Newspaper Page Text
Savannah Clamoring for an Ezteniton of
the Rood—The Rumors that the Cools-
.III# and Nashville Sjalera Will Take a
Band In the Oame Generally Credited.
There la a robust sentiment abroad
favoring the assumption that the nego
tiation! that were pending between tne
L. A N. and the S. A' «fc M. are complete
and that the eaetern division of tbit
road will be built shortly. *
Savannah la elamortng for the exten
sion, signifying her readiness to lend a
helping hand as soon at olrcumstances
shape themselves toward a completion
of the road to Savannah.
These strong reasons why a deal has
been effected between the L <fc N. and
the S. A. A M. roads present themselves
olearly and forcibly:
First: The deep water agitation In Sa
vannah has attracted the attenUon^jof
the great Louisville & Nashville system]
and they desire an Atlantic port outlet.
Second: During the month it was cur
rent report in the newspapers that the
Louisville A Nashville bad secured con
trol of the South Carolina railroad and
would seek a port at Charleston. The
Louisville A Nashville, jointly with the
Georgia Central, own, by lease, the
Georgia railroad, from Augusta to At
lanta. The Louisville A Nashville also
own, by lease, the Western A Atlantic,
from Atlanta to Chattanooga, and there
the Louisville A Nashville has plenty of
Had they secured the South Carolina
road of course they would have easy ac
cess to Charleston. This scheme, how
ever, if It were ever seriously thought of,
has fallen through, and now it seems
that the Louisville A Nashville may
come to Savannah by way of the Savan
nah, Amerious A Montgomery.
Third: That It will offer the shortest
route to Birmingham, St. Louis, Cincin
nati, Mobile, Pensacola and New Or
An Interview with a prominent oltlzen
in Savannah in the Press throws no little
light on the oomplexion of sentiment in
Savannah regarding the completloh of
the eastern division of the Sam road:
“Tou fellows of the Press liad it down
about right about the Savannah, Amor-
icus A Montgomery and the Louisville A
Nashville yesterday," said a prominent
railroader this afterdoon.
“Do you know,” he continued, “that
I believe that Colonel Hawkins is ar
ranging with the Louisville A Nashville.
“The very faot that Colonel Hawkins,
since his row with the Riohmond and
Danville, has made no overtures to that
line Is proof positive that he has other
“Of course the Savannah, Amertcus A
Montgomery can’t remain In the state It
now is. That wouldn’t be business—
and, 1 tell you, Hawkins is a business
man. I am convinced In my own mind
that If he Isn’t trading with the Louis
ville and Nashville, that he has some
other thing In view—possibly as good.
“1 feel It all through me that Savan
nah is going to be benefited by this dis
agreement between Colonel Hawkins
and the Riohmond A Danville. I am In
a position to know, because of my asso
ciation with the business men of Savan
nah, that they are ripe for any move
ment that will aid the building of the
Savannah, Amertcus A Montgomery into
the city, If any reasonable assurance is
given that It will not be absorbed by Its
competitors after it has been built into
the city. You people of the Press are
on the right line as regards this railroad
matter. Keep it np.
“Agitation Is the thing now. The
newspspen can do more than any other
.agency in encouraging Colonel Hawkins.
Keepltupi Keep it upP’—
Will Bo Continued Until
Great disappointment was felt by the
whole community when the rain oame
on yesterday evening and kept so many
of those away from the A. L. L military
fair, who were anxlons to attend and
make purchases at the closing sale'of
remaining goods.
During the week a great many of,the
goods were disposed of, yet tnneb re
mains whloh would most surely would
have been disposed of had the weather
yesterday evening not been so very In
clement. The crowd In attendance,
however, was good, when taking Into
consideration the attendant disadvan
. The mansgement has decided to con
tinue the fair during to-morrow, and
quite the feature of the last day will be
the contest between the young men in
voting for the prettiest gtrL This will
be a spirited fight, and the number of
votes already, polled is very compliment
ary to several of our most charming
young ladies, and laying aside the fact
that the successful candidate will be the
recipient of a handsome solitaire dia
mond, the testimonial tendered them In
the way of ballots will show them that
they have a host of admirers.
Mr, Roe Edwards won the handsome
screen whloh was raffled Friday night.
The screen Is a work of qrt, and Mr. Ed
wards it to be congratulated upon bit
good fortune.
To £be ladles is due In a large meat
ure the success of the fair, and with
their able co-operation the A. L. I. has
given to Amerious a-week of more than
ordinary social enjoyment
Tribute of Respect.
Methodist Episcopal Sunday
School, November 22, 1801.—Death,
even when it strikes down the aged,
who have lived out their allotted years,
has Its terrors. But how mueh more so
when it Invaaes the household to take
therefrom the young, whose mystic ties
of being are bound in the bundle of life,
unfolding from youth to manhood. In
the death of Walter Crisp we sympathize
with Hit parents In their sad heron?-
ment and loss. He is taken from the
evil to come and has gone before to join
his sister who is on the other side. It
is a pleasing thought and not unwar
ranted by the Scriptures, to believe that
his sister, as a ministering spirit,
watched for his coming from the battle
ments of heaven, and with her cadences, l
or wings of the morning, she escorted
hit freed spirit to the mansions in the
Hetolved. That In the death of Walter
Crisp, the 8abbatu school of the First Meth
odist Church of Americas, Ga., has lost a
member—one'who had a pleaeant (mettus
for all, who was lovtd by all, and one wboee
absence we sincerely mourn;
Resolved. That the above preamble and
resolutions be placed upon the minutes, and
a copy be urnlshed the family of the de
W. Shkbu,
Jxo. W. Shiver,
Miss S. R. Cowles,
Ladles, have you priced those novelty
suits at Allen's einoe. he has marked
them down. They have got to go. Call
early. . -
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby, given that by aotion
of the Democratic Executive Committee
of the city of Amerious, the primary
eleotion for Aldermen heretofore ap
pointed for Tuesday, November 26th,
has been postponed until Wednesday,
December 2d, 1881.
John Windsor,
nov20dtd Chairman Dem. Ex. Com.
Special Attention.
The attention of The Times-Kecorder
readers Is called to the tremendous dry
goods slaughter to be Inaugurated by
Wheatley. A Ansley Monday morning
nixt, sad to last for three days.
Don’t fall to read their offerings and
you will find the greatest bargains ever
plaoed before the people of Amertcus.
Orange Blossoms.
On Thursday evening, at the residence
of Mr. Lott Warren, 123 Taylor street,
Rev. J B. Johnstone officiating, Miss
Roxle Sewell was married to Mr. Morgan
Stevens. The ceremony was wltnesssed
by the relatives and a few Intimate
friends of tire bride and groom and was
followed by a bountiful wedding supper.
The young oouple are well known and
are held In high esteem in this city, and
The Timbs-Recorder Joins with their
many friends in wishing them a happy
and prosperous voyage though life.
An Wqulne Epidemic.
There la a queer disease affliotlug the
horses In Amnions that promises to
spread very generally unless it la ar
retted. It attacks the Internal organs of
the animals and results fatally in a gen
erality of cases. Mr. Thornton Wheat-
ley lost a handsome carriage horse from
this disease, and there are several other
eases that resulted fatally reported.
Veterinary surgeons should be em
ployed to investigate this malady and
prescribe a cure.
Cheap Cloths.
Going out of the Merchant Tailor busi
ness, I shall retail for the next ten d»ya
Prof, Odell Sosrs up Into the Blue Ethe-
rial—A Good Ascenfloo.
In the presence of an assembled crowd
estimated variously at from 3,000 to
3,500, Prof, Odell, the aerial navigator,
sailed up among the clouds.
The canvas was inflated with hot air
and the pstaohuto was attaehed to the
small end. When the ropes were slipped
the balloon darted np like a greased
streak of lightning, and soon was sailing
away among the clouds. He ascended
to about an attitude of six hundred feet
when he ent the rope and desoended In a
parachute, alighting about a half a mile
from the point where the ascension was
made. The parachute’s descent was
graceful and steady and made a pretty
picture away up in the air.
Ou every afternoon at half-past three
o’elook the Professor will mahe an as-
eonalon, varying the programme on Sat
urday with the ascension of a young lady
14 year* old, and a dog.
The girl will out the dog loose, and
both she and her canine eompanlon will
descend by two paraohntes.
The only remuneration the Professor
receives is from a pnblie collection taken
up before each exhibition.
“Come across” and look at those
evening gloves at Allen's in 8, 12,16 and
20 button. •
It Is Moss.
A Brilliant Ball.
The society event of the season at I
Smitbvllle was a brilliant ball tendered
by Hiss Jnlia Kersey to a large olrole of |
friends Friday night
Those present were, Misses Floriol
Johnson, Julia Kersey, Hattie McAfee, Therefore, it behooves every
Bessie James, Ola Kersey, Mamie Till- one troubled in any way Wl’tD
man, Annie Johnson, Ella Cocnran, Ca-I .< • ___
mille Carrway, Emma Watson, Messrs, defective Vision to have it COr-
c. w. Jennings, w. t. Radder, f. b. rected. Weak eyes, headache
Jones, l. j. Richardson, writer Jen- after reading, inflamed lids, or
nings, a. h. Cochran, t. b. MoDonaid eyes running wates after read-
andw. j. Webb. ing are symptoms of defective
To anyone suffering
sor; Messrs. E. P. Harris, Chas. Smith With CrOSS eyes, near Sighted*
Emmett Bolton, Tbad p. Bell, w. t. ness or any symptom of .defec-
Loekett, h. D. Hansford, t. l. Bell, l. tive vision, we invite them to
L. Alien and others. come in Rbd have their eyes
A full lino of library- and pedestal examined. We. charge noth-
iamps and fixtures sold at reasonable in? for examination,
prices at Da. Eldbidoe’s Drug Store. 1 °
Thompson & Anderson
Hotel Windsor Jewelers.
Through Train.
A Florida vestibule train will be In
augurated to-aay by the E. T. V. A G.,
and will be known as the Cincinnati and
Florida limited. The train will consist I —
of mail oar, Southern Express ear, bag-1
gage ear, two day ooaohes and or more | GLOVERS OPERA HOUSE
Prilman sleeper*. It will be vestibnled
from end to end and will be ran regu
larly every day between Chattanooga
and SL Augustine, Fla., by the East
Tennessee, Virginia A Georgia railroad.
The time made by this palatial train
will be pver fonr hours quicker than at
present between Chattanooga and SL
Augustine. — Chattanooga Times, No
vember 22.
at cost, my stock, consisting of imported
elotbp about one hundred patterns of
pants goods, and patterns for whole
salts, linings and trimmings.
This is a splendid chance for parlies
who know how to make up men’s cloths,
or such who desire a fine suit or pants
cheap. By baying the cloth at cost you
can have It made up very reasonable
somewhere else in town.
Cabl J. Schneider,
314 Lamar street
The naptbt rripn'-iM"..
Trio city council has granted the Bap
tist coogrcjplijn pern. --Ion to hold
rellgi-us rti-vl ..-a in the city tall until
the church building is c..i.
A Cant.
From The Timbs-Recorder I find
that I am In possession of a eup that
Philip la not entitled to; therefore, I
return the same to the chairman of the
fair committee. I regret very much the
mistake made, and wish it could-have
been settled at the ball the same after
noon. When I left I was under the im
pression that he bad received first prize,
though I am perfoetly satisfied with the
admiration shown him, without the
additional honor.
Mbs. Marc Chiles.
Thursday, December 3d
Engagement of the Distinguished
Actor and Playwright,
With the Assistance of the Gifted
And a -well equipped Supporting
A Superb Scenic Production of
:l“From Sire to Son”
AH parties owing us aooounta duqand
past due will please come forward and |
settle at once. We need the money and
most insist on yonr Immediate settle*
ment Whestlet A Ansley.
An Original American Play in four acts,
written by Milton Nobles, and now
enjoying Its fifth successful
Bttervsd Bests for Sale at usual place.
Tuesday right In the Odd Fellows’| than
ball,-the new Lodge of the Golden Chain
will be instituted. Let all be present at
7 o’elook.
Adranlaaroaata will ha Inserted In __
ttthsftte of One Oat par Word for
'ivartisomant taken for lots
wages. Address, with sail-
. ad envelope Mist Flora O,
South Bend, Ind., Proprietor if the
4f“Bloehor Bo-es" for the Complex
ion. Beware of Imitators. nov27 d6t wit
Cotton Reports
Ameiucus, Qa., Nov. 28,1881
Following la the cotton report in this
city up to date: I vriOB Raw fire-room residence ne
SSSSSu::::: ’tsshs
Received previously
M ovmo’i
yen bo
ron KENT.
BOOM lathe Themes Building, suitable
for gentlemen's apartmenta. Apply^at
Totri.w... 33,203
Corrected dally by L. G. Council, ware
Good middling.... 7j
Middling 61
Low middling ................
Market, easy#
Receipts to-day at ail United states I where you can call at all times
pdrt *’ I? 'J ® 1 ’ 831 and find fresh fish of all kinds,
Spots, middling 7|| oysters received daily, fruit of
Market, weak.
Spots, middling... 8 1-16
Market, easy.
Spots, upland middling 4J
Market, dull and easy.
MiHut wtak, .Sale*,
Grand Show Opened
I In front of Allen House
I all kinds on hand; candies,
[ crackers and cheese, fresh and
fine. Call and see us.
W E, the self appointed, yet, sincere and careful guardians
of the people’s household expenses, do hereby proclaim
the appropriateness of the Thanksgiving season, and
Whereas, While the immutable laws of Supply & De
mand have reduced the marketable value of our most staple
productions; still, we have been enabled to reduce the prices
on the most staple articles of consumption, and so with the
wail of cotton at 7c. (you hear the echo,) Tumblers, 3c. each
—surely for every bitter there is a sweet, and
Whereas, While the.Protectionists of the classes have
increased the duty on tin over 12b per cent, we the Protectors
of the masses, have lowered the tariff you have been used to
on tin, and, while ye Custom House officials proclaim duty
increased $2.20 on tin for (comes the echo) “Sweeping reduc
tions bn tinware at the Peoples’ Artesian Corner,” and
Whereas, While with these grey and sombre mornings
comes the winters winds, the biting frosts and shivering
shakes, ’till one’s frozen mind -almost congeals, and. icy
thoughts displace warm regards; still.then there is provided .
for you all a line of stoves and heaterl, whose brightness and
warmth will dispel the dreariest chills of existence and per
vade your being with a warm thankfulness as will echo back
compliments of the season to Artesian Corner Stores, and
Whereas, We have proclaimed the appropriateness of
the season to all, we -commend it to quiet thought and
consideration. Be ye thankful for the favors you receive, and
if you are wrong in doing this; then, we are with you too.
Given under our roof, this 422nd of,Lamar street.
We nro encouraged with our Wholesale business from the past
year’s experience, which has been to sdfoe extent experimental for
Americus, and henceforth we may be classed as a Wholesale and
Retsil bouso, where the public will bo served with tho best anil most
reliable products at the very closost prices, from 5c. worth of salts up
to uuy wholesale quantity. Buying now lurgely, we are enabled to
sell closer. We oner a large stock of the following articles:
Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes ; Plush goods, Leather goods,
Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc.
In Patent and Proprietary Medicines,
s. s. s.
p. p. p.
B. 13. 13.
o. c. c.
w. w. c.
D. JO.
Scott’s Emulsion,
Brown’s Iron Bitters,
Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla,
Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes,
King’s Discovery, 2 sizes,
Simmons’ Liver Regulator,
Cuticura Remedies,
Tutt’s Pills,
Carter’s Little Liver Pills,
Derma Lotion, 2 sizes,
Stone’s Cod Liver-Oil,
Horsford’s Acid Phosphate,
Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs
mvuiuu wau, « ««.. Warner’s Safe Cure,
Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur.
And many others. • ' 4 ‘-
In Rubber Goods.
Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. A
good family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles,
holding from a pint to one gallon. Nipples, Nursing
Bottles and Fittings.
Lazzell’s Odors,
Persian Bouquet Special,
Crab Apple Blossom,
La Belle Col-f
1 Lunborg’s Perfumes,
J Kdelna,
| Swiss Lilac,
(.Goya Lily.
OP Cl £. . K ' V A _
7.03 7.o9 teiuborieili next, an election lor Unee al-
Uerm-m will be bald at the City Ball at
Am-rtons, Go. The ad la will ofeo at •
o'clock A M. and clo-a at t oV
FKLDKR, Mayer.
>gne, 3 sizes,
SOAPS. . -u:
A veryjlarge assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others.
Fever Thermometers, Uriuometcrs, I.actometers,;"Old Probabilities.”
Garden, Field and Flower seed, Onion sets.
Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes.
Toilet Articles.
Combs, Brushes, To-jtlr Bru. NYil JV,i -h 1
We bottle very largely o!-r;'
Bateman’s Drops, paregoric, iaftuan mi,
tract lemon, extract vani
322 LarnsrS