Newspaper Page Text
PrMbvterian Church
Richard F. Simpson, Pastor.
11 a.m., morning service? Sub-'
ject: “Martha'und Mary.’’ *
7:30 p.m„ evening service: Bible
Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., A. C.
Crockett, Supt. We have classes
for all ages. Strnagers and visi
tors will receive a cordial welcome.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
128 Forrest St.
Sunday school at 9:30 in the
morning. Sunday morning serv
ices at 11 o’clock. Subect: Man.
Golden text, Psalms 37:37: Mark
the perfect man, and behold the up
right: for the end of that man
is peace. Wednesday evening
meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading
rooms are open daily except on
Sundays and legal holidays from 10
until 12. The public is invited to
attend these services and visit the
reading room.
Central Baptist Chur-h
Milo H. Massey, Pastor.
9:30 a.m., Sunday school, R. L.
Maynard, Supt.
11 a.m., morning worship sermon
by pastor. Subject: “Our Elder
Brother.’’ .
6:30 p.m, Junior and Senior B.
y. P. U.
7:30 p.m., evening worship. Ser
mon by pastor. Subject: ‘The
Glorious Gospel.’
7:30 Monday evening, Teacher
Training class.
7:30 Wednesday evening, prayer
meeting 1 .
Every member of this church is
most cordially urged to attend all
the services. The heartiest wel
come awaits all strangers and visi
Calvary Church
Rev. James B. Lawrence, Rector.
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Holy. communion 7:30 a,m.
The church school 9:45 a.m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11
Evening prayer and sermon 8
A cardial invitation is extended
to all to attend all the services.
First Methodist Church
(Preaching in the Court House)
John M. Outler, Pastor.
Sunday school at 9:30 every Sun
day, Wible Marshall, Supt.
Epworth League at 6:30 on Sun
day evenings and the Junior Mis
sionary society at the same hour.
The pastor will occupy the pul
pit at services on the Sabbath, the
hours of rservice being 11 a.m. and
7:3.0 p.m.
The mid-week prayer service is
on Wednesday evening at 7:30.
The pastor will discuss the sub-
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Buick has taken tr.:s advanced step
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1924 can :r. conformance with its
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We will be pleased to give you a
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Phone 173 Ameri cus, Ga. E. Lamar St.
'■ HHIIK aU'.'Mi'MH -.i’.i h* <r ‘ Bt'P r Mi HUM
ject, “Manhood.” This being the
beginning of a series on the same
subject he will deliver.
The vacation period is over, the
fall of the year has come, the time
for general rallying is upon us,
and the congregation and friends
are urged to attend all the services
of the church and discharge their
duties in every particular in order
that the conference year may be
closed up in a manner approved
by the Heavenly Father.
The public is invited to all the
services at First church.
Fir»t Christian Church
112 Taylor St.
Sunday school 10 a.m., J. A.
Baugh, Supt. Let us all rally now
for a! great fall campaign.
Praise service 11 a.m.
Communion 11:15 a.m.
Preaching service 11:30 a.m.
Subjfit: “The Sin of Omission,”
by W. A. Joyner.
Christian Endeavor 7 p.m., Clara
Bell Silver, Leader.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:45
A. Fort holt, Leader. We
thank ou for last Sunday’s good
A cordial invitation to all.
First Baptist Church
Carl W. Minor, D.D., Pastor.
Residence 401 South Lee.
Where do you go on the Lord’s
day? Let’s go to church and Sun
day school.
9:30 a.m., Bible school, T. Fur
low Gatewood, Supt. A fine start
last Sunday. Let’s make it better
11 a.m., worship. Subject: “Di
vine Providence.” If you are i
"blue” or discouraged this subject
will help you.
7:45 p.m., worship. Subject:
“Reason Why Every One Should
Be a Christian.”
6:45 p.m, Senior, Intermediate
and Junior Unions. It would be
fine for all young people in the
church to join one of the unions,
7:45 p.m., Wednesday, Praise,!
Prayer and Bible study.
You are most cordially invited
to stucy end wir-’up with'us.
Lee Street Methodist Church
Luther A. Harrell, Pastor.
A cordial invitation is extended (
to the friends and members of the j
Lee Street congregation to worship |
tomorrow- as follows:
9:30 a.m., Sunday school session
will be held at 9:30 as previously
announced. A class for everybody.
11 a.m., morning worship, with
preaching by the pastor. A mes
sage of vital importance to the
church will be brought at this time.
6:30 p.m , devotional services oi
the Epworth I.'agues.
7:30 p.m., evening worship with
MACON, Sept. B.—Mrs. Helen
C. Lawrence, who was born here in
1843 and has lived here all her
life, recently celebrated her 80th
birthday. For seventy-seven years
she lived at 514 Pine Street. She
She remembers Macon when log
cabins were a common sight in
what is now the principal down
town section. She takes a kindly
attitude toward the present-day
freedom'of youth; but declares boys
and girls in her days enjoyed just
as good a time even though they
were always chaperoned when to
ATLANTA, Sept. B.—Officials
of the Central of Georgia railway
have announced that exhibits show
ing the developed and undeveloped
preaching by the pastor.
7:30 p.m., Monday, the Boys
League will meet at the church?
7:30 p.m., mid-week prayer ser
vice will be held at the church.
Special attention is called to the
change in the hours for the eve
ning services. Let all take notice
of this change and be at the serv
ices on time.
A good musical program has
been prepared for both services.
There will be an extra music
program at Lee Street Methodist
church Sunday night when the serv
ice will begin at 7:30 instead of
8 o’clock as heretofore. The pro
gram, specially arranged is as fob
Prelude, 'Twilight Song,’ (Shock
ley) ; Male quartet, “Rock of
Ages;” Offertory, Barcarolle
(Krohn); Male Quaret, “Let the
Lower Lights Be Burning;” Post
lude, March (Ashford.) Those
singing will be Mi'. Davenport, Mr.
Stackhouse, Mr, Beavers and Mr.
At the morning hour, which will
begin at the usual hour, the music
program will be as follows:
Prelude, “Marche Legere”
(Tirse); Offertory, “Andante Pas
torale” (Alexis) ; A them, “Thy
Servant Lord” (Tyler) ; Postlude
(Alford. Those singing will be
Mrs. Cloyd Buchanan, Mrs. Fred'
Morgan, Mr. Fred Morgan and Mr.
.The regular buri.* ss meeting of
tl.o Hm emo lin'l v society of the
First Methodi church will be held
Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at
” '■ A rm-pi.' 1 hi.-iry.
mineral resources of Georgia and
Alabama will be placed on display
at the National Exposition of
Chemical Industries, widen is to be
held in New York Steptember 17 to
22. Tie display win be.-prepared
by toe in.L.strial department of the
railway and the manufacture of
paper and pulp from pinewood also
wil Ibe demonstrated.
Proceedings of Commissioners
of Sumter County
Americus, Ga., Sept. 3, 1923.
The Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Sum
ter county met in regular session with the following members pres
ent: N. A. Ray, chairman; C. C. Hawkins. J. E. Poole, b. E. blat
ham and R. S. Oliver.
Minutes of regular meeting August 6 read and confirmed.
Moved and carried that the county pay the burial expenses,
$28.00. of Jim Howard, pauper.
A. E. Pennington, road tax defaulter, was tried before com
missioners and given until Monday afternoon 2 o clock to pay roar
G. C. Adams was tried and fined 10 days on road or pay
road tax and costs, $7.35, and given until 4 o’clock 1 uesday
afternoon to pay same.
Bob Whitehead was fined 10 days on road or pay tax and
costs in case, $7.35.
George Beddington was excused from paying road tax on ac
count of physical disability. Howard Jackson was excused, he being
over age.
Moved and carried to refund Riley Harris’ road tax, he being
under age, to Mr. Hogg.
On motion J. D. Pennington’s bill of $5.00 for work done
on road was ordered paid.
On motion an.! carrie dto pay commissioner of health $l5O
per month for rest of year. i
In order to provide revenues to defray the expenses of Sum
ter county, Georgia, for the year 192 3, it appearing froml the tax
digest of Sumter county for the year 1923 that the value of all tax
able property in said county amounts to $9,339,778, and it ap
pearing that the state tax for the year has been fixed at 5 mills, or
$5.00 on every $1,000.00, it is ordered that the* following assess
ments be and the same are hereby levied upon all the taxable prop
erty of the county of Sumter.
1 To pay legal indebtedness of county 16c on each $1,000.00
2 (a) For Court House expenses 12c on each $1,000.00
(b) For Jail House expenses 12c on each $1,000.00
(c) For Bridges (general purposes) 25c on each $1,000.00
3 For Sheriff’s Fees 60c on each $1,000.00
4 For Coroner's Fees c on each $1,000.00
5 For Court Expenses 23c on each $1,000.00
6 For Jury Fees SI.OO on each $1,000.00 .
7 For Support of the Poor 50c on each $1,000.00
8 For Roads $3.50 on each $1,000.00 1
9 For Special Bridges $1.91 on each $1,000.00
10 For Other Lawful Claims 59c on each $1,000.00 ■
11 For Retiring Bonds $3.50 on each $1,000.00
Total $12.50 on each $1,000.00
The county board of education having recommended a levy
of 3 3-4 mills for general purposes for the consolidated rural
schools of Sumter county, Georgia, it is ordered that 3 3-4 mills
be afid the samif is hereby levied oriq all property in the county of
Sumter, outside the city of Americus, in said county, in addition
to the above specified levy.
Pursuant to recommendation of thd county board of educa
tion for Sumter county, it is hereby ordered that a special levy be
igglil b
» Ji O
id k « . WBBW
A 1 W
Choice any basket displayed in our big show
window for Tuesday’s selling only. We only
have about 200 left, values up to $5.00, any
slyle ’ any kind, on sale T uesday only, cash and
Ww Choice only 98c
* '"S/C. -’ . . . •■«
Gn sale Tuesday morning at nine o’clock and
continues through the day, if they last that '
long - C° me early and make selection- Nothing
sold or taken from the window until Tuesday '
MTHWffIW , lUißb
'1 : i U 218-222 W. Lamar Street vh uW/11 flslfW
Americus, Ga.
K P I wßip | '■ ■
kr j W* '.w wf p« -fl
i-" “'J •
4 «*■
ATLANTA, Sept. B.—Atlanta
will seek to raise $12,000 as its
share of the $30,000 quota set for
Georgia in the appeal of the Amer
ican Red Cross for funds for the
earthquake sufferers in Japan.
I ,
i.' ■ '
and the same is hereby assessed on the respective, school districts
of Sumter'County, Georgia as follows:
Local Tax Bonds
Anthony 3(4 Mills Mills
Thalean 5 Mills 1 3-4 Mills
Shiloh - 4 Mills Mills
New Era - 5 Mills Mills
Huntington 4 Mills Mills
Pleasant Grove 5 Mills Mills
Union High 5 Mills 4 Mills
Smithville 5 Mills 4)4 Mills
Concord - 5 , Mills Mills
Andersonville , 5 Mills 3(4 Milys
Lysian 5 Mills 5 Mills
Plains 4(4 Mills 5 Mills
1 here being no further business the board adjourned.
H. D. WATTS, Secretary.
Bills approved and ordered paid
sot the month of August, 1923.
Paving Fund
J. B. Ansley, Engr $176.91
Central of Ga. Ry. Co 592.11
J. B. Ansley, Engr 111.33
Americus Welding Works 94.25
Atlantic Refining Co. .. 1,820.83
R. O. Campbell Coal Co 101.25
C. S. Duer , 7.50
Ladd Lime & Stone Co. ... 688.39
Loving Oil Co 472.83
Moon Auto Co 3.15
Sheffield Co 46.85
J. 11. Shumake 65.25
Southern Bearing Co 58.59
Wilson & McNeill 60.38
Wood Hydraulic Body Co. .. 78.40
Payroll 1,258.82
G. A. & W. G. Turpin 7.01
Total $5,643.85
Bills approved and ordered pail
for month of August, 1923:
General Fund
West Disinfecting Co 38.95
B. W. Rouse 1-00
Marshall & Bruce Co 29.86
Sheffield Co &0
The Timesßecorder 166.00
R. A. Israel 5-50
J. W. Harris 25
The Times-Recorder 10.50
Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co 4.75
Hightower’s Book Store, 1-70
Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp 9.00
A. W. Parker 13-00
Edd Jenkins 10.00
Lucius Harvey -.- 26.50
H. E. Allen 18-80
H. E. Allen 73.70
H. E. Allen 0.15
Lucius Harvey - 14.50
H. P. Everett 40.00
Plains Sanatorium - 25.00
City & County Hospital 50.00
Carnegie Library 50.00
Ladies Aid Society 25.00
Fred Campbell 5.00
Howell’s t pharmacy 4.90
Howell’S* Pharmacy AIU- . -75
Paupers -■-- 108.00
H. D. Watts -v- 86.00
J. B. Ansley 4.71
F. T. Johnson . 28.00
Geo. 0. Marshall 150.00
1 Eli Durham ... i qo
Central of Ga. Ry. Co 3.73
J. B. Ansley . . ...................... 30.51
1 E. S. Ferguson 82.08
1 B. F. Bond 100 fl M l
! Central of Ga. Ry. Co
3 A. D. Gatewood, Jr 10.00
’> Lucius Harvey 342.55
1 A. W. Buchanan 1.25
1 Americus Lighting Co 39.19
> K. E. Wells 31.12
j Smith & Anderson ■» 50.00
’ Americus Construction Co. .. .95
’ Gatewood Motor Co 2.50
I Americus Grocery Co 361.24
3 Americus Welding Co 71.75
’ J. F. Allen 18.88
’ Americus Vulcanizing Co 80.40
L Americus Auto Co 27.94
' Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp; .... 27.33
■' Bank of Commerce 1,053.32
Beckwith, A. L 25.60
1: Brown, J. C 19.25
Buchanan, G. E., Jr 3.30
GatewoodCogdell Co. 1.68
- Chappell Machinery Co 5.75
, Carswell Drug Co 4.25
j Chappell Bros 1.10
j Chapman, Dr. C. K 12.00
) Cotton Ave. Furn. Co 5.00
) Glover Grocery C 0............ 190.96
-, Harris, J. W 18.50
j Howell’s Pharmacy T 4.15
- Loving Oil Co 778.35
j Moreland-Jones Co 37.03
) Murray, Nathan 2.35
; W. W. McNeill 19.05
) Planters Seed Co 1.00
) I’hillips, J. T 9.10
j Poole, J. H. Sons 125.28
) Rylander Shoe Co 4.00
5 Schroeder, E. J 1.00
) Sherlock’s 16.32
) Sheffield Co 135.83
t Shiver, Jno. W. 20.23
) Shipp Grocery Co 267.54
) Spring Creek Farm 100.25
» Stapleton, Dr. S. F 67.95
; Standard Oil Co 104.50
> Shumake, J. H 32.00
, Texas Co , 115.76
> Wilson McNeill 3.92
1 Yancey Bros *143.71
Ansley, J. 8., payroll 1,157.74
> Total 6,854.67