Newspaper Page Text
t'NFJt ZL\ ■^zJ r |s25!J35jp53 HHVHWPIpl T- __
F 2228 c lihu. i- ..irrarf . * v V H
VOL. 11 '
Social and Personal Happen¬ i
Mrs. Walter Yeazev, of Barnett,
family .
vKited Prof. Murphey’s
Dr. Forrest Phillips, of IL'iflem, vis
Hed mv. W. A. Legwius family
Airs. Ami Mtirdeti, of It obi n son.
itetl her sister Airs. Dr. -V. G. Kcaz.ev,
lust week.
Mrs. Dr. Phillips of Harlem, daught¬
er of Mr. W. -V. Leg win, of Grawfurd
villo, is visiting her parents.
The Cuban Revolution is spreading.
it is said that the Cub ins now save
gO,UUO men ummi ;
'V. O. llolden, J. F. Holden, and j
Col. II. AI. Holden and family, visited
Wane!) county this week.
An enjoyable sociable was <dven to !
the young people by Col. and Airs. H. j
AI. iloldcn last Friday night.
Airs. Xenoniiti llixou and J\iiss
Maggie Hatton, of Greene county, vis¬
ited Alts. A. G. Deazley last week.
II Rubin left Crawfordville last
Suuday for a visit to Mew York. She
Mill be gone about two months. |
Air below'the C I! Golucke is having a house |
built depot, which will be |
used by him ns a public gin house.
Air. A. G. AU-Donald, of Thomson, j
accompanied by his two youngest chil¬
dren visited ( rawfordviile last Sunday.
Mr. Owen Moore, from near Sharon,
and Mr. Edward Crooke, from*, Sharon,
were in Crawfordville on business this
It is said that rain, wind, and hail, >
did considerable damage in some parts i
of Taliaferro county last Wednesday
M ; ,:y Annie AC 111 :’ htr.) been
v, .;ine ID - Criiwfi.r.lvi’ilc re¬
turned to her home at Raytown last
Tommie, son of Mr. Reuben Rhodes,
lias been quite sick, but is up now. He
was in Crawfordville the early part of
this week.
The Crawfordville Methodist Sunday
School held its annual picnic about two
cud one half miles from Crawfordville
Ot) ,1 une 13. Those who attended pro- j
uouncecl it an enjoyable affair.
t Mrs. Robert J. Bunkley and daught
ei . x ,j le of Ada. Dooly county, Ga.,
aio visiting the family of Dr. Beazley.
Miss Katie Bunkley, a bright young
Miss oi [fifteen, has been for the past
year attending school at Milledgevilie.
A nnnibcv of Crawfordville’s citizens
visited .Tenning’s Chapel last Sunday to
attend preaching service. Mr. West,
the pastor, is quite popular. Ile
prea dies at Jeuning’s Chapel the third
Sunday in every month.
Whenever you hear a tnan lindin"
fault with lias local paper, open it up
and ten to one he has no
merit in it; live to one lrc never gives
it job-printing to do; three to one i, e
does mot take the paper; two to one if
lie is a subscriber he is a delinquent;
even odds that he never does anything ,
that will assist the publisher to run the
paper, and four to one lie has never
succeeded at anything.—Ex.
A little bo} was on nis knees
his evening pra\ei. he was baieiooter ,
<inil his little sister \\ as sc-iatching 1 K
bottom of h*s bare lee L . Jhis 1C
could not bare, and he said: I lC‘ l ' (
God, excuse me till I knock the stuffing
out of Kell.”
The fruit growers of Georgia are to
form an organization of their own.
The fruit Crop of Georgia is the
largest known for years. If there was
anv money in circulation. So doubt the
fruit growers would have a bonanza of
it this year.
Peaches -mid in New York last week
for -0 a bushel.
George Yaaderbilt Iras already ex
ponded £4,000,000 in his Ashviile
home, and it will take £2,000,000 more
Vu meet L- owner’s idea of perfection.
Advertise in this paper.
t J A WVFORDYILLE, < « 8- DAY, JUN 21, 181)5.
A Silver Club.
Why can not the people of Taliaferro
county organize a silver club ? f i here
is no lack of enthusiasm
biniHallists in Ibis county, a;id t>
strong dub could be organized. Let's
have the club.
The Protracted.Meeting.
Lev. F. W. McC’Iesky commenced a
series of prniincled niectiugs at t he
Methodist Church at Crawfoulvilie
last Sunday. There is evidence that
his preaching is having effect. It is to
he hoped that much good may be
accomplished during the meeting.
A Marriage.
On Wednesday afternoon. Juno 12,
ifr . j 0 ] ni Callahan, and Aliss Ko.xic
Andrews, both of Greene
were married, hy Rev. It. K. L. Harris.
They tire both well known in i rnw
l'ordville. Tin; Advocatk wishes
khem a long, happy, and prosperous
Gov. Atkinson Very Ill.
Governor Atkinson was attacked with
appendicitis on Sunday night of
week, which necessitated a surgical
operation on Mouday night, and ever
since, Ins life has been hanging on «
slender cord, and very little hope is
entertained for his recovery.
Latkk.-Fp to the hour of going to
press, Thursday evening, there is uoi
much change in his condition.
SSor>ey Conventions.
Some time ago the gold standard ad¬
vocates of this Country held a conven¬
tion in Memphis, Tenn. A few hun¬
dred bankers and men of that class
wer0 prescut as delegates. This gath
eriug clearly showed that gold is the
rich man’s money.
A few day- ago another convention
v is In-id in Memphis, but this time by
the"advocates ot :• t> r- -m » 1*1
country. .Mote than two thousand
delegates were in attendance. They
represented thereat majority of our
Death of Mr. John S. Watson,
Mr. John S. Watson, father of lion.
T. E. Watson, died at his home near
Thomson. on Wednesday night of last
week, after a lingering illness of sev¬
eral weeks. Air. Watson was in the
blind year of his age at the time of his
death. Ilis wife and six children sur
vivo him, three sons and three dauglit
ers. Mr. Watson was a generous,
warm-hearted gentleman, and was
highly respected by his friends aud
neighbors. Ills remains were buried
in rite cemetery at Thomson on Thurs¬
day afternoon, the funeral services be¬
ing conducted by Rev. A. B. Thrasher.
Our sympathy is extended to the be
l-eavcd family.
Exactly So.
’JLe editor of the Sumpterville, Fla.
Yiilette is indeed cor-eet when he
makes . Jollowmg „ „ remark:
1 “Editing a paper is indeed a pleasant
tiling. If it contains too much politi¬
cal matter the people won't have it,.
If it contains too little they won’t
have it at all. If the type is large it
does not contain enough reading mat¬
I ter, aud if the type is small they can’t
read it. If we put in a few jokes they
say we are an old fossil.
If v\e publish original matter, they
| condeion us for not giving selections;
> we gj Ye selections people sav
Uve are la2y. If we give a man a
complimentary notice, we are censured 1
for being partial; if we do not,
! hands say we are a bore.
! If we insert an article which pleases
i the ladies, the men are jealous, if we
j do not cater to their wishes, the paper
is not fit to be seen in the house.
I If we attend church, they say it is
i for effect, if we do not, they denounce
us as deceitful and desperately wicked,
jH we date speak not well do otherwise. of an act, folks say
j we
If we censure, they call us traitors.
If we protect the innocent from scan
,Ia l mongers, they say we are bought
toff: ! if we do^’t we ought to be
If we remain at our office, we are
too proud to mingle with our fellows;
if we go out, we had better stay at the
; office and work. If we can’t pay
debts promptly, we are not to be
ed; if we do, they wonder where we
get the money.”
j Personal anct Newsy Notes
Gathered Up by Traveler.
Air. .Jehu O’Keef has the fattest
milk cotv hi the county.
The colored base hall < mb, oi Shsv
i ron, played Iasi Saturday.
I Sr nu: of the Conv ent boys went
home last week, on a visit.
Dr. J. d. Cooper, of Harnett, visited
j .Sharon last week.
Air. and Airs. G. 11. Gregory visited
Traveler’s family last Sunday.
Several hoarders at th*- Satiilarium
Hole!, Hillman, Ga., so we learn.
and Airs. Jos. Perkins, of Sandy
! Gross, were visiting Shat on last week.
Miss Claude Taylor visited Mr It. X.
• Gilbert’s family last week, at Sharon.
Air. A\ ill Carey visited Iris aunts, the
Misses ( lemouts, near Sharon, this
Judge Jacob Rocker, of Warren
countv, killed a very large rattlesnake
last week.
Mr. Arthur Moore, of Hillman, wae?
t •’’>11 very id last week w ills billious
Messrs. G. T. Alooto and Howell
Curry are the champion marble players
of the ITditd Dist. G. M.
Air. Elisha Moore is stopping in
Sharon now. shelving telegraphy un¬
der Mr. W. L. Kendrick.
Miss Jennie Johnson, of McDuffie
county, is visiting her sister. Airs. Jno.
M. Kendrick, near Sharon.
Aliss Missouri llagbv, of near Barnett
visited her sister, Mrs. Carrie Gregory,
on Pea Ridge last week.
We were glad to meet Judge
erts on the streets again last
lie looks like himself again.
? fr
moved back to their homo near Sharon
from the city of Augusta.
C’apt. Henry D. Smith, aud Mr. Robt
Wray, of Warren county, were in
Sharon last week on business.
Mr L T. -Moore of Sharon, visited
his brother, Mr. Arthur Moore, - of
Hillman, last week.
Alts. Braecy, of near Sharon, whom
we spoke of as being very sick last
week, is getting well.
Miss Mary Kit Gilbert is visiting Mr.
R. G. Elliott’s family of Warren county
this week.
Mbs Ilarly, of Savannah, is visiting
her sister Miss Kate Hatty and other
relatives in Taliaferro at present.
Mrs. II. T. Gilbert is visiting her
brother Mr. Bob Hill, of Culverton this
week. She was accompanied by her
son Melton, one of Sharon’s pet boys.
Hlaekberry picking is the order of
the day with the women and little
children now, and there is sure a fine of them.
Several of the Slmroniles enjoyed a
game of base ball last Friday evening
at the John O’Keef .park, near the
Mr J. A. Mcrshon, of Sharon,
tended the Prohibition meeting in
Crawfordville last week, and made a
nice speech, so we learn.
Mrs. Betsy Moore has returned to
her home in Sharon, after a weeks
visit to her brother, Mr. J. 13. Lvans,
| on Lea liidge.
j Any r one wishing to sell small beef
f : cattle milk would find it to
or cows,
their interest to see li. N. Gilbert,
Sharon. Ga.
Cant. Hunter, of Iliilman, was in
town last week. The Captain is a
j clever, jovial fellow, and his many
friends are always glad to see him.
i y,f r9 . Mitchell, Prof. J. W. Woodall’s
mother, is quite sick at her home near
-baron. We hope she is not seriously
; sick.
\Ye understand that Mr. L. 8. Jack
son intends going into the bee culture,
and Mr. IL II. Jackson will be inter
ested with him and will make the hive
! for the busino.-:.
Old tinware, well buckets for bored
wells, stoves and stove pipes, lamp ,
etc., repaired. Also all kinds of t.n
and sheet iron work made to order at
moderate prices, and work guaranteed
1 by (J. L. Bagbv,the Tinner. Sharon J 'a.
Nm. Mari-u* NoviY, of Williams
Creek, i;, sick, at this willing.
Si’i. T. IT. Kendrick is on deck every
Satin day, at J. A. Kendrick's store,
Tom is a or,,nl (salesman and always
lull •- f life and lun. i
Dt ■ stokes, the dentist, of Wright**
l)<»Ki ivt s in Sharon last week, doing
i wnttf 4n liis line. We understand that
the d octor intends moving soon, to
Almljson, ! Ga.
j tv arn that our clever metchanl,
Mr. ISrialitnaii, is going to leave
iSli.og J \V e are sorry that he, thinks
it K a in <i > away. We wish him
su<w 1 tv licrever he goes.
fi. George Wright, of the Klim
. vie „;N W arren cottnly, came verv
m\irihav ing some of his litl!e cliildrcn
dl av B ..,l in Ogccchcc River last week,
h\ h f t! horse running away with them
'vhi’.p hitched to a wagon.
Sh.inin High School closed its first
lerir.j last Friday, vvilh cxamimil ions
ih'e diffcrciU classes, and rccilalions
hy tin- pupils. I'ii il’. K 11. .Moure, tho
l’>‘‘djji.ii of this School, hits been very
atteijiive to his business, and is trying
the School hack toil’s former
••tali' lard. Wo lHiuk that the patrons
of a. S' hool should feel proud oJ
Pt'ol Moo'c.
Mu Boss Jackson Has a iloi*, that
whe k h ( . catches a squirrel alive, he
take j to a hole of water and drowns
ll. Ie also wav's that he had some
1 ) 0 " which, when they rooted up a
I" o they would carry it to the
w: ,R, nr- wash it before eating it.
^-* biiik Mr. Jackson has superceded
" Moore, and Mr. Moore will
i. tmn the belt over to him.
f JiV IDLICli.
weather for the time of year.
joday School at Alildra jou last
•n account of the rainy even
mk Shivats ea'ine up from j
t week. Mr. S. comes up i
O business we suppose. '
>■’. C. efeapman spent IsiSt Satur- 1
d ghl on 1‘earidge.
. Mr. West filled liis regular :i]>
noilitmeul 1 at Jennings last Satuiday
' -i
and Sunday, [trcaelung , two , good ,
'$r. V . S. Allen,’of Wilkes' county,
accompanied by he daughter Miss
Pearl, visited in the neighborhood
Saturday and Sunday.
tiuess who the young lady is
planted and named several /lowers and
only one is living. Guess she was
somewhat more attentive to that one.
There will be preaching at Bermuda
School house next Saturday night, hy
Rev. Mr. Ivey.
Mr. VVilliam Andrews ajnl 'his
Miss Nora Andrews returned to
home rn Augusta last Sunday
spending several days with relatives
near Mildrajoti.
Messrs. \V r . M, Rocker aud W, 1
Gunn, two clever young men of
ren county, visited relatives near Mil
drajon last Sunday.
Mr. C. ('. Iliil gathered a crowd last
Saturday evening ami went out for the
purpose of cutting six bee trees.
first swarm was most too hot tor
Charlie, popping him on all sides. The
other five trees were left unharmed.
A Tragedy in Warren County.
Mr. Kelson, the section boss on the
section between Norwood and Barnett
on the Georgia Railroad,had ti
with Oscar Thompson, a floating
tion boss, on last Friday night at Xol
son’s home. Thompson knocked Xel
son on the head with a verv heavy
paling, indicting a severe, and it, is
thought a very dangerous wound. '1 he
difficulty grew out of a dispute over a
negro track hand’s time.
Laikk. —We learn that Mr. Nelson
has since died, from the effects of the
Adolph Isele committed suicide
j Augusta on Tuesday of this week, by
. taking chloroform. Despondency over
I business affairs is supposed to have
i y, een i| ie cause. He leaves a wife and
ouc child.
Subscribe for this paper;
nly one dollar a year.
v h
racked by Rheumatic pains. It ^ij|
handicaps your whole career.
Of course you wouldn’t if you
couid help it—and you can.
\ 2pi |H
L_ r jy|
V3f £ ftheuraak I
I #'anJ,fjeUE^10 3 I
I ICL r -n
goes straight to the Liver, where si
w Kj Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dys- aj
pepsia, Headache and most ,1
9/ W other ills start. V| S
It cleanses this organ ancl
ta makes it active again —the acid
fr * leaves your blood, and yoti’lC vs
\g cured. Testimonial below, ofi
debility I have n>iiii boon enronic treri.tHd hemc»tJsm for ^r-noral for
Ion yoara without roliof. Vli TOO
bottiioi of y(nir rtiotliolno hftnoiirod mu.
h\ CLARK, Wa rren km, Fla.
ASk Ymir Druggist or Morchsnt For ft. J '{
Sole Proprietors, 1
KitoxvilSe, Tannessee. ij
Doors, 5ash, Blinds. \
Lumber, flouliiings, Lite. \
AUv.USTA LtiriiJIM CO., \
Auj.usia, (la. \
'"TT"* C^grw^aAl. MAITAGER.
Oummiiwciiij? Maly Kill, the following‘sehmltih- i'e 111 k nifi li. jh.*.
run Iiv rim OWJi Murliliau Time. The seheiiulea are su tiji-t t to eli.irw without out <■
tin- public.
| No. J I No 1 r f Nil. | Mo. t
11 nxl'imss 1 M A n.. | NO. 117 | NO. JH maii. I nxruKss t' J
r. tr. ptii lo:«) im'> 111 10 |int 7 15 am Lv Aiignut-,i av s JO pm t on pm 5 15 am]*7 -tsa
- •• nnK,,,,, VI tlti pm........ iieluir ....... 12 m pm -I ota = 7 II
'DtJ “ ft oo ji"i Ill Hi pm 7 15 “ Grnvi'liivvn H 00 " 12 27 pm, 4 ■ = 7 no •
1 ; m “ fl ul i>m 12 58 “ ........ llcr/.clia Lv i ...... liiliipm 4‘irt = o 17 ”
0 11 20 1 05 “ s oo ” l!ull<-m 7 *H “ 12 on pm -fill am (> ;r> “
pm Ar 7 2S “
.... . 11 :m pm 1 tl “ K OR “ I ti-urhiR I 7 20 •’ 12 00 ii’ ii f (17 ant ...
.. 11 58 pm I ;«) “ 8 10 “ 'J’liorus-.u 7 Oo “ 11 I t i in J 50 mu ...
., 12 OH am I 42 “ . Mis .nit j........ ll 'JiDi., -'Asmu ...
.. 12 Oi am --ft 50 “ H i'n “ (iriuU 11 2J>art 5 2 > am •..
.. 12 25 am 57 h 40 “ Niirivooil 0 11“ II 10 am 20 inn ....
..... .. 12 42 am 12 H r»:; “ lliirnctf 0 2 S “ I I 05,11/0, a ot am • ■
... 12 50 mil ‘.Mil “ l'r:tu I'ui'il villi: 0 17 “ 10 54 am 2 48 am ...
I 22 am 2 VJ “ !) 2.5 “ I - ii 111 ii point 5 55 “ 10 2.1 am 2 21 am.....
•••■ 1 58 aiii 2 .ol “ <) as “ ! I (jo i-ncslioro 5 i ( JO 131 urn ‘J 04 urn
L'. 2 05 arn 2 211 “ |i) (K) “ Itin-kliead : 5 tt JO 00 urn } '.’7 nin .
.. 2 22 am ;s 4.4 “ 10 12 “ j Mbi'li.-ion 0 in uni i J ( urn .
2 4H am 4 4 01 J(i “ “ 10 )0 2K 40 “ “ j | t'.orial (’li'clt; 4 I 0 0 10 sun 1 2 f W 45 nil! .
•• 2 50 am uin uw .
5 10 am 4 40 “ 10 58 “ lyf/YlM&tun 4 H 40 utti 12 22 uin ...
.. 5 41am 5 00 “ It 15 “ < 'onycr^ H 25 am 12 ii|0 .,,
5 54 am .5 12 “ II 20 •• I Jaf !ionia H /•# mii 11 15 piil ,
.. 4 15 am 5 40 “ II 12 “ LStoin- | Mountain' 2. “ 7 r>f ;un U 24 pm .
.. 4 28 am 5 40 “ II 51 “ ('liifksVuif “ 7 4-1 mn 11 II pin ...
... I .'»!) am 5 40 urn 12 OOn’iil •i-uiiir - j “ 7 01 mn I \ 00 pf a ...
.. 5 00 a m 0 to pm 12 15 pm'Av > In nt a I iv \ |>in 7 15 am 10 15 j>in . .
I “T I Sunt Inly
j i r-2 I"" 1 2 00 pm 8 Plain 1,v Cmnak Arl 0 15 pn II 25 urn I -i Hi
2 12 pm 8 17 “ j \V;im-ntim Majftetci 0 r> as 22 “ ttot 11 17 mu 1 H -
2 2 44 i)Ui ........ am §111111
404 Jim .....j | Culverton 5 25 “ c
2 L < ( .'! 21 pm 0 22’ “ Sparta 5 00 “ - to am 11 < t
; 4 00 pm ........ Devereiix ! 4 40 “ - 20 mn. 10
2 , =. 4 10 pm !t 44. “ ! Carrs 4 It) “ c 18 mn 10 M I <
?: I 47 pm 10 00 “ | Millmlgiiville ; .4 4!) “ 3 OO mu 9 - 5
5 10 j»m ....... JJroWILH 4 17 “ •0 am, 9 5
I 5 5 ■Hi pm 10 24 “ IJadfiocks 5 05 “ mu r. - >111 H
* 5 54 pm .1 iUllCH 2 50 “ ~ i *#
1 15 |> t/i 0 45 pm I too “ Ar Macon Uv! 2 10j»in am x “ 4 p ot
(1 mi 11 08 am 2 15pm !,v llirm-tt, Ar 1 mi 1 am 0 25 3
0 11 20 “ 2 27 “ Sim ron I 1 am 0 14 S3
fl 40 “ 2 45 “ llilluimi I am 0 ,04
12 04 mn 4 05 jun A rWa Jigt.’n l.v J pin a in ■ ) 5,2 3
0 15 [mi 2 50]iin11,\ l ii'ril'omtAr.. . 9 20 am £;
0 27 “ 4 01 “ Wood 1 ville , l.. . 9 08 am 5 43
0 42 * < 4 05 “ Bairdstown |.. . !) Ol 51 am 5 40 “
-••• 0 45 “ 3 10 “ Maxoys . 8 am 5 21 “
0 52 “ :i 24 r Crawford Ktcplions . 8 211 41 am 5 21 “
7 05 “ 4 44 : . 8 am 5 08 “
7 22 “ 4 50 “ i Winters Dunlap . 8 12 am 4 51 “
7 27 “ 5 54 “ . 8 07 am 4 47 7
. 7 41 pm 1 10pm Ar Athens l.v .. . 7 50 am 4 :so
.... .... 10 45 am .... LvUnionPiit Ar . 2 05 pm ......
.... 11 50 am Hi loam I 42 pm ......
.... ll 50 pm , A r White I’D Lv . 1 ‘to pm ______
All above trains run Daily, nxcnpt li and 12, un Main Line, and 2.1 ml a n Macon
i:ra ”yjn d^o not. j-unon SuniUy.
sleeping Gars between Atlanta and Charleston, Augusta arid Atlanta, Augusta and
M “X.p" n J to^ietw^i Macon and New York, on train 27, and train leaving Macon
at 9 o’clock a. m.
General Manager. Traveling passenger Agent,, General Freight and Pass. Ar t.
J. W. Kirkland, U. H. IfARhwn x,
Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Passenger Agent, Macon, Ga.
Terms of Subscription lb ■
Single subscription, one year, p i .oo.
Single subscription, six months, 50
Single subscription, three month, * K) >
NO. 11 •» (>
(lEOKCil \—Taliaferro County.
w 1 ),Si br* sold in front* of door r.f fN»»
1 ltlllSi' ot said t- Tty, within tin
l«*iral hours of sah*. to t’u di • 1 biddur,
for rash, oiv first Tuesday in A < . x: u
that tract or 1«»t of bind lying in 17u host.
(r. M.» said rotiiny, containing out* hundred
and fifty {terns, more or h- . bounded rn
north by lands ot 1>. A. Mo, ,’l w.
and northwest hv hinds of !>. A. X> *r •
i a« !»' lands of .1 dm O’Ivm ft* and i.
V » Ui . it s a t. t>s W l .mm ......k sepanit
ing said laud Hum lainls ot Mrs. \fa|>|> and
mi smith west hv bram-li Hepiratiiic said
land from lauds of it. If Monro. l». li.
Moore resides i 11 snid l and reel -i pint of
! suute i s attuehed to entry of les t ...\ said
. Inin’ made on execution issued from Su
| jicrinr Court Jnf said county in favor of
Kdwavd Ciainke iiitd dampuny against D.
A. Moore mid ll is estate a ■ j,,, ieut"il liv
J Jesse Moore, Jr., guardian aJ lit. at. ttuni
|U'o|ierty let ini on as )iroj»i'1y oi d. I'rii
! I dnnt in. li. fa. to satisfy said exocmioii.
Said execution lias been assigned ami
transt'ered hi George It. Moore.
June Mil. 1‘S'Jn.
I). I*. HUNKY,
SherilT, Taliaferro Coiniiy
(I lCOltt 11 A I'u till ferru t’uiiiitV.
tSIIIJ. VV lie sold in front: of door of t'ou-f
House inTuIinfiirro coin.', (ia , witldn
legal hours of sale, |o the ludiler,
for eusli, on the lirst Tuesilnv in July u at,
nil that tract or pi)reel of land eontair.iug
one liumh'i'il ami ill'ty aeres, more or h s.
sit lulled in said enmity, near Oavvfoid vUie,
oil public road from Crnvv 1 ' nlvilb' to
W.....(stock, hounded oil unit Vi hy laud- -
Collins, on east, hv lamia of Thomas
Thompson, on weal 1 0 •uls of ilcsiii
Stewart, anil on south ig agin of way t.l
Georgia Kail Ifoad, which Cliarles i. ' of laud vlui
known ns purl of Altt - .
Said pl'opcrly sold as thcjproperly of «.‘-'a:u
of George I*’. ftriatovv, deeenseit. S. o!
property sold under and hy - irtui* of ver¬
dict, and decree p tillered at .Angii , •nit
I SGI of Taliuleri'o Superior Con r i ' <•:. ,4
J. M. Rhodes aa LOveeutor of G. I’ . Hri i -’.v
vs. Titos, t-i. llristovv et. al.
Tills June Bth, tstte.
J K. KliUUKS. K\cetiloi' oi iv-na,
George itiislow.
- .«•»«*: I»T4I -•'•It
<KulU 11A Taliin'erri) County.
UjrmeitKAS, VV Ed will'll' I'l'iC"-, K :■'ll*
of l&stutc uf TIh,»s. J. U 1 ucUit' ( , rcj»rc
scnlH to thi* t'oui'* in l»is pi U: i *n July 1.0*4
nil.I cRleifd on I'lTord, 111a( Id* J. is fuliy
iidini nisiDicii sum) Ivna' ; This is.f lo*r» i. i •
(o rile nil persons eolieenied, k, nlfc'l jiih!
creditors lo show cause* if any they e:to
u Ji y said KxeeHfor .should, not be. ,d ».
charged from bis a<lmi’d t r.uf ioa and , l*•-*
reive letters of dismission on the first
Monday hi August. IHilo.
Ordinary, Taliaferro County.