The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 27, 1886, Image 2

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the .monitor. Aa* forth* Moitlf* • -ft. 7 X. Mum. is our i'li'.rl/'t! nc'nt nt f/mg 1*..ii.l and •. Jill, a.llliofltv to <"» liiit riptioim, cnotrsJ’. I"i »d '*iti-im; amt Mb work, a;id to rocdvo wrt receipt for tnotwy i«»r th< Harm*. Mr. .1. 11. Purlrv h <.'l ■ ntlioriz' -1 vA at fted iiiufT, tiiHo iinty. jAU author it v to wdint rub* ■ript’'*r:». ,*■.»ntr;i< u 1 i arol }>>b work, and to receive *if r " <# *pt for money f‘»r tlio name. / Prof. W. .T. Daly i*/.ur authorized agent *1 Lotlinir, II h.■ •'in(y/wi l li nut!..dity ««*n»*«t Hiil'.'Tifitiiii.i, a;,'l if tract tor mid job V. ,rU. m./W l‘" IVC ft ml r«r,-,|,t fm money f--r tin tr/" - Mi. I. H.Jl:Jpiniir»nt!inrlftr-il»K' »* H ' m-'l, Hum with authority to imlirit *iil«- ii.’f i'iit i .ns. tyiii in contract fur advertising awl j,,t. »,,rk. n |/1 til motive null receipt f--r money . I -l tin null’. I!i v. .1.7,. Hush in our authorized moral Bf iit. with unlimited authority to solicit sub scriptions, to contract fur advm-tiaing and Job work, mid receive mid receipt for momy for the satin-. A..1 M IntyriKnij. ininrmithori/.iil general h(.i n i, with unlimited authority to solicit sub s<Ti|>tio;in, to contract for advertising ftml Job work, and to receive and receipt for money for tho Hume. Tho Entertainment- The 1 'nti i t:ciinn. nt given by tho*Good Tem plar* ln»t Tlnii day night at the court house in thin place, wan in every way a grand success. Tli oe wjio had been privileged to witness tho previous rehrni> ahi, went to tin Kiilerlai/iicnt with very many misgivings bn to the result. it wan fea ll l that ill enmeijuoiico of aome dlrtitp poinluiitiitH that had been mot with, amt a want of proper publicity, there won) I not he a good turnout. Thin idea prevailed mm mg the inein liers of the troupe, amt so dispirited them, that up to tin last reUourxal, on Thursday afternoon, partial friends could not Imt promuiueo it a failure. Hut when tho time arrived, anil the i rowd to ran to roll into town from all quarters of the compass, it became evident that there would he no failure for want of an aiidi i nee. When the time arrived for tho perform ance to commence, tho court house was lilled to ilh utmost capacity, The prosi-uco of ho large an andicneo acted like magic upon the troupe. Each and every ouo secined suddenly Inspired with lie determination that tin- fail ure should snot belaid at It is door or hers. Under thin intluemu they performed feats taut would have been impossible to them two hours before. Tin address of welcome, by Col. Carswell, was short, well-timed and appropriate. He presents a manly appearance, and Ids peculiar, deferential manner, unwittingly wins the heart of the listncr. The tableau presented hy Miss (Inside Mc- Cullough, ill ‘‘ltock of Ages,” was tin'snldim cst spei'lacle we have evurseen. Arrayed In garments of tloecy whiteness, her raven hair falling loosely and gracefully,contrasting mag ically with the misty whiteness, otti lovely white arm dinging to an elaborate cross, as, ineehty km cimi; at its fool, with eyes trust ingly raised to Heaven she gently wm illed ‘‘Nothing in my hands t bring Him ply to thy cross 1 cling” it was slnmat impossible to realise that it was not some heavenly dream. Il w.i ■ north going a hundred miles to sco. So unrs|4nred was tin audience, ttiat when the snug was llnlshcd and the curtain fell, md a e-hcor weut up it won Id have been sacrilege! Tin re is Imt one voice ill tile matter. Everyliody says it was the sweetest tiling they ever saw, anil the lmpc is unanimously • ntortained and expressed, that she limy he induced to repeat it oil tho lint tilting occasion. Master .!. J. Ihizonnirr's rendition of John H. Gough's “Tribute to Water" wan excellent, and well received. The young eloetitioiiist acquitted himself nobly and retired amidst tho cheers of an appreciative audience. Master Fontaine Carswell, in his speech on Temperance, by Ids csty and graceful delivery , made quite a favorable impress:.-ti upon the ftildienoo, and gave bright promise of a coining orator. In the temperance drama ‘‘till the Brink" Willie Melts.-, ns Havel Thaxtrr, was purlieu Hrlv felicitous in his rendition of the rations j phases of the drunkard's earner, from the lirst ; drink with his “friends" «s ns an aspirant for ! oltl -e, down through the agonic.- of delirium * tremens to dual reformation; while Alex, l’eti i - son, excelled himself as lien halo r. and rounds of laughter greeted Ids drunken exultation when “tho president of tho former's club got tho floor.” Tlic bitterness and woo of tho drunkard's wife and mother were touchingly and patio ti eallv illustrated by Miss Kula IVterson, as Ellen Thaxtor; ami her poiuant grief and mortifloa tion at the iusantty and disgrace of lier son's wife, were worthy of the stage. Perhaps no actor in the whole troupe is en titled to aonmoh credit for tin part performed, as Miss Agnes Adams, in the chat net.-r of ltox alena Tliaxter, the old maid who wanted to gi I married to "some gentleman ot the male sex," and “proceed to t uild up a happy home. ’ Her role was so utterly unlike her true seif—so en tirely did every sentiment have tol - assumed, that had she shown that it was assumed, an 1 aprociative audienoe might have pardoned it Ye* she went through it with the skill of a pro fetunonal. Nothing could have better illustra ted the sourness and Jealousy of the anxious [ old maid who has bo.-u brought hy a succes sion of disappointments, to tin pent of "any body, Lord," than her oontemptuoua spit, fulness, at the mention of the name of Miss Juliana Pinkston, a (sissitde rival. Miss E. May Sutten appeared as Mary Kfllng tou. The putt was originally ass gued to Mary Smith, but i-w.iig to the eentinued sick ness of her mother, she was cotuiH'Ued to give it uj'. almost at the last moment, much to the : regrst of all conearned. Mi a Sutton was then prevailed upon to take the part, though with only three days for preparation. This young lady has been iu tho country but a few weeks, but has made many friend Jhere during that short period. Herranditi -n of her role evinced 1 dramatic talent of no ordinary order, as xvell as a thoroughly cultivated voice. The wild, wcirxl music i f Ihe’mndac, was theiilmg and enchanting. Hut the climax of her triumph was reached at point where the heart leo kcn metlu r tries to calm md comfort her. her self scarcely less disturbed; the daughter pauses, liateaa, without a glance tow ard her. 1 until she is through, t - respectful even in hot inaani’y to disfirt. her. Then without eonde econdiug a word of reply, she purs forth the sad sweet attains of tin maniac so.igl We Hay be wrong, hot we opine die lias been on tjie stage he fore Mr- it. T. Hei out, as Jotham Wheeler, was inimitable. He iu e. ap.pearvd upon tlie stage but it was the. signal tyr the laughing ter begin. - AmJ be kept the aud yi,, t ip a roar u. l k ■ exit -and for a oou-idcr»hle wliilo afterward j Uhomzcr Addlefad llc, the t.asiiful widower, was uua tC'l to fierf ction hy . ir. G. J. St»n jford. Jt be-i. not u hunt io" he hasdramatie. i talent that h" ought to cnlti> ate. He ahonld ; not hide, bin light unde r a ! nehfi i The bar room scene; was no l< *s a Hiicecsa 1 than the: ri -t, Mr. t o)in Aiclb- , fix ilaiTr, I could not have been cxcelloet The maudlin I noitaottMC eif a grog shop Spi ech was lifelike in tho extreme. A/nl when lie knocked Jako Dean down, Jake (J. A. Horde. , fell so natur ally, and the bar re.oni loafer- ixti 1 so tmej to ; life, to say nothing of the self-[s.»seshi-el and 1 business air e>f Mr. George Huuham the bar keeper, tliat it was with an effort that you kept from tielieving yourself in a genuine) obi time groce-ry row. And tins impressiou was heigh)- line ] when Jake aiesee with drawn pistol ainl shed Harry elend. 'J in much praise; cannot he heatowel upon Mr. Herring, chairman of the commit!-: of arriuigi incnt, to whose indefatigable e ftiirt. the lodge and the publi ■ am mainly indebted for the suer:i -s of the entertainment Zaooc. Atlanta Cortespondcuce. Aii.c-via, Mity’23 188(5. Your correspondent has been “away em the- mejtinlains" for some litnei past, resting up, anel now returns to his elu ties with tho Impel of being alilei to elo better hy your readers in tho future than in tho past. J profited to seimo extent hy n t ip through northwest (ieeirgis in a politi cal sense. I had tbo pleasure eif meet ing many prominent me n in the; seventh district, aud learning lei a considerable extent tliei political situation. Clements, tho present congrci, man, will in all ! probability be defeated by Judge Fain. Fain only lacks now a guaranty from Ilartow anel Cobb, to secure the- prize*. liucon lias all tho '.-orners of the gub ernatorial crazy-quilt in northwest Geor gia. Gen. Gordon will have to call iu a large amount of “personal magnetism” to s cure tho counties north of the Etow ah. The old furce—l might say worse of a “trade” between Brown, Colquitt A Co., is being used up there, as well ns some damaging remarks attributed to marshal Nelms, The result of the cam paigning so far is, Bacon 12, Jones 6, Gordon Tho democratic Executive Committee lmve called the convention, to meet in Atlanta July 28th. Each county will be entitled to twice the vote it has iu tho lower house of tho legisla ture. Last Sunday was the occasion of a very distressing tragedy iu our siihiirliuu town of West End. Marshal Jo ties shot and killed Col. Frank F. Gray, a promi nent and well-to-do lawyer. The dilli. unity occurred about the enforcement of ; the cow ordinance bv the marshal. Atlanta will certainly he a dry town after Juno 80th, the whiskey ring to tlm coutiary notwithstanding. G.- .ian. Zaidoe Ga May loth 188(5. Ed. Moni iok: 1 see iu your paper of ‘2!>th April, a communication from the pou of Brother A. ,S. Hamilton. 11 starts out hy stating that lie is no man i to talk or to arguti any subject-, though ; ho seems to think he is called on to . x prnsa his opinion iu regard to a auhjevt of vast importance, and asks with an air of triumph, what he terms a solid question Jou the Bible. Now, iu the first place, wo deny there being such quotations iu the Bible, and challenge : him to give chapter and verso. Aud what if the masses of the people say they I do not heln-ve in sanctification, we know that the Bible teaches-it. and we believe it because God declared it. J i the world were to deny the teachings of our Heav enly Master, as inlfny of telnn do, we would lielieva it, because it is given liv inspiration of God, aud is the truth. But we will not comment unless tho brother will give chapter and verso of Hitch scripture, or like a good man, con fess that he is mistaken. Uu> Land Makk. From McArthur. Ed. Monitok: —We have decided to, give you a few d.-ts from this place, a> it has been neglected so far in your col umns. Crops are growing nicely, since the rniu. * Ti e sheep mis rs of this section are complaining of heavy loss of their sheep. lion. \V. T. McArthur will return home te-uight from Atlanta. We wish him success in liis political oampiagn. Wo know him. and will support him in preference to any man wo know in Georgia. Our handsome young friend, Mr. C. I'. Davis, has a very flue melou patch. He says hia melons will be tipe by the last of June. Clem will give us one v guess. • Mr. McArthur is having logs hauled to his mill to get lumber to rebuild ,j„ bum, stables aud other building* were destroyed by fire • . the p t j, ,£ this mouth. ,tunny. E-' Momt-'u: - Foi -wing in the wake of the sngges, .-uc* , i;T ,. ne ..j •-VoterV hiticle iu l ist " x’a Monitor, we beg tii suggest the n of Martin T. Moses, ns 3 jxiilu even qualified to ropivsont Montgomery •. V>UQ ; V j u the next logisla lure. Inis is made without hi' knowi bv Barths-Wno KnoW 11im. Mi Ga. May lflth 168 u. Ed. Monitou: —With your permission I will embrace the opportunity, though the columns of flic Monitor, to nuik-- some -iugg-- tions t«. the various Eunday Bcl.ools in tl.o bounds of onr Associa tion, in reference to onr geuerul cel ebration day in Nft. Vernon on the third of July. First let each school work aud pray that the spirit ot the occasion be '■urrietl out, aud that the esteem of this part of our Great Captain’s moral work . shall not, hy any misconduct or negli gence be lessened, but by the grace of God wo will put forth all our energies, arid endeavor to raise it to tho sublime. 1 rimply call your attention to this fact because wo ate so prone to lose bight of, the great, end in trying to make a visi ble display. Second, let our speeches and essays tie short, concise and to the point, t.r doubtless the weather will he warm and ; disagrt cable nt tho time appointed. To tho.o schools that have run well fora while, I hope yen will re-organize, and | report the fact hy letter to the Score- : tary, J. E Gradv, Spring Hill Ga., and your schools will he- enrolled. May the, good Lord arouse ns from our lethargy and inertness, all over old Montgomery, | to an energy Divine. We need you iu ; onr Association, aud hy the grace of our ; Messed Bedeemer, wo must have you. Wo need reptv -ntutiviH from every; School in tlm county, and wo pray that 1 tho day is not for distant when every - r.chool will bo l -presented by every member that it is entitled to under onr constitution. This Association is for cverv name and order in the Sunday School work. It is not sectarian. May j the Blessed Spirit help each name and persuasion to fall into line, oild form a great phalanx, iu the uam-- of the Lord, to help against the mighty. God speed j tho day wlxm all Christian workers iu the j right arm of onr Lord’s Bridal will shake otrtlie shackles of a name and meet to gether in our Father's name, to help each other to save, the youth from siu and the evil results hereafter. Let pupils, teachers, superintendents and officials, while wo aio arranging for our appearance f>r the day appointed, not forget, l repeat, to have our hearts upon the great c.u-othat wo ln-vo es poused. I have known teachers and officials, in tick le* . pupils, to Im under the infill- nee <tf drink on like occasions. God forbi.l that and any of this proes in this grand army should be so en- Juced. 1 n conclusion let ns work -Ictus pray for God's smiles mill the tight of ooniiU-um on to bciiuij in our hearts ami souls, that he may ;n il.u our c!. it I a grand success. Z. T. Manx. Front. M. ('. B. B. A. Grand Sunday School Celebration, At, Mt. Vernon July 3rd 18Sti. AM. Tic: Sunday -fU'ior.s or jfr.TooatEßT 00.. i.Nvnv.n to .UTt.xa: Or-ier es Exorckei; 1. Sung of Welcome, hy the Mt. Yer-: non School. 2. Prayer. 3. Song by all tho Schools.—-Work, | for the Night is Coming. •1. Address of Welcome, by Col. H. : W. Carswell. 6. lb-spouse to Address, by tho Presi dent of tho S. S. Association, or some ! outi appointed by him. (5. Song—l Want to be a Worker for the Lord. 7. Essay or Speech, by a repro*outa tivo of each School present, with Song after each Speech or E-sav. Songs selected by the eomivutte, to be used on tho occa.-ion: Work for Jesus. The True Vine. Yh-I-1 Not to Temptation. lfovv Precious the Blood. Footsteps of Jesus. Sweet By-aiid-By. 8. Intermis-ion- basket TYitiner. y. Afternoon session—Lectorcs, by Ilex - . I’. A. Jesup, ivt-v. T. C. Boykin, tin d others. The Superintendents will wear white badges pinned on the left breast. Teaei - orsiind pupils will wear bine budges in the sAtao r tinner. The secretaries of the various schools | are requested to report the names of es sayists and speakers for their respective schools, as early as possible, to CM. J 5. i XV. Carswell, chair uar. of the <■ .mmitte mi programme, M:. Vernon (.a, * ‘- : (Oi'ttT c ,mi )X tiroxKErmcrr. The folic i the court calender of Oconee lt -nit, according to the net pass T,y tin* last Legislature, and * "'' went into effect on Ft of January: Laurens, fourth Mondays in January and July. Dodge. 4th Mondays in February atul August, continuing two weeks. Dooly, 2d and 3d Mondays in March and September. Wilcox, 4th Mondays ir Match and September. irwiu, Tuesday following Mondays after 4th Mondays iu Marca and Sep tember. Twiggs, 2d Moudays iu April and October. . Montgomery, 4th Mondays iu April and October. Telfair. Tuesday after third tMondays in April an-1 October. f Fulnski, 3.1 Mondays in May td veuibt-r, coutiuuiug long as a<Scsattty A WEEK’S READING FREE Fuli SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send r-.rjr name, ‘l’.-l tii- name ami address of 5 your ncltrli ■ >rr -fc fri-jrd* on a postal card and got rr.-e for younmlf ana each of them, a copy of THE GISEAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY THE “ATLANTA CONSTITUTION,’ “UNCLE RKMUS’O world-famous rain 1 Sketches of the- old Plantation tiiio.k Darkey, “BILL ART'S” humorous irnmii rs L- ttor fort!. Homo aid Hearth warn.ns Kt-nnr, “HEI ,-V HAMIMONN ad ventures told iu tho cracker dialect War Stories, Sketches of Travel, News, Poems, Fun, Adventures, Thu I nfill, The Household, Correspondence. A TV;>ri.d of I>:,rni and Kntertainmest. Twelve T’agos. The Hiightest and Rest V, ■ ■ kly. l’l. a- s every Member es the Family. Si nd a Postal for a Specxmbn Copy. Ai’.dress “The Ct-NMiTUTioS,” Atlanta Ga. WEBSTER ■ Invarious styles ei emding. with and •”V* without Patent Index. 0 / wth . ftf?UNABRIDCto*PATENT yff } /pj DICTIONA/fy f INDEX ( ADDED ( 1<;80 ) A ‘ +- SUPPLEMENT of nearly 5000 New Words and Meanings, AND A EiograpMcal Dictionary of nearly \ O.OOO Narnos. JUST ADDED (1885)1 A New Pronouncing GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, Containing opt 25,000 Titles, describing the Countries, Pities, Towdr,and Natural Feat ures of every part of tho Globe. WEBSTER, —addition juat made, viz: nQ Noav of tlio World. A Xdymologies tii id l>efinitions superior JTj to any t-thor, —has also nr Blograpliie:i I Oictiouary of over 9700 “J Names,—-and is tlie £ Standard authority for official printing np in the Goviirument Printing Office. Thirty-two thousand have l>een put in the public .Schools of the United States. 3"« h new edition becomes more and more Xj Tgj Tho Standard. XJ y t, tnl'il I . State Sm ‘a Schools fnZT r£%* 30 .*sß, are 1 over 30 Uoli- i'e I‘rea’ts. K, GET THE BEST. irythan ar* • found in any other American Dictionary, and nearly 3 tine s tlio number of Engravings. It i. • , best, prartlral Eiiglin’i I>ictionary extant.— Quurtcrly liecicic, London. It is an ever-present p.nd reliable sohool luuster { » t2<e whole family.— S. S. llcrald. I.L C. M£P.?x:AM &CO.. Pub’w,Springfield, Mass. * pb**THE '- - . 1 b ’A-.f V-V R 3 -.<• 4 *. • -i-t I g •I f| I j fA i li T I gxrv k v) yhß 4 s BEWINg*MAGHINE HAS NO EQUAL, WifEWMfisrAcfm New E: ~ 1 Co. -ORANQE, MAGS.— 30 L'r'on Square, H.Y. C!i!cag»,lß. St. toils, Mo. Gs. Dallas, T> -:« San "rancaca, Cal. ~ _ PM - ! . As>. O-. -xAI L' A’ Co., Ml. Vciiiou Ga. less. SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES. —THIS ONLY ELlilT-FAGF. -- EVENING.*.TAPER 1 -v tiijl: south. AN TMir.l i.MH.NT DAILY. OiViLY 56.00 Prt AM M U M i Tall an-1 T.,. -ql,. Tclecrayl-.i - Service by the FaitiH Press A.- entiuu, A ‘ Cl's i-f S;. T a: !.: ■ t errcsjMna - cuts in the Pri'i.’ij*:'.:' - :* tho State and at the h ta-ual Capital Ihliable C. imm r--:?.'. am! T'inatioiuJ Reports, The C- tieii. Naval St- r.-s and r’roduco Markets Carefully C- rn-eted up to the Hour of Closing, Daily. The new f. attire iat: -.tio > d in the DAILY TUIKS. an-1 \-:■ i.-’u ha* pr-’V.-a very popular is the piil-li nth n of eontieued stories hy well k’l.'wn writers whose names are familiar to tl. 1 reading p-’.Mtc. Creator attention will t-e tat cm in this mature tin New Year sml i-ur ;>a.roiis may i-nth-ipate some ixocllent sio luall its f. il-iris tlio DAILY TIME is a live, oroi.r«-s-ive. ttrst-cla» ue*’spa]«!r, and no cheapest eight-page daily in the Mouth, ..riii annum. >• ■ is the time to subscribe". Tli-m who wish t keep p-isted on the the material commute:.! int-crest oj Savannah an iCeoivia will >-it fail to subset ibo to the vN -Alil-A.I 1 11 ! I", S. r *.! (•:> j-or . mi; M W for six m -uths, st»Jit per quarter. Payable iu ad vance. Address all communications to IS. 11. Jilt'll AKDSOV KDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER. •:9 Bryan street, Savannah. - . . , ve, pi r nr» rvoi'F rs . AiITCN * ■ <•*f >- -4*•.ir. no o • » ’• ‘ Kt»r ’’ r-u*t> and v V Vi." * . ... t X! X--. r tvK ••'*' COUNTY DIRECTORY. j Superior Court. II n. C. C. Kibbce, Judge; C. C. Smith, So licitor-General. Spring term convenes 4th Monday in April; Fall term, 4tli Monday in October. County Officers. Ordinary, Alexander McArthur. Court Ist Moiidav in ta-ill month. ShcrilT* J. D. Me- Gregor; Clerk Superior Court, S. li. Morris, Tax Receiver, James Higgs; Tax Collector; 4. Peterson; Ccnntv Treasurer, T. H. Calhoun, Surveyor, Wm. B. Wilkes; Coroner, James B. Daraey. County Commissioners. John Mcßae, Chairman. John L. Mathews, John A. Peterson, John Wilkes, Sr. and John E. Giadv; Clerk, John C. McAUister. Court Ist Monday in each month. Board Os Education*. E. A. Holmes, Chairman; J. T. Me Collotigh, 35. T. Mann, Alexander Morrison; J. Clayton Clements, County School Commissioner. Justice Courts. M«. Vernon—l343rd District,— Friday be fore the 2nd Saturday. AT. P. Hughs, J. Ik; M. C, Adams, N. P; James Morris and W. L. Adams, constables. Dot hat r—l22lst Dist.—lst ’Saturday. Ju lius Dunn, J. r.; W. J. Daley, N. P. J. V. Hiil, constable. Number Ten—slst District—2nd Saturday. A. J. Mclntyre, J. I’.; A. W. Collins, N. P-IW. D. Todd, constable. Little York—393rd District—3rd Saturday. Alexander Morrison J. P.; J. W. Clements, A. P. Dong Pond—27sth District—4th Satnrdav. John J. McArthur, J. P.; L. Sharp, N. P.; A. M. N. Peterson and Clayton Morris, consta bles. Fork—39lth Dist,—4th Saturday, J. Clay ton Clements, J. P.; J. M. WallN. P. /.aiclec—l3BCth District- 2nd Saturday. 0. p. Hlount, J.P.; E. A: Holmes, N. P. H- D. Coliins constable. MASONIC. ORRAL LODGE, NO. 230, F. A. 51. Monthly communication fourth Sat urday in each month at 10 o’clock a. m. J L. MATTHEWS. W. M. ALEX PETERSON, Sec’y. I. O. G. T. Star of Hope Lodoe, No. 34. Meets every Friday night. I D. C. Sutton, W. C. T.; B. F.Herring, W. V. I T.; Colin Mcßae, See’y.; M. I>. nngbes. K 8.; Uex. Peterson. Treas.; Daniel Pciersou, C.; i w. C. Mcßae, M.: Fontaine Carswell. U.; G. I \V. Dunham, Sent’l.; Miss Hattie Elliott. Bight S • Mi** GiiKwie !NT< , C , Dll , »urli. Tjtf f jjula PctersoUy I). M.; Miss Agnes Adams A. il. \S. Carswell, i\ \\. C. 1. A D.ii. W. C. 1. SABBATH SCHOOLS. I ~ Ml. Vernon Unlon.—Elijah Mcltae. Sisfi’t. i Meets every Sunday evening, at J o'clock. County Sunday Silom.l Assoeintlnn.— | X. T. Mann. President, J. E. Cindy, Si eretarv. I | ijnnrteilv Meetings, Saturday hefore tlie 2nd 's-iudava’in Eepruarv Mav A Novi tuber' Annual ; Meetings Wednesday berime tue 2nd Sunday in I August, each year. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. ri’.ESDYTEEIAN. (Rev. W. A. JONES, Pastor.) Mr. Vehnon. —First and fourth Sundays in i each month, morning and evening. Mdtkodist. —Mt. A kf.non Circuit. (Bev. A. H. Bazemore, P.C.) Mt. Vernon.—Every stli Sunday, nnd Ist . Sunday night, , , _ Buthfi..—lst Sunday, and Saturday before. | T.o.mi Pond.—2nd Sunday, and Saturday be- * ‘ adamsyii.i.f,.—2nd Sunday afternoon, at 4 , o’clock. , , Eothair.— 3rd Sunday and Saturday before, Smyrna.—itli Sunday, and Saturday before. Baptist. (Rev. JOSEPH M. SMITH, Tastor.) Long Pond.—lst Sunday, and Saturday.)," j fore. Hack Branch.— Ist Sunday evening 4 o’clock, Oconee Creek—2nd Sunday and Saturday before. Wax Hii,i, School House.—2nd Sunday eve ning, 4 l j o'clock. Union Hill, Tatnall Co.—Friday before the 2nd Sni Mt. l’i • Ait.—Saturday before the 3rd Sun day. Mt. Vernon.—3rd Sunday and night. 4th Saturday at Gethsemane 4%at Faithful. 4i!i Sunday at Pendh ton Springs, at night at Phillips's Notice to Debtors aitfl Creditors. VLB persons indebted to the estate of Nancy Joyce deceased are notified to make im mediate" payment and all those having claims against said cstaic will render them in terms ; ftho !asr the undersigned. May 3rd 1886. Cwfi* . n . 4. Jotce. Adm’r. Notice to Debtors ancl Creditors. VI. I, person * indebted to the estate of John M. Brvau late of Montgomery conntv, de c* used, are" hereby notified to make immediate payment; and all having claims against the es tate of said deceased will present them, proD t rl\ authenticated, to the undersigned, within the tune prescribed bv law. J. .4. Morris, I Hiram Gibbs, f A May Cth 1836. Pr. fee $2.25-6w. TVotlce Co Debtors and Creditor*. VLL persons having demands against the estate of Tin s. B. Conner, late of Mont gomery county deceased, are hereby notified i to r» iider in their denun Is to the undersigned accodititf to biW, and all persons indebted to said* state are required to make immediate paynnvnt. t , ir ß „ C l ALnouN ’ l Adm rs. • Jas. \\. McArthur, ( 3rd day May 1880.—Cw-p. BETTERS OF DISMISSION. MD. Hughes, administrator of the estate . of Mary McGill. late of said county, de ecAsvd. it presents to the court, by bis peti-; ti ci duly tiled in my office, that be has fully j administered sthel estate, and prays that he be > dismissed from said administration. All per-, sins interested'are, thereiore, hereby- noti fied to show cause, if any exist, on the first < Monday in September next, why Letters of j Dismission fre»nt said estate should not issue to soid applicant as prayed. Alex. McArthur. Odmary. May 13th 1886. pr tee 16 30-tta. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN D- ASHTON, ATT’Y .A.T LAW, SWAY’SeSCORO, GA. PKACTrCES in Middle, Augusta and Oconee Circuits; in the Supreme and Federal courts. mayl3’B6-lv. Jso. F. DeLacy. Jas. Bishop Jr. De LACY & BISHOP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EASTMAN, DODGE COUNTY, OA. Practice in the State and Federal Courts, may 13*86- ly. WASH ROACH. W. C. LIVINGSTON. ROACH & LIVINGSTON, Attorneys at LaW, Mo, 3 Bull St. Savannah, Ga. may6’Bs-ly E. B. CHENEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LUMBER CITY GA. ■VI7*II.I. practice ir. flie counties of Mont- W gomerv, Telfair, Dodge and Laurens, of the Oconee Circuit; and Appling and Coffee of the Brunswick Circuit. Land and land titles a specialty. may 6 86-ly-p. D. C. McLENNEN, Attorney and Counsel or at Law,- AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, MeVILLE GA. \ t T ILL practice ?n the counties-of the Oco \\ nee and Brunswick circuits. Special at tention given to wiling and leasing real estate and examining titles to lands. Prompt atten tion given to the collection of all claims. apr29-ly. ALFRED HERRINGTON 1 lawyer. SWAYNESBORO GA. Otiice in the Court-house. apr2‘J-ly. H. NY. CARSWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR .A.T IL-A.W, J»j OUiNT V EH NON, <1 EOKGI.f. Practices in Montgomery. Laurens, iwi. Tatnall, Telfair, Dodge and Appling counties. • [3--41—'86— ly. I, D C SUTTOM, Attorney At Law, MT. VERNON, - * * GA. Will PiiAOTier in the several Justice's courts of Montgomery county, the Nnperi-.r courts of tin* Oconto Circuit, the Supreme court of tlie State i f ftcoilgia. and the Clii'ed Statis Dis trict Court at’savannah. C* *Uert ii ms u.a, e on the naval l inns, andtstrict ptiimptness observ ed ill —-j| 11. MORRISON, K. D„ PRAGTITIGHER ok MEDICINE and SURGERY. Culls i) r on!p{!j’ attended to nt nil licit 13 (3-11-'SB. -ly. C'HAS. XX XnOTTIDy. ATTORNEY AT LAW AtT, V Ell NON. «A. Will practice in tbo courth of the Oconcft Circuit and in Emanuel and Tatnall counties' of the Middle Circuit and in the Statu auiV United Staten court*. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN CASES IN VOLVING LAND TITLES. [3-IU ’B6-ly. I Dr A G HOBBS, TA Whitehabli Hr.. At'amtu Ga. Eye, Ear, Tlirimt, tind Nasal Diseases. Write. apr 15 BC-ly. LOOK! LOOK!! NEW STOBE AT VANCE, GA, Ft77.' A”I1 A HALF MILKS SORTH IF MT.. TURNON, ON THE MT. VEIiNON AND DUBLIN ROAD. MONTGOMERY COUNTY 0.4. Oar Stock Comprises Drv Goods. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, flats nmiflmia. Hardware, Crockery, Tinware, • *las»- wnre. Drugs etc. etc., and all other articles usually found in a General Store. Our Frizes. Wj? have marked our Goods down to the low *■ est margin, and ask all to come and examine prices and quality of Gooda, before purchasing.- All we ask is a trial. We feel satisfied we can make it to your in terest to buy from us. We will buy all Conntrv Prcdnre, sal t pay you the liigliest Market Pr re for it. “S* *srGi . ■ us a call and be convinced. apr.22-3m-p. POWELL A ENNIS. ADMINISTRATOR’S S.ttE, GEOEGTA, Montgomery County. BY virtue of an order from the Court Ordiiia rv, will be add in the town of Mt. Vernon? between tlie legal hours of sale, oil tlie first Tuesday ill June next, all the real estate of John M. Krran.deceased, to-wit—Ouelottofland lying and being in tho titii district of sa.d county, known by No.— .the same being the plsco wheredh’Jobn M. Bryan formerly lived, oon taniing 2fl2jJ acres more or less. Also at the same time and place—One other tract of land lying and being in the 275th dis trict of said county, bounded as follows, to wit: Si nth by Coulter and Moses, north bv Sharpe, east by M», Clifton, west by J. B- Conner—containixg four hunderod acres mom or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs ami. creditors. Tcitub of sale cash. J. A. Mounts. * A(lm *„. .Hiram Gibus, j CiEORGIA, Montgomery County. Jj. Fountain has applied to me for ex . emption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and pass upon the same at 10 o'clock, 3id in ytav next, at un ofiice. jM apr 25 86-21. All*. Ord y. ■