Newspaper Page Text
itnited Status Commissions'
Jons K. Simmons.
Superior Court
fourth Monday in April ,-n i1 *
Juix.B,-Ooo. K.(tolicr. Mivri
Tlios. llutchsrira. Cant*.
County Officials.
Obdisarv Calvin . 1 . Cornelisoi
4£»ftlOXS held first Monday in each mot*»
A?nr> (I. W. Ow0fl.
'f>rjrr\ Treabvh*b .)
SHEIUFF,- <T. Win elf r
Pax CollegTOU,- John H. Difhftrro!
Tax Hkoeivkk,—M. O- Wilson.
C\>un*ty surveyor,—H en. AlnUim*.
(’.oron r.u,—L. l>.r»la< kbum.
MATIIK, ,T. F. Simmons
F. C. Richards. C.J.V heeler A. McHai
E Lennhig, Walter Knylie.
Religious Services.
M. E. CH l'H< H. TH
»'bff'.J'IM* El!)I : h.— (
Fastok.— Bi V ,F II. Little.
S' rv'ctfi first a ml Dr. t«l fv.ixlai, wul So
uifiiits in each month.
fci;c<f*>.y St I-'Gtfl.a in. li 11. Simmo-8 ■
Castou, Uev. (■ A Ibirtlett.
Services, fouth Semlky, in every iB»n>
Sunday School 0.30, a. r.\. Jno. W. Her Icy Saj t
jluard of Fdacatinu.
liber Wofi'orO.
(J, Faulkner,
M. Morrison,
David And?! son
Ceo. W. Little,
,f, U T Henley. 1 'omniisHuni. r
Professional Cards.
Dr. W = . JONES
—o- o
Physician &Sttrgeoh
Jasfer o --o Georgia.
--- Jasper, GEftRGIA.
Richards House
F. G. RIG B A11D S, Propbiet m.
— Rates — Reasonable. —
Special Rates to Citizens of
Pickens County. -
jplp- Guests Receive Special
Attention. Also,
First, Class Livery in connection
with Hotel.
Harness, Sadies and Shoes,
— Also, Dealer In —
Shoe and Harness Materials.
Buggy Cushions, Team and Buggy
Whips, Sadie Blanks &c &c.
-Repairing Neatly Done.
Jasper, Georgia.
By investigating our wonderful remedy,
Tlie onlv absolute cuie for Asthma.
■Bronchitis, al! stages Consumption. and forms No of
Catarrh and Incipient Failures, for
Pain; No Medicine; No sale
any at all times.
Do not neglect your deep-seated cough.
Write at once. Small weekly paymeats
Our Dixie Electro-Galvanic Beits
are the Best on Earth They speedily
cure all diseases of the Heart, Liver,
Kidneys, and Stomach Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, all Nervous Troubles and Fe¬
male Disorders
We cure any curable disease—By Mail
tell us your troublo.
We want reliable, permanent liberal comtniss- agents of
•oth sexes and give most
ons. Belt Co.
The Dixie Electro-Galvanic
The Progress 1ms just received
a lot of stationery and we are now
prepared to do your job work ag
cheaply and as well as any one.
Give us a trial order.
W est persons to represent us as manaaers in
this awl close b> counties. Salary g»W) ayeartnfi
expenses. Strain Ht, bona-tide* no more, no jess
salary. Position permanent. Our references any
bank in any town. It is main;y office wora
conducted at homo, deference. Encios- self
addressed stamped envelope. tub uomcxiok
toilVASY, Dept. 3,Chicago.
v. I O crop can **
■ row with
i: Potash.
• • i y blacic of
0-ass, every grain
C orn, all Fruits
rid Vegetables
nust have it. If
' nough is supplied
you can count on a full crop—
if too little, the growth will be
“ scrubby.”
Sond for our books telling nil about composition of
fertilizers best adapted for all crops. They coet you
GERM AN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New Vafc.
The Wood Monument.
Deceived 11 v the Puookess.
Miss Aurora McHan $ 1 . 00 .
Pickens County Progress 1.00
Alliens Wofford 1 . 00 .
Dr. F. C. llicliards 1 . 00 .
U. W. Owens .25.
Senator A. S. Clay 1 . 00 .
' U. Wtieeler
G. 1 . 00 .
T. S., McKinney 1 . 00 .
Deceived by Judge Gober.
Dr. Tatum 1 . 00 .
G. F. Gober 1 . 00 .
Received by Miss Aurora McHan.
W, B. Stovall 1 . 00 .
Chas. Wofford 1 . 00 .
C. J. Cornelison 1 . 00 .
Mercer University FacHlty 5.00.
George Brown 1 . 00 .
Mrs. (I. M. Brown 1 . 00 .
R. O. Hopkins 1 . 00 .
Mrs. R. O. Hopkins 1 . 00 .
Will Watts 1 . 00 .
A. McHan 1,00.
Mrs. A. J. Lovelady 1 . 00 .
Mrs. Kate McHan 1.00.
Will Garwood 1.00.
C. W. McHan 1.00.
W, F. McBride 1.00.
T. W. McHan 1.00.
Raymond Fowler .5°.
j[i ss Romae Garwood L00
W. L. Wood 1 . 00 .
Mrs. Martha Wood 1.00
Lee Cape .50.
Dr. M. N. Wood 1.00
Mrs. Ida Wood .50.
Mr. S. B. Keeter 1 . 00 .
George Felix Taylor 1 . 00 .
II. K. Wood 1 . 00 .
Henry Grady Wood 1 . 00 .
Received by J. W. Cagle.
David Anderson 1 . 00 .
W. B. Thompson 1.00.
J. N. McDaniel 1.00.
W. F. Slagle 1 . 00 .
C. W. Holmes 1 . 00 .
C. C. Pettett 1 . 00 .
J. W. Cagle . 00 .
R. N. Barron .. 00 .
Mrs. Dona Ban on 10 .
J. M. McClure .50.
Dr. J. II - Chastain 1 . 00 .
A, J. Cagle 1 . 00 .
It. M. Thompson 1 . 00 .
E. G Siggers, Patent I^awyer
Washmlon, D. C. , whose ad, appears
in our columns, publishes a vabuable
copyrighted book entitled “How to
Obtain Patent, Caveat, Trade Mark
and Copyright Protection, with De¬
cisions in Leading Parent Cases.” A
copy will be sent free to any address.
A Frightful Blunder.
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scadl
Out or Buise. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on
earth. Only 25 cts, a box. Cure guaran¬
teed. Sold by Tate, Simmon’s & Co.
A duck which had laid several
dozen eggs during the season com¬
plained that while her working rec¬
ord was better than the hen’s, the
{alter had hooks and poems written
m her honor, while no one had a
word of praise for the duck. A wise
old rooster standsng by said: “You
lay an egg and waddle off without
saying a word, while that sister of
nine never lavs one without letting
everyone in the neighborhood know,
it. If you want to cut any ice around
here you must advertise.”
A scientist says that “if the earth
was flattened the sea would be two
miles deep all over the world.” If
any man is caught flattening out the
earth shoot him on the spot and don’t
be to blamed particular what spot.
There are some of our delinquent
subscribers who can’t swim,—Madi
sonvi io, (Term,) Democrat.
Jasper Georgia, Fr iday, March 2, 1900.
I » W» +|
Ad flat 1 Watch , SW 1
I » *
1 ■
l 1 • • Subscribers to tha— )
* •
and the Atlanta Semi-Wbj Journal will veto for Ml*
most popular lady in this high v ity on May let. reoeit*
Tha one receiving number of votes will
a handsome Elgin Waboh, (i v size, with elegantetagnweA 4 *
gold filled 20-year case. r
% The works will be of t iebrated Elgin make, whieb
is a guaranty of exoellonor »
•1 %
V * *
i The proposition wa make Is to allow one vote to every eetcen wbo eub
Bcrlhss for this paper (l.60 anfl The Atlanta Semi-Weekly JeaWal upfler ear
clubbfrg offer of for this pap r and the twlee-a-weeft JeurtUl, with
X the Sprifigfleld Farm a'nd The Hoifta Farm thrown end Home in. of Sprinpfteld,
II With this we put In
■ * setts, for one year. This gives you,three papers every Week and a an «Ktf»
one twice a month, all for tl.fiO.
•» Here it ts:
a ■
, oN • This paper one year .................. $ 1.00
* The Sc mi-Weekly Journal one year .. 1.00
:: The Farm and Home ore year........ .so
• • Ail for $1.50
M »
• • . . M . . a >
* for
Now with a.11 this we give you a -ote the most papular lady In thia
* • county.
a. disifl'jkrested • >
Votes will be oounted by a committee, and the result an¬ • »
‘ nounced early In May, when the watch will be sent to the most popular
lady. • *
t I
* >
The Atlanta Journal has recei.
many letters from every section
the Union commending its edito 1- '
“We don’t Want Him,” which w'
! yi'ilt. , ]i ip reY'lv ***-1
■d arid silly vaporings of a man
Michigan. This roan stated that “qj
hid intended to move to Georgia
-hanged his mind after reading
•Hiogh'.a of of Atlanta’s Gen. Robert high school E. Lee boy wh f
ome h
e ivered on the last anniversary <
! hehtro’s birth. One of the correspo
dents, who writes from South Dako
call? the Michigan man an ignoram
and wonders that “any man could
A *■ L *■
be so igtiora'nt Ynd base as to crecit
aught hut sublimity and grandeur to
the life of Robert E. Lee.’'
IcU.ers are gratifying evidence that
theie are fewer fools in this reunited
country than we are sometimes
to beleive. It is to be hoped that
thu Michigan penny “patriot,” will
nut change his mind and come to this
genial clime after all.—Macon Tele¬
Philadelphia’s Big Clock.
The clock on the Philadelphia city
hall is the highest in the world. It
has the largest dials. If the dials
were out of the way and tracks were
laid, two trains could pass each other
running through the holes. The
in the four faces is fastened there by'
a ton of cement. The glass, if laid on
the ground, would make a walk a
square long and ten feet wide. The
minute hand will lini-h each
journey by completing a 110 mile
tripe. It is expected that this minute
hand will travel 110 miles annually
for many years to come. The dock is
strong, and the minute hand is phos¬
phor bronze and weighs 250 pounds.
A. R. De Fluent, editor of the
Journal, Doyleston, Ohio suffered
for a number of sears from rheuma
tism in his right shoulder and side.
He says: “My right a«tn at times was
entirely useless. 1 tried Chamber¬
lin’s Pain Balm, and wassuprised
rceive relief almost
The Pain Bairn has been a
companion of mine ever since and
ncver fails,” For sale by Tate
roons & Co.
^To pension R. W.
. Relative to the juriad
aissioners in courts of . United
For the relief of Hiram A. Darnell
To amend the law relative to a re
lea 3 e of seized distilleries before judg
fp 0 pension Dorcus Elliott,
jp or the relief of Jesse Elliott.
jr or the relief of Margaret S. Fain
p or t he relief of James B, Fowlef.
To erect a public building at
For the relief of Samuel Game!.
For the relief of William N. Ham
For the relief of S. M. Honeycutt.
For the relief of Curtise C. Hutch
For the relief of John D. Lowry.
To increase the pension of B. F.
To regulate the award of mail con
For the relief of A. F. Mauldin.
To pension Martha A. Mason.
To pension Cynthia A. Mason.
For the relief of Hix Patterson.
To pension 11 ix Patter on.
For the relief of S. A. Pinv<>n.
To pension S. A. Pinyoii.
For the relief of Newton (Joker,
For tho relief of William M, Kd
For the relief of James B, Fowler.
For the relief of Jasper N, Martin
j For the relief re’iof of of Joseph Russell Thomas. Savage.
For tiie
To allow payment of commutation
j 0 f ration to petty officers of the army
(passed house.)
Mr. Pace spoke on his navy bill,
Reporting it from the. committee of
which he is a member, and secured
us passage without d- hate.
The Atlanta Journal and the
Progress one year each—156 pa
i pars—for only $1.25.
A ’I lion -a lid 'lounges
Could not nqiiejslli^inplure of Annie
E. Syriugei, of 1125 Ilownid st,, Phila¬
delphia, l’a., when she found that Dr
King’* New Dlaetneiy f©i ('onsiimptioti
had ecTiipleteiv etiml her of a haclit.ig
cough that for man} jews had niatle lift
a Linden.All other lemt-flles and doctors
could give lo r no help, hut she says of
(his Royal Cmc--“it chest soon removed the
pain in my ana 1 can now sleep
sodndlv, something I can scarcely remem¬
ber doing before. Ifeel like sounding its
praises ihrouhunt the Universe.” So
will every ode who trios Dr. King’sN’ow
for any trouble of the Throar, dies' or
Lungs. Price tOc.m.d 1.00. Trial hot
tles free at Tate, Simmons & Co. overey
bottle guaranteed.
Freni fur own C< rresi ondenl:
Washington, I). C.. Feb 24, ’00
The Democrat National Conven¬
tion will meet at Kansas City on
July 4, about two weeks after the
Republican Convention at Lhifadei
piiia. Probably the silver Republi¬
cans .and nnti-impeiialist will meet
on the same date find it, is at least
possible that the date of the Populist
convention may he changed to agree
with it. This decision of the Dem¬
ocrat national committee hero yester¬
day was a euprise in more ways than
one. It was supposed that the con¬
vention would be held early— per¬
haps even ear'ier than the Populi-t
convention—and that it would go to
Milwaukee for the effect that* would
be likely to have on the German
vote. It turned out. however, that
Milwaukee, which had been lionsting
V having a check for $100,000 to
y the expenses of the convention,
J bitle money, kAmfr no dial Win condition
a ceo
while Kansas City }i-
1 ifDO,000 in cash and demon
strnied that it was fully f ble to man
age any crowd that might come,
The date of the convention was fixed
in accordance with precedent, it
having for years 1 Gen th > ustom for
the party in power to meet first,
Unless the convention were to ho
held before May 9, v hen the Populist
meet, was there ro reason why it
should , , , ante-date , the , ,, Republicans, , .
and reallv wanted , it . to gather ,
no one
before the snow was fairly off tho
a ground, ’ as it would have to do if it
raced with the Populist. 1 Then, too,
the history J of early J conventions does
not encourage their n-pelition. The
mistakes of the Republicans are nil
merous and increasing day by day,
and a convention held - in July will
have more to critzaso than one held
in June.
Tiie most marked incident of the
committee meeting, aside from the
settlement of the date and place
for holding the ' convention, was
Senator Gorman s speech. 1 ho
Senator advocated , . , late , . convention. ..
, It was doubtless . , , true, , he said, ■ 1 that 1 .
the , tune . , between , ,, the nomination . 01
Bryan 189b and the . election ...
in was
too short. , It ... the party , ,11 had been
, longer time . could , , possibly , ,
given a ,t
have won a victory in that campaign,
But . the , committee must remember ,
that the , . had , , , been taken , from .
the hands , of , the , old and .
placed , . those men
in or now men—
fully capable, ,, no doubt, , , , rmt new
to the management and , unfamiliar , .
with the handling , -» I democratic
votes. The managers h , ad ,
doubly , ,, difficult , „ , task , to perform. ,
What they did was worth}' of all com
A Free Trip to Paris!
Reliable p»r*on» of « mechanical or Inve»t!ve mind
d« lrlo*» trip to tht Pturtp KxpopHlou, with good
**‘xL“pAiswi , »eJctua»riiait!i3ere,Md.
No. 25.
inundation. If the san e circumstances
prevailed today he would strongly
advocate an early convention.
But the men who conducted the last,
campaign were still in the lead w ith
the experience of I he campaign and
the advantage of four years time in
wh oh to familiarize themselves with
the situation, therefore lie thought
■<n.l/ was early enough. Leaving the
quosii. n of dates, Mr. Gorman touch
od gently and fully on the plat-form
and the necessity for harmony, lie
di. not ask, he said, any man to
abandon Ins principles. lie did not
a v it 1 Hot any id the great principles
enunciated in the Chicago platform
he abandoned, lint the Democratic
pari} ia large and its principles are
broad. There was no necessity of
►making any one issue paramount in
Din next campaign. The party teas
one for the principles o! liberty as
opposed to imperialism and despot¬
ism, and he believed that when the
American people became more fa¬
miliar with the subject they would
take the Democratic view. It would
he necessary for the party to educate
the peaple on this subject. Mr. Gor¬
man’s oratory was most effective,
sfiowi.ig that that astute political
leader is again in the councils of tho
The ship subsidy bill may not he
dead after all. .Senator Henna is
fighting 'hard for pi at inigmUjug #
.measure, Lfff'k of funds i i^actually
bn . .t,i(i; i r ,n
anxiety, , nei.s most anxious to
£ l ' t/ ^ ie BU kfidy s t ea < through so that
^’ e lna y obtain the contributions to
the campaign fund which are contin
on <*s pa-sige. On 1 uesday
IU Sbt he invited the members of the
F°use Merchant Marine Committee
and th 9 Senate Commerce Committee
to dinner at his house.Thegatbering
did not break up until nearly one
o’clock in the morning, by which
time many of the obstacles to the
bills had hem cleared away,
Mr. Hanna informed his guests it
the .. wish . , of , ,, the Administration . , . .
that , a bill . should . ... be passed , at , this .
session and , that ho there to
smooth . the difficulties l4 which ...
w „ , )re »enMd. lie wanted to
r . coneile ail parties to some measure
which could command tho support
of the members in the committee and
in the House. The fact that the Re¬
publicans will have difficulty in de
holding on the stump next fall a
Bl)i l> subsidy bill of any character
was recogniz.-d, especially in the
case of the members from the middle
western states, where there are no
shipping 1 ' * interests. Consequently 1 J their
wishes were to bo complied 1 with to
the extent of producing 0 a bill which
they J could defend, aid which the
tiassage 1 < f would not mean their
| retirement from Congress. The dirti
i cultv of doing this and vet giving ttio
j ship owners sufficient booty was
acknowledged and concessions were
offered on both sides. Tho hill drawn
to suit the wishes of the minorty Re¬
I publicans on the Merchant Marine
1 Committee was exhibited, and it is
1 possible that most of its provisions
j he accepted. Consequently
1 mav a
1 | renewed effort to pass the bill will
i be made.
| The Quay case has been taken up
in the Senate by a vote of 84 to 28
aud it now seems probable that he
lje seated