Newspaper Page Text
Tin* Slayer of Alex Sayre Must Expiate
HU Crime 1‘pon the GalloWB— How the
Prisoner Received the Verdict—A New
Ttlal Will he Asked For.
—all the painful disorders and
chronic weaknesses peculiar to the
female sex. They go, with the nsc
of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip
tion. Periodical pains, weak back,
bearing-down sensations, nervous
prostration, all “ female complaints ”
are cured by it. It is purely vege
table and perfectly harmless — a
powerful general, as well as uterine,
tonio and nervine, imparting vigor
and strength to the whole svstem.
It costs you nothing if it fails to
give satisfaction. It’s guaranteed
to do so, in every case, or the money
is refunded. It can bn guaranteed
—for it docs it. No other medicine
for women is sold on such terms.
That’s the way its makers prove
their faith in it. Contains no alco
hol to inebriate; no syrup or sugar
to derango digestion ; a legitimate
medicine, not a beverage. Purely
vegetable and perfectly harmless in
any condition of the system.
World’s Dispensary Medical As
sociation, Proprietors, No. 603 Main
Street, buffalo, N. Y.
solo agents, Americua, Ga, 4-20-dawlni
Real Estate, Insurance,
Cordele, Ga.
Thefl^mof Argo & Andrews Is this day
dissolved by mutosl consent, John T. Ar««
retiring. He will be succeeded by C. O. Car
ter. and the llrni will hereafter be Andrews
& Carter, who will assume all the liabilities
of the late Arm of Arno A Andrews, and col
lect all debts due them.
Jno. T. Argo.
It. M. Andrews,
In retiring from the firm of Argo A An
drews I return thanks to the public for ti o
J [onerous pationage bestowed, and bespeak
or the new firm a continuance of tiic same.
Jno. T. Argo.
Amerlcus, Ga., April 15th, 1801.
Physician and Surgeon.
' Will do a general practice In the city
and vicinity. He will bo found at
hi* office when not professionally en
gaged. Will keep slate on office door.
Office: Seoond floor, Artesian Block,
snndw ly 4-11-91
The best Shingles R made at the lowest
prices ever known before. Address
S. M. Joints, Amerlcus, Ga.
D. C. Jow km, Leslie Ga.
Having just finished an outfit to manu
facture tlie above named articles, we are
prepared to furnish i hem on short notice.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Will deliver at
Parkers Station, ten miles from Amerlcus,
on 8. A. A M. R. U. Address us at Leslie
Ga. R. A. \v ILHON A CO.
Atlanta, MayT.—[Special.]—-Under-
I wood is guilty of murder in the first
I degree.
i He must mount the gallows and meet
death at the end of a hempen rope for
the killing of Alex. II. Sayre.
His wife must be deprived of the sup
port of her husband, and the children
will be bereft of a father’s care, even as
that name father robbed Mrs. .Sayre of
her husband, the little children of a
father, and the lonely woman living in
Gordon county, of an only son.
That is the verdict of twelve men,
good and true, chosen to pass upon the
It was received in open court at 9
o’clock tills morning.
Under.vood was perfectly composed,
ami one might have thought him a spec
tator as ho stood hat in hand looking
upon the juror who held the indictment
in his band, a paper on which appeared
writing to decide his life or death.
When the verdict was read, Under
wood moved not a muscle of his face,
and no one would ever have singled him
out as the man whose doom was sealed
by the words unttered by the solicitor.
The ladies on both sides were out of
the court room as well as- the children
and there was no scene whatever.
Underwood quietly took his seat and
seemed perfectly calm aud collected.
Immediately after the verdict of the
jury was rendered a reporter approach
ed Underwood and asked him what lie
thought of it.
‘It is unjust,” lie replied. “I killed
Sayre in self defense, just as I told the
jury, and to convict me is to convic« an
innocent man.”
.Judge Clark announced in open court
that ho would not pass sentence on the
prisoner to-day, and ordered him taken
hack to jail, where ho will spend the
weary hours awaiting the decision of
the supreme court, and then—lie will be
doomed, or ho will be given another
chance to hope for a new lease on life.
Confirm out statement when we ray that
Dr. Acker’s 'English Remedy is In every
way superior to any and all other pre
parations for the Throat and Lungs. In
Whooping Cough and Croup, it is magic
and relievos at once. We offer you a
sample bottle free. Remember, this
remedy is sold on a positive guarantee.
For sale by Fleetwood & Russell, Ameri
cas, Ga. 3
The Red Flag of the Third Party.
Cincinnati, Ohio., May 7.—The in
dustrial conference to organize a now
political party, or what is commonly
known as the third party, which meets
here on May 10th, will undoubtedly re
sult from present indications in a fizzle
of gigantic proportions.
Anarchists and communists captured
the convention Wednesday night, gotting
15 out of the 20 delegates from this city.
They insist upon having red Hags deco
rate the hall instead of the stars and
stripes. Captain Powers, the repre
sentative of the citizens’ Allianco, is a
member of the Grand Army of the Re
public, and lie is In a terrible stew
ovor it.
Nellie Illy got around the world pretty
lively, but Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill
Tonic will go it at a still better pace.
Try a bottle when in need of a remedy
for chills. 5
Youthful Errors
Lost Manhood, Early Decay, etc.,
etc., can secure a home trentise free
by addressing a fellow sufferer, C.
w. Leek, P. O. Box 316, Ifoauoke,
Knights of honor
The Lnoge in Amerlcus Is ever ten years
Insures for (2,000. Assessments light
Safest and cheapest life Insurance. For
nformation applv to
may y7- Reporert
Steamer and Cargo Burned.
Baltimore, Md., May 7.—During the
inquiry into the loss of tho British steam
ship Thanemore, which disappeared
while on a voyage from Baltimore to
London last fall, Mr. Johnson, tlio owner
of the steamship, said he was of the
opinion that sho was burned at sea in
consequence of had packing of the cotton
which she carried. He said that tho
carrying of cotton was very risky, in
in spite of the promises of better pack
ing. The Thanemore sailed from Balti
more for London on November 2d, and
uotliiug has since been heard of her.
Why scratch your life away when a
little of Hunt’s Cure judiciously applied
will cure the worst case of Itch ever
known? If not it costs you nothing.
Price 50c. 5
Eccentric Col- Reneker of Kentucky Whip
ped by HU Own Son.
Lkxington, Ky., May 8.—Col. Adam
Reneker, ex-member of tlie Kentucky
legislature and the Coloncl-with-the-
United-States-fiag, has been knocked
out by his own son. The Colonel went
home one night last week the worse for
liquor and struck his daughter-in-law
with his cane. The son came to his
wife’s rescue, and broke the old man’s
nose and jaw. The Colonel is now in
bed nursing his injuries.
Col. Reneker is about 05 years old, a
giant in size, and one of the most eccen
tric men in tills section. Ever since the
war he lias carried about with him the
Hag under which he fought in tho Mexi
can war. He was chosen a delegate to
the convention that first nominated
Cleveland, and carried his old Hag with
him. When Cleveland was nominated
the Colonel unfurled his banner on the j
street corner and began a harangue, j
He soon drew a crowd, and the police
ordered him to move on and lower his
flag. He wrapped the stars and stripes
about him and shouted: ‘‘I fought un
der this Hag in Mexico. I didn’t lower
it then, and I dare you to have it low
ered now.”
The police left him alone with his
flag. He carried it to Cleveland’s inau
guration and was the butt of many
jokes. In IKSfi lie was elected to repre
sent his county in tho legislature by
practical jokers, and served one term.
His injuries are of a serious character,
and he may dii*.
A Common Disease.
Dyspepsia lias become the most com
mon disease of the country; all classes
are not exempt, attacking the young as
well as the old, caused no doubt from
our mode of living and the too free use
of tobacco, etc., ami yet it is one of the
most difficult diseases we have to en
counter. In the last five years Dr. Holt
discovered a remedy, (Dr. Holt’s Dys
peptic Elixir), up to this time has not
failed to cure in a singlo instance. We
can refer you to W. A. Wright, Comp.
Gen. of the State, Judge R. F. Lyou, Mr.
George Dasher, Macon, Ga , Dr. L. P.
Dozier, Georgetown, Ga., Mr. J<*s. Har
rison, Columbus, Ga., and hundreds
of others if desired. Manufactured by
Dr. Holt’s Dyspepsia Elixir Co., Monte
zuma, Ga. Bottles double former size.
Price $1. For sale by all druggists.
I)r. Holt's Croup and Cough Syrup
prevents and cures croup. No cure no
pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dys
peptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga.
A Case of Leprosy.
New York, May 7.—Dr. Alonzo Blau-
vclt of 338 West Twelfth street reported
to the health department yesterday that
a Greek peddler in Olivor street was suf
fering from a disease that resembled
leprosy. The Greek camo to New York
from Mexico three weeks ago. Dr. Ed-
son sent an inspector to examine the
man. There were signs of necrosis of
the hones of tho fingers and toes. The
patient was isolated, and the rooms were
Gentlomen—I have sutiered for years
with a kind of tetter, or breaking out all
over my body, and at times these small
pimples would terminate in boils. While
traveling in the south last yearj had
occasion to try a bottle of P. P. P.,
which was recommended to me by a
friend, and to my surprise it helped me
so much tliat I got six bottles, and
after taking tho full contents, I felt
better than I had since the beginning of
my trouble, and while I have no symp
toms of tho disease returning, I am still
using tho wonderful blood medicine at
intervals, and am fully satisfied that I
will ho entirely cured of a disease that
for fifteen years has troubled me. I
cannot express my gratitude to you for
so wonderful a benefactor as your P. P.
P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas
sium.) I am yours truly,
Jacat Peters,
Traveling Salesman,
may5dl2-w-2fc. Savannah, Ga.
for Infants and Children.
“Castor!* i£ oo well adapted to children that
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
known to me.'* H. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y.
•• The use or * Castoria * is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.” ..
Carlos Martth, I>. D.,
New York City.
Late Pastor Bloomingdalo Reformed Church.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di-
Without injurious medication.
“ For several years I have recommended
your * Castoria, * and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
“The Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are.,
New York City.
Te* Centacb Company, 77 Murray Street, New Yore.
TULLis^ McLendon
Best Qualities of Paints, Cils and Builders’ Material
Ageutsfor the Celebrated HARVEST STOVES and GRATES.
Ageuts for the Celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine.
Buggies anaWagons
We specially invite the trading public to call and examine our goods
and prices. We keep the best, us well as the cheapest goods in this
market, and will give our customers the value of their money.
A Mud Dog in a Church.
Dktroit, May 7.—A mad dog rushed
into tho Fourth street Congregational
church last night just as Parson Davies
had reached the middle of his prater.
With foam dripping from his distended
jaws ho rushed up the centre aisle to
tho pulpit, growling and snapping at
every one he met.
A cry of “mad dog,” and a panic en
sued, when the janitor brought tho cur
lown with a chair. Ifc was dragged out
and shot. Tho congregation was so ex
cited that it was dismissed.
McElree’s VJIne of Cardul
for sale by the following merchants in
Sumter county:
Chief Arthur in Savannah.
Savannah, May T.—The Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers and the Cen
tral railroad are at odds again. Chief
Arthur of the brotherhood is in Savan
nah to confer with the local brotherhood
and the railroad officials in regard to the
matter The calling in of Chief Arthur
is something of a surprise to the public,
which was not aware of any difference
between the road and its engineers.
Hair all gone, scalp covered with erup
tions, and pains in ail of his limbs, a
dreadful case of disease, yet P. P. P. re
mained master of the situation, a cure
was atTectcd, and the patient, tho mar
shal of Monticelio, Fla., says his hair
has grown out, and that he is a well
man. This cure spread far and wide,
and now the drug stores of Monticelio
buy 1*. P. P. in large quantities.
1’otta* Wife Bet urn*.
Cai.houn, Ga., May 8.—Mrs. Potts,
the wife and mother who deserted her
husband, taking with her two small
children recently, has returned to her
disconsolate and sorrowing husband.
After trying the charities of tho cold,
cold world a few days in the besettiL
city of Chattanooga, Tenn., sho decided
that there was more pleasure in country
life with the father of her children. Mr.
Potts is happy.
The Old Reliable Stationer,
Keeps always on hand a complete assortment of Books
and Fine Writing Papers; School Books for
every county in Southwest Georgia.
Fine * Pictures, * Framed * and * in * Sheets.
Large lot of New Moulding just received. Send in youi
Pictures and have them framed. I lead, others follow.
C. M. WHEATLEY, Pres’t.
B. H. JOSSEY, Scc’y & Troas.
C. C. STONE, Supt.
The Araericus Construction Company,
Successors to C.
Havo the 1
Dry I
Successors to C. M. Wheatley * Co.
Havo the largest stock of
Both Rough and Dressed, ever held in the city, with unequalled capacity
for the execution of lino work. Thoy will furnish the tr^de with
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairwork, Pnlpits, Pews,
Prompt attention given all orders. Write for Catalogue and prices
GEORGIA— Humter County.
To the Honorable Superior Court ot sail
County: a
The petition of Jas. T. Cotney. It. L. Sum
van, Luther C. Bell. C. J. Schneider p .
Ciewr.H.C. Bagley.w. E. Murphey nn.i’ w’ i»
Wallis, elilzensof city of Americas, Xur,’. '
County, tie rgia. hii.1 others, respectf u n v r
showeth their despe for the > selves,
associates aud su cet-sors, to be lneorp rate.)
under the corporate name and style of thp
“Amerlcus Jewelry Co * pany.”
The pr ncipal office, place of busluess and
residence ot said corn puny, shall be li, a nun
cus. Humter County, Georgia, where a nia *
jorlty of board of directors shall reside at «i
times; hut petition-rs prey fur privilege a}
transacting busimss anywhere In oroiiigjd*
of the Htate of Georgia, If the Board • f Dj rec .
tors should de ire audit Is the Interest..! Ka u
company to do so. The capital stock of sa ij
company shall be Fifteen Th usand ($I'»
Doll irs, to be divided Into shures of One
Hundred Dollars each: bu petitioners pray
for the privilege of beginning business when
loper cent of said capital stock Is pa «i in hn ,j
pray for the privilege of Increasing said cam
tal stock from time to time, in ulseretlon J
Board of Directors, as occasion and business
may demand to hit amount not to exceed One
Hundred Thousand Dol his.
The object of theirassneist on is pecuniary
gain and profits for its shareholders and the
business they propose to conduct, is that of
buying, selling, repairing or manufacturing
watch* s, clocks and Jewelry of *11 kinds
silver and plated ware, also musical instrul
incuts and musical merchandise of all kinds
optical goo's, precious stones, art gi <Hjg’
bricabrac, glasswaie, walking cams, uni-
brefin* and cutlery and all other articles
of merchand se usually kept in JewHrv :, n j
musical instrument houses and petitioner*
pray for the pr vilegeof renting or leasing
any of the articles as af resaid, or Miatnny
he kept In j welry or musical Ins ruinent
ltous* s,or sell same for cash or on the 1 n»ialj.
n.ont plan, or dispose of sumo us may Ih? to
interest of salt company. Petitioners also
pray for pri vih ge to borrow money for cor-
porate purposes, and secure the same by
mortgage, trust deed or otherwise, upon any
or all of Its corpora e ptopertp; o make
notes, accounts, to buy Bold, improve,sell
lease and rent real or personal propert for
corporate purposes,and d* - "
or personal property held
for cash, or on InstaOment- .
orown stock in other companies If director*
should think it to the Interest of said com
pany. To appoint ait officers, agents 'or the
management of its employ sales
men, drummers, workmen; and all other
person-for conducting said bu-lness. l»eti-
tloners pray for the privilege to makoai d
enforce such constitution, by-laws, rules and
regulations for the government of said com
pany us nay be necesssry and proper, not
Inconsistent with the laws of Georgia; also
to have and use a common seal, to sue and
be sued, to plead and ho impleaded, to
• - >P l
tract, and be contracted with, to have such
other powers and to do such other acts ms
are oust- mury and proper, to carry out the
intent, design wild purpose of said corpora
tion. Petiti »ner< pray to he incorporated
for the full term or twenty (20) years, with
privilege of renewal at the expiration of said
term according to law
Ami petitioners will ever pray, etc.
W. P Wam ih.
Petitioners’ Attorney.
Filed In office this Kill day of April, 1*91.
J. H. Alj.k.n ,
Clerk 8 0. 8. ( . ( a.
I hereby certify that the above is a true
Office and Factory, C’OK. HAY * JACKSON STS. Telephone No. 78.
Uptown Office, No. JACKSON ST. Telephone 110.
The Americus Refrigerating Go.
Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory' will start the
manufacture of Ice in a short time and will be prepared to
furnish Pure Crystal Ice in any quantityfrom a pound to a
car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in
readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products
G EO K( * 1 A—8 u MTK It Co UN T Y:
To the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of o. Ft. Whitley, M. B. Camp-
bo I. J it tii* n L. Montgomery. Liston Cooner,
J. T. Wortham. U. H. Chas-, L. B. Hitter
and W. II. Cooke, of said county,respect
fully show that they have associated th* ni
sei ves together anti d-sirc for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns iobe
in corpora ted under the laws of Georgia and
made u body politic, with the right ol suc
cession under the corporate name ot the
“Americus St am Laundry Company.”
Tl»o object of said corporation is for pecu-
niaiy gain and profit for its shareholder*,
and the particular bus ness to be carried on
is that or a general laundry, the wushingsnd
ironing of clothes of every and all character
and description, and such business as Is
usual and Incident to a laundry.
The capital stock of said corporation shall
be five thousand dollars, divided into share*
of one hundred dollars ench.wlth the privilege
of increasing same to a sum not exceeding
twenty-five thousand dollars, aud each stock
holder to be In tlvuaily liable to t he extent
of his unpaid subscription of said capital
stock. The place of business and principal
office of said corporation will belntbtchy
of Amerlcus, said county.
Petitioners for thonue.ves and associate*
pray that under the corporate name afore
said, they may be incorporated amt mane a
body politic for the fu'l term of twenty (20)
yeats with the privilegeof renewal at the ex
piration of that, fine, and o have and enjoy
the following rights and privileges, to- it:
The rightto sue and be sued, plead and be
lmplemicd. to con raet and be contracted
with, to use a common teal and adopt by-
la - s, rules a*»d regulation* binding on it*
stockholders forthe government of itsslock-
holdeis and officers not. Inconsistent with
law. To establish branch houses in any
county in this state or out-lde of this Ht-te.
To borrow money for corporate purposes ard
secure the same by mortgage or trust deed
or othe< wise upon any or all of its corpora e
properly. „
To have, hold, own, use and enjoy all
property, real and personal, aa may oe nec
essary tor the transaction of its said buslne**.
and to buy machinery to cariy on their said
business, and to appoint all officers and
agents for the manage • ent ot its business,
to employ s teamen, workmen and allot nr r
persons necessary to carry on the raid busi
ness, and to have and enjo* all other right*,
powers and privileges necessary to carry out
the* bjtcts of said corporation conferred by
law upon corporations of like chaiacterby
the luws of Georgia
Petitioners’ Attorney*.
Filed in office April 25, 1801.
J. H. AI.LKN, Clerk.
I certify) the above and foregiving to be*
true extract from the Record of Charter*
this 15th day of Anrll, 1891. „ „
J. H. AI.I.KN, Clerk H. I-
and will be perfect in every particular,
ulars either telephone, write or call on
For further partic-
Office & Factory Cor. Jackson & Bay Sts., on Central R. R.
To the Hoitorable Superior Court of said County :
The petition of W. P. Burt, II. C. Bagl. y, M-
Callaway, M. Speer. P. C. Clegg, J. J- Uanedey
ami II. My rick show that they constitute tne
present Board of Directors of the America*
Times Publishing Co., a corporation that was o
the 20th day of February 1890, duly ehar.«*r“
under the laws of tills state, and under saw
charter had an authorized capital of
stock to the amount of Ten Thousand I”' 1 **?’
with the privilege of increasing the same ‘
One Hundred Thousaud and that Teu lh' ,u ”*”
Dollars has actually been paid into said cow
Petitioners show
that they desire-:all th
Americus Times Publidung
ur thereto)--to have a
WAth»w,««. oav
and WlUfktr Habit*
cured at home with
out urfn. Book of Mr*
oculars sent FREE.
J. E. Rail, Amerlcus.
I). F. Davenport, Americus.
E. J. Kldridge, Americas.
B. L. Joiner, Andersonvillc.
lk.*an & McTyier, Itottsferd.
W. R. Dorn, Friendship.
Medical Card.
Dr. A. Mathis, Macon, (ia., solicits
calls from parties suffering with rectal
and genito urinary trouble*. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Office over Masscn-
burg'* drug (tore.
Vhcn llsby ni sick, we .are Her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria.
When the bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
The youug king, Alexander of Sorvia,
according to plana, will vlalt a
number of European count* this year.
-11^2 COTTON A N IL,
Contractor* and-Builder.
Estimate.cheerfully furnished. Also denier in Building Materials,
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brick, Shingles, Laths,
Wall Papers, etc.; Leads, Oils and Averill Mixed Paints, the beat in
the world. Call and *ee roe when you need anything in my line.
charter amended so os to authorize »atd
ration, towit, tho Americus Times I’litdlsiiiDK
Company to issue, to an extent not t«»e**«-
the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars,
be known as “Preferred Stock,” of said L ‘" r » T . D
tlon, said stock not to be increased above »
Thousaud Dollars except by a three-fourths '®
of the stockholders, and to havo the nr»t “\j!
priority and precedence over all other
previously issued by the said Amerlcus in
Publishing Company, and the said Anieri
Times Publishing Company to guarantee m 1
holders of such A’refefred Stock” dividend*»
the same at tho rate of 10 per cent, per ‘" the
on the liar value of such stock to lie pant •»
1st of January of each year out of the earoi g
of said corporation, and petitioners win e
P ?X-8. DODSON & SON, Petitioners Attorney*
Filed in office April 4th, 1891. _ a
I. 1. II. ALLEN. Clerk < ■ s -. t - c
I certify the above and foregoing to be a j
extract from the Records of Charters this, M
4th, 1891. , „ a r
J. H. ALLEN, Clerk C. S.
Prevents Stricture.
■ TP acrid or poisonous ■ubetance*,*
I* guaranteed absolutely ban*** gT .
Cjlaga. d A5^aaagSS
Sold in Americu* by Cook’* Ph*rro* c J’
E. J. Eldridge, Fleetwood *
X. Ball Mid Davenport Drug CompW-