Newspaper Page Text
(Ik Jfloiitgomtri)
D. C. SUTTON, Ediri and Prop'r. MT. VERNON. MONTGOM ERY 00.. <! A., THURSDAY, APRIL I. 1886.
What constitutes noble man
And fitly measures life's brief sp«. i?
The breath of fame?
A titled name/
Some creed believed?
Some deed achieved?
’Hie idle pomp of kingly
The empty trappings x?C an hour?
those who prize the crowd’s behest
Stand slaves to folly’s train confessed,
IRbjoy a day
Os sordid sway,
Or glory won • ~
On Marathon.
'Or Burmah’s gold with ease attained,
Or widened realms ignobly gained.
But grander far than pow er or pelf
The soul’s dominion over self.
A heart aglow
For others' w oe,
The high-born thoughts
The grandly-wrought
Resolve attuned to exalted end;
These noble manhood e’er attend.
Who thus fulfils his Maker's trust,
In sample love of virtue, must,
His name enshrined
By all his kind,
Enwreathed upon
The escutcheon
Os true renown, complete his days
’Mid earth and heaven's conspiring praise.
IT. //. A .oJVr, in the Current.
A woman’s account.
I Mary Tucker Magill, in the Independ
-1 ent , gives an account of what was done
at Richmond in the last days of the Con
federacy, from which we quote as fol
lows :
Never did the sun shine more bril
liantly than on the 2d day of April, 1865,
a day long to be remembered by all those
who anchored their hopes to the dying
“rause." It was the Sabbath day, and as
• < I was entering the Rev. Dr. Iloge’s
church, I saw a friend who was an offi
cer in the commissary department.
■“What news?” I asked.
“All quiet,” was the answer. “A
dearth of Sunday rumors; even the croak
ers are quiet and peaceful, and were un- 1
disturbed by a few shots along the lint?
u early this morning. I did see some strag- i
3L glers looking at t!ic bulW®M butard ao,’^
' j! think Richmom is sl'afc. 5 ” I
“Never safer. She made a narrow es
cape from being starved out, a few wee ks
*go; and this fright cued the people ii to
crowding their provisions into the city;
and I was assured this morning, by Ci p
tain H. that we had not been so safe or
I expressed my joy at the assurance;
and wc passed into the church togetl r
My seal, was very far forward, anc I
scarcely noticed what I remembered aft r- j
ward, that there was a slight confus on
during the service. At the summons of
the sexton, one person after another 1 est ;
the church. Among these was the mayor
of the city and the medical director of the
army. | .
Dr. Hoge had finished his sermon and
the closing prayer, and was reading the
-byhi 3, when flic sexton handed him a
note. Thinking it was some notice to be
given out, the reverend gentleman laid it
besid ! him and finished his task; and
then, in turning to his seat, red the note.
In a ■ ;cond, before the choir had time to
sonnr, the first note of praise, he turned
back to his reading desk; and those who
saw him can never forget the change
which that ir Aienthail wrought. “Win
ters of sorrowSseemed to have rolled
over ffi- face in th:\t second of time. So
marked was the change that the whole i
congregation rose toitheirfeetasoneman,
and stood as with suspended shriek,
awaiting their flootfa from his lips It
Btaas delayed for on/ moment, while, with
■■*-1 • til' I.■•nil -peak II:
msm' t
i /
T;"’-'.-•'Hut n. Farewell
to your homes, and remember
™ amidst all these waves of sorrow that your
father holds the helm.”
Then, although he had not told us, we
knew that the fate of Richmond was !
sealed. Thereafter followed a scene
which beggars description. There was
little noisy demonstration, though a
woman could be heard crying here and
there; hut faces were distorted with
grief, though few tears were slied. Now
that thf; inevitable hail arrived, I do not
remember any recriminations or bitter
criticisms. We were one in sorrow
and sympathy. If errors had been
m? leJ this was no time to re
i call Idem ped the
handvof friends a on the eve of a long
I parting-a parting where life's hope* lie
ft Mad. There
I that, funeral Lee had said that a move
H for the Confeder.i v. and we women
sei/i <\ nit a- i "drowning man catches
*o ea< oti-cr t hat t;.i- a- t
BB turr and we
Hues cor. i- ot;,
that . . The it. t
' -cr.; e M'e
nEga*; I
against the sacking of the city, which
was confidently predicted. Richmond
had for so long been the hone ttf conten
tion between the two armies that the ac
cumulated horrors of the whole war were
W'e women moved about, seeking out
our friends and trying to buoy them up
with the report of what General Lee had j
said. It is true that we received very !
little encouragement: hut in spite of thi-.
and of our sinking hearts, we uttered ]
brave words and deceived ourselves into j
declaring that we were “perfectly satis
tied and confident tlmt our Cause Wits
Amid these scenes the day wore away,
and gave place to a night whose terrors
have rarely been surpassed in our happy
land. The army was leaving the city all
night; friends parted from friends, Ims- i
hand from wife, father from child; tender '
maidens sent away their lovers with smiles
gil'ding their tears, with brave words and
fainting hearts. Hundreds of citizens
determined to leave with the army, and
every available vehicle was pressed into
service. But soon a more formidable en
emy than the beseiging army asserted the
mastery over the city. Who gave the
order for firing the tobacco warehouses
will never he known. Probably it was
done without authority, and due to the j
recklessness of some individual.
The houses occupied a position in the
heart of the city, and from them the fire
spread rapidly; and. as a fearful addition
to the horror of the hungry flames, a mob
! of hungry men, women and children
went from place to place breaking open
warehouses, and appropriating whatever
j fell to their hands. With a desire to pre
i vent the mob and the incoming army
from getting hold of the spirits, which
was stored by the government, orders
were given by the city officials to pour it
| into the streets. The. gutters ran with
it; and men, like swine, stooped and
drank from the mire; and soon the flame,
recognizing a kinship with the fiery
stream, leaped to meet it, and roaring,
crackling and dashing in blue, red and
yellow waves, the two demons whirled
down the streets, carrying destruction
with them, and driving the frightened
crowd before.
At daybreak our shaken nerves were
shattered by repeated terrific explosions
following in rapid succession. It. was
the blowing up of the ironclads, whose
' advent had been welcomed with such
hope. Unable to rest in the house, a
; friend and myself started out just after
A to see what the condition of*’ Soldiers crossed each other
™rrying alter their comrades, or, with
sullen faces, returning home; hundreds
of men and wowen came pouring up the
streets with the spoils of the night upon ,
them; here was a woman rolling a barrel 1
of flour before her, followed by a child j
groaning under ahasket too heavy for his
strength; there was a man with a box of
bacon, and another with a box of shoes;
and, for a background to the scene, the
lurid smoke rose toward heaven and
j through its angry blackness the rising
■ sun sent its beams.
As the day progressed the horrors in
creased. Some recklessly wicked person
had cut the hose, and so all attempt to
put out the fire was hopeless. It had
progressed from the business portion of
the town to the homes of the people.
[Fugitives filled the streets, who had only
escaped with their lives from their burn
i ng buildings. Then a succession of rapid
a|nd terrific explosions frightened us anew.
We thought the enemy had entered, and
vverc at their dread work of ven
geance. We soon found that it was the
Jrsenal and the Tredegar works, which
were not to be cheated of their work of
destruction, and were pouring their mur
derous shot and shell into the helpless,
dying city, as if to vent their impotent
nige. One more horror did I witness
About 10 o’clock, just before the en
: trance of the Federal army, a cry of dis
may ran all along the streets which were
out of the track of the fire; and I saw a
crowd of leaping, shouting demons, in
parti-colored clothes, and with heads
half shaven. It was the convicts from
j the penitentiary, who had overcome the
i guard, set fire to the prison, and were
now at liberty. Many a heart which had
kept its courage to this point, quailed at I
the sight. Fortunantely, they were too
intent upon securing their frei dorn to do
much damage. With the Federal army
came protection. What we had looked
forward to tis our word evil was a hless
j jng, by bringing reason to our distracted
people. By organized exertion the fire
was controlled, and by night sank down
to a smouldering, angry mu- , ready to
break out at a moment’s notice.
The fire had licked up everything con- j
snmable around three sides of the Capitol i
square, and the old Capitol building
stood alone, like a Greek monument in ]
the midst of the ruins of Athens. I pon >
the green grass of the square were col- i
! leeted hundreds of men. women and
children, who had been “burned out.”
In utter destitution they lay there, and
looked up at the stars and stripes which
floated over them, a token of their defeat
and humiliation.
One week passed. Another Sabbath
! found u* still looking for "good news
from the fugitive army. We went to
! church, but were forbidden to offer
prayers for the success of our arms. Our
hearts vented themselves in silent peti
tions. When absent friends w ere prayed
for we all “wrote between the lines ” A
Baptist minister prayed.
•O. I gird I Thou knowest what we so
earnestly desire and dare notask for in
words. Grant it. oh. Lord: Grant it!
About eight o’clock we were sittingto
gether silent, with tense nerve and ach
ing hearts, when the sound of a gun
hr sc the stillness. Another and another
followed. We counted breathlessly un
til ve had numbered one hundred: and
tha’ was all. AH'; No. not quite.
Pck ng my head from the window. I
». * I s soldier who .a f-.g: “What
is the meaning of that tiring?
«* sUB in:o facto fori iter."
The nnswer came:
“Them guns is fired to celebrate tho
surrender of General Leo’s army, mail- j
And tuat was all.
A Dangerous Practical Joke.
Recently some manufacturer bus |
| adopted a method of “loading" cigars »>I
| a certain brand with a chemical cartridge
w hich takes fire soon after the weed is
lighted. There is no sudden explosion
which shatters tho wrapper and sends
i fragments of burning tobacco in all tli
-1 rectidns, biit from tile end of the cigar a
stream of tire shoots out to n distance of
about three feet in a direct line. It makes
a matt look for a few seconds as it ho
were a gas tank and held a piece of
broken gas pipe in his month. The man
i is in no danger so long as he keeps still
' and lets the cigar sputter aw ay. To hold
the weed firmly in the teeth at such a
moment is a-better test of a man's nerve
than to hang on to the end of a burning
Roman candle. The chief danger to be
feared is that some man may drop a cigar
and start a conflagration ii' he attempts
to smoke indoors.
In otte department of the city govern
meat the clerks have found much amuse
ment, lately in dealing out cigais ol tin
l new brand and waiting forthe displays ol
pyrotechnics. They suddenly abandoned
| that form of diversion a few days ago,
on account of an unexpected accident.
One of the clerks had presented n cigar
to an official, but it had been consigned
to theofficial’s pocket until a more eon
j venient time for smoking. That time
came when the official got on
the front platform of a street
car and borrowed a “light” from
a stout German. The heads were close
together, and the official was sucking the
fire from the end of the German’s half
burned weed, when there was a fizz like
that which attends the flight of a rocket .
A stream of fire playeil directly into
the German’s face, scorching his check
and obliterating one large, red tide
whisker in an instant. The German
jumped off the car with a howl of
anguish. He was followed by tho as
tonished official, who began to make an
“You make one pig joke," screamed
the German, “but I has you arrested. ”
The official was obliged to show his
shield and give. the name of the clerk
who had furnished the obnoxious cigar
before the German would believe his ex
planation. A day or two later the clerk
received a letter from the German’s law
yer stating that a suit for damages had
been authorized. Fearing that his post
tion in the department would be forfeited
if the facts came to the notice of a eom-
I missioner, the clerk man haste to ettle.
I The sum of money which wa m died as
a salve to the German's outraged feelings
made a big hole in the clerk’s monthly
pay. Warned by his experience, lhe
other clerks have since been experiment
ing with cigars “loaded” only with the
teeth extracted from rubber combs. The
fumes of burning rubber mixed with to
bacco smoke have turned the stomachs
of several case-hardened smokers. —A cm
York Tribune.
An Antiseptic Climate.
One of the most curious results of my
observations is that the climate of Duma
raland possesses what we might, call an
antiseptic character for several months
of every year. The quality is an attend
ant of the long annual drought. Every
living thing suffers during that period
from the excessive heat, and much com
fort is impossible, even in the shade,
while, in places exposed to the warm
winds, tlu; thermometer has risen to 129
degrees; and the sand, uninoistened for
six months, becomes so hot that I have
seen eggs hardened in it. This arid heat
is opposed to the propagation of ferment,
for it dries up everything that is exposed
to the wind before it has time to sour.
No manifestations of tuberculosis are
known. Wounds of every kind heal re
markably quickly and well, without
enough suppuration taking place to make
the bandages stick. The manner in
which large, neglected wounds heal of
themselves would form an interesting
study for a professional surgeon, f ob
! served a case of a Herero whose right
lower arm hail been shattered in battle
by a musket ball. The healing process
had worked itself out in such away that
the whole lower arm with all its muscles
had become withered and useless, while
the upper-arm bone was whole and cov
ered at its lower end only with the brown
j skin. All the muscles and ligaments of
j the elbow-joint had vanished, while the
| shoulder-muscles remained, so that the
! unpleasant spectacle was presented of the
| man appearing to gesticulate with his
bones. A woman lived at our station i
• whose feet had been barbarously cut off j
1 in some war several years before, so tlmt J
! her captors might more easily get off the j
1 iron ornament which the Herero woman
wear on their ankles. Although th<
woman had to lie helpless for a long
tune, her wounds eventually healed up,
and now she has been hopping around on
her knees for thirty years.— Pi/jmlur
Science Monthly.
An Elephantine Child.
Mr. John Hout. who re-ides near Elli
cottvill, has probably the greatest prodigy
: in the shape of a child ever seen anywhere
in this section. The child in question is
a hoy, whose third birthday occurred
Wednesday last, at which time he ;
weighed 105 pounds in his shirt sleeve
and stocking-. He iaonly about four feet ;
tall. His limbs and feet resemble those
of an elephant in shape and size more
than those of .a human being, and his en
\ tire body is correspondingly large. lie is
healthy and robust, never having been
sick a day in his life, and th'-re seems to
be no diseases to account for hi- prodig
ions size. Both i/f his parent-, are of
small stature, neither of them weighing to
exceed 125 pounds. Port Jervi* (A. Y.j
A Redeem iu« Feature Xol * lint
Kind of a Ring Letting the Cat
Out Warmed the Thermome
ter -Got the ilol). Ete.
■ Charley Highflyer: “Hello, ol’feller. 1
see you are wearing your watch again. ’
Jimmy Tuffboy: “Yes; got it back
Charley; “That’s funny."
Jimmy: “What’s funny?”
Charley: “Why, I heard a lady say the
other day that you hadn’t a redeeming ,
feature. ” — Rambler.
Not that Kind of a King.
“Deep in the satin recesses,” his letter
ran, “of this fairy box you will find a
ring. I had it made for you, to inclose,
as it wero, my sentiments on this joyful
Her heart stood still.
“How beautiful 1” she murmured, ns
she took up the box! “How simple and
poetic away of asking mo to be his wife,
and so direct. Ah I” and she kissed the
bluish paper, and tenderly untied the
string. . .
“I tremble,” she whispered. “Will it
be a diamond, or a ruby, or a ”
It. was neither. It was a napkin
ring.— iS'an Francium Chronicle.
Letting the Cat. Out.
She was in the parlor entertaining
young Dr. Pillgarlie while her big sister
was putting the finishing touches to her
toilet up-stairs. While she was munch-I
ing the candy he had given her, she sud
denly put her hand to her cheek.
“Oh, dear, I’ve get toof-achel”
“That’s too bad, ” he said sympatheti
“I wish my tees was like sister Lil
lie’s,” she said, artlessly.
“Why?” ho asked.
“Then when they ached T could take
take’em out an’ put ’em in a mug till
they got through.”
And then sister Lillie, who had en
tend, led her out with the remark that
“little girls should have been in bed long
ago.” - -Sam. the Searuvwtich.
Warmed (lio Thermometer.
Over in the treasury a story is told at
thi expense of a high oflicial. The air in
thi- room was rather chilly, hut the clerks
found busily si work in thi ir light
office coats. They had warmed the bulb ,
of the thermometer up to seventy five,and
awaited developments. The official re i
marked that it was cold mid shivered and
looked uneasily about the room. A clerk
leisurely glanced at. (hr* Ihermomcleraad
esw it was very com I'm I a bio. Tin ii- ml
looked and saw and wondered
“I think I must have a e!,dl,” he said,
but he wen* to 'ns <i
Pretty soon the eh rk in front of him
deliberately pulled oil bis coat and re .
sumed work.
“I am sure I must have a chill,” again ;
remarked the official, but every clerk had
his nose down to business, and hadn't :
time to answer.
“Good heavens!” exclaimed another in
a loud aside, pulling off his coal.
The official, slill mil tiled in his over
coat and shivering, went over again and j
looked at the thermometer. A elerk
had in the meantime applied the lighted
end of a eigar to the bulb, and themer- j
rury bail jumped to eighty.
“Dearriie!”said Iheollieial, “I’m afraid
I’m going to be sick.” After a little he j
pulled on hisglovesimd started for home,
took quinine and went to bed. When he
returned to the office next day the story
met him in the corridor, lie says it i
all right; he is well, and the fellows who i
played it on him are sneezing their heads j
off. PUUtbwrg J)i*piite,li.,
Got the .Fob.
The other morning a hoy about four
teen years of age knocked at the door of a
house on Brush street, and asked tho
woman if she didn’t want the snow
cleaned off the walk.
“How much?” she cautiously inquired.
“Thirty cents.”
“1 won’t pay it. If you want to do the
work for ten cents vou can go ahead.”
He leaned on the handle of his snow |
shovel and looked thoughtful, arid she [
finally queried :
“Well, what do you say?”
“ft’s just as that woman around the
corner told me,” he replied, “I hoveled
off iier snow and she gave rno fifty cents. \
I told her I was coming to you, and she :
said ”
“f don’t know her. What business is
it to her. ”
“Yes, but ”
“What did she say?”
“She said I'd get left She said that
any woman who wore a plush deque and
pa-sed it off for a thr'-e-hundred-dollar
sealskin would be mean enough to go
out nights and shovel her own snow.”
“Boy!” whispered the woman as she
turned white clear around her neck, “f
want you to clean off the -now. When
you are through I’ll give you a silver
dollar and ( want you to go around and
tell that woman that, any one who buys
and wears dollar store, jewelry and four
tin shilling shoes hasn't got sense
enough to fall off a bob-tailed car!”—
Detroit Fro:
Tough on Tommy.
“Tommy, will yon have ome more
pudding, rny son? asked Mr- Smiley at.
the burls; -i.t- dim ; -r. 'There wa- i large
company present and she spoke very
pleasantly to Tommy, for she was afraid
ne might i«- disagreeable. Tommy was
in the habit f makixg disagreeable re
marks wh> i Here was company
“1 don t know whether I will take any j
more pudding or not. You are always j
saying that I-at as much as four boys. |
“Why, Tommy, you know better than
“Yes, you and pa arc always saying I’m
Ino better than a pig. Are you sure
enough in earnest when you ask me if I
want some mere pudding?"
“Tommy, i m ashamed of you. Won’t
you have some more pudding, just a little
more, come now, that’s a good boy, said
Mrs. Smiley, looking at him as if she
would like to skiu him alive.
“Well,” replied Tommy, defiantly,
“I’m in a tix. If I say I want some more
pudding, then you’ll say after the folks
are gone that the little pig had to have
pudding twice. If I don’t take any more
pudding, then you’ll say that 1 ate so
much turkey that 1 couldn’t eat any morn
puddln’ when you offered it to me.
Blamed if 1 know what to say. A New
York boy lias a tough time of it, any
how. ” Texas Sift iny*.
Tho Indian Question.
A tall and commanding-looking Indian
from the Canada side, having a big
back load of door-mats on hisjback, was
tramping up Randolph street yesterday
when a man in a saloon beckoned him
in. The red man’s face lighted up with
a “ten-cents apiece” smile of satisfaction
as he walked in. There were three men
present, and they seemed to ho in a
hilarious state.
“See here old oopper-face,” said one,
as ho shut and locked tho door, “I’m
down on Injuns, first, Inst, and all tho
I time. They shot an uncle of mine, and
I’vo sworn revenge. Maybe you are
ready to take the ull firedost licking a
redskin ever got I”
“JIu!" replied the Indian,as ho looked
from onn to tho other.
“Anil the varmints scalped and
roasted ray grandmother I" put in the
second white man. “I didn’t care par
ticularly about, the old lady, but it’s the
principle of the thing 1 look at. I’vo
got to have Injun blood I”
“Hill" satil tho Indian,os beseemed to
catch on.
“And I,” put in tho third man, “am
down on Injuns in a general way After
these other two fellers have got through
with you I propose to walk on the man
gled remains. Lot tho performance now
! begin 1”
11. begun. People who looked in at
the windows could see nothing. I’eo
pie who got a look through the open
door saw hats, door mats, saw dust, and
chairs hovering in the air, hut not for
long. In about three minutes the red
man stalked forth, somewhat,
and a little hit worn away, but he had
not. lost a drop of blood nor a door mat.
Inside the saloon ail was peaceful end
1 serene. The mao whose uncle was shot
was lying under a table; the one "■ Imsc
-grandmother wns shot seemed hying
awful hard t.o remember how the affair
bet'lln slid the oc,: who went, in on gen
i il ■ , ijih was looking out of two
bi t ,cm at a ruined nose.
tic'' called tin: Indian as hn was
rein ly to move on.
But. no one hewed. Detroit Free Free*.
Gates of lliipiiinesa.
All men and women should rejoice to
remain part child all through life, how
eve r long its course may run. The games,
1 the dance, the anecdote, the assembly of
friends, tho feast, arc as much a part of
! humanity as its natural power to laugh
or to perceive the points of wit. Amuse
inent is one of the forms of human hap
i piness. The happiness, like old Thebes,
lias a hundred gates for its coming and
going the gate of tears, for man weeps
when In-is nappy, amid music or in re
visiting his mother’s home; the gate of
pens! vouch q for ho is happy when ho
rends “Gray s Elegy,” or walks in the
rustling autumn leaves; the gate of ad
miration, for man is happy amid the
beauty of nature and of art,; the gate of
friendship, when heart finds its com pan
j ion heart; the gate of hope, for man is
happy when the coming days are pictured
with these angel figures of expectation.
Os these hundred gates of happiness,
amu-ement makes onir—planned by the
Builder of human life It must open be
fore us and we may all pass in and out as
long as the heart shall remain unbroken
by death or grief. Urn. humid, Swing.
Wasted Sympathy.
Sympathetic Visitor (to convict)
“What brought you to this unfortunate
| place, my poor fellow?”
Gonviet— “Prize fightiri’ sir.”
Sympathetic Visitor-—“Ah, Indeed;
prize fighting. I suppose you feel the
disgrace of your present position keenly
at times?”
Gonviet “Disgrace, sir? I knocked
my man out on the second round.”— New
York Sun.
Taken fn.
With the ti'-r'-o I,mi constrictor he hart oorne
utr a victor
In the jungles of tropic Brazil,
And the wil’d (tlligater and things of that
He said 'twos a pleasure to kill.
*1 was n cold day and drizzly whenever a
Or a panther could rnuke him afraid,
And tropical vermin that set people squirmin’
Didn t terrify him the least shade.
Jf<- aid he had men a wild roaring hyena
Quail nurl crotch at the glance of Ids eye,
And an African lion that be had his eye on,
Was '-aim as a pig in a sty.
Ho the p ,pie of Newsviile, this bruiser from
Bruf*) vlllo,
Regarded with feeling* of ewe,
And this ts»a-tfill new corner for the whole of
one soruiner,
Regaled them with tales of hi* jaw.
Jin' dills from the tailor and plumber and
Piled up on his Oilile unpaid,
And ’twin misery and woe, sir, to the butcher
and gr'sy-r
To whom he awarded hi* trade.
Tic and dressmaker, the *tald under
The painter, the printer, the priest.
Hie . hmi and lish dealer, the medical healer.
tie . vi rid led from greatest to least.
Ho when -nriug was a budding he left on a
I This man of such valiant renown.
He left every creditor as poor as an editor,
For had “stuck" every man in the town.
Lyrm tfni&n.
localities, of natural beauties, of the ap
pearaneo of a street or a city no idea of
what they look like is formed in his
mind, and none conics to him in the tall
ies of his sleep.
A blind man has been known to dream
of a ('host, and he thus tells the story:
“ I heard a voice at the door, and I said :
“ Bless me, if that ain’t John,” and 1
took him by the sleeve; it was his shirt
sleeve I felt, and I was afraid of him.
Then I dreamed that he continued to
frighten me, as I knew that In' was dead.
I thought that I was being pushed by
his ghost. Then I woke up, and felt no
more.” Our blind friend at the home
often dreams of In ing out in the street or
in the country, hut ho did not dream that
ho saw the street or the scenery in the
country, but he felt the open air of the
country, and recognized the street, he
cause he was dreaming of one along
which he had frequently walked.
Curious and full of interest as are the
dreams of the blind of every condition,
there is a elass of blind people whoso
sleeping impressions arc of especial inter
est- that class of unfortunate people who
become blind when quite young, at a
period when external objects, and the
outward world generally, had just begun
to make an impression upon them. Much
blind people sometimes, Imt not always,
dream that they cun see; but in their
vision they see things with the eyes of
childhood, and they never dream of any
t scene or object except those which, like
dim recollection, have remained in the
memory from what they actually saw b<-
fore they became blind. A blind man
who was stricken at the age of five years
and never visited the country dreams of
seeing city streets, city house* or rity
parks, but never of country scenery, of a
railroad, or of a river, and ho vice versa.
As often as not thir class of blind per
sons dream as if they had never been
blind at all, and at other times as if all
memory of blindness had passed from
them. —Philadelphia Jlerord.
The I*resident’* Musical Taste.
“President Cleveland has a good ear
for music, Imt his favorite tunes are
popular enough, goodness knows,” writes
a Washington correspondent of the Bos
ton Traveller. “Since he has been in the
White House he has said that there were
two melodies that be was always glad to
listen to. When questioned in regard to
them, he replied that they were ‘Auld
bang Syne’ and ‘Listen to the Mocking
Bird.’ ' He enjoys the lighter music,
and is particularly fond of negro melo
dic A min-trel entertainment pleases
Mr. Cleveland beyond anything else, but
he will not by at a comic opera, pro
viding the music is bright and clever and
the girls pretty and interesting. 'I he
President is very much like the rest of us
in this respect. He hasn’t been a regular
patron of the theatre since he haa been in
Washington, but thatds probably owing
to the fact that the entertainments havn’t
been to his liking when he has had the
leisure to attend. Mr. Cleveland doesn’t
take much interest in the emotional
drama, the melodramatic or tragedy, be
dtime lie goes to the theatre to be amused,
and as a pleasant relaxation from the
duties and responsibilities of his high
position.” '
A Chicago man pays SIO,OOO a year for
j one pew in church.