Newspaper Page Text
twenty-nimth year
CITIZENS MAY NAME TICKET Mens Suit’s and Overcoats That
Interest in the Comma Aldermanic Race is Now Above Stand Any Test
you care to put them to, are here
variety of snappy styl/ 0f ^-^ fabrii
satisfy every clothing rieeayo- _
such a large
that you can
. _ /avi^pF you
were to dissect—rip apart—any of these gar
ments, you would find only the best quality trim
mings, sewing silks and linings, while the superb
workmanship would convince you that only
master tailors could have fashioned them. A
close and critical examination of
Citizens of Americus are interested as thus would be accorded, such tlck-
In the forthcoming aldermanic elec- et would stand excellent chance of
tlon as never before. The primary Is election. This proposition was gen-
Just throe weeks off, and the cam- erally discussed In business circles
palgn promises to be anything but yesterday and seems to meet with
dull. Already there are several can- much favor. This, however, would
dldates,' real or prospective, in the not have the effect of barring other
race, and that others will announce aspirants and a full held, under any
there Is not the least doubt It has circumstances, may safely be counted
been suggested In* many instances upon. City politics and city politlc-
that the conservative citizens and Ians are subjects now uppermost In
taxpayers have a mass meeting and the public mind here, and express-
select three men as candidates whom Ions of opinion are made with groat-
they would support In the primary on est freedom among those who pay the
Fash ionable Clothes
never fails to satisfy the most
exacting men; and the more you
know about style, materials and
tailoring, the more you will like
and want to wear our clothes.
WASHINGTON, D. C.. Nov. 13.—
(Special)—Tha trial of Mrs. Ann
Bradley for the murder of Ex-Senator
Brown, goes over until tomorrow. The
day was consumed in trying td get a
Jury. At tha hour of adjournment the
box was nearly filled
Many of the tailsmen were challen
ged today, including Charles H.
Sack Suits
at $ 15 to $40
at $ 15 to $40
In custody of Sheriff Lumpkin. The
charge against him Is that of forgery.
Warants were taken out here In the
afternoon before Judge Crisp, of the
City Court( and bond assessed. Fall
ing to give the bond required
Wilcox, a former Georgian, who de-''
dared he had a prejudice against
hanging a woman. Several negroes
were on the Jury list but no one of
them was chosen. One man was ex
cused because he was from the same
county of which the District Attorney
was a native.
Ing to give the bond required Mr.
Joiner was turned over to Sheriff
Bell for the night The alleged for
geries are upon notes given for In
surance In the coifipany which he rep
resents. In tho two cases for. which
warrants were Issued tho amounts are
not very considerable and bond was
assessed at $500.
Copyright >907 by Hart Schaffner & Marx
You can get almost any Over
coat or Raincoat style you want
here; we make a specialty of Hart
Schaffner & Marx clothes.
We Can Show Them To You Any Time.
^ ‘ copyright, no?
With the disbandment of the Fourth
Regiment, to which the Americus
Light Infantry Is attached as Com
pany L, that command Is to become
part of a batallton, and In this way, It
Is understood, the military organiza
tion will be maintained.
The disbandment of the Regiment,
It Is hoped, will be temporary only.
Owing to the requirements of the
Dick bill that each regiment shall
have twelve full companies, there
are not enough companies in the state
to fill up £ll the regiments.
It Is understood that the plans of
the state military authorities are to
fill the vacancies In the First, Second
and Fifth regiments with tho com
panies of the Third regiment.
This will necessitate the disband
ment- of the Third regiment, and
will leave the seven companies of
the Fourth regiment, which Is uot
enough, by five companies to meet
the requirement for a third company.
These sovdn companies of the
The nomination ,of Judge A. L.
Miller as mayor of Macon, by a
handsome plurality, was a subject of
much interest yesterday In Americus,
where Judge Miller Is widely known
and has a host of warm friends whose
best wishes attended his race.
He is a frequent visitor here at tho
home of his brother, Dr. G. T. Miller,
Outfitter for Men and Boys,
Forsyth St. Next to Postoffice,
Eaton Hulburts Stationery
Buy the Best
Americas. Ga.
This store will accept Clearing House Certifi
cates same as cash.
and not a few congratulatory tel
egram* were sent him yesterday.
It is believed that the entire Miller
ticket of aldermen was elected, thus
has known In some time. Tho oppo
sition ticket had, to a very great
1 extent, the support of the administra
tion, many of whom had for years
held office continuously and woro
foes to be reckoned with. '
When the result-was known Judge
Miller addressed an enthusiastic au
dience, at the auditorium.
He said he wished to congratulate
the people on their victory, it bolng
no personal victory.
It meant that the real people had
decided to take the good old town In
their own hands. It was tho people's
fight, I10 said, against tho forces of
evil that ought to have been driven
out of that community.
He wished to repeat what he had
said two years ago that he did not
seek the office then, nor was It
sought, now, Mr any personal emolu
ment, but tbe highest public duty that
could bo imposed on any man in Ma-
c >n.
The Leading Jeweler,
A pleasing soap is one of the
greatest luxuries of the home
—you need not fear in using
our 10c leader soap. It is pure,
clean and nicely perfumed.
10c cake, 3 for 25c.
We have all the other ex
pensive or cheap ones.
Americus Baptists arc looking for
ward with much interest to the an
nual meeting of tho State Baptist
Convention next week. This year Val
dosta will be the Mecca aiul from all
over Georgia they will Journey thi
ther. Both Americus churches will
bo represented, as will other churches
In this vicinity. Tho-convention opens
on Tuesday next ltlth, and the Am
ericus delegation will go down tin
day before, quite likely. Church work
In all its details will bo taken under
consideration at the conference, mis
sionary work and the funds needed
for tho workers and tho funds need
ed for the workers In tho field will
be discussed and provided for, and
the subjects of Christian education
as existing at Mercer University and
In other Baptist institutions, will bo-
mi" uf tlm Important subjects to ba
dealt with by the convention.
o. it uiiucc uuluu. i ilia uoiiuiil*
ble lady passed away Sunday, tho
funeral services taking place Mon
day afternoon.
And in her death Albany loses one
of Its purest, noblest Christian wo
men, one beloved by all and whose
death Is indeed deplored.
Mrs. Bacon's condition bad been
critical since her Illness began, though
at times her improvement wa3 of
a nature as lead to tho hope that
she was to be spared to her family
and friends who watted anxiously for
tidings from the sick room.
Gradually, however, Mrs. Bacon’s
condition grew worse, and It was
realized on Saturday that the end
could not he much longer delayed.
During her Illness Mrs. Bacon man
ifested that spirit of Christian forti
tude which had sustained her dur
ing her life. No complaint escaped
her, and she boro tho pain as calmly
and unprotestlngly as she had ac
cepted whatever lot or fortune'llfe had
brought'her. -
Mrs. Bacon had been a Good Sam-
aritau to so many, and her gentle
hand had cooled so many fevered
brows among the sick and lowly that
by many she was looked upon as a
veritable ministering angel of mercy.
She was unselfishness Itself when
the wants or the sorrows of others
were considered.
She was foremost In church and
charltablo work, and her legacy to
loved ones, friends and acquaintances
Is a beautiful life whose example will
never be forgotten.
The announcement of the death
of Mr. Edward A. Tondee In Washing
ton City two or throe days since
was heard with regret among his
many friends In Americas. Mr.
Tondee was reared in Ellavllle and
for many years resided In Americus,
where ho was connected with the ty-
Mr. Henry Reid, son of Mrs. Cath
arine Reid, and Miss Cassle Dees,
were married by Rev. A. B. Ilawkcs.
of Shiloh Baptist church, on last
Sunday morning, at thb home of the
bride’s father. The ceremony was
witnessed by a-'number of friends of
tho contracting parties. A wedding
diner was served at tho home of
the groom's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid will mako their
home oil tho Arrington place In the
Shiloh district Mr. Reid Is a well
known and highly estlmablo young
REMBERT’S drugstore
Ellavllle, his old home.
Blew Ills Head Off
To Ifcad Chamber of Commcrco
MONTICELLO, GA., Nov. -12.—
(Special)—Ed Waites was found this
morning In an empty gambling house
with his head shot off. It Is supposed
ATLANTA, GA., Nov. 12.—(Special)
—Mr. Asa G. Chandler has been nom
inated for President of tho Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce.
Telegrams*received here yesterday
announced the death at Knoxville,
Tenn., of Mr. T. S. Klutz, the well
known architect, and a former cltizor
of Americus. Mr. Klutz resided here
a number of years ago and super
vised-tho erection of the postofflee
building, as well as other handsome
structures here. He married a nleco
of the late 8. P. Boone of this city,
My Eastern money arrangement are such that I can obtain
“est rates obtainable in Georgia on choice improved farms.
>en in need of money call on me and you will be the winner.
who surviveH him.
No $ecret about Ayer’s
Hair Vigor. Shoio this
formula to your doctor.
Among people who are at war with
themselves the casualties are sel
dom severe.—Ex. .