Newspaper Page Text
a that men say “Let the house
taka care of itself.” conscientious
Th. - o( (
extra work Is depletion ....
•ouri-e Of all life Strength'WlSrtJsl^ of the blood the
iwt ud prev”
W< T k ,’ >V rBd ’ nfirvou » conditon too
Sf •llowei Dt V to J continue * rt *son an What ri very damferouj If
w-saaffl-uglSS a
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the Public % 0 Today.
•t” for Gentleman.
■ word "gent” in place
j.-- man” is not of such
if- v * U'' may imagine,
rtf tho^word ’ “g< .Ns ■Nt, '''homas, sixth
reeeuv f own son,
In a complaint di X J the
■“ - no
Ford Clifford, against Sis fol
Henry, who afterw nnUi b 0 c*<
Jiuke of Cumberland, vie find the
lowing: “Ot rtain evil-disposed p*.
sons, young gents, as well as others.'
This must have been written early lh
the sixteenth century, bemuse ’i homas
died iu 1523.
W. L. Douglas
$3 shoe; riT IS THE roii A BEST. KING.
!> *^4 *3 SO f INC CALf&KANflAROIt
I $ 3,<iP POLICE,3 S0LE3.
JlsiJ _ , *«.?
*3. , 2 fiS BE5TP" ONS 0^.
Over Ono Million I'eopfc wear tho
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
• AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They They give the I»pM fthocs value for the money.
Th-'lr cqtml wrarlfiK cuilom quiilltk’M In style end fit.
rrc »1»mped unHurnaiined.
The prior* mrc tmlform,—• on rot«w
From 5i to $.\ saved over other tnnkes.
J1 your dealer c.imiot supply you wc cau.
k v
. t
6 #> V Y.
i' i
^ . ,SS
For Female Diseases.
Q 0
On the Cars,
At the Theatre,
You can slip them into your
pocket, your satchel, your
wallet even. To a dyspep¬
tic this means ware of
mind under many otherwise
trying circumstances.
6 ———--- 6
Morphine Habit Cured
NO SUFFERING, Nor any Money
Required In Advance. SATISVIEIL
Not onecem till I'l UKD and
I tvmc tu - • tue or write me ut on -e for terms.
33. A. SYMS, TVI. 33.,
UI.IM't. cl., IIR II. >H*nl,-r >i.
0 I I F* i i w F HJ 1 N E
s N , I’hw OKif h ixiunltv** "ir.”', latmiMv
c C T I V' ’ 1 V "" ""
R fie"; "SSSli.
«... :.n l x.-h. < Inc-. r>»>
T I Dir« r.uv .i fi omityor p*>i « - n oak.
CO in aiutri ai l iL'Wff ln
3C *»• r »•**>> V'_*tn*i"Vi'vour
Ss vaunhli i iiVk.-eiiij ' *
JI* — •
* 8 Tonic Pellets.
wpa KtAl rl B P|lIT» til I f«r foMtlpitlon
t *n«i **»
A* .1 .1 itKim i >U>t)b-<* be* . h ‘liable »>
*i ia x >ii i'4l.« Nfw \ ork
r At Good Guaranteed Salaries W
■ Mc-i ;»n \ M n. vHMJ i MlMOYMESr Ho
Wrt* mtmfsIt.ifT » • it iiKi-l <
IU Kk At' Mac.'t <
a N.r.. Seventeen. tyi,
% 'm Milk Pans,
r. % and an d pails, bottles and (even cans,
* (baby’s)—or any¬
v\N 1 thing that you clean, want
particularly washed
ought to be
Y With Pearline.
i You’ll save work
, ,, deal thoroughly , uil
in doing it. and it's _ a great extensively, more uone. it
Dairies and dealers use Pearline lust try your milk-ware or butwr-ware-and Ann say if it
isn t the most satisfactory way of cleaning. Pearlme is the
most economical thing you can use. too. ^You get SO much
r °
more out , OI It. -.
Send ■ Ltmt grocers will tell few " thi* is as good as"
' the rime as — •* IT'S FALSE— Pemrtme is never peddled,
» Back tuasre."* 4 * ^sr ahm fjsrrMtsrw:
f riched, and thus sustains tha nerves and all
the bodily functions *
1 :; “•*•**•
5,', ' * * m “*^ * *° lo <*» ‘** “y 1 ,Ji house * trough cleaning lb,
hSl , , 01 ™° rk an t ^ ro a h tbe
e 4 I ? rn . « summer. It
heart think tiiJxiir Sara^b&rHU P“ 1 5* t “tion of the
Ucln Hoods is the
SSKSHySfisi ® < * « tor MrjOn* and all who take if
Thc first chemical analysis, of tbhnr.
co was made by Vauqueline in 1809.
■Scotch snuff is said to obtain its
peculiar color from tho addition of
rnt , , ,
huTslnl'ti? ° C;,,hna tobacco
mu . two per cent of nicotia.
Lord . Olivo’s melancholy finally
d in madness, and ho died by his
entu u ’bant
oWO In.. ’ Bonthoy finally j.
The bn, mental stupor in which
into a state co
he died. Hint ho had a fa
Horrifies imagine*! n »ngel that
miliar spirit or gnardli.
conversed with him.
Tho government secret service .
counterfeit “
notice of a daugurous 1891. »
silver certificate, series
Tho southern corn crop will bo
nei irlv 500,000,000 bnshcls, acconlltlg
to the United Htaterf agricultural ' do
partment, an increase of $48,0001000
Tho hedgehog, badger, squirrel regular rod
somo kind of mice lay up a »
store of provisions for the winter.
is said they cat only during milk'
weather, and in extreme gold remain
, . ,
’ 7 Animals ' . , that .. . item _ ,l I,.
havo a warm matting o 'wool or fine
fur underneath their i J *
that they are almost perfectly usually protect lulls
ed from cold. This wool
~ _
in sum no .
Russia prodii.Tf” ns ,y» > accord
. . ,
ing to the estirna. o o of ,
agriculture, wheal, as compared ‘ 472 ,( 10 , 0,000 i * ' ' Js
lust year. Her rye crop M ’
bushels I he bsrley against yiold < is 01 ' ' -f yffi and
that of oats 072,000,000. he t
no famine iu the tzars Empire J
Bringing Up UilMron.
From earliest infancy, inculcate in¬
stant obedience. Unite firmness with
geifijeness. Let your children uuder
vMIW# always that you niokli wbnl. fT.m
say. Never promise them anything
unless you aro quite suro you can give
what you say. If you tell a child to
do something, show him how to do it,
and see that is done. Always punish
your children for willfully disobeyiug
you; but never punish them iu anger.
Never lot them know that they vex you
or make you lose your self-command.
If they give way to petulance calm, or then ill
temper, wait till they are
reason with them on tho foolishness of
tlieir conduct. Never give your child¬
ren anything beenuso they cry for it.
Teach them that tho sure and easy way
to appear good is to be good.
Mathematics Gone Mail.
Problem—Provo that ono painter
and one philosopher are equal to one
Solution Ruben, Taine-Rubinstein.
i.lhr ii Wnrlilnft
Which kept in order runs omoothly »nd icjju
turly, hO tho bowels keep lip their rv’tlou if
measures ftr ‘' teken to keep them in Root
working order. This infers, of course, that
they are out of order. The surest recourse
then i* to IIo*dotter's Stomach Fitters,a laxa
t j ttve mild but effective, which Isnlson remedy
for dyspepsia, knd m i nria. rheunmti>m, nervous
tic km Kidney trouble.
One should never Allow too much depression
from adversity.
I>r. Kilmer's S w a mp- Flo or curs*
All Kidney anti Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet and Consultation tree.
Laboratory Binghamton, N. V
Reproaches from some sources come mere
like compliments.
!«..« •* TUI.:
Wp offor One llutultvtl l>oll«rs Uowar.l for
i | ,of ('alarrh that uKiOiiot Fm? tun»4 hy
iiaii^ ('ntiifrh L'lirr rr.>l>... Toledo,
r. •' <'HK**x * «•.. . O.
1 Wo. o... under-iKHcl. have »n*l know Iwllevo n V nim .M'lio
no* for tbe l»si L'yesr*. buSlHM'* jk*r-
1 feetlV honor»hl© ill all t ranMlCl 'OUS
j i nnanoiallv nWn to carry out any obllg i
l lion mado fo> tlwlr ftini. Tolwld,
1 | WR8T A Tmv a\V hi^i»l6 Diutulsts,
Ohio. Mahvin, \N holo-alu
W.41.D1 Oru^rist.a. no, KiNPA’t
Ttrwlev Ohio.
HaUVratarrh Ouru is taken internal y, Rct
I in*; dlrectlv upon the b <*>ti ami niurouK bottle, Mir*
! t hcob of the system, l'rire. *V- ih' r
| Sold by all J>ruirtfi»tK. Tusi m»»nials free.
T* k«»J«y I.lfo
t he |>li>>u al machine must be in running
onler. \ little care the u$*» «»f Kstvins Tnb
i uIdn will n',\ e you every niortting the feeiintf
’ that you art' “glad to be alive. M
Wehav«»n©t Ihvh without I’i'o’s <'tire for
ronsumptum for 20 yvnrs. I.izztK KtUHtcu
I'nmpSi., llarris'mnr. 1’^ • M *' L
Mrs. Windows S H»thu*sj Syrup for ohiMr*u
, teething. Noftena thecuni**, rtKlu.-u*
t ion. nl i*%i n, cures >vi u»l cn>U c ^ ’. a t*>t t ie
| J Ol CT 211 \ r n; I A VIMIft’ D Vt jN VATI U Liji 7 D
j O *
Happenings of General Interest to
Georgia Readers.
Ground has been broken for Brans
wick’s new depot. There will be no
delay ami work will be pushed until
the building i« entirely completed.
The Savannah City and Huburi an
Railway Company has been placed in
the hands of a receiver. Mismanage¬
ment of the property is alleged. Jo'iin
Screven is named as receiver.
lie advance in price of western beef
has had the good effect of stimulating
Georgia farmers to raise beef for sale.
J his is as it should be. There is n ,
reason should why tho farmers of Georgia
not make beef raising a specie ;
industry. 'They cau become prosper'
ous at it.
Mr. A. Winburn, general
agent of the Central railroad, has 101
returned from a trip through the fruit
growing section between Fort Valiev
and Marshallville. He says tho peach
°rop ivjll be the largest in
of <hnt kection and that extra prepara
tions will be made to move it. It ia
to be botween 700,000 and
000 ' 000 ’ bus ^ e!s that section.
Beyond no rthorn commission men have
Rbiio throu, T * 1 Buvannah on their way
to that seeti*' m mnko arrangements
for lljoir ehar ,, 1 °f tho business.
Morte whitecap owes made their ap-
1 penrnnee ir. the Uni. * efl States supreme
'Uirt ut Washington, according to a
special from that city, ' vIie “ W - °
Glenn, «u AUtornoy of A ya .,
filed a tuition for a writ " f habeas
7 ! 0 G' , '.h David in tho Butler, coses of couvictec. J. M. ,^! J lar8 ° ta6
Unitod t con
States court, of Georgia o. ®
| epiracy to injure Henry Worley, e
a so filed potfimns ,n behalf of
I/. Mofntyro, and J. H. Goble, indict
h'dm the same court for Woriey ■
murder. Attorney Glenn bai'es i> 1B
appeal to tho supreme court oil the
ground that murder was the c.’iuie
t , rt)1 , orly chargeable and the Uni M
Biwtua court had no jurisdiction, ‘
A New Yorker lias been down , tho ,
hno of the Georgia Southern and
Florida railroad recently trying to
j place ’ with the sawmills a contract for
a| 000 00() feot ()f , ambcr . H e desired
i make a contract with a single mill,
but no mill oarsil to take it at jiresont
j as mill owners are expecting a
j steady advance iu tho price of lumber,
j lul q ( j„ no t, ca ro to be tied up by any
such big contract. Such a contract—
J largest 21,000,000 mill iu feet—would tho almost engage the
* state a year.
•,”110 speculation. Now Yorker Ail desires mills tho lumber tho
f or tho ou
(j eor .'ia Southern aro roported to bo
running’ tm lull time, with plenty to
fio. v#Te-:n me giontly encour¬
aged by tho Outlook.
Tho Savannah New* thinks that tho
rise in the price of xaeatw should offer
a valuable object lt'Mo* <<» Ooorgia
farmers. ii T here is Mlegod to be a
shortage in the supply, it says,
“hence the price has gone up, fluct¬
uations iu the pr ieo of silver had noth¬
ing to do with it- The pointer afford¬
ed on tho silver question, however,
may be regarded as a side issue. Tho
mam ' point ih that farmers should be¬
gin now, if they have neglected to do
so, to prepare for rah 'i»g a greater
amount of pork this j6. ar than ever
before. No farmer ever to throw
away good pork, no matter .how boun¬
tiful tho supply, while sonuY farmers
claim that their cottot* crop was the
same as thrown away.”
Mr K 11 Richards ani? 4h>neral
Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta, ar<? **•
tcrestod iu the purchase of the charter
of the old Augusta and Chattanooga
railroad company, which was surveyed
several years ago up along tho west
bank of the Savannah river and
through tho Blue Ridge to Chattauoo
ga. 11 is said that considerable money
has already been subscribed towards
tho capital stock, which has been
placed at $250,000. Tho old survey
will be used in part, but the new line,
if built w ill not take the exact route of
the old one. The new one will be sur¬
veyod somewhat farther away from the
Savannah river, passing up by Appling,
the county seat of Columbia couuty,
Washington,the seat of Wilkes cou uty,
Lexington, Harmony GFovc, Haines-*
ville, Dawsouville, Jasper, Daltou and
then to Chattanooga.
The Georgia Medical Association, at
their recent meeting at Bavanuah,
elected the following officers to serve
during the coming year: President,
Dr. F. M. Ridley, of LaGrange; first
vice president. Dr. IV. H. Doughty, of
Augusta; second vice president. Dr.
M. L. Boyd, of Savannah; secretary,
Dr. It. N. Taylor, of Griffin. There
were three vacancies on the board of
i-f'nsors. These were filled bv the
election of Dr. t'harles Hicks, of
Dublin; Dr. H. B. MoMnster, of
Waynesboro, and Dr. Howard Wil¬
liams, of Macon. Tho next meeting
of the association will be held at Ma¬
con. Dr. Doughty extended the in' Dr. i
tAtion just before adjournment.
Ridley appointed the committee that is
to present the needs of the asylum to
the legislature. It J s as follows; l)r,
F, M. Ridley, of LaGrange; Dr. W.
A, Love, of Atlauta; Dr. 15. 11. Bar¬
ron, of Macon; Dr. W. O. Daniel, of
Bullards, and Dr. 15. E. Griggs, of
Trolley S-heme.
-\i' r TT K ' n h “J l ’ M “ roa ‘ le a ‘, C ""
, lumbus looking to tbe operation of an
electric railroad from Atlauta to Co
lumbus. it h said that if the present
twenty miles in and around
the city, why could net some arrange
ment be made with the Savannah and
Western railroad to lease the Colum¬
bus and Rome narrow gauge rood,
widen the gauge and extend the some
to Newnan. and from there to Mao
T cheater and connect with the street
railway The of Atlanta.
the first road as proposed would bo
entirely loDg line railroad operated
thought by electricity, and it is
the enterprise could be com¬
pleted in time to make it one of the
features of tho Cotton States exposi¬
In referring to the scheme, a gen¬
tleman interested says: “If addition¬
al power is needed along the line it
can be easily augmented by using the
waters of the streams in or near Pine
monntain, and upon reaching Man¬
chester it can unite with the Atlanta
electric power. Atlanta is also prepar¬
ing a large electric plant by using the
waters of the Chattahoochee,above the
city. Now, with the power generated
by the waters of the Chattahoochee
above Atlanta, in conjunction with tho
power generated by the water's of the
Chattahoochee at the Colnm bus fac¬
tory site, together with such aw can be
generated from the subsidiary streams
along the route, f believe a s nflicient
power could be had to sendtrai vs from
Atlanta to Columbus and back' again,
operated by electricity alone, and it
would be the means of advc ttising
both cities and our whole stu ie, to¬
gether with all of its natural t advan¬
A ’ " ,onj ’ 1 omUig.
Through the instrumentality of Gov
«**“■* Northen, manager of the Geo^
iaiJur eaofluvestmeutandImDiigni
,1 tioD > formulated, another large which colony will be plan kfnown hag
the Ponn-Goorgia colony company,
' nd which purposes to bring its settlers
i'P on ft trfict of JaD(1 twenty-fives .miles
below Macon 15,000 acres inexfe.’jt, in
uWigga \The county on tbe Ocmulgets ■ river.
scheme of the Penn-G» jorgia
oniony company is a unique ona . The
lijnds will not be subdivided,, as in
upuy other plans of a similar nature,
bijt will be operated as a whi de ; the
memdters of the colony doing t he labor
nwetHary to raise the crop, and each
sharing according to his holdings of
fit* in the common pro; fits. The
Bin| id>i| therefore, is oomjnun istie, and
"iaiterest will center upon tho
ontj ipe ii cally of only, the experiment. ho-irewsr, is Com
l an experiment, lor the Penn
Oeojfpa colony company has secured
thtjjj^operty ffltsL .for and will at oegin early arrnnge- date.
occupancy an
The\^I<l Advakico Combine In Prices Revived, and an
A l'hidago dispatch, says: The old
Rfc 'eb.»dool and blind trust has been
reN -ivAd ami begun l*ns iness Thursday
with * membership of thirty-nine firms
ropre. capital of $20,000,000.
A seori. 't mealing of those interested
was heW, aJM ^ Fan n<it adjourned until
long a \r tla mid for n >K bt tb *. control The trust of made
arrange no> o both
prices and t ,nt P ut * and b(, gan opera¬
tions with a \ im h 1' ordering an ad¬
vance i^s prices °^ too per cent, and a
reductiL tof iu o t 'mediately. l,f twenty per
cent, iake effec t m Each
of the us paid in to the treasury
$2,000 a guaranty, of good faith,
the monew to be forfeit. ‘ <J if any of the
aoncern’e I'nlcj ire bri^t m Thej^4e<‘
provide tipat the seeretar T of the trust
shall bo permitted to exi mine tho va¬
rious firais at any time, re fusal to per
mitsucluan examination resulting in.
a forfeiture of tho guarautvo Wis., fund.
Henry Paine, of Oshkosh, was
made permanent chairman of the trust
and the following board or directors
was elected: Henry Paine, Si. Allan
Smith, Minneapolis, and L. IT. Rob¬
erts, Headquarters will
established in Chicago.
Moving the Bullion Away.
Miii Director Preston has ordered
tho rethova! to the San Francisco mint }
of $53(1,000 of gold bullion and $130,
000 of .silver bullion now at the Carson
City J cvada, mint. Home $600,000 of
unrefe ;ed silver not at tho Carson City
mint will be subsequently removed 1 o
i»'an Frnncisce. This removal of tb®
bv illi'il from tho Carson City mil it
pr. reffYDy thS completes tho dismantlii jy ig
«.f mint, which, in fact, lias on
pokUa re«mf Ltjeeu fir. Mason, used for the assaying governm pur- rnt
expo', aspeetor, who discovered the
Rhor*t&S will remain at Carson then City
for ural weeks yet, ana *wi)i
proe<&> f to mako an examiuatiom vf
the Francisco, Cal., mint,
atulu Burrow’s Partner Serves Out
Ills Sentence.
.Uube Smith, the ivuthern outlaw
anri a. member of tho notorious Bur¬
ro - vs gang of desperadoes, died in the
ktato pvison at Columbus, Ohio, Sat
nrdi >y afternoon, where ho wasaerving
a life sentence imposed by tho United
States coin t for the robbery of u mail
and express train on tho Mobile aud
Ohio railroad’ near Buekutuiiuy, M iss.,
in September, 1889. Burrows, it will
be remembered^ was fatally sh.jt while
resisting arrest f(.r this crime. St uitb
died of Bright’s disease. Accenting
to his statement ho was innocent.
^ 1 hey Voted to Remain Out.
The cotton mule spiunera’ union at
Blackstone, Mass., have voted to re¬
main out of the Blackstone Cotton
Company's mill They called upon
the superintendent and asked to re¬
main out Friday as the day war* Fa
triota’ Day. Their request was refus¬
ed. Hence the action of the union,
which was in accordance with the ac¬
tion taken at a meeting of tho New
En*daud mule spinners' union, im Bos¬
ton. several weeks ago, which viftedto
have the members of the uuiou stay
out of the mill on Patriots’ Day.
A National Hank Closed.
Comptroller Fckels has closed up
the First National bank of William
antic, Conn., unit placed Bank Exam¬
iner Dooley in charge. The capital of
the batik is $ 100,000 aud it has become
impaired, it is said, through the care¬
lessness or otherwise of the cashier,
who recently died.
Brcoktnridg.' for the Senate.
News cornea from I-exington. Ky.,
that W. C. P. Breckinridge will be
come a candidate for the I uited States
senate, and thus tret even with Senator
Blackburn, who helped defeat him ia
bis memorable fight for renomination
for congress.
Is is not so much what one says :.
t is what one dosa that oouata.
I wo Men and Tliree Women Hung by
a Mob in Alabama.
Fire persons were arrested Saturday
near Butler Springs, Alabama,charged
with the murder of Watts Murphy, o
young man and nephew of ex-Governor
Tom Watts, Of these two were men
and three women, all colored. Their
names are John Butler, Zeb Colley,
Bertha Greene, Alice Greene and Mary
Beane. Another negro man, who was
also implicated, made his escape.
A posse, who bad charge of the fire
prisoners, started from Butler Springs
—a distance of about sixteen miles
from Greenrille—with the two men
and three women at about 10 or 11
o’clock Saturday night, with the ob¬
ject of placing them .all in the county
jail for trial.
About 3 o’clock Saturday morning,
when the posse who had charge of the
prisoners reached a lonely place on
the road, voices came from both sides
of the roadway, commanding them to
halt. Seeing they wore outnumbered,
and being threatened with death, the
guard promptly obeyed, when prob¬
ably a hundred mea, with nrms in
their hands, took the five prisoners
(irom the guards and then and there
hung the last one of them to limbs of
trees and left their bodies dangling in
that position.
The Mikado Ratifies the Terms Agreed
to by the Commission.
A dispatch from Hiroshima, Japan,
to the Central News says that the
mikado ratified the Chino-Japanese
treaty Saturday afternoon.
Advices from Berlin state that
The Chinese government has con¬
cluded a loan of 30,000,000 marks at
6 per cent interest with a syndicate
composed of the national bank, Fuer
Deutschland, Heydt & Co., and Beh¬
rens & Sons, of Hamburg.
A semi-official note has been issued
to the newspapers at St. Petersburg
to the effect that the Russian govern¬
ment is in no wiso satisfied with the
Chino-Japanese clause treaty, especially tho
Lioa-Tong. providing for the cession of
Russia, the note says, will
act in concert with other powers in
protecting the interests of Europe,
even supposing one of the great powers
does not share in such action.
Ills Utterances In 1873 Compared
With His Present Policy.
A big mass meeting was held ia
Lexington, Ky., last Thursday night
by the advocates of free silver. The
meeting is the first of the kind in tho
state and sensational charges were
made upon the honesty and integrity
of Secretary Carlisle, who is looked
upon as being a probable candidate
for tho United States senate to succeed
Joe Blackburn. Tho moating was for
the purpose of organizing a bimetallic
club, but the establishment of the club
w as deferred and the time consumed in
discussing the financial question.
Mr. Carlisle and President Cleve¬
land were roundly denounced by dem¬
ocrats and republicans. Mr.Carlisle’s
utterances ragarding the demonetiza¬
tion of silver in 1873 were read and
compared with the policy ho is alleged
to bo pursuing now. One speaker de¬
clared “ho got something for this, and
you can guess what that something
was.” He was warmly applauded.
Milling Association Assigns.
Tho North Dakota Milling Associa¬
tion, at Grand Forks, N. D., mado an
assignment Thursday, The direct
cause was an attachment levied by the
Mandan Roller Mill Company for
$ 100,000 to secure the payment of a
note. Approximately the assets of the
association will amount to $700,000
and the liabilities to $400,000. The
association owns eleven mills, includ
three yn Minnesota, and leases two
others. It is said all the mills of tho
company iu the state have been at
Cached an d closed. It is alleged the
trouble ys among the management and
that tha dosing will be only tempo
Prosecution of tho Western Bank Note
Company Called Off.
Secretary Carlisle has directed that
the prosecution against the Western
Bank Note Company, of Chicago, for
printing Mississippi state warrants, be
it’scontinued. This action is taken
upon the recommendation of United
States District Attorney John C.
Black, concurred in by Attorney Gen¬
eral Glney, and from the further fact
that the company has discontinued the
printing of the warrants. Tho bank
note company, it is stipulated, will
have to pay the costs.
floasted coffee 12 6J F 100 cues Green
Slandard —Choice 21; granula’eil fair 19,4'c; prime 18J^c- Sugar—
New Orleans while 3Jj; 4^c;off do, grauu'ated c;
yellow 8Yi@3f^-.
kerup— New Orleans open kettle 25@30c; mixed L0@35c. Teat—Black
S0®6JC; green L0i^50c. Rice—Head 6c;
choice 5 l rie. Salt—dairy, jacks, J1.I0; do. bb s.
$2-25; ice cream tl; common 70c. Cheese—
Full cream 12VJo. Matches—65s 5fc: 100a
$1.3 (®tl.75; SOOs *2.75. Soda—Boxes 0 ;
kegs 3c. Crackers—Soda 5-^c: cream 8 : ,c,
ginger map. 8 l ;c. Candy—Common stick
0J4; tain? 12<S’.2-i. Oysters-F. W. $1.70; I.
W. $1.20. Powder—Regs $3.2\ Phot—$1.25.
P'lonr, Grain and Meal.
$3.40: Flour, iirst patent, $4.00: second patent
straight $8.13: fancy $c.05; extra fam -
iy $270. Corn, whit* 60; mixed 59. Oats,
ruet proof fOo; white 46c; mixed 43c. live,
Georgia 75c. Barley, Georgia fide, raised 8 :c. Har.
No- 1 timotbr, large bale- small bales $3c,
No. 2 timothy, small bales 80c. Meal, plain
3tk\- bolted 54c. Wheat bran, Urge sacks 90c;
small t'otton jacks925^'. Seed Vital (rie Shorts $1. Stock Meal, $1.
per 100 lbs. Hulig, $5
per ton. Peaa. 90c per bu. Grits $3 25. !
Country Produce.
Georgia ^S^SSSt.’SSRgSSti _ iJ 12 1 Live „ P-uitrr—Tur
.’hick?ii«,l*r^e. key* 12‘,J15c |> fe; ben* 25 .? 27 ‘fc; Jpring
iftS-otr 2 * - 23 tV:mevlmra 12 l « u? 15 u
trx—Turkey* „f McSlSc; ducks !; <
Burbank . *'¥?■* to.O- i $1.10.* bu. •
br, 65 if 7 Sc. Swee* p 14 toes
r ha. Hoa^v 8 *rAfned iU
* bu;
Clear rib j;de», boxed 7c: ice-cared bellies
«•« Brejkftst ffiigir-cured b»oon k«m» :o®!2 Lard— i ;c;California
T‘.;e. quality 7Jje, UWj'- Best 6c. (jnsUtv
second compound
Local market elojed nominal; unddiiag tfc.
is the purest and strongest
m baking powder made. It has
received the highest award at the U. S.
Gov’t official investigation, and at all
the Great International Expositions and
World’s Fairs wherever exhibited in
competition with others.
It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest,
most wholesome bread, cake and pastry.
More economical than any other leaven¬
ing agent.
Queer Human Family Statistics.
The estimated population of the
world on January 1, 1895, was 1,500,
000 , 000 .
Taking the world over there is an
average of one doath and one and one
fourth births per second. Only one
half of all who arc born into the world
live to the age of 17 years.
Vital statistics provo that, taking
the world over, there are 109 women
to every 100 men. Out of every nine
sudden deaths reported, eight of the
number are men.
The mioroscope shows that the hu¬
man body is covered with scales, each
Beale covering 500 pores.
Only six persons out of each 1,000
born live to be 75 years old, and only
one out of the same number reaches
tho century mark.
Figures by experts in vital statistics
provo that mrt less than 4,745,500,000
human beings die on our globe each
The latest anthropological statistics
prove that in America the daily,
monthly and yearly number of births
exceed the deaths iu the ratio of 3 tol.
Huxley’s tables show that the hnmnn
body is made up of thirteen different
elements, of which five are gases and
eight solids.
A Code of Signals.
First Citizen—It is not enough that
bicycles carry bells; the law should
enforce a regular system of signals
that all can understand.
Second Citizen—What would you
suggest ?
First Citizen— mightTSl Wi^ a I'rn’t know
exactly, but it thing like
this: One ring, stand still; twerringB^
dodge to the right; three rings, dive to
tho left; four rings, jump straight up
and I’ll run under you; five rings,turn
a back somersault and land behind me,
and so on. You see,us folks who walk are
always glad to be accommodating, but
the trouble is to find out what the fel¬
low behind wants us to do.
A Mistake.
The pastor bade her proceed.
“Tell me all,” he urged, kindly.
“I put a button in the contribution
box,” she faltered.
He smiled.
“And did your conscience trouble
you?” he asked.
The woman raised her eyes earn
“No,” she answered, “I put in the
wrong button and broke a set and I
would like to exchange it, if you
please. ”—Detroit Tribune.
She Had Eaten It.
“John,’’said the mistress, “I should
like you to find out, if you can, wheth
er there is any of the tinned salmon
left without letting the new cook know,
as she may have eaten it, and I should
not like to make her feel uncomforta¬
“If you please, ma’am,” said the
butler, “the new- cook has eaten the
tinned salmon, and she feels very un
comfortable indeed.” :
gYrilPdlGs £r*j
. . ^
dak W’ p v--- v. ■
m \ m-. ;•
I es £ 1
Both the method and results when
Syrup and refreshing of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
to the taste, and acts
genUy Liver and yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Bowels, cleanses the sys
aches tem effectually, and fevers dispels colds, head
and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
ducet., pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and trulv beneficial in its
cit, aom «he most;
bealthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities ^ commend it
to aU ‘u % j » have made , it .. the .» most . |
popular remedy Figs known.
Syrup r of x * is n for j• sale in j 50
C 6 Dt , DOttl^S by «lll leading i drug**
gists. Any haVe reliable bandVm druggist who 1
ma v ** f
cure wishes promptly Do for any one who
to try it. not accept any
5 1 v ntA*cisco, csi.
LOuiiULU. Kf, Aid I0KK, tt f.
The Rose and the Thorn.
She was no longer a rosebud.
Indeed, she was in full bloom, and
had been so through several seasons.
Rut she had money, and ho loved
How often men do that way.
Oh, money, thou art a honey.
So as time wore on and she grew no
younger, his heart throbbed by pro¬
posing to her.
He was so sure of her, at her time
of life, that anything but a prompt ac¬
ceptance never occurred to him.
What was his intense, nay jiainful,
surprise then, to hear her say she was
very much obliged to him for bis kind¬
ness, but she really must decline.
“Oh, why, why?” he pleaded, in
heartbroken tones.
“Because I do not love you,” she
v®,“But Wd, you can learn to love me,” he
“I think not,” she persisted.
“Oh, yes, yon can,” he exclaimed,
grabbing at her lily-white hand. “One
is never too old to learri, you know.”
How he ever escaped alive, it is no
part of the chronicler’s business to ex¬
This is no detective tale .—Detroit
Free Press.
A Jolly Fellow.
chez Wife—Why do the friends of San¬
say that he is such a jolly fellow?
Husband—Because be is nlway i
pleasant and good-tempered; he is
very obliging, spends his money freely,
and neglects his family to a shameful
What an ordinary man eats
and the way he-eats it wokyd
be enough ostrich—unless to give dyspepsia
to an the os¬
trich were wise enough to as¬
sist his digestion
from time to time
with an efficient
gjjjfy/ combination of
vegetable ex
tracts. Such a
L w.~ s ?:'preparalion is
• '34# Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Peilets.
They are excellence the pills
_par fffor
those who
sometimes eat
stimulate Ihe wrong things and too of much. digestive They
action in all the
organs. They stop sour stomach, windy
belcliings, constipation, heartburn, biliousness, flatulence dyspepsia, and cure in¬
digestion, sick headache and kindred
Once used they are always in favor.
Notice to Mil! Men
A mi far mers owning small po ower: Tha finest and
piwJ” , wir , fi’i , Fa?r‘«tCW*a";" ,, AllVi"es, fromf'h.
w r„,. with n covers, all —
/In Xvanlzed nests of after ten, completion^, 8 to 2 feet\
/diameter, /high and 30 at 2>*c. to 30 inches gallon.!
I per
f Ttiey ao not ruat, shrink, leak, *lv«
taste to water, nor allow foreign sub*
I stances to g3t In. They can be put
I Ingerret or barn ond thus ere protected
Ifrom freezing. They take no setting:
Vup, ere cheeper than wood. Tank*
V substructures of al! sizes made to §
% order. Send for price list end M
designs for substructure end till
.ornamental water supply. ,
mm 1
I* L-' «
m m
5 “‘;„S*
*5sS~*ds'£»H”SE5M * 5 *
wnm^roiTil? ;g, K ,ff r T t w»i
l tA T II ».; *«r or iT«
***.***!. TQ^gBS* critdek>, . fcbb . riTTKgiL «»ufl mw
LV^Ta rurara jrrta u ^^^&%S coanaTiox. it wuUeosTiirrs to
c ;^“T ,V £
SflriRtPRiU.ifl wi.ib awi* 0
mcise of the wcrld. w*Tir” m r?if
aekbotm ca^ c&JCiwo. JlT
«i«aii ntih mfwr 1
’ “
i CTS m ■*Jz\
Best „ CtiRtS fftitRE Ail ELSE FAILS.
| Cough Syrup. Taster Good. Use
25 Fa time. 6okt hy druggy ^
I rfskoK'KtflftlA^sini