Newspaper Page Text
i • ■ ' —■
The Sickest Man is Not Always in Bed, LIGHT VOTE POLLED
The meanest kind of sickness is just to be able
to attend to duties and yet not reel equal to the task.
The eternal grind keeps many in the traces who
ought to be in bed.
A thorough course of Johnson’s Chill and Fever
Tonic would give a new lease on life to such people.
It tones up the the whole digestive apparatus. Puts
the Liver in the best condition possible. Gives a
splendid appetite. Renews strength and restores
Office of J. r. LASSITER.
, r „ a i, Hsmhoxtiujs, S. C , .Sept. 2, IS96.
Mu. A. II. Girardeau, Savanuali, Ga.
Dea k Si h Some years ago I operated a Hoat-
lug saw-imll on the .Savannah River. My base of
operations was )x*ing constantly changed, and my
hands were always exposed to the worst malarial
influences. I employed over one hundred hands,
and the work was conducted as much in water as
out of it. For this reason, in August and Septem
ber there was great loss of time and business, on
account of sickness among the workers.
My attention was then called to Johnson’s Chill
and Fever Tonic, and I determined to give the
medicine a trial. I procured it, and those who
were sick were put on this treatment, and those who
were feeling badly were at once given the Tonic.
In a short time every one of the one hundred hands
was weU and reported for duty; and from that time
on I used nothing else but Johnson’s Tonic, and
never had another case of fever.
Yours very truly,
All Democratic Candidates
Are Successful,
Good Clothes Exhibit.
Everyman who reads this should
come and see the array of good wear
ables we have ready for men of all
ages and sizes. The special feature
just now is our display of fine fall
clothing—suits and overcoats,-from
the famous shops of
Hart Schaffner & Marx.
You know this celebrated cloth
ing, at least by reputation; thous
ands know it by actual use as
the best clothing in the world, ready
to wear. You will find the
of the clothing we can show you equal to the best
custom tailoring; as good clothes as any man, how-
ever particular, can ask for, or get, anywhere.
The low prices are an inducement, but the real
reason for buying here is what you get, rather than
what you pay. Better try on one of these suits or
overcoats, you will say there’s nothing better made.
The store is full of other good things, might as|
well see ’em ail.
7j/ig Then’s Outfitter,
Nominee. Had No Opposition Except
John W. Maddox, In the Seventh
Who Was Opposed by 8. J. Me
Knight, Populist,
Atlanta, Nov. 5.—Reports received
last night from the various Georgia
congressional districts indicate that
all the Democratic nominees were
overwhelmingly elected. There was
no opposition to any of the nominees
except in the seventh district, where
a few scattering votes were cast for
S. J. McKnight, the state chairman of
the populist executive committc
Judge Maddox, however, carried his
district wjtb ease.
The only change In Georgia's repre
sentation this term will he In the
tenth district, Hon. Thomas J. Hard
wick succeeding W. H. Fleming. Mr.
Hardwick's nomination In the recent
state prlmay assured bis election, and
there was little enthusiasm manifest
ed even in that district. The full
list of the successful Democratic can
dictates is as follows:
Hret District- -R. E. Lester, of Sa
Second District—J. M. Griggs, of
Third District—E. B. Lewis, of Mon
Fourth District—W. C. Adamson, of
Carrollton. i
Fifth District—L. F. Livingston, of
Sixth District—C. L. Bartlett, of Ma
Seventh District—John W. Maddox
of Rome.
Eighth District—W. M. Howard, of
Ninth District—F. Carter Tate
Tenth District—T. W. Hardwick, of
Eleventh District—W. G. Brantley,
of Brunswick.
New Judges Are Named.
Atlanta, Nov. 4.—Governor Terrell
yesterday sent three appointments Into
the senate. The senate received them
in executive session, but allowed them
to go over untlj today, when they will
probably be confirmed. The gover
nor appointed three new judges, as
follows: J. B. Jones, to be judge ol
the city court of Clarksville, for a term
of four years from Dec. 26, 1802.
Frank Park, to be judge of the county
court of Worth county for a term of
four years from Dec. 28. 1902. Ca
pers Dixon, to t>e judge ef the county
court of Newton county for
a term of four years from April
24. 1903. Many other appointments
ef judges and solicitors of county
oourts and city courts will be made
during the present session.
8trlke Declared Off.
Portland, Ore., Nor. 6.—The Grain
Handlers' union laat night declared
off the strike at the Oceanlo dock, the
nonunion men at work there having
decided to join the union, which was
satisfactory to both the exporter* and
the union men.
Said Wisdom
to the
Hungry Man
T t
In the In-er-seal Package with this trade
mark design on the ends in red and white.
Allen House Corner,
Americus, Ga,'
Why can’t we come
over to your house and
play any more?
Because papa gets so
mad when we make a
little bit of noise.
What makes him that
Mamma says it’s dys
pepsia makes him act
so crazy.
That's about the way
it strikes the small boy.
The dvspeptic has no
idea of his own unrea
sonableness or harsh
ness. Little things are
magnified and seem to
justify his quick anger.
There's health tor the
dyspeptic and happiness
for the family by the
use of Doctor Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discov
ery. It cures diseases of the stom
ach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition, ana restores perfect
health and strength, by enabling
the perfect digestion and assimila
tion of food.
*1 hast token one bottle of Dr. Fierce's
Golden Medico! Diocmery for iadifeaUoo
ond liver complaint.- writes Mr. C. X.
Wiloon, of Yadkin College, Davidion Co,.
N. C. "Have had no bed spells since I
commenced taking your medicine —in
tact, have not felt like the maw man. Be
ta* 1 took the 'Golden Mcdicnl Discov
ery ‘ I could rot eel anything without sta
nd dietreae. bat now I con eat anything I
wish without having unpleasant feelings.*
Dr. Pierce’f Pleasant Pellets
cleanse and regulate the bowels.
Davis, of Meriwether, Introduces Gen
eral Appropriations Bill.
Atlanta, Nov. 6.—Mr. Davis, of
Meriwether, chairman of the commit
tee 6n appropriations, introduced the
general appropriations 3QU1 In the
bouse yesterday, which was read the
first time and referred to his commit
Thte la one of the two most impor
tant bills of the session, and, Mr. Da
vis said be Introduced it now In in
complete shape In order to get It be
fore the committee as early as possi
ble. He called attention to the fact
that the figures In some Instances
would have to be changed, and were
put In for the purpose of getting the
bill in shape for-prompt consideration.
Under the resolution by Mr. Hall of
Bibb, which was adopted, the bill pro
vides for appropriations for only one
} car, 1902, Instead of for two years,
as has been the custom heretofore.
Many of the amounts are left blank
because they 'could not well be esti
mated, and these will be filled In by
the committee. The amounts in the
bt.i are practically the same as for
last year.
The bill makes the following sslarv
Salary of governor, 13,000, salary of
secretary of state, »2.000, salary of
treasurer, 32.000. salary of comptrol-
lor general. 32.000. salary of attorney
general 33,000, salary of special attor
ney of W. 4k A. R. R., 32.000, salary of
commissioner of agriculture, 32,000,
°* rB ’* ro * d commissioners (3)
37.600, salary of prison commissioners
(3) 36,000, salary of state school com
missioner 32,000. salary of pension
commissioner 32,WO, salary of state
Ubrarlso 3L800, salary of assistant li
brarian 3*00, salary of physician ean-
Itwlum 33.600, salary of executive sec
retaries (4) 36,000, salary of clerk to
state treasurer 31.600. salary of clerks
to comptroller general 34,000, salary
of other clerks in capita! 36,900, salary
of Judges of supreme court, each 33.000,
“S °* ,ud «« »uP«rior courts each
Jf'®®®' “ I * r 3 r °7 solicitor general each
J?'®*®' **■*2’ 01 solicitors general each
32.600, salary supreme court reporters,
nographers. each 31,600, salary su
preme court sheriff 31,000.
The total legislative appropriation
Is left blank, only the amounts paid
members being Inserted.
The following appropriations are
made for the various state Institu
Academy for the blind 3iS.000,
school for the deaf 326.000. state sani
tarium 3290.000, state university at
68.000, school of technology
340000. Georgia Normal and Indus
trial college 322.900, North Georgia
Agricultural college 37,000, State Nor
mal school, Athens, 316,000, negro col.
lege, Savannah, 38,000, university, In-
tercet on landscrip fund' 36,314, Sol
diers' boms 315.000, common school
fund 3800,000, sinking fund 3100,000,
interest on bonded debt 3321,380, de
partment of agriculture 310.000, state
chemist and assistants 36,000, state
entomologist and expenses of depart
ment 36.000, contingent fund 312 690
printing fund 318000, contingent’ ex’
pensee 32.000, public buildings and
grouAie 317,600, state library 33.000,
printing supreme court reports, 37,000.
pensions to disabled soldiers 3190,Oflo"
pensions for Indigent soldiers 3362,60o'
pensions for widows 3186.000, pensions
to Indigent widows 3100,000, geologi
cal department 38,000.
The appropriation to schools Is the
same as last year, and la In addition
to the schol fond derived from other
sources, such us hire of convicts, li
quor tax, and' half the rental of ’the
state road, which make a total of
more than 31.600,000.
Many bills were Introduced at yes
terday'* session, among them one pro-
vidlng for the taxation of all public
utility franchises In the state.
The Solons Will Visit Valdosta Pair.
Nsw Bills Introduced.
Atlanta, Nov. 4.—The brief session
of the house yesterday was devoted
almost entirely to the introduction of
nsw bills and resolutions which were
read for the first time and referred
to the proper committees.
It was decided that the legislature
should take its postponed trip to Val
dosta tor the purpose of visiting the
state fair on Thursday, Nov. 6. The
house yesterday passed a Joint reso
lution by Mr. McRee, of Lowndes, ac
ceptlng the invitation to visit Valdosta
that day, and declaring the day a dies
non. The senate, as before, will con.
cur and on Wednesday night the legis
lative party will leave the city for
Valuosta, returning Friday morning.
A resolution by Mr. Candler, of De-
Kalb, extending tbe thanks of the
house to the people of Athens, the
Daughters of the Confederacy, the
state university, the S'ate Normal
school and to Representative Thomas
J. Shackelford, ol^ Clarke, for their
klndnese In entertaining the members
of the general assembly on the occa
sion of the laying of the corner stone
of the Winnie Davis memorial .n
Athena on Saturday, was unanimously
The following are eome of the new
bills and resolutions Introduced in the
house yesterday:
By Mr. Kent of Johnson—To require
the judges of the superior courts of
•11 the judicial circuits of the state
to hold quarterly sessions of such
courts In etch county of their reaps*
tive circuits.
By Mr. Walker of Monroe—To pro
vide for tbe payment of fees of the
officers of court including justices of
the peace, In all counties where there
ore local chalngongs.
By Mr. Booth ef Walton—To pre
scribe the qualifications of Jurors in
the superior court of Qeorgu.
By Mr. Hawkes of Elbert and Stov
all of Chatham—To provide for tho
preservation of colonial records and
confederate records of the state of
By Messrs. Knowles, McHenry and
Ennis of Floyd—To regulate the sale
of prison-made goods In Otorgla,
By Mr. Blackburn of Fulton (by re.
qudst)—To amend section 87 of vol
ume 1 of the code of 1896, relating to
Justices of the peace.
By Mr. Fleide of Dooly—To make 11
unlawful for any landlord without good
cause to discharge farm laborer, crop
per or renter, or for laborer, cropper
or renter to abandon his employment,
Ry Mr, Stanford of Harris—To estah
Ii3:i the city court of Hamilton, in Har.
rfs county.
By Mr. Kent of Johnson—To create
a hoard of commissioners of roads and
revenues for Johnson county.
By Mcsors. Shannon and Walker
of Monroo—To provide for the appoint.
Kent cf a bor.rj of commissioners o!
reads and revenues for Monroe roun-
Southern's Nsw Mall Train.
Atlanta, Nov. 3.—The flrei exclusive
mall train ever operated In the south
came Into Atlanta over the Southern
railway on schedule time lost night.
This train carries the New York mail
for the south and southWes^, and Is
the swiftest runner ever put on a rail
way In the souUi. The train which
arrived last- night constated of three
mall cars and one {mggtA car. Ho
passengers are takeh on board.
Both Houses Will Get Down to Bust-
nsss This Week.
Atlanta, Nov. 3 —Now that tb#
Standing committees of both house
and senate have been appointed and
organised, the legislature will get
down to business this week. Some
thing like 200 bills and resolution*
have already been Introduced in tha
house and' referred to appropriate coin,
mittees. which will have about all
they can do this week getting these
measures In shape and reporting them
back for a second reading, or, if the
report Is adverse, for such action ns
the house may see fit to take.
One-halt tbe measures introduced
so far are purely local; perhaps even
more of them apply only to particular
sections or communities of the state.
All of these except where there may
be a local factional fight will bo re
ported back favorably and passed with
out discussion.
Many of the general bills introduced
will have hard fighting for life, while
others will die from adverse report
The legislature has given pretty fair
Indication of its composition; It is con
servative throughout, and It Is evi
dent that radical legislation will havo .
a hard time fighting Its way to tho-
statute books.
So far no really new general legis
lation has been proposed in either
house. Practically every general bill
of any consequence introduced so far
Is a counterpart of or similar to some
measure that wak before the legisla
ture last year or tho year before. The
same amendments to tht constitution
that were proposed last year and which
were thoroughly discussed before m
joint committee of the bouse and sen
ate, are now finding their way before
s Joint committee of the bouse and
senate, are now finding their way be
fore both bodies. Thta year, however,
these proposed constitutional amend
ments will be considered by the regu
lar standing committees of both bouses
and reported on separately and In reg.
alar order. There will be no Joint
committee as last year, when It was
found that this committee's work oc
cupied so much time that it was Im
possible at the close of the session
to give the proposed amendments prop
er consideration.
There are some new measures on
educational subjects, and a bill to pre-
vent bribery in primary elections which
will doubtless receive serious consid
eration. However, tho session ban
only begun, and many other measures
of Interest will doubtless appear in
the course of the next week or two.
1 T ' *■<
Robbers Dynamite Vault and Escaos
With Plunder.
Richards, Mo., Nov. 6.—Robbers
early today wrecked the vault of tha
Bank of Richards with dynamite an t
secured 31.690. all that It contained.
The front of the building was blown
out by the explosion which brouglh a
number of citizens to tbe scene. Ono
of the robbers fired three shots Into
the crowd. Tho citizens were un
armed and the robbers escaped with
out being pursued.
Result In Illinois.
Chicago, Nov. 6.—Dispatches to Tho
Associated Press up to 11 o’clock th»
morning show that tho Republicans
have elected 197 congressmen and tho
Democrats 180, with nine districts to
bs heard from.
This is what Ayer’s Hair Vigor does:
Restorescolor to gray hair, makes the hair
grow, stops falling, cures dandruff. LewtlijU