The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 27, 1886, Image 3

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, THE MONITOR. £. V. SUTTON, ------ Editor. tMr. VERNON GA. MAY 27, 1880. Entered at the: Post-office at Mr. Vernon, Ga., as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (CASH IN ADVANCE,) Twelve months SI. 50 ?ix months “> onr months 50 If payment is not made in advance, or within the first month after the name is entered ou onr books, it will he charged for at the rate of two dollars per annum. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One inch ono insertion Si.oo Each subsequent insertion 50 One inch ono month 2.50 One inch three months 5 00 One inch six months 7.00 Oue inch twelve months 10.00 One quarter column one month . 5.00 One qnarter column twelve months.2.>.oo One half column one month 7.50 One half column twelve months. . .40.00 One column one month 10.00 One column twelve months 75.00 Advertisements from responsible par ties will be published until ordered out, when the time is not specified in the copy, and charges made accordingly. Communications for individual benefit or of a personal character will he charg ed for the same as advertisements. Legal advertisements, the rates of which are regulated by law, are payable iu advance. Announcements of candidates for office, five dollars, in advance. In accordance with nil act of the Legislature, legal advertisements will be inserted in the Monitor at the following rates. For each 100 words, 75 cents for etch in sertion for the first four insertions; tor each i eubequent insertion, 35 cents for each 100 j words. No a vertisementconsidered lcsstliau j 10fl words. Knch and every word and initial, including caption, date and signature will he j counted, Everyfigure counted as a word. i LOCAL ITEMS. —A small negro riot was on the tapis Tues day night. —Miss Lizzie V Dean, of Eastman, is visit ing relatives near ftps place. —Don't forget the mass meeting of the de mocracy of this county on the first Monday in June. -Co). Wash Roach ol Karaunaii called on us Monday. He had been in the county for Sev eral nays, on professiunal business. -There will he a County Sunday School cei . in this place on the third-day of July. Soorn —Onr ilunday School is ou the improves, ft ; was better attended than usual last Sabbath, and it wis found necessary to elect some addi tional oficers. Col. Carswell was elected Art- j Distant Superintendent, and B. I'. Herring | Treasure/. An assistant Secretary was aiso elected. —SVe were honored bv a risit from Misses Lizzie Dean, Lizzie Adams and (inside McCul lough, Monday afternoon, who availed them- | selves of the opportunity to print themselves ! n few programmes, as also did Miss llattio Id- | liott on Tuesday morning: You ought to call j again til ls, when we get our now job press ruu tiing. On Saturday last Mr. Joseph Adams, one j of Montgomery’s must progressive i armors, scut us a oorn tassel, grown the present season on his farm a tew miles above this place, lie lias corn in silk also, and will send us a mi ss of roasting ears in a week or two, wo suppose, and then how we will thank him 1 The County faunday School Association. which met st Spring Hill recently, dcterinicd to hold its next meeting at Sliiloh, on Wednes day beforo tho 2nd Sunday in August. A this will be the Annual meeting of the Ass- ela tion, and the officers for another year will be to elect, it will be very important that a full a -of delegates should bo present. —We understand that the family* of Mr. Chas. Beugnot of Bed Bluff, liuvo arrived from Auburn Indiana. It is understood that they j will make this county their future home. Wc trust that our people will extend to them a ganuino sontheru welcome, and prove to them, and .to the world, that while we would not "hang Jeff'Davis to a sour apple tree,” nor permit it to be done, the wife and daughter of a brave and true yankee soldier are as welcome among us as if they had been born and ra:-e.t south of Mason & Dixon’s line, and had kid, socks for the boys in gray. Lc-t us make them feel that “In Dixie land they’ll take t heir stand, And live and die ia Dixie.” A Family Treasure.— Webster's Unabridged is a great treasure in a family, and fathers and mothers cannot afford , to bring up their children without it. Flow to ■ hay it. “Every Termer should give his sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared j with the avails of which they may buy it. ] Every Mechanic should put a receiving box in some conspicuous place in the house, to catch the stray pennies for the like purpose.”— Mass. Life Boat. A Real Necessity.— We Presume there is hardly a lady to be found in our broad land wl.o, if she does not already ! possess & sewing machine, expects some day to become the owner of one. But after the mind has been fully made up to purchase one of these indispensable articles, tin question arises as to what kind of a machine to buy. It should be so simply constrnctcd that the most inexperienced can successfully operate it. , The other points mainly to be considered, and which are the most desirable, are durability, rapidity, capacity for work, ease of operation, regularity of motion, uniformity often-i-m and ■ilence white in operation. The “Light-Running New H >me” fills t • above requirements, and is sari tocomla ’ good points of all sewing machines, with addition of many net#improvements and t . saving devices. The price is no higher than that f< • urn cbine*, and every lady who is tin ha;: . ;• -- lessor of one may rest assure : '••!.- ud> ■ i • tr, aaure. Bke u;i.sln ■ —Our new job press lias come at last, auu iu a few days we will have it up, -1 when wo will bo prepared to do job . ! printing of all kiuds iu the highest style . of tho art. —We understand that many persons of the democratic persuasion contem plate a trip to town next Monday to bo present at the county mass mooting. Wo are always glad to see our friends from the country-—but that mass meet ing does n ot come oft' until tho first Monday iu June —next Monday week. 1 j Prohibition was successful in Mitch* I ell county Tuesday, by a majority of | 30. The uegros voted almost solidly f for, and but a few of them were firm | against the sale. The vote was small, but the contest was warmly wnged. The prohibitionists are jubilant. 1 New Methodist Bishops. ) ) The following eminent Divines were 1 elected Bishops of the Methodist Epis j copal Church, South, at tho General , i Conference at Richmond Ya., last week. 1 Rev. Dr. William Wallace Duncan, of 1 South Carolina. j Rev. Dr. Charles B. Galloway, of Miss , | issippi. j Rev. Dr. Eugene Russell Hendricks. Rev. Dr. Joseph S. Key, of Georgia. The bishops were consecrated on last ! Thursday evening. Our Maimed Confederates. During the last session of tho Legisla ture an u uiemlmcnt was offered to the Constitution embodying therein the iu | eution to supply the soldiers who lost I a limb or limbs iu the military service I of the Confederate States, with suitable i artificial limbs during life, and to make ■ suitable provisions for such Confede rate Soldiers as may have been, perman ently injured iu such service. The Gov ernor is to liuvo the Amendment pub lished in one or moro newspapers of each Congressional District for two months previous to the general election, submit* ; ting tile same to the people for “ratifi cation” or “non ratification.” The Amendment must also lie agreed to liy twotliirds of the members elected to each of the Houses. —Amercus liepbulican. t b gradation of Swearing. I o mark of i\ gentleuiau to swear. worthleas* aiul vile, the realise jof mankind, the drunkard anil the i prostitute wi ur, as well as the best j J lesser 1 and educated gentleman. No I particular endowments itro required to ; give a finish to the art of cursing. The basest and meanest of mankind swear with as mlicit taut and skii! as the most j refined; and lie who wishes to degrade ! himself to the lowest level of pollution ; and shame, should learn to bo ft com ' moil swearer. Auy nriu has talents ! enough to learn to curse God, and i imprecate perdition on tbemselcves and j tiieir follow men. Profane swearing never did any man any good. No man is tho richer or wiser or the happier for , it. it helps no man’s education or man ners. It commends no oue to any so ciety. It is disgusting to the refined, abominable to tho good, insulting to j those with whom we associate; degrad ing to the mind, unprofitable, needless, and injurious to society; and wantonly to profane His name, to call llis ven geance down, to curse Him, and to iri- ; voko His vengeance, is perhaps, of all offences, tlm most awful iu tho sight of God.— Loath. " " Miss Folsom’*- Eearest Foe. Buitt.o , May G. —Miss Frankie Pol- cm the President’s bride-elect, and Miss Ida Gregg, oue of her chosen bridesmaids, have quarreled. The story goes that Miss Folsom suspects Miss Gregg of having given to the newspaper the eon teuts of a letter sent the latter, in which I Frankie requested her to become a bridesmaid. Miss Gregg has received no letters from Miss Folsom sines the White ! House belle went to Europe. The rela* ! tious between the two fliavo become i .strained by reason of something which | happened the last time Miss Folsom was | a guest at tlie Gregg mansion. Tho! 1 Journal correspondent saw a young lady j ! who is a particular friend of Miss Gregg, j ! and as,.ed her if Ida and Frankie bad 1 ! had a row. “Ida told rno she would be a brides maid, and she ha a said nothing different,” was the reply. “I have only had one! letter from Frankie. It says, “L wish all you dear girls conld have such a d<-- ; voted sweetheart as I have,” and Frankie j says, a few lines later, that Grover Cleveland is the finest man in the world.” An association of East Buffalo sewing woman held a meeting to-night, at which the course of Mi*s Folsom in getting her trousseau iu Paris was deprecated. About 200 members gathered at 941 William street, and Mrs. 11. E. Wii i liarns presided. The following resolu tions were unanimously adopted; Whereas. Grover Cleveland is about ;to be innrticd t" M<is Frankie, 1 and both have been residents of this city and should bo interested in its iudustiies; therefore. Resolved, That the action of Miss Folsem iu buying her bridal outfit in Europe be deprecated on the ground that tlie work could bo better done iu America, partienlary iu Buffalo; and Resolved, That we use our best efforts to defaet Mr, Cleveland’s father political aspirations if ho persists in having his bride’s trousseau made iu Paris. *♦♦»- A Worthy Tribute. ’ * Ei.i.ijay, Ga., May 22. Last November the largo barn with all tlie corn, fodder uud hay of Mr. John Worley, of this county, was burned up, aud supposed to bo the work of an in cendiary. Mr. Worley’s little boy was sleeping iu the bam at the time it was hurm.ll, aud was caught in the flames aud burned to death. Dave Dover of this couuty, was charged with tlie arson, aud yosterday evening tlie jury rendered i a verdict on his case, after sifting a day aud a half. Ou tiio prosecution was four of the ablest and most experienced members of the bar. On tho defense was Mr, E. W. Coleman, a young man about twenty-five years old, and who was admitted to tho bar Ht last term of the court, at this place, and Conouel Fin dley, from Gainsville, volunteered his services when the caso came up. Tlie speakers occupied about six lrours, and tho most important speech, and the ouo that occasioned the most comment, was that of Mr. Coleman. It was pro nounced by many to be tlie finest effort that was ever made at this bar. For an hour and ono-half lie held undivided at tention of tho jury and large crowd that stood behind tho liar, it was j eloquent, argumentative, pathetic find ! conclusive, and showd him to be a young man with rare ability. Tlie jury re mained out about one-half hour and ren dered a verdict of “not guilty." It ap peared that Mr. Coleman received more congratulation than did tlie prisoner. Pounds psr Bushel of Different Articles’ # ______ Wheat, CO !T»h.; Corn, shelled, SG; Corn in car, 70; live 00; Oats, 32; White Potatoes, 00; Sweet Potatoes, 05; White Beans, GO, Castor Beans, 40; Clover Seeds, 00. Timothy, 85; Flax Seed, 50; Ilemp, *l2; Pea.*:, GO; Blue Grass Seed. 14; Buckwheat, 42; Dried i t aches 83; Dried Apples, 20; Onions, 57; Stove Coal, 80;, 48; Bran, 20; Plastering Hair, 8; Turnips, 55; Un fdackcd Lime, 30: Corn Meal. 4U; -hilt, tine, 55; Salt, coarse, 50; Groimid B • uw 21; Birlcy, 4S; Hominy, GO; Onion fc’et •! 35 ■'• i. i Capacity of Bones. A hox 30 inches square, IG% inolleß deep, will contain one barrel, or 8 bushels. A box 15 inches square, IV/n inches deep, will contain lialf-a-barrel. A box 37x14 inches, !) inches deep, will contain ono bushel. A hex 10x12 inches, 0 inches deep, ill contain half a bushel. A box 8 inches square, inches deep, will contain one peck. A box inches square, 4 3-10 indies deep, wil contain one allop (dry me asure.) I * a* FIRST CLASS —Grocers Keep It. f t( WhJf lilt 11 s y y l* *% /\ A 1a I Z I «J *• s i i'.i \ >r\ n*jj 2 «t9it ~ % 4 _ ~ js « z * rt - : -j" * t u v t* < < * \ IJ . fciSSS< - s ' ; i Tl’ere washed with ELECTRIC LIGHT SOAP Without Tttihhinf?, First Clhvh ItouscLeepcru n*o If, Ist. Waskinu doth 4 in the fi<umV manner Is decidedly finr#* work; aI wear* you ouland iiie clothes too. 2d. Try a better |#«rin and invent five? eenlii in r* hiir <#l GL liKi 111 80 A I*. Kan 4 lioie, Libor, Money, Fuel and Mollies. I .<• av di rected on tho wi iqipcr of each tutr m OttbEiW 80UC1TED. ATKINS SQAP CO. INDIANAPOLI3. INI). TROY SPRING WAGON WHEEL A V/CRKS, TROY, OHIO. X. 25 UUD fu ol. j Manufacture for the Trade, SPRING WASOnS, JUMP SEATS, SOLID and STICK SURRIES, 6c. .ILL vmxtl W‘.IUIt.IJYTJi/l. Drop us a postal card and we will flirect you to our agent neve t vou, or lurnish you ourselves with Catalogue and i’rices. THE Troy Spring Wagon and tfk! Works, TROY, OHIO. Liquids. English pint, 20 oz.; American pint IGos.; 4 gills, 1 pint (Kng.); 2 pints, l quart o’‘*th aud Am.); 4 qnatrs, 1 gallon (both and Ain.): tumbler, half pint (Am.); common win© ghsrt, 2 i :\; lnrgo wine glawd, 1 ok.; com mon tea cup, 7 oz.; Live tablespoons, i oz.; 4 teaspoons, 1 oz, L&B S H H I A A PSANOS | lUU.ORGANB. | . To bo Closed out Regardless of Cost, j Our Annual Closing Out Sale. Propara \ tory to luveutory. Listen to thu Story. Stock Taking is the time for Bargains, i Then, we clear out generally, and stmt anew. 200 Pianos aud Organs too many on hand. Mind part with them. Some used a few months only; Some a year or so; Some live years; Some ten years. All in prime order and sotno of them lvepolishcd. Renovated, Restruug uud made nice as new, Eaqh and all are real bargains, such ns comes along but ouee a year. SPOT GASII buys cheapest, but wo give Very Easy Terms, if needed WRITE for CLOSING OUT SALE: CIRCULARS, and MENTION THIS AL YE li'iISEMENT. 1 > jA JRj C - AINS A.) Musffcal Instruments. MARK MWH SALE TO REDUCE STOCK. I 7 The knife put in deep. Times hard. Stock teo large. A $20,000 Stock so he Retailed at WHOLESALE PRICES.' An Aetind Fact. Sea these prices: UCOItOKIW*, Si'; Keys, 5(1e: fi Keya, f..V: H) K ta, IMie: 1 'top, ft,25; 1 stop, Trumpets and (,’Wpfi, )2,'.t5. Jt \ VJ«*M (.’aU’-Hoiul, 4 Screws, $1.75; eight Sere’;a. t’l, 7.V, Nieki 1 Kim, 111 SereWH l'j; Same, 24 Screws, $5. , VIOLI.v.N, With Complete OutfitH.- Bow, Case, Strings, Bonin, Instructor, $:!,&» $5,011, $7,50, SIO,OO KI’SMIoNI.t-i. With 1 Tunes, only s(i,so. The latest Automatic .Musical Instrument. <>l!<s\\r.TTK mill IIIIOAMM MttSK'. ( :45 feet for a dollar, post paid. Our selection. Guitars, Cellos, Double Bin .a■, Music Boxes, Orgiinettes, Civ;i>ninas, Tarnboi ines, Drums, (toinets, TTimiiiiiigs, etc. am. kipvci n Don N, DOWN. Terms CASH WT 'll OBDT.It. Niv Credit.— Mon .y refmuled if the goeds do not suit. A handsome illistratcd ( atiil'ijpie (ti.s pain's) free to all. vrm»vt\ Turw-iu iv imKmmn ifiM ui MUSIC GiVKN AWAY! wsu>/sßsvMir -iwt. mu vinttwi • in.- ibiwiwiacrMiWsiiiiw **• /I ' Semi till P.i-lit u ntsi JUKI WO *vi*’| , 1-■ ,;, *■/ mi {( V J ' ; i'KM < • V(>< Ali it ml J XSTUB M K.S'J'A L MbfHC, iV.ll I mljc i-i/t . Altfpf us our 10 cciit fc.. . A, Dt'Hor himgniin from qstluin any Nor- Ihoru Mimic flomo nm give. Onbr IVmlo »i Hpi‘C*ii»!>\V (’tiHloniois in all thu S Siai-oK. Jjcitors promptly au ti’ered. Achlr^aa L s uddon & Bates, Southern! Music House Sav’h Ga., Or, A. L. 11V A I.S, Ag’t. MoVillo Ga. Wri m irJFMftPF M f. VERNCNs GEORGIA,! t IIM/Uior UtTERS FOIL » JDJLA'Y: c: OOjDS, .TTOTIOISTS, <* enom Mcrelmndist'. : CLOTH, HIIGEH, CLOTHING and HATH; i,lu L>Ut!i! J.ii ithoci. fuL’-Oj I .NULL DING TUM REST COFFEE in TIIE STATE a O CKEB , vv<>< > f >!•:>; WyV s tE. GA ELEN SEEDS, HEED POTATOES, STATIONARY PACKAGES, JE VELEY, ETC., ETC. i'l.i.ANi: ass: for what you I • W y\ T . 1 LIKE TO SHOW MY GOODS. AI J. LEA DING ! AM J EY M EDICINES IN STOCK, IN C LUDI K Q> l)r. Chirk’s Blood and Liver Pills, Ra mon’!* Relief aud Rainon’w Nerve and Hone Oil. 1 SELL CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, trial Iu fore pnielmMt g die where. (3 ]ti ‘Ht>. lm. NOTICK. y (iowrgh, • ■ •. jth !<>¥Y f !' * ; * !;t .:*>i V I*. 1! f‘M "/Itrt of * Mtill.’ ' I j n»Pk» ; r (YiiJtu I* with II " ii' l f ■ ‘ , IjK,;’ 1 f umiiO lorc'cn - I'E'Dl- ' JAS. McNATT & CO. i >BS a i i .\ G-EITEBAL IVEI±]IAGId.-A.ATIDISE ——AM) LEADER IN LOW PRICES, MOUNT VERNON GA. Keep constantly on barn), a full lino of DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, * r 'o i'll l NO, HATS & CATS, BOOTS A SHOES, < ROCKERY, GLASSWARE. GUANO. Dill GS, a MEDICINES. GENTS’FURNISHING GOODS. Ami any and < very oilier thing yon may wish to buy. Wo sell Flour, (Extra Family) at 00 barrel. Bacon (built,) sides, at S7 00 %t hundred. “ “ shouldersat $5 75 %) hundred. I'l ints s(m 7 oent.s 'i J yard, Fluids 7} ccnly yard. (\>ifeo 8 ( i ]t) lb t<> tlm dollar. Corn !'() rents bushel, and everything clue in proportion. T" 1 . Fresh Garden seeds Itej t always on baud. New Goods arriving every week. V o would say to the purchasing public that it will pay them to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. inch 18 86-Cu>. I McliAE & PRITCHETT, IDLE A-LIELELS TUT GENERAL MERCHANDISE & FARM SUPPLIES LOTT, - - - - - GEORGIA, ; (AT Tin:111 TUKI'IINTINE DJ; IILLFItY, five milks FROM MT. VKHNON, SOUTH.) :!MY THE HIGHEST PRISE FOR PRODUCE, Land ask tiieilowest for goods, (>r any Mercantile Firm in Montgomery County. AV’e keep ou hand THE UK6EST STOCK OP HATS IN THE COUNTY. ANI) SELL THEM FOR Till) LEAST MONEY. Farming Implement!*, Hardware, Woodwaro, Tinware, Fancy and Heavy Groce ries, every tiling in the wav of Gents’Furnishing Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Ladies’ Huts and Dress Goods, and everything in the lino of Dry Goods, Notion* ami General Merchandise. Our stock of liEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Is the largest and best in tho country, and will be sold ocliupcr than the cheapest. AN/’) ASTO IIA r rS AIM) I>l tY < « <>< > 1 >S ? Wo defy competition, come from what quarter it may. Wo will sell you Prints 5 (n. 7ot ; Piaids 7J (m 10; Flour (! (t't 7}; Corn 85o; Ooflho 8 (if. lOiti* to t!io dplhir, mm oilier things in proportion. Give us a trial./ You wull hud our rider man M r ,I„ A. Ih a ter, polilu uml i ulv to wait upon Jon. No Iroulilo tb show you our goods, but a pleasure. Allure invited. aprls 80Gu>. # • « .t'\> Ly<V" to mWw IblSb B*9 H ' La aiiaSßf dEss 53 a i <y >2P pe - • f*rli, ■T'rt.i d A j4 h 'n, NonrwlfJa. Ilbourinflnm, Tllftfirtinfr nt thi* T.nn(pH 9 MAKE HII I tf* J PILLS ifTTfu ’ ’laoovwy. 2* o them In th* world, wifi poi.lfiv«lar cure of .. T',-. fnrormttfclort r.round oaoh box In worth U»n timet tho cost ofa box of , ri , H ' will r ways Y,o tnoiikfiii. Onebi 11 /ifloxe. niu*tr*todpxn»phUl L fort fj. G0.’.11 ( IF Ht 1 iiJ uuußva. * 1-* ‘ftA 1 11.:, 1 .: *l?°*' bU Oj UZ.V* L" —d. loc ipOA.O. DU, LkL a» 00.. Uoaloa. * r ,„ . r -rr- r- -*-;jrrr.,v-:~t&m*;*riv~a-w»*ToTwnnmm.wMm* • • ATKINS’ GtJAHA2TTEE3i %^;J r \ao FINEST BAND, ” w . , cute ular DURABLE ..... SILVER STEEL CROSSCUT S I Wrtt«ton.rorP.,c» SAWS. E..C,.ATKINS & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. -wjwww » * •r. v .*•**».* ■» a.- ... v v . « ■•■'.rst. s- . .**»■’vmm a GODEY’S ,ady Book, J MONTGOMERY MONITOR, 'm. 4 ;K ' ‘ Jffl Both for one Yeari • - - - $3.00. *„< ' :',r,T■ f ]Hv; (i)DKVX LADY'S JiP')iV,K':«*««l nil ’>*« ll.fty/.1/lll’, ' Will I’OjltliiUC rt l,i"*i.!i. r u»y 1 f*;:ia • <•«! fn •*f:-•»s* ri* f ilt Jioi.H ol ( V'lilin;' !#:• .iml W1.i1.-, '1 . - '>r n. l ' ‘-t- »• i !H‘" 1,1 v.iir!' ' i mini i r I'l<" * Mi*i whit*’" r * u' r. . «•» 'III ' ml .i > " ’ • . fl'iit • •> • ~‘li j,;i i•• I i’.itf w lit! liittiny, Wit II !.7. : . i,. , *-,,1 il ■ tiliiHirutioittf "f j,. r: . . -‘i ul *•. *.»!«»;» nnjcrtlM.H in . , . ~, . f)v- j:i:i('ftZil;C *' »-l r.i -I v nr. ,1 r ;'i A'» t'-int d. f'»t* a ~,.v -v a,:. t. . < listfiK * Ic homji:il>lv adaptr.i to i** U} i n . ><:i lie to tSi* Wi ri - \ t»- i«.. iifii **« • * « U» •*•»€ J» *llt - i’ i .1* / * <•» !'• f" I' 4 * 114 " r . , _ , , , , il fi‘ 'il* > iii v 'li i| r t» lihiK'rnti i! in tl • tr i „f ««».1, . xl.iiw 1 in: nut. ki» i far 1 mij with lull o. ■* tljoM iliiit i.Mtidf a ill j »•: tijid t of 11 <l l I*> tlvt 1 #\ r lift 1 1 ) Iftl l.tailv tl rtl(l In • Urt- I'mliJm ntim». <*.• \»» Hut it on In uni 1 1 . j.. ji p mirt c‘n*Vf in; Kit r, twit of >. .et it iirii ,an *mh»f.' iur4<t< t*«u jaiti tm i.t ».J >-.y\ irliitniV. hi Hi »* M • * In, MiVf .» til*. *?«, 1;• toi v. i Ji| till a.) t;J i ti •).# >i, |. iti y. i.rtrn < l) 1m» ill t. liti la'll)*i*vii i 1 i|n ti*iu i* :u i hi. -t !'(» !► ( ' tl .v iit*y l*N 1 1 « l *?.f liinirozinftv rit» im. 'll »• tut i-huiiii ti jn r i.« n. |. of tl,i l»o«k V ,)j .X* | ilmt m tu» oihi r 42-1 I ii it» tiziM f i:l lin 'I 'i 1>« tv « } >« Innks itnii;., tl f y > tl] . i-i Mitutf a Muon.. ♦./ om i in r tJ . wiAt (t l . .... | j «»■ A ttt> m pi#* iu] . \h 111 tt‘. * ' |nlf» I HtH to i’ll'lt I oil! In. 4 ” •* ( I I 1 '. I f.M K L. OK !. < 1- !>• ' l