Newspaper Page Text
VOL. ll
Social and Personal Happen¬
Mr. Tom Wynne returned from San
dersvHlc last Wednesday.
V regret that our Barnett locals
reached us too late for this issue.
Rev. li. L L. Harris now has his
study in the building in which the post
office is situated.
Rev. It. K. L. Harris preached a
good sermon at the Baptist church last
Sundav morning. On account of bad
sv ather lie did not preach last Sunday
There was a number of visitors from
Warren county, White Plains, Union
Point, and other “points,” in Craw¬
fords villa last Tuesday night to see the
school entertainment.
MUs Lula Boone, who has been on a
VI sit to relatives at tSaudersville, re¬
turned to Crawfordsville last Wednes¬
day. She will lie at Crawfordsville for
a week or ten days longer, and will
then return to her home in Atlanta.
Miss Marie Bowen,of Jewells, Ga.,
ertroute to La Grange, to attend the
e Mnmenectnent of the female college
there, stopped ai Crawfordvilie to visit
Hev. B. L. L. Harris and wife last
Visitors from Union Point, White
Fiat as,
tarlf of this county, came into Craw
fordviilc with the object of attending
the school entertainment last Friday
iritiht, but on account of had weather
the «atertainment was cot held.
This is the way a Georgia editor views
the financial situation:
“We would not be too backward,
Nor yet be over-bold;
Take silver on subscription,
* On a parity with gold.”
Home is pleasant only as we make it
so. The humblest cottage may contain
more pure happiness and love than the
Baest mansion. Out of the wealth of
Ihe heart springs that cheerfulness that.
wealth cannot secure it, u is the reward
of a pure fieart and a clear conscience,
of the knowledge of right doing and
upright living. Such happiness is
worth all the miilions of a Croesus.—
If ^ von start or renort a bad storv to
doing damage that ,s
any. one, you are a
no repentance or shame on your part
can ever undo. Whisper a slander to
your best friend, and though you stand
<-u a bill the next day and proclaim
with a loud voice that it is not so,
yeu cannot call the bad story hack,
If you have no pity for those *ho *>
txroug, a little self respect foi
yourself, and don’t gossip about them.
In the majority of cases they are as
innocent ns you are, but some evil
muuded penon started a bad report
.bat found believers. People who do
wrong are punished enough if there is
-to gossip about them.—Clay pool, lud.,
Some of the negro prisoners iu the
Btbb county jaii plauued to get away
on Monday night, but were prevented
from doing so by other prisoners in the
jcil giving their plot away to the jailor.
Luca Fisher, a noted car breaker was
captured in Greenesboro’ on Thursday
rright of last week, while attempting to
break open a freight car.
Mr. Otis Holliday, living ten miles
cast of IVashington, lost his giubouse
aud contents by fire on Monday of this
tyeck. The fire was caused by light
mng striking the house during a
thundeu storm. There was no loss of
lifc -
A severe stGrm visited the lower por
tion of Putnam county in this Slate, on
Monday last, doing much damage to
and J buildings, K -U- U but * 1- lives . ^ .
crops no
Mr. J.W. Tatum, of Lincoln county,
had his entire crop of com and cotton
A revival has been in progress at a
colored church in Gordon county
£ve vea-s. without any intermission.—
When their stock of sinners is exhaust
ed they start at the foot and do
work over again.
Heligion that isn’t used every day
WotpH k#ep sweet a week.—Bam’tHforn
A Sociable.
Last Friday night the young people,
having been disappointed of the school
entertainment, determined to have a
sociable. It was soon made known
that a sociable was on the tapis, and
despite the threatening weather a large
crowd gathered at the residence of Mr.
\V. A. Legwin for enjoyment. This
attested the popularity of the hostess,
Miss Maud. by A very pleasant evening
was spent all.
The School Entertainment.
On account, of bad weather the chas¬
ing exercises of the Stephen’s High
School were postponed from last Friday
night to last Tuesday night. When the
curtain rose last Tuesday night a large
and fashionable audience greeted 'he
members of the school. Prof. Murphy
is to be congratulated on his ability Each in
.retiring up an entertainment,
part ot the programme was appreciated
bv the audience. “The Crowning of
the May Queen” was a feature of :he
exhibition that was much etij y d by
the visitors. There were recitations
and from the large pupil*
of the school. These were excellent.
There were several participants iu the
exercises who made themselves con¬
spicuous by their talent, but there is
not space enough to mention them by
name; but all did well, the music
bv Prof. Murphy’s daughters academy was very
line. The audience left the
well pleased, and most of them had
made the determination to see the next
entertainment by rite school.
A Novel Experiment.
j recently successfully tried lire ex
peiiment ot liviug thirty days with only
ir.g my diet from 4o!K®niquid. tried During the
the thirty drfl'GA? which I ex¬
periment, I losfcriive and aJialf pounds
in weight, Intrl Just ut»> strength. 1
think that 1 lost the weight because the
weather was warm, and because 1 took
so much exercise. 1 ro.le a bicycle also
considerably during the time, and
exercised much every day except Sun
days. I took a great deal ot exercise,
as i a wM B deilS C ed l ToV^t 8, the if thing
fairlv. On the seventh day of the ex
perimeut I ran several foot races with
a skilllui runner, and was beaten in
each race. On the thirtieth day I ia .1
some more races with the same person,
but did better than in the first races.
This fact fpurjunts proves that milk I lost daily no strength, for
1 took or
lhink lliati a healthy person should
take about live pints per day when no
other food is intervals being taken, f drank the
milk after of two hours
t5 ?r.f • ^L^rr-md^ominuln” night'.
UU ten o’clock at Then 1 would
take no more till the next morning. the
,^4 My principal ‘ reason lor making that
l0 e stabUsh lhe facl per
sons convalescing from sickness may
grow stronger with no other nutriment
than sweet milk, and that the} aie not
peopie\vua|i his n m ‘ Many
a convalescent has gone to grave as
a result of overtaxing his weak stomach
t jje old belief that “bread is the
first essenl ial of (human) life” is erro
ue ous. for
I believe that a man could live
any length ot lime, aid take be.«, a
II. F. White, M. D.
Mr. W. C. Chapman, of the Alliance
Store, Mr. U. 8. Guun, aud Dr. II. F.
White, will take your subscription to
the Advocate, and receipt you for
the same.
As True as Gospel.
A married man wails thus:
“Nothing maddens me more than , . to
attenjpL to read to my '.vife.
“I’ll ail dowQ anil begin Jt ^ a alwajs
something interesting—and she’ll be
, seated for a minute or two. Thcu
she’ll say:
“‘Go right ahead, dear; I can hear
every word.’
“Then she’ll prance int0 f,ie ne> ‘ l
1 room and tinkle and tinkle with things
on the mantel or the bureau whiie ^
raise my voice and have to roar out
some paragraph that loses all its sense
hv tilt mpsni
disappear .-ain and I’ll
^ , ^ '^es 0 dose” ut in muffled
“I put on my hat and go down town .
and read to m y 9elf a11 » he wa J-”— Ex -
The Georgia Weekly Press
tion will hold its annual conventional
Gainesville on the 2nd add 3rd oi July
of this year.
Advertise in this paper.
Personal and Newsy Notes
Gathered Up by Traveler.
Nice rains the past week, and chops
of all kinds are looking line.
Mr. Lincoln Yea/.ey lias taken a
select School in Cratvfordville,
Mr. J. E. Bagby and family, were
visitors on Pea Ridge, last Suhday.
We were glad to meet our old friend,
Mr. Joel Ivey, of Hancock county, l;t*t
Master Albert Atkinson visited his
UQt de, C. L. Bagby, of Sharon last
Traveler was in Crawfordvilie last
week, am! found business quite dull
in every line.
Air. Wm. Burk one of Sharon’*oldest
citizens has much improved in health
We welcome our Barnett corespond¬
ent to the Advocate. He gets up a
good letter.
Justice Court is held in the 002nd.
District, G. M., on the 2nd Wednesday
in eacli month.
Prof. Woodall has started up a nice
Sunday School in Jonesboro, til Talia¬
ferro couuty.
The fruit crop will be an abundant
one this yeai, and will be a gteat hies
sing to the whole people.
C. L. Bagby, Sharon, Ga., will re
ceive and"" receipt subscriptions for
Tue Crawfobdyille Advocate.
Every body is chopping cotton now,
;m d dav labor is iu good demand at
al n) reasonamc r , bIc wa ° „ e ..
The health of'Ta.lliaferro county has
} lur) roved considerably in the last
month. We have very tittle sickness,
I he debabng Soct e . ty, . . ’ ’ tnn
in a flourishing condition, an< i
largely attended by the young people.
Miss Missouri .... Bagby has , returned . ,
to her home near Barnett, from a
’'AuSWj-M*. ,
week’* visit to h*- J. -
Mitlodrigan Baptist Sunday School
has ® „ ot iu working com dition again.
Mr. Walter Nelson , is . its .. Superintend- Wl ,„ nr i
Wc were glad to see Mr. Millie .. .
Browu on the streets of Sharon last
week. Willie has b^eu iu bad healih
forBOjneliine .
Mr. 11. N. Gilbert is still supplying
giin.roii with fresh meat, and running a
fanu l00 ^ve Taylor is right hand
Mr. Mike PbehaU is the happiest man
we know of now. He has got him a
fishermen’s wagon, and lie don’t mmd
the weather just so the fish will bite.
All local news furnished , . , , C. „ L. T n, Ba -
by, trill be tbaakfolly received m the
county for publkalton to the columns
of the Advooaie.
Judge M. J. Taylor, of the 172nd
District has Court every week. If he
got pay for all his work., he certainly
wou ; ( j make money,
Mr. A. L>. Moore, of Sharon, has a
nice lot of Coffins and Caskets ou hand
Any one that should need anything in
that line would do well to call on him.
Salem Baptist Sunday School is in a
working condition and has a
comiunuV d . ce CO nsiderin- the size
3 he two old parties are getting ..... so
that they don’t think theFeopie s rarty
is such a bad thing, alter all. Wed we
hope they will get right after awhile.
Mr. John O’Keefe, of Sharon, has
the finest blooded mare in Taliaferro
couuty _ She is a daisy sure enough,
j^ dc j will Kendrick thiuks he has got
t he finest colt.
Col. U. u. van Oil ,, ana , M m. ,, It. R dfowd
of Taliaferro have gone down in Lin
county to make there fortune looking
for gold. Carroll says he is going to
»*.»*«*•*> ^ •*»••
filing for this season, but we doo t
believe it. It would be a hard
to keep him off of the river as long a &
there is any water in it.
Messrs. Lawrence and James Battle,
0 f Barnett, will make Warrenton their
futute home, so we learn. Lawrence,
we understand, will take up the law
1 profession. We wish them both much
Sprite* chickens are late
into the matket. this year. Re hiive
hot set>. a single one yci.
])1, A. A. Davidson, one of T.dia
fefro’s brightest young men and rising
physicians, left last week for Augusta ’
where ho w ill make his future home '
r . y hated JtSLc lie bids
We to give Albert up.
fair to make his mark in the medical
professloa, ami vve wish him all the
Mr. C. E. Atkinson, Editor in Chief
Fit-wras’ ,7 Light, was m Sharon last,
week, looking , after the interest of his
papers. Mr. Aikinson is a pleasant,
sociable gentleman, find takes well
where ever he goes.
A n tie if it I Piece of Word Painting,
by tlio Agnostic.
The following wonderful piece of
wi^d panning has been frequently
published, says The Chicago Tribune,
bin we reprint it at the request of
several readers who desire a complete,
copy. Col. Robt. G. lugersoll, in ad¬
dressing a jury in a case which mvolv
ect.the manufacture of aichohol, made,
tin following terrible arraignment, of
the demon:
▼I ain aware that there is a preju¬
dice against any man who manufac¬
tures alcohol. I believe that from the
ii lbe b issues from the coiled and
poisouous worm in the distillery until
it imply into the jaws of death, dis
h”nor and crime, it deinoializes every¬
body that touches it, from its source
to where it ends. I do not believe
hodv U(m conlemplatc th( . object
wpOUt being p ejndieetl ag.mist .i.„ the
liquor crime. All we have to do, gen
either tlmyeu, is to think of the wrecks on
side'of the stream of death, of
tl e suicides, of the insanity, of the ig
ncrauce, of the destitution, of the
U lie.children tuggin at the faded and
withered breast of weeping ami de
s , ajfiug; mothers, of wives asking for
Read, . of the men of ,. genius it ... has
the tiien struggling with im
.‘“““"“FA"“J* " do-t.-iRs, produced by this
U f c vi 3 alls ’ 01 Uie aimsnouseB, or me
a*yluin«, of tho prisons, of the scaffo ds
uaon either bank, ’ I do not wonder
, Imtuverv tIj0 h lful manih pi , ju(lice ,l
against this damned stuff called alcohol
p Uem j, cla nce cuts down youth in its
vigor, manhood in its strength, old age
in weakness. It breaks tue father's
heart, bereaves the doting mother,
extinguishes natural affection, erases
conjugal love, blots out ii!i,*.l attach¬
ment blights parental hopes, brings
down mourning age in sorrow to the
grate. It produces weakness, not
strength; sickness, uot health; death,
not live. It makes wives widows,
children orphans; fathers fiends; and
all of them paupers ami beggars. It
feeds rheumatism, invites cholera,
imports pestilence and embraces con¬
sumption. It covers the laud with
idleness, misery, crime. It iiils your
jails, supplies yout almshouses, and
demands your asylums. It engenders
controversies, fosters quarrels and
cherishes riots. It crowds your pen¬
itentiaries and furnishes victims for
vour scaffolds. It is the life blood of
lhe ga mbkr, the element of the
„j ar) lb c prop of the highwayman and
SU pp or { 0 f the midnight incendiary.
It countenances the liar, respects the
thief, esteems the blasphemer.
violates obligation,’ reverences fraud
a»<l ho.or,
olenee. hales love, seams virtue and
imi0 cen<:e. It incites the
£ at jjor to butcher his helpless offspring,
helps the husband to massacre his wife
and ^ (.qjiq lo D r j nf i Gie paricidal
aXj it burns up men, consumes wo
roen , detests life, curses God, despises
heaven. It suborns witnesses, nurses
perjury, defiles the jury box and stains
judicial ermine. It degrades the dti
zen, > debases the legislator,
the statesman and disarms the patriot.
It brings shame, not honor, misery,
not safety; despair no hope; misery,
sss 1 z:lL is
bavoc. It poisons felicity, kills peace,
ruins moral8j b ji ghl8 confidence, slays
reputations, and wipes out national
honor, then curses the world and
laughs at its ruin. It does all that aud
more. It mnrdeis the soul. It is the
sum of all villainies, the father of a11
crimes, the mother of all abominations,
the devil’s best friend and God’s
enemy.” --
Delivered in Cratvfordville, Ga., May
20th, 1095.
We have met here to-night for a vi ry
s °lemn and serious purpose. That purpose
j„ p, agitate lh«* temperance <juestiou in
our county; magnify the Temperance
cause; ami to enlist good men and women
on I lie side of the. anti-barroom Kill, which
will bo proscntcil to our Legislature next
Fall to he enacted into a law.
I trust there will be no levity of heart,
»><•*outbursts <>f laughter here this evening
—"As well might von laugh upon the battle
^ hl rtlt . lll: . tloHll iiml tlll .
; ,,
The Temperance cause, thank God has
made, vast progress in this nation in ihc
past few years; and now wnafe not tar
front complete victory in Georgia.
I see now the grey dawn ot the approach¬
ing day of triumph for "God home and na¬
tive land.” God is on our aide and he says
“ho will give his angels charge over tts to
keep us."
God, if necessary would suspend
Heaven’s operations tor a mont h, or a year,
ami would send down all hjs hosts, all the
angels and archangels, to assure the victory
in litis tremendous struggle. Yea Heaven
would encamp upon this earth.
My hearers, this is God’s cause, and all
opposed to it “are found lighting nguilisl
God” and will as certainly be detested as
that G :d lives. Temperance is a part of
the Gospel, and will assuredly sweep tho
demon, the whiskey traffic, from the globe.
Why ? Because Gotl the Father "hath de
el u'ed”his unrelenting and eternal ‘wrath’
against, all evil-doers: and because Jesus
Christ, "must reign until he hath put all
enclitics under his feet,” anti whiskey is
the great enemy of tho Lord Jesus Christ,
A successful Temperance convention was
hold in Athens last week, and other con¬
ventions are to lie. held in other cities in
Georgia this Summer. The. Temperance
forces are going to semi tip to ottr Legisla¬
ture next Fall tho Anti-bar-roaui Bill, and
will make earnest appeal in the name of
the bent interests of Georgia that the Bill
lye. made law. And with this Kill will lie
the petitions <>f thousands of petitioners
front all over Georgia begging that tho Bill
may pass. Mr. Walter K. Hill, of Macon,
Ga., the great lawyer, and devoted friend
of Temperance, is the framer of this Kill,
and tins Kill looks to the banishment of the
liquor curse from Georgia.
Now why is such a Bill necessary ?
Because the bar-room keeper is a murderer
amt the people need - protection from ipm.
’rt'Sjbe-btw-raniu keeper is a murderer, but
gome one else is a co-inu'fdefer • with gmir,!
Who is be ? Wny be who puts ball’s
black sword into il# bsr-room keeper s
hand, hy wUlfuully voting him a license to
May human beings, and these both with
great audacity will ha,v, “\*e Uavo ugiitH,
you are attacking our libertiy.” Fellow
man, rights come front God atone, and tins
is not one of them. God says, “Thou shalt
Woe him that giveth his :
not kill.’ unto
neighbor drink.” A bar-room keejie- is a
profesbionial murderer, tills is his boasted
business. "He is a curse to our civilization,
,i curso to our homes, anil u curse to our
children. It would be a blessing for Him
to die, and lie knows it,” 1 pity their
souls,-but I abominate, their characters.
And I am sorry for the,nt that they have
fallen so low, as that they cannot see how
]ow, how debauched and wicked they are.
Yes we arts eonftonted by tins bar-room
keeper and his satclites crying “Liberty,”
and passing on we meet the poor, stagger¬
ing drunkard mumbling and hiccoughing
about the hard times, when by Ins last
(Irani iic lias just made a 15 or ih cents
eoutibution to the i:'.),000,000 which are
dragged yearly from the pockets of the
people of Georgia, drawn by titc inhuman
whiskey ring from dying drunkards,
suffering wives and starving children.
what is■ the only hope of ridding
v.’hy for the State m exercise her sovereign
right and protect, lmr citizens from this
Demon by the strong arm of the law.
How V There are imt two ways To
,he H T'r . **1 1Mstru
,, ar , an ,t ,„r l]iegia)d <>! humanity,Dial
best plan is to take this instrument of
death from the hands of the wicked
room keepers and whiskey-iicuds, by
hibibon. And this anti-l’.arroom Kill is to
] ’U '
^ u!receive „ w-tition-o.- i ir rr i* n «d
mY t w
e a an d signed. If we do, hr the naim of
God and your homes w- ask you to sign
Also the Convention m Athens, passed
resolution that a week of prayer be called
for w , #k tW , Summer, at which time
all Christians are expected to be.sec.-h
throne oi’grace and power for God’s
...... uiebelieu th<- '-reat ”
Cardinal, he of iron will, wa.s once a;>
preached by a frightened- girl. The girl
came naming to him for protection and she
" 4^) U l 1 -'’> ” ,il riJU ’
Ul „
The Cardinal saw the situation, and
straightening hi* tall ami impressive form,
j ie before the girl and confronted the
wretch. Then in a. terrible anl majestic
manner, with the s’aiT of his ofiice tie drew
NO. 27
k circle liroittM the girl and himself amt
said .cords like these. “X imrl upon then
i.he awftil anathemas of the Church of
Rome, and ill her name dure thee to eater
Whether Cardinal Richelieu, my hearers,
was grhxl or not, our Lord God Omnipotent
“Thun in God’s good name, httd 1 y his
great power, let us draw the magic circle
of prohibition about our precious homes;
ami standing secure within that charmed
circle, let tis boldly say to the whiskey
monster ’ he who enters with his red sword
of death to disrupt our hopes, darken ow
homes, and destroy our children. "We de
<y .you ! we defy you’ In God’s name, wo
defy you !” Tor iu tins circle wo aro sofa
Uvyoudyour rcaoh
•‘Nobody knows, the work it makes,
jo keep the homo together.
Nobody kudws the stops n wires,
.Aobody knows, hut mot he.'
Nobody knows the sleepless care,
Bestowed on haby-brollier.
Nobody knows the tender prayer,
Nobody, only mother
Nobody knows the anxious fours.
The Lost darnngs may not weather,
storms oi life in alter years,
Nobody knows, bur mother.”
It almost appears t hese days that “no
body” cares for the “darlings” but God
and mother. Oh men, men, Fathers in tho
land, arise, arise, and le„ us drive tho
liquor eiirse, from our midst, and thus make
way lor the triumphant advance of that
gospel which is “tho power of God unto
j eulvutiuu"I McCLESKEY.
1". W.
It is voty natural in this life as soon
as a good imiu dies, lor the world to
mourn and to cover his bier wilh How
ers, and shed a tear upon bis new mado
grave and say to the world, there lies a
’good man,and regret his sudden disap¬
pearance from the stage of action. This
is all very well. But loukjat that man as
he wades through the troubles of this
life, dashed hen. and there by the
troublesome waves of oppression and
cries ever and anon for help. “Help
me or 1 perish. My business is about
stunded; a little help will get me tothe
shore,” and see the people as they puss
by, who aro able to loud a helping
band, but who, intent only upon their
own affairs, leave him to perish, and
then w hen failure comes, say,I’m sorry
or I iptctided lu help! ‘But olns, bis
good thoughts come too lftte| It is
said that the way to hell is paved wifli
good intentions', atifl believe . *V ■
jj 4 j s w jj t ^ ou jj ie principal thorough
nill h . The way of Ufo j, *,
rough that a cheering . word , . here and
there lenders the great bill more otisy
to climb. A mother once was lying on
her death bed. liar two sous were
standing around when one of them
remarked “Mother, you have been a
good mother to me.”
“Thank God,” she said, “I have
lived nil this long time to hear you say
that, and now 1 am ready to die.” The
poor old woman, as mothers will, had
spent sleepless nights thinking about
her boys; the linger tips bad been
pierced many a time by the sharp
pointed net die as she plied it back
and forth for that boy; many a little
delicacy had been saved and given
to him; many a sleepless night hail
been crnlun d when the fever was
raging upon him, but uot once did he
s;i j, until her poor old form had bent
beneath the weight of age, and her
feet bad been placed in the cold waters
° u {,he Rood tiver mother. of “ fcal1 I . 1 he ’ “ ytm poor ^‘H-om-n old v, >mu
looked with eagerness ior it, hut it
never came Hi) the last.
How much brighter life would be if
we would each break the box of pre
ci»«, olmmcnl aud ham! U» l»v«.y
Cunvr rs of a hind word amend now,
that the sweet perfume of both might
be cast all around us, thereby remler
[ u „ the earth happier that we have
q v(>d tl p 0U p.—Ex.
50 cents
a year, t
for a limited number isthe
price of the
(rational Watchman,
The Leading Reform Journal,
Published at the National Capital.
lt is a journal, neatlg.printed and shotiai’be sixteen
read page by reformer.
Sample Copies Sent on Application.