The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 29, 1886, Image 2

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THK MONITOR. Judge Cb»rl»»C. Kibbco For Governor. So bettor selection could t>o mmle to fill the guberfmtol il chair tlian tl.< nunic that lic.ula this article. We <b> nut know that Judge Kibboo in an aapiraiit for the (Jovernoialiip, bnt we are satisflcd that »vere lie chosen from among the muiiy be would not decline. I’vcrv where that Judge Kibben has been placed he wan found equal to tin emergency. Ah a Hold i er, brave and true; as a statesman, fearless and nntir ing; as a judicial officer, pure and tin Hclfim, and without a peer in Georgia. Indeed ho has filled every position with ability and honest integrity, reflecting a halo of glory on Georgia’s fair name. JJut his modest, aeusitivc and refilled nature nnUla him for the political trick ery and wire-working of modern poll ! tics, hence his noil-appearance among the rcuflling politicians of the day. 1 1’inc Kovcnt. Our Position. hiimtc-r Republican. As wo expected, tho position bi -umetl by this journal in the ('ongres ioual | race has called forth wide-spread com ment on the part of the pi* ■ and lie-I people. Borne few have a aimed tli*• i privilege which the lli.ri ui.t v'.' hits | never extended, nml for which the few named receive no thanks, of lemon- i striding iiii*l advising. Many nmr. i have commended publicly our p* ition and a great many bavc naturally re nisi lied silent. The Ki.i i iitJCAN never takes a pos j tiou without first carefully weighing j the question. Jt. never takes one nil less il be for the good of tho country, and it very seldom fails of carrying its* point. To fair miuib l icon it has cTer shown itself r me* re. The ltioi’Cuu*'an confess sto receive tho approaches of those who a line the right ti> remonstrate nnd to (ss one' of t o “brethren" expressed il) “in terofero" with it in its pursuit of wind j it ooueeives its duty, with no thanks for the author’s “wisdom" and with' contempt for Ins audacity. < lur position in favor of the eipiita ble and just claims of tho Hist, has j boon comm* ndod in every county in the district, mid by many without it. Wo ha VO no qua. rol wi h those win* iliuugrco with us. We hive harsh words for lioue. Those who think it equitable and just for us to keep tin nflloo iu Ai-'cnous always, and to keep! one man always in office, who think that we ought to adopt tho selfish motto “Let him keep who has the j |K)»er," need expect no alia ’k from n upon the purity and intiiolion of their, motives. While wo diiTur with them in their opinion, wo do not impute to- j tseiu unworthy motives iu favor of that opinion, but sliall earnestly, calm ly argue that however pure from bias i then opinions may be, they mom oils. Ti e lturt’iiUe vN flglils not f< r men, but for principle. W*' do notehiim that Air. Walter T. McArthur ought to co to Congress so Uliii’h as we claim that il i patriotic, it is right to clioeso a man from bis side of tho river. It is true we believe him the most available man at this timo upon the Last, that lie is the , choice of the niaj wily on his side. While we believe it the duty of the * district to send a man from the wire-' grass section, wo also believe it their , duty to name a proper person. This they have done. From our knowledge of both men. Mr. McArthur is fully the peer of Mr. Ciisp. \s a student, of political nfl'airs lies is far superior. Mr. Crisp for instance is a member oi the commitoo on Commerce. This strikes us as the irony of fate. IK knows no more of Commerce than a sailor dot's of the Supreme couit re ports of Georgia. \\ e need fewer law vers and mor* men of liosiiic-■», more farmers, manufacturers and merchants, in the lin’ds of Congress. Tho Crisp men assume that he has made a “brilliant” record. This ie cord we will uot di cuss, except to s.q not a measure 1,..s lie ei'her carri’ t or defeatt'd, not n speech has lie ma i that intlaeuei .1 tli > vote of ( . : . :e i"ta. Iu the Georgia delegation nix 1 daunt, Hammond, Turner m 1 Nor wood, till of whom arc eon.- h red a r, nn're iuilueiitid than tie. Mr. vuruer has made a distinctive reputation as a great bador and aide lawyer - Chsir lii tii of the important -'amn.iiti'e . INeCtiolls. Mr. I hoil.t Is consul* red oil*'of till) solidcHt and nv'st ceiiscrr,;- , five leaders oil ike |V ..leeiatn; si--.**, j being no chairman of the committee on p .st I>dices mill pest load's. Air. , H umu nd is relied np.m mere t m , imv man from <• ■ igia, or with t e , excel‘lion of ll.tiiihiil, in tho l nited States When an parly de bate is spuing, and on constitutional questions to our side his word is law, being the ne'inowv’edgod constitutional \ lawyer of the boils'*, la dcoato Vr we *d receives the applause of both tl »or raid galleries, itud his pol.• .1 t wit, saiea-iii and irony drive the He- d '• . • ' Crisp i- i.o Hpciik* r, mi orator. If*; is i man of lat lit'l<- education except “ ilnit learned upon the bciieh iii the my -1 <•* i« ol Geotgi.i law. As ith those of whom wu have spoken he < inuot o compare. e The associated press dispallics till J ns that h** made a speech not long since at which seven person*, were present in t the gallery, and six he id* him-elf were y; on the floor, ’i h! > docs not look like j a man who has a goal deal of influence, - I 11**1 OIK wlio lias the ears of Pol*press to • any v* :y alarming extent. I i lienee when w* say it is duo the i tl>- - er side to name the n. *u, »vc f * i that to mini*! one superior to our pr* cut tepre . j sentativo is not an imposibility. This * ; is our position. 4,S • | Stonewall Jackson, i: About daylight upon tie: Sunday of hi- I death Mik. ,T,;ek on informed him Ida ' • recovery was wiy doubtful, and that it was better that h* 1 should be prep ad for the worst. He wax silent for it moi/iem itud thi n said: “11 will be infinite gain to be t ransluted to Heaven." Head'.: * d his w ife ill Hie ] event of his d* ath, to return to lo r f.ttli -1 j it’s house, and added: | ••You have a kind .it’d good father, but there is no one so kind and good c.syour ‘ I Heavenly Father." lb; still expressti a hope that ! *■ would | recover, but requested liar, if !e- sho'ild j die, to {have him buried in L -xing-i I tell, ill tho valley of Virginia. Hi-a ) exhaustion inereiis 1 so'olly that !at 11 o’clock Mrs. Jackson knelt by bis j bad mid told him Hint before the an! I wont down lie would be with Ids Savi oir. | lie replied; “O, no! You are frigl. - | fined, my child. Death is not. i; * near. I may yet get well.” Slie fell upon the bed weeping bitterly I mill again told him, amid her t ms mol ; subs, that I 111) physiemus dech ard that ! i there was no longer any hope of his i 1 ! cuvery. After a moment's pause he j ! i.skeil her to cull tho family pliy-ieLm. “Doctor," lie said, as the plij* ician entered the room, “Auiih inform d j , that, you have told her lam to it to j day. Is it so?" vVlien lie was aufc’.vi’rcd in tho uh’.n* i i five, he turned his suukeu eyes toward tlm ceiling anil gazed for a niuue at jor two as if in intense thought, then looked at the friends ids nt him mid • . i I . soft 1 \ : “Very good, very good;it i;M! ii:;V." Then turning to lii.s heart bro;,. u » i I* - lie tried to comfort lu r. He toi*i ;e-i shat tiler" was mill’ll II" iliv.iivd to t II !o i but that ho Was too weak for the umh r- I taking. t'ol. rVndlt'ton, e:r a info (!.*> r “im I about 1 o'clock. Gen. Jacksi.ii asked j him. j “Who is preachieg at llio lies ' i tors to-day V" i When told in r. ply that the whoh’ ; armv was praying for him. he replied: ‘‘Thank God! they are very kind." I Than tin added: “It. is tho Lord’s day; my wish is fulfilled. I have always do ! sired to die on Biindny." Blowly his mind began I" fail and wail -1 der, and lie frequently talked in his deli j riuin as if in command of bis army on i the field of battle. He would giv ■ or ders to his aides in Ins old way, and then , the scent) was changed. II” w. .at the I mess table in conversation with members j "f start’; new with his wife mid child; now |at prayers with liismilitary family. ().•- i crtsioual intervals of his mind would ap -1 near, and during one of them the iih.v-.i --! I’iiill offered the dying man some brand: 1 and water, lint iio declined it, -aving: “It will only delay my A part ire and do no good; 1 want to preserve my mind to last, if possible.” A few mom bas *’ • •• ! n’ tho dying warrior ei u J out i.i liis iNli.i uui: “Order P. Hill to prepare for no- • lion!” “l'ass the infantry to the fe wt j i rapidly.” “Tell Maj. Hawks ”t! >n * his v*'i*’i' v* .v. - 1 1. i;: a**. .1 : i . ’ 1 e * mnined nnflni-Hed, An instant later a : mile of inert’iblel sweetness mi l purity ad its. If <>vcr! bis calm, pale face, nt 1 t!.»' h kirgnp ward and *lii.i’.’!y raisin * hi. h , uts. lu> ! said quietly and with. *i < . "e • • e life: “Let ua cross the riv.-r :r 1 *\ t un der the shade of the tr - .” \ti.l without sign ■ s’r ; -V or of [mill llis spirit Passed a wav. V.* is death ever so sweet and pe ’.’fill? Was ever iv t so anticipated or 1! .veil so reveal ed ? F'.' x 't I’iuvouti; s—An America Went ie one of Ins friends win) was siek in a hospital, “Well, and how are you getting along?” he as .. “Radiy, ok! man, very badly. The doctor ha- j i-t told nt- ti . if I turned i v.«r on my left side it would kill uic im mediately.” “A >a i;ei ;e ma.” “It i- a- a- I tuive told you.” ‘*l * ” ‘•ion '. e‘: believe if. Weil, I bet '.-•tc. ’’it > • ‘TI! take it.” •‘Well, th ‘ii, leak here,” and the sick man turned i ver ami dled. liis friend depi’s.. a-; d bill on < o - .Ie of the bed and It V' ' ■ The T'.neit Diamond ia tho *>V.-. t I’* 1. tie- Laid *:i Tim.— in August, IHHI, tho arrival of the ccl ■ ebrated |.'*7-f:arat fine white diamond t from South Africa was announced, and it- subsequent purchase by a syndicate i of London and Paris diamond merchants. • Tho pern was intrusted to the care of one i of the most skillful cutters, who has been ■ engaged on the stone during tho past ■ eight months, and expects to complete the work iu April, i As anticipated, the stone will turn oat the most wonderful “brilliaut-cnt" dia mond on record, surpassing ill weight, * as also, it is believed, in color purity and lustie, all tho crown and historical Grill i ants of the world. The stone iu it-, al most flushed state we ighs still thiO carats, : but, in order to pive it the b*-t possible , shape end lustre, it is intended to ;educe ; its weight to soinef ihng under 200 carats. The K ih-i-imor weighs only 100 carats, 11 the Regent of Trance 1301 carats, tic • Star of the South 12a carats, and the :iv rott ‘2{ carats. The Great Mogul weighs 270 carats. It is, hov.'.’v.r, a lumpy stone, only rose-ent, and if cut to a proper-shaped bnUi .nt it would prob ably not weigh more than MO carats. What Corsets Hava Dona. “Take off your corset.” 1 hear a howl of dismay. “O, we can’t live without a corset! ; Wo should fall to pieces!” “I can’t In Id my-, !f up an hour with | out corsets!” “I always have amdi n pain in my side | when i lay a:-ido my corset!” My d* in ■ do you f< .’ what, a severe nc • ensatioa you bring lignin t. this article I yourselves? Wearing cor.s* ts bus so en- I in Led your muscles that, they are no I longer of use to v. )'i. Jf you had never worn them ymir body,, to the laws ! of Him who made it., would have needed no support. I know one woman, about. I di) years old, ta!!. stout, w. II dcvloped, ] win* Inis never worn corsets or heels, and 'vlinv fl* ii, ii.m and needing im ■ bones t*» lice,) it :n lie ::ion eX*cl ;.l tier* I own. I supposn von cniumt undo wh»*lly v.’-e!'. tl*i* ve il's of . lii’, foolish fortune have don*’ ter yon, bn! yon ean bavu a better fnt’iva if • *1 t• .in tin v to ; live like t iti.’iial !>ei:i : <! > an l bay 'some i I.uve xV* il made, n* w fs-binneil ivai-Is ’.viol buttons 1 • ■ bold up yout heavy *: i* ■!'yil -.11 ■il - ; Imy them ii * * :io*i; !i s.i Inal you can draw lie' longest !r. ith v."ir si'piei /• ! ■i I .lisa'il M lungs wi ] afiow lifter lue uiist is iiir-t; si loose i- it v> i • n lift viett arm ub i\’>* yonr I In-id i ui. ;it \"or sid,. nr vo ir back -u-ie , i b'V.e; rub your fl diby fl.-sh i' v 0 iv day n. ;; . I <ei;',h eb ali w .in;; nut i!t -alt and u ate ; draw yin!r bi‘eu!b ill ns . far ns y. hi ean, an I bredl.e it oil ’ us I , ... slnwiv iis y ni .am everv time ino cinck . stl ilv* S. -1 1 J S' * J . '*■*-// I '**(* i !. t'snc hi.“ii n. Iliggst-Ji. (la. April 20 ISSO. Mn. Kin'ioit:- Many people now say ■ | that I hey liejieve iii saiietifioatiou. Imn no man to hold iirgniiieiits upon the sub- | j.’et though T uni at tacked upou the .sub pet. lam no baud to talk and argue upon : any subject, but i do tireless to ask one •-olid question ii’oiu the IJibla and that is simply this: 1!" tnnt sivv ho liveth j and rinm tli r.nt. is a liar, and the trutn is not in him. Now, if any one wants to have anything to say in regard to what j l have said, they are plnui welcome; give ; mo a clew at once, 1 would bo glad to | hear from any one ou the subject. 1 j will iiKo ask another q n lion to the sane!. brt : Don’t the ihblo say that we | do sin, even the very breath we draw? Hew than ean any one I>*» sanctified? I ie dispute nml deny sauet...,xitio:,. at d l don’t eaie who knows ii. No tie..'e t 1 is week. A. B. 11... ;vv. ♦ •<► c ori: rc \ia \ !■: rim t ir. The following is too court caLoiiNr o' j Oconee circuit, ...■::. ni::.,; to t'.i-e act ; by the l ist Legislatute, am! 1 went into e et on i. tof January: i.i* 1 ,l. lu.i ioudays iii January ami July. Dodge. -' h Mi". I >ys m Feliruaiy au.l .Aligns:, i i.;i:,... w-i ks. !)., e v , o.i m ,.i ;* , Aloud «ys ia March Yi'ii'ex. :.!i M. *. kiys in March and t: \ in, Tnes'l .y feilowing rJou tavs 'if.i i !ii ...oiieay s iit ..laii'o and ti. p tetnber. !d M udayg in April and October. Mont-' cry, 4th Mondays iu April ft*! ti ltd Moi ba> in April mu: Oct. i or. I’nlaski, o 1 Me:: i.i;. s in May and No- : verx.ur, cv’utii’.ni::.' as long as C.“tof Boxes. A box !?•: iei-hi's s.jn-re, ll’.'j inches deep, w i l '. : ’TU ham 1, or 3 bushels. -V hex 15 ■' - s.jiixiv, 11* ; ini-.-., v il.will contain In ’.-.-a-lv.rri’l. A K.\ 17x7: iue'.us. 0>.s ... g, "'.il . atria et.-. eu-it.A ls»x I>. iuehi s, : in. i.i - 11..I 1 .. I ]', will crmtwiu b.i i-a iusiu’.. A ;.’X S iuihes sijnaix’, S*, i:. < lb .a. n ~n pi.k. A h- x in ' . • j t ' •»' • ii. ‘lu -iev 'CutiUtu vta Pounds par B " r \ lof I>;ifcrcnt Ard »;*'.• Wbf tti, f>o It*-4.; C ■ *iii- j- hf 11.-*!, 50; <'orn in l e?r t 7o: ll\ *. M); Oat«, 32; Whir* j' .v. ( ] Swi < t 55; Wliitf Jk-ann. 00. Castor ik aiir. 20; f‘l vor FeOfU. #K>. Timothy, 35; Flax 6 j Scetl, rji: Hemp, 12; Pea.-, 60; Hluc Cra»* St <l. * li; IJid'nwlniDt, *l2; It m Ih-b T>: 1 >ri< d R Applet, 20; Gfjiomt, 57: Stove.* (2oal, SO: 31ult, IS: j Bran, 20; Plitrttrinjf Hi-ir, B;Tar;jips, 55; L’n- I; »lacked Lime, .‘JO: Corn .1 al. »•: ‘u Salt, coarge, 50; Gronml Ih .;-« Ik , !•>; j Hominy, GO; Onion 8f t.-. i> !!•». ‘ Liquids. * Enxlijih pint, 20 < Amoriccn pint 10 j 1 4 -ii!-. 1 pi. t 2; »at«, 1 finart o■th >, ■ Tine, ami Am.;: 1 qiiatr.% 1 gallon (hotii En:p ' - ' a.n« Am.): tatnbkr, half pint (Am.); common 1 wine pI.THN, 2 ox.; large wineglass, 4 oz.; com- , mon t--a cup, 7 oz.; live tableupouna, 4 oz.; 4 • * tcaßjMJons, 1 <>/. % GEOKGTA, ry tounfy. T J. •” oa hi.-- flop • l to i.* for - I • i •> . - , ; . rt ■ and valuation of lioim pfcpa'j, anti I will pusn ! in <mi th* xiMf ar 10 *h i .wl., 3rd Mondav iii \ May D. •t. at iny oft.• <■. 1 api zO Ale\. McArthur 0; 1 y. j j f - AD 'HMSTii VTOK’S SALE, GEOBGIA, Montgomory County. TT>y virtuf of an order from tlu* rnnrt (iina i 5 rv, wi’. l i i im‘ Mt V : jb< 'wren the legal hou ,- ,< of sale, on tin* lir.-t J ! Tuastlay in .June nr ?:t, all tlio realt ataffof.Jrim j ?.f. Bryan* tiectapitt I, to-wit— One ini miand lying j , • ;«in; o ii.g in the Gth tiisfri'-t of raid • • known by No. .the -nine bring the pl’n r | ! v.hereon Jnlm M. Bryan formerly lived., eon-! I taining aerc-uioieor les s. * Also at | tract of laud lying and being in the 275th dis | tri- tofnaid couutv, boinuled as follows, to -5 v. it:; ■* i’.tii by Conner j'.ml Mo.« j. north bv j Sharpe, <-tst by Mrs. (''Ulna, w« -it by J. ih * Conia r—eonii.ining four hu .flered am-es more *■!or If w s. S< id for tho of the heirs and' *ca editors. Terms of »etl' :j iky'ukS;i^- c. : Attorney nncl Counsel or at Law, AM) SOMCITOU IN i'VTITY, | McYILLE GA. \ \ 7IJX prnetieo in tb.o enuntios of th * Oc<»- t ition i Ugf, given to the coiieei: .i «.•* ail clain-.s. apr2ft-ly. fiLj ; : .. i !;xi)tia.'i ’!■ s b'W, i -*:t -.v >•« •!•. ■SWAYNF..SHOIIO, .* GA. ! Oilict ,a the C >art-h mse. i■ aI y. A !*::<•< (a > ■>! A i iO.\, ! !’*;• |j. v. I*. . i'.iiii !. ( m)Y( .;i -’ id : tiitn. k.'j ir.ld’AS, olTici 1 informs tiou !i»s lu-- n re- j ■ ; rcbr.i at t*ii-t I/( n:u tniv-iit tint :i lmmieide vv is .- ■■ tt >1 io tiie enmity « !''‘b :>y • *!mci;, •••» li' tilt: of J>:‘ 1 • : \ I ’i! 1.1» ,Y V.. (‘i.iimn’, n\ Ad >M McNati, r*s i- ..i --: le ami that • aid McNiUt has fted fVciii i have t’ proper, therefore, to issue * I ji<t O k K til' N.i 1 * .' '*i 1 i V i e . ! i.i niv« :• that l»e may bvougiit ro ti i-.i i< >v ; | tile otic;.so with wr.l -h i:.! ►: ! *‘k chary C- ik ■ . r ljiv h: nd ;. no t ’ (• ! (in at e.-il of i’he .state, I’m \ i —*- iod in Atiant i. this i : .“ j j ( 'j;. -first day «d April ie : .« ; SEAL year of our Lord one ; imn- :>iu* i J ( ) eight Imi.dlH »l J'.iul rig np>-r-i .. | —•— and of the bus p< nd emn of I tiie l nit . d States the one iiuu- | dreii mi d tenth. Hi le v J). Aii Hamai., Governor. By the Gov :. N. (’. li.iUN . t iry of St. :e. DEseaiipTioN. Said Ab'N'att is about *2 yr-t. oil, web-V. ’ ; about 1!w or 1'».) jt.s., is »>f tloi I l couiplexi- *", i blue < vt 4. 1i; ! r -'A .i li.ur, sG..«U'ri:ig beard, j and about Oft. Pin. high. ! LOOK! LOOK!! NEW STOKE AT VANCE, GA, FIVR AND A HALF Ml TAPS NOI'.TIt OF MX, ViliiVON, ON Tl.iL*: M i’. VICKS* N’ .\NI> CHf.IAN KOAl). MONT- ‘V .. Y COUNTY <IA. Our frtceh Comprises j A. ('.;••> li.x t :o id Shoes. TV: • n hr vH. • . .Hr >-kni' . Ti*nv;iiv. Gb 1 * v.-.t-r . ! •. *-t*., a :d all other art kits ‘ i sii iliv i *;.ul in a General bn re. V.'e h:;ve marked our < i •• d - wu tt> the low-. .iU we ask is a . rial. We fed Iv. • .i ; :-a:u‘ it to ; c-e.r in- ! *t. v io buy !.• : us. We will, my all i nr.brv E -i:du •«, and pay ; you the hiyjtt si >b. .• ' i n . it* -a iv* ns a caK and bo convinced. . .... . \ A qftvr 1 ,” ai-fi ’ -u f C.-ni.CSof C;:- . ;. '••»(. r ' r.-T . . . ’.»s . f trttkot'M-rvartptintln • ; r:. . .. rt:-n i f ■U whlctt were grown on n» l!i ’ScrdFornis.'wUlbe , ' ' 1 It,! 11 l':-.l 1 f1,.. aiosn- i.*r • -’>2. . >;.xr FBI3S »o ...1 W.’O r.- ;-,T Cn.l.'in, -» of la t --...-.5,111 M I aotwrltoforit. A’.l. vli ill fromr.ivU.l.ucr.t ■ warrani -It.’ I-’ t- .ta fr- I,’n i tn-.- t i-.»i, . S o <Zr 1 It ; n’vvothvnv>o 1 wi'i n-t'.:'. th •. rUt-r tratis. The «.-!-.-<a*| mtr tiK-vr or F.irlv Cl.. . and Hur.»ar.k P< fatot F.vr’v t\;rn t v pr«H« S a-h. Msr";. Nn.T U.‘ 'A- . M. “ v’, ' Mr in. am! rt scots'of other new L*:*.NaKl<s. I invite Inc pa Irenas * ,>f the rc» . y.*vr if. *v«- r.’,x S A , r> s OAity. JJOiLa J. H. GUKUOKV. iiak* y rs ' * r '■< *cr r*. h *-• »•••*• r j : x LVt< t ; COUNTY DiFAOTCRY- Kcr >it Court. Krlil.(Jn l-i : <’. Smith, Rn . lie;i.'i-Cicni rai. i : t* nil oonvi'iies 4th M mday in April; Fall term, 4tli 11 ■ -inlay iu I October. County Owicm Onlinarv, Ah '-ander McArthar. Court Ist Mr h t :m]i mouth. .Sheri T. .T, !M-‘- Gff ti'ir: < h ’•] Superior i unit, it. Morris, T;. . i; ■ .','l', il.i. Hit s Ip'.’-: r i'- v . t*l >i !:-ot< *i: 1 A. ;’ i -oi,: County Tr- ; s.n ■r. 'l. ];. t lit* ic. ; S irviWm. it. lYilLos; Cor Junius it. 1 D&rsty. County Commissioners. John M«*Uao, Churnum, John li. Mathews, i | John A. I t :< rson, J< on Wilkes, Sr. ;>nd John jK. tlrith : Cl n C. ri .Allistcr. Coiut * lnt Monday ia each mourn. Boakd Os Education. !’. A. Holme s. Chnirri’p.n; J. T. Tic 7. j . . Ah Kaim r Morvinon; J. 1 hvvton ! l icmeutH, County School Conmii-oioiu r. Justice Coui;ts. Vernon I‘VhJrd I v,: strict. FriJav be fore-the 2nd Saturday. M. D. ». IA; >l. A'kihis, N‘. I*; James Morris and W. K. I.othair 12215 t Dirt-.- 1 1 Saturday. Ju i liu i.o I, J. Ik; W. J. Dak >, N. ?. J. T. 11 ill - | c< •!>■. Numb rTfii "Ist District—2nd Sr.t-.rilav. k. -i. M tntyre -t. P.; A. W. Collies, N. ' W. i i>. Todd, con-.taUe. Little Tork—393rd District—3rd Satur lay. Alexauder Morris nJ. !.; J. ff. t lements, a. I P ‘ I. rnn«t—27sth District 4th Saturday. John .1. M<-Arthur, .1. I'.; L. Khar; . N. I'.: A. M. S. Peterson end Clayton Morris, consia i bles. Fork—394th Di.-t. 'th Saturday, J. Clav i ton Clements, J. P.; ,T. ii.-Wa IN. I'. Znidec —l396th District -2nd Ratnrdiy. O. : I’. Biount, .1. l’.;E. A.: iinimes, \. P. ii. It. | Collins constable. so a a- ... 7. -; .—. •• r. ‘ • . ORRAL LODGE. TO. 2Y, F. A. 71. j Jlowtlily commnnieiiluin f'nrfh Hut- 1 nrday in each tr.nnili o' JO oVh>' it a. mi. i H. A. ( ' l . M. J. L. SIATTIiX V, ri, fe.-e'y, L O. - T. St at; of Hope I.< • ; s. No. 81. Meets i'nd.-iy r.i .At. i H. ■. ( ■, v ;l . W. 1 . V. M.r-T-r --yo’.t. \V. V. 'i\- < : . Ho ... ; ; . Ait ■ : in, .; T. J. mith C.; M. D. jY, -t.'-ni. s.; Mi -S A-'i A. s.; Mi.-'.-* Let 01*8011, I V Visa M. ■\A. ' t!l. If. '■■■ T\ W. T.: A. If. Daze more, D. G. W. C. T. ,r-» r A -r* ; ; r** t • /*N f * r % 1 O J" •• -a'* tmm S • _ 1 Vi'i Jion I ni f).- V. o h " r . Ml '{. ! ;1 < ■: every Sunday cvcmun, nfc o >' ' ci». Timmilv Sa»»i;*Hy - ' J ;it!« /. T. Mot IV- s: : nt. J. ]•'. Cradv. ' • ■ *••• : ‘vx. ' ' j ys ii* M\r v r y !• • Ncvcnii'cr: Ae’i'-ai | ~;•\ - ■ w ht icrj uio I. id Suuu.iv in Au.rust, each \ rai. r\ e*! I / • • - r • • • * • *•' t i ... ;Y .. O Ul4 «' - • I rifUSr.YTEItTAN. (Hi v. Vt'. A. JOVES, Pn:-tor.) 'Tt. Tp ws.—T 7 ; r -1 . :■; _;i !h Pmtduys iu J o »i in 9t, th, UKii'uing pud tv.. .;. Llkttasdi t, - 7ilt. VditNox C::: vtr. (l.r.v. A. 11. ]M:: : vs v,, P. C.) *vfT. T:-'unon. --Every Jih Tir. cliiy, u-r.d Ist and l ici j -. ■ i Satur be fore. A lANSYiLLE.—2nd Sunday afternoon, at 4 oVI k. i Smyiina.— Baptist. (Rkv. JOSEPH :r. S7,HTH, Pastor.) ! Lmm IVxu. —1.-t Pui.,p-nd Saturday 1“ ! i< >r.*. Hai-k Bit-.sen. lstSun-iay i vaiiii.:; ! 'clmdr, I t ' MIC CitKEK —2i:il SlU' l. v auu SiUnruav i V,.,\ I Si-hooi. House.—2nd Sunday eve .... l utuall Oo.—Friday before tlie I "! C_>C3«s SAVAKrfAK C,uLV TIDIES. —THE ONLY EIGHT-PAGE - I’VPVi YP * T) \ l)],’]! j,) jLiMog • .1 Ai tin IN THE SOUTH. —<• * * AVi IN Dll I 1 E: ~ ", V DAILY. Olv'LY eO.o5”Pt L AN N U,Y! j 4 • ■a ml It. .- T,: ■; l:ir Service bv the AC':.- i ’ ’ rci - 'r...- V. "y ; , ; s , j The C. t; v. . , Market. ...>■, tuh .-1 . ■ ,-.■> . , to the U. •. t . • TuiiV; aV.,I y'ltii !,..‘y. !• , Ty.)•' the imlslieatioti of.oat'; .1 i t:re. .in. | ~, . . !hi . . . - p;itr*iLs uiay scaiiti i xitiic.. ato— { rh**- In all i;*- t-.;\ lures the IMIEY TIM PS is a ! 1 live, pro-.i t s?i ve. to t-i*!. v >s Ta >v . .t c r, and tin cheapest eigiit-j a_p tniliviutkl - uth, | hul vcrlb . Those v iu> wish to Ueep posted | • <.i fin i<ie matt rial ot oeric.d mt’.i y p| l - . .. , to ANXA i IDA 1 1. Y TIM NS. T ■ **<» 00 p r ; ia; YU 00 f.»r siy ! n: SI-30 ;or qnmv .. T..y.a ad*- vance. Address all communications to ■ i u. o. men uiosov. EMTUII ASD UENEKAL MANAGE.;. 1 1 Obry«iU e-ircct. nah. \ PiiOFLSSIOA'AL CARDS. H. \V. CARSWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, YOUNT VERNON, GEORGIA. J'r. c ti Montgomery. Laurens. Eman i. . i' l 'll, UVil'.ii, D'nly ai d *Appling : counties. [3—ll—’Bt,--Xy. - D. C. SUTTON, Attorney Law, )N, - GA. ' in tli st vcral Justice’s courts* : ?•!«• .•••'ii.-y. ;!i. 7’• i.].* rinr c-urts of . the ; i 1 tie 1M i . ] Males Din : .-r.v: lll *.h. < »Ue lions made ott ■ andr.strict jnomptiH s- observ ed in paying the same over when collected. PRACTII tNE and SURGERY. Colls promptly atieiiclpd to nt nil Loirs [3_n_’Bf,._i y# OP TJYS. T 3. LOTTIE), ATTORNEY AT LAW BIT. VEUNO.Y, GA. nee : T i.ntica i .1 Li tic State and ; I'niied !Stutt:s cnm tr. LSE3 IX VOIAIiHGLAXD TITLES. [3-11 '3G-Iy. THE TROY SPRINS WAGON AND WHEEL WORKS, TROY, OHIO. No. 25 ROAD WAGON. Manufacture for the Trade, emm mm s, im? SEATS, add ST3SX S3jRR.ES, fie. .11.1. K'ttKK U~.IHR.IJVT Bit. Prop us a postal card and we will .tis.-ct you to our ac;ent nearest von, or iia-:.Eh you ourselves with Catalogue and , Prices. THE fey Spring Wagcn and ffhse 1 Works, TROY, OHIO. FIRST GLASS—Grocers Keep It. k<r ; C . C a j&T Z T i e ; f Wbf .11! If S \y J 'Set aW If (! i/\ e: a" SrfgS -H!' A » n a o tYeYv . u h -o £C a 9 \- I / S? J. . B t» <<s i» v: \ f v.)? In 3S < Were naaiied with ELECTRIC LIGHT SOAP Witlsnot KnSjblnff. First Class Housekeepers use it. lat. T.'ai-ltljrir clothes In the usual menner i'- decidedly hard work; It wenrs y ou act am! the clothes too. Hd. Try a better plan and invest five cents In a bar «r ELECTRIC I, I © lit T 51.'.19. Moves Time, Tabor, To.* suet 4'iothes. Use as di rected on the wrapper of each bar. ORDERS .SOLICITED. ATKINS SOAP CO; INDIANAPOLIS. IND. A W£EO READING FREE FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. f oof;»nr id . I.!.<h sor triends on a p*stal cam a-d yt t for yourseif and t-acii of them, a copy of TEE great southern weekl y the r" .MON." DI'.Ml S .> ' • II ■ . ■i;ltL Ail !■>" tir.Ki'iiuus I t l ' Hull.' and 11-art!. \. ntnr' t ; iin tbvcracktrdialect War Storic«. Sketcl s of Travel, News, I’oeii.s, Fiiu, Ad ventures, lbu Farm, The Honechi id, /*sj»i‘riili‘iief. , t AW ::! : ■ f lssTa; era > and hMURT.usJti.yrL Ti> . 1 _• . Tic r.rightest and Be* \\ k!; . Till, i every Member es the Fainilk >. \i> a Postal sou a Suecimen Cof^. i xHi: CoNiiiTcnos." Atlanta GjA