Newspaper Page Text
| Christmas Speedily en Route
jj The Offerings Here Will Solve the
Problem for You
Buy Jewelry for Christmas Gifts and see how j
much more genuine pleasure you will receive out of ;
ii giving. Our gift offerings have been chosen with |
|| great care from a wide market, where experience is
! | needed to distinguish the worthy from the worthless. ;j j
Gifts of Jewelry bought here have a permanent ; j
value afid a lasting interest that go tar toward carry
! ing to you and yours a hearty wish for a “Merry i
11 Christmas.”
Buy your gifts here. You . ure of quality j
11 goods and right prices and satisfy .ion. Where we
; sell the gifts, we give hand painted monogram on ill
j; ivory ware and hand engraving on gold jewelry.
We offer a complete aud widely assorted stock
j; of jewelry for gifts to both old and young, ad
: J vise early buyiug. This store is ready for you.
W. E. jjj
i! The Jewelry Gift Store, Vidalia, Ga.
that are different in their dis- I
) JL tinctive good looks and in their con
struction. An extra ply of fabric, an I
X extra heavy tread and generous oversize |g
make a tire of remarkable endurance. I
I Next Time—BUY FISK $ I
Profit Division
We are Overstocked-—not with shelf
worn odds and ends, but with High-Class
Merchandise. If the people will help us
reduce this Enormous Stock, they are wel-1
come to a Goodly Share of the Profits.
These are some of the principal items which
are offered the public on the profit-sharing
plan. No traps or schemes to offer, hut
just a Plain, Open, Sweeping Opportunity
to buy the Necessities of Life on a Liberal,
Co-Operative Plan, and in keeping with the
times. Common living demands economy.
Nothing Charged. Cash Gives You the Reduction
D. A. Mcßae Store
iUmthpmtmj ilbmttnr.
! Georgia —Montgomery County.
C W. Skipper, administrator
of Vera C. Skipper, deceased, rep
resents to the court n> his peti
tion, duly filed and entered on
j record, that he has fully admin
istered Vera C. Skipper’s estate.
(This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said administrator
should not be dischargedTrom his
administration and receive letters
j of dismission on the first Monday
in January, 1922.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County,
j Under and by virtue of an or
j der granted by the Court of Ordi- 1
; nary of suid county Deo. 6, 1921,
will be sold before the court I
I house door in said county, on the
first Tuesday in January, 1922,
to the highest and best bidder for
'cash, between the legal hours of
sale, the following described prop
erty to wit: All of that tract
!or parcel of land situated,
lying and being in the 1848 rd,
District G. M. of said county,
jbounded on the north by lands
belonging to J. H. Martin; on
the east by lands belonging to
!Jesse Fountain ; on the south by
lands belonging to Mrs. E. W.
i Arm field or the Mount Vernon
and Uvalda public road and on
the west by the Mount Vernon
cemetery and containing eighteen
and twenty three one hundredth
(18 23) acres of land, and being
i the same laud conveyed to John
(J. fiWJbpun by Mrs. Flora C.
Higgs by deed dafftrf ii|'A. r JI 80th.
1908. as shown by the record of
said deed in book No. 11 folio 211
of the records of deeds of said
county, excepting therefrom a
tract of four and twenty seven
one hundredth (4.27) acres sob:
by John C. Calhoun to the Citj
of Mount Vernon for ceinetei)
purposes by deed dated Marco
16th, 1918, as shown by the
record of the deed thereof in Book
No. 23 folio 498 of the records ot
deeds of said county. Said real
estate to be sold as a part of the
estate of John C. Calhoun, late
Baid county deceased, tor payment
of debts and distribution.
M, B. Calhoun,
Executor of the last will and tes
tament of John 0. Calhoun.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
J. M. Phillips, administrator of
! O. P. Blount, deceased, represents
I to the court in his petition, duly
I filed and entered on record, thot.
j he has fully administered O. P.
| Blount’s estute. This is, there
fore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said
| administrator should not be dis-j
'charged from his administrotion
land receive letters of dismis-
Bion on the first Monday in Jan
uary, 1922.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
A. West, administrator of I. D.
; West, deceased, represents to the
court in his petition, duly filed
aud entered on record, that he
has fully administered I. D.
West’s estate This is, therefore,
| to cite all persons concerned, kin
i dred and creditors, to show cause,
| if any they can, why said admin
istrator should not be discharged
from his administration and re- j
ceive letters of dismission on the i
first Monday m January, 1922.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
For Year’s Support.
1 Georgia—Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Mrs. John C.
Calhoun, widow of John C. Cal
houn, late of said county, de-i
ceased, for valuation and setting
apart, for a twelve month’s eup-j
port for herself’out of said estate, j
this is to notify all parties con
cerned that said application will
be heard at my office on the first
Monday in January, 1922. This
the sth day of December, 1921
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
j Hides Wanted.
We are in the market for a lot
of good hides. Bring them to us
for best prices.
Palmer Brothers,
' Mt. Vernon, Ga,
Sheriff Sale.
G eoi'gia—Montgomery County.
■ Will be sold before the court house
, door in Mt, Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1922,between the legal
hours ot sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
Four hundred*acres of land in the
1313 d District G. M., of said county
and state, carved from the southern
portion of a 682|acre tract, bounded
on the North by the remainder of
said 682 ac le t met, [out the East bv
Darien and Dublin public road, on |
tiie South by lands of Mrs. Jas. \V.
Adams and on the West by the Oco- ,
nee river, as shown by plat recorded I
in Deed Book No. 12,'page 54, in the J
office of clerk of the superior court
Jof said county. Levied on and will |
I be sold as the property of W. C. Mc
j Crimrnon to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
; by H. C. Davis, tax collector vs W.
C. McCrimmon. for state aud county
taxes for the year 1920. Written no
tice of levy given in terms of the
law. This the 6th day of December,
1921. • E..E..Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County. ■
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1922, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
All that lot or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being.’ in the 1654th
G. M. district of said county, and in
the Town of Tarry town, containing
160 feet front on Third Street and
running back;i42 feet to a 16 foot al
ley, and bounded on the north and
egst by lands of Mrs. M. A. Calhuon,
on Cih# .south by Third street and
west by CooperY's'ib eet. Levied on
and will be'sold as as the ".rojierty
of Mrs. Eflie Hamilton to satisfy u .
tax rtfa issued by H . C. Davis, tax
collector, vs Mrs. Eltle Hamilton,
for state and comity taxes for the
year 1920. Written notice of levy
given in terms of the law This the
6th day .of December, 1921.
E. F, Burch, Sheriff.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
Geurtfa, Montgomery County.
Under the power vested in the undersigned l>y
virtue of that certain deed to secure debt, execu
tedtby Mrs. Mary E. Foßkey to J. Wade and Hen
ry A. Johnson, and by them duly transferred and
assigned to the undersigned said deed to secure
debt dated October Hist, 1919. and recorded Octo
ber 81st, 1919 in deed book No. ZB. paire 178 .to 175
inclusive, the undersigned will sell before the
Court House Moor at Mt.. Vernon, Georgia,lut pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder for cash,lon the
first Tuesday in January, 19ZZ, that boingltlie 9rd
day of said month: All of the raid Mary E. Fos
key’s right, title, interest equity, claim or demand
in andlto, .
All that tract or parcel of land. Bituate. lying
and being in the 275th District G. M. Montgomery
County. Georgia, bounded north by lands of es
tate of M. T. Moses, east by lands of S. B. Morris,
south by lands of A. M. Moses and west by lands
of A. M. Moses, the Darien and Dublin road being
the western boundary line, and more fully de
reribed by plat of the same made by 8. B. Morris,
said plat recorded in deed book No. 22. page 56
Clerk’s Office Montgomery County, Georgia, and
better known as the Clayton Morris place, contain
ing one hundred, forty and 37-160 1140.371 acres.
Said sale to be had for the purpose of paying an
indebtedness of Nineteen Hundred ami i'en
($1910.00J dollars principal. Two Hundred Ninety
Five and 98-100 [*295 98] interest to January Ist,
1922, and $78.11 taxes for 1920. same having been
! paid by the undersigned, the total amount due
! being Twenty Two Hundred, Eighty Four nr,d
1 09-100 [22H4.09] dollars, together with costs of this
proceeding. Including attorney s fees, I said debt
having been sued and the fees set out in judgment!
amounting to ten per cent. Said deed reciting
i that in the default In the payment of any of said
notes the holder might declare the whole sum due
and proceed to collect the same, he having so de
clared by this proceeding, the assignee having all
the rights delegated to him as was held by the
grantees in said deed. Said sale will be made
subject a prior loan deed covering said property
given by Mary Morris to Pearsons-Taft 1 .and
Credit Com- .t v i ,r V V'O.f/; principal
The undersigned will execute complete convey
ance to purchaser on day of tale, such purchaser
paying for titles and Revenue Stamps.
P. R. Cohen, Transferee,
Attorney in fact for Mary K. Foskey.
J. Wade Johnson, Attorney, Commissioner.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
State of Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the powers contained in
that certain deed to secure debt, made and execut
ed and delivered by Mrs. Josie Johnson to Realty
Savings ami Trust Company, (A Corporation under
; the laws of Georgia) on the 16th day of May,| 1917
1 and recorded on May 24th, 1917. in deed book No
i 24,.‘0n pages 197 and 19S of the Clerk’s Office of
Morifgomc y County, Georgia, arid in accordance
with the appointment of the undersigned as Trus
tee, and in pursuance of the powers in said deed
to secure debt, the undersigned as Sole Trustee,
will sell before the Court House Door at Mt Ver
non, in said County, on the Flrrt Tuesday in Jan
uary, 1622, that being the 3rd day of said month,
tret ween t!.e legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following dcscriiied real es
tate, to-Wit:
All those certain lots or parcels of land, situate,
lying arid being in the town of Uvalda, arid in the
275th Distiict G. M. Montgomery County; Ga and j
more part, ularlv described as follows All of lot
! of land number Two (2) and Forty One (41) feet !
off the Ea t Hide of lot number Three (3); said
Eorty One 141) feet adjoining lot number two, all
of said property located in Block Number Twenty
j Four (24) and fronting on Myrtle Street a distance
of One Hundred and Seven (107) feet, and extend
ing back North along Warren Street, a distance
t of one hundred and fifty five [ls6] feet to an alley,
j as shown by map of the town of Uvalda. as re
corded in deed Ivrok No. 10, page 223, Clerk’s Offllee
I Superior <-ourt Montgomery County, Georgia, and
being same property conveyed by R. I. O’Neal to
B K Wolf on July. 22nd 1911, and recorded in deed
t/rok No. 16, page 134. Clerk’s Office of said Coun
ty, and conveyed by H. F. Wolfe to Mrs. Josie
The sale of above described property is to Is:
had for the purpose of paying the indebtedness
sec ured bv said deed to secure debt, the amount
now due and owing to said Realty Savings arid
Trust Corepany, being the sum of Twelve Ilun
' dred and Seventy Five and 20-160 [11275 20J Dol
lars, and also all costs and expenses of this pro
, ceoding, i icluding fees for Trustee as well as all
1 other iten * secured by aid deed to secure debt, dc
| fault having been marie in the payment of the in
! stallrnento In said deed .mentioned.
Purchaser paying for titles and Revenue stamps.
J. Wade Johnson,
Sole Trustee.
This December Ist. 1921.
Notice ofJSale of Real Estate
Under Power of Sale.
( I
State of Georgia. County of Montgomery.
I ITntler ami by virtue of a power of sale vested in
1 the undersigned "by deed made and delivered to it
by Arren M. Moses dated April 16th, 1917, ami re
. coaled in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Montgomery County, Georgia, in Book
' No. 24 Folio 183-4. the undersigned will sell at pub
lic outcry to the highest bidder lor cash, on the
First Tuesday in Januraiy, 1922, before the Court
j House Door at Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County,
• Georgia, between the legal hours of Sheriflf*a sales,
i the following described property, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the 27f»th District, G. M. of the county of
Montgomery, State of Georgia, containing Twenty
eijfht hum!red & Thirty three (2883) acres, more
or.less.lwithin the following metes and bounds; 1
1 to-wit; Beginning at a white oak tree on the banks
jof the Oconee river just north of Bells Ferry on
on the line of lands owned by K. H. Mobley and
j running thence North 64 1-2 degrees Fast a dis
| tance of 42.60 chains to a stake; thence North 2ft 1-2
‘ degrees West a distance of 20 chains to the main
| run of Lamberts ('reek; thence along the main run
of Lamberts Creek in a Northeasterly direction to
. where u certain small branch (known us Little
| liranch) empties In said creek; thence along the
main run of said small branch in an Easterly di
! rection lo a st**k« on the Mt. Vernon and Bell's ,
Ferry Public Road; thence in a Northerly direction \
along said public road to a stake on the line of .
| lands owned by Farquar Adams; thence South
j 63 1-2 degrees West a distance of 13.16 chains to a
stake; thence South 68 1-2 degrees West a dis
tance of 15.35 chains to a black gum corner on a
certain small branch; thence North 19 1-2 degrees
West along said small branch a distance of 19.55
chains to a stake corner; thence South 67 degrees
West a distance of 88.60 chains to a corner marked
by a stump on a small brunch; thence in a North
westerly direction along the run of suid small
branch to the head of same where it intersects
withlthe line of lands belonging to L. and K. Mor
ris; thence along the line of said lands South 14 1-2
degrees East a distance of 35 chains to u pine cor
ner; thence south 701-2 degrees West along the line
of L. and E. Morris a distance of 29.05 chains to a
stake; thence North 14 l-2degrees West a distance
of 39.00 chains along the line of L. and E. Morris to u
stake; thence North 70 degree* East a distance of
12.4»» chains to a stake on the Darien and Dublin
Public Road; thence North 25 degrees Went a dista
nce of 0.50 chains along said public road to a stake;
thence South 66 degrees West a distance of 4M.36
chains to a corner; thence North 16 degrees West
a distance of 42 chains to a stump corner; thence
South 74 degrees West a distance of 38 chains to
a stake; thence South 16 degrees East a distance
of 38 chains to a stake; thence South 74 degrees
West a distance of 114 chains to a stake corner on
the main run of the Oconee Rivfer; thence in a
Southeasterly direction along the t»aiiks of said
Oconee Elver to the starting point.
Said tract bounded North and Northwest, by
lands of John J, McArthur, Penny McAllister, J.
I*. Moses. Clyde McArthur, Anna Rackley, J. M.
C. McAllister, L. and E. Morris, Mary Morris, S. R.
Morris, John Davis and Farquar Adams; on the
East and Southeast by lands.of Charlotte Mobley,
Mt. Vernon and Begs Ferry Road, lands of R. H.
Mobley and Lambert Greek; South aud Southwest
by the main run of the Oconee River.
As per survey of S. B. Morris, C. S. made Aug
ust 24th, 1908, plat of which is hereto attached
and made a part of this.dced for purposes of des
Said land will be sold as the property of said
Arren M. Moses to pay the Indebtedness referred
to in said deed, and more particularly described
as follows:
One principal note for the sum of Thirty Thous
and no one-hundredths Dolla s, dated April
16th, 1917, cvUh interest thereon from Novmeber
Ist, 1921, to Jan v fayJtd, 19223 .pJ the rate of eight
per cent, per annum;.also one interest coupon for
the sum of Eight* *n Hundred & inv one-hun
dredths Dollars, *1 *ted April 16th, 1917, due
November Ist, 1921. with interest thereon from
maturity to January 3rd, 1922, at the rate of eight 1
per cent per annum; also all expenses of this pro
ceeding. Said notes being made ami delivered to
the undersigned by the aaid Arren M. Moses, and
the amount of principal and interest due to day of
sale being $32238.12 Dollars, together with the cost
of this proceeding. Default having been made by
the said Arren m. Mosee in the payment of said
indebtedness, the power of sale contained in said
deed has become operative. The proceeds of said
sale will be applied first to the payment of said in
debtedness, and the balance, if any, paid to the
n«id Arren M. Moses.
This sth day of December, 1921.
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Santa Has Arrived.
Santa Claus has come to the
Mt. Verrion Drug Store!
See the table at the left of the
door- something for father,
mother, brother and sister.
Look at the list:
Baskets, Doll Clothes, Blotters,
Needle Books, Pincushions, Tie
Hangers, Scrap Books, Possible
Histories, Crocheted Work, Sten
ciling. Napkin Rings, Post Cards,
Xmas Booklets.
Come while the best is there.
Merry Xmas!
A Select line of Christmas toys
on display at McCrimmon’s Store.
Pride of Ownership
. • #
| The Ford Touring Car has brought to the farm homes
;! of the country more real pleasure, comfort and con
: veniencethan perhaps any other one thing.
; It has enabled the farmer and his family to mingle
ij with friends, attend church, neighborhood functions,
! and enjoy the many pleasantries that abound in
country life.
:! Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation and_
;i maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency, has been
; a boon to the American farmer.
Your order should be placed at once if you wish to
avoid delay in delivery.
Notice to of the
Citizens Bank, Alston, Ga.
In accordance with the pro
visions of Section 13 and 14 of
Article 7 of the banking Act ap
proved August 16, 1919, you are
notified to present your claim,
properly attested, on or before
ninety days from this date. Also
depositors are hereby notified to
I bring their pass books to';be bal
anced and compared with the
books of the Bank, filing same
with Mr. W. C. Wooten, Liquida
ting Agent.
This the 22d day of December,
1921. (Signed) T. R. Bennett,
Superintendent of Banks.
Mount Vernon Wood
W. A. <IUYTON t Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
See me for prices. Yards near
Mt. Vernon depot
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We ate constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Trespass Notice.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting with gun or dog,
removing wood or timber of any
kind, fishing, or in any majQjf/X
trespassing on th J j r , lSft^s of the
undersigned. Violations
rule will be prosecuted according
l'-*. the law. x’his means any and
all. I ni!M U ie Ist day of Decem
ber, 19* x>
- F. Lee. Mcßae.
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
will break a Cold, Fever and La-
Grippe quicker than anything we
know, preventing pneumonia.
NO. 37.