Newspaper Page Text
Sacrifice Sale!
Was Known in Augusta
as Well.
From Wednesday Nov 20th
to Saturday Nov. 30th.
The $65,000 Stock of Hamilton & Co.
— ■— —
Of nice gclean merchandise to be
sold in Ten Days. This sale is
without a parallel in the history of
man; Prices will reach the limit in
this greatest sale ever held in this
section of Southwestern Georgia.
See Circulars for Prices.
Nothing will be charged or sent out on ap-
I- C. Joiner, local representative
of tile Pacific Mutual Insurance Co.,
and \ who was arrested Wednesday
upon warrants charging forgery, is
still in tile county jail here, having
failed to make the required bonds
assessed by Judge Crisp on Wednes
day afternoon.
The Augusta Chronicle of yesterday
has the following article, which is of
! interest In this connection. \
■ ”L. C. Joiner, forwerly of Augusta,
has been arrested at Americus, on a
charge of forgery. The allegations are
that Jolnes as representative of the
I Pacific Mutual Insurance company,
I forged duplicates of notes given
by policy holders. Joiner Is in Jail,
having failed to give bond.
"Joiner attained considerable not
oriety fn Augusta last summer when
he was nrested on a forgery charge,
somewhat similar to that under
which he Is held at Americus.
"It was alleged here that papers
forged by Joiner were In a bank at
Gibson and others papers in posses
sion of persons at Spread. Joiner
was represented by Attorney Isaac S.
Peebles, Jr., and after a trial, in
which technicalities played an import
ant part . Joiner was acquitted.
“It was in. connection with the
same incidents that Mr. Sol Rabun,
at Spread, Ga„ committed suicide
because it was said he owed about
three hundred dollars he could not
"Rabun was in no way connected
with the forgeries charged -against
Joiner, and had never been charged
with any dishonesty..
Dodson’s .Pharmacy .Confirm Guar-
untcc on Hyoiuei, Cure for
Is Not Overstocked
Selling at Cost,
But buying for cash, will
sell the best selected
stock in City as low as
anyone will sell same
quality of goods
proval. Money will be refunded for all goods
returned not satisfactory.
Hamilton & Co.
Sell it For Less.
to whether or no Dodson's Pharmacy
will refund the money If a Hyomel
outfit does not do all that is claimed
for it In curing catarrh, they want to
state positively that this guarantee Is
an absolute fact.
A guarantee like this is the best
proof that can be offered as to the
curative |>owers of Hyomel In all ca
tarrhal troubles. You do not risk a
cent In testing its healing virtues,
Dodson's Pharmacy take all the risk.
If you have catarrh, try this won-
deful medicated air of Hyomci. It
does not drug or derange the stom
ach, hut is breathed through a neat
pocket Inhaler that comes with every
outfit, so that its medication reaches
the most remote air cells In the nose,
throat and lungs, where any catar
rhal germs may be lurking. It
quickly destroves them, heals and
soothes the Ijratcd mucous mem
brane and vitalizes the tissues so that
catarrh is no longer possible. You
can loose nothing by giving Hyomel
a trial, nothing but the catarrh and
that Is good riddance.
The price of the complete outfit Is
but $1.00; nothing if It falls to cure.
Get an outfit from Dodson's Pharma
cy today and begin Its use at once.
19. 21, 26.
Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts,
Americus, Ga,
Among the other rivers and har
bors over which Congressman Bur
ton presides we notice Salt river.—
New York Mail.
A tickling cough, from any cause,
is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop s
Cough Cure. And It Is so thoroughly
hamnless and safe, that Dr. Shoop
tells mothers everywhere to give It
without hesitation, even to very young
babes. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung-healing
mountainous shrub, furnish the cura
tive properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. It calms the cough and heals
the sore and sensitive bronchial mem
branes. No opium, no chloform,
nothing harsh used to Injure or sup
press. Simply a resinous plant ex
tract. The Spaniards call this shrub
which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred
Herb.” Demand Dr. Shoop’s.v Take
no other. Davenport Drug Co.
Theodore I! So Professor Drake,,
of the University of Michigan, would
have him called. God Bave the peo
ple!—New York Sun,
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y.,
who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes:
"Electric Bitters have done me more
good than any medicine I ever
took. Fot several years I had stom-
i ach trouble, and paid out much money
I for medicine to little purpose, until
I I began taking Electric Bitters. I
would not take $500 for what they
have done for me.” Grand tonic for
the aged and for female weaknesses.
Great alternative and body builder;
sure cure for lame back anfl weak
kidneys. Guaranteed by Eldrldge
Drug Co. d—w
You are Reading This:—
Believe It!
If you seek reliability in lit, in »tyle in lasting quality,
no clothes in tho world will serve you like
Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes
We believe in them, we sell them. They are the best.
The cost of funerals has gone up.
Another Increase In the “cost of liv
ing”—for the survivors.—New York
The New I'ure Food and Drug taw
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,
and long troubles Is not affected by
the national Pare Food and Drug
law as it contains no opiates or other
harmful drugs, and we recommend It
as a safe remedy for children and
adults. Sold by all druggists, e o d-w
The above Is the flrst picture pub
lished of the proposed monument to
Major Henry Wlrz, C. S. A., who waB
In command of the Confederate prison
at Andersonville. It will tie unveiled
June third next by the Georgia Di
vision, U. D. C., through whose ef
forts the funds for It were raised.
The monument will be twelve feel
square ut the brse, and will stand
thirty-five feet high. It will be made
of Georgia granite. The superstruc
ture will be ofTock faced effect with a
polished die and a smooth hammered
shaft. It will stand In tho town of
Andersonville, Ga., near tin famous
Andersonvillc prison.
The monument will be unveiled on
Jefferson Davis' birthday, In com
memoration of the fact that Major
Wlrz refused to testify against Presi
dent Davis, even If given his freedom
The contract for the monument has
been awarded the Clark Monumental
Works ot Americus, and work upon
It has been begun already. It will
cost, completed, about $3,009 and
will be a one inde.-i.
The mine Illustration Is ••■’esented
through the courtesy of the Savannah
you'll stand in no fear
Few men or women
tlon where they cannot save some
thing each week—if only a little!
You can start a savings account at
Our SavingB Department with a do!
lor or more deposit as often as you
please and get interest at the rate of
4 per cent, on all you save! 1
Wouldn't it be wise to begin today?
••A light purse Is a heavy curse”
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER Is the scat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of tho whole mat
ter, thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Fish Tales
are often exaggerations, but we have
no need of stretching the truth In our
business as
Freabnesi Is an absolutely Indis
pensable quality in unsalted or un
smoked fish and we handle none about
which there may be the slightest
doubt. We keep every kind In sea
son from the gamely trout to solid
mullet And we don't try to make a
fortune on every pound of fish me sell
PHONE No. 32.
Contractor and Builder, Es'imatir
given on
Brick, Wood or Stone House;
Bolton Bros. Store, Lamar St.
irs udi; a Question of Time
when every one having financial
matters to look afer will realize
the need of a Batik Account.
To the modern business mau it is
simplyindispensable. He p-ys
his bills by cheek and has a receipt
and the correct change every time;
and it promotes habit* of system
and accuracy in the conduct of his
affairs. Open an Recount with onr
Shoes Repaired
I pick the stitches and preserve the
welts. I also repair sboee according to
the standard rule. I uae nothing but
the best of eole leather on the market
Special attention given to ladiee and
cblldrena shoos. All Work Hand
stitched or tacked If desired.
312 Jackson Street,
Farm loans and loans on city
real estate negotiated at low
rates and on easy terms,
G. R. ELLIS, Americus, Ga.
Tin work of all kinds.
Repair work a specialty.
Cotton ^avenue, opposite
Harold Johnson's ware-
ouse. Ph ,.te 522.
If you want good home made
Harness buy from
W.0. Barnett
of all kinds of Harness.