Newspaper Page Text
*a\vt TWTmtwttLe
THURSDAY, JULY 13, (599.
If Barnesvilk says that the Oar of
Russia will be here an a given date,
the people must believe that it is so.
We do not disappoint the public.
• *
Prof. Jere M. Pound left this week
for Cedar town, where he is conduct
ing a teachers institute. He is very
popular as an expert and has great
influence with the teachers of Geor
Rev. Charles M. Brittain preached
Sunday last at the Baptist church in
Forsyth. lie is a younc man of much
promise in the ministry to which he
will devote his life. At present he is
preaching and teaching, being princi
pal of the Pelham High SchooL
• *
Dr. Rolfe Hunt has been re-elect
ed president of the Milner High
School and has accepted the work for
another year, lie is thoroughly com
petent and consecrated and will no
doubt accomplish a good work there.
He will have as his assistant, Mr.
Charley Cauthen, a graduate of Gor
don Institute and Emory College.
The fall term will open the first week
in September.
Among the many kind things said
about Barnesville recently, the follow
ing is a fair sample, from the Jones
boro Enterprise:
“There is no city in Georgia of
twice the size ofßarnesville that can
justly claim as muen pluck and pro
gressiveness as that town shows. The
Barnesville Chautauqua of this week
will long be remembered as one of
the most brilliant occasions of all this
year’s events in Georgia.”
A Georgia exchange last week said:
“Barnesville has been a big speck
on the map of the United States this
m 0 m
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith, Mr. M.
W. Smith, and Mr. A. L. Mills left
yesterday lor Baltimore, where they
expect to remain tor some weeks.
Their friends hope that it may be a
pleasant and profitable trip,
• •
The Summers Buggy Cos. displayed
considerable enterprise on July 4th.
in their magnificent iloat, from which
they dispensed barrels of lemonade.
They drove through the crowds and
the people flocked around and drank
lemonade until they were satisfied. It
was a bright idea.
Hon William J. Bryan went from
Pike’s Metropolis on July 4th to
Pike’s Peak on July 10th. These
places are far apart, but of great in
terest to Americans.
The citizens ofßarnesville ought to
see if it is not possible to establish
another manufacturing plant before
this year passes away. Why not have
the question thoroughly canvassed
now and True Gazktte believes that
it would result in another enterprise.
* m
The Milledgeville Union-Recorder
this week says:
“The teachers of the public schools
of Baldwin county returned Friday
night from Bartlesville. Commission
er Lamar, who accompanied them,
expresses himself as highly delighted
with the entertainment they received,
and with the most excellent program
of the Chautauqua."
Congressman l.ige Lewis of the
Third district, and Messrs. J. E.
DeVaughn, John McKenzie, Minor
Lewis, Gabe Lipman anil Juc’ge John
Haywood, of Montezuma were in
Barnesville Tuesday, making some
investigations concerning cotton fac
tories. If they would come to Bar
nesville and invest their money they
would certainly meet with success.
• •
Mayor W. B. Smith spent yesterday
in Atlanta on business. He is presi
t dent of the Chautauqua Association
and much ol its great success is due
l his eflorts and his influence. He
labored diligently and unselfishly for
its success and it is but simple justice
to say that he contributed more than
any other one person to the success
etf the great undertaking.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It
will relieve the ponr little sufferers
immediately. Sold by Druggists in
■every part of the world at 25 cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take
no other kind.
Three iw ftaje
Grandpa sits out in the shaded porch
In his old armchair at peadul rest;
Half dreaming, half awake, he sighs
As be watches two birds in their
new built nest;
And the bright June sunshine lies
over all;
At every wind-breath the rose leaves
His thoughts turn back to another
When, hopefully trusting, by his
Under this same vine covered porch,
He tenderly led his new-wed bride,
“The rose’s welcome” —he laughingly
Shaking downs leaves on her lair young
Oh, happy the years together spent!
They watched the coming of bird
and bloom
With scarce a sorrow, but in love;
Till at last, on a June day shrouded
in gloom,
He followed in grief through the rose
wreathed door
The form that should enter again no
Twenty Summers the roses have
A score of times the birds have
So long it seems! he's watched alone
Since her loved form ’neath the sod
has rested.
Now, the kind breezes soft blown from
the west,
Strew gently tl e leaves o’er her quiet
Out from the doorway a little child
Her hands outstretched in c°°i n g
With grandma’s eyes and grandma’s
Grandpa’s own favorite of all is she.
But the old man’s day dreams are of
the dead;
Still the rose-leaves fall on her fair
young head.
—Florence B. Tucker.
halls great discovery.
One small bottle of Hall's Great
Discovery cures all Kidney and
Bladder troubles, removes gravel,
cures Diabetis, Seminal Emissions,
weak and lame backs. Rheumatism
and all irregularities of the kidneys
and bladder in both men and women.
Regulates bladder troubles in children.
If not sold by your druggist will be
sent by mail on receipt of sl. One
small bottle is two month's treatment
and will cure any case above men
tioned. E. W. Hall?
Sole manufacturer.
St. Louis, Mo., formerly Waco, Tex.
Sold by W. A. Wright, Barnesville.
Temple Texas. April 16., 1899. —
I have used Hall’s Great Discovery
for bladder and kidney trouble, and
would not lake a thousand dollars
for the benefit received from using
one bottle. I feel that I am per
manently cured.
W. R. Tyler, I). D. S„
Formerly of Barnesville.
Utah gives its convicted murderers
the choice of how they will be execu
ted. The latest one chose to be shot.
An llnerrtfcln Dlw.w.
There is no disease more uncertain in it*
oature than ilysjH jwia. Physicians say that
the symptom* of no two ease* neree. It is
therefore most liittieult to make a correct
diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under
what disguisedyspepsiaattack! you. Browns*
Iron Bitters will euro it. Invaluable in all
,'iseases of the stomach, hhwl and nerves.
4rowu t' I •in Rite.** is sold 'vt <ll dealers,
A taxpayer says the numerous in
vestigation committees make war an
expensive luxury.
Sympathy, like a man playing at
blind man’s bluff, is a fellow feeling
for a fellow creature.
n ™
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity oi the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Bvrup
Cos. only, and *c wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Cos.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Cos with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
(tone To Lifseys.
Yesterday morning a large party
left Barnesville for Lifseys Springs,
Springs where they will spend a week
and no doubt it will be a gay oc
casion to them. They went prepared
to have a good time. They will occu
py about three cabins.
The party is composed o f Mr. R.
G. Matthews and family, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Stafford and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Seneca B. Burr Jr and fam
ily, Misses Belle and Nell Blalock,
Prof, and Mrs. H. S. Bradley and
Col. Frank M. Stafford.
The Massachusetts Mutal
bite Insurance Go. of Srlna
fielfl. Mass-
This old and reliable life insuiance
company will insure your life at the*
lowest rates consistent with safety,
under the laws of Massachesetts, the
best insurance laws in the world.
Cash and paid up values written in
the policy and guaranteed. Large an
nual dividends. Grace in payment of
premiums. Prompt payment at death
or maturity. Sample policy will be
furnished on receipt of age and ad
VV. K. Wilkinson,
General Agent,
Barnesville, Ga.
P. O. Box 66.
Episcopal Services.
Rev. George A. Whitney will be
present to hold a service for Episco
pations in the Presbyterian fchurch
Sunday evening next. He lives in
Griffin but holds service in Barnesville
every month.
■ ♦
by lrcal applications as thev cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous
lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed Deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever: nine
cases out of ten are caused by Ca
tarrh, which is nothing but an inflam
ed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A theatrical manager in Vienna
has invented a machine which pro
duces applause for his performers.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action,
and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs,
when in need of a laxative, anil if the
father or mother be costive or bilious,
the most gratifying results follow its
use; so that it is the best family reme
dy known and every family should
have a bottle. Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Cos.
It will certainly pay you to in
vestigate our wonderful and
close cut clearing prices- Prices
in all departments are marked
for clearing up remnant stock.
200 men’s Negligee and
dress shirts, were 75c, si.oo
and 1.25; clearing up price *oc
For the balance of the sea
we will sell all staw hats 1-3
off regular prices. $1.50 hats
now $1.oo; sl.oo straw hats
now 65c; soc straw hats now
On bargain counter 100 prs
75c, #l, $1.5,0 Oxford ties and
slippers. Elegant goods.
Closing and clearing up
price 50 cents.
Come to the chautauqua
sure. We want to shake your
hand and have you make our
store your stopping place.
200 Fine Oxford Mills Men's Undershirts 15c, 200 Ladies’
Vest the 10c kind at sc, 200 Silk Lace and Tape Vest, 20c kind
at 10c, Ladies's pure Silk Vest now 25c* Our dressmaking de
partment will make up thin dress goods bought of us at h3 off
former prices
Are You Nervous ?
Do You Feel Stupid ?
It is DellQlittol, Refreshings
6ures Heoflaohe and Quiets the Nerves
A splendid nerve tonic and cures that “tired feeling.
Get rid of that exhaustion by taking a glass. For sale at all
soda founts; only 5 cents a glass. Try it
Dispensed in Barnesville at the founts of*^^
In our dress goods depart
ment we have an 8c summer
dress goods counter. On this
counter we have placed our
entire stock of figured organ
dies, percales, lappets, swisses,
lawns, etc. Pormer prices 12,
15, 18,20, and 25cts. per yard.
All nqw at Bc.
On this counter you will
find many bargains. Goods
formerly 8 and locts. per yard
put here for a cleaning up at
5 cents.
Don’t forget our stock of
ladies fine shoes are the best
in the city. We handle the
Krippendorf and Drew and
Selby ladies fine shoes.
We will rent anything in
our furniture department to
boarding houses, hotels, etc.
during chautauqua week at
reasonable prices. Make con
tracts early to be sure you get
what you want.
All wash goods, lawns, lin
ens, embroideries, laces, are
offered at greatly reduced
prices to close down stock.
Your credit will be good
here till Sept. Ist.