Newspaper Page Text
Vctrilled Salt Glazed Stone Seuvr, Drain and Culvert Pipe three Toot to three inches.
We wish to sav to Cities, Railroads, Dealers. Guilders, Contractors, Plumbers and Everybody, that wo
will sell the Stone Vetriiied Salt Glazed Sewer. Drain and Culvert Pipe, Cheaper than you overbought in this
eoimtrv, cheaper than you ean huv the* eonmion cement, pipe. We will not he undersold.
No foul sewer gas can escape through the \ etritied Stone Fall Glazed Sewer Pipe like it does through
cement pipe, as cement pipe is porous and will not stand acids. Don’t huv until yflu see us or write. Mo
will make it pay you to huv from u. . \\ e also keep a lull assorted , :::e; oi Curves,Elbows,Slants, i raps,Ac.,
M Minas of Effflpy Description.
We will make contracts to farm h pipe laved. We !;•■• >j> Stove Lues, Drop Buttons, Stove : >. rubles
and Chimney Top-. We are liersl marters for Portland, Louisville a"l lloseualo foments, 1 luster ■ avis,
Land Plaster.
tLsra L b Strzra ki u.-srja ,j and u U iLsssu
Plastering Hair, White Sand. Mr.rbU Dust. Eire BE lc, Five Cluv, &e.. Ac. Everlasting- Cypress Shingles,
Heart Pine Shingles And Laths
COAL," * " COAL.
We are sole agents for the Jelico Mountain and Poplar Creek Coals for Georgia, Florida;! and the Caro
linas, niiniid by the East Tonnes cee coal company, and will furnish deah rs and consumers as low as can he
bought. Anthracite, Grate, Stove and nut coal at bottom ju ices.
Sciples 8l Sons,
Atlanta, Ga.
Now is the time time and the TTADK PALACE, 69 Whitehall Street, is the place to buy Dress Goods,
Silks Satins, Velvets. Plushes, Fringes, Gimps. Ilosierv, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, ('orsets, Hoop Skirts, Bus
tles, Ladies Merino Vests, Jersev Jackets, Shoulder Caries in Chenille and Plush, Embroideries, Laces, Tidies
Appliquet Figures, Kensington Embroidery. Silk Chenille and Arrasine. We guarantee prices on the above
goods*ls toßo per cent, loss than anv house in the eitv. In prices and styles we always lead and never
follow. In Millinery we know no competition. We guarantee our prices 50 per cent less than any house m
the State for the same goods. Our sale of Ostrich Tips and Plumes at 50 cents on the dollar, has been more
than a success V e still continue this sale, A? - "*Kin (doves fitted to tin* hand a specie 1, \ is
Come to the TRADE PALACE, L. E. & S. P. ATCHINSON, Atlanta, Ga.
_ —ii i imi 11■■■■iia. .ti-igr-ic -urmtnrt* wnw-nr.mvniwosil
E. J. Murphey & Cos.,
Macon Prices For Cotton,
Syphiiiis Cure
Infallible for the cure of all Blood
Disorders. An unexcelled Ton
ic and Appetizer.
I tPttiri It tin- mostperfeet alterative before
the puftti". mot trtlierc isii specific for syphilis
ttisOoTnc’KUreat. Blood Remedy.
Feagin, Houston County, (la.
Pkkby.Ga., May 27,18X4.
I have known the medicine lor over twenty
live vears, and have seen it tested in :i trait
many ruses, anti some of thorn seemed almost
hopeless, and invariably effected a yrrnnnnnt
cure. 1* '*• IvlLLb/ii
I know of almost miraculous cures wrought
by this medicine. ft GILES
Ordinary Houston county, ( ft.
Prepared by
For sale Wy J. W. Hightow -r. JuK-Om
\V. B. Lfc%E, A. B. STEELE,
manufacturers of—
Chattahoochee River Brick
Office Cor Broad and Alabama Sts. Atlanta.
We are now prepared to fjrnisli Gbuttahoo
ehee River Bnek in an’'quantity. Oil press
ed and common. -Alt orders will receive
prompt attention. LOWE STEELE.
People’s Drug Store,
Is out agaid with a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oil
j and Varnishes, Garden Seeds, Fine Perfumery, Laundry, Fine Toilet
and shaving Soaps, Harps, Lamps oi all Grades and Lamp Goods. —
Snuffs in boxes and jars, Cigars, Pipes, Spectacles, Razors, Combs,
Brushes, School Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Slates, Window
Glass, Putty, Flavoring Extracts, Fishing Tackle, Tobacco, Pocket Cut
lery. These with other articles too liumeroifs to mention, all of which
will be sold on reasonable terms.
Private diseases strictly confidential. scpl9-tf
■ Witlic the T. B. Lyon stock of Groceries and Hardware, which they
bought at a great sacrifice and arc selling the same way.
and the goods are being sold cheap. Tn the stock they have many
goods that they will sell regardless of cost, before moving to their new
quarters that are rapidly going up. Don’t fail to see them before you
buy goods in their line, novU-tf
jj v.fc'if Third and Danphlu Sts., Philadelphia* Pa. Jfijjv %
1 th® I
i.i KCW 8 8 8 o
i il.l .-W fcMUUUL'k7fiffi uM° k
<! .;• 5 £rl " /v ortn:to to chop the .meat. g, k
>r: X-- m = = :" r f
/fv\ 4 1
.9, I'klli h ’■; >• < ' (:•?■,. t~ -■ " ',,.'3 O H. ■ijtio , ! f
:i; • !. 7//V :. Sv , r-f.\ t, 1 -P*r^
‘;l h Sj is $ :C"
\ x r , '4 L :Mii a# BSS j$
■v 1 r^ H lf -" i
* * v# a dd I
'; £? § x- ivo. io, ■'" bo bo f
;j ** 3 <jgv<v s-Axaxr.Tr coo?
<*• *■*£,
Tested and Endorsed toy 200 AgricoUnral Journals.
IS'SagaJrga I-“
iwepreter yoa buy from your Dealer. If be is out of them, send money
■we prc c j us We wiu b hip by next fast train.
StH’ms to yield every time to treatment with
Swift’s Si Keltic.
Spartanburg. S. March !'\ Ist.
Yourmo.Kt valuahi<* imilicmi', f swiff’s sjm i
cltie) hc.s done me so nmeh : (tod thivl ! feel like
saying tills tor the ho it Wit ulthost* who sutler
like i did. 1 was poisoned by I’olsot* Ouk.and
saw not u well unydor si>: .’vara, until I used.
Sxyift'a Specille. In tire n:. y :ivs 1 used id
most every l;lml of modiclne.lmt none had 11 .• *
dcsijvd elUvd. A fL-r using tlx hotth'S of
Swll'i's spool fie I am t< stored to porfoc! health
—with no! a sign of that awicl poison loft.
Yours truly, DAYiI) NILS’S ITT.
1 had for thirty-< i•/Id y suffered every
sprint/ and se.iunier with I’oistm Oak, which I
eontraeted in ’eathiivj; when :t ht>y. 1 tried ev
< rylhint; for it, inclitciimr many pit; .u*lnns,
hiit without nnv In petit. I took .•dx I'oJ.tlesor
Swift’s Specttla (H. {*. K.) four .wars >, and
it cured me sound and v il. Three scccucrs
have passed emd i have ha 1 no reiuru ufii.
* JOSl’.'.hi LhLYSl;EY,Colninla; , Ga.
Rernarkable Resu 1 is.
I have had remarkable success with Sv. ill's j
k’peeitir ; have tin;- and sew .:d cases {>■• r ’;,: 11 >; 11 1.-
ly in it very short Time.. One case which 1 cm
now troai in*.* - was \onup to die, and after
nshnr three hidtl.’S Rio t'.r 1 .-ove’-ed t' :. t i
1 hlnk one n:<<••• brt; 1 a will (uue her. '1 tie
nios: r. G'.urUnblc cam of uli was a lady with
mcduLtiy cRbTf of the womb, for whom i
had no hope whatever. Ah ru: u:y o is- i.-.dtie
1 amsatisiU’d the will soon he < w <l.
J. L'YLiH Qi ILAiN, M. D.,
Ensley. - . s. C.
Our treatise on I‘.'mod and ‘-'kin Disvasrs
mailed free to applicants.
TilDsW FT SDFa'IFK’ f’O..
Drawer and, At i.unt?’.. < •|
X. Y. Office, 1.1!) W. St., bet. Oth L Yih A vs.
Thrash’s Gousumptive Cure,
Proprietors and Manufacturers,
My son having connected me j
In the purchase of Thrash’s I .ting Restorer,
and we being now the sole proprietors and
manufacturers of t he same, wo design present- )
ing a medicine highly improved, together j
with a list of testimonials from of tin*
atllicted whose truthfulness is unquestioned.
It is impossible to enumerate the many won
derful cures perfected by this remarkable rem
edy sine* ils origin to the proesont, but you
lie. vo only to read the few presented to i>e con
vinced. Out oftho alHimlanee of the heart
the mouth spenkoih, and in the multitiule of
counsel {.hen: is .safety. Will you read what
is said of it ?
Having lost a child with membranous
croup, t have been searching for a remedy
that. 1 enfold rely upon, and all r using Thrush
lam;.; Restorer m my family and nrucliee for
the past eight, years, Ido not feel sale with
out it* My motlior used it for several years
before her death and il was lie* only medicine
that seemed to give her relief. She always
kept if on lnuid, and spoke of it in the highest
terms. I would say to those albieDd with
1 ling troubles give it- a trial. It is harmless,
noos not nmwate or produce vomiting ami is
pleasant to the taste. Try it and he convinc
ed. M. J. Dan nth, >L D.
< Jritlin, ( Ja., July 10, 188-i.
I. T. Tlirash and vt Son—Dear Sirs: Having
been atllicted fora number of years with a se
rious trouhh‘ treatment of the best physicians
without success, I Was induced to try your
Lung Restorer. Haifa dozen hot 1 les restored
me lo perfect health, l ahvays keep it on
hand. 1 ean further stale that j believe it
saved tile life of my neighbor, J. ii. Hand.—
His condition was icgarded a hopeless ease of
consumption. T. J. Kdwariis,
Hampton, < hi.
I believe Thrash’s Lung Restorer saved my
life. After having exhausted the skill of lhe
best physicians— my condition was regarded
by them hopeless—your medicine restored me
to perfect health.
Hampton, July 10, ’Bl. J. 11. Hand.
Several years past I proto a certificate testi
fying to tie* virtues of Thrash's 1 Ring Restor
er in all bronchial troubles, sore throat, colds
erougs, utter testing its virtues for years, that
it, is not only a cure but a preventative, when
ever I have exposed myself and feel a slight
smarting or Iritntion about the glands or ton
sils, a dose of I he Restorer releives me at once.
1 always keep it. I think it a good catarrhal
remedy. Respectfully, it. I*. UuowDElt.
I am satisfied ’J’!:rush’s Lung Restorer is the
best I ever ti-vd. 1 a 1 wags keep it on hand.
J. \V. IM’NHAH, Ilollonville.
I. T. Thrash & Hon-—Rear -Sirs: I have used
your medicine with the most satisfactory re
sults. The rapidity with winch it relieves
children of coughs and threatened croup is
wonderful. I heartily concur in my wife’s
opinion that It is the best medleine she ever
saw for the purpo-. s mer.iioned. If cannot be
too warmly r *ommended and should be kept
in every home. W. 11. II ilm.ey, Jr.
I. T. Thrash <:• S as: I take pleasure in certi
fying lo the vain* -of your Ju: , ■' tofer. \Yc
have frequently used it. in eas- s oi voughstind
croups, it is the Lest we ever used.
u. JI. Pattillo,
IT : g UWvr o'rirtla District. *
T have use lin my TL . . tVs Lung Ri -
storer for eoM - . coughs and hd al'i'hnl troubles.
It is ,i good remedy, and l eiiec; ! i.iily recom
mend it. it is worthy of a trial. Those hav
ing used !t speak favorably of ir.
Jon n I >, Htfavakt, Judgo S. (’t.
My mother wtroid)led with a severe
cough for a number of years, and nothing did
her and good but Thrash’s Lung Restorer. !
have induced others to fry ir who speak in
highest t rius of it, I keep it on hand.
W. ii. J Joyce.
I have traveled from Urifrtn to California.—
Thrash’s Lung Ucsrorcr is the best cough med
icine I ever saw. ( * bo. 1. Jones.
I have used Thrash’s Lung Restorer in my
family for coughs and colds, an-1 regard itsu
perior to any remedy ] ever used.
it. P. Me Williams.
I have used your medicine in my family
with the most happy resnlrs. Wc a I was keep
a supply on limul. c. ii. Johnson.
Tin; best remedy for coughs and colds we
L. W’.(Jooni!run, A. I).
M. J. Patrick, Milton Mitciiell,
J. s. ID.own. J. Bkidcks,
Jj. D. Pedfn, L. 11. Rkeves,
For adults^n*>‘ a table spoonful before oocli
meal and one at bed time, and or two doses
through ih bight il the cough is trouble-some. ,
For children under lwo years of age half a tea
spoonful, repeated every two to four hours, as
the svmptoms may require. Increase the dose
in proportion to age. In oases <u croup give in
i nil doses every half hour until relieved. Dur
ing the use of this medicine, if expectoration
become profuse, tinged with blood, do not bc
j conic alarmed; it is no unfavorab’e symptom.
I This medicine contains no opiate, and unlike
j oth r expectorants, does not nauseate or rre
i ate unpleasantness, it is a splendid tonic and
|is perfectly harmless* For sale ny all druggist.
j i. T THRASH & SOI, Griffla, Ga.
| or LAWSON TO HASH, Ft. Smith, Ark.
As it Is late in tJie season. I will rent a settle
I ment and fifty acres of tenon bio land, between
| Hightower’s and Triune Mills in Upson coun
ty. next year for one bale of cotton. “Money
i saved is money made.” 11. PERDUE,
j 1 Jar lies vl tie, Ga., Dee. 2nd, 1884.-21
Forty-Eif; 1 1 th Congrcas.
Art Gouvti-- •• liiisl only convoiK-il
Before wc \voni to jutss last wei-k,
and laid dpno nothin" ’nut Jioar the
i !*rof*i(tonl’rtii:< . read, wo w.Va'd
to this issue t*> • ive a .-ym.
President Ai l hur is a setr'iiy sail. |
and while he aid mucli on the usu
al subjects shat such document*
treat-, lie said nothing that merits
special consideration. The mes
sage and tlie report of S< cretary of
the Treasury, Met ’ulloeh, will have
quite a bearing on the tariff ques
tion. They r.r.ite clearly draw the
line between monopoly tariff and
a judicious piotecfive tariff, and
many Repiihllcan \ will be forced to
favor tariff'relbvm. The Secretary
favors a conirn sionto dispose of
the matter, il ■ 'yards the follow
ing points as being settled :
First, That the public revenuort
I are not to lie in excess of wiiat mnv
!be required for ti: 1 support of tire
I government and the eradmd re
j duetion of tlie public debt.
Second. That our manufactures,
which under the fostering care of
the government have attained such
gigantic proportions and whose
prosperity is r. s ntial to the welfare
of all other interests, are not to be
put in jeopardy by radical and
sweeping chans -1 in the ta riff; and
that all reductions of import du
ties should be made with a view to
their ultimate advantage by open
ing to them market- from which
jtliey are to a. large < agree excluded.
In another paragraph he lays
j down a broad platform for relieving
j both manufacturers and industry
| from needless taxation as follows :
First, That tlie existing duties
upon raw materials which are to be
used in manufacture should be re
moved. This can be done in the in
terest of our foreign trade.
Second. That the duties upon the
articles used or consumed by those
who are least able to bear the bur
den of taxation should be reduced.
This also ean be effected without
prejudice to our export trade.”
-- -
The Legislature.
The Senate confirmed the follow
ing appointments by tlie Govern
or :
Charles G. Campbell, to be judge
of the county court of Decatur
county; Win. F. Dicken, to be
Judge of the county court of Hen
ry county; Mr. Charles E. Wing
field, to be judge of tlie county
court of Wilkes county ; and James
B. Neal, to be judge of the county
court of McDuffie county.
On Friday while Hon. Samuel
J. Randall was in Atlanta, he cal
led on the Legislature and was in
vited to a seat on the floor. He
said while ho did not wish to be ex
tended, he felt that we had a coun
try without any south, north east
or west —that a solid South and a
solid North lias been blotted out,
and that we had a solid, union, riv
eted in every heart, and forming us
into one grand people of the Uni
ted States.
A recess of ten minutes was giv
en by speaker Little and all shook
hands with Mr. Randall.
The blind asylum committee
made a report favorable to the man
agement. The water supply is de
fective, heating good, eating and
sleeping arrangement good,grounds
need more shrubbery, exhibition
creditable, training excellent, finan
ces economical and judicious.
The Senate Friday was too jubi
lant to do anything. Some of the
Senators were beastly intoxicated.
A minority report from the finan
ce Committee of the House was of
fered against the resolution author
izing the Governor to borrow $200,-
000, as being in conflict with the
Monday the Senate took up the
special order of the day which was
the favorable report of the commit
tee on temperance on the bill of -Mr.
Northern ‘‘to provide for prevent
ing the evils of intemperance by lo
cal option in any district, incorpo
rated town, city, county or other
place in the state, by submitting the
question of prohibiting the sale of
intoxicating liquors to the voters
of such place, to provide penalties
for its violation and lbr other purpo
Mr. Northern moved that the bill
1)0 considered by sections. The mo
rion was carried. A spirited dis
cussion of the bill with the propos
ed amendments was begun and kept
up during the entire morning.
fn the House a rt solution to hold
two sessions a day was tabled.
Mr. Le wis of G reen offered :i bill
for a dog tax for ike support of
The House has shown its good
sense and great heart by adopting a
very appropriate resolution by Mr.
Calvin, of Richmond enmity. The
r solution provides that it is tho
scii-a; of tho house that Hon. Mark
A. Hardin would serve the public
interest and facilitate the dispatch
of public business by employing
women as dorks in the enrolling de
partment. of his office. We were
pleased to see s -val members of
the House favor this resolution. It
is a step toward reform and ;it the
same time it bla:a . tho way for ma
ny worthy worn -n to work their
way into a ...meticaland progressiva
The committee on deaf and dumb
asylum, recommend an appropria
tion ql - $27,000 for the enlargement
of the building and securing better
comfort > for the inmates.
The senate last Thursday passed
the general local option bill by 2G
to 12, our senator Mr. Cabiniss vo
ting against it.
The bill provides that upon appli
cation by petition signed by one
tenth of the voters -who are quali
fied to vote for members of the leg
islature in any county; or one
third of such voters in any malitia
district; or one-fifth of such voters
in any incorporated town or city the
Ordinary shall order an election to
beheld. If the vote is “for, or
against the sale” an election cannot
be held again in the same territory
within two years.
This bill wifi more than probable,
be passed by the House.
Tnu* American men ami women. l>y reason! 1
ofiiieir strong constitutions, beautiful forms,
rich c.omplexions and characteristic energy
are envied by all nations. Its the general use of
Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic which brings; about.
I heso results.
Asa raindrop foretells a storm, so does a
pimjiie upon the human body indicate health—
destroying virus in the blood, which can be
iica/.trailed and expelled only by Dr. Harter’s
Iron Tonic.
Mr. Editor:—l was induced by reading your
good paper to try Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic for
debility liverdcsordcrand scrofubi. and throe
bottles have cured me. Accept my thanks. Joe.
C. Uoggs.—Ex.
Dr. A. G. Haygood has resigned
the jircsidency of Emory College
to give bis whole time to the sup
erintendanee of the Slater fund. Dr
J. S. Hopkins, vice president has
been elected Dr. Haygoods succes
sor, and Dr. it. Calloway, now
president of Payne Institute, Au
gusta Ga., has, been elected vice-
IResident in place of Dr. Hop
A Sure Cure for Hites.
The first symptom of Piles is an
intense itching at night after get
ting warm. This unpleasant sensa
tion is immediately relieved by an
application of Dr. Bosanko’s Pile
ifemody. Piles in all its forms,
Itch. Fait Rheum and Ringworm
••an be permanently cured by this
great remedy. Price 50 cents.
Manufactured by the Dr Bosanko
Medicine Cos., Pi qua, 0. Sold by J.
W. Hightower.
Mr. -J. R. Wilson, of Savannah,
sued the Central railroad for dam.
ages in that he was injured in a col
fission on the road and recovered
$6,500. Ho sued for $20,000.
cwisiii ill
tff: A HcW'ih J h fc&iSwlSill 3
X>**o>2=£. Y-LaLLiNL
i Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica,,
Lunbsgo, Dackacho. ILadu jho. Too'.hr.cho,
fioi-c '<?;.* coat ,fiwv*i i^.Spru
ItSuB'HM, Scalds. irVw.'.t
Soy. by Meabuv *\. rvwti Te. Kilty Cuuta u. DotttG.
V'tv tions In 3 l linr; -"*’.
(Saccrs.-uri :t V'„CLLBI*. & CO.) LuKieore, Md., U. 2, -
NO. 46