The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 08, 1886, Image 2

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THE MONITOR. tor fIM- Monitor* Mr. Z. T. M&rm i* onr authoriz**! agent at I/mg I*'iiml and vicinity, with authority to im>- h. .t miilhm-i intinn*, routract f*>r a<]v« rtinifiK )ol> work, an<! to receive aw! receipt foi money for the Haims. Mr J. II Harley in our authorized agent at Ih d Muff, thin count y, with authority to solicit Huhtt-riptioini, contract for advi i filing and joh work, and to receive* and row ijd tor money for tin name. IVof. W. J. Italy i* mir authorized agent at l«othair, tliih countv, with authority to Molicit NiihMcri|di<>UN, and to contract for and and to receive and receipt for money for the Name. Mr. I. 11. Ilall in our authorized agent at Sew ard, tliii count v, with authority to nolicit ntih n« i iptiona, and to contract for advertiaiug and Joh work, and to receive and receipt for money for the Maine. It' v. J Z. IJuah in our authorized general •gent, with unlimited authority to aolicit nub- N -rintioii ', to contract for advertining and job work, and receive and receipt for money for the aame. A. J. Mclnt yre Km<|. in our authorized general agent, with unlimited authority to Molicit aub- KeriptioiiM, to contract for advertiHing ami j »h work, and to receive and receipt for money for the same. A WOI \( KIIK vr*. For Ihr Vi< Kl«lMtinr, WK AIMS authorized to announce to the voters of Montgomery county, that M. b. UtighcM has coiiHcnted to the use of his naiiu* as a candidate for reprenentative of naid county in the (teorgia legislature, at the elec tion to he held on tin* flr«t Wednesday in Octo ber next, lie him not nought the office, but has yielded his consent in compliance with the urgent and repeated solicitation of his Many Fkikndh. For the tornittr. r |MIK friends of John I). McLeod of Tcl -1 fair county, place his inline before the people of Montgomery, Telfair and liwin, hm candid ate for state senator fur the 15th sens orial district, at the electh n to be held on the first Weudllenday in October If elected tie peoule of the district will have an honest, aid- and faithful man in office, and ono’ who will be ever watchful of their interests, ns well ns tor the prosperity and welfare of the state. For Mlicrirr. A T THIS solicitation of friends, I hereby ati ; I iiotiuen myself as a candidate for re-election t t tin* otnee of Sheriff of Montgomery county, at the election on the lirst Wednesday in Janu ary IHH7. Jam. 1). MeOithooji. For Tax lleeclvcr. W r E AUK authorized by M I). IVterson to aiuioiiiiee his name to tin* jusipie of Mont* goinerv county as a candidate for the offiue of Tax U civet ,at the ensuing election on tho lirst Wednesday in January IHH7. He promis es that if honored by them with their sufTra ees. In* will discharge the duties of tho ollicu leniently, and to the bet of Ills ability. For HlnrllY. f I* HE friends of James Morris Jr. announce to 1 the voters of Montgomery county* that he has consented to the use of hlti name as a can didal* for sheriff of said county. If elected, he will bring to the discharge of the trust, an honesty unimpeachable, courage unswerving, it » Impartiality Hint knows neither friend nor foe, mid a natural fitness for the office. The Celebration. Ou Sntnrday the 3rd ii>4. the Mont gomery Co. Sunday School Association hold its minimi celebration in the sylvan eiiy of Mt. Vernon. Early in the fore noon tho happy homos of Montgomery began to yield their noblest, busiest workers, and their sweetest, freshest buds of promise, to dignify and adorn the occasion. The members, regular, of the diflorent Sabbath Schools repre sented, assembled in tho church, whence they were marshaled by Messrs. Mann sod Carswell. When tho command was given, "Forward march," tho battalion moved off to that brilliant air, "Tho Kingdom is Coming." The procession was a long one, and a pretty one. To see the bright, sweetj little children all in line, striving so j bravely to do honor to their noble cause, j was enough to make old hearts grow I young, and cold hearts grow warm; enough to make cynics feel a suddeu rush of "faith, hope and charity”—to make tho indifferent glow with enthu siasm. Two especially charming little ladies, were Misses Ophelia Bazomoro and Pella Mcßae, who bore right val liuntly the bouuio banner entrusted to them for tho day. Ou arriving at the rostrum arranged,) the essayists and speakers were invited to | come forward. The already largo but still increasing assemblage was then re galed with a shall but courteous "Wel come" address, bv Col. H. W. Carswell, iu his own princely style. Next in or- ! der was was a “respouse" by the presi-; dent of the AsssuciutiOD or some «>uo se lected by him. Mr. Maun, the ener- : getie and soulful president, arose and iu- 1 traduced lvev. A. 11. Razeiuore. who af ter a brief but hearty "response," retired iu liouor of Miss Agnes Adams, essay- ! ist from the Adamsville 8. S. Miss Adams, in her bright and characteristic rendition of a paper ou "Sunday j Schools,” did much credit to herself ntid the school she represented, Mr. T. A. Motlregorof the Long Pond S. S. presented as his theme, "Solomon." He recalled many sterliug facts, painted some vivid pictures, and made the air vocsl willi the most beautiful language. Mr .loliu Poe, of the Mt. Vernon S.S. delivered a rousing appeal to parents, teachers and pupils, urging them to "be up aup doing" "for the night conietb, when no mail can work." Mt. Vernon' Sabbath School his abundant cause to be proud of their gifted v.-un.r orator. Mr Dennis Carry, of Beulah S. S.. give tU>' t-rw :l • '• ’ > ' -Mol S-'iiools ;n Georgia. together wiiu many .liter int>‘r« atinj f.tcU*. Then came the dinner, and a dinner it i was; prepared in a manner fit to tempt . an epicure, and bountiful in the broadest sense of tho word. For a display of lovely, becomingly : dressed children, winsome maidens, comely young matrons, stately ‘motheis and fathers in Israel,’ an array of wit and bon hommie, and a galaxy of beauty and talent, this celebration has yet to be ex | celled. Vive le company! Vive le Montgomery County Suudav School Association. Omata. - CORRESPONDENCE. % Zaidee. E u. Monitor:— l have been absent from the county about n month. This s is perhaps tbu reason the hawk gobbled up the bee-martin. I imagine he had | a nice time alnue in the shade of the pine that l’iney Woods Boy’s father planted j while "Old Laud Mark” was sleeping. | Hut the immense weight or great force I of the monster hawk, whet.' he lit on the I bough of the pine, aroused "Old Land | Mnrk" from his quiet nap. And after i rubbing his eyes, in wonder and snr | prise, he turns to that great Book of Books and reads from its pages, from the pen of inspiration, directed by the Alwise Greater and Itulor of the Uni verse, the following declaration: “Sanc tify yourselves, therefore, and bo ye holy, for I am the Lord your God, and ye shall keep mv statutes, nud do them; I am the Lord which sanctify yon." i (Lev. xx. 7—8.) Here we see thut God | did, according to the statement of the S old prophet, sanctify a people, fourteen j hundred and ninety years before the advent of Jesus. I wonder if "Finev Woods Boy” will say that he does not believe that statement. "I have com manded my sanctified ones, I have also called tny mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my lightness." (Isa. XIII. 3.) This oecarred7l‘2yours before Christ, and I imagine if there hud been a "Fiooy Woods Boy” there, he would hnva told the old prophet that he "did not believe it, and lie didn’t care who kuowed it.’’ Now, in order that the “Piney Woods Boy" may not say, as some other unbe lievers do, that the foregoing quotations nro incorpruted in tho old dispensation and all done away, I will quote from the Testament of Jesus Christ, which is culled by Paul "the Law of the Spirit, or the Prefect Law of Lil>erty, that made me free from the law of siu and death." Hear "Paul nnto tho Church of God which is nt Corinth; to them that nre sanctified in Christ Jesus, culled t<> bo saints, with all that are in every place, that call upou the name of Jenna Christ our Lord, both theirs and our .." (Cor. I. 2.) Surely the “Piney Woods Boy" will not bikeisHiie with Paul, the learned, and say they were not sanctified when ho says they were. The Lord deals with man npnn the same principles that man deals with his fellow-man, when be says, by the month of two witnesses shall a fact 1)6 estab lished. We have given a "thus snith the Lord” for oar position. But in or der to put a quietus on the Home Boy, and “earnestly contend for tho faith once delivered to the saints,” and show that the Lord does abundantly establish His word to them who search it, and keep tho Bible before them, we will give other quotations. Wo nre not surprised at men who keep the Bible behind them, instead of before them, getting out into the mists, marshes nud bogs of iufidelity and skepticism, ond saying they do not believe it. Especially when they try to quote Bible truths nud can’t do it, and then boast, with an air of triumph, of their profoundness and deep lenrniug; nud eveu threaten to burst Biblo truths higher thau a kite. We refer him to the first chapter of Jude, beginuiug nt the 10th verse, dowu to the 20th, and we suggest that no one read the 2nd chapter of that book. Again read Ro mans XV 16, Heb 11. 11, &X. 14. "For this is the will of God, eveu your sauc tifleation." (I. These. IV. 3,4.) "But we nre hound to give thanks, always, to God, for you, brethren, beloved of the Laird, because God hnth from tho begin- ’ uiug choseu you to salvation, through I sanctification of the spirit and belief of i the tenth.” (11. These. 11. 13.) "Where fore Jesus slso, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.” (Heb. XIII. 12.) ‘‘Eleot aeeordiug to the foreknowledge) of God the Father, through saiictiSca- ; tiou of the spirit.” (I. Feter I. 2.) Do not the above Scripture texts prove, to the mind of the believer, that there is a sanctified people of the Lord, whether the I’. W. B. at 11. admits it or not? And now, in conclusion, I would say to the brother, I have been reading a little, and have failed to tiud the quota tions iu the lbble, ss yon quoted them to the readers of the Monitor. Now tiie issue is tip, we urge you to give them, or ever remember that "booest confes sion is good for the soul." Don’t give similar or inferential quotations, but identical. And bear in mind that “O” Land Mark" i« <•"-;* -!•- ' - h i own fled." Id not know Wio "Sie'tifled" »< '"it 1 ,to dePnd himself. Remember my posi- i i tion, and what I have written, srd if oc -1 cusion requires, or further argument de. 1 mnnds. I will, in the next article, tell ; yon what sanctification is, and to whom and whnt it is applied. Year brother in search of tho truth, and in hope of eternal life. Ot.u Land Mark. Stirling. Ed. Monitor: —I see from the last issue of the Monitor, that the mail route ' between Mcßae and Mt. Vernon has been abolished. In the concluding pur j agvaph of the article you say the govern i ment has been imposed upon. I agree | with you in that. Not only the govern ) ment, but tho people who depended ion that line and the routes connected with it, have suflered. Ever since that route wns madeaduily mail fromMcVille to Mt. Vernon, almost any little swell in the river stopped the mail. Some times for as much as three weeks, the people on all routes connected with that, ! had to do without their mail. When any ! private citizen wanted to crosa the river | they did so, but the mail could not. ; Tho fault liea with somebody, and who i ever it may be ought to be made to sttf i fer for it. I am sorry for the people along that route, that they should be cut off from mail facilities. I know how it is myself, ou account of recent mail failures on this route, and if the proper authorities do not take tho nec essary steps to have the mails carried as the department requires them to be car ried itDder their contracts, there will be another suspension, on the new route. A mail contractor ahonld be made to know that a mail failure is no smuil mat ter, and should be held to a strict ac countability for every failure without a lawful excuse. And they nre so few that n failure would seldom ever occur. There is no way that I know of, to ascer tain the measure of damages caused by one such mail failure, nud if it could be ascertained and collected out of the contractor, you would not hear of many more mail failures. I hope the proper authorities will see to it thut there bo no failures on the new route without a full investigation of the matter. I aee you nre kept posted on the crop prospects of the different sections of the county. The unusual weather of the Inst month has delayed farm work con siderably iu this section, beside thedutn nge done by wind and ton much rain. Still the crops nre good, and there is not as much complaint of gru-.s ns I see front Some other portions of the county. I liavo seen many crops within the Just two weeks. Wliat I have seeu are gone*. I never had a cleaner crop at this son son of the year in my life. Mr. Jona than Smith, farming on a portion of the writer’s place, Itns a clean crop. He has one cotton patch that was considerably decked with blooms ns early as the 20th of June, and 1 am satisfied that there is not grass enough iu the whole field to support two head of geese decently Besides, his corn and all other crops, are in a like condition, except n late j cotton patch which he has not yet chop ped. Wo nro having n good deal of sick ness in the county, and have had Jo 1 ' the past month. However, the people in this county nre better propared for sickness than formerly, when they had ! to go so fur for a doctor when any one got sick. Now we have, located in our midst, an excellent young doctor, a re cent graduate of ono of the Atlauta col leges, who went into a large practice right at once, and has boon eminently successful so far. I hope he will give you au "nd.”soon, and that will let the people know to whom I allude. SrißLixa. Adamsville. Ed. Monitor: —Please allow me space for a few dots from our little villo iu the columns of tho Monitor. The weather is very warm, consider ing we have had so much rain. Wo are visited uparly every day with very hard wind storms, doiug great damtigo to the j crops throughout this section. I think, from the Dumber of trees blown down near Mr. Christopher Mclvao’s place on lust Friday, that the wind was worse there than auywhere I have been. Miss Mamie Evaus, one of Tattual , oonuty’B most amiable and lovely young ladies, is visiting Adamsville. She has many friends here, who wish her a long and pleasant visit. She is the guest of Miss Sophie McLeod. Mrs. T, J. Pritchett of Lotbair, is speuding a few days with her mother, Mrs. McLeod. Her presence is ever welcome, wherever she goes. Miss Addie Adams, a lovely young lady of Adamsville, is visiting friends at ' Lumber City. We hope her visit will be like a May shower, short but pletUMlK. Mrs. M. E. Pritchett and daughter have returned from a visit to the family of Mr. Heury Pritchett, near Stuckey. The Adamsville String Baud were out ou a serenade last event ug. They were amply rewarded for their music by many nice things from the young ladies, such as wine, lemouude and occasionally a ' nice watermelon. T 4 ' r <■—■> in t l, r f n!!l C’t ; a.’k ■' m. i’liev look />•*; A- . and -0 .* a y, ■ up boy - come a,;aiti. t * V, Fortner Scraps. I failed to send iu my "scraps’’ last week, ns I forgot it at the proper time, aDd was quite busy, besides. Your snb ! teribers here seem reach pleased to find them in the Mer.itor. The Ohoopee River is said, by old ! men, to be higher than it has hec-n since their earliest recollection. All bridges that l have heard from, are partly washed away, some of them entirely ruiued. The water is red, showing that it is front the np country. The mails have failed to cross it, and ws are without news. Messrs. Beasley’s water saw and grist mill at this place has been about to give way fortlie last week. They are lettiug all the water escape that they can, and still it rises on them. Mr. Jacob Hooks, living near here, is qnite sick with fever. Also Mr. Marqnes, who is stopping at Mr. Dawson’s is sick. We wish each a speedy recovery. There are n lot of scriptorians in this community, judging from the way they talk. Some declare that certain things are not in the Bible, and others declare that passages mean so and so, and that sneb and-sneh preachers are false prnpb. ets, aud that they can nproot their doc trine so quick. But this is always said a long ways from those preachers. Now, I tbiuk if everybody wolnd read the Bible carefully, and ask for a correct understanding, tliev would find that we are not advised to cirque the Scriptures, or to condemn them; blit to smirch them. We hear some very absurd things spok en of. Ido hope we will soon have a lot of good preachers, who will arise and discuss the Scriptures and explain them before n crowd. They are able to talk to a few, ami perhaps they will face many in the near future. lam very anxious to see "Old Land Mark’s” reply to “P. W. 13.” There is n young man here who, when asked if the preacher preached a good sermon, a Sunday or two ago. sni,l "I declare, I don’t know, I never heard much of it, nnd what I did I never no ticed.” He said lie spoke before he thought, but it was so, nnd perhaps an “honest confession is good for the soul.” Miss Katie Gillis is very ill. Her re covery is almost despaired of. Scrap. Savannah Chips. Judging from the news in the Moni tor lust week, times are pretty dull in old Montgomery. Where is our Stirling correspondent? And we would be glad to bear from “A Piney Woods Bov atHoine'Suul "Sancti fied” again, ns I think they left the sub ject quit** unsettled. Messrs, Warnoek and Tarver, of Sa vannah. Imd qnite an interesting game of checkers on Friday night last, though I believe Mr. Tarver “took the dollar.’’ Mr. 11. K. Collins has returned to the city after several mouths’ absence, aud is again iu the employment of Messrs. Waruock & Williams. I send you a puzzle for “April Fool” to try his wits upon: What word is there in the English language, the first two letters of which represent a man, the first three n woman, tho first four a great man, and the whole word a great woman? CmriiiWAN, Swift Creek. HOl’E. We nil live in hope, if we die in des pair. All people have a hope to do bet tor, after awhile. They will say that they have plenty of time yet awhile. I hope to do better after awhile, but there is no use to be in a hurry about it. We are not going to die yet. I hope to he n good man alter awhile; I want to do good after awhile, but there is plenty of time to fix lip for it yet, and enjoy the pleasures of this life. But let me advise you my loving friends, while you iive, to do better. You should not put off what you should do to-day. The Bible says we know not the day nor tho hour; but‘‘Sanctified’’will want chapter nud verse for it. Hope keeps us alive, but despair takes us away. Too late, too late, will be your cry, Jesus of Nazareth pns seth by. So let ns no longer hesitate upon tho word hope, but put the word I will in its place, that wj may all get to Hoaveu wheu we die. A Pinky Woods Boy at Home. Obituary. Mrs. Isabel Galbrentl), aged about 80 years, died at her residence in this coun ty. on the 28th tilt. She was born in Robeson county N. C., but has lived here for the last !>0 years. Including child ren, grandchildren and great-grandchild ren, she lias lift more than 70 direct : descendant 1 to monro her loss. She lived a consistent tnmnber of tL, Pres byterisu church for f>s ye ns. II .mi able character and sympathetic disposi tion endeared her to nil who knew her. j She has been expecting tho er.ll cf the \ Master for many years, and has borne ' i- ‘ 1 nan r "-’iguatica. »>.» *v -h ' . ’ • r • - inn •' f • jit bLi i' . 11 * ** i**r f ?f4* tlu.b -itu-. uc . APi end. Liquids- English pint, 20 oz.; American pint 1R r,z.; 1 rills. 1 pint Eng.); 2 t ints, 1 quart (both Eng. and Am.); 4 quatrs, 1 gallon (both Eng. and Am.): tumbler, half pint (Am.); common | n ine glas-, 2 oz.; large wine glass, 4 oz.; com mon tea cup, 7 oz.;tive tablespoons. 4 oz.; 4 teaspoons, 1 oz. — — - - COUNTY DIRECTORY. Superior Court. j Hon. C. C. Kibbee, Judge; C. C. Smith, So licitor-General. Spring term convenes 4tli Monday in April; Fall term, 4th Monday in , Oetobe’r. s County Officers. f Ordinary, Alexander McArthur. Court Ist | Monday in each month. Sheriff, J. It. Mc- Gregor; Clerk Superior Court, S. B. Morris, ' Tax Receiver, James Higgs; Tax Collector; I A. Peterson; Countv Treasurer, T. B. Calhoun, ’ Surveyor, Win. It. Wilkes; Coroner, James B. Darsey. . County Commissioners. John Mcßae, Chairman, John L. Mathews, , John A. Peterson, John Wilkes, Sr. and John E. Giadv; Clerk, John C. McAllister. Court ' j Ist Monday in each month. Board Os Education, • l I F.. a. Holmes, Chairman; J. T. Me Collough, 1 j Z. T. Mann, Alexander Morrison; J. Clayton . j Clements, County School Commissioner. Justice Courts. M*. Vernon—l343rd District,— Friday be -1 fore the 2nd Saturday. M. D. Hughs, J. P.; i M. C, Adams, N. P; James Morris and W. E. Adams, constables. , I.oiliair—l22lst Dist.—lst Saturday. W. J. Daley, N. P. J. Y. Hill, constable. Number Ten—stst District —2nd Saturday. • A. J. Mclntyre, J. I*.; A. W. Collins, N. P.; W. . D. Todd, constable. t I. It tie York—B93rd District—3rd Saturday-. I Alexander Morrison J. P.; J. W. Clements, N. P. i Pond—27sth District—4tli Saturday. 1 John J. McArthur, J. P.; L. Sharp, X. P.; A. ! M. K. Peterson and Clayton Morris, consta bles. Kork—394th Dist,—4tli Saturday, J. Clay ‘ ton Clements, J. P.; J. M. WallN. P. Z« Idee—l3B6th District- 2nd Saturday. O. , P. Blount, J. P.; E. A: Holmes, N. P. H. D. I Coliins constable. I MASONIC. ORRAL LODGE, NO. 239, F. A. M. i ’ Monthly communication fourth Sat urday iu each month at 10 o’clock ii. in. J. L. MATTHEWS, W. M. ALEX. PETERSON, Sw-’y. I. O. G. T. Star of Hope Lodge, No. 34. Meets every Friday night. 1 D. C. Sutton, W. C. T.; B. F. TTorring, W. V. T.; Colin Mcßae, Sec’v.: M. D. Hughes, F. S.; Alex. Peterson, Trews.: Daniel Peterson, C.; • W. C. Mel.ur, M.; Fontaine Carswell. G.; G. , W. Dunham. SenFl.jMiss Hattie Elliott, Bight S.; Miss Gussie McCullough, I.eft S.; Miss ■ Enla l'eterson, D. M.; Miss Agues Adams A. S. li. \Y. Carswell, P. W. C. T. \ D. G. \V. C. T. SABBATH SCHOOLS. V ll . Vernon Union.—Elijah Meßao, Sup’t. .Meets every Sunday evening, at J o’clock. County Sunday School Assoclution.— i Z. T. Maun, President, J. E. Grady, Secret a rv. Quarterly Meetings, Saturday before the 2nd Sundays'in I’epruarv May A November; Annual Meetings Wednesday before tue 2nd Suuday iu , August, each year. . i RELIGIOUS SERVICES. i Presbyterian. (Rev. W. A. JONES, Pastor.) Ht. Vernon.-—First and fourth Sundays in each month, morning and evening. Methodist. —Mr. Vernon Circuit. (Rev. A. H. Razemobe, P. C.) Mt. Vernon.—Every sth Sunday, and Ist ' | Sunday night. | IJktlei..—lst Sunday, and Saturday before, j Long Pond. —2nd Sunday, and Saturday be i fore. r | —2nd Sunday afternoon, at 4 j o’clock. j I.otliair.—3rd Sunday and Saturday before. , | Smyrna.—4th Sunday, and Saturday before. . BaI’TIST. , (Rev. JOSEPH M. SMITH, Pastor.) f Long Pond.—lst Sunday, and Saturday be fore, at night; no meeting in the day Saturday. ! Hack Ruancii.—lst Sunday evening 4 o’clock, , Oconee Creek -2nd Sunday and Saturday before. Wax Him. School House 2nd Suuday eve r ning, o'clock. Union Hill, Tatnall Co.—Friday before the 2nd Sunday. Mr. Pisoah.— Saturday before the 3rd Sun j day. SIT. Vernon.—3rd Sunday and night. I 4tb Saturday at Getbsemane. 4% at Faithful. | 4th Suuday at Pendleton Springs, at night i at Phillips's Schoolhouse. JIOMGO.UF.RV SHERIFF S SALES. UriLL be sold before tlie court house door iu the town of Mt. Vernon, Montgomery county Georgia, within the legal hours of sab’, i on the first Tuesday iu July 188 U, the following property to wit: Two hundred and thirty two acres, more or less, of swamp land, lving in the 1343rd district G. M. of said county, bounded asfollowsto wit: on the- north by lands of John McLeod and Joseph Adams, on the east by lands of said McLeod and Adams, on the west by the Oconee river: levied on as the property of Thomas Davis sr., to satisfy twofi fas issued out of the Justice’s court of tlic 12215 t district G. M. of said county, in favor of Jeremiah McDanie I vs Thomas Davis sr. and George W. Davis. Prop erty pointed out by defendant Thomas Davis sr. ami notice waived. Levy made and return ed to me by J. Y. Hill 1. e. Pr. fee #<> 70. —also— At the' saun time and place, one town lot of land, containing tliree-fourths of an ae're more i or less, lying in that part of the townofMack ville that lies ou the north side of Gum Swapip Creek, and in Montgomery county, known in the plan of said town as lot No. 1. and being lxiuudod on the north by lands of Daniel Me-j , Mitlan. on the east by the Mt. Vencii public I * rood, and ou tiis south auel west by lands ol : : Hector McMillan; including all the improve-! j ments on said lot, consisting of one dwelling I h us . two store le uses. and otherout houses. 1 f irmeriy occupied by H. T. Gav; levied on as ! 'he- property of H. T. (iav, bv virtue of a li fa ".e oi:t of the Son *ou ■ V , , . I"- . av v ’., d .•"f. v- d T. • : . ■ P-i-t .ml V.C.P.row,,. 1 riffs’ atg rue vs. j -- -*.■• i. and not id d in writ-1 Mi vose.e.a. Nto eiW r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. W. CARSWELL. D. C. SUTTON. CARSWELL & SUTTON, | ATTORNEYS <N roU.\-KL.LORS at UW, AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, Alt. Vernon, ; . G». Practice in Montgomery. Emanuel, li tatnall, Telfair, Laurens, Dodge and Appling Counties, except iu Justices Courts and cases originating therein, hi which thev will practice separately. The partnership aisi> extends to business in the Supreme Court of the State, and the United States Courts at Savannah Ga. juula’SC-tf. JOHN D- ASHTON, ATT’Y AT LAW, SWAYNESBORO OA. PRACTICES m Middle. Augusta and Or one o- Circuits; in the Supremrand Federal courts. may 13’S6-ly. Jno. F. DeLacy. Jas. Bisbop Jb. De LACY & BISHOP, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, EASTMAN, DOl»OE COUNTY, OA. *js“Prn< t jet* in the State and Federal Courts may 13*80- ly. WASH ItOACH. W. C. LITINOBTOJS. ROACH & LIVINGSTON, Attorneys at LaW, No. 3 Bull St. Savannah, G*. may(j’Bs-ly B. B. CHENEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LUMBER CITY GA. WILL practice in the counties of Mont gomery. Telfair. Dodge and Laurens, of the Oconee Circuit; and Appling and Coffee of the Brunswick Circuit. Land and land titles a specialty. may C ’B6-ly-p. I). C. McLENNEN* Attorney and Counsel or at Law, • AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, McVILLE OA. \\* ILL praetiee in the counties of the Oco- YV nee and lininax iek circuits. Special at tention given to selling and b asing real estate and examining titles to lands. Prompt atten tion given to the collection of all claims. aprW-ly. ALFRED HERRINGTON, Lnwyer, SWAYNESBORO G A. Office in the Court-house. apr23 ly. mTmcrrison, m. d., PRACTITIONER or MEDICINE and SURGERY. Colls promptly nttemleil to at nil hours [S-11-’ffi.-ly. CHAS. JO. LOUD, ATTORNEY AT LAW HIT. VEH NON, f i. Will pnvrtiop in tlie courts • the Oconee Circuit nml in Emanuel and Tt»«nal) oountic* of thr Middle Circuit and in the btate and United States courts. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN CASES IN VOLVING LAND TITLES. [3-11 8f»-ly. Dr. A li HOBBS, 14 Whitehall St. Atlanta Ga. Eve. Ear, Throat, and Ni nil Diseases. Write. nj r 15 80-ly. LOOK! LOOK!! NEW STOKE AT VANCE, GA, FIVE AND A HALF MILKS NOItTH I 'T MT* VJKItNON. ON THE MT. VERNON AND DUBLIN BOAT), MONTGOMERY COUNTY GA. Our Stock Comprises Dry Goods, Groceries, Foots and Shoe*, Tint* and Caps, Hardware, Crockery. Tinware, Glass war**. Drills etc. etc., and all other article* usually found iu a General Store. Ovir Frioest. We have marked our Goods down to the low est margin, and ask all to come and examino prices and quality of Goods, before purchasing. All we ask is a trial. We feel satisfie-d wc can make it to your in terest to buy from us. We w ill buy all Country Pruducc, and pay you the highest Market Price for it. to a *»“Give us a call and bo convinced. apr.22-3m-p. POWELL A ENNIS. A WEEK’S READING FREE FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send your name, and tlie name and address of 5 of your neighbors or friends on a postal card and get free for yourself and each of them, a’ copy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY THE “ATLANTA CONSTITUTION,’ “UNCLE REMUS’S world-famous ora ’ Sketches of the old Plantation t_rhf Darkey. “RILL AIM’S" humorous nvM. T's ■ Letter for the Home aud Hearth writers Stone, ' BFTSY HAMILTON’S ad ventures toll! ill the eraeUer dialect War Stories, Sketches of Travel, News, I'oenis, I’on. Adventures. The Farm. The Household, Correspondence. \to tin of Instruction and ExTritTAiysrrvT. • ive Pages. The Brightest and Best Weekly. Pleases every iivmDei of the Family. ■Si sir a Postal for a Specimen Cow. V- Tut O'M.II ITiOS Alan's Gi t