Newspaper Page Text
Take Wright’s
Diarrhoea Mixture
Pit always cures. It
has been successfully
used for years in this
community* Many
local citizens highly
endorse it* Use no
other* Manufactured
and sold by
DR. W. A. WRIGHT, Druggist,
On a charge of outselling all other Grocers*
The Jury after the full inycstion of all
evidence find him guilty and sub
mit the following verdict*?
We, the jury sworn to investigate the charges against
Mr. Middlebrooks, beg to say that we find that he is the only
, man in town who can Till your orders for everything in the
{ grocery line. We find that he has a strictly new stock, polite
and attentive clerks and prompt delivery. We find that quick
sales and short profit is his motto. We also find that he
handles the very best of everything and guarantees satisfac
tion both in quantity and quality, We therefore find that
Mr. Middlebrooks is guilty of the charges against him.
After hearing the evidence set forth and the verdict of the jury, I cannot
do otherwise than sentence Mr. Middlebrooks to success, for his enterprising
spirit and reccommend that the Court and Jury meet the public at his place
of business and reap the benefit of his low prices and best goods.
P. S. The Jndge has since added to the above charge: “I also ask, that if
any of you owe the said Mr. Middlebrooks for Groceries, that you call around and
pay him at once, for he can’t continue business unless you pay for what you have
already bought.”
U Need a Biscuit!
* ii you Don’t, who Does?
Get your good things from us during Chautauqua and
include in your order a,package of Uneeda Biscuit —they are
alright. We will receive daily during Chautauqua week
Fresh Vegetables of all Kinds*
also, Pineapples, Peaches, Cherries, Plums, etc., Plenty of
Chickens, eggs and butter, too.
Yours to please,
GRAY, the Grocer,
Are you Married ?
We mean to any particular place of trading—if so
Get a divorce,
And buy where you can get the best goods for the lowest
prices. You will fall in love with our modest prices, while
the charming freshness and excellent quality of our sroods
will draw from you a fervid declaration that we carry the
best groceries you ever bought. Having once experienced
the satisfaction, contentment and satisfaction of trading with
ELLIOTT & CO., yov will have mastered the elements con
ducing to long life, peace and prosperity
By the way, “is the housekeeper in ?” “Yes; in a rage ;
Flour dark, won’t rise, cake spoilec, time wasted, money and
temper lost.” It would not have happened had she bought
the flour from
If you Need Insurance, call on me. An expe r
ience of nearly fifteen years in the business guaran
tees that your policy will be correctly written.
Personal attention given to all adjustments therebv
insuring prompt and equitable settlements, and
with a home man. Your business is respectfully
solicited. OTIS A. MURPHEY.
Another nice dwelling on Thomaston street.
Call quick.
Mr. J. A. Bryan 'representing the
Atlanta Journal, was in Barnesville
Mrs. L. E. Veal went to Griffin
Tuesday to visit relatives and friends
a few days.
Miss Mae Seamans left Monday lor
Newnan where she will remain some
time on a visit to relatives and friends.
Mrs. Margarette Stevens of Pres
ton Ga, has been in the city visiting
Mr. Z. T. Evans and Mrs. N. L.
Miss Louise Hightower of Atlanta,
is in the city a guest of the family of
Mr. J- W. Hightower. She has many
friends here.
Master W. A. Prout left yesterday
for Newnan to visit relatives. He
will also visit Atlanta, before return
ing to Barnesville.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collier have
gone to Indian Spring to remain some
days for the benefit of their health.
They will doubtless greatly enjoy it.
Why look older than you really are
when Hall’s Hair Renewer, will com
pletely restore the natural color, as in
youth, to gray, faded or discolored
Miss Minnie Tosey of Macon has
been one of the most popular young
lady visitors here during the Chautau
qua. She is still with friends in the
city and has made many friends.
Misses Geneva and Trella Hender
son had as their guests during Chau
tauqua Misses Gertrude McCoy of
Jeffersonville, Ami Morgan of Vienna,
and Lena Grant of Atlanta.
Maj.J. R. Banks of Forsyth, is in
the city to remain for the summer
with the family of Capt. B. M. Turn
er. He has numerous friends here
and is quite a pleasant gentleman.
Miss Nell Tullis of Jackson, Ga.,
has returned home - after spending
some days in the city taking in the
chautauqua. While in Barnesville she
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. O.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pound of At
lanta, were with friends and relatives
here several days last week. They
went to Macon Monday where they
will visit for a few days before return
ing to their home.
Mr Loyd Gray and his mother, Mrs.
Gray, of Jacksonville Fla, arrived in
the city to visit the family of Prof. G.
F. Oliphant this week. Mrs. Gray is
the mother of Mrs. Oliphant.
Mr. R. Jack Blalock and family of
Columbia, S. C., are here to spend a
while with relatives and friends. They
lived here until a few years ago and
they have hosts of friends throughout
the community.
“We have sold many different cough
remedies, but none has given better
satisfaction than Chamberlain’s,” says
Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist,
Newark, N. J. “Jt is perfectly safe
and can be relied upon in all cases of
coughs, colds or hoarseness. Sold by
J. H. Blackburn, Druggist.
Col. T. E. Murphey and family of
Macon, are guests of Mr. Ambrose
Murphey and will spend much of the
summer in Barnesville. Col Murphey
is Middle Georgia manager for the
Northwestern Life Insurance Cos.
Miss Mary Wright left Tuesday for
her home in Roberta. She graduated
from Gordon Institute with this year’s
class and she is a young lady who de
serves the high esteem in which she
is held by the people of Barnesville.
Mr. J. C. Dunham, with his daugh
ter, Miss Mattielee left for their home
in Cochran last Thursday, Miss
Mattielee has been visiting her uncle
Mr. Z. T. Evans, for several weeks,
she is a former pupil of Gordon In
Miss Annie McCullough left Tues
day for Round Oak, Jones county,
where she will remain during her va
cation with her home folks. She is
one of Gordon Institute’s most valu
able teachers and has hosts of warm
friends in Barnesville.
Mr. Elmo Garner, Miss Dessie
\ Garner, Miss Annie Grace Hannah of
Thomaston, Mr. W. J. Franklin of
Zebulon, Dr. Talmage of of West
Tennessee, and Miss Mazie Perdue of
Steed were guests of the family of
Mr. J. R. Franklin duringchautauqua.
What you want is not temporary
relief from piles but a cure to stay
cured. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
cures piles, and they stay cured.
Dr. W. A. Wright,
L. H. Holmes, Barnesviile.
Prof. Powell Stephens returned to
Barnesviile from Smithville last week,
where he has been teaching very sue
cessfully for some two years. He is
an excellent young man and is fully
competent for teaching, being a grad
uate of Gordon Institute and of the
University of Georgia.
The Latest Fad
PRICE $1.50
We have just received anew lot of serges it single and double breast, especially for
Chautauqua trade- slims, stouts and regular.
The patterns this season are prettier than ever —our customers are pleased and are.
throwing bouquets at us. The Monarch brand is the best fitting shirt made. Buy the
Monarc Shirt and Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
* . •
Buv a pair for Chautauqua. We can fit you —we can suit vou. New lot Zeigler
Oxfords just received—all sizes, all widths—prices #1.7?. #2.00, S2So and $3.00.
We wish to extend to all our friends and customers a most cordial invitation to make
our store headquarters during Chautauqua week. We shall not be too busy to entertain
you. We shall have plenty of palmetto fans and free ice water.
J. w. Stafford & sons.
Barnesville, Ga.
FOR SALE—A pump in good
order. Apply to J. H. Blackburn.
LOST—During Chautauqua, a dia
mond ring. Return to J. M. Pound.
LOST—Last Sunday evening, the
name “Mary” made with gold wire.
Return to Gazette office.
LOST—Head of walking cane,
containing the inscription: Presented
to Jackson G. Smith by Rev. R. J.
Willingham, etc. Return to J. G.
Mrs. V. A. Chaffin and two little
ooys left Monday for Monticello,
where she will spend two weeks with
the family of her father, Mr. Charping.
Mrs. L. K. Rogers will leave Friday
for Madison, and will also visit friends
in Marietta where she hopes to derive
benefit from that Lracing atmosphere.
She will take a number of new cata
logues and never miss an opportuity
of speaking a good word for Gordon
Institute, which we hope will be teem
ing with new pupils the fall term.
all kinds of painting and make inte
rior painting a specialty. All work
guaranteed. Leave calls at Jordan’s
drug store. J. R. Bennett.
Mr. B. S. Carswell and wife of Jef
ferson Cos, and Mrs. Wall and daugh-
Mattie May of Washington Cos. took
in the Chautauqua last week and have
returned to their homes. They stop
ped with our Dept. Marshall Mr. E.
R. Carswell. They were very much
delighted with everything, especially
with Barnesville.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely
digests food within the stomach and
intestines and renders all classes of
food capable of being assimilated and
converted into strength giving and
tissue building substances.
Dr. W. A. Wright,
L. H. Holmes, Barnesviile.
Miss M. Kathryn Lockhart left this
week for her home in Marion, Ala.,
where she will spend her vacation.
She is the efficient and popular teach
er of elocution and manager of the
physical culture departmeut of Gor
don Institute and has done a good
work in these departments. She will
return tc Barnesviile about the first
of September.
Don’t think you can cure that
slight attack of dyspepsia by dieting
or that it will cure itself. Kodo
Dyspepsfa Cure, will cure it; it di
gests what you eat, and restores the
digestive organs to health.
Dr. W. A. Wright.
L. Holmes.
Spv\u$ 3VcW \ Spr\u$ T?auis \
impure *U>\ooo4 \
*sovpv4 tVoer,
TUii CVov)6T, 'ftu.T&ocV'PoVe ”Koo\, a.wiL’PtAassum
Maddux St Son.
■I In order to reduce our stock and to make room for ouj
immense fall purchases, we will cut prices on all summer goods.
We bought a large part of our stock at half price, and can
afford to sell them at half price. This move on our part is no
fcW catch, but purely a matter of business. Hence, from
Half prices will be appliee to all Parotuls, Fans, Slippers, Organdies, Mulls,
Lawns Dimities, Piques, Muslines, Underwear, Straw Hats, etc., etc.,
t&TRe sure to call and learn what HALF -PRICE really means.
Very truly,
N. B. We have a full line of Flags and Bun
tings for Chautauqua decorations. M. & Son
a I Will Sell
mm You mynv
Cheaper than you pay
for them at your place
of trading. If you want
for your coin, hunt for
ft Swell Hat
PRICE $1.50
black, gray, tan
Wood For Sale.
Good, dry pine stove woocF few
[sale, delivered any where at anytime.
J. R. & VV. C. Jenkins,
My house and lot on Thomaston
street. , R. G. Matthews.
On farms, and choice Barnesviile resa
estate, quickly negotiated.
S. N. Wooewardl
To Caro Cooatlpattoa Vonna
Take Caacarets Candy Cathartic. Me or We
ll C. C. C. fait to cure, drugs ista refund mtiMpi