Newspaper Page Text
fL. XI t.
L SjtApj* JH
Wamonds. Wtcfies , and Fine Jewelry.
h thejlew
qu'C* 1 ®
Send For Price List.
■ I have i timed from New York and ! ave bought tlio
m '•Best Ef/icl Cheapest 4
k #
p's, Boys’ af! iiMra h Mb/.
pats, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Ladies Dress Gsti, and Shawls.
t have taken advantage in bu) ;ng (. rly be fort tie cdvi nee in pit*
■I am enabled to oficr £bods as cheap af-any New Yon liAee. Cal
fc 1 eonrince vouraelf. *
■ m. m. bto-sabawri,
m se l M
ft A, OA. 1 1 JJ|
ns solidly on ti.%jisatfonts. I want
■o sell you V
Jinbber Belting, Good
tic., at a small advance on cost, and
don’t you disremember the suggestion.
trail right this way
Yours for%Business#
j)IL WM. 'A. TmiGIIT
Is still at No. 5 from corner Market and it..;-- st reel, where may he found a good assortment of
LAMPS, very cheap, to make room for j
Sint IT. Fine Serais, eking Tobacco.
With goeod many other articles too nit*on. *
Oon’t forget that :n-> I-O’ce -vwSumo- ir-iu-inesi sire
Fu -i lull- and. One dollar's worth or medlcim- oitt a cures*' worst ..r cases in a short i Ime.
eept7 Secret .Diseases strietiy Coniideiitial. *
. S . -F* IVX A INkISr
| , eonttl? Jf MX ASP TATLOR STS. *
hand a Troll selected assortment f School. Religious, Blank and Ali-jCciL.ueons
| B O O K B ,
i-ttr.ttonevv, I)*fga, I‘aton.t Wedioines. Otgars, Tobacco. earn'-'. tv fey G'Hkls gcrSrnVy. *ny
.r* "'it no* 'a ftaelc will toenirolshci on si . t notice. Family Bibles sold ocodialf Uv price
yea pay agfnt. A lull lino of Musical lustra means in st ■, o -i.i •. mhe sold at f.ud
d n ail Bates’ prices.
Picture Frames and Cornice a Specialty. *
Subscription received to the leading pcriod-enis. The nrst Perfumery. Soap, and Toilet
v 0.. .sat Mann’s. The- b< st 10 cent, 5 cent , o cent and £>< AWCigais .teat Mann's.
For the Miaj Trade lam’s will s one m filter of Beauties.
i nave no competition m Bamesville. but am nr nlnt .st M. >n aad Atlon.;'. prices. 1
nrt' but one ptice, Is the lowest l hat any market rives’you.
fm tv /
~ . ISTew Carpet®,
We are receiving a Tcrv la-r stock, v 11 as sorted, and said for You will do
v- 'll to call and examine our NEu (tool))..
We have issued a handsome illustrated gue tor the benefit of country customers,
We report facts simply. We t $e no bombast. We guarantee all goods to be as represented.
MmjUEW iILLWR F ‘ 0.,
* ... SAVANNAH;, pbOrtG'A.
Manufacturer ox Wholesale Dealer in
Saies, Hamoss, Bridles,
Saddlery, Hardware, Wagoi^yßuggies.
EO*’l , y]sft * .Mitt,
T -,X ■ AM JT 4 VJw JLU JL JLm
M M % - v. .7 „ ... . . w 1
onwr at BaTneWUs
as Second < Us Matter.
553 Marietta StrePt. Atlanta, Ga.
Mauuiactare Bel Boom Sets Railing from sl4 to S2OO.
fetes, Ms, llewelry, Silvenare.
p Spectacle, Musical Instruments, BRnnonds.
#klng desirous of doing a lively little business this fall and winter, I hare Stocked up with the
aOTve lli.e of goods, and I most respectfully and earnestly invite my friends and customers to
call and examine prices and quality before purchasing elsewhere. As my motto shall be to deal
honeetljrrvith every one.
My work deparlmenflscomplete In ail its p.ushall rr
|:vt mv yerboual attention, and he < one witc m atnkw -M dispatch ou.
ThauVctug the public for pest favor*, X earnestly solicit a contiauance Of the same,
Yours to command, £ * ■ ‘ ■
Drug Store has been given up to be one of best
m rais section. It is now in a better condition than
• 4mr. c. m, >ockw^^
still presides at the prescription case,.und ymican rest assured
you come to see ns you will be treated utmost of polite ness.
usually kept, in a first class We have the best line of
IGAiuS m sept7
H/l\ COC' IfeNSr % SOI¥,
Look out for us, we have D. J. Evans’ building,
door below our old stand, and o K. F. Moan’s Book Store.
VVe are receiving our new Philadelphia and New
York, including a nice lot of ™ f *
Black, Blue & Brown Cashmeres,
and BROCaDFA DRESS (< Also Cloaks, Walking Jackets,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes keeping a fine as
sortment of STAPLE anand
Call on us and we will treat you right. Thanking you for
past we solicit a cwitiuuance of the same. • tfl|
We Bfae’for all kinds of Conutrv Produce, and don’t vou forget
sept 7 " M. F. COCHRAN & SON.
Cualiiion in Bamesville.
T take this uietiiod of announcing to the constituency of all parties
that I have formed a coalition of
Best Goods and Eowest Prices.
On the Commercial Cat* Platform, and will living }ou examl
Groceries, Provisions, Confection
Lau udry and Soaps, J jsv/) vi"''
constantly on hand a full iie
( igars and Snuff. Peeke* and Tjj^^^^Wr^flffvels
rrons and everything belonging goods. jWHBBHm
With many tlnudts for past patrH^^W^
a continuance of same. **'
Very Res^Wßy,
scptT -3m AVest side Public Square.
Offer to the trade a full line of
Hr? Ms, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions
AnfrClothing*of Every Description.
They have A stock also a fui%ne of GROCERIES, CONFECTION
Give us a call when y<#i visit Milner. aug3l-2m
Live Furniture House
r of—
Coiisiimnents Micitefl HIJM Ataices made on me same if Desired.
Irtjjcetillent Facilities for Storage-
Office and Salesroom No, 9 Broad (near Marietta) St.
commumcafions strictly- confidential.. sept2B-tf
Have now almost wn entire new stock of General Merchandise cons
sisting of ■ -.4*r-
Also a full lino of FAMILY GROCKIES of every des
cription, WOOD CROCKERY, Ac. They have
moved to the old stand of (Jwyu & Redding, and will be happy to see
everybody. Call to*Bb<v them and examine their stock whin you need
something in their link _
Part ies owing anything on will pleas%come forward
and payup, ss we are a a need octfi-lm
Booksellers ctnd Stationers,
School Books, Miscellaneous Books,
SchoolSwpples, Blank Books,
Artists Materials, Office Outfits,
Fancy Stationary, Wedding Invitations,
Foreign and American Novelties,
Visitors asked to Inspect Stock,
And make our store their headquarters.
Me „ 26 Marietta, Street, Atlanta, Ga.
[ Ter tits of Subscription,
‘me Popy, or P year... S2 00
Uae ropy, six months. i pg
J. C. MrMICHAKL, Publisher.
8 gIAREI Av~TiHTTTT]I U. !k m
t Sqaarf- . * $ ioo ts->n #r ) i fn no i sls 00
2 Squares... 200 .*> *o jIOOO j 15 00 25 00
2 Squares... 2uo j 700j15 <x i 20 00 j 30 00
4 Squares... 400 1 ito, ; -29e0 | 3000 j4O 00
X Column.... 500 12 00 13000 ! 30 00 I 50 00
Moot 2000 )3500 j C 5 00 SO 00
1 column.... I 1200 |23 00 40 80 7000 130JW
■ 'The true antidote to tbe.effecta of miasma
Stomach Bitters. This med-
WtrL is one of the most popular remedies of
image of Successful proprietary speefes
umd is in immense demand wherever on #
matarkm^HW^^W^ByaboS ttle liver
AM's Porous Plasters.
Because they have proved themselves
the Best External Remedy ever in
dented. They will cure
rColds, Coughs, Rheumatism, Neu-
any local pa^^^
Applied to the small of the back
they are infallible in Back Ache.
Nervous Debility, and all Kidney
troubles; to the pit of thqj stomach
Ahey are a sure cure for Dyspepsia
-and Li Complaint.
Allcock’s Porous
Piasters are painless, fra
grant. and quick to cure. Beware
of imitations that bli?ter ar.d burn.
Get the only Genuine
Porous Plaster.
The Bad and Worthies?
are never imitated or counterfeited. This
is especially true of a family#medicine
and it is positive proof that the reme
dy imitated is of the highest value. As
soon as it had been tested and
proved by the whole world that Hop
Bitters was the purest, best and most
valuable family medicine on earth,
many imitations sprang up and began
to steal the in which the press
and people of the country had expressed
the merits of 11. 13., and in every way
trying to induce suffering invalids to
iuse their shut' instead, expecting to
HLtke the credit and good
II. B. Many others started
put up in similar style to IT.
PF, with variously devised names in
the word “flop” or “Hops” were
used in a way to induce people to be
lieve they were the same as Hop Bit
ters. All such pretended remedies or
cures, no matter what their style or
name is, and especially those with the
word “Hop” or “Hops” in their name
or in any way connected with them or
their name, are imitations and counter
feits. Beware of them. Touch none
of them. Use nothing but genuine
Hop "Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of
green Hops on the white label. Trust
nothing else. Druggists and dealers are
warned against dealing in imitations
or counterfeits.
A certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for
Producing, Long-Sightedness, and Re
& storing the Sight o£ the Old.
Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tu
mors, Bed EyeS, Matted Eye Lcfs’ies,
And Producing Quick Belief
And Pernianeut Cure. ?
Also, equally efficacious when used to other
■maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores. Tumors,
Salt Bhetim, Burns, Pilea,or wherever inflamma
tion exists, MithcheU’s Salve may be uaed to
Sold by all Druggist at io cents.
for all diseases of the Kidneys and
7.t hu specific action on this most important
Sigmt enabling it to throw off torpidity and
jinotton, stimulating the healthy secretion of
the Bile, by keeping the bowele la free
condition, effecting Mi regular discharge.
"Malaria. 22SBKJS1KJS:
ax* bilious, dyspeptic, or oonstipsUxi, Kidnsy-
Wart will rarely relieve and quickly core.
Za the Spring to daanae the System, every
one should take a tjwrouglteouweof it.
it a- SOM> B V PKUCOMTS. Prloa SI.
f DNE /- WORT 1
Classical and Military
In coantry noted for b<.. - <I health. Course
of Studff 10 branches.**! ■•; ■i in extent, sur
da t ßCdin thoroughness i . .■ :ea<lemy In the
South Medical and Law t oui > preparatory to
the University of Virginia Board, tuition med
cial attendance, half session $95.w. No extras.
Address Maj: A. G. SKITH-Betht l Academy P. O.
Fay Cos., Va. Zl augs
|| HI II Mcured fu ten to thirty days. Ten
Mil || In yeai-s established; l >u) cured. Write
01 JLII 111 stat lug case. Du. M a ksh. Quincy
In view that J the marital season is
rapidly approaching, it would be well
for those who are preparing to marry
in haste to stop and think of the mari
tal miseries of the land. The newspa
pers of the country during the past fort
night have been unusually full of stor*
ies concerning coujugal infelicities.
Not many divorce scandals have been re
ported, because there seems to be a ten -
dency to adopt speedier methods of sev
ering irksome bonds.
Relief lias been sought by some in el
opement, others in misterious disappear
•nicer a number have tried suicide and
many have resorted to murder. Noth
ing else could be expected from a state
of society looks on hasty and ill as
sorted marriages as romantic: For in
(stance Dixie Wagoner, a Hellena, Arkan
sas woman is reported to have taken oui
a large number of policies,” then mar
ried drew all her money, and went to
LUinois where she obtained a divorce,
bhe is now well olf and single.
\Y e.feel it but due to our young and
inexperienced friends to place this ease
before them as an example of what Mar
riage insurance can do both for them
and the fair sex. Marriage in the United
States guarded by scarcely any legal rule
or social customs and such solutions may
be expected to become more numerous.
We refer to this subject that all who are
contemplating this important step may
give it that serious consideration, its ini
portance demands.
Pledger was not satisfied with an
ow whelming defeat iuGeorgucJlle wev t
l(*iiio before the heated calves in that
state closed last and said
idl he could against tlie dominant party!
iPrieorgia. Pledger seemed to thinks
that Infuse he was away from home
lie could lie in a vjMestile manner
about his own instance the
Cincinnatti a Republican
paper reports him as.ming:
W e Rave had ail election We liad
one Just betore I came away, and thousands 01
men were prevented from casting their ballots,
And when the votes were counted there w ere no
republicans on the board, and the coun
ted tlx votes to suit themselves, and they had a
majority at the election. That’s the democracy
which they now ask. the colored voter to sustuln,
but the people although It Is said
that the negro and the republican may vote as
they noorgla and ipptolested, yet 1
say to you, and i know It to be thc.laet jthat the
people of Georgia cannot vota.
In additionlo such bold assertions he en
tered into an explanation of the meth
ods by which he said the Republicans
were either cheated o#tlieirvote or not
allowed to vote at all. GeorgialiaS not
slandered for some time.
The old North state Democrats have
aken great encouragement from the sue
cess of the in the late
Gubernatorial election. The Republi
cans have forme#a coalition with the
liberals, the Prmribitionist and the Pea
nut party of North Carolina to defeat
the Democrats:
The question at issue in the county
canvass is local self-government and the
two national questions of internal reven.
ut> and the tarifE question. The State
has been for some time under the con
trol of a Democratic legislature, Jb'orm
erly the dainty Comm.ssiouers were er
ected by the people. In many counties
the Rep üblicans had a majority and the
commissionors elected by them, were
very extravagant and wasteful. The
Democratic legislature in older
to overcome this extravagance
enacted a law providing foi elec
tion of these commissioners by %he
Legislature. The fight now is .for# a
legislature that will repeal the act of the
democratic legislature. The internal
revenue and tariff questions are brought
lu to help out the liepubiicaus: The
Democrats seem to have a fair show ol
The amount of stamps and paper
spent by aspirants foqoffice at the hands
of the General Assembly’ will approxi
mate Muboelis assessments. It was the
greatest error of the Constitutional con
vention to have given the legislature
such elective power, f
Langston the colored minister to Hay
ti has been called home to stump Vir
ginia in the interest of the administra
tion. He is making an active canvass
anti in liis speeches compares Mahone to
Jesus Christ.
Benjamin Jolmson, a®aged citizen oi
West Point, Mr, Jolnw Thompson, a
prominent citizen of Elbert county, and
Capt, James F. Maddox of Dalton, all
died last week.
Joe Brown will be the chief lobyist at
the session of the General Assembly.
The new census of London, showing
the population to be 4,764,312 souls has
drawn out from Land, the English
journal, some striking contrasts. “There
are” it says “in London more than
double the number of people in Den
mark, including Greenland; nearlythree
times as many as in Greece: more than
eighteen times the population of Mon
tenegro; some thousands more than
Portugal, including the Azores and Ma
deira; nearly treble the population ol
Servia; more than double that of Bul
, garia; three-quarters of a million more
than in Hollond; more than Sweden or
) Norway, or .Switzerland.’' And yet,”
I adds the same paper, “this (pplendid
; capital the most populous and wealthy
j city the world lias evttaeen, is - prac
i tieally without a go^piment.’ 5
Judge Pottle, in a recent decision,
has fustainedthe mandamus asked if)
by certain liquor dealers in Warren
county to compel the Board of County
Commissioners to issue licenses to ap
plicants to sell not less than a quart
nor more than one gallon of spirituous
liquor. This decision revive* the liq
uor traffic in Warren county.
There are 686 tax defaulters in War
ren county, and the grand jury in their
presentments saw “we are of the opin
ion that if the officers of the law would
use more energy in the enforcement of
the law in the collection of these claims
they could be greatly reduced and so we
MTMillions of packages of the Dia
mond Dyes have been sold without a sin
gls complaint. Everywhere they we
the favorite Dye*.
b 5 and 92 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga., 1
A Full and Complete Stock of all Grades and Stylos Coiislantl||B
Orders by mail will receive prompt
catalog-tie and price lists.
A PROFESSIONAL confession.
'The Unusual Ex}>erienee of a prominent
Mun Made Public.
The following article fsom the Demo
chrat and Chronicle, of Rochester. X,
Y., so striking to liuture, and e;nm*
ales from so reliable a source, that itfll
herewith re-published entire. In addi
tion to the valuable matter it contains,
it will be found exceedingly interesting.
To the Editor of the Democrat add Chroni
cle. .
v Sir: —My motives for the publication
of the most uinbual statements which
follow are; First, gratitude for the
fact that I have been saved from a hor
rible death, and secondly, a desire to
w am all who read this statement against
some of the most deceptive influences
by which they have ever been surround
ed. It is a fact that to-day thousands
of people are in a foot of the grave and
they do not know it. To tell how I was
caught away from just tins position ;*d
to warn others against nearing it, "e
my objects in this communication.
On the first day ol' -S uneLs"l, I lay id.
my residence in this city surrounded m
my friends and waiting' for my de.
Heaven only knows the agony I tlreu
endured, for words can never describe
it. And yet, # if a few years previous,
any one had told me that to be brought
so low, and by so terrible a disease, I
should haVe scoffed at the idea. 1 had
• always been uncommonly strong and
J healthy, had weighed over 200 pounds
and hardly knew, in my own experience
what pain or sickness were. Very many
people who will read this statement re
alize at times that - they are unusually
tired and cannot account for it. They
feel dull and indefinite pains in var
ious parts of the body atul do not under
stand it. Or they are exceedingly hun
gry one day and entirely without appe
tite the next. This was just tlie way
I felt when the relentless malady jdiich
had fastened itself upon me first ■jpui.
Still I thought it was
that probably I had taken a cold which
would soon pass away. Shortly after
tins I noticed a dull, and at times a ne u
ralgic, pain in my head, but as it would
come one day and be gone tlie next; I
paid but little attention to it. Howev
er stomach was out of order and my
food often railed to digest, causing at
times g#eat inconvenience. Yet J had
no idea, even as a physician, that these
Wings meant anything serious or that
a monstrous disease was becoming fixed
upon me. Candidly, I thought I was
suffering from Malaria and so doctored
m} 8 Iff accordingly. But I got no better.
I next noticed a peculiar color and odor
about the fluids I wasfiassing—also that
there wei-e large quantities one day and
very little the next, and that a persist-
ent froth and scum appeared upon the
surface and a sediment settled in the
bottom. And yet I did not realize my
danger for, indeed seeing these symp
toms continually, 1 finally became accus
tomed to them, and my suspicion was
wholly disarmed by the fact that I had
no pain in the disaffected organs or in
their vicinity. Why I should have been
so blind I could not understand.
There is a terrible future for all phy
sical neglect, and impending danger al
ways brings a person to his senses eveu
though it may then be too late, I real
ized. at last, ray critical condition aud
aroused myself to overcome it. And
Oh! how hard I tried! I consulted the
the best medical skill in the land. I vis
iied all tbe prominent mineral springs
il Aiim:a and traveled from Main to
CaStill I grew worse. No
tvfo physic’ ans agreed as to my malady.
One said I was troubled with spinal ir
ritation: nervous prostration;
aiioth#; nialim; another, dyspepsia,
another, heart disease; auother general
debility, another, congestion of the base
of the brain; and so on through a long
list of common diseases, the symptoms
of all of which I really had. In this way
several years passed during all of which
time I was sleadily growing worse. My
condition had really become pitiable.
The slight symptoms I at first experieuc
ed were developed into terrible constant
disorders—the little twigs of pain had
grown to oaks of agony. My weight had
been reduced from 207 to 130 pounds.
My life was a torture to myself and
friends. I could retain no food upon
my stomach, and lived wholly by injec
tions. I was a living mass of pain. My
pulse was uncontrolable. In my agony
l frequently fell upon the fioor. convul
sively clutched the carpet, and prayed
for death. Morphine had little or no ef
fect in deadening the pain. For six
days and nights I had thedeath-pre-mon
itory hiceo ighs constantly. My urine
was filled with tube casts and albumen.
1 was struggling: with Bright’s Disease
of the Kidneys in its last stages.
While suffering thus I received a call
from my pastor, the Rev. Foote, rector
of St. Paul’s Church of this city. I felt
that it avhs our last interview, but in
the course of conversation he mention
ed a remedy of which I had heard much
hut had never used. Dr. Foote detailed
to me the many remark able cures wlnch
had conui under his observation, by
means of this remedy, and urged me to
try it. Asa practicing physician and
a graduate of the schools, 1 cherished
ed the prejudice both natural and com
mon with all regular practitioners, and
derided the idea of any medicine out
side the regular channels being the least
beneficial. So solicitous, however, was
Dr. Foote, that I finally promised I
would waive rnv prejudice and try the
remedy he so highly recommended. I
began its nse on the first day of June
and took it according to directions. At
first it sickened me; but ibis I thought
was a good siac for me in my debilita
ted conditions I continued to take it;
tbe sickening sensation departed
ijpd l was able to retain food upon
mv stomach. In a few days I. noticed
a decided change for the better as also
did my wife and friends. My hiecoughs
ceased and I experienced less pain than
formerly. I was so rejoiced at this im
proved condition that, upon what I had
believed but a few days before was my
flying bed, I vowed, in the presence of
my family and friends, should I recov
er I would both publicly and privately
make known this remedy lor the good
of humanity, wherever and whenever
L bad an opportunity. I also determin
ed that I would give a course of lec
tures in the Corinthian Academy of
Music of this city, stating in full the
symptoms and almost hopelessness of
my disease and the remarkable means
by which I have been saved. My im
provement was constant from that time
and in less than three months I had
gained 26 pounds in flesh. became en
tirely free from pain and I believe I
owe Ay life and present condition
wholly to Warner’s Safe Kidney and
Livear cure, the remedy whiehl used*
Since my recovery I have thoroughly
re-investigated the subject of kidney
difficulties and Bright’s disease, and the
truths developed avo astounding. I
therefore state, deliberately, and aaa
|;fe '■! I■! JK '.vE-E..' -f' ►; -
liit-l.aaMH* 1 “V ' ’ j
A lit- !
' 1 1 •■ > 1 '£ V-
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<ii>t;mS;*V*PVA*; A 1
1 1 >
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t" ii.f l^y'g ;■}
I'll.. 11l
au.i last
luMoiv .ia- v*?;£&*2
1> ;is
ip- •■ >ii mu >ii
1 1 11 s, ! la\ < diod7®gSy&#
iiijll l!>i i km w
I wiiich wasHßCy*;
stead nl
shows none
suddenly, and
posed to lie
has siitiered,
lienee what he vl
one who reads tnSBWIB
loot the slightest*Bvmpt<J
difficulty. CeVtain agoifl
death will- bethe sure
neglect, and no one can ail
such chances. T
1 am aware that such anHBBI
statement as this,
Taiown as I am throughout
land as a practitioner
arouse the surprise and possfl •'
mosity of fhe medical profesMEH
astonish all with whom 1 am
ed, but j make the foregoing statM
based upon facts which I am prepl
to produce anAtruths which I caifl
slantiate to tlm letter. Tlie well®
those who may possibly be suiS
such as T w as, is an ample induqjfl
for mu to take the step 1 have, tflH
can successfully warn others froJH
dangerous path in which I once V
■fl, I am willing to endure all pnw
wmal and personal consequences, 1
~r _ “SkinnyMeu.”
ell s Health Kenewer. '.ini
cm c for nervous debility and n
ot the generative lunetions. SI.
Ga. depot, Lamar,
Lamar, Atlanta and Macon Ga.
H has became a practice it se^B
an aspirant fr.r otlico to move hBS
ta, temporarily tiil he can make mm
mind on the subject. For instance
aten- Elect Dubignon we notice
Miiledgeville and Macon press wenljßj|
to Atlanta last week to make up
mind as to whether He will be a candS
date for President of the Senate.
New, quick, complete cure 4 daysjHp
miry affections, smarting, frequent iH
difficult urination, kidnev disease >9
at druggist. Georgia Depot, Lanifl
Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta and Mad®
Ga. W
The Cincinnati thinks the
temperance question did all the mischidjj
it could do on one side but did not
complish all the good on the republican
side, because of theAliv filed republican
The things desired fcfctd at last. Ask
Uiuggijjts tor Rants. ” it
- ra V t3 ’ mice ’ roac ‘hes flies, bed
rigs, lu cents per box.
I rom letters and information receiv
ed from different soirees the Macon*
lelegraph publishes the fact that there'
may be an attempt to prevent the exe-M
cution of the Eastman rioters on thJI
20th inst. Wjm
That wo nderfulcatholican
Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegel®|
Comp ound has given the lady a wdH
\\ule reputation for doing good.
hke a living spring ro the vital conj K
- JIer"Blood Purifier will do jHjl
to cleanse the channels of the
and purify the life of tbe body t®
all I he sanitary devices of the Board#®
It is said the Middle Georgia
is to be moved to Jackson shortly a®
run by the Argus Publishing Cos. T®
leaves the field open at Indian Sprir®|
for anew paper. When Mr. Beck
tablishes his paper, Jackson will h£®
three. Hurrah for our town. A
Make yourself healthy and stronM
Bitters fe happy llsillg Iftovm's In®
—" ■ 4
The Jackson News says: We learn
suit has been brought against our new
I railroad for the sum of £IO,OOO, by a ne
gro named Barber, who we learn'lav by
I the track asleep below Jackson, anil
| had one of Ins hands cut off if the
| facts are as we understand them he
: will get about 10 cents. Col V A
Wright; a promising young lawveY, of
‘ ' i ack^’ T r as - r een employed by the
plaintiff, He informs us that in judg
ment the negro has a good case.
it n,—lt is proven
that Malaria fevers, constipation, toi
pulity of the liver and kidneys, geu
eral debility nervousness, amlheinalgic
1 ailments yield readily to this great disS
ease conqueror. Hop Bitters. It repairs
; the ravages of disease by converting
food into rich blood, <irul it g’ivos
i life ai " l vigor to the aged and infirm ;\M
ways. ■
| „T he Merriwether Vindicator say: A( J
■ Eli Peavv, whose death we noticed las®
week, was on# of the earliest settler®
and oldest citizens ol Hfrri
moving from Jasper to this count®
abqu tlß3o. For over fifty years he lijl
ed in the same county on terms of peaW
i ar ‘d intimate friendship with all h M
neighbors. Honest and genial, t]S
friend of all, his last days were sere®
and happy. Blessed with a vigorofl
constitution, which was well preser®
ed by a temperate life, Mr. Peavv nva
singularly exempt from the disease-anl
infirmities of old age and |b to tM
time of receiving the fatalparah*
stroke was abterto get about Lwiftd
ease and activity of many men of
years of age, riding horseback
and through the
died iu the eigtv-thl^^jjf'