Newspaper Page Text
: ISA non says that gold s n<»; n v n 1 -
liable nor as n<*v .i v ns non >,i
' The District of Columbia b.v fb
largest death rub- from com*'until,
of any part of the United Si a
A Montana man ha» just eompbl" 1
and applied fur a patent nti ant
matir machine that led fm ' •
lntionize the enttiii; of pr ! >11.
stones. This machine can . f ■
of at least twelve men.
The Chicago Herald hs
that every crowned bend >>
with the exception ol tbs! ill
is detrended from one m (**v » 'i - * :
tin- daugblers "f Duk> i.ud" m t, :
of Brunswick AVulfi ulmti,. i >!,■,,< i
about one hundred Mid lift.. '
The Chinese doctor s lot
wholly a happy one, the Co t it .Pm»
rial is convinced. l our mfejfjla¬
the Imperial C<dh >■ >.f ('h -ie u«us a
Pekin failed recently to make i* j»>•
diagnosis of tin Cmprror indisue
tion, and were punched b\ i *
fined a year's salary
We hav, an idea that the ( u =
Htats-s is a gri-ul pine, with 0 5
000,00(1 people, obsi i ve lie Def...ri
Free J’rcss, but there are 800,fl0.l,
000 people hi Asm, me 1 mot t J * Hit
200,000,000 in Africa Tie' >>>■ ii'ii1 1 lie
estimate is that Gut, :>s>
OfM) nc'ipb- on the , arlh, •> slm'n
more than 500,000,000 wem ciofiiil*
from neck D> sob
One of BoMutiV |*i< r* vitntfi t nmnll
rliaritioH ia th<* fiiruiftbbig <<i uirrf't <'hi
tickf tH in HUimrifr to poor invalid* lo;
riflou in th6 Kuburbit <»f tbat but
it iu now auuorb 'l by tin i*f»n«liu*t‘*i
that v<*ry luiuiy «*f IbwA tn’ki v* $u
nuuuuofl, In iu^ tmidcruO to tlmin by
piriouR who not only ill, but
*rr, from their cirof ^ ami nppunr■*«<*♦«,
abundantly abb t«.* pay th«*ir </wu
Tb« Manufacturers’ Uncord of lialli
more publishes a lint of bii’i industrial
concern* established in the Honth since
the 1st of.July, showing that busiiie„
was affected very little by tin panic
Inflow Mason and Dixon’s line. The
list is inado up largely of cotton mill*,
canning factories, foundries and wood¬
working establishment* During the
lirat Jialf of the year some 1400 new
enterprises of this kind were started
in the South.
J M Frauetsque Hmce
drnmittic critic, aiiifffli
wi% t-en * letter O H
scribing hi* exjwH«t»< cm, in
ssys that l«« is only a “inmb rao veg
ctsnsn thst t*. h* ««(<hewi only meat
ami win at* butt or aud **1»*«• ,
milk and lt» hu* regimeu. He Andn
that ha tn muuh uuiru vigor«»u«
health and in lndtcr working poiuli
tion than lHffore. The first week. he
«*?«, is rather hard to bear, but thi
benefit ia HiMtn fait thereafter
Since the advent of Leo Mil b
the pontifical throne In* has created
ninety two cardinals, that iiumbei
having died in the course of hi h pon
tideate l he College of Fardinai
niucc the noimnatioiih at the l»M con
aistory, number* sixty three, of whom
thirty four are Italians and tweiiM
nine foreigner* The foreigners an
divided as follows, according to tin it
nationality * Heron French, live Aud
tro-llungarian. live (human, font
Spanish, two Portuguese, two Ahum
can, one ICugbah, one truth, om Bel
gul aud one Australian
A great English firm of iinto i- end
their wares all over tin world, nii ! in
doing so have n good chance to study
the distinctive feature* uf the head
of the various uatlonabtu
at. of their studies i* given fieloa
German heavis short hh 1 lound. iiv» i
age head mensmes tweiitv two m. ir. ,
English, well shaped, rather long
average hat, 7., which means a hea l
measuring *i« 77 inches .scotch, lot.,
and thin; Canadian* except lotislly
large . average Vniti 1 State-, head an t
hat same as F’nglisli South A met i
cans and Australians have very sinull
leads, Seldom measuring live] twentv
The Atlanta Const it uf •u
“After sixty years t restrict
frsge. Belgium, tttnir! Iiei new uu
tutiou, i* stwmt i* ! try a KtarHiii-^
jemnent The r a v\U
to every male citizen *
the age of treaty-live, A mart
who pays or a tux-psying bach
©lor of thirty -five, t* entitled to an * v
fra vote K third \v»te tv gwea tv^ *
cituon v'f independent menus, po.—.< x.
mg a certificate of high edu.-atiou, or
who holds or has held a pu!>1 k* office of
a certain rank II bat
every husband mi A place bis extra volt
at tb© diaposa! of biNaifi , thus inai*
recily givingh©r the elective friwcht**'
Under the new eona*.ituUou th© mi •
ber of vote* m Bdguiai anil lunu ft -
150.099 to i,2J0.000
Belgian v ill now be a bit* to east» v.*t .*
on election day jutt ft! breakfast,
and ii he feels greatly interested in tht
iwmpsign kt .an st-ck in another vet,
at dinner time, aud still another on t»»
way home %o supper, **
Tbe Drill ol Her Pn gross aaJ Pros¬
perity Bnefiv Hold
Happening* of filtered Rortrayed hi
I’ith.i I'siagiflph*.
A Jackson, Miss., special ol Friday
say* The federal grand jury has
found to date U‘2H indictments, IfOH of
which are for illicit distilling.
Governor Turney, of Tennessee,
I hnradnv offered a reward of fsoiff) for
the eapturi and conviction of the par¬
ties who lynched three negro men and
one woman, near Lynchburg,in Moore
county, a few days ago on a charge of
barn burning.
The mortgage held by tic Mercan¬
tile Trust and Deposit 1 ompany, of
Baltimore, on the property of the
Georgia Southern and Florida Rail
road Oompany will be foreclose 1 and
the road sold under the hammer uu
lea the supreme court int< rferes.
That is the result of the great trial
that has been in progress in the su¬
perior court, at Macon the past. week.
A Columbia special say- An order
from Judge Himonton was, on Friday,
served on tie* attorney general notify¬
ing him that there wiil be a hearing
next Wednesday of the issues involv¬
ed in the ('use. brought by the South
Carolina road f<» tf»l the inter-state
commerce feature, of the, dispensary
law. Uniernl Townsend says that lie
w ill not npfiear, and that tJic state will
not take part in those cm,e*.
Urvmebtnftky A (\> t , retail <lry g«.«»0u
tlculcrn at M»»nt^om» ry, Ain., were
rJoHitd by the ahe riff I'hurmlay ou four
attachment* hu«k! out. by 1. Bollak A
Go., Hteiner A Eobmaii and (■. A.
Htcrn A- Co., of Montgomery, and
Glslliu k Go., of New \ork, The
claims on which the attaclgneiits wi re
MU ml out n^^rr^nto $.1,500. ft is Mind
the total imb’btf'lncHH <>f the firm i*
(Iirm or four tmu a thin amount.
1 h** Uvnn f’mnpatty, at Atlanta,
wan placed in the hand* of » rrmnwr
Saturday nighl. Tin* Ii«l»jJiticH of the
firm, arc about $180,000, while the an
act h arc put flow n at almtit $**100,000 to
pio,ooo. !n the liabititieH arc a
mortgage given to tin II. B. f lullin
Company, of New York, f»»r $120,000 j
a mortgage eXt'Ctitefl to the American
Truut ami Banking Company, of At¬
lanta, fur $15,000, aud nomo other
The Knoxville Brewing company, nl
Knoxville, Tenn,, made an assignment
Hiitnrday afternoon to II. W. Mizut r.
Amm-Ih, 8225,000; liabilities, 8133.000.
Working miller difficulties, low collec¬
tion* and the late financial stringency
are attributed n« the causes of the
failure. The president of the com¬
pany, A. Jiiudowald, also made an as¬
signment of all his real and personal
property for tin protection of credi¬
b special of Baturday
Jackson ha Jlixt duel
lW enter a case after the
■i-utiv act$ffii"hit'fii*rA' granted Fran k
to his
ton, refusing to consider
Urn railroad a* a WITH
I tripaiiti) bonds. The
icei U c »>d a sensation, «m it was
i iiiuorcd that Mr. Jacksou might ru
verse tho former doerce.
l'ir*t Idf'iiUuiHiit dud Header, of tlie
Kij«»ivi|le, Tejitt,, jroJicui prefer*
re<l <'hiirg« H rhuratluy ugaiiiHt (’hiof t»f
Ihdiee .), d. AtUi ii w. Seeoinl Ideuteu
ant Frank !«. Hood, Kur^iHtit litiftiH
IheltH and ralrultnan Barmy Irwin,
who were rni\« d up m the recent at
tempial tulilmry of nu e\pn*Hw ear near
(V»aJ (’reek Ho charges tho ofllccra
of violating the police rules, which
provide for tho suppression and not
tlo* encouragement of crime,
\ special from Halt lailfe. I tali,
savw: Flection returns completed
Friday allow a decided change in the
legislative Vide. In the upper house
there arc live republican*, five demo¬
crats, two liberals, with republican
predilection*. In the lower house,
ten republican*, eight democrats, six
liberal*, former politic* of latter lib
ends, four republicans, two demo¬
crats. This gives the legislature tv*
tho republican* on joiut ballot by six
\ Birmingham, \l» , special «*t Wed
Ucsday says I* D. Shelby, of Hunts
\ille, Via . the hading attorney for
Mxhhjs Parsons and Ninninger, the
Putted State* diatriet attorney aud
marshal whom Mr Cleveland dispiaeed
before their term* had expired, pre¬
paring the paper* to revive the ease on
a writ of error. The Foiled States
supreme court recently endorsed the
action of Judge Bruce in recognizing
tht' Cleveland appointee*, but the re¬
publican wofth'e bolder save game and
will tight the c«s« as long h* they can.
A Columbia. S. t , dispatch of
Thursday says The report of the
trust! es i‘f Glemson college 1 1 > the leg
islature allows lisat ihe institution
opeaeil in July last with til students.
There are now present 4’lu. and Mo
more arc enrolled as applicants for
admission in February Many will be
refused on account of tie lack of
room The total expense per head for
ten month* jfldl Two hundred
and fifty nine student* are puroung
the agricultural course aml 115 the
mechanical Vbe atatc ha* paid bv
direct tii\j»!n*u for the schotd
A (\dutllbia* S sjhgioI khvb
tioveruor Ttlltiian Friday ap}Hdntevl
the following delegate* to the farm*
er f* natnuml cv'uventititi, to be held in
Savannah. iKvumber 1-th Delegate*
at large, *1 William Stoko*. itrangeh
burg. S, F . tt 1), Ivauft, tlarboro.
S O. *. first diatnet, T K. Waiter. C^r
Aogtflmrg, S. C second district, U.
11 Watson, Ekigefieia. S. C. ; third
district. J. S, Ntwiuau l h-mton,
B. ; fourth district, J D X! S:,»w,
Lauren*, B. C.: fifth district, 1 J
l nnnuifibam, t heater, B ‘ . wxth
.k"rY A aiudeu, aev
enth iii.trict, . H. u » tv ltioqi«*
Unix Booth*. Fvtits.
The appraiser of Edwin Booth's t »
Ule. Dr. You tichaaik has filed hi.
r©p«^rt, which giv©« tb© gxvaa vaIug ,
of the estate left Bt the late Edwin
Bvx.that 8602.675. After deJucUn,.
for debts, legacies, final expenses, the
balance it $462,335.
ttuii k < o.’s Report of Basinet* for the, >
Past Week.
It. G, Don A* Co., in tln-ir weekly
review of trade, say: Business is
gaining, but it is a constant complaint
that the improvement i« glow. This
is because very few realize liow heavy
a load business lias to drag after it in
climbing up again. Uncertainties
weigh heavily.
There lias been great encouragement
daring the past week in the fact that
November payments are far more sat¬
isfactory than whs expected and yet
the extensions of the month would
have seemed alarming in other years.
Merchants who collect part of the
amount due are rejoiced,hut their buy¬
ing power is not as laTge usual. The
extraordinary shrinkage in purchase
for consumption, if lessening, has still
marie it impossible for many firms to
go on as before, and the largest fail¬
ure id the past week, that of the ’1 bur¬
in r-Why land Company, illustrates cm
barrassiiii nts which cannot betermina
tod in u week <>r month.
Mom tury <lUHcu!tu*4 no longer iun
dpr. It im tm« th«- treasury cash hstH
fiilH n to ^7,388,595, of which only
885,490,891 wuh gold, imt there in no
Hindi alarm an thorc wuh wli<-n the gold
r« ni-rvc alone w< nt Ixdow 8190,000,000.
(iUKituma in not Itmntog on the trea.HU
ry and it i« well that it ia not. 11c
eoijit h for tin nn*nth thiia far are about
$5,000,090 hiHH than eXpetiHea, and the
import* in October lecreased about
.**20,000, partly beeuiiHC of irifiated val¬
uation of gooda imported IuhI York year. de
I Ur, weekly import* at S< w
ereahe, in pari, from the name catnus.
The condition of ioduatric* iin
j»rove», hut they wiaely wait the re¬
vival of purcbaftcr* by consumers.
Twenty-four work* of all kind# have
wholly <>r in part reKitmed, aguinat
fourteen clowing. Yet lens than half
of the iron worka’ power ia active, and
out of ninety-nine woolen mills only
ten are working full time, while forty
five were shut up November Jut, the
production for four months in men’s
woolens being 1 1,2 El, tdl yards,
against 25,554,800 last year. State
factory inspector* report that out of
90,000 persons employed in textile
mills in Philadelphia only 17,500 are
at work.
I u boots and shoes there is also a
decided improvement in spite of the
fact that orders are lighter than usual.
Shipments from Boston for the
week w. re only 5 per cent, less than
the year befor* 1 he volume of busi
Hess through the clearing house con¬
tinues and for the past week increased
1 h.(J per cent.
The failures of the week have been
OOi in the l nited States, against 205
last year, and thirty-six in Canada,
against thirty-five last year, Besides
one Imnk in Ohio and the Thurber
failure, there were fourof liabilities of
over 810(1,00(1 and sixty-eight indebt¬ others
over 85, ,, uo. 'I'he volume of
edness o' firms failing in the previous
week wum 83,727,467, against 83,407,
Hlfl the wivk before, being larger cast
thau south,
i JfffV in, *y/i rT!ic a <e>nes uiks*
giving I’rMiaiustlon.
Governor Northen, Thursduy morn¬
ing, issued liis proehimation setting
aside the 30th of the month as a day
of thuuksgiviug. The day, us usual,
will bo generally observed throughout
Georgia. Following is the proclama¬
tion in full :
Atlanta, <*a., Nov. 16, 1896.
In accordance with the honored
diatom of our forefather*, aud in con¬
formity with the proclamation of the
president of the United States, I, \V.
I. Northed, governor of this state, do
hereby Hppiint Thursday, the doth
day of November, instant, as a day of
thanksgiving and prayer; and ear*
tn t tly reipii Ht that all our people duly
observe the day by setting aside their
usual oeeupatioiiH and giving thanks to
(h*d in their homes and accustomed
places of worship.
W hde we have been sorely alHictcd
by himneial distrcKs, in commou with
other sections of tier country, ami u
portion of our people has been strick¬
en by pestilence ami its accompany¬
ing evils, yet the year brightens to¬
ward* its close; our common distress
is being abeviab d, and the plague has
spent its Molenee and health uud
peace promise a speedy return, \\V
have much to he thankful for, anti we
should keep alive the beautiful, til
structive and helpful custom of
consecrating this ono day through¬
out a Christian hind to the
praise of Uod Let il**, in out thanks
giving, prove ourselves worthy of our
prosperity with bv liberally sharing our
gifts the less fortunate and by
practicing the noblest of the virtues
charity toward our fellow-men.
(liven under my hand aud theta-el
of the executive department nt the
Capitol in Atlanta, the Ihth day of X o
rendu r. lv* i
AA J. Nohmikn, Governor.
By tin governor
SrvMioei Swi*.
Sicretwiy I vicutive Depiirtlneut
ItruiiM!ickliio Cannot Yet Return to
Their Home*.
° ul ' ■■ \ ■ ' " 11 “
reported t-\ the Brunswick board of
Imaltn , f<>r luc twcnlv-fourheurn ... i ended i ,
(Saturdax . uoeti I he beard i issued i.i ihe
Ldltoutig notice:
“The board regret* the urgent nee
iunumn com cut to those
away from their home* that the light
fivsts ol the 16th and 17th instant*
tiot snff ,went tv' injure oafety,
wind has brought
warm weather, foggy at night and
most favorable to the sir read of ih©
disease, especially am I.. partis rc
, u in* fre’a Kx-aat;, ' net infcctcvl,
end therefer. mere fitscvptihle toit#
iitii.-Ls than Ili-v.t wh,v ur.' her.*, and
, a ru.-tlv wurus all who arc awar to
await the official anuounc'inent from
,bc boar 1 that it is safe to return.
Object lesson* in the d.ath of four
refugees who have tv turned, compel
this board, which deeply appnviate
the natural anxiety of the people to
return, to have }xalience.
I’attv Lce, incouveuieni'v and suffer
. „ v at:, of the
, n
, I >! ' ,rJ * t '' *' IC ”’'
•’ ! ’'* u ' > '* suffering an. alb.
L to* 4
keeu MO with lh* Hmm
lie Happeiis 'I a Dfi Ctetntltl 11
Erie! asi im e Paras*
Ami lontfliiilttg’llHi Hist of the New*
From All 1' * of the World.
Following is -i official result of the
* Jhio election, at riling to a special of
Monday from 44 flit mbit*: McKinley's
plurality, 80,fiSi*- bis majority over all
candidates, 43, tC'
A final deer»T «* entered in the
United States >i at Charleston
Monday orderin' the sate of the.South
Carolina railway take place at auc¬
tion on April T-ij iblil.
An attempt w* made Monday morn¬
ing to blow up rbe office of the mayor
of Torrent*, sixyniica from Xulencia,
Spain. Two bomb- exploded but the
damage was slight.
The annual nfeelings of the stock¬
holders of the Richmond and Peters¬
burg arid Pete'iborg railroads were
held at Richmoifd, Va., Monday. The
officers of both' 'oads were re-elected.
A crank tried :<> got in the mayor’s
office at New Y> •k, Moxulav. He was
nrmoil with n •a r of iron two feet
long, which Is<4 Minted to *how the
mayor. The j»> < >r hustled him out.
The new Bra-Than man-of-war, Nic
theroy, formal ij El Oid, soiled from
Si w York Moi ^ptnori-j^g for bra¬
zil. The folic <ug ar.-mer officers:
Chief navigator, kaptain Buker ; assist
aiit navigator, ( pa ries K velicn; execu¬
tive officer* C. llM
1 lie Clarksvi M 1 arehonse
about at Clarkcsville, ol^H Hj ITf^^va.s covered burned
an acre
Monday morninJH er 200 liogsheadti
of tobacco, valin i»20.00(J, were de
Htroyed. The tflj X>s* is 830,000—
insured. Origi* o lie fire is not
On amilicfctii ol friendly bond¬
holders, in orde ( , s. vc tin property
and reorgaui^m: ' nited States Judge
Key at Chattfflw>* '■> Monday, apjmint
ed W. H. Knsse, nd A. A. Hopkins
receivers of tli. >nt 1,-nnessee Land
Company, tlie f,mnlers and hackers of
the town of Flarjiman.
the serious Despite Mexican concern profet go* I’ ms ament r the to revolutionary the is expressing contrary,
movement inaugurated in Texas, aud
in the lust few days two dispatches
from that goveu netit have been pre¬
sented to thr»st«te department at
Washington 1>; W Minister Romero,
pointing to the -ruling hostile bands
on the American side of the Bio
Grande ostrnsib-v with the intention
of crossing into *b xico.
Fire broke o« 'Monday morning on
tbe third floor o the three-story Fruit brick
building ocelli ‘ y y the Kratz
and ^Caudy cc-UT-any, at Richmond,
Va. r Before tie of the flames
could bo check- itho adjoining store,
occupied by gr^^Bg|fH CTjubw ^ Lsylor k Go.,
wholesale partially burn
od. Tbe swept across the
alley jLjJytaey & Wall’s
adjniliiug, Teleg^ '■ fby tbe Western
Union omjiany, both of
w hich w ere al> burned.
held A big at in Hnn net i initoli, igjet railroad Ind., men Monday was
evening, repvtisen domotivo tutives of the Broth¬
erhood of L- Engineers,
Brotherhood > i fcocomotivo Firemen,
Brotherhood of j Railroad Trainmen,
Order of Railway Oouductors, Switeh
lueli’s Mutual Aifl Association and Or¬
der of Railroad Telegraphers were
present. Debgsites attended from all
along the Erie line from Jersey City
to Chicago. Thff most profound se
crecy proceedings. is msintijmed regarding the
A Birmingham, Ala., special says:
The Commercial {CMPfl committee re¬
made turned its from Washington Monday club. Tt and
report; to the is
considered rather encouraging, in that
it state# that tlnjre i« a good chance
for the the ways tariff andjmeans committee Coal to
leave on iron ore.
will go on the free list, they say.
The club is considering the advisabil¬
ity of calling « i rtouttieru convention
and to formulate a plan for protecting
Houtheru produdts in the mutter of
t ari ft reform. L
Senators BetJ ,i f fellIIl eM'c. ami
Orleans George, of Monday Mississippi, imorning srrivod from in Mem¬ New
phis. They are-a *ul>-oommittee of
and the senate will make comnjittee iveatigution on agriculture
ant as t.> the
causes for the • vistiug depression in
the cotton unbolt ry. They called at
the cotton exchange facility ami were assured
that every would be afforded
to them in presorting their investiga¬
tion. Representative factors, future
men and exporter* ootiliijttee will be called be¬
fit the to give their
hurlestou, tn the United Mofidar, (States court at
( argument was
heard on the cast' against Lewis H.
I’errin, a dispimsary constable of
tircenwood, xrfco'is rnleii for contempt
of court for levying m«*i goods in the
possi ssion ol the receiver of the Rieh
mend and Danville railroad. Fix
Judge Cochran appeared for the rad
r«*ad and Assistant Attorney General
l-nch man for tin state. The return
tut . lie rule , is quite ... a lengthy , ,, document. ,
’ ‘.
After ,, a snort . . argument Juage 0 Bimon- .
. t.'ii decided , , , that . he would ,,■ . take . the
testimony of the railroad agent and
others residing ait Greenwood and fur¬
ther proceedings were accordingly
p- •■tpoued tu>td G'lio 'the day during the
coming term of district court at
-..... —
BruBIwivksn* R* jolcc at the Advent of
1 heir BeltTPrrr.
Frost struck Brunswick, Ga , Thurs
dav moroiae and broaght intense jor
Everybody t loried in lU arrival and
crervlHOy was happy. Haiutshaking*
and smlea carriVst the dav and the
feeling of general gooti will to all is
onlr equaled y that at Christm
time*. This prarticaHy ends th« p;
dct&ie. Tbe people are elated
the future pn sp%ct*. erateful f
; shtmssof thcrtiorMdity and ti
fol for the relief sent them, a j
ihe greatest hsppiaess over ihe gener
ai wind up.
The Industrial Situation as Reported
for the Past Week.
The rev ew of the indntri&l gitua'ion n the {
South for the paat week show* that fhe demand j
for maeh nery i» oomewhat increoaing*. that a lar- »
I'tt number tiring then mill a*n&! arid of lumber new mills. indn especially tries, j
in the ft re
repor ed as in procea, of er-otiou, ai d that
there ii* evidence of a substantial revival of in- ,
doitriM in general. The favorable -tea her
that h> a prevailed throughout the Southern
ita e« for fcewra. week* has enable the crops to ;
prices be gathered do not in encourage gooff condition, farmereio but market prevailing them j
on a large wale. i! aeen,a to be feut rally be-,
liere.1 that there will lie a large incr aie ia the ,
inmber oeput dur ng the coming winter, »f
stock* on band at the mihe are much r duoed.
d&£ % generally
• eadily r vis ing, and ma
are increasing their ou'puta. Tie low pices
of cutt a, coal, ouiy iron ari i drawback* the prodncla of irr II j
are now the serious to prosper
>ty. industries estshlshed
Tbirty-flve new weie
inportant new buildin.**. Am mi/ no iceable
ucw mdtuAtricft arc the Biroiion- White Machine
ate« ; the Hamilton P* n and OHs* ( ompaay,
of Dallas, Texas, capital $50,000, E- M. Bt-ar*
SERIES $23,00), r X", by 51. l 4* W. Thomas
m nd, othferd} Va., cjpital tbeCotoiabiaikCojftpaw, of Lam
Blucfteld, W. v..„ oip.ud *10,10 >, by F. W.
Hmiih *n i a-* > um*. b
s„d ■"&&“.'*£. AWto an ; ! u:‘vm;! < V :
and a rice mil at U.vis iiridge, 8. C ; a foon
.ir> i« repored at Ixmiaville, K . hum < r n.illa
st Mobile, Ala., anil Bdoxi, 3Ii«s ; furniture
factorv at Mobils, Ala , and Pemnteoia, Ma.; a
aa-h, door and blind factory at i lia tanooga
T-nn.j saw n.illa at Willi-mu, Fla., Davis
Bridge. 8. C. and WsU evi 1-. Texas; a stave
ractory St Little ltook. Ark., aud wagon works
at Durant, Mias — 1 radesm.m (Chattanooga,
On a Branch of the (ciitral'-Thirtv
Five Hurt anil Oti‘y one Death.
An Opelika, Ala., special death says: of A
wreck whi-'h resulted in the
ono man and the injury of thirty-live
people oeeurred on the Ka t Alubamu
braneh of the ( entral railroad within
mil of_la.layette, %Ae.lncsd.iy
night, about , :J0o clock, leu ireigld
■„rs, two pasM-ngor eoaehes, a smok
H,g ear and a mail and baggage ear
jumped the track and tumbled over an
••mbankment. I lie .mil and baggage
''“r caught on lire instantly and the
tbune, ■ proud rapidly. 1 oss Driver, a
negro pa,™ r.ger who was m the front
. nd of the smoker, which is dnm, d
,.!l' for negro passengers was burned
to death before the eyes ol halt a hull
*t r ’ 'I passengers. In y were power
less to render him assistance. J he
-moker was the first to catch fire, and
those ui this car, some lifted, in num
b.r, were all injured, many of them
I be loss to the road will be heavy.
.’several of tlm freight cars were de
molished and goods were strewn hundred prom¬
iscuously around for several
varils. Tbo smoking car was entirely
consumed by tlie flames and ... the rear
cud of a passenger coach and the mail
ear were badly damaged, in fact, ren
dered worthless from the tire. Why
every passenger on the tram was not
killed or badly injured is a mystery.
n Gar** -g,BAHg.1iAaui
Latest Advices from the Island are
A Ban Francisco special says: The
steamship Australia from Honolulu
arrived inside the golden gate at 8:40
o’clock Saturday forenoon. She
brought news from Houhilu that there
had been no change in tho Hawaiian
political situation. The new United
States minister, Air. Willis, presented
his credentials to President Dole, of
the provisional government, and had
not indicated prior to the d parture
of the Australia any intention ou tbe
part of the United States government
to insist upon the restoration of
Queen Liliankanlani.
■ i.s u-roiv. M' vr AT W ASHINGTON
A Washington special haas. I here
iv general disappointment at the news
from Honolulu. It was expected that
tlio queen hud been reinstated. But
whatever diplomatic intercourse Minister may
have taken plaeo between
IVillis aud President Pule, tho queen
will be reinstated by force if ueeessa
ry The state department received
no official tidings Saturday. Willis
had his orders to restore the queen,
and if he lias not already accomplish
ed that, he will in the near future.
Vgainst a Proposed Increase of the tax
on the Weed.
ihe Tobacco Manufacturer's Asso
ciution of the United States met in
convention at Washington, Wednes
day to protest against the proposed in
crease of the tax on manufactured to
bacco. Many southeru aud western
tobacco manufacturers were present,
Thev adopted resolutions protesting
against the increased tax and suggest
iug that the revenue of the govern
meat could be largely increased by
the repeal of the revenue laws of 1890,
permitting the sale of leaf tobacco di
rect to the consumers without the
payment of taxes. They also appoint
ed a committee of ten to confer with
the sub-committee on ways and means.
The English Coast Storm.
Ativices from London state that up
to Sunday niorniug at least eighty-five
liv»s are known to be lost during the
gale which has swept over the English
coast for forty-eight hours aud, in ad
di tion, the crows of several boats are
still missing. The newspapers are giv¬
ing every hour further fatalities and
records of the damage done by the
j storm. It is generally agreed that tho
weather that has just visited the coasts
of England, Scotland and Ireland is
the most severe in tnanv years.
The IM? Co»I Strike E.iJx.
j The A great dispatch co»l strike from has London omleti. says: Aet-
1 iug on tho decision of the conference
i held last week at tho forcipn office,
• »ork was genorallv resumed at tbe
! collieries Monday morning. however, There that
wvf® «on»e few j*its, the
1 ' were not opened, owing blocked to the fact
that fallen earth had wavs,
Alt' <- vw.-.s Ro'l 1 Ot’ervi'ffo. Mo
.1 a =i cage haaying ia the yari
ia. according to the lo Oil
uiiv*r, w thrust his head
] tii! i.-s an J swallowed th(
Urd as fir as thv w ire would let him
T '.ere he stuck, and was killed. Aud th«
hir-i Mtii »i-gs ia tfi* cage.
Allairs ol Govenunent iti to ol
tts Drpartments Disease!
N f I„tp rM t Concerning the IV'J
n{e and Their General Welfare,
\ Washington special save: Secre-
1 . c j id ordered the rev
- -
enne cutters Morrill and , rsoutwell „ tn t
render all possible assistance to the
p lfcd Crow Society in carrying svtp
l-H- to residents of the various islands
along the South Carolina coast itcso
lilted bv the great cyclone,
Secretary Gresham decided Monday
afternoon to make public all the eor
rt .»r,ondencc aud the report of .James
H. Blount, the special commissioner
gent to Hawaii by President ( leveiauu
to investiffate the revolution which
dethroned Queen Liliuokalani and the
efttiiblishmeiit of the provisional o<>\
Prcsclent Cleveland and his family
left their country home oil the Woou
j e v roa<l Thursday morning and are
now located at the white hou- tor the
winter. It was thought that the Iresl
: would remain in the country
' until about the time for the meeting
] of congress, as he is more seclutleu
there and able to give more nninterrupt
j ' , a ttention to the prepartion of liis
: forth-coming , message to , congress.
j A Washington special of Sunday
; bays, a party . »i { Ll) a. „j >• Hvi! l e an a Nash
, villo directors, headed by Directors
Butler and Marcus, will leave New
York next Saturday for Port Royal,
presumably to inspect the Port Royal
and Augusta rbad from that terminus.
This revives the ancient rumors that
the Louisville and Nashville wants to
reach the sea. It has always been
Milton Smith’s policy to have a termi
]m8 ou tlio coast, and it is thought
thftt H js the intention now to get con
t[ . (1 q[ thig ieco of property.
a,. In.«mr Tux.
,p llc j ucome tax is to be favorably
recommeIul ,. d to the committee on
ani , means bv a subcommittee
| ha ;. in the mftttel . Sl * charge. This has
^ Jagt b(jen dt . finitc]y decided and the
, 8nbcomln it tM > on internal revenue will
, |lftke BUcll H re port at the first meeting
| th(j fn) , demooratic membership.
Tbo s tage has been at last reached, and
j j i(j fruuk ‘ ]v conceded, where ittee the depends whole
j lk of th() cumm
j <m tfae U(;( . Jion of the income tax.
So f ur)th ,,g r eatdifficultyofthecom
: lnjttee hn8 be(JJJ to re duco the
j without ( . rent i„ g a deficit in the treas
| llry . aml this embarrassing condition
j has all along been the chief hope of
the income taxmen. The
that have come up from every industry,
:: - the contemplated tariff'
have been announced, and the open
threats of the southern democrats
havo lo j Ked K uch vigorous
^ removing the botmty on sugar,
^ eoal; iton rice to
}jgt ^ have finn! ]
come consideratitjpfpl fn th{>ory
final , >tion.
Hold the Breath iTiiii t «■
in Sudden Changes’ anosphere.
jt is a fact not generally known that
if tt person holds his breath, wasps
j anil bees may be handled with impunity, of
j The mail skin against practically which becomes the insects a coat vainly
I drive their stings. The moment a par
tide of air escapes from the lungs the
! Min*j will penetrate. In explanation physician of
this curious fact, a well-known
advances the theory that holding the
>.cath V^UMy closes the pores of the
'km, and thus leaves no opening for at
This interesting statement explains I
md enhances the value of a practice of
, j 1;iVC followed for the prevention
: co j d g > y or many years my occujiation
took me to crowded political aud labor
meetings, generally held in rooms desti
tute of any means of ventilation. The
heat w as intense, the air fetid and poi
sonous. I have left sm h meetings
bathed in perspiration, and plunged into
the chill nir of a winter's ni_ht, thereby
running the risk of catching the severest
cold, let, strange to say, 1 enjoyed a
f>' ) g , ‘. lar immunity from such aggravat¬
ing ailments. touch cold . 1 1 took ,
At the first of air a
deep inspiration, and then held my breath
for half a minute, in the meantime walk
’■"? as fli * t as 1 cou U- JTiuing that half
j minute the pores of tbe skm were closed
! against the chilling atmosphere, and by
i the time the lungs called for reinvigora- cooled
t j on the body had considerably
!im i the risk of a chill was over,
j I recommend vocalist"; this entertainers practice to and public those
j speakers, unduly
w ho are obliged to frequent heat
ed rooms. In my own case the prac
vice never failed, ami though understood I fully
believed in its value, I never
tlie reason of it until the scientist in
question came forward with his re_
m “ rkab!e concerning the sting,
of becs.-[Humamtas, m T.d Bits,
j 1 \\ hat wo Are ami What we I lit ng we
As i? the difference between what a
I! | ii is and what he lliinks he U, >«» will
< u . ccs With that difference
; grent. the success will he smnlf, with
»!i.i? *.ifiVn small, the sure ss will Im*
it. 1 don’t say t; 11 ? this r r-.Z should
j l* jHi a © unfailing 1 in the Heady il ckorcr 5.2 0
la^ide ih. r. I n t
hit m «1. v u mile. Thei e »xfh* r ele
me - e->rsf mt.y for i*r . gjiinsr a man s
S>U!t w jn addition t*» tut* **ue t-ii-T r c»»n
sid< r *iion. IJut aJloajng for these the
rule bis i• S v:»ito
Lmer>ou ^tr- uu itt-ty maiatained that
eh man has at, »titudc i»v*rn with
him todoci.sil. some leil i q> de* to
j anv it her. It is an a'tra. ii* e lb r y,
‘ one that many ptup.c hav w.-e e 1 they
Ct mid b>. liv-v* vxhiit t'u ii g I hems.! Ves
unable to do. From the iuis- men
their nuHve aj-tuui 4 lit*' t*X S • a J e
» deeply bid* :e-u 1 Fell*, its. though, if
with'each not for ihe bsliueir.atkin bora
mac. h’s aptitude no il*l l^e in
, »rer vj. w.— From *‘The P i* t of
Vi vv. ' in the Octet h.t num er of S rib
uer*? Maiuiny.
A Q : , .. .-.-vs vv i; that brought re
L lo police court by s
h id claimed that he aac
i i in on;, ing a dog It wa:
i fox i ier v-xiranbd to how '; whenavei
nc av ■txsicai neighbors eommeucud
j “ r I* in #4 'un es. But the dog wouldn't,
I tnd tie pt chaser wanted to recovw
,. * k, *
ti ia tbe long ago, my love
As In the long ago—
r wander o'er the dear old place.
Each object there recalls thy lace
Each fragrant zephyr breathes a sigh,
For tender joys in days gone by ;
Sow falls again the evening glow.
And calls the thrash so soft and low,
As in the long ago, my love,
As in the long ago.
As in the long ago, my love.
As in the long ago—
We wander slowly, hand in hand.
In young love’s dreary wonderland,
Again the light of evening skies
Shines in mine own from thy dear eyes
Again the distant chimes so low.
Peal forth the hour in measures slow,
.As in the long ago, my love,
As in the long ago.
As in the long ago, my love.
.As in the long ago—
The vespers' dying echoes peal
Among the hill. Again I kneel
Aud moan and weep beside thy grave.
Where grass plumes in the wild winds wave
And sway in mute grief to and fro.
While calls the thrush so s i l and low
As in the long ago. my love,
As in the long ago. Globe.
__Emile Piekliardt. in Boston
A rattlepate—The policeman’s chib.
Bound to please—Gilt-edged holiday
books.—Truth. the
Club-footed-Bills paid by
organization.—Puck. fin is little du- _
The popular pianist of hands.—Bail.ilo
ficulty on his notes
It is only the women who can law
fully hold up a train.—New York
The sculptor is generally fishing for
fame when he makes a oast. Glen.
Falls Republican. said
“That beats me,” the drum con
fidentiallv, referring to tbe rosewood
slick.—Somerville Journal.
No man is as good as he demands
the voung man shall be who asks for
his daughter.—Atchison Globe.
It is rather too much to expect a
man on his uppers to be a ■whole
souled fellow.--Buffalo Courier.
Love is said to be. blind, but it
usually gets there ahead of the old man
just the same.—Galveston News.
A trunk differs from a man in that
it can bo completely strapped without
becoming broke.—Buftalo Courier.
Everyone sail he was color blind.
Though it did not saem quite clear,
That because his clothes were loud
He selected them by ear. Inter-Ocean.
When there are no hard times to
complain of some men find their oe
cupation completely gone.— Washing¬
ton Star.
Pessimist—“Don’t you wish you'd
never been born T' Book Agent —“No,
I let other people do that for me.
—New York Journal,
i By the way, why doesn’t the cou
D ductor punch the train robber : He
Tmlfchtat toj least give Iv -'*’ him a check.—
^“Is f'~ir ir 1 V m
the boss at home?’* TConseimuu
“No, Tuesday is bargain day, and
r she never gets home until real late m
the afternoon. ’’—Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Little stocks of water,
If mixed with proper snnd
Aud floated on the market,
Stiff rates oft command.
—Kate Field’s Washington.
Mendicant—“Can’t you give a poor
blind man a few cents?” Banker—
“No! ,. Tbe outlook is so bad that you
are to be congratulated.”—New York
Watts—“How did you come out in
your little wrestle with the Chicago
wheat market?” Potts— “I went after
wool and got worsted.”—Indianapolis
Anxious Husband—I am afraid, doc¬
tor, that my wife is a very sick womau
She hasn’t spoken a word all day.'
Doctor—“Then you don’t need me,
Yon want an undertaker.”—Judge.
love Mary so? ’
“What makes the man
The jealous maidens cry ;
“Oh. Mary doesn’t sing, you know,
And more she doesn't try. Journal.
—Kansas City
“Isn’t there something the matter
with the feet in this poem?’’ nuked the
editor. “Sir,” replied the haughty
man, who stood chiropodist. by his desk, --Washing¬ JT »m a
poet; not a
ton Star.
“I am really at a loss,” said the
young minister, “to know why you did
not like my last sermon, Did you not
consider my arguments sound ?”
replied; “exclusively. »
“Yes,” she
Washington Star.
So many ships are making knots
All through the oeenu wide—
Ol course the sea gets tied up lots—
And that's what makes the Ode.
—Boston Courier.
The Ureal Tiian^b ot the World#
On January 1, 1393, there were be¬
tween fifty an l sixty tunnels in the
world which deserve mention in thj
catalogue of great engineering feats of
thi-and other countries. In the table
following, which he- been especially
prepared for the St. Louis Republic
by the editor of “Notes for the Curi
Oils, thirtv-i ve of these subterranean
wonders arc located and their total
length given in either feet, yards or
Vam? o ! Tan^el. UoutUm. feet..
Hoossi’..... ... I*nited State* 12.871
Musconeteong. .. . States 5.119
Sutro. .. . . - . United State* .*29.896
Neequehoain^.. . 17aite I States.... 3.401
Allegheny...... .United States. .. 4."41
Sm Fernando. Cal ...United Slates ..
San iids^e England..... .. 16.035
New San lidge ......England.. ..16.305
Leeds ..... .. ..Ensland.... ..11.119
Kilby .... .. ..France ..... ...11.319
Nerthe. .. . .....France..... ...15.220
Sr. Martin . ... .France...... ...31,826
Bta sy .. . _____F ranee. ... ...13.452
DiMsiock.... .....Germany .. .. .1^.915
Era-at August ... .Germany... ...71.280
Georz .........Germany. . ...56.760
Jotsepti H ........Germany... ...48.840
t Freja? ..........France... . ...12.833
| I st. Gotharl..........Bw.ueriand. . ..48.*47
ftffiT............Enzlan !.... ...11.328
j Hu i4er5eid... ...England.... .. .16.6^0
j Kennel........ .... Enel an i. .. ...13.200
Pecsar....... . T-nn'anl... ...11.550
! “Osini s an i M*!iray.£ngiaa4. ...11,830
j Thames and Severn Ecvland. ... 12.5-50
Sierra Madras......Mexico.. .. 63 380
son C vrio ...Mexu-o - . 13.209
. .Er.ciaiei . .2:3.760
AVe-hiestoaco ... .Mexico .... 31 <65#
■1 j:.t C »afes» ..... .I’m. -Italy ..i*.G*
CEininiU ...... . Hungary lOq mile-
1 * The fatro Tnanci is malty Comstock an Momenta mines,
uaicigronai drain at the
xv ia. The 3jur»s of leagth given at»va
tamuda si-Je drain* **i*ter*is. ‘
:a« or