Newspaper Page Text
tjMHpU* ' r - . * -
AV’egefable Preparation for As -
slmilallng the Food and Iicflula-
ting the Stomachs and Bowls of
Promotes DigestioaChecrluf-
nessandltest.Contains neiilier
Tor Infants and Child™,,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Goes Through the House With
little Debate.
MEASURE CARRIES .*139,847,000.
Was United States Minister) Regulates the Liver, Stomach. Bowels and Kidneys,
to Japanese Court.
Oplum.Morphine nor Mineral
Nor “Narcotic.
Apafecl Remedy forConstipa-
IJon. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions,Feverish
ness and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signalure of
It li Practically Identical with the Ap-
propriatlone Made For the Current
Year and Contains No New Legisla
For Oyer
Thirty Years
Washington, Dec. 6.—Immediately
after the reading of tho journal the
house today entered on the consldera-
tlon of the pension appropriation bill.
The bill aroused no discussion. Mr,
Barney, of Wisconsin, In charge of the
measure, explained thnt the appropri
ations it carried aggregaUng *139,817,.
000, wore practically Identical with
those for tho current year and that It
contained no new legislation. The bill
then was passed without a word ot
comment, exactly 10 minutes having
been consumed In Its consideration.
Mr. Olmstead, of Virginia, presented
the report on the Whgner-Butler con-
tested election case from the twelfth
Missouri district and ->ve notice that
he would call It up next Wednesday.
Tho regular order was then demand.
This was the London dock charge bill
which came over from the last session
as unfinished business. As Mr. Sher
man, of New York, who Is opposed
to tho measure, was absent, It was
agreed by unanimous consent that the
bill should he taken up on Monday,
and that a vote should be taken at 4:30
o'clock on that day.
His Death Occurred While He Was on
a Hunting Trip—For Several Years
He was United 8tatea Marshal For
For billiooanea*, constipation and malaria.
For indigestion, siok and norvons headache.
For aleeplesanesa, nervonaneia, heart failure and nervous prostration.
For fever, chills, debility end kidney dlsesaei, take Limon Elixir.
Ladier, for natural and thorough organlo regulation take Lemon Elixir.
5? oents and $1.00 bottle at druggists.
Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ge.
I have been a great sufferer from dyapepiia for absut fifteen years, my
i iJ® 0 ? 1 * **•*“« m J Hr#', etomeob and bowels, with terrible headaches. Lemon
Washington. Dec. 4.—Tho Japanese “k on '® d , mf< My appetite if good, and I am veil. I bad taken a barrel of
convey to Secretary Hay
cablegram be bad received from
the minister of foreign affairs at Toklo, MfJ71 pV* Q
stating that while Mr. Buck, the United I ^
States minister to Japan, was on a
hunting trip this morning he waa tak
en suddenly 111 and expired.
The deceased minister was born In
Maine but was appointed to bis past
from Georgia April 13, 1897, by for
mer President McKinley. His service
covered a critical and Important chap,
ter In Japanese bistory.
He served a number of years aa
United States marshall of Georgia,
making his home In Atlanta.
He was about 60 years of age.
The state department will take the
necessary steps to see that the ro-
mains are brought to this country for
Interment. Mr. Huntington Wilson,
the secretary of tho legation, wag des-
Ignated as charge.
Cnree all doughs, Colds, Bore Throat, Hoaraeneis and Bronebitia, S3 cents,
at Druggists. *
four Shoes Fit
Filed Deed of Trust.
Cincinnati. Dec. G.—Tho Brunswick I
The house then proceeded with the ™ anu * acturcr * °?
call of committees Bills were passed P00 ' tab J ea and bar tx '
to readjust the times for
In the western Judicial district of Tex
as, to confer Jurisdiction upon, the cte
Trochct’s Co!chicme Salicylate Capsules.
A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT,
endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and
America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis
solve m liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or
disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by
druggists. Be sure and get the genuine.
Sold by c the Ed ridge Drug Stores. ▲merlci}S,<Ga,
L. G.
n 1
COAL * Fertilizers.
cult court and districts of South Da
kota In certain Indian cases: to cre
ate a new division of the western Ju
dicial district of Missouri.
John Barrett, of Oregon, Will Go to
Mlkado'3 Court
Washington, Dec. G.—President
Roosevelt today authorized the official
statement to be made that he
would nominate John Barrett,
of Oregon, to be United States
minister to Japan to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Minister Al
fred E. Buck.
Its properties here and In other cities,
to the Union Savings and Trust com
pany of Cincinnati, for half a million
dollars, to bo applied to enlargement!
of their establishment In Chicago.
Lots of women In this town are hobbling
about In tight shoes simply because they
struck the wrong store.
We make a specialty of womens
shoes that are built to fit—shoes that
support and hold up the Instep and touch
every spot without binding.
They’ll cost you $3.00, $3.50 or $4.00
here, but the satisfaction of wearing
shoes like these are worth double the
amount in added comfort.
Have you seen our “Stetson’V,'f3.00
Hat ? Tis a thing of beauty.
ExSpeaker Reed’s Condition.
Washington, Bee. 6.—Ex-Speaker T.
B. Reed's physicians this morning Is
sued the following bulletin: "Mr.
Reed passed tho night without tho su
pervention of alarming symptoms. Ha
slept during the greater part of the
night, but was unable to retain noun
Ishment satisfactorily. Pulse 88,
temperature 98 3-6; respiration 84.’
(Signed) F. A. Gardner. T. L. Mac
A Cold Ways,
The foicoast of sudden changes in the
weather serves notice that a hoarso
v. Ice and a heavy oough may Invade the
ncetliy of health In your own home.
C.uiLuj people have a bottle of One
M'nute Cough Curo ulnays at band. E.
El. Wi->e,Madison, Ga. writes: "I am In-
coined to One Mlnnte Core for my
pr> s ut good health, and probably my
life.” Ic oarcs Coughs, Colds, Li-
G >ppe, Bronchitis, Pueumonla and all
I'hroat and Lung troubles. One M nute
Oorgh Cure cuts the phlegm, draw* out
the lirfl tmmation, heala'and soothes the
n.uc<u< membramea anti strengthens
the lunge W. A B mbeti.
Rvlander Shoe Go.
Mv r -si Is the oslebreted Btooton Lump end Jellioe,
conceded the finest domsatie coal sold in this market.
All orde- s for oosl promptly delivered. My prices as low
■s tbe lowest’.
I make liberal cash advances on cotton in store at
very low rets of interest.
.Telephone No. 38.
i US '-5
Ex-Senator Davis’ Wife Die*.
Washington, Dec. 6.—Mrs. Henry O.
Davis, wife of the former senator from
West Virginia, and mother-in-law ol
Senator Elkins, died at ''Graceland.''
her summer borne, at Elkins, W. Va
“Our Aim”
Shoes, Clothing, Underwear, Neckwear, Pay’s
Stockings, Hats, Caps, Jet Trimmings and
Overalls. Prices is the MASTER of COMPE
TITION, and we have got them lot you at
E. D. Sheffield Co.
Beliet urAuSHoors.
Distressing Kidney and' Bladder
Disease relieved in six hoar* by "New
Great South American Kidney Cora.’’
It is a great surprise on aocount oil's
exceeding promptness in relieving pain
in bladder, kidneys and back, in male
or female. Believes retention of water
almost Imzaadiatoly. If yon want
3 nick relief and (rare this is tbe reme-
y. Bold by E. J. Eldridge, druggist,
tmerten*. Ga
Horses and Cattle Burn,
Spring Place, Ga., Dec. 6.—Six
horses, four head of cattle and a large
quantity of feed stuff were destroyed
by burning of the barn of Hon. V. A.
Stuart, near this place. Tbe loss Is
estimated at *1.600, with no Insurance.
Fire is thought to have been the work
of an incendiary.
After reaching a ripe old age some
men have nothing to do bat sit around
and nnrse their frost-bitten aspirationi,
To Whom It May Concern!
We wish to call your attention to the teautilul lice of
Perfumes, Toilet Waters, facbet Powders, Smelling Salts,
etc., carried by the Eldridge! Drag Store?, Ncwbere can
jou find a moie beautiful assortment of peifumes inelegant
packages, than are now displayed at be
Eldridge Drug* Stores.
Shram Lumber
Warenouse S,
8Ao jCumbet Doaln
i. Rj. A Church St y
I Office is
Bank of
Phone Nos: Uptown OBce No m Warehouse No. in.
Slovgh ana fflnwrf Xumb»r
jCaikt, \Skt*jiu, 6u
Residence. No. 107
Fast Express Wrecked.
Thuro, N. S., Dec. 6.—Tho Canadian
Pacific fast express, which left Hali
fax for SL John and Montreal this
morning wse wrecked on the Interco
lonial railroad near Belmont station.
Four persons were killed end several
passengera and one brakeman injured
Rheumatism Cured in a Bay.
TISM end Neuralgia radically cures
in I to S days. It* action upon tbe
system Is r-markable end mysterious.
It removes st once tbe cause and tbe
disease immediately disappears. Tbe
first dose greatly benefits. 76 onnte.
Slid by E. J- Eldridge druggist
American. Ga 3
For Holiday Adjournment
Washington, Dec. -Repre*entatlv«
Payne, leader of tbe majority, today
introduced a resolution In the bouse
for holiday adjournment from Dec. 20
to January 8.
Mother Urm>$ Sweet Powders for Children,
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
ourae in the Children’s.Home in New
York, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stom
ach, Teething Disorders, move and
regolate tbe Bowels and Destroy
Worms. Over 8),000 testimonials. They
never fail. All drnggists, 25c. Simple
FREE. Address Allen S, Olmstead,
Ls Boy, K. Y,
A mpn like* to boar a woman say she
bss never been kissed, even it be don’t
believe it.
Healthy Kidneys Means Long Life
It you want to restore your kidney-
to their former besltby state take
Smi h’« Sire Kidney Cure—60 oents at
What’s In a Name?
Ev.rything Is In tbe name when It
oimasto Wltoh Hazel Salvo. B. C. Do-
Witt A Co. ot Obloago, disojvend,
seme jeers ago, bow to make a salve
from Witoh Basil that is a speolflof n
Pilea For Blind, bleeding, Itoblog and
protruding Piles, oczema, cuts, burns,
brnlset end all skin disease, Ds Witt’s
Salve hai no tquaL This bas given
rise to numerous worthless counterfeits.
Ask lor DoWitt’s—tbe genuine. W. A.
Ban tort.
Perhaps after all babies do
and tho language woman talk to than
—and stay a sake nights to got even.
If you foil 111 and need a pill
Why not puroh >ss tbe but?
DeWltt’s Early Risen
An little eorprlaen,
Take one—they do thereat.
W. H. Howell, Houston, Trx. writes
—I have used Little Eirly Riser Pills
In my f tmlly for constipation, ilok
headiobe, oto. To their use I am In
debted for tbe health of my family. W.
A. Rambert.
“ The books wblob help you most are
those wbieb make you think tho most,”
often by irritating you.
It II ape the rest Warm end Dry,
Ask today for Allen’aJFoot-Eaie, a
powder. It euros Chilblains, Swollen,
Sweating, Sore, Aching, ^Damp feet.
At all draggi*ts>nd shoe stores, 23c.
Planters Bank Building:.
Near Court House, -
- Amerlcus, Ga.
Saturday and Monday.
30x60 Smyrna Bugs, with long
fringe and good quality, $2
value at $1.25
30x60 All-wool Smyrna Bugs,
$3.00 value, at 1.98
30x60 Moquett Rugs, lino
quality, $3.50 value, at....$}.08
The Only Guaranteed KldneyiiCure
is Smith’s dare ^Kidney Care. Your
druggist will refund your money if
after taking one bottle you are not
satisfiod with results,^SO.oents.
No matter bow tight a girl'd shoes
are she never likes to acknowledge tbe
Splendid chance for moo to learn
barber trade. Growing demand for
>1 graduates. Timo saved by
steady prsctico, qualified teaoherr, tool*
presented, positions numerous. Write
nearest branch. St. Louis, Mo., or
Now Orleans, La.
36x72 Moquett Rugs, best
quality, $5.00 value, at....$3.50
1 esse brut and heavy Cotton
Flannel, 12Jc grade; a limited
quantity, at lOeyd
1 case Cotton Flannel, fair
quality, at per yard 5c
60 Men’s All-Wool Suits, tho
pick of our $8.00 Suits; your
choice for $5.00.
BoyB Knee Panto Suits, 7 to 16
our $2.50 Suits, choice for $1.98
Men’s Overcoats for $3.08.
Boys Overcoate for $2.98
All tho latest things in ladies
ready-to-wear Hats, from 50c to
$2.00 ‘Half Price
Ladies’ heavy Union Suite,
worth 50c; while they last...25c
Childrens and Misses Heavy
Ribbed Hose, a good one lOe
Yard wide best Sheeting,
weighs 3 yards to the lb, at 5c.
Largo Bed Comforts $08c
Ladies Heavy Cotton Ribbed,
fleecedjined, at 25c
Wolfe Bros. School j8hoes for
children; tbe best in the world
at 76c to $1.25
Queen Bess Shoes for ladies;
tho best shoe on tho inarki
Price $2.60
King Bee Shoe for men;
better; alljstyles, at
PlantersjBank Building. - - Forsyth St.