891.
nd Treasure
Will to sold, before tho eourt house door
In the city of Amerioua, Sumter county, Gr„
between tbe legal hours of sale, on the Ore*
Tuesday In December, 1881, the following
-•escribed property, to-wlt:
Seventy-five (7.>) acne of land, more or
less, otroflotof land number two hundred
and flfty-one (281) In the tweuty-nlntb (23tb)
dl.ti let of Sumter county, bound ae fbliowai
On the east by the o<d stage road, op tbe
south by lands of M. P. Buber, on tbe west by
lands of W F. Easterlin and George Sober,
on the north by Sllaa Smith.
Levied on as the property of W. H. Glover
to satisfy one 0 fa :uued from the County
Court or Bumter county In favor or Cbaa. u.
< onn vs. the said W, H. Gloser. Proper!.}
pointed out by W. H. Glover. This March
28th, UM. Levy made by L. B. Forrest, dep
uty sheriff.
L. B. FORREST, Sheriff.
Will be aold before tbe eourt house door
Intheottyof Amerleua,Sumter county, on
theflretTuoodmy In Deo.. 1881, between the
legal hours of sale, tbe following described
property, to-wlt; •»*■*
A tract of land lying In tho 118‘tta dlatriot,
G. M.. of Sumter county, containing one
hundred (100)acres, more or leu, adjoining
tbe lande of |>, a. Morrell, ou tbo north,
James MeGar ah. on the wrath, John Mash-
STATE OF GEORp] A'-Hi ONTkir Cnuxtr,-. i 1,
To theSuperlor Courjmf mid bounty;.,, ( >
Tbo peiftlon ofK.H, FLrfeuifoii'J. XCaffrey,'
otb of . tnaimr
_tlanta, Ga., H.
per, respectfully, _
successor, desire to,;„
the corporate name and
Oil Company.” Tliatdlt
ihefr associate, and sue,
buiinc they propose t<
log and lelfing of cotton
duets, such as, cotton ae
Onto, cotton reed meal«. ..
hull! and arbea, crushing
Doing of game; furthar, t'
andaealingfn teed cotto-
alter tho cotton has been g
and varieties; and the ntanufac'ure.ip
retlou and aale or product. deriveiLirom „ .
cotton aeed; and the carrying ooj
ment and control of such buslnc.s.or nt-itu,-;
faotureooencetedtherewith; and gtMt-nSfy
to engage In all aneh employments and jibes:
of business, where cotton reed or Its prod crcls
ar. utilized who Iv or In purl. A|«<t(,Uid
leasing and owning of tank cars, mim'lMe?
turirg of barrels and casks, nml all-oUrrm.
commodities In connection with saldblSl-
P--S. The main b tsinesa of '.he oorporetjoir
l. to to the manufacture and sal. or cotroh
■epd oil. and e. Incident thereto the ntilizItufrO
aud sale of all product, ot scedcoti,,,, /
cotton reed. Petitioner, further- show uutif
the court that their principal place of busi
ness wllitoln the county of Bumter, Slate of
Georgia; but that they'd .Ire to catty on
bUilttcn, employ at a rend .gent, elsewhere
lo said .tate, and Into other state, and terri
tories of the United Slates, and establish
brnnch offlets therein. If they deem It ad
visable., Unat the amount of capital to to
employed by petitioners Is one hundred
thousand (tiuo.oooj dollars, ntty thousand
((60,000) dollars of which is actually paid In.
before beglnntca business, with tbe privilege
of Increasing their capital to any sum
not exceo-itng one hundred and fifty thous
and <|16u 000) collar.. Petitioner, “esfrewto
Incorporated tor twm.ty year., with the priv
ilege of renewing their charter from time to
tlmenith.y are proper. Petitioners desire
■he further right to purchase, lure, hold,
own and control, sell, assign, transfer, or dls-
pore or suoh real estate, or Interest In real
m ^be necessary and proper for
the legitimate and convenient transaction
of their buslnes,. Petitioners desire the
rlfht and power to make all .neb by-laws,
and alter tue asm* at pleasure, a. they may
are proper; to have and tire a common seal,
and to change the same at pleasure; to have
a right to sue and be sued, and to make all
necessary eontraeu in the conduct oflta
business; to borrow money, and to secure the
same by giving note*, indentures, bonds,
mortgages and land, as the corporation may
iur*s"Bvs huu iaou. aa the corporation may
» proper to do: and further to to Invested
with ail the rights, powers, privileges, im
munities and ftanobTtes Incident u corpora
tions or the kind, and necessary to earn on
and conduct the objeeta and purposes or the
DuntneM of petitioners. Petitioner, further
desire that they shell be Incorporated ao that
no stockholder in tbe corporation shall to
bound In any way fb- tha debts or liabilities
of tbe corporation beyond theamount ofhlr
nttnajd^subscrlptlon of the capital stock of
(Vhereiora petitioners pray that after this
petition shall have been filed, recorded and
published, according to law, that the court
wl:l grsnt an order granting this sppl leu-ton.
.. _ „ Petitioner’s Attorney..
Filed In office September 23d 1801.
. • /• H. ALLKN, Clerk S.C.
I certify tbe above and foregoing to be a
true extreet from the Record of Charters In
Sumter Superior Court tbla September 21rd
1881. J. H. ALLEN, Clerk M. c.
Between Americas and JackrenvUle, via Selena
1 IT am Ira.
fli * am ,
888 art.... Jacksonville ..
Cloee connection made at Montgomery for ell
olnts in the BoMbweet! and at Americas t
injmnjyfaam and all points In the Northwest.
Passengers from Charleston destined to potato
westofSoTtmuh, change cere ate. AS. Juno*
C.8.GOODMAN,Oon.PaH.AgonG ^ ^^
0llw ^n,
Bast Tennessee,
Virginia and
Georgia R’y
SbortandDlrectLInetotbe Hortb, East oi
and rant tho finest Pullman Slreptag
tbo South,
El.gant Pullman Sleeping Care, totwasn
Jacksonville and Cincinnati,
Titusville and Clnelnnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga and Washington
Memphis and New York, t
Philadelphia and New Orleans,
Chattanooga and Mobile,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
- Without Change.
For any Information address
B. W. WRENS. Gen. Pern end Ticket Apt
Knoxville. Twin
C. W. KIGHT, Am’t Gen. Pass. A*t-
Atlanta, Georgia.
For Sale tbis Season.
t shall be prepaired to furnish a high
grade Lump Coal for Grate purpose., In
any quantity thlB|fall and winter,
b. R. SIMS.
Sept. 3, tf
Arrival and Departure of Malli
CENTRAL IU R. > ; |p
Arrive From. # Leave
40pm Columbus ofi-TtWem
OOpmlltJ) pm Macon
1:10 p m 8:88am Albanyl:3up
a. *. 4k K. it a.
....Savannah 8:28am
Omaha e:!5pm
| Going Boat (8. A. A M.) 7:80a m.
| Going West “ 5:28pm.
■II Going North and West [a4f.L..I!»an.
re-1 Going North and Fare (Can) 12:3 pm 8:00pm.
- ~ " and West “ 12US nms:00pm
■ Going South and 1
E. Jones Tenant In possession -----
term.ofthelaw. Levy made an
to mt by 1. A.Covington, L. ~
ber 4th, 1800. 1 ~
J.L.O. This Decent-
LBlF0I ‘&.
8 wm to .aMK
lathe clyof Amerlcus, Stun er eointy,
on the first Tueeday In Km-utber, 1881. > e-
...- lit lot or land lying
ejry Sima on the north,
L, out h. salt
i Sr~on
6 t In poaaesalon notii
yy made und retu
V(ngton,L.C. Thli
Will be sold before the 1 court hnure door
Intteeltyof Amerlcus. Hutntcrcnaoty, Oa„
on the first Tueeday la Decrmtor,t8ei,between
the legal hours of sale, the fb.lowlng de
scribed property, to wit:
One houre and lot In tbe city of Amerleua,
bounded west by Strife re rest, south by Mrs,
Buoy and John Jaffto-on, east by lotof Wil
liam Jeffkreon and north by lotofUresswel
A Turner, known as 108 Strife .treat, and It la
the place where Campbell Washington now
lives. Levied on and aold as the proparty of
Campbell Washington, to astlaly .count"
court execution Issued from the county oonrt
ofttald county. In favor of 8, B. Hawkins.
^ Levy m.dejby J. ^^W. Cobb, county court
* ’- J. B-LAMsR.
Deputy Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Sumter County.
In pcrauauoa of snordar granted front tre
Honorab a Ordinary of Sumter county, on
theOctotoi term, taw, will besold before tbs
court house door In Amerlcus. said county,
on the tint Tuesday In December next, the
eonnty and ly
ing on rest aide and Joining rlgbt of way or
Southwestern railroad, bounded on the west
by said railroad,on tha north ny branch run
ning throuah culvert or said r tad, on tha
south by lands of Gwynea, on east by lands
acres more or lees. B-ld land b-longing to
the estate or Barney Parker, de -eared, -old
tar distribution among th. heirs or said as-
ut *- ?M?A R ?gs£r oitlx '
Nor 21,1881.
GEORGIA—Sumtrr County-
Whereas, Maltrea Parker and J C. Parker,
ex ecu tore of tbe estat, or Barney Parker, de
ceased, having madeippllca-lnn for leave to
sell houwanl lot Id tue city of Cor-ele,
Dooly county, Ga.
Theae arn therefore to cite and admonish
all partlea concerned, whether kindred or
creditor*, to ahow cautie on or before the
December tern^of the «’ouri nf Ordlnaryof
a*ld county, to be held on the flrut Monday
In December next, why aaid petition ahould
oot be granted aa prayed for.
'VitneaN my hand and official »lf nature,
,y of November, 1891.
A. C. hI»KKR, Ordinary.
the court hou«e door In the town of Preston,
Webster countv, on the Aral Tuesday In De-
oember ntxt, the following described prop-
undivided one-half Interest in the
aouth half of tot of land number seventy (70),
*leo the entire Interest In flfly-flve (55) acres
off of the northeast corner of *ald lot of laud
number seventy (7B), In tbe l&ih district nf
Webster eonnty, Oa Bold for tbe purpose of
paying the debt* of Robert Terry.d*cee*ed.
JOHN TERRY, Administrator.
GEORGIA-Sumtxb County.
To the Superior fcourtof said County:
The petition nf C. W. Lamar, R. T. Jolin-
eh’ W’M. HItt and Marshall Martin togeth
er with their associate, shows that they have
entered Into an association under the name
e? 1 !,* 15 ', 1 , 0 °'.“ The Shippers Compress Asso
ciation”. Thattheobjeot of said association
Is reeuntary gain to tue Individual members
and tDe corporation In this, to-wlt: Br the
running, owning and controlllnga compress,
using said compress lit Amerlcus, Sumter
county, Ga., for the purpose of compressing
niton pnekeu In bales lor more c oiveulent
nd readier transportation.
The principal office of the said association
1* to to in Amerlcus, Georgia, wlllt privilege
of doing business ar both owning, controt-
'.Igandleasl ng comp’esecH la Huld county
Th« petitioners pray that they be Invested
together with their associate* aod aucceaaora
with the power to carry oh the aforemen
tioned objects together with the power to
purchase and hold property, real and pinion-
bit to rent and lease property, both real and.
personal ; to aa*and be sued; to use a coin-
mou neal. If the association should so desire,
and to exerclee all power usually conferred
upon corporations of similar character, as
may becpnsibtenr-with the laws of Georgia,
of any Htate m which s «Id amioclstlon may
“raruX.d n ^a't , es L :' ,J - l,WUt wUh ,he
Petitioner, furtheraouw that the capital
.tockot.aldaaeqol.llou Is thirty thousand
dO'4sn,ttM>fe(Biml0l;p«!!csnt of which has
been MtusUy paid In. Your petitioner* fur
ther shew that they desire tbe passing or an f
order allowing them to lnorease at any time ,
they may. see fit tbe esplisl stook to say
amount not to exceed fitly thousand dollare.
Wherefore,eo-.lderlnsthe premises,your
petltlpnere prey the Paaelng of an. order
granting this thelrappllcatlo i with the sev
eral provisions thereTn aiat«l, and that they
and thslr aueceeso-s to Incorporated for and
during the Mra of twenty years, with the
prijlle*e of renewal at tbe expiration or the
tfonere will^ver** 111 6ound yoar petl-
^ . _ Attorue t a ror Ueutlouers.
Filed tn office October 21. 1881,
. •. /.VH. ALLEff, Clerk S.C.
I certify the above to to * true extract
from the* avord of Charters, this Oct. 21,1*11.
oc22 tawlw j; H. ALLEN, Clerk S. C.
Des'rcs to Inform the public that he ha*
closed out bis grocery buslnes* and has
put In a splendid line of spotting
goods: ' it
Guns, Cartridges, Shells,
and such other goods as belong to this line.
Give Me a Call.
Watts Building, AMERICUS, GA.
aug 22tl3raos
To Peddlers.
Kveiy person before peddling must register
with tbe Ordinary and pay ttmTux Collector
!88for the county, uni (25 for the state.
Jeans# for tile countv are fur the erm of one
year; for the state, only forlhe fiscal scar
If any person, except a disabled soldier of
this state, (and ho mu*t register every veer;
peddles without first obtaining such llcen-e,
he shall forfeit to tho county on- hundred
Anyofllcerorlax psyerofthlscounty may
require a peddler to exhibit hie license, and
upon failure oriefusal to to exhibit, the ped
dler forfeits tcOO—one-half to the lnlurmer,
the other to the couaty.
IJy order of CommtN*ioners.
oc.’l tf J. B. DUNN, Tax Collector.
GEORGIA—V/riistkh County.
whentlrL. I*. Majors, Kx***u*or on the
estate of David Majors, deceased, having
fllud his petition In m> office f^r Letters oi
UUmUrlou from said executorship,
These aie therefore to cite *na admonish
all, and singular tbe kindred and creditors,
and all persona concerned, to file tfielr objec
tions, Ir anv they have, on or before the
January term of the Ordinary's Court to be
held oa tbe flret Monday in January 1*91.
why*«*l»i petition saould not be granted as
preyed for.
oiven under my hand mud official signa
ture, this 3«i day of Novel* ber 109L
W. H. ('»>8BY, Ordinary.
Registration Notice.
The books for registration ofelty voters for
1991 opened Monday. November 2nd, and will
be kept open as t “* “
arday, December
be finally closed
from 9 o'clock
o’clock to 5 p. x