Newspaper Page Text
The September term of the City
Court of Mt. Vernon was in ses
sion here during last week, and a
large number of cases were dis
posed of, the following being a
partial list :
B II Calhoun vs S A L Ry
Dan A Morrison vs .1 W Harden
df’t, Aug Schmidt, clin’t. Ver
dict for plt’ff.
J Newt Palmer vs S A L By. Ver
dict for pit' 11’.
State vs Pete Sempson, misde
meanor, not guilty.
State vs Irwin Dixon, misdemean
or, not guilty.
State vs .lered Turner,misdemean
or, settled.
State vs Horace Davis, Alonzo
Ricks, Clarence Evans, misde
meanor, settled.
State vs Lizzie Chappel, misde
meanor, not guilty.
State vs Hugh Ilarrelson, misde
meanor, guilty.
State vs Sam Lang, misdemeanor,
guilty, sentence SIOO or 10 mos.
State vs \V D Culbreath, misde
meanor, discharged.
State vs Alfred Grant, misde
meanor, plea of guilty,sentence
SIOO or 10 mold hs.
Another very important case
which has attracted considerable
attention, was that of the Mt.
Vernon Bank vs the Southern Ex
press Co. This was settled. The
full list of cases disposed of can
not be given at this time on ac
count of not haying access to the
books m time to prepare it.
Glen wood, No. 1.
Special Correaponrleuoß.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Browning
visited at the home of J. R. Tur
ner Sunday.
Miss M innie Browning made a
pleasant visit to tho home of Miss
Lizzie Turner Sunday.
John S. Browning was a visitor|
in our section Saturday and Sun-;
Silas Browning and Miss Ettie I
M. Fropt were welcome visitors at
Bruce Sunday afternoon.
J. W. Clements, Jr., visited at !
the home of S. Browning Sunday
and reports a pleasant time.
Dosia Browning and Miss Vian- .
non Frost were visitors . here Sat
Mrs. Margaret J. Register is on
the sick list this week, but we
hope her a speedy recovery.
Kelly and Frank Sears visited
at the home of J. O. Browning
Sunday afternoon.
C. M. Browning visited at the
home of If. Sears Sunday.
Miss Susie Browning made a
pleasant call at L. L. McAllum’s
Sunday', and reports a fine time. !
Dosia Browning and E. W. Reg- i
ister visited at the home of J. C.
Browning Monday.
Miss Delvis Grimes and J. W. 1
Clements were welcome visitorsut!
Bruce Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. G. P. Turner visited at the
home of J. F. McDaniel Saturday !
Mr. and Mrs. H G. Register are!
visiting at the home of J. R. Tur
ner. Bn k Jav.
The Epworth League will give
an oyster supper in the justice
court room at tfie court house to
morrow evening (Friday) and all
are cordially invited to attend and
enjoy the occasion. Voung ladies
are requested to prepare and fur
nish lunch boxes. Doors will be'
opened at 7 o’clock. Funds raised
will go toward the payment of
pledges made by the League for
missions and charitable work. s
iiontQmnmj Mmxtnx.
To Succeed Himself as Pension
for The First Time the Voters of
Georgia Have the Privilegs of Nam
ing the Official for this Important
Office. i
Private Lindsey was born and rais
ed on his father's farm in WilLeison
County, Georgia. He, with his two
older brothers, enlisted iu April 1861,
in Company I, Third Georgia Regi
ment of Infantry, a regiment noted lor
Its hard lighting, and served through
the war in the Army of Virginia under
General Robert E. Lee. He was sev
; eral times wounded while on the tir
ing line and suffers to this day from
a wound, well-nigh fatal, received at
i Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia.
The Minie ball, which shattered ins
leg, was cut out iu lstib, hut lett hint
; cripple for life.
' wsz ft*,
Upon his return tiom the army he
attended the schools of the county and
acquired the very best education ob
tainable under those circumstances,
and was admitted to the bar of the
Ocniulgee Circuit, in ISCS. Stihsp- ■
quently thereafter he married Miss j
Julia Tucker, of Washington County,
tyid settling in Irwinton, Georgia, his j
hpine town, begau the practice of the
law. His life has been an honorable
one, filling a number of offices of trust
and honor. He has been Mayor of
his town. Chairman of the Board of
Education, represented his county in
the General Assembly, was appointed j
by the President of the United States
on the Board of Visitors to West Point
'Military Academy in June, .1802; was!
a Cleveland Elector for President from
the Tenth District in 1882, and ap
pointed to the office of Commissioner
of Pensions, and is now performing the
duties of that office to the satisfac- i
tion of tho people of the State, doing
justice to the State and to the old sol
dier entitled under the law to the pen
sion which a grateful public has
Commissioner Lindsey was opposed
to quarterly payment of pensions be
cause it Inconvenienced many old !
soldiers. He favored the return to
the annual payment of pensions in a
lump sum.
He has urged tin behalf of the Con
federate soldiers and their widows) to
so amend the Constitution of the State i
as to strike from that instrument the j
poverty clause and other restrictions of j
inequality to which any Confederate '
soldier and his widow has to be sub j
jected before they can obtain the pen
He says patriotism should not be j
reduced to pauperism before obtaining
recognition at the hands of the State.
The old soldier is rapidly passing j
away, and the friends of Mr. Lindsey
recognizing in him the typical South
ern soldier, the like of which this
country perhaps will never gee again,
commend him as worthy of the con
fidence and support of the voters of
this State.
Invitations have been issued to
the marriage of Mr. YV. F. Tharp
and Miss Mamie Smith of near
Lothair. The marriage will be j
solemnized at Pmey Grove church j
10:80 Sunday morning, and the
ceremony will be performed by
their pastor, Rev. G. B. Hudson.
These young people * are well
known, and have many friends
who will extend congratulations
and best wishes for a long and
happy life. The bride-to-be is ;►
daughter of Mr. N. B. Smith and
the happy groom-elect is a son of
Mr YV. H. Tharp.
Ailey Paragraphs.
Special Correspondences.
Rev. Brewton tilled his last ap
pointment here Sunday, which all
regret very much.
Mis. Alice Grinor and children
of Tattnall visited her parents
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Allcorn,
YVc are glad to say Mrs. Henry
Stanford is improving.
Mrs. M. O. Out lor spent Mon
day in Dublin.
Charlton Burch spent a few days
last week with home folks at Ar
thur, Ga.
Miss Y'elma McArthur spent last
Sunday at Longpond.
Mr. Henry Sharpe is working
for E. T. Mcßride & Go.
Miss Lillie Mae Allcorn spent, a
few days with her uncle, Mr. Eu
gene I ’at t i 1 10, at Gh-nwood.
J1 owell MeLemore of Alamo
visited friends here last week.
Miss Maggie Brewton spent last
Sunday with Miss Flora Peterson.
YY'e are very sorry to say that a
spider stung M iss Pet Fuqua last
Saturday on the lips, but. glad to
say at this writing she is much
Archie Peterson has been very
siek, but glad to state is much
I otter. *
Mr. S. Williamson was a visitor
to our city last week.
Mrs. A. A. Peterson gave the
young folk an entertainment last
Monday night which was enjoyed
by all who attended.
Lewis Burch spent Sunday in
Mt? Y’ernon with homofolk, but
returned Monday to his business
with YYL J. Peterson.
Mr. Tom Burch of Macon was
shaking hands with friends hero
Monday afternoon.
Wishing the Monitor success.
JTon Joseph M. Brown was in
Macon last week and the people
there, both high and low, gave j
him a warm welcome.
On Thursday morning Dr. O
'l'. Gibson, a warm personal friend
and strong supporter of Governor
Brown, took the distinguished vis
itor out for an automobile ride, ]
before the hour for departure on
the Central for Atlanta.
Quite a large crowd accompa
nied Mr. Brown to the train.
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Hon. J. Clayton Clements of
Towns was a visitor to Mt. Ver
non yesterday.
Miss Annie Wootten of Lumber
City is visiting her sister. Mrs. D.
A. Mcßae.
Dr. J. M.C. McAllister of Ro
chelle was a visitor to Mt. Vernon
Col. Geo. 11. Harris of Mcßae
was a business visitor yesterday.
Mr. Tom Burch of Macon is
visiting relatives in Mt. Vernon,
Mrs. Burch and children having
been here several days.
Judge J. B Geiger is visiting in
Tattnall and Liberty counties this
M. X. Fountain, one of our en
terprising young merchants, was
m Atlanta a few days recently.
Mrs. C. W. Fox was called to
Vidaliu one day this week on ac
count of the illness of Mr. Fox.
He is now much improved, and
will probably come to Mt. Vernon
soon. He was attended by bis
daughter, Miss Ruby Lee Fox,who
is a trained nurse, graduated from
the best hospitals of Atlanta
I S|Koial Ci>lTrs|joiutonro.
We are having lots of rain in
this section which is very darnag
■ ing to tlw> cotton,
J. M. Davis of near Alamo was
a pleasant, visitor at. the home of
! t'. F. Gordon Saturday mid Sun
! day.
M.S. Conner and Alex Downy
of Longpond were guests at .1. 11.
, (’miner Sunday,
Mr. Millard Pearson of New
York spent a few days recently in
this section repairing the graves
■ ot his parents at. Dead River earn
; tery.
Miss Sullie Conner spent, last.
YY’ednesday night with Misses Flo
| rena and Louriiine Moseley.
Mr. Bob Page was called home
to the bedside of his little girlj
j last Thursday, but. we are glad to
say she is improving.
j Sunday afternoon was n rainy!
evening for sulks to tie out driving, j
| but young folks don’t mind it.
Fuss and Fun.
Victorian Notes.
Spcoinl Con cHpomlmu-o.
Last. Saturday the Victorian So- :
ciety changed its pine* of meet ing
from the auditorium to the eighth
grade room.
I The committee on rules and by- f
1 laws made a report and Wednes
day noon was set, as a time of
meeting to finish forming the
! rules and by-laws.
There being no other business
we proceeded with the program
which was as follow's :
Reading—A Lovo Letter, by
Maggie Mae Leo.
Recitation by Lila Riddle.
Prophecy by Ida Yeomans.
Dkkatk —Resolved that, the ag
| i iniltiiral products are more val
; liable to the Ended States than I
the mineral products. AlTirma-t
tive, Josin Cone, Marion Lee.
[Negative, Elsa Cowart, Kdnaj
Rogers. Both sides had many;
good points and the subject was
well handled by all the speakers.
After the regular speakers were
done the roll was called for volun-i
tears and Mary Coleman spoke on |
the negative side of the question. |
The judges decided in favor of'
the affirmative, J. A.
Having bought all notes and ac
counts which were accepted bv the
receiver for I). S. Barnhill, I here
by notify all parties owing any-]
thing—note or account —to come
forward and arrange the matter at
once, and thereby save further
cost and trouble. Gko. R. Tyi Kit,
Soperton, <«u. 9*-28-4t.
Mr*. T. J. Thompson was again
called to the bedside of a Bister in ;
Emanuel county this week. Her ;
sister is improving, and hopes are j
entertained for her recovery.
Rev. T. B. Winham of the !
Bruce section was a pleasant visi
tor at our office yesterday after
noon. He is a veteran of the Six-]:
ties, and though he has seen much
of life, he is still hale and hearty,
and bids fair to live many more
years—an upright, Christian gen
tleman, with the good of his fel- :
i low men at heart.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. I). Raekh y :
are yisiting the family of their :
son, Mr. C. A. Rackley, ut Kath
leen illih week. j;
Judge W. Henry Clark of Erick ;
was here this week. He is tax re- :
ceiver-elect, and a good man.
In today’s paper will be seen :
statements from the several hanks :
in the county, and from the show- :
ing they make, it is hoped that :
hard times will soon vanish.
| \
11. 8. Peavy, one of Erick’s :
good citizens, was here yesterday
and ulecrihed for the Monitor.
In this issue will be seen the
professional card of Uunderwood
Itt Talmndgo, and we are glad to
announce that those young men
have formed a partnership for the
practice of law. Mr. Underwood
has been a citizen of Mt. Vernon
for more than live years, and has
built up a splendid practice. Mr.
Talmndgo recently located here,
but is fast, making friends, and
will become a fixture in the legal
atVuirs of the comity and section.
Tins will make a strong firm.
When Col. Underwood assumes
tho duties of solicitor of the City
Court t heir practice as a partner
ship, will he limited to civil mat
ters. Best wishes for their suc
The ladies of the Home Mission
Society of the Methodist church
will give a linen reception at. the
home of Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson j
this (Thursday) afternoon from
8:80 to 5:80 o’clock. Music and
refreshments will be a feature of
the afternoon. All t-he ladies of
Mt. Vermin are cordially invited
to attend.
Prof. M. L. Purcell, a former
resident, of Y'idulia, but. who now
lives down near Cedar Ggossing,
spent Saturday in the city with
Mrs. YV. M. Lewis of Mt. Y’er
non spent. Sunday'in the cit y wit h
her parents, Hon. and Mrs. S. B.
•fudge W. YV. Klliott, a promi
nent citizen of lliggston, spent
Sat urday in the city.
Mr. S. I). M orris, one of Mont -1
gomery’s progressive fanners, was
in Y'idulia Saturday.
Mr. John Goursoy of Alley was
among his Vidalia friends YY'ednes
Mr. and Mrs. YV'. 0. McLeod of
Mt. Vernon are visiting at the
homo of Mr. Geo. YY'. McLeod.
Mr. J. K. Mills of Cedar Gross
ing was a visitor in the city last
Friday. He has a little son who
has been attending the school for
the deaf and dumb at GaveSpiing
and was returning home after see- !
ing the little fellow safely at, Ids
destination. Mr. Mills says a
wonderful work is being dune at.
tins school, and lie is highly pleas
ed with the progress lining made
by his little boy.
Farm for Sale.
My home place, four miles from
Tarry town and a mile and a-lialf
f rom river. 280 acres, with 05 in
cultivation and under good fence.
New 0-room house, complete with i
burns and nuthouses. To be sold
at a bargain. Sec me at once.
L. 11. Mii.i.kk,
H2llt Tarrytown, Ga.
yA/ // AA/AA / //A /// / A A/// / A/ AAAA 4 g!
4A/JjaJC. TTbttv CMJtrtk. j
4drC ror
Ttii WuAfC -
One of tho strangest and most
: pathetic cases we have heard of in
!ii long time comes to the Local
1 from hot hair. It seems that Mrs.
Elijuh Miller requested her luis
i band to remain at home last
Wednesday morning, stating that
! she was going to die that day. Ho
! thought it a mere whim of his
j wife’s, as she was apparently in
i good health, hut to humor her did
not leave the house that morning.
The good lady prepared vegeta
bles for dinner, and afterward told
her son that she wanted him to
mend his way and lend a better
life, saying this was the lust re
quest she would ever make of him,
as she would lie dead in a little
After a few moments Mrs. Mil
ler started across the room toward
t he bed but fell to the floor before
| reaching it, and when she was
I raised up it was found that life
had fled.
II this ease has been correctly
reported, it is certainly one of the
most remarkable and touching
t hat has ever come to our knowl
edge.—Toombs (Jounty Local.
Alamo, Route 1.
' Hprciiil <'i>n i-H|i(p|i(leneii.
J. W. Clark and W. H. Qeltler
made a business trip to Dublin
Saturday, returning Sunday.
•T. A Carroll and wife and A. J.
Carroll spent. Saturday and Sun
day at .1. \V. Clark’h.
E. K. Clark visited at J. W.
Clark’s Sunday.
Charlie Yeomans and Miss Ber
tha Clark were out at preaching
Mr. Young of Macon and J. W.
Clements of Alamo visited ut .).
i W. K. Clark’s .Sunday.
M iss Maggie Burns of m ar CHen
wood spent part of lust week at
Mr. Roland White’s.
J. E. and Neal ’l’ Clark made a
Hying trip to Mcßae Saturday.
Mrs. J. E. Clark spent Saturday
very pleasantly at .J. W. Clark’s.
Mr. Steve Yeomans and family
spent. Sunday and Monday in
IL J. (Jnest and J. W. K Clark
spent Monday at .1. W. Clark’s.
Ernest Noble and Charlie Yeo
mans spent. Sat urday night at Mr.
Neal S. Clark’s.
Walter (Jilder spent Sunday
wit li Ashley Clark.
El berk Clark is making a success
selling books. MakvQkken.
Keep up with news and happen
ings of the county by reading the
Monitor. $1 a year, in advance.
NO. 20