Newspaper Page Text
Vetrified Salt Glazed Stone Sewer, Drain and Culvert Pipe three teet to three inches.
We wish to say to Cities, Railroads, Dealers, Builders, Contractors, Plumbers and Everybody, that we
will sell the Stone Vetrified Salt Glazed Sewer, Drain and Culvert Pipe, Cheaper than you ever bought in this
country, cheaper than you can buv the common cemeqt pipe. We will not he undersold.
No foul sewer gas can escape through the \ ctrifled Stone Salt Glazed Sewer Pipe like it does through
cement'pipe, as cement pipe is porous and will n<Jt stand acids. Don’t buy until you see us or write. We
wiil make it pay you to buy from us. We also keep a lull assorted sizes of Curves. Rlbows,Slants,! raps.;&c.,
We will make contracts to furnish pipe laved. Wo keep Stove Flues, Drop Buttons, Stove Thimbles
and Chimney Tops. We are headquarters for Portland, Louisville and Rosedale Cements, Plaster Paris,
Land Plaster.
Plastering Hair, White Sand, Marble Dust, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, &c., &<*. Everlasting Cypress Shingles,
Heart Pine Shingles And Laths
We are sole agents for the Jelico Mountain and Poplar Creek Coals for Georgia, Florida* and the Caro
linas, mined By the East Tennesscoe coal company, and will furnish dealers and consumers as low as can be
bought. Anthracite, Grate, Stove and nut coal at Bottom prices.
Sciples & Sons,
Atlanta., Ga.
Now is the time.time and the TRADE PALACE, (SO Whitehall Street, is the place to buy Dress Goods,
Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, Fringes, Gimps, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, lloop Skirts. Bus
tles, Ladies Merino Vests, Jersev Jackets, Shoulder Capes in Chenille and Plush, Embroideries, Laces, Tidies
Appliquet Figures, Kensington Embroidery, Silk Chenille and Arrasine. We guarantee prices on the above
goods 15 toot) per cent, less than any house in the city. In prices and styles we always lead and never
follow. In Millinery we know no competition. We guarantee our prices 50 per cent less than any house in
•the State for the same goods. Our sale of Ostrich Tips and Plumes at 50 cents on the dollar, has been more
than a success. We still continue this sale. /fifiT'Kid Gloves fitted to the hand a specialty.
Come to the TRADE PALACE, , L. E. & S. P. ATCiIIN'SoN, Atlanta, Ga.
E. J. IVLurphey & Cos.,
Macon Prices For Cotton,
Syphilhs Cure
*~Thfllible for the cure of ull Blood
Disorders. An unexcelled Ton
ic and Appetizer.
I regard it the most perfect alterative Indore
the public, amt if there is a specific for syphilis
it is Ooync’sGreat Bi<K>d Remedy.
w Feagin, Houston County, Ga.
Perry, Ga., May 27,18JM.
I have known the medicine for over twenty
five years, and have seen it tested in a great
many cases, and some of them seemed almost
hopeless, and Invariably effected a perrna nont
care. T. M. KILLKX.
I know of almost miraculous cures wrought
by this medicine.
Ordinary Houston county, Ga.
Prepared by
For sale by ,T. W. Hightower. jul3-Gm
Will practice In the counties of the Flint Cir
suit and in the Supreme Court of the State.
People’s Drug Store,
Is out agaid with a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oil
and Varnishes, Garden Seeds, Fine. Perfumery, Laundry, Fine loilet.
I and shaving Soaps, Harps, Lamps of all Grades and Lamp Goods. —
1 Snuff’s in boxes and jars, Cigars, Pipes, Spectacles, Razors, Combs,
Brushes, School Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Slates, Window
Glass, Putty, Flavoring Extracts, Fishing Tackle, Tobacco, Pocket Cut
lery. These with other articles too numerous to mention, all of which
| will be sold on reasonable terms.
am-- 1 ’rivate diseases strictly confidential. scpltl-tf
■ Withe the T. R. Lyon stock of Groceries and Hardware, which they
1 bought at a great sacrifice and are selling the same way.
j and the goods are being sold cheap. In the stock they have many
i goods that they will sell regardless of cost, before moving to their new
quarters that are rapidly going up. Don’t fail to see them before you
buy goods in their line. novlil-tl
i t r. rf K E % ...2
*f J V KicSS
E *• :/ r ~ c” r TO CKC? MO* GRIND i>IE MS £7* V \ 9.
!* ; r-;~ /r/X " ‘ . ----- • •■ \ -•- c
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1- , ,•> ; - ... - .} <3 ‘C-^
; n c-s“ u ■; , /.* t.,,..-.. .- ,*-u <• ■ ; ' .
■ •-••-■ ’ i J —y f. ; /t ' A ;i ... '?< ■■: ■■
‘R ?4 * R : -■ /£ 1 ? 1
: , 7 • '* V v y ; -' I ✓:... .• ■ r . -
A V\ ~ --• }"!s' c‘'
:V *SS R - - - ■ “ £
?v~? 10 f . r/ jfer **<
5- ~ 5 C A\ V .‘ " lO ’ lo, ' now a
1 S* 3 COCO
I ** fete* ea.oc.
! Send for Catalogue. 'ty f oI “ b f k ,sl !
I HOTIOS TIMS PAPKE. “%SVS CAM Hardware ©ealer*.
Tested and Endorsed by 100 AsrrlcraUttral Journals.
T. r *,nd FirVsidceavK: I American Agriculturist says:
! “After testing, each editor Immediately I '‘ Th( ', se , ch ‘A r h P< ' r ofm‘i^lh l .l2 t J“ il ’ E of tlie
I ordered an Enterprise Meat Chopper for his | kind made in either Hemisphere.
I family use.” _
We prefer yon buy from your Dealer. If be, is out of them, send money
to us. We will ship by next fUst train.
Seems to yield every time to treatment with
Swift's Specific.
SI'AKTANIir KG, S. March \'\. I SSI.
Your most valuable medicine. Swift’s Spe
cific) has done me so much good t nut I fuel like
saying this for the benefit of those who sutler
like 1 <lid. I was poisoned by Poison Oak,and
saw not a well day for six years, until 1 used
Swift’s Specific. In the six years 1 used al
most every kind of medicine,but none had the
desired cited. After using six hollies of
Swift’s Hpeeitie I am restored to perfect health
•—with not a sign of that awful poison left.
Yours truly, DAVII) N LSISIXT.
1 had for thirty-eight years suffered every
spring and summer with Poison Oak, which I
contracted in bathing when a hoy. I tried cv
cry thing for it, including many physicians, without any benefit. I took six l otlles of
Swift’s Specific (S. S. w.) four years ago, and
it cured me sound and well. Three summers
have passed and I have had norerurn of it.
Remarkable Resu 1 ts.
1 have had renmrkn’ lesuccess with Swift’s
Kpeeifie; have cured several cases p*. .muivnt
iy in a M-ry short time. ivh'.cli I am
now treatliu:-was given up to die, and after
using t hree hoi tics is so Jar recovered that 1
think one more bottle will cure her. Tin*
most remarkable case of all was a lady with
medulary cancer of ike womb, for whom 1
luul no hope whatever. After usint? one bottle
I am satisfied she will soon be cured.
,J. WYLIK (JP li.AI ,M. I').,
Easleys. 0.
Our treatise on Blood and Skin Dis 1 discs
mailed free to applicants.
the s\\ i! f spfa’leiu r<\,
Drawer :t, Atlanin, Go.
X. Y. Ofiled, ]5!) \Y. ‘.LG St., bet. tith o' Vi it A vs.
Thrash’s Consumptive Cure,
Proprietors and Manufacturers,
My son having connected himself with me
in the. purchase of Thrash's Lung Ucstorer,
and we being now* the sole proprietors and
limm'.i'ucturersof i he same, we design present
ing a medicine liiviLy improve I, together
with a list of test inwmhd.s from those of the
afflicted wiuvw truthfulness is maples! ioned.
U is impossible to enumerate the many won
derful cures perfected by i his remark able rem
edy since its origin to the proesent, but ymi
1 have only to tend the 'Vw present <1 to be eon
-2 vineed. Out -of the nlmndaucc of the heart |
the mouth sn* aJi. th, and i". tlu; multitude of
counsel there is safety. \\ ill you read what
is said of it?
Having lost jt child with membranous'
croup. I have been searching for n remedy:
that I cn'-uPd rely upon, and after iisif,;: Thrash
Lung ItesN.Mvr in my I'v.mWy and pia-aire tor'
the jeist years, l do not feel ; ?.fo witli
out it* My motlior iise-.t It for wveral years
bcior-.:* iic.r death ami ii wan the only medicine
that svcnuxl to give her relief. She always
kepS it on hand, ami sjxike of it in the highest
terms. ■) would sav to {hose aJt’.icted with
lung troubles give ii r trial. lis hr ruilvss,
noe-. no' :*::iusea.U* or (produce. vomiting and is
pfeuG.'iit/ .<> I lie tits he. Try it and be convinc
ed. L . J. D.UGEI,, M. i!>.
Lrifbiu < la., July 'at, I SKI.
1. T. T!> Vitsh ami A t-k>n Dear Sirs: i hiving
been -.lUicted for • jsmnbcr oiLyears with a se
rious 'trouble treatment, of {he best physicians
without ;;r.rerss, I urns induced m try your
Lung Ivrtv;torer.' u dozen bottles restored
me jK-rfeef healfJi. i always keep Ht on
hand. ) can farther slate that r believe it
saved .fee life of my neighbor, J. IJ. : land.—
His condition was regard' and a. hopeless case of
consumption. 'J'. J. Edwauos,
Msimptou, Ga.
I believe Thra-rJes JYung Restorer sav<*d my
life. At'ier having e.xhauued the skill of tin*
best physicians—my condition was regarded
by the m bopeles.—your medicine restored mo
to perl'e<*l lu
Hampton, .July 10, J. 11. Hand.
St veral years and I prole a certificate testi
fying to tin virtues of Thrash’s Lung Restor
er in ail hronchhd troubles, sore throat, colds,
*• rouge, a ft: r testing its virtues for years, that
Jl is not n.iiy a cure but a. prevent s Live. When
ever J .’mve e.xpojbd .ii,*. -elf and feel a slight
smarting or iritathm about tin- glands or ton
nJis. a dose oi the Restorer rcleives met once.
I iih.’Jiys keep it. J think it. it goo*.l catarrhal
remedy. Respectfully, R. i\ Chowdkk.
I y?u .satisfied TJirash’s Lung Restorer is the
t -st I <*v*r used. J a! a avs keep it on hand.
J. W. 1 )! > !.*. K, iioJlo.i ville.
IT. Thrash & Son—Dear Sirs: i have, used
your medicine with ti; • most satisf.aetory re
sults. 'l’he rapidity with which It relieves
children of coughs and threatened <*roiij is
v.Avauerfui. I heart,i!y concur in my wife’s
opinion t hilt it Is the i>ess nn*dieine slie e\ er
njiv>" for the mentioMul. It cannot, he
100 warmly reconinu'iul' .I and should •* kept
in every home. W. 11. Huxbky, Jr.
LT. Thrash Son: J f;.ke pica.sura in certi
fy,ln}!: to the valueot' your Jauig R-.*storer. We
liave fiv(;i:ently used i! in eases of euuglis and
cro-vps. It is the best We ever used.
a. JI. I'A TTI JjU< >,
I*r*.:siding MM* r Gridin District.
I leave u: ed P: y.iy f'aniiLv Thnslr’s l.uiur Re
storer for colds, coughs ami bLnrriisd troubles.
It 3.; :i good rcnied;/, ami I * , ’n*\ rJul!y reeom
;iu- i*j it. Jt is M'or:b; >! a ui;d. 'i'Jios** imv
ing used it :-peak favorably of jr.
: " 8. ('t.
My iJiollier u:i:- • ro;.:>!**d with n .seve re
cougi* tor ;i r.vnibe'* <u y. . . and nothing di*l
her sold i:;od imt Thne-irs Lung Lcstorer. 1
have induced others ;•> try ir who : peak in
I highent tar.ns oi'it, I Isvji it imnd.
W. It. lJoyce.
I hiivc* traveled from < irib'in to i'aiibn-nin.—
Tlirash’a Lung Ilcsror. r .'s the best cough mod
icier ( ever saw. Goo. I. Jones.
J have usedTlirw-.V.-: r.ii.g iteGon r in my
Jainliy for coughs and * - *i*is, and regard it su
perior to any remedy i ewr used.
JL i'. McWilliams.
f .iavo used your mmtieim:* in my family
with the most happy r< •.r.ii s. Wc* alwas keep
:: ■ uj<jJy o:: liana. C. If. JoIfNSON.
Tn*’ best remedy for coughs and colds we
li. W.G *:DRI v. D. (f RANGE It.
J. S. IJaOV.'N, Bhidges,
D. D. J'EDEN, i . H. Itl-; EVES,
For mlults Li!:** ji tal-Ie spoonful before ouch
menlumioucat bed i.iiiir, and or two doses
through th bight if the cough Is troublesome.
For children under two yars of age half a tea
spoonful, repeated ever;, two to four hours, as
!: he symptoms may require. Increase the dose
hi proportion P* ago. in oases of croup give in
lull doses cv* ry haifhour until relieved. Dur
ing the i-• of; his : :e*, if expectoration
oeconx* profusi;, tinj< <i with blood, do not be
come alarmed; it is tx> unfavorable symptom.
This medicine contains no opiate, and unlike
; other expectorants, does not nauseate or cre
ate uriph asunfnesK. D ;i sph ndkl tonic and
i is perfectly harmless. For sale by all druggist.
: Address,
I. T. THRASH a SON, Griffin, Ga.
| or LAWSON THRASH, Ft. Smith, Ark.
! aug*2otf
| All parties indebted to M. M. Nussbanm will
! plcfcsr pay Mr. J. <’. Witliamspn, at once, as he
is authorized to collect and receipt forme.
! novis-tr MY HON NUBSBAUM, Receiver.
Spec,ial Correspondence of the
News notes from nfmekofs points
DeI’AHTFHKS in data.
The political eiinvlval is over —
tlio clamor of I lie eon’est is closed !
The parti-colored lights of diverse
have '‘gone glinmienn;.'
through the dream of tilings that
were.” The lield is free to the dis
cussion of other interests, and you
may safely trust your correspondent
to make the most of the situation.
From advance sheets of Le Bon
Ton and La Mode Elegants for De
cember, we learn that photography
is the fashionable work of
ladies artistically in-clined
this season. Good idea that!
Better than painting had pictures,
or embroidering, knitting or cro
cheting things that nobody wants,
and everybody deplore- as a pres
ent. There is a little weekly paper
published in London called The
amateur Photographer in which
all the processes are faithfully des
Freckles are fashionable. L Shaw
will SQon have freckle sand out to
rub ou the cheeks and bring out
a crop of those beauty spots that
are said to he the outward sign .of
inward iron in the blood.
Copper color in velvet and satin
as combined by the magical
modiste at Lord & Taylors is a con
trast to striking toilets on display
and makes a gorgeously effective
evening dress.
The proper jewels to wear with
it are yellow topazes set in dia
Brown tulle trimmed with aut
umn leaves makes a (•harming dan
cing dress such a. dress as will be
apt to dance a good deal at any
kind of a ball.
The “Columbine” hat or bonnet
you can make it eit her you choose,
has a high conical crown, and a
brim that flares up in a point back
and front and tits (dose over the
ears on the sides.
Very stylish are those felt hats
i and bonnets that are tailor stilehed
!on the edge of the brim. Braid is
the correct trimming for them.
More hats titan bonnets arc worn
even by women no longer young.
The rage for making a lavish and
conspieious display of pretty hand
kerchiefs on counters, in the win
dows and cases of till the retail dry
goods stores grows more and more
from season to season. Initials in
long slender old English letters are
worked in color or while in the
corners of some plain or mixed
Narrow Items and tucks are hem
stitched and form lovely geometric
designs in corners. Dice vines scal
lops and Vandykes in white and
color adorn others. Detached flow
er vines arc equally fashionable.
Birds bees, butterllies, beetles dra
gon Hies, and spiders appear on
many in detached" or mingled de
signs in color or white; while for
little people come printed and cm
broidred Katc-Greenaway and other
figures illustrating fairy and child
Cloth, felt and velvet turbans are
j all very fashionable for young girls
tis well as children. Those of cloth
and felt match the suit as a rule
and have tailor stitched edges.
Pendeloupsof beads fall fromthe
centre of the llowers or designs of
jet and other head embroidered
laces and motifs. *
A stylish walking costume made
after a dressy and effective model
J in Revue do !a mode has a skirt of
hunters green Nonpariel velveteen,
sin ply fashioned into accordeon
folds with long stylish redingolte
of broche Nonpareil of similar
'shade, accurately moulded over a
classical corset imported on domes
tic of the Warner calibre.
It is a little curious to watch the
eliminations of enterprise in certain
stronghold ■; of trade.
A pleasing and exceptional fea
ture in literary lines is demonstrat
ed in the Holiday number of the
Liliputian Fashion Journal a
bright sparkling exclusive brochure
comprehensively illustrated pub
lished by Best & Cos Nos. GO &|O2 W
23 rd StNew York, which joins
hands with Mothers in the care,
culture and clothing of chi’dron. It
is a positive help in the household
and supplies a need long felt by
Mothers yll over the land. Apart
from its literary excellence, there
are suggestions of practical value
in the family management which
cannot fail to render it an aceep
tionable souvenir in homes of taste.
It is standard authority concern
ing the modes, methods and mater
ials current in Paris and in the
great strongholds of american
styles. The editing is carefully and
creditably done.
The nominal cost for this useful
and valuable accessory to the home
circle is but 50c 'per annam.
Tiro names of the proprietors and
managers, the twin stars of the
Theatre Comique Harrigan and
Hart will soon he, or arc already as
patent a charm with the fashionable
world of New York as it was in the
past with the million, especially
I with the gallery gods who are over
the first to recognize genius and
lolling talent on the boards.
The future Harrigan and Hart
can he faintly foreshadowed by the
past, hut what it may be can neter
he grasped by a study from the aud
itorium of their last production.
Investigation” now running at the
Theatre Comique, and embracing a
cast of forty three leading artists,
beside the policemen street charac
ters and a full oehestra of the rarest
musical culture in the peculiar di
rection necessary for the production
of the Harrigaii and Hart music.
They have the most exquisitely
decorated and furnished playhouse
in New York or any other city and
it is fashionable <ts well as thor
oughly enjoyable to go to the Com
Sidney Earle”
Lifseyviu.k, Dec. 1.
Good rains at last; and the earth
well saturated.
Our local weather prophet pre
dicts a hard winter.
But very few oats wiil ho sown
before January, as the lateness of
the season forbids.
Crops are all gathered and hous
ed, preparation is being made for
next year.
Cotton can occasionally he seen
laying around gin houses and resi
dences evidently waiting for better
Sore throat is a general complaint
among the people.
Our merchants are laying in an
unusually large stock of Christmas
Candy-pullings, sociables and
the dance is being enjoyed hv a
number of the young people.
The young people enjoyed a
pleasant musical cut Ttainmcnt at
Mrs. Nancy Blades last Wednesday
Candidates still alive and very
glad to form your acquaintance.
Wild turkey and other game said
to roam Hie swamps of Powder and.
Elkins creeks. While out gunning
recently, Mr. S. A. Howell shot and
killed a wild turkey hen that weigh
ed sixteen pounds after it was clean
ed. Who can beat it.
Rev. W. 1. Patrick has accepted
the call to serve as pastor at Beu
lah church for the ensuing year.
Last Friday night at the residence
of Mr. T. M. Carter, Mr. Bryan and
Mrs. Josie Carter were joined in
holy wedlock, Judge B. A. Lifsey
officiating. The happy couple left
at once for the home of the groom
in Gwinnett county.
Little Willie McDaniel whom wo
have reported as being sick pre
viously; died last Thursday night.
Messrs W. F. Lnscter and R. L.
Parker spent last week in the Gate
Several of our young men eon
template taking ;t trip to the wire
grass regions soon, their object is to
fish and hunt.
L--fr JHE GFxEAi
if if x-i&bu'i Ea^FUI
A; 1... ! vi. v ir- ;< \g l ii bar etffV si
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Backache. KcadLche. Topthache,
Sore Th r<ett -N vv l: i- ‘iprstt i i:#.BrulMS,
Pan •, feculil* Eron-t If.?ton,
Sold by Dealers everywhere*. FiftyCauta*. bottle.
Dir •< lions ia 11 Dui-nauri s.
(SucrcMo-.c to A. Vo*J* ;T" i r*v, 2d., U.ti '
True American men uml women. by reason
of their strong constitutions, beautiful forms,
rich complexions amt characteristic energy
tire envied by sill nation*. Its the general use of
Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic which brings about,
these results.
Asa raindrop foretells ji storm, so does a
pimple upon the human body indicate health
destroying virus in the blood, which can b.
ncjztrtihod and expeilcd only by Dr/Harter’s
Iron Tonic.
Mr. Editor:—l was induced by rciuHnjjC .your
good paper to try Dr. Harter’s iron Tonic for
debility liver desorder and scrofula, and lureo
bottles have cured me. Accept my thanks. Jos.
C. Boggs.—Ex.
NO. 45