Newspaper Page Text
ikuncofiilc feette.
THURSDAY, - - FEB. 7,1878.
Deni. Pierce M. 13. Young, of
Georgia, has been appointed by the
President to represent the cotton
States at the Paris Exposition.
r i is a lacy telegraphic corres
pondence going on between W. E.
Chandler and E. A. Burke concern
ing an agreement reduced to writing
at Worm leys hotel, which made
Days President. The agreement
doubtless will be made public.
Governor Colquit, a, few days since
commissioned Mr. \Y. T. Newman to
go to Washington and make an elfort
to secure more arms for the State of
Georgia, The matter having been
brought before Senator Hill, he call
ed on the Secratary of war who
promptly issued an order to the Gov
ernor of Georgia for two hundred
stands of the improved patera of
government arms.
The Louisiana lieturning Boaid,
must meet stern justice if the State
couits of Louisiona can administei
it. In the frenzy of the Returners
they have done everything in their
power to escape the law. When all
chicanery and dodging could not
shield them from arrest, and their
cases, were brought to trial before
the State court, they appealed to
Justice Bradly to transfer their case
to the L T . iS. court, The telegrams
bi ing us intelligence of Bradley’s de
cision, which is averse to the Re
turners. After hearing all the facts
and records in the case, he declines
to interpose. They then must meet
their fate, let it b good or bad.
Hon. B. 11. Hill, in his letter to tlie
Atlanta silver “lunacy” the men to
whom lie mainly owes hiselccti n to
the United Stales senate, justifies his
opposition to the silver bill and defiant
ly t 11s his Georgia consiituen's that
“n > a nount of clamor, abuse or slan
der, foieign or dome-tic, from either
thoughtless or designing people, cm
drive me one i ch from the discharge
o ! what I know to be my duty.”
‘'Our Ben did net talk in that tone
to ihe m inkers of the Georgia legis
-1; lure wh n lor two mortal lion "s he
sited and plead to them for their votes
to make him senator.
i lie pri ic and ambition of his soul
then was to tinly and faithfully r. p
iv sent ilie*}) ople ol Geoigiain the na
tional councils as no other man in
Georgia but himself could represent
t: em. He del not believe 'hen that
lour-fif lis of th ( j e pie of Georgia
we e either knaves, tools or lum tics.
15 it .r. iill lias a five years lease
of office now. He lies reached the
gal of his ambiti n. Georgia lias
has n thing more to give him and he
ca:i afi'ov.l to Kick down the ladder
by wh ch he clin bed to his present
eminence.—Savannah Xews.
Charles Nordiioff: About the
intrigues anil swindlesof the Return
ing Board, Air. Chandler, accords
ing to liis own account, knows
on■ -ugh to make him a good witness,
ami about that is h< ped lie will tell
a1 ho knows. The Administration
does not trouble ’tseif about the
members of the Louwanna Return
ing Board. The President holds
his place by the decision of the
Electoral Commission and not by
any frauds which may have been
committed in Loui-anna. If wrong
was done there ho will not protect
t'.e wrong doers nor seek to stand
between them and exposure and
pumshment for their crime. The
concealment of wrong-doing might
embarrass him; its discovery and
punishment certainly would not.
The Eastern War.
Last. /Saturday brought the Eas
tern war to a close by an acceptance
of terms. A St. Petersburg telegram
states that Russia has accepted
Austria’s proposal of a conference
for settling the European question
resulting from the war* A telegram
lrom Cairo announces that the
Grand Yisier of Turkey lias tele
graphed to the Khedive that a prac
tical armistice was leady for signa
ture. The Sultan telegraphed the
Czar accepting the peace conditi ms
and aski and the Czar to stop the ad
vance of the Russian Troops. The
Czar replied that he was about to
give orders to that effect. The ar
mistice and peace preliminaries were
signed and military movements stop
ped. Another bloody and terrible
war hasbeen’en tel. The horrors
and mi fieri ngs and cruelty of this
t ;e ast, perhaps has no equal in his
There i- great satisfaction at the
settlement of peace preliminaries,
The following are the conditions of
the protocol:
i. Piie erectionjjf Bulgaria iato a
!. A war indemnity or teu’itory in
c mponsafion. . j
3. Tha independence of Roumania -
Servia and Mentenegro with an in
crease of territory for each.
4. Reforms in Bosnia and Herze
o. An ulterior understanding be
tween the Sultan and the Czar regar
ding the Dardanelles.
C. The evacuation of the Danubean
fortresses and Ereeromn.
Hobart Pasha lias received orders
to hold the fleet in readiness to sail
as it is believed for the Piraeus.
Melicmet Ali Pasiia has been ap
pointed to the command of the troops
m Crete aud Adashides a Christian
has been appointed governor of the
Peter Cooper.
The well known founder of Cooper
Institute, of New York,
which has been such advantage bene
to those who nave reaped the
(its, now contemplates establishing a
similar institution in South Carolina,
as we learn from a New York cores
pondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer
Before the late civil war there flour
ished at Limestone Springs, Spirtau
burg County, South Carolina, a young
ladies’ seminary, the proprietor of
which grew very rich. When the
war broke out he loaned all his means
to the Confederate Government, and
a little later was bankrupt. Since
that time, the school-building and its
surroundings have been for sab. To
the present owner, Thomas 11. Bo
tnar, a large sum of money has been
loaned for four years by Mr. Cooper,
who holds a mortgage upon the prop
erty, with the privilege of taking it
in part payment at the end of that
time, ‘‘if meanwhile, ho finds it to
be suited tor his purp iso.” Mr. Coop
er has written to Govern w Hampton
asking upon what conditions the
State would accept the gift of the
property, which consists of ten build
ings and 800 acres of land, upon
winch should be maintained a man
ual labor institution, or a school of
science and art, similar lo the one
which now exists at the Cooper
Union in New York To this letter
Governor Hampton has replied in
very cordial terms, thanking Mr.
Cooper and assuring linn that the
Legislature would accept almost any
conditions, About the only condiii m
Mr. Cooper will impose, he says, is
that no taxes shall be assessed on the
property for any purpose. He be
lieves that in a short time the institu
tion which he contemplates as a
possibility would become self-sun
Washington, I). C. Feb. 1878.
The current of Congressional affairs
w, s slightly disturbed by the litile
disagreement between Senators Blaine
and Hoar. The dispute was ostensi
bly over the parts played respective
ly by Maine arid Massachusetts in the
war of 1812, but t ie real casus belli
was the vo e of the Massachusetts
delegation in the Cincinnati Conven
It is conceded that the Bland Sil
ver bill will pass the Senate by a two
third vote. That the President will
veto the bill is feared by its friends
but many say he will sign it with the
understanding that the Government
shall continue to p.y the interest on
the public debt in gold. The female
suffragists are Hill besieging congress
As the women of Jas.-achusetts alone
pay taxes on $131,000,000 of proper
ty who can say with justice abut they
should not have a voice in legisla
Among the contributors to art in
the Capital Mrs. Fla.-sett, stands in
the front rank. She is an American
lady who has struggled in the thorny
and uncertain paths of art, until she
has touched tiie topmost round in the
golden ladder of fame. Before the
lire this lady and her husband pos
sessed one o the most valuable stu
dios the one continent in the great
great and then the wealthy city of
Chicago. And now the trees are
tripped of tin ir leaves the new State
Department building is beginning to
show something of its vast extent and
l eauty. The work on the building
is not progressing in the railroad
style of Mullet, but as fust as is con
sistent wicli defection and the amount
of the appropriation availed for the
pm p ‘se. '1 he south front is entire ly
complete, and is imposing in its vast
proportion and commandingjelevation.
When complete this building will
throw the Treasury building near ii
emirely in the shade, not by reason
of its greater beauty but from the
fact that a portion of the latter is
sunk some feet b low* the grade of
lie street and in Older to enter the
really beautiful northern front you
are obliged first to descend an area
alter passing through which mount
another, flight of steps before reach
ing the entrance. All’s. Myra Clark
Gaines visited the General Land of
ti eto consult with Commissioner
M illiams n in relation to a claim
which she presents for upwards of
19,000 arpents of land granted and
confirmed to her father, Daniel Clark
in 1801 and in 1 St<4 by the Board of
Land commissioners. The grauts
are in Missouri, within seventy-three
miles of ISt. Louis. The tracts ag
gregate about 17,000 acres. Mrs.
Gaineswishes to ascertain to whom
patents fur these lands haye been is-
sued. Francis Murphey, the great
ti mperance Reformer opened the
campaign, at Lincoln Hall on the
Sabbath and three thousand persons
idled tiie street who could not gain
jidnii tance. The greatest entlnisK
asm prevailed lion. R. A. Hatcher
M. C. Mo. presided. A choir ot 140
singers made the great Hall ring,
with Gospel Temperance songs, A
great work in the interest of Tem
perance is now sweeping over this
city. Howard univer itv under its new
President \V. W. Patton, L. L. I).
founder ot the (_hic go Advance, has
a hopeful future, ibuiee the panic in t
1873, the I rustees have paid off
890,000 of indebtedness and are now
arranging for the payment of the
last dollar of obligations resting up
on the Ii s'itutiou. Its buildings
Campus and out-ide improved prop
erty and vacant lands will with the
revival of business become immens
iy valuable* It lias a large class in
loth the Theological and Medical de
bartments. This is one of the few
I institutions whose doors are open
alike to male and female, white and
colored. Anew printing process,
is the latest invention by which the
reporter can take notes in full copy
in type, at the rate of 200 words per
minute. \ person can learn the pro
cess in one week so as to transcribe
with occuracy and dispatch. A wit
ness can be furnished in ten minutes
alter leaving the slaud with a perfect
printed copy of his testimony a feat
ure really appreciated by Judge Coun
cil, and Client. Fax.
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, hap
presented and Congress has acceptes
Carpenters painting of ex-President
Lincoln and his cabinet.
Tiie cabinet has decided that the
coinage of the trade dollar shall be
resumed at the Philadelphia mint.
Davis, of North Carolina, an e.\-
Cnptain of the Confederate army,
introduced a bill in the House to re
peal Section 4.71 G of the Revised
Statutes, which is as follows : “No
money, oil account of pension, shall
he paid to any person,or the widower
children of heirs of any deceased
person who in any manner voluntar
ily engaged in aide! or abetted
the late rebellion against the author
ity of the United States. r Southern
men are in earnest in the desire to
have this section repealed, for the
purpose of putting an end forever to
the senseless clamor of the Kti'M
cans about the purpose of the Dem
A rumor in Washington to tlieef
leet the Secretary Sherman and Sen
ator Matthews have been indicted at
New Orleans, in connection with the
proceedings of the Louisiana Return-,
ing Boaid, is creating some excite
The statement is made that Sena
tor Conk ling is possessed of dispatch
es which passed between Washington
and Columbus during the Electoral
proceedings and that some of them
—partictilary those sent in the last
stages of tie count—indicate that
Hayes knew the bargain which had
been made with the Southern Demo
crats, and approved of it.
The Senate ratified the treaty with
the Samoan Islands. It provides for
the cession to the United States of a
naval and coaling station on the isl
ands over which entire jurisdiction is
ceded, and admits United States ves
sels an i goods free of duty except a
slight tonnage tax. It also establish
es a kind of a protectorate over the
islands by our Government.
Ale tor received by one of the
Republican Representatives from
Louisiana from one of the President
tial Electors, and dated New Or
leans, January 27th, speaking of t he
prospective movement there, says :
“It is proposed to convict.the Re
turning Board ; next, to indict Elec
tors with Kellogg— the Electors as
accessories after the fact and Kellogg
as an accessory before and after.”
the letter adds : “If the President
knows what is healthy for him he
had host bo stirring around to save
old Mad Wells, for he swears he
won t stand much more nonsense.
The old man is getting his mad up.”
Air. Goode, chairman of the House
Committee on Education and Labor
has been instructed to present a res
olulion calling on the President to
confer with foreign powers iu ref
erence :o so revising our commercial
relation-? with China as to prevent
the unlimited importation of Chi
The State Department at Wash
ington has received official informa
tion that the Turkish blockade lias
been extended to the port of Durazzo,
on the Adriatic
The bill appropriating two hun
dred thousand dollars for the erec
tion of posts for the protection of
the Itio Grande frontier, passed the
In the House flic following bills
were introduced and referred”
By Air. Davis, of North Carolina,
reducing the tax on brandy made
from peaches or apples. By Air
Shelley, of Alabama, fora commis
sion to inquire the best means of
destroying the cotton army worm.
AH’- Hooper, of .Mississippi, moved to
suspend the rules and pass a bill
authorizing a special term of the
circuit and district court for the
southern district of Mississippi, for
the purpose of tning eases atisiug
from the seizure of timber alleged to
ha\e beeu obtained by depredations
on the public lands. It was defeated
by a \ ole of yeas 145, to nays 97.
not two-thirds in the affirmative. A
motion to suspend the rules and to
instruct the committee on wavs and
means !o report a graduated income
tax, was defeated by a vote of IGG to
80, not two-thiids in the affirmative.
In the Senate Mr. Beck spoke* in
support of his amendment and Air.
Bayard in opposition to the silver
, 'I iie Gaulois states that it has au
thenic information from Berlin < film
re-establishment- of the triple alliance
Russia, at the request of Germany,
having modified the conditions objec
ted to by Austria.
A Canadian missionary at Formasa
has been attacked by mol s at Tatnp
siu and threatened with death if lie
remaine !on the island. He refu ,and
to wiiho taw, aitiiongh the Chinese
officials declared that they were pow
erless to protect him.
The Merchants’ National Bank of
Fort Scot, and the Topeka Bank
and Savings Institution hivecoliaps
ed under the financial pressure.
The schooner Ella Haynes, with a
cargo of salt from Pr jv.dence, went
ashore .it Plum Island, Long Island
Sound, and before assistance could
reach her sank, and all on hoard per
General Joseph E. Johnston has
consented to run for Congress from
the district represented by lion.
Gilbert C. Walker, ami which em
braces the city of Richmond.
1 bo conflict between Governor Pope
Ilennessy and toe Hong Kong com
munity still continues the former in
sisting upon absolute reforms in the
tieatment of the Chinese inhabitants
which has liiiheito been pronounced
Russia s answer lo Austria's note
has he.n received at Vienna audit
recognizes the fact that the present
or future situation betwe.n Russia
and Turkey aie subject to modifica
tion, and are noi definitive until
sanctioned by the powers.
F armers should congratulate them
selves that they are not the only
men in the country, who are suffering
with burdensome indebtedness Not
a day passes, but the telegraphic dis
patches biirg us intelligence of mer
cantile firms going into bankrupt
cy While visiting a city in our State
some days since we learned of com
promises at a very low per cent on
the dollar being made secretly,
dims men break, and yet the public
at large know nothing of their fail
ure, They even compromise their
indebtedness secretly and continue
without law or juiies, aud even the
the pubiic pulse is not agitated by
their go down. Now at the begin
ning of the year, keep out of debt
and you will not be sold out. If you
do nut make anything, you will not
have any debts to pay.
The loss of the steamship Metrop
olis, was a hat rowing and terrible af
fair. One hundred and sixty out of
the two hundred and sixty passen
gers, laborers and employs of the
contractors of the Brazil Railroad
were drowned and their dead bodies
are lying upon the beach for a dis
tance of two miles from the scene of
the stid disaster, it is stated by a
survivor that the cause of the disaster
was the unseaworthiness of 'the ves
sel. This ill-fated steamer was, pre
vious to the building of Jim Fisk’s
palace, steamer, the favorite on the
line between New York and Provi
dence, was one of the largest and fin
est steamers afloat in those days.
Like all steamboats of her class, she
carried her boilers on her guards,
which probably, with her age, con
tributed to produce this feaful disas
ter. She was built in 1854, and was
2,219 tons r> gkter.
In consequence of the BIUI-LiTANT SUCCI'SS
of the
They vi 11 p ay again for the Last TIME at the
Low PlilOE of admission, with an entire
Change of Programme!
SfILL JijE V^f!.
Although those Machines have been reduced one-half In price, the
I ,s Jliglu-st Stiuuliird.
/LAWLItHLF’ $35 Cash, sls on time. Formtr price $75
tuALLE L Cash > "0 on time. Former price SO
liliOi LEAF tO\ Eh, 45 (V!t, 55 on time. Former price 85
FOLDED TOP, 50 Cash,’ 00 on time. JW p-ice 95
ssx^ssstts^ saM u,c *“ sss ssasg
“ 15e ye not deeeivedby 3lushmoms that rise >vit li tin*
n ncl <1 ie it /-ii in tl.o l*i> r dl-tn lit AVest.”
Wo hoop a first class mechanic and are always tirepared to reDalr rmr tmp'iinn. .
small cost, WE CHARGE NOTHING FOIt ADJUSTING. P “acumes at a very
Order j our oil and needles from an authorized agent if vou wish a tr.mri TOnni „. „,, , ,
catiom r any ° thCr ‘ We takc pleasure ln answering letters, and will send price list on apph-
The Singer Manufacturing Cos.,
JBiaß Sherry direct,
M \ (X) \ ( 1 \
ui ‘ ottcr^onsiMetor iW-ow, „
Dealers in
PciintSj Ohs 9 Giciss, Brushes,
Yaleutiue’a Tarnisheg, and AOasiiry’N Paint $
Third Street - - - - MACON, GA.
SchofiehVs Iron Works,
41 so WqE/\j TifUESififiq Efiqi^s,
Prepared to mount on any Farm Wagon.
Grist Mills, Cotton Presses, Cane Mills and Syrup
Bolers, Shaftings, Pulleys,
Prompt attention paid to rep ring Alois an 1 Machinery.
leb7 -* j. S. SCHOFIELD & SON.
i GEORG IA —Pi ke County.
TUe creditors ii vd next of kin of Mrs. Martha A.
j Fuck lor. lute of said county deceased, are hcre
! by notified to be and appear at my office on the first
| Monday in March next to show cause, if any exists,
: why au order to sell the one-fifth interest of the
mill property known Williams mill belonging to
the estate of Mrs. .-.a tha A. Tackier late of said
County d-jc’d shou.i not be sold. Given under my
hand and sial this the stli day of February 1878.
T. J. BLASINGAME, Ordinary.
Pike March Sheriff Sale.
WILL be sold before Court House door, in the
town of Zebulon, Pike County, Ga., on the
first Tuesday in March uext, between the legal
hom'd of sale, the following property to-wit:
One house and lot in the town of Barnesville situ
ated ou the Macon & Western Rail Road aud ad
joining lauds of -Jerry Justice, F. X. Banks aud
other -, containing four acres more or less. Levied
ou as Lie property of Barney Green by virtue of and
to satisfy two lifas issued from the sSßrd district
G. M. One in favor of Livingston and Rumble, the
other H. C. Hanson Vs Barney Giv en. The said
Barney Green holding bouds tor titles from Jno. H.
Pound with part of purchase money unpaid, lhop
erty pointed out by plaintiffs attys. Levies made
and returned by 8. lb Fox aud W. A. Prout, C.
Tenant in possession notified
AIAO, at the same time and place the west half
of the lot of land no. one hundred and thirty (130)
in the Bth district, of originally Monroe, now Pike
County, containing one hundred acres, more or less.
Levied on as the property Of J. A. J. Williamson,
by virtue of and tojsatisfy afila, issued from Pise
Superior Court in favor of H. H. Strickland as J. A.
J. Williamson, principal, and J. H. Mitchell securi
ty an stay fond. Property pointed out by plaintiffs
atty. Tenant in possession notified.
ALSO at the same time aud place the lot of land
No. thirteen (13) in the 7th distl' ct of originally
Monroe now Pike County, contain ng two hundred
two aud one half acres, more or less, levied
on as the property of Frauds Riviere. By virtue
ol an to satisfy a lifa issued from Upson County
Superior Court in iavor of Richard lleviere as Fran
cis Riviere, the defendant aud tenant in possession
notified. WILLI.iM BALUiETT.
deb. stli 18/8- Sheriff,
Pike Postponed March Sher
iff Sales
WILL be sold before the court House door,
in the town or Zebulon, Pike Go.Ga.’on the
first Tues uiy In March next, between the legal
hours of sale, the following property to wit. Ali
that portion of lots of land Nos. two hundred aud
fifty tour and two hundred aud seventy-three ly
ing northwest of Elkins creek, and all of lot N..
two hundred and seventy-four in the 15th dist.
of originaly Monroe now Ptkecounty. All con
taining lour hundred and seventy-five acres,
more or less, levied on as the property of Thos.
.1 Alford, by vlrtue of and to satisfy a Ufa issued
from Pike superior Court In favor of Robert Pilk.
intoii Guardian xe vs, Tlios Alford levy made by
W. n .McLendon former sheriff of said county.
Tenant in possession notified
Feb. sth 1878. WM. BAKETT.
Cl EORGIA Upson County Ordinarys Office.
*To all whom it may concern whereas Mrs.
F. E. Woodson of said slate and County applies
to the Ordinary for letters of administration on
estate oi Joseph 1> Woodson deceased late of said
county and state, these are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kindred and credi
tors of said deceased, to be aud appear
at my ofii 3 within the time, prescribes by
law and show cause, (it any they have.) why let
ters of administration on the estate of said de
ceased should not issue to the applicant.
Given under my hand and official signature
this Jan. 4th 1878.
Upson Sheriffs Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday In March
next, within the legal hours of sale, before
the court house door In Thomaston, Upson coun
ty, Georgia, the West half of lot of land No. 33
except lu acres off of the Northwest corner—being
91 tj acres more or less, In the 16th district of said
county of l pson and sold subject to the right ot
the widow to take dower In one-tlilrd ot said
land. Levied 011 by virtue of and to satisfy a Ufa
belonging to M. K. Bethel. Ex lx of B Bethel,
deceased uliieh was Issued from the Justice
Court 537th district In favor of B. Bethel Execu
tor of John Thompson deceased, against G. T.
Tllman. Levy made a by lawful constable on said
land as the property ol the estate of G. T. Til
man. Tenant in possession notilied.
at the same time and place, one horse wagon, of
the Smith and summers make also one sorel mare
about nine years old, named Fanny and levied 011
by virtue of a Ufa Issued from Upson Superior
Court in favor ot W. R. Murphey & Cos, vs. Sam
Stafford levied on as the property of Sam Staf
ford. Property pointed out by Plaintiff in said
lira to satisfy said Ufa.
feb2-tds ,1. l> BLASINGAME, Sheriff.
(T EORGIA—Upson County.—Whereas Rebec
-31 ca Smith, administratrix of the estate of \n
derson sujith deceased, applies to the undersign
ed Tor lei fere drnnissory from the administratrix
Therefore all persons concerned are hereby re
quired to show cause (It any they have) why said
adm’rtrlx, on uve first Monday in February next
(Isis) should not be discharged.
Given under my hand and seal of office, this
the 10th. day ot Nov. 1877.
(1 EORGIA—Upson County.—Ordinary’s Office
If of said county —James and Thomas G An
drews Executors on the estate of W. g.- Andrews
having petitioned to be discharged from said ad
min is! ration.
All who .ire concerned are required within the
time fixed by law, to show cause, if any thev
have, why the s tld James and Thomas i; An
drews should not be discharged according to the
prayer of their said petition., outlie first Mon
day in March Isrs.
decs-3m AMOs WORRILL, Ordinary.
bt Us do your .Job Work.
Having located In Barnesville, and intending to make the
Cotton Business and Fertilizers
A Specialty,
! t 0 purchasefr 0“ me. I sell the very
Ils WarehousTfii MiLner? r fgSSSe S'SffSr Barnesville ’ or at W ‘ D ‘
Equal to any in the Market.
As they have beeen tested by the best meu In this country.
W holesale and retail dealer in
Brackets, Balusters, Window Glass, Putty,
it into Lend, Oil, ami All Kinds Builders Hardware.
Atlanta. Ca.
i * - Store
HAVING purchased a large stock of Drugs and Medicines, direct from the Iradc,
will continue a cash business at their old stand. When we say cash, we mean wc
can soli
As Low as any House in Georgia.
To satisfy yourself, come and see us. Our Mr. HIGHTOWER is always i hand,
to fill Phjsicians Prescriptions, carefully and promptly, having a full kno pledge
aud experience in that department. We can furnish you
J\f.ecliciiTe^ 9
CijEpic/{L$, Fq/icy 4/to ToiLej
Of Every Description.
Jn fact, you can get everything usually kept in a Frst Class Drug Store. WE
-MEAN BUSINESS, Cal; and be convinced. uovl-tf
lUg A. J>. <Q HX/Lii. XE Jtg * 11
sTin 1 infill(i & Cos.
fire now receiving their usual "
consisting of 9
hl b r^fV >f l i rI n Sofa!1 l < ‘ ol, . ,rs an(l ahade *’ r> ress Goods, Ging
ant,, Bluu hed and brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Bleached and
brown Drill, Jeans, Satinetts, Tweeds rw
Flo Ida ( ' L.i. ci rx , > (mssimeres,
1 .mis, t„eckH, Strip.s,, lied Ticking, Cambrics
Ai ;‘™y k Napknia, lush Limn, I .icon Duck and’
. J ’ 1111,1 bents Hand Kerchiefs and Gloves Ho
s.e.y ot all and quality, l.aee Gods, Buttons’and
Braids of al descripiions, ffidies’ and Gems’Bows
anil lies, Co.larsand Culls—both linen and paper—
Combs and Brushes, Shirts and Drawers, Sus
penders, Hooks and Eyes, Pins, Needles,
\V orking ( oiton, Spool ( otton, S* wing Silk
Ivnitmm Pins, Hair Pins, Travelino, ’
feoap and Perfumery, v ologno Pomade, °
locket Books, Root, Wood and Clay
bikes, Umbrellas, Hardware, Ta*.
ble and Pocket Cutlery, Chew
ing and Smoking Tobacco,
Snidt, Candies, Starch, Soda
Soap, Sugars, Coffees and Teas, Rice
Crockery and Glass Ware, liames and
1 races, an elegant stock of Clothing and Hats
Boston and Baltimore Shoes and Boots (home made
Slims a >p, c.ahy)c,' r „, Flour, .Meal, Bulk Meats and
llatnan’s L rel’h y 't U| |’ p,° asse <?’ Salt > Mackerel, lion and Steel,
liciiiimn s Celebiatcd 1 low Stocks and Plow Hoe-; Haimon
Brown & Cos Celebrated Trowel I, Steel Handle Hoes, Scovii’s genu
ineaud patent lbs, Singletrees, Heel Pins and Rods, C levis
and Lap Rings—and a thousand other articles
too tedious to mention; in fact we keep every
tin. l g. \\ e sell at bottem prices,
either for cash or time.
Merchant S kSunow s '““"ffinyiSfAuif'm r S* ev ? 3 ’ oneof the Dost
|yjami sitisf not iotf guaraEttSh a our STff Sh^V^el 5 ' 0 ! 1 ' S*
urn, nd will give It hla oeraoaAl attention ’ 11 years expefleSoa, has charge ot the
March Mortgage Sh riff Sale.
\\ T 1,3 before the court house door in the
*°wn of Zebulon, Pike county. On., on tlie
l l Mch uox( he;v > the legal hours
or sale, the following property to wit ■
One double seated buggy. levied on as the proper
ty of .hi ,a A I ouml, by virtue o' ami to satisfy a
mortgage Ufa issue! from Pike f uperior Court, in
far or of the Howe Sewing Machine Cos. vs. Juda A.
onnd and Z 11, Pound. Prop, tv pointed out in
said mortgage fifa. WILLIAM BARRETT
Jan. 9th, 1878. 8w Shoriff.
(! EJC)H< 1 1 A —Pike (Jotstr.
To all whrm it may concern: The creditors
and next of kin of J.W. Johann, late of said conn
s arc V' n ‘ bv notified to+te and apoear ,
at mj office on the first Mon lay in February
next, to show cause, if any the.v can, whv penaa
nent administration, on the esi re of said tie 'eas
ed should not be granted to K. c. Me Daniel of
Spalding county, or some oth- r tit and o roD€r ,
person, as said estate 1- now unrepresented •;iv !
lifh H-f my baild and o;ticlal signal ure this Dec
Jan:s-4w T. J. BLABINOAME, Ordinary.
GEOR'orlA—Pike County.
Mrs. Carri' 1 Parks ’ s applied for Frun
ton of personalty and • •n.liig ~.3 a, .t aa d i i'-
tioa of Homestead, aad I win' puss upon the
same at 10 o’clock A. M.. on the Ist day of FeD
ruary lsio at iny office in zebulon, J 1 cu
BLASLN gam k Ordinary, 1
, QEOljlGIA—PtTce (Jaunty.
To All Whom it Mat Concern •
The creditors of Mr-s. Margaret! McKinley late
or said county, deceased, are hereby notified to
ho and nppear at my office, on the first Monday
in hebruary ne\f. to show cause, if nnv exists
m h.v permanent letters of administration on the
SijW 'breased should not i)e vested In
the clerk of the Superior Court of said Cost tv or
SSSrIWSJStW- " r ”'“
| Sl2n,tnre
TANARUS, J, ordinary.
GEORGIA—Pike Cor:>7 v.
el "1 r nn'.nv'n 1 ' ! lA '\2PP 11^(1 ‘orexemption of
1 t J If', SPf ttng apart and valuation
W- oYI ti nn a tn d I ,,'' ul] P ass Pon the same, at
1877 Ut v’S I 1 ‘i’rp. first day of December,
csk, ut ni} office In Zebulon
1. J. BLaSINGAME, Ordinary.
O PATE Oh GEORGIA—Pike County.
k , A Whereas, James R. Campbell, Adm,r of
’Jo?! - .. , , c: ’ n > dec'll, represents to me. In ills
pel 1 tion duly filed, that he has fully administer
ed said J no. C. McLean’s estate: Tills is. there
fore fo , Re all pci-sons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to dam- cause, if anv they can. why
said administrate] should no* be discharged from
his adiulmsirati .1. aid receive letters of dlstals
slon on the first Monday in January. 1878.
Witness my hand and ofiiial signature
Sept, 'lid, 1877. TANARUS, J. BIASING A ME,'
Ol'OiilW. 1
0 4 A D.
<km ' n*
acres, owned, oceunicc te , a "d -i„u lr ' r 'dilJ
selves, it is e ;V ■ -J
entirety is the Kst ■
kind not only ffi tlis^Ji
ed FRFF re ing P rtce Ustot Ah,.,
id FREE to applicants. "llUt;*
David Landreth &
Warehouse, Nos. 21 &28 s sixtw
r*" — fj.
If KEDEUIC S. HoiITON 1 , Ih , '
Mattie i'. 'horton. | lu
i T ’(••Sr.'
that the defendant L ft e 2*
county of l ike, and h furth tr J?
Is not in the state; n<-/ fi l > peariii %
dered that said dereuitmi D p mw “ ,, ‘ ',.' 4 V
the next term of
be consider, din di luultmirth, eb * 'Gtt "
to proceed ; and It w fun^
Ride he published in the tt • "
once a month tor four monthf
A true extract from •,
rior court. y AV^Mhiv' l
t— • Y :
N. E. Wood j FuJU
A S- r 111 Pike
Josiah Wood. f U
T T appearing to the Court hv o
A sheriff that the defendant a ' re, "m m
this county, and it furthering
does not reside in this State•
counsel ordered that said de’riL “ Q
answer at next term or UiFcST 1 J
case be considered in default
allowed to proceed; and li An,',! ti,e del A;
this Rule be published in the t u* roraw ’^ ? “-
zette ouee a month for lour 2
\rt J ‘ s M'te
W. K, NELSON, Propriety
Offers for sale 25 varieties of T
‘•Amsden’s June” and “Beatrix’^‘ Tr^| m
“Darby’s” and “Bustin's OeuiLi',-
ent lr fl l e variet ies of Apple tw .
“'ellovvMay” and “Red June
and “Stevenson’s Winter.” ’ 1
The famous Wild Goose Plum Llotto,
Send for cheap Price List. Address,
Augusta, k
1 lie f.ri-jttrsf .Medical Ilisoovcrr .%ii
Creation of Jlan, or ißcelkelon.
menremeu lof tlie I'lirhiinu
There newer has been a time when tielitM
nfi^^i*^kUr t ‘ rom diseases liar,bn:.- r ---•
outward o C tVio it is it if
disputed fact that over
lation of the globe resort to tlie use ol ortiur
Dk. Mekvin’s Capsicum Torous Plastie
acknowledge by all who have used them. 1 ml
quicker than any other plaster they ever :-:*l
tried, and that one of these plast'-rs v ji|
real service than a hundred of lii. oidr g c. I
All other plasters fire slow of action u:: r- •
to be worn continually to effect a :r
--with 1 hese it Is entirely flilYerffit; at
one is applied the patient will feel ItseiK
Physicians in all ages Pave ihoiouD-: : -r a
we ll know the i-tßpot of Capsicum ; and a hi.
ways been more or lets used as a nudicti £■'*
an out wind application ; but it is ol!\ 0; r>
cert date that its advantages in a pa
have been discovered. Being, liowevi-r. via
of the wonderful cures effected 1 v hr, Mrto 1
Capsicum Pokuos Plasters, hlu iin.j sop-"
over all other planters, they now actual j pnO
them in their practice, for mch (ihe.ises ns
matism, pain in the side ami back, and all tti*
scß as have required the use if plaoteia s i
meat. After you have tried other piaster •
liniments, and they have f, iled, anil you i*
certain cure, ask your druggists for 1 r. Jfcc
Capsicum Porous Plaster. You con liurdiy I***
your own convictions of its wonder;a 1 cffrrtf.'
though powerful and quick in its action, ’
rely on its safety for the most delicate pm* •
wear, as it is free from lead an : i tht r;
material commonly used in the manufiettr
dinary plasters. One trial is a sutiii lent pm**
of its merits, and one plaster will sell huiaiiaas|
your friends.
Ask your druggist for Dr. Melvin s fa**l
Porous Plaster, and take no other ;or, ourmll
of 23 cents for one, jl for live, or for a 'I 1
they will be mailed, postpaid, toanyaddr™**! I
United States or Canadas,
Kovel ty Plaster Works, I
Lowell, Mass., r. S. A., [
CJ. E. MITCHELL, Proprietor.
Manufacturers of Plasters and Piaster f ei?- i I
CiF* Sold by J. W. Hightower it Co- I
This standard article is consul
cd with the greatest care. ,
Its effects are as wonderfu
satisfactory as ever. .
It restores gray or faded hair
3’outhful color. __ iS _
youtiitul color. . w
It removes all eruptions, 4
and dandruff. It gives the ■
cooling, soothing sensation Or ga
comfort, and the scalp by lta
becomes white and clean. ■
By its tonic properties it u? qj !*|
tlie capillary glands to then a j|j
vigor, preventing baldness, an. ■
ing the hair grow thick and f ■
Asa dressing, nothing h l3
found so effectual or desirable- 1
A. A. Hayes, M.D., State 1
of Massachusetts, says,
stituents are pure, and 1 |
lected for excellent quality ■ oS
consider it the Best
for its intended purposes."
Price, One Dollar*
This elegant preparation nl ''-
relied on to change the cold
beard from gray or any °tbei UI
able shade, to brown or black. a ;■ .
cretion. It is easil3 r applied. 3LI j s e f.
one preparation, and quickly a' l
fectually produces a permanent
which will neither rub nor Wll? 1 .
Manufactured by R. P. HALL
laf m Mm w