Newspaper Page Text
for the Gazette.
r , B KiDiso,Zebulon,Qa.
'/; Williams, HollonviUe Ga.
D.‘'- A ' ■ -
k . PHUBCII.—w. P. Rivers, Pas
gjTHODIST K. (- H bbatb at w % a. M. and
* the evening. sabbath
,’riy . uadie ■lb 111 g K. Cook, Superintendent;
Assistant. . Prayer meeting
C. . v n vht.
Xliursda, __j. m. Wood, Pastor.
BAPTIS r lhl ht lhe tirat third and
Prayer meeting Thursday
Lrtb A. M. C. W. Brown
- ggA '-iMom.
' ' g c. Hanson, left a few days
B ince for Cincinnati.
u j b. Mathews has a good
school in West Ihke.
, j Hunt visited Thomaston
jast Montiy on legal business.
Apply to Mrs. Lula K. Rogers, if
vo 'u wish hoard accommodations.
jlr. Tilmaa Hawk of Griffin died
last week.
Read the legal advertisements of
tbe county officers of Upson county in
this issue*
Mr, J. H. Walker of Milner was
iutowu Mouday aud called to see
Mrs- C. C. Holmes attended the
Thomaston Fair.
The State Agricultural Society
meets on the 12th iust.
Hr. A. M. Patterson of Thomas
ton was in town last Tuesday.
Mr. George F. W illis and Miss
Pooie Good rum, of Monroe county,
married last week.
The County Commissioners of
Upson county meet every Tues
The Monroe Advertiser says, Judge
J, 0. Jacob will resume the practice
of law at Forsyth.
A correspondent of the Griffin
Xeivs suggests Col. John D. Stew
arts name as the successor ot Mon. II
A. Candler.
The colored people of Forsyth,
have raised money enough to have
them a creditable schooljbuilding erect
ed. It was didicated last Friday
says the advertiser and is nearly com
Those subscribers who receive their
paper from the earrier-boy will con
fer a favor by reporting a failure to re
ceive, at tliis office
On Sunday the 27th of January,
Mr. F. N. Moore was married to Miss
McKenuey of Monroe County. Frank
is oueof the industrious,deserving men
of our acquaintance aud we wish him
all the happiness wedded life affords.
On Thursday night last, at the resi
dence of Mr. Joseph Allen in Thomas
ton Dr. G. W. T. Hannah, and Mrs.
V. E. Thurston were united in mar
riage by Rev. J. Y. Alien.
Messrs. J. 8, Schofield & Son of Ma
con, present their business to our
readers this week. They manufact
ure,steam Eugines, threshing engines,
mills, cotton presses, and all kinds of
eastings. Read their card aud call on
tiiem or order such material as you
Read tlie advertisement of the Sin
ger Sewing Machine Company in this
The Singer Machine is one of
the best aud most reliable machines.
They have much reduced in price and
every family can now obtain one.
Messrs. C. Rurke and Son have a card
•o this issue. They offer the trade
paints, oil, glass &e, at reasonable pric
es> head their card and purchase of
them when you go to Macon to buy
such articles.
Mr. Toni Hunt of Flint Hill, Meri
other county had the misfortune to
hoc his giu house burned a few day’s
M ' iee - Fifteen bales of cotton aud
hhu n 1 m n tired pounds of seed were
consumed with the house.
W e have received from the couiaais
sioiu rof Agrieuiture at Atlanta his
u .u lo’itaining analysis aud com-*
7 !r rU p* I, ' llues of commercial fertili
i S ' " 1)0 use fertilizers should
jCm possession of one of the circu-
M'-J. 8. McLendon passed down
Monday morning as the Conductor of
Jim In<>1 11 flight from Atlanta.
sim T Kmly Bbows keeping
in ehe married, and we are happy
presume f romllis appearance
hL ;r most ex ce J lent lady and is a
nappy m an _
■lie sati' V? '* noehran are doing
taut a,^ 0 ' thi "B • lUcir ••
can h, 'g° < *. a ,nejd as 3'ou wish
droppe 1 flom tlie,n> We
ilre crm it i !. ay ’ OSCe hOW they
John Howard g pubHc t 0 feast ‘
in the w , " or ks as pleasantly
1., u . ' “ .’S Apartment as if Ue had
ten a 111 a dinmg room.
the Ulat a cori 'spou(ient of
spoken of Bayßjud^e Hall is
for Con,,. U * t se<d * ou as a good man
self tn if UsS ' has prevent him-
Siate. ° f tlie bost J utl ges in the
“f lu the Legislature he
ber s of ' UUe 01 f he leading mem
why lie J ° Use ‘ W e see no reason
fully ou ‘d not represent success-
I c <JUgr tss Satis&ctori| y the State in
i liprtn, N Cheney of Chalybeate
I L- Wetlier count y coatem
ft lijuie. Barnesville his future
■ lias placed his children
of the faculty
I Ui,, histitute and is negotiating
■pot i u l( °r purchase of a house and
I Ve hope he may pur
ft quit* Uu 1 lin e a citizen. He would
I hPsn 4 iUis 'tion to Barnesville.
I day ’ horrible dtath:
1‘ W? ‘‘i the vhalf^' ln S m S ht aud
Mr. E. B. Thompson of Thomas
ton, gave the Fair a mule.
Macon brick can be laid down at
Barnesville at eight and one-half dol
lars per thousand.
Last week a mule kicked Capt, E.
J. Murphy on the leg and came near
producing a serious wound.
We regret to learn that Mr. J. G.
Rhea’s hot-house in Griffin has almost
been destroyed by t'i?e.
Our readers will pardon any short
comings in this issue of the Gazette.
\Ve have been too unwell all the week
to do any thing.
Murray’s bankrupt court was grind
ing in Forsy th last Tuesday. Several
of our lawyers and citizens were in
at tendance.
Card to the Public.
I hereby give notice that I will not
be responsible for any debt created
from this date, by r John F. Means,
against the firm of McMichael &
Means. J. C. McMichael.
Justice’s Mill.
On Monday morning last, Justice
Fryer’s court was in session and tried
three important cases. The time con
sumed was the trial of these impor.,
tant eases, was only five or six hours.
Tbe sum total of judgements in all
three cases only amounted to seven
dollars. The cost in the three cases foot
ed up ten dollars and the lawyers claim
that their services in the cases were
worth at the lowest calculation fifty
The Griffin Nevvs has the following:
As Mr. Butler Hudson, Clerk of our
Superior Court, was returning to his
residence night before last, between tbe
hours of eight and nine, his liie was
attempted;by’ some villain, who unfor
tunately, made his escape.
Iu an interview with Mr. Hudson,
we learn, that just as he was nearing
his home in West Griffin, a negro ap
proached him suddenly’, and, placeing
a pistol to his side, fired it. The haste
of the would he assassin and the dark
ness of the night saved Mr. Hudson’s
life, as the ball only passed through
his overcoat, the only damage being a
burnt hole.
After firing, the negro made off so
rapidly that lie evaded a hurried shot
fiom Mr. Hudson, leaving no clue to
his identity.
Society Anniversary.
On Friday evening next the Barnes
ville Literary Association celebrates
its tenth anniversary at Literary Hall.
The public are cordially invited to he
The exercises for the evening will
he interesting aud entertaining. There
will he the regular debate. The ques
tion selected for the occasion is,
Resolved “That the Bland Silver
Bill become a law.”
The disputants are S. K. Cook
and Jno. W. White for the affirmative
and It. J. Powell and Dr. G. M.
McDowell for the negative.
The anniversary address will be de
livered by Mr. H. C’ Hanson. Col.
W* It. Taylor was appointed alternate
to Mr Hanson.
The subject selected for debate is one
of the most important that could
have been selected, and the disputants
are among the ablest in the society’.
We feel safe therefore in assuring the
public that they will be entertained,
if they attend. The,Society is one of the
beneficial institutions of Barnesville,
and should he encouraged. We will
therefore expect a large attendance.
As it is probable there may be some to
attend, who never read the full text of
the hill we give it as follows;
An act to authorize the free coinage
of the silver dollar, and to restore its
legal tender character.
Be it enacted by the senate and
nouse of representatives of the United
ted States of America in congress as
sembled, That there shall be coined
at the several mints of the United
otates, silver dollars of the weight of
four hundred and twelve and a half
grains troy of standard silver as pro
vided in the act of January
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
on which shall be the devices and su
perscriptions provided by said act :
which eoius, together with all silver
dollars heretofore coined by the Uni
ted States of like weight and nominal
value, for all debts aud dues, public
and private, except where otherwise
provided by contract; aud the owner
of silver bullion may deposit the same
at any United States coinage mint or
assay office, to be coined into such dob
bins for his benefit, upon the same con
dition and terms as gold bullion is de
posited for coinage under existing |
See. 2. All acts and parts of acts
inconsistent with the provisions of
this act are hereby appealed.
The bill has already passed the
House by a large vote, 183 to 34 ami
has recently been reported to the Sen
ate by the finance committee with an
amendment known as the “Al
lison Amendment” which is worded
as follows. After the word “con
tracts in the bill read :
And the secretary of the treasury is
authorized and directed out of any
money in the treasury 7 not otherwise
appropriated, to purchase, from time
to time silver bullion, at the market
price thereof, not less than two mil
lion dollars per month, aud not more
than four million jollars per month,
aud cause the same to be coined into
such dollars; aud any seigniorage aris
ing from this coinage shall be accoun
ted for aud then paid into the treasu
ry provided under existing laws rela
tive to the subsidiary coiuage;provided
that the amount of money at any one
time invested in such silver bullion,
exclusive of suen resulting coin,
shall not exceed five million dol
We would advise our patrons to use I)r.
Barter's Elixir of Wild Cherry. It is
a delicious aromatic cordial. It will pre
vent disease in the low bottom lands aud
marshy regions especially in the South.
To our knowledge it will cure Dyspepsia,
Sour Stomach, Headache aud general de
bility. It will neutralize the malaria aud
impurities in the blood, cleansing the liv
er and renovating the stomach.
Wa I lack’s Trijiolougue Troupe.
1 lie W allack Lripologue Troupe
give an entertainment at Granite
■JMI. Tuesday night. The troupe is
composed of Mr. W. H. Wallack, Mrs,
rannie Wallack and Mr. J. A. Ri
der. Air. Watty Wallack protean in
character, assuming at times the
comic, which brought down the risi
bles of the house, thou he enchants
the ear with vocal melody. Airs.
I’annie Wallack sings charmingly,
and delights the audience when she
appears on the stage. Mr. Rider
seemed perfectly at home when de
lineating the old man, sings well and
fills the bill wherever he is placed.
1 lie troupe will give another con
cert hr * day night, with an entirely
new programme. See their card in
our advertising cola ns.
I'hc TEiomastou Fair.
W liiie in Thomaston last week we
had the pleasure of attending the Fair
held in the Academy on the Ist. and
2nd. insts. for the benefit of the Thom
aston High School. The special ob
ject we learn, being toequip the rooms
witli anew outfit of furniture, aud to
provide for other needed improve
ments. We were pleased to note the
liberality of those who contributed to
the enterprise, and made of it a hand
some success. A number of mer
chants iu distant cities responded
most liberally to the solictation for
contributions, and their handsome
gifts added greatly’ to the appearance
of the array presented to the eyes of
visitors. We venture to assert that
never before have the farmers iu the
surrounding country, aided more ma
terially in the success of any enter
prise, many of their contributions be
ing valuable productions from their
own lands. The liberality in giving
was equaled only by the freedom with
which they expended their money for
the different wares exhibited for sale.
Every one seemed to have some mon
ey ami we drew from the fact a happy
augury for the future. Hard times
seemed to he giving away before the
advance of a more prosperous day for
the farmer, and therefore for all.
The skillful hands of the ladies of
Thomaston aud vicinity,with additions
of numerous gifts from ladies of other
places, supplied the fancy articles. A
round the Flower Stand was constantly
found a throng of smiling beaux, who
appeared to buy happiness as they’
purchased their button-hole boquets
from the fair dealers iu this dainty
merchandise. Perhaps the most ap
preciable, and really’ soul-cheering
spots were found where the comforts
of the inner man were supplied, and
these departments were presided over
by true geniuses of the houselield or
der. The richest custards and most
delightful sillabub and cake yvere dealt
out from one stand, by those who were
equal to the constant demand. Then
came the Oyster Saloon from which
the savory odor was continually’ arising
anil making full men hungry’, and
drawing them as a “thread of beauty”
could not.
Each department was under the
charge of a committee of ladies, aud
managed with the ability ol’experts.
Near the door one was greeted with
the cry of “Confectioneries !” and
right before him was the stand beau
tifuliy arranged and supplied with ev
erything in this liue one could de
sire. Here a pause was made and ex
change of a few cents for sweet tilings
from the fair hands of the gay braders.
Next came the Post-office which was
iu able hands, and where every one
was sure to find a letter, full of inter
est, from the policy document of the
hungry office-seeker to the popular
Senator, down to the tender billet doux
addressed to some blushing belle.
The chief attraction of the occasion to
the juvenile portion of the crowd
seemed to be the Fish Pond, anil each
little fellow was delighted with the re
-ult of his nickle baiting.
The Art Gallery was an exhaustless
source of amusement, and it was
a noticeable fact that old men, who
had never before been known to feel
an interest in Art, were known to vis
it this department more frequently
ilian any other, and with more enjoy
ment - The auction proceeded briskly,
and the result of this and other sales
amounted to a handsome sum. There
was considerable-electioneering and vo
tingou hand, and any number of can
didates. A handsome picture present
ed by a lady of Thomaston was raffled
the Fair was a happy success and the
total amount of the money realized
was about §BOO.
List of Letters in the Post-office at
Barnesvilie, Ga not called for Feb. Ist.
1878, and will be sent to the Dead Let
ter office if uot called for in 30 days.
When you call for a Letter that is Ad
vertised so state and the date of the
same. gent’s gist.
R. Y. Brice. Taylor Coldwell, O. C.
Croudea, Torn Childes, Samuel Duel,
Sabrou Dozier, Edmund Furgerson.
George Holmes, G. W. Hayes, Geo. W,
Kendrick, Meadows & Long, B. F. Ma
son. Nathan McKenney, Mr. McKenney,
G. R. Outlan, J. It. Pritchet, Wash
I’earson, J. L. Richmond, Ruben Tuck
Mrs. B. W. Adams, Mary Connor,
America Jackson, Farcis Parkes, Mary
Reid, Mariah Wynn, Jonetto Wilson,
Manda White, Hattie Woodsou, Fannie
Furgerson 2, Care G. W. Marthen.
Very Abediently,
Tiios. L. Cautiikn, P. M.
Judge Hopkins as trustee adver
tises in the Atlanta Constitution
that he will sell on the 13.1i instant
one third interest in the Kimball
House, in Atlanta. The building of
the house in 18T0 cost six hundred
and seventy live thousand dollars.
Governor Colquit has appointed
Hon, Francis Fontaine of Columbus
and Col John A Speer of Lagrange
as the two honorary commissioners
io represent Georgia at the Paris Ex
Buy your Hardware. Stoves, Tinware
eoockery House furnishing Goods, Ac.,
from H. R. Chambers, very cheap for
cash, and reasonably cheap on a
credit when credit time comes.
. are eJ a 'l to hear it. Our
informs us that Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
sells better than any other medicine, and
always gives satisfaction. it
Stop that terrible cough, and thus
avoid a consumptive s grave, by taking
Dr. I ierce,s Golden Medical Discovery.
Asa cough remedy it is unsurpassed-
Sold by druggists.
The British Quarterly Review, fir Jan
uary, just published by the Leon rd Scott
Publishing Cos., 41 Barclay Street. New
York, commences the year with an unu
sually iuteresting number.
L <4 The Mikado’s Empire’’ reviews
Griffis s work of the same name, and pres
ents a brief survey of the resources, cli
mate, people, government, and.religions of
Japan •
11. “ The Americans in Turkey’fis an
account of the secular results of the work
of American missionaries in Turkey during
the past fifty > ears, and of their educa
tional establishments.
HI- “Savings and Savings Banks-” A
history of savings banks in general, aud a
minute description of the working of the
Post Office Savings Bank of Great Britain.
IV. “Precious Stones. ” Gives their re
lative values, aud a history of those that
are most celebrated,
V. “Capital and Labour.” A long and
comprehensive article, being an attempt
to give an impartial statement of the prin
ciples and facts on both sides.
VI. “Comprehension.’’ A discussion
of the vital problem a doctrinal compre
hension, especially in connection with
A 11. “Parody and Parodists.” A lively
article, quoting freely from Calverley and
other recent parodists -
VIII. “Professor Henry Rogers.”
The number concludes, as usual, with
many short notices ot the principal recent
publications in all departments of litera
married for wealth,
By Harman lleatii.
“Eva why did you treat Harry Ar
lington so distantly this morning?’’
“Valuda, why did you ask that ques
lion? Did you observe auy change in
my treatment of Harry? Admit that I
did treat him with reserve, are you my
guardian that you should have an eye
to all of my actions,” replied Eva rath
er petutantly.
“No sister, I am not your guardian,
nor do I desire to keep an undue watch
upon your actions, or give unjust re
proof, but I think it my duty as a sister
to admonish you when I discover that
you are in error. Have you forgotten
how devotedly Ilarry Arlington has
loyed you, and that you are at this
time his betrothed wife ?”
“Indeed you must think I am very
forgetful. Most assuredly I have very
good reasons for believing that Harry
loves me; and he has thought up to
this time, that within six months I
would ue his bride, but the engage
ment has become irksome and I have
broken it off I will never be the wife
of a poor man, even if he be intelligent
and educated,” replied Eva with a
“What! have you really broken oft'
your engagement with Harry? exclaim
ed Yaluda in astonishment. Have you
no compunction of conscience in break
ing your promises? lam utterly sur
prised that a girl of your sense wouid
act iu that manner. You seem to find
no fault iu Harry, only that he is poor,
which he does not deny, he makes no
pretensions whatever to riches, he is a
hard student, and an upright gentle
man. I much fear you will some day
rue your bargain, if Arthur Fleetwood
is now your choice. I should prefer
Ilarry Arlington with his poverty to
Arthur Fleetwood with his hundreds of
thousands. And, Eva, I am afraid it
you make wealth your criterion you will
fall far short of the mark, for often un
der a rough exterior we find all those
ennobling qualities that constitute the
true man.”
“What you, proferr or what you
would do can have no effect upon me.
I for one, prefer wealth with a medioc
racy of intellect, to poverty with the
mental faculties of an Isaac Newtou or
of a Walter Scott. Arthur Fleetwood
and I are to be married just six months
from to-day.’’
Eva, if you seem so determined in
your course, it is useless to multiply
words; but take care that these beauti
ful lines:
“Of all the words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these, “It might have been,”
do not come to you with full import in
the distant future when in anguish of
heart you sincerely lepent this rash
The two young ladies between whom
the above conversation were sisters.
Valuta and Eva Wharton. The
daughters of Richard Wharton a lead
ing merchant of one of our Southern
cities. They were both considered
beautiful in every sense of that word!
and while some admire the thougliful
countenance and gentle expression
beaming from the large, lustrous blue
eyes of Valuda, others admired the
dark haired hazed-ey 7 ed Eva, even if
she did not possess that decisivness—if
it may be so termed—in expression of
force that characterized her more sedate
sister. In exquisite mold and loveliness
of form feiv equaled and none surpassed
Harry Arlington was a young man
possesed of fine intellectual faculties and
was reared in one of our country dis
tricts , He struggled against poverty in
many shapes and forms having been
left an orphan at a very tender age.
Harry was taken in charge by a well
to-do farmer and from a drudgery boy
he steadily rose step by step until at
the age of seventeen he was placed in
charge of a well improved and lucrative
farm, the results of assiduous applica
tion and observation To his Other ac
quirements a well stored mind was add
ed. The farm was a compass too con
tracted for his fast developing genius.
Ambition was his lodestar, the dizzy
heights of Fame towered above him,
He longed to reach, and place
upon his brow the well merited lauiel
wreath. For the accomplishment of
this great object, the legal profession
offered the most iuvitting field. Here
aired to the city iu which lived Richard
Wharton, and at once entered upon the ,
study of law. In a short time, the
student became the barrister; slowiy
hut surely he was wending his way up
ward and at no distant day bid fair to
be a leader iu his profession. Ilarry
Arlington had met the beautiful Eva
W barton while visiting friends in the
country, had wood aud won her heart
in hand, and for many months had been
her acknowledged siutor.
Arthur Eleetword was a dashing
gay young man, the son of a millionaire,
and could be rightfully considered as
belonging to that class of young meu.
generally termed pleasure seekers, that
throng our cities, lie prided more up
on a liue turn-out or costly dress than
upon any useful acquirements. His
name was almost a synonym for flattery,
and many were the victims of his heart
less flirtalins. He had long euvied
Harry Arlington his place iu the affect
ions of the queenly Eva Wharton, and
had resolved either by fair or dishon
est means to fail him. liow he suc
ceeded the following short note will
Mr. Arlington,— Dear Sir : “For
sometime past I have been pondering
over the engagement existing between
us; and after much worrying I have de
cided that I cannot be the wife of a
man in your condition pecuniarily, I
have been reared—as it were—iu the
lap of luxury and cannot consent to
enter upon the life consequent upon
my marrying you. I trust the decision
may meet your approval. Enclosed
please find engagement ring* With
my bet swishes for your success, lam
Your friend, Eva Wharton.
Harry Arlington could hardly believe
his own eyes; he read and re-read, he
could not doubt the genuineness of the
signature, it was evidently the chiro
graphy of Eva. He remained in utte r
bewilderment for some time. At length
he muttered to himself. “To think
that Eva AVliarton the one being in
whom I have placed unbounded confi
dence; that she, whom, for these long
years I have loved should object to my
condition pecuniarily aud play me
false. Farewell, fair false woman, 1
am henceforth wedded to my books,’’
and he turned off to his usual business.
Though he held his troubles concealed
in his own breast, one could perceive
that a saddened look had settled over
his noble features, and months elapsed
bofore he seemed his former self again.
The time for the marriage of Arthur
Fleetwood aud Eva AVharton rolled
around, the nuptials were celebrated
with all the pomp and splendor that
wealth could command. Arthur Fleet
wood and his beautiful bride embarked
on a maguificent steam ship aud over
the briny deep they sped to spend a
bridal tour in Europe. They spent
some time in visiting various places of
historical interest and ' sight-seeing in
England; thence to the Centinent, and
through Germany and France to Italias
sunny clime; thence homeward. The
newly wedded couple took possession
of a beautiful mansion, and provided
with all that heart should wish fairly
set sail upon the journey of life.
Years have flown, old Times chariot
has sped at a swift rate, stamping
change upon the world at each revolu
tion of the glowing wheels. Harry Ar
lington the once poor farmers boy, the
ouce young aspirring barister, becomes
Hon. Ilarry Arlington, Senator iu the
National Legislature, to which place he
arose by gradual ascent. The pearls of
his eloquence vibrate through those
classic halls in vindication of the right;
his stupendous intellect has won for
him the leadership of his section, and
he stands the peer of that venerable
Several years again, whirl by in quick
succession; the raven locks of Senator
Arlington have become slightly sprink
led with the frosts of thirty-eight win
ters. Business has called him to a dis
tant city. In deep thoughts he rambles
through the narrow streets lined with
the lowly cottages of the working class;
he suddenly stops. There floats upon
the balmy air in a beautiful yet sad
strain the following:
“Hearts are breaking’, souls are sinking
Neath the heavy burden they bear.
Yet live Christians never thinking
What our many sorrows are.
While we work, work away,
By night and by day,
While we work, work away,
With scarce time to pray.”
All the happy thoughts of other years
crowed in troops through his brain,
lie had heard that voice before, though
somewhat jarring and sad it was the
same. Some uncontrollable impulse
drove him on, he entered the small gate
and advanciug to the door, he gave a
gent'e rap, the singer arose and met
him. With much emotion he exclaimed
“Eva, Eva, we meet again.’,
O, Harry, Harry, is it possible—
Hush, hush, he replied in much agi
tation, and with an arm thrown around
her slender waist, he pressed her to his
bosom aud as of old imprinted a kiss up
on her rosy lips.
K “Forgive me Harry I”
“You are forgiven dearest.’’
1 hus had the noble Senator Arling
ton found the love of his early years,
lie had remained) unmarried till this
time, no other of the fair sex had been
able to capture his heart since Eva had
played him false.
Eva Fleetwood formerly Wharton—
though the wreck of her former self was
still possessed iu part of her youthful
The story of her marrie I life is soon
told. Arthur Fleetwood had squon
dered in a few years his immense es
tates, ami after a few brief years of hap
piness, Eva found herself the wife of a
drunken, and brutal husband, from
whom death soon happily relieved her.
Then it was toil, toil away for daily
bread. Too proud to call upon the
friends of her prosperity she was wear
ing her life away with ceasless toiling.
Ere another week rolled around she
was the wife of him whom she deserted
to marry tor wealth fifteen years be
fore. Their cup of bliss being now full
to overflowing they 7 settle down to enjoy
the reoiaiudei' of their liyes iu peaes and
The Pictorial History of the United
States, from the Discovery ofthe A
merican Continent to the preseut time;
with a complete History of the Cen
tennial Exhibition. By Jas. D.
McCabe, Author of “ A Manual of
General History,” 41 The Great Re
public,” Etc.
It is a well-known fact that the
great mass of our people are compelled
to rely, for their knowledge of the
history of their couutry, unon the out
line woaks intended for the use of
schools, which by their very nature
are brief; designed for the comprehen
sion of children, and in every way un
suited to the adult mind. There has
long been felt a genuine want of a
History of the United State, covering
the whole period from the discovery
ofthe Continent to the present day,
and presenting in a succinct and com
prehensive form the history of our
country through its varoious periods,
from a higher and more thoughtful
standpoint thau would be proper in a
school history. This demand we are
happy to say is satisfactorily met in”
The Pictorial History of the United
States,” a work which is evidently de
stined to take rank as the Standard
History of our country. The author,
James D. McCabe, is an able and well
known|llistorict?l writer.
We most heartily commend this
work to our readers. It is no dry mass
of details no bombastic effort to iutlame
the national pride hut a clear, vivid,
and brilliant narrative of the events of
our history from the discovery of the
American Continent to the presenst
day. It gives a most interesting ac
count of the Indians of North America
from the time of the coming of the;
white men. The voyages of Columbus'
the explorations of the different na
tions of Europe and the Spaniards in
seatch of gold and immotal youth, are
told with graphic power. The story
ofthe Revolution is related with all
the intrrest of a romance; then follows
a clear and succinct account of forma
tion of the Federal Constitution the
Second War with England the Mexi
can War, and the events af our history
up to the commencement of the Civil
War. The History of the Great Civil
War is related with intense vigor and
with strict fidelity to truth. The au
thor writes with calmness and impar
tiality, and pleads the causeof no sec
tion or party. The book contains
a complete account of the Centennial
It is comprised inone large and hand
some volume, of over 1100 pages, and
contains more than 500 fine engrav
ings on steel and wood- The book is
issued by the National Publishing
Cos., of Philadelphia, Pa.,Chicago, 111.,
St. Louis, Mo., and Dayton, Ohio,
wiiose imprint is a guarantee of the
excellence of the workmanship. The
price is low considering the character
of the work, and each subscriber is
presented with a handsome lithograph
ic engraving of tire Centennial Rubb
ings and Grounds. It is sold by sub
scription only, and Mr. J. P. Morgan,
who is the authorized agent for this
section, is now canvassing for it.
We are personally acquainted with
Mr. Morgan and can commend him to
the patronage of this section. lie will
canvass the surroundindg country atan
early date, and ask for subscribers to
the work.
Private telegrams received at
Rome from undoubted authority say
that the Russians are within twenty
four hours march of Constantino
Young Ladies beware of the injurious
effects of face powders. All such reme
dies close up the pores of the skin and in
a short time destroy the complexion. If
you would have a fresh healthy and you
thful appearance use I)r. Harter's Ikon
Toxic, and Liver. Pills.
The March Number of Frank Leslie’s
Sunday Magazine is, like all its predeces
sors, filled with good things’ It would
require more space than we now find at
our disposal in whieh to refer to its con
tents in detail, suffice it to say that it con
tains over 70 different articles, embracing
nearly every field of select literature, both
secular and religious. It has 128 pages,
music, a rich frontispiece, and nearly 100
splendid engravings—even its cover is
beautifully gotten up. This delightful
publication has become our nation's pride-
It excels in art, literature, and cheapness
all other magazines published anywhere,
and is worthy of high honors and a univer
sal circulation- It has already attained a
proud position as the best Family herald,
Home companion, etc., suitable for read
era of all ages and creeds. The price of
single copies is but 25 cents, annual sub
scription. $3, postpaid. Address, Frank
Leslie’s Publishing house, 557 Pearl
Street, New York.
All persons indebted to me will
please come and settle at once as I
must have my money.
C. 8. Strother.
I have two cows, with young calves,
for sale. F. Riviere
Barnesville Ga.
I offer for sale (1000) one thousand
acres of land in Upson county in one
hundred acre farms. I will sell it cash
or on time to responsible men.
J. F. West.
For Sale.— l will sell (GO) sixty
acres of fine level land, lying between
my residence and J. R. Jenkins, Esq .
about half of it in the town of Barnes
ville. (15) fifteen acres in the woods,
all under good fence. Gome soon if
you want it cheap. J. F West.
A good assortment of Axes at very
low figures at H. R. Chambers.
J want to sell by Jan. Ist., 1878,
(5,000) five thousand dollars worth of
sugar, coffee, cheese, candy, bacon,
lard, flour, salt. &e. Also 5,000 worth
of boots, shoes, hats and caps, dry
goods, Ac. I must sell them, come
and buy from J. F. West.
If you owe H, R. C. anything, and
His due, you ought to go and pay him
just as soon as you can get there, w eth :
er you’ve sold your cotton or not, and !
< hen buy a great m ny more goods ■
theap, and make him feel happy.
County merchants and farmers, will ! :
save money, by trading with i| e f from
est " landrake
I have a fine lot of clothing an( j
will sell at cost, all new and fii
mean wtat I say. J. F. Y tlie y re "
A beautiful lot of Table GlasC al *
for sale cheap at H. R. C’s. llie * mr
„ . 4’'S eß tion
Tl ou can get the best oc cigar ar °
Lyon’s. ilth y COD
Fresh Fish and Oysters Every tlie
T. B. Lyon’s. lre ] y get
T. B. Lyon sells 2 good cigars sh cold.
ch prepa
Fresh Beer for 5c at T. B. Lyo u j) r .
Country Merchants will do h’ s P™ I ’.
call and get T. B. Lyon's prices f -^ rc h Bts
Select cream cheese at T. B. I £ ad-
T. B. Lyon has on hand the 1, . ,i
sortment Fine, Medium and c>
cfiewiug Tobacco in town.
T. B. Lyon will sell candy and
ers in job' lots, at Atlanta "ami
‘‘German Slyrnp.”
No other medicine in the world wa
ever given such a test of its curative
qualit c*s as Boseliees German Syrup, In
three years two milion four hundred
thousand small boitles of this medicine
were distributed free of charge by Drug
gists in this country to those afflicted
with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe
Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases
ot the Throat and Lungs, giving the
American people undeniable proof that
German Syrup will cure them. The
result lias been that Druggists in every
town and village in the United States are
recommending it to their curtomers. -Go
to your Druggist, and ask what they know
about it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Rig
unr size 75 cents, Three doses will res
tore any case.
Down! Down ! Down !!
Dr. Win. A. Wright is now selling
Drugs and Medicines, and all other
articles in his line, at bottom figures
for cash, ns he is obliged to have
Garden seeds have arrived, war
ranted fresh and genuine, at 5 cents
per paper.
Two good cigars for a nickie, and
every thing else as low. Now is the
time for the fanners to get their sup
plies—they can buy so much for so
little money.
TNEAFNESS and Catarrh cured. No
Medicine. Rook free on receipt of
Address Geo. J. Wood, Madison, Inti.
• _ tf
Sweet oranges and Fancy Candy at T.
B, Lyon.
Buy your Christmas Goods from T.
B. Lyon, tor he has the largest and best
stock in town.
T. B. Lyon will have for Christmas,
Dressed Turkeys and Cranberries.
Speak for your Christmas Turkey at T.
B. Lyon’s.
T. B. Lyon has in stock 25 Boxes of all
kinds of crackers.
T. B, Lyon has the largest stock of
Whiskies, Brankics and "Wines ever
brought to Barnesville, which he will sell
Fresh mackerel just received at T. B.
Fresh Beer at T. B. Lyon's,
Fresh Fish and Oysters on hand eyery
day at T. B, Lyon."
T. B. Lyon has 2(0 doz. Eggs.
T. B. Lyon has a laige stock of Fancy
Apples on hand.
Fresh Oysters at TANARUS, B. Lyon’s, 25c
per qt.
flow is Your Time!
Will sell, for the next sixty days, his
entire stock of Woolen Goods at cost
for cash. These goods are needed in
every family, such as Flannels , Lin
seys, Blankets, Cassimere, Clothing,
Waterproofs, etc., etc.
Immense Bargains will he offered.
Goods are all new. We want a revi
val in trade, and therefore offer our
goods at cod for a limited period.
Call at Mended for a good trade.
Call at MendeF for goods cheap.
The reason why only one sample bottle
of Morrell’s Heaptine for the Liver will be
sold to the same person, for ten cents, by
our Druggist, J. W. Hightower &Cos is
because of the enormous expense of im
porting the Hepatinc into this cuntry ;
but as there are fifty doses iu the large
size bottles, it seems two cents for dose
is cheap enough after all for a medicine
that cures dyspepsia and liver complaint.
All who have not had a sample bottle are
entitled to one for ten cts. at J. W. High
tower Drug store. Three doses relie vis
any case of dyspepsia, constipation, indi
gestion or liver complaint, in the world.
Regular size bottles, fifty doses, £I.OO.
It is only now and then that such men
as Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Ex-Gov.
Smih and Ex-. Gov. Brown of Ga._ en
dorse a medicine for the throat and lungs,
and when they do it is pretty good evi
dence that the remedy must be good for
the cure of coughs, colds and lung affec
tions. They recommend the Globe Flower
Cough Syrup, and their testimonials are
to be seen round the ten cent sample bot
tles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale
by J. W. Hightower & Cos.
A sample bottle relieves the worst cough
and willeure sore throat. Regular size
bottles, fty di ses, sl.
Db. H. T. Bond, of Philadelphia, Las
discovered a perfect antidote for tlie ter
rible scourge of Cancer. Dr. Bond’s
treatment cures without pain, and abso
lutely without plasters, caustic or knife
but simply by acting on the cancer cell
while forming, thus stopping the supply
to the local disease or tumor, which is
broken dowu and carried away by the abs
sorbents of the system. Dr. Bond’s rem
edies can be sent to any part of the coun
try. Full particulars sent free. All in
terested should address Dr. H. T. Bond,
Philadelphia, Pa. julys-ly
torreclfi! Weekly for the Cazotte ly
Staflord, Blnloek A Cos.
Barnf.sville, Ga., Febuary 7, IS7B.
COTTON—Middling 9 %
“ Low Middling 9
MEAL- “ 80
BACON—Clear Ribbed Sides 9
“ Shoulders 7%
“ Bulk Clear Ribbed Sides.... 7
“ Hams—Sugar Cured 13
“ “ Country Cured....
FLOUR—Fancv 450
others.’-—SAYRE & C Q 0
“Tutt’s Pills hare "oluyto be tried to
their merits. Thev work like magic.” i * J
W. H. BARRON. 96 Summer St. 13
“ There is no medicine so well adapted t( 13%
of bilious disorders as Tutt’s Pills.” 15/314
JOS. BRUMMEL, Richmond,
■ P <*G5
Bold by druggists. 25 cents a boyL ti gy
35 Murray Street, Xew Tori
R. Tt-TT. of New ]1 30
thful beauty to the, , n
uist has succeedr
Dye which imj2 75
in. Old bachelorsg jq
ffice 35 Murrain l
'<l by ult drugg&V 50
4 JO
T. B. Lyon wants one thousand
bush. Sweet Potatoes. Also one thou
sand bush. Peas.
Y. B- Lyon has just received one car
lead J. M. Vcaeh’s Fancy Flour.
Orauges, Apples, Onions and Cabbage
at T. JJ. Lyon’s.
lOOOlbs Asst. Stick Candy just received
at T. B. Lyon’s.
1 want every man woman or child
to pay me what they owe me. I can
use the money, come and pay it at
once. J. F. West.
AVc are now opening up oilr Fall Stock of
we wiil take great pleasure in skowiit u our
Friends and Customers. We have a nice,
entirely new, well selected stock, at Low
Prices. Thankful to our many customers
for liberal patronage heretofore, und prom
ising to DO on: BUST TO VLEASE ALL,
who may lavor us with their trade.
We are Very llesp’ly,
I am now offering my stock of furni
oure at lower prices than ever before heard
tf. 11. C. Hanson.
A. Cioiit le Hint.
Inourttylecf Climate, with its su -
llen changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled in a sin
gle day, it is uo wonder that our children
friends anil relatives are so frequently ta
ken from up by neglected colds, half the
deaths resulting directly from this cause.
A bottle of Bosehee’s German Syrup
kept about your home for immediate use
will prevent serious sickness, a large doc
tor’s bill, and perhaps death, by the use
of three or four doses. For curing Com
sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia,
Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of
the Throat or Lungs, its suceess is simply
wonderful, as your druggist will tell you.
German Syrup is now sold in every town
ami village on this continent. Sample
l ottles for trial, 10c. ; regular size, 75c.
Mrs Darts and Chambers hare for
sale, at all times , ladies cashmere and
satin Lariat robes from the cheapest
to the most elegant. Also saute mate *
rial ff r infants. Call alien you need
to purchase.
Mrs. Davis & Chambers.
‘*T. 15. I,yon Is ready for A IS.’’
He has just received
One car load of C, R. Sides.
1 car Choice White Corn.
1 car, all grades, Flour.
100 Bu. Choice Rust l’roof Oal i.
He also has a laarge stock of Lard,
Hams, Mackerel, Nails, Hoes, Axes,
Traces, Humes, Sugar, Coffee, Rice,
Tobacco, Cigars, anil Wines and Liq
uors of all kinds.
He will keep in stock the above
goods in large quantities, which lie
will sell as cheap as any oue in this
market, FOR CASH
Also agent for that popular and well
known fctea Fowl Guano.
The success of the leading literary
paper of the West, The Chicago Led
ger, is truly remarkable. Ninee iis
introduction to the reading public, six
years ago, The Ledger has steadily i.d
vanced in favor, and is naw acknowl
edge second to no paper of the kind in
tlic country. Its circulation is nation
al, and has been obtained through the
efforts of its publishers to produce a
paper of high moral character, aud at
the same time sell it at a price consist
ent with the present hard times. That
they have succeeded, and well, too, the
thousands of readersof The Ledger
scattered from Maine to Texas and
from Oregon to Florida will bear testi
mony. The Chicago Ledger is a large
forty-eight column weekly paper, which
contains stories both complete and con
tinued, in each number, written by the
best authors of the day, and a great va
riety of informtion interesting to every
one. The subscription price of The Led •
ger is only §l, 50 per year, postage
paid, and it is equal in every particu
lar to other papers of the same character
which sell for £3 a year. Three copies
of this valuable paper will be sent to any
one who sends 10 cents anil their ad
dress to The Ledger, Chicago, 111.
Pike February Sheriff Sale.
’IaJETI LL BE SOLD before the court
w V house door, iu the town of Zeb
ulon, Pike county, Ga., ou the first
Tuesdry in February next, between
tlie egal hours of sale, following pop
erty, to wit: One house and lot in tlie
town of Barnesville known as the
Dickey place, bounded east by Mill
Place, south by an alley, north by
lauds formerly belonging to E. T.
Pound, west not known, containing
one acre, more or less, as the property
of Harper Young by virture of and to
satisfy a fifa issued from the 533rd dis
trict, G. M., in favor of W. I. Dicky
vs. Harper Young. Property pointed
out by J. F. Redding, Plaintiffs atty.
Levy made and return by It. N. Mc-
Lean, L. C. Tenant in possession no
ALSO, at the same time and place
one hundred acres of land, more or less,
it being the west half of lot of land No.
50, in the 7th district of originally
ilnroe now Pike County, as the prop
erty of C. G. Hightower, by virtue of
end to satisfy a fifa issued from tlie Su
perior Court of Upson County, in favor
of Jordan Lyons vs. John G. High
tower principal and C. C. Hightower
security. Property pointed out
by Plaintiff atty. and tenant in posses
liion notified. Levy made by W. 11.
McLendon, former Sheriff.
ALSO, at tlie same time and place,
the life interest of Mrs. Susan Riggins
in lots of land Nos. 184 and 185 in the
9th district of originally Monroe now
Pike County, containing 405 acres,
more or less, levied on as the property
of Mrs. Susan Riggins, by virtue of
and to satisfy a fifa issue from Pike
Superior Court in favor of Flemming
Brown and Sarali Brown vs. Adol
phus Riggins and Susan Riggins.
Property pointed out by Plaintiffs
atty. and tenant in possession notified.
Also at the same time and place, all
portion of lots of land Nos. two hun
dred and fifty-four (254) and two hun
dred and seventy-three (273), lying
north-west of Elkins Creek, and all of
lot No. two hundred and seventy-four
(274) in the loth district of originally
Monroe now Pike County. All con
taining four hundred and seventy-five
(475) acres, more or less. Levied on
as the property of Thos. J. Alford, by
virtue of and to satisfy a fifa issue from
Pike Superior Court. Robert Pilkin
son. Guardian &c. vs. Thos. J. Alford.
Levy made by W. H. McLendon,
former Sheriff of said County. Ten
ants in possession notified.
ALSO, at the time and place, one
bay or mouse colored mule of medium
size, about fifteen years old. Levied
on as property of O. G. Smith, by vir*
tue of and to satisfy a fifa issued from
Pike Superior Court in favor of B,
Graddiek, bearer, vs. O. G. Smith
{iriueipal , and H. S. Riviere secur
ty. Property pointed out by H. S,
J an. 9th, 1678 Sheriff.