Newspaper Page Text
Tlie People’s Advocate, Established 1892
The Crawfordville De mocrat ” 18it>
Consolidated Oct, *>, 1993._
n SlOK
Our Motto *
Honest Cwooils for Honest Money,
Read what we have to say before you
buy your Fall and Winter goods, we
have sold goods for cash this year and
are therefore m a condition to give you
bargains throughout our entire stock,
wc have no bad debts that we will try
to make good at our customers expense.
Bargains! B argai ns!!
Latest designs in prints; one dress in a
patera. . A large stock of Factory goods
always on hand; among which we have
the heaviest checks ever sold in this
place. High Shoals 1 shirting at 5cts
per yard.
Jeans! Jeans! Jeans!
We have a large stock of jeans which
we are selling very low. Be sure to get
your part of the bargains we are offer¬
ing in 9 oz. Athens jeans before it is all
Boots and Shoes.
We desire to call special attention to
our stock of mens and boys boots ; see
them before you buy. The best line of
children shoes in stoch, we have ever had.
Young Men.
See our gents furnis hing^ goods, latest
style purchase, hats and g ( 32§§gf! *1 ear before
i t you —-—is 4***- v |M
We keep hand ProniEffiJ good sttp^^^H Snwiuff gr'odlj;
on a
on which we guarantee prices, Sag ir, »> lari, 111 ’. it,
Hour, meal, salt, bagging, ties, syrup, molasses vinegir, cii,
nails, plows, Dixie plows, and extra points, rope, Horse collars,
horse shoes, broom leather, tobacco, cigars, ctock sry, drugs, lamps
c’ass ware, tinware, cheese, crackers, canned goods, staple
and other things too numerous to mention. (Fhen in L own be
sure to to give us aca!! and sec what we are do n g.
W O CIxapman. Msr
Whf n You Come to Greeuesboro
Is the House fo Buy From.
We invite the & ood people of Taliaftiro
County to come and see us. AVe hive the
best line of goods at as low a price as they
c an be sold. V7 ecarr >' in stoc k an
gant line o(
Dress goods and trimming,
ladies cloaks, sho^s of all
kinds, clothing, hilts, furni¬
ture, crockery, hardware,
domestics oi all Kinds at
the lowest prices
If you cant come send us your orders. They
will have our prompt attention, •^rnen
you visit Greenesbcro bj sure to coll
Bickers & Co .
Heard-Geissler Bloch
The Fight for Liberty
Has Been Re-Com¬
tuo are again in open rev
bellion against Spain and another terv
urge and wen assorted stock of ciott-.v
hats, etc., etc., which he wn dispose
of at great deal lower figtms titan
any of Ills competitors. How is this
reduction in prices made? is generally
the ijiiestiou asked. Well, it’s this
way. J. M. Storey has no house rent
to pay, ke keeps his own books, thereby
saving from nine hundred to one
thousand dollars per year in that way;
he pays nothing out for a bill collector,
and he also does away with many ex¬
penses which other merchants have to
meet, so of couse he cm afford to sell
goods from ten to t veuty per ceut
Come wrouud and get. tuy prices and
be conviueed. Yours to serve,
Greeuesboro, Ga.
To the AUiancemen of Greene and the
Citizens Thereof.
Read the following card which ex¬
plains Itself : %
GitK.snAMVrr.LE, Nov. 23.
Edit >f Advocate-Democrat ; —
Please publish in your paper that J, B.
Osborn will speak in Silcam on Ho>
vernber 29 It.
The penile will remember him for
the reasm tliat lie was anested at. the
Artesian well in Atlanta for attempt¬
ing to do, wltat scores bad done before,
deliver a public address. He should
be heatd (or tliis reisou if for no otlier.
He is endorsed by the Alliance of Lins
State. His speech will be full of sta¬
tistical iufoimotion.
Wednesday, the29tli inst. is the day,
and 11 o’clock a. in. the hour. Very
truly yours.
J. II. McWhorter,
President Greene County Alliance.
The Buralitcs Wi.i.
At the Monday night meeting of the
Debatuy^Clu^ infi’iflftiie'is the question, rk Ue
* * o
City I/fe,” was discussed. Thu affirm
itive participants, Messrs, J. 8 . Me*
Do mil, P. L. S n’t Ii and Clarence
Rhodes were victoriously hi rayed
against the negative coutestaiHB, Dr.
II. K. White and 0, L. Smith.
The subject for disc ission next Mon¬
day night will be ”R solved that Com¬
mercial Fertilizers are Used to the
Disadv ullage of Uio Southern Colton
Growing States.”
[) H. F. White will lead for the
afliiunlive sde, followed by C. I,,
Slultli, Clarence K lodes, Kay Veuzey,
W. '!. Aiurews, Okc-ir Chapman, G.
Osliti, Wade Gunn and Aleck Heazley.
p. L. Suntli will lead on the negative
side, supported lay vlesos. -I S. Me
D maid, J «k Heazley, I»r. H. O.
Hiiios, Paul Oil, J. P. Moody,
Ell Gunn, Charles Rhodes ana Spur
gtou vV ithamn.
A full atteiDl moo of members is
birnl. The public is also invited to
c >me out.
^Awarded Highast Hanars—World’s Pair.
th-J 1 "P -a .. . ■-sr*' hi EPS
The only L'ure Cream <>f Tartar Powder.—No Mnmot. s 4‘, No
Used iu Millions of Homes—40 VtLls Slar. inr 7 !
4 and Ge’.itienNiii
I have fresh, large stock of Glothing, Hats. H jots and , Snoes c .
Ladies Cloaks an 1 wxlking jickets .which I w ant to s< 11 out
this fail. I will sell at the v try lowest prices to b tnefit the
customer before I will keep stock till nevt fail, j
In valises, U'ubrellas, G tuts fur lishi igg >o Is; jLilies bn 1 :r
garin enis and Notions. 1 mu;tdi;pon: of thests at o ice, so if
vou wish for th e b tnt of g jo 1; at the lowest of ^-icts 11 bay from
Crawfordv’lle, — Georgia
Cotton Factors an 1 Commission j M ;rcliiiits #
Coiwr Ri’jnulils and Jackscn Sfrrctsj
Opp-'jsita Cotton Exchaug’
Augusta ... 4
Baggitijr a id Fie; at thj Ij vy;t ntek or’.cy V-zn > 1 »' a'.tc 1 -
tiod Given to dll business
The Candy ^Sociable.
^L ist Friday night a sociable was held
at the residence of M«. J. W. Farmer,
Rev. R. E. 1.. Ilivfti-f and wife acted
the part of host and /istess. The so¬
ciable was au otd ntied CAudv-pul
ling with new fnsigpHl trimmings.
A nice programme Had been arranged
consisting of recitali'jsi s, declamations,
reading, music, dtc.. One event on
the programme was Especially en joyed
by all. It was a jramt'ealtod “Observa¬
tion.” Quite a nuniacr of small arti¬
cles were placed on a table; each panic
ipant had one minuteYosee the articles,
and was then revuire I to write down
the names of the art' des remembered
The person who non inhered the most
articles received a f(..tve stick of red
eaudy, gaily bedwted with ribbon,
while tht' booby grU a cute littlo
box of snuff.
Finally, the young people were in¬
vited to pull candy, f'he boys promptly
got their to cJ rwith caidy, and
the giri I k' pulling.
Evert ■ jjel.V enjoyed Hie
pull. The Strop* 'asa success. The
host and hostess! not bo forgotten
for their effortsJI ise.
Registrars r Notice*
In accordance, with ?$#hotu'.e in (he
Advocate-Democrat by the Ordinary of
Taiiaferro County, calling an elec¬
tion on (lie 1-1 tli day of Decernb jr
1893, to till the vacancy in I lie oflleo of
sheriff uf Taliaferro County, caused by
the death of He relief V. Heazley f.,r
mer Sheriff of said county: aU persons
to become qualified forvferd voters in said elec¬
tion must come and register
their names with thjfil'ax Collector on
or befote the 2 nd (fay of December
Guo. T,, Edwards.
Tax Collector jjriiale.u -1 0 u lty
J. li. O^IiOHN.
-- -*77 -- *«L
Will Address the Oitjfzws of Tulfaferro
County at CriMyfor lyille on .
NoyCjjt rSfl ggfifo ltD.
Mr J, I,. Utiaiyys - Tabafer
r~#mli i
fit's ,uuiit 4
miinicstiiins a Ivisd^H ,bat J. B. O
horn will address tl zens of Till inter¬
ro County on the Iss nes of the day, at
Cruwfordville, November tile thirtieth.
It will bo remembered that la the simil¬
speaker who a month ar two ago was ar
rested and throws in prisen for attempt
ing to speak at the Arjtesiau Well in At
We trust ami believe that the eltizen»
, h'ma Urge uuU- .....
of our county will giv,)
cnee and (Inis sli nv tbit k r -e loin ot
Speech is regarded as a valuable heritage
and that the people Df the counlry are
forever against the suppression of free
sp cell in city oi emit try.
We learn tlmt Mr. Osborn is indorsed
by the Alliance of the Slate. W * ivgitt d
| bin. as representing tl <5 P.ipuiUlH of the
liv Traveler.
Capt. J. J. Buttle has bought the
J. i\ D Justify plantation in this
county. Mi. W. Jackson has rented
it for another \ear. The Captain is
very jubilant over his purchase. We
think he will surely net married now,
as he is going to have a fine residence
put up and everything painted and
put in order.
Mr. Arc's Harper left last Thursday
for FI uida where he will make his
future home. Arch will be missed by
many friends, as fe was the “star in
the arena” of Taliaferro county. We
wish him much success in his new
There is a young man in our county
whose nose measures seven inches,
his neck thiiteen inches, he weighs
ninety pounds, is about twenty-eight
years old and fattens every day length¬
We attended a nice s ioiubl j at Mr.
J. W. McKinney’s last week. It was
given i". honor of his son who was
married recently in Hurt county. A
good crowd was on hand and every¬
thing passed off quietly. We extend
bur congratulations to the bride and
groom, and wish them much happi¬
ness and prosperity in their future
Mr. John Wright, of Warren, was
in our county last week looking out
fora farm for anotliui year. We will
gladly welcome Mr. Wright to our
county; lie is a hard working man and
a good citizen. We hope he may find
a place, that will suit him.
Rev. W. R. Cox, pas'or i.i charge
of Salem church,preached an excellent
sermon last Sunday. His subject was.
' Sin,” and lie never left a stone un
tun ed. lie told of all tliesitis, drunk¬
enness, card playing, d uicmg, tattling,
slandering and swearing, and we think
his discourse did a great deal of (pod
from the way we hear those that
heard it express themselves.
G. W. Brown is doing a good business
In dry goods, clothing, groceries, dings
trod notions. Call and see him you
WW“rr.»gij^Wtti4Trj*i-' you r n > ley.
' srs.,
last week horn Warren county. Her
many friends were glad to meet Iter.
Mr. J. L. Taylor and family spent
the day will) us recently. Come again
and more often. We are always glad
to see yon.
We learn that Mr. I.. H. Monte is
now having a line residence put up at
Hillman which lie will occupy aunt lit r
year, so as to lie inoio convenient to
his farm.
Several from Hhurou)atleiidcd preach¬
ing at Harnett last Sunday.
Messrs. Charlie and Willie Gunn, of
S Carolina, liuva been visiting
relatives lu Warren county recently.
Mr. J. I\ D nighty, of Augusta, was
in our county last- week looking al'u-t
business matters.
Fulmers are plowing In small giant.
Out the weather li is been so <1 1 y
tliesoil is very hard and >' is a slow go.
lustice M ike Taylor says that the
173 1 district is the worst district in
lb • (.nun'y for little petty la.v eases;
they get Brother Mike preltv mad
sometimes about the costs, ‘ •T’hlU.'H
what’s the matter with Hammli.”
Sharon Dots.
! Ilog-kdi} g and \ i| \ u '*d»hiking an*
vpi v preval uu in e«dd w»m her, but
the latter i.H of very hUl • advantage
in delivering men from trouble and
clothing their childmii
The dej <»t agelit'a eh*rk mmmim \o
think that oilier young 111**1 can’t 1 * 11 -
) jnj riding on Sundays, Uut litj'a lilt’s
j taken.
Mmssis. J no. au-l J. W.
Reyn.lids, ' uf IF nte IM.tius, visited
| re| llVi> , Slur ,„ u< , ^imdav. VM!t,in
t* .!. W. TU m I 4 l
l her uiotiier, Mil Ariiftt, *,b s ueev,
j A parly of you i g ladies and ff’'" 1 "
Httulidi'd pro »c!iing a t H.u nett I ivi
j .Sunday.
Judge Sam Ub'ol* s cam** over Mon
’ o l ”"'" * I I fill li.fV bill of
^ J - v - K " ,,<
Dr. IF. A. M mm*. .1 Mill*- len'ill- u
ill town tills wreck to s ;«5 r* l OlV 'S
Mrs. F. I* Drown is sy^oding ^ f**w
days wi h h *r sH'o ', Mrs G. W
If tli** l.t'gi'daluro irnrol< au a !•>
mak«* qiMrt< i ly paiim-iits Li t**,iclu*is
it. will b> i gr«it irn iimviiu ■ l *i.l tli*'
|»Ul|JlC H'*il( !»’ Jtst* iu.
W!iy can’t * >»n*Hlong h* dot.e wi b
Gmtfgia’s great ev.f I rploi?
K*-v. F. r. » filled ai« v ffttUr
appoint meot 1 IS*. 8 j *1 iy at the P.C4
; hvtei i.m church.
Rev. A. J. Hughes will preach at
j the M K. cltui'cli validate the fourth in this Sunday. pait of
Another c
; Hie county Ibis week feeling for the l’.
‘ J*. nomination (or sheriff.
VOL 1-NO. 8
A Colored Friend Speaks
On Sunday night, November r>tli,
this town was shocked by the death of
Mr. llevachel V- Beazley. He was
elected sheriff by a large majority of
the citizens of Taliaferro in the Jan*
nary ehc-tion, and from the minute
of his installment to (lie linin’ of his
death lie was found punctual, faithful j
and obliging in the discharge of his I
duties, l'he I >ss ef our sheriff, ller
schel V. Mei/.ley. brought sorrow and
sadness to the homes of many, both
white and colored. We were never
better pi as “1 with a sheriff t h n - *
with him. fie treated and dealt with
all cheerfully and respectfully. Ho
was our friend, the friend of the peo¬
ple of Taltal'eiro, and wo were his
Furthermore, vve have deep sym¬
pathy for Mrs. llersetiel V. Heazley
and her children who (* loss in this
instance is our loss, whose regret is
our regret.
Though Mrs. Henzley lias lost her
Lest., dearest uni nearest friend, yet
she has not by any means lost ail of
her friends for she will always he pro
tected an l cared for by the people of
Taliaferro county. She mourns for her
departed friend and husband; wo have
the deepest sympathy for her.
‘ Why do we muani deputed friends,
Or shake at death's alarm;
’ I’is but the voire til .I Jesus sends
To call them to their home*,"
lino. W. Atkinson.
THE •• 1’OlJtmS” ATTEND.
Several from here attended the A lign t
la Exposition Tuesday, The “Town
Toughs” who were among tlm niinibt r
could not re-ist the temptation of h iving
thiC’llglit of their countenances’’ struck on
ii tin-type picture.
Election Notice.
A vneanev having occurred in the
nffie, of Sli •.i i If of TalilWro comity
Georgia, by reason of the (icatli of
Hcrclic! V, Hcaz'ey fnrmcr Sheriff of
sniil county wlm died Nov. Mil 1893.
Notice is hereby given Hull in cli i lion
will lie held lor sheriff of said county
in nccorduucu with Hie Siuliilcs in
such cast a made aud p I I. on the
14th day «*f December J the
(’mill House nanl iIicsh
election preciiwti of
;r^ ,, n..,oi. t v 'h
Ilfot’C III , . t
US Mil - VlljH
I■ i.o. I!
(biliimi’y ofpBWuTcrri Co.
This fltll. <mv of Novciuber 1 Drift.
The K i ng Star So c i e ty
('o;np >•»<*(! o' Otflurcd people of did town
and vicinity, are <* M it if a hll for the
use of Mils orgi'ii/.itlwir Tin* liul'ding ia
under the nup rvision of Mi W Norton
and when finiiln'd wi I boa credit to Mm*
SoeUdy an l a valued addition to the
Tot* uhjwt of W\U Ho'diM V is to tak c lie
of all ft-Miiemh *i s wh'*n •,;ek .i II I p l V all
PX|M‘IH<M Ilf tiio of t do • wli ) bo
ionu L t it.
Will lie li‘*’(l at the Bup'i-t cliurcli li.-r-’
Oil Tbalilirglvlog D-iV. N .vcmb.-i t'-h. at
11 oVi ck km i lion* K*'crvoiid h «»••*
on»‘«ii**d to u, >.»»**. out.
J.DCAI, GOTlriN J t R!v El
(ioo f VI f IdUn 4 ’
fStriet Mi l lliiu - ' 1 1;
Mi Idliiu 7
OF LV7V:UKST /o Vo .
I will locate hi f/'r i wftO 'l ■/<lie f <r { W O
\*i'i*k* If. third» moitli, <’< • Mr'' u Mg fill
Mo .day if or tin* llot 8uo'l.«y in (rii’h
mi of 11 a -4 .i I *! t A f /1 1 f > \ < < d Jv l|)'«!
If o ir C'!>» •'( or \Y ateli
Nc ul.s /. I’jia riii
1 () auv w* rk ivbaujvor br*og it to m° f
an I I will go nmf o lhe >r!< .m well
j lone » 1 a goMi t li - I j«ir, man you
‘ C HI get 'll Maine vvoik cluetvhere.
And to H'»* hvliuti l m.iv hiing v,, *»f your
i • r lU ,- ( , rings. «iel b.ive
| tIt'*. mi men l>* i, and i* you in I At l V »*U't c
i uf jtfwdr/ ma I'-, I Vi I Ml I’i ! If ill 1 -Mill -
1 } i i ti* l ’ll f«.
lb ii'*mlH'r I gua'an hJ! iu < r 1
i ii >t i a a v-> vc mi * niix> or im ^
j Briri.' yu\r ! »r,v th lh>t *-«*'•» *'• ’’ {l
I m: i at mill and bav- »l *lo »« »* t niiouf J
I *ije. O.iu; in tli’ \ 8 lore,
li F;»cct m!y
\ S 4iraiUUl <*
aOKD.S .lOL'.'SrJ,
N* r i tf i i >
A J JU JTA, ga.
i i. ,* t.’n v run. i- VI. MIS
n:<»w DKi’irr.
1 »l ■’.(! |> r , *jr.
.!, \DK!N\ Priuri-tir,
For the latest importations in French American Millinery, call on Miss Julia
Thomas, at Armor Pro’s.
See our late Now York styles hi .cloaks.
Armor Pro’s.
Mr, .1 Cimkdn Brown of Ureemsbiro,
was down Friday.
Huy your shoes of Kimbrough, Bickers
A Co., (ireonoiboro Ga.
Just opened another shipment, of Indies
Cloaks. Kimbrough Rickers & Co. Ureen
Five negroes joined the colored Baptist
Church time Sunday.
Dr. I! a/.ley, our e.ty dentist, lms fitted
up his olHou with a dental engine and
other appliances for the practice of den¬
tistry. The doctor i.-> well known as a
mini of scientific attainments, and as a
skilfu! operator in dentistry.
?I2.50 cloaks reduced to $.1, at Armor
Nice line of gouts umli'wear at the
\Ilinnce Store.
Messrs. Kendrick and Jackson of 8lia
ro'.i wore over on their Bicycles .Sunday.
Slioesl Slices! Slices! Nn one, can fall
to secure wlmt III ly want In shoes if they
will eall at Armor Bio’s.
t ents'and hoys clothing, overcoats, im
dc.wour, furnishing goods, neckwear at
cellar hollo u prices. Armor Ilro's.
Mr. Ciemo I .lions from Rome was On a
visit to friends here tin* first of the week.
Vice line glass ware (list receive at tlm
Atii<tlira Store.
Try up ,ii ui those tear proof. wear
proof, Hovel proof pants sold uy Armor
Mr Rai l Holden returned to Athens
.Sunday night.
Follow Hie crowd and you will laud at
thegrenl Dry Goads Emporium of Armor
82,50 nod fa Jersey Jackets go at 31c.
Armor Iho's.
He want lint trade of Taliaferro mainly
and we will offer great inducements to sc,
cure It. Will y ou Gilv of the cheapest? If
so, we are sure of your patro.iagu. Ar¬
mor Bro's.
We were glad to welcome Mr. Ned
O’Brien of the University in our mrilst
last Friday.
lairgu sock host ratsIiH Just received at
Hu Allhnicu More, and g ling cheap Spa*.
^frriimv*' " u bo* u>ts.
jMbk iiittsnt th« AUimum
MBt operator st B.i ’kr*'
beTiiil'' here Friday intfll t
your goods from Kimbrough
Hlckeis A Co. Grcciiosboro, (Ja,
Go to the Alliance store and lmy table
oil ololh at 20o per
Tlic.ic will be an antertainment given
by Hie Nimbeanm at the Baptist church the
first 8 iini1“v night in December.
One set glass ware, live pieces, nil for
.’tools, at the Alliance Store.
Mr. 8ilus (I. Iloid was in tile city a
short while Wednesday on his way to Flu
ker District.
Tile most wonderful display of dress
goods to he seen Is Genlral Georgia, Is ou
exhibit, at Armor lSro's.
Dollars ad sally seem to stretch like
rubber at Armor Bro’s.
Large ci jwiI < pass every day on their
way to the Exposition In Augusta.
.'100 Zelgler Bio’s shoes being knocked
off id til.75. Armor Bro's.
) i an I 50c II inacls at 20c for 30 days.
Armor Bid’s.
< >;l til i 1 1 v**i Wli'?u if i a out of or far
ml v'm fad bin i try a few I iscsof Bcg/s
l.lltlc Glint IMI * V i ir wil
uppreibit.e. the | ,kc. So will yon, For
lain oy 11 .1 Itoid
Mr. S. ii. Klnxlt's inado a >»liert btiil*
id’Hn tiip to Snaron, 1 I 1 U wuuk.
Whinv uru Kim'oi oni^ii, Bii-kefn A Co?
(iroonoHboro, (#a. What am Mn-y? 'J'lie
Ii^licit, bui-d'Ht firm in Middle fin.
No.v that money in coming in how about
painting )our Jioime. m Nothing eviduimea
proijM'iity Nf) inir:)i as newiy painb'd
hoiMes. II. IM»;e Dr iggi t. Dr«#*iieH»
boro, Da. cm ni pply you with all colors
and <iualitlcH of puintH. fie hardlcn
glam, putty and «de.
Nothing adds mo much to tli • decor ilion
of a room as a beautiful lamp and T. ii.
Hie.* of DrraneMboro can u 4 >ply you a
city piiccM. Dive him a trial.
Mr. J If fdiapman from Augusta came
up Hnuday ou a *)ioft viMit. A differ
ent kind of a “lair" was tbu attnic
lion here*
M*-n* and hoy a (j i os from in up At the
Alliance Hior*.
Hlucitoiii* at IUm \lliiiM<*«t More at 10c
per pollIII.
Sa v e$liW by investing 4 < * in h bottle of
liolleymaii'** Klixir for horse eelic, almost
a certain cine. For sale at the Alliance
I Store.
JSveri in the plucky little city of Green*
e*boro one would fi*r«Uy expect to tind a
! drug store no complete U» it*» aj»p*'JntinenU
il*» stock so full and fresh, and in every
’ wn: a first (* 1 . 1 --, -iiuri*, as the Drug 8t.,ru
uf Mr. T. II. Rich. It wuulil i-adiy rank
fir»t cl am ' i i V 4Ui m V I * 11 , 1 .
Drugs, M-sdicfn**, Oils, FniiiW,
I IVifilincs, bilest dcdgiict ia orn ihlii ta
cbin t war r an-l it I', it. R •» »r *ii
I i-sboro, (.a.
Everybody aitmirro -vr* ri patronizes a
live and business like (I. -ier. sueh an
lute i- Hie ilriiggist, Mr. 1 B Itiee or, The Drug Store (>l ties
j ge.itti inan has lately l«a*n repainted and
now tisiks as liesli as the interior. Mr.
i i Rice eai, supply you wi'U anything ia
the d ■ A h* 1 *;*