Newspaper Page Text
Would Draw Membership
There Tis being organized a post
of the American Legion, the
membership being drawn from
ex-soldiers of. Wheeler and Mont
gomery counties. It will be a
joint post between the two coun
ties, and will doubtless be named
the Burns-Geiger Post American
Legion, the number of which is
not yet known.
The post is named in honor of
a young man who went from
Wheeler county and the two
Geiger boys ot Mt. Vernon, Jud
son Carlton Geiger, who died in |
Philadelphia, and his brother,
Harold C. Geiger, who fell in the
battle Chateau-Thierry. It is
very fitting that the post will
bear the name of men who gave
their lives for the cause of Amer
ican liberty, and it is hoped that
every former soidier of the two !
counties will unite with the or
Credit is due Lieut. Guy 0.
Stone for his untiring efforts
toward the organization of the
post. Lieut. Stone was attached
to the aviation corps and served
in Italy and France.
In order to protect the the in
terest of the men and perpetuate
the memory of those who gave
their lives for the cause, the or
ganization is a necessity. The
Monitor commends,the idea, and
trusts that the men of the two
counties eligible for membership
will rally to the support of the
As the organization progresses,
The Monitor will take pleasure in
lending every aid toward its in
terest and success. The list of
officers, date of meetings, etc.,
will be given as soon as this is
Died in Atlanta;
Buried in Mt. Vernon.
The remains of Mr. Seaborn
Lindsey, who died in Atlanta
Saturday, were brought to Mt.
Vernon for burial Tuesday. Re
mains w T ere laid to rest in the
family lot beside those of his
wife, who died a number of years
Mr. Lindsey died Saturday in
Atlanta, where he had been for
several months, following an ex
tended stay in New Mexico,
where he went for the benefit of
his health, which had been fail
ing for a number of years.
Deceased was a former citizen
of Mt. Vernon, having married
Miss Emma Fountain, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fountain
of this place. He is survived by
three sons, Messrs. Willie Lind
sey of New York, Guy Lindsey
of Atlanta and Thad Lindsey of
Nashville, Ga., and one daughter,
Mrs. Cox of Nashville, Ga.
Remains were accompanied to
Mt. Vernon by Messrs. Guy
Lindsey and Max Fountain of
Atlanta. Dr. Brewton conducted
the funeral service.
Tennessee Mules.
Just received at my
new barn in Ailey my
second car of young
Tennessee Mules,now
on sale from 8125 up.
Or, will sell on time,
with approved secu
Ailey, Ga.
®fj t Umitgomm* Mmltixt.
Must Return Poll
or be*Double Taxed.
[ In last issue The Monitor called
attention to the law requiring
i ladies to return and pay a poll
tax, under the Act of 1921.
Under the ruling of Comp
troller-General Wright, as shown ;
in correspondence with the tax 1
receiver of Treutlen county, re
produced here, it is clear that a!
lady’s return must be made on a
separate sheet, and that on failure
to return,as in the case of a
man, double taxation process is
General Wright’s letter to Tax
Receiver Tharpe is as follows:
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 26th, 1922. i
Mr. J. E. Tharpe, Tax Receiver:
i Treutlen County, . Soperton, Ga, I
Dear Sir:
Replying to yours of the 25th
inst. inquiring if a man can put
the poll tax of his wife or other
female members of his family on
the same sheet with his tax re- ]
All poll tax payers’ names
must be entered on the digest
separate, the women's names as;
well as the men’s. If they do not j
make return, then their tax is
doubled and the procedure is the
same as in case of male default
ers of tax.
Yours very truly,
Wm. A. Wright,
Com ptroller-General.
Special Correspondence.
Rev. Gainer Harrison, principal
of Kibbee school and pastor of
Alma Baptist church, and Mr. j
M. E. Burns motored to Alma!
Sunday where they spent a very
pleasant day.
Misses Sheppard and Serepta
Palmer, teachers'of the Kibbee
school, attended B. Y. P. U.
Sunday evening.
Prof. C. E. Warren and Messrs.
M. E. Burns, Paul and Harvey
Calhoun and Luther Waller at
tended the basket ball game at
Mt. Vernon, played between 8.-
P. I. and Baxley, Saturday eve
Judge A. L. Wheeler is attend
ing United States Court in Sa
vannah this week.
Work was begun on the arte
sian well Monday.
Mrs. McNeeley is visiting rela
tives in Harrison this week.
Messrs. B. S. Beatty and H.
H. Adams made a business trip
trip to Soperton Tuesday.
Messrs. R. D. Beatty and J. E.
Calhoun were transacting busi
ness in Lovett Wednesday.
Mr. E. J. Williams and Miss
Atlas Braddy of near Kibbee at- i
tended Sunday school.
Elder Good, pastor of the Ad
vent Church preached two splen- j
did sermons Sunday.
Mr. W. B. Cadle is spending
the week at Middleton’s Lake.
Preaching services will be held
1 at the Baptist church by the pas
! tor. Rev. T. J. Barnett of Dublin,
• Saturday morning, Sunday morn-
I ing and evening. Everybody
invited to attend.
Mrs. P. P. Waller and daugh
ter, lowne, were shopping in Vi
dalia Monday.
Mrs. Henry Biggerstaff and
children, Syble and Ray, of Kib
. bee were the spend the day
guests of her mother, Mrs. N.
, Q. Cooper, Sunday.
Mr. F. M. Simons made a busi
ness trip to Kibbee Wednesday. (
i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phillips
’ and children spent Sunday in
Kibbee the guest of the former’s
1 brother, Mr. D. H. Phillips.
Come to Higgston School for
some fun, On Wednesday Night,
the 22nd, In honor of George
’ Washington. Higgston School
I Children.
Amend State Constitution
and Build State Roads.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 15. —Geor
must act this year in the matter
of providing a state road building
| fund to match federal aid, or lose
her portion of federal aid funds,
according to T. G. E'armer, Jr.,
1 managing director of the Georgia
Good Roads Association, which
iis sponsoring the $75,000,000
bond issue to complete the state
highway system, in a statement
! given to the press this week.
‘‘Under the act providing fed
| eral aid for road building, Geor
, gia is given three years in which
I to correct a constitutional disabil
ity which prevents the state from
i matching the federal fund dollar
for dollar, as now required. It j
will require a constitutional
amendment to correct this, and
: Georgia laws require constitution-1
al amendments to be voted on at j
a general election. There is a;
general election in the state this j
fall and will not be another until j
1924. Within the next three'
I years Georgia must remove the
disabilities which prevent her act
ing as a state in the federal road j
building program, or forfeit par- j
ticipation in that fund after that
time. However, should this be
List of Cases Disposed of j
During February Court
Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs J.
|T. Conner et al. Ver. for plff.
j First Nat. Bank of Vidalia vs
J. H. Sanders. Ver for plff.
First Nat. Bank of Vidalia vs
D. A. Fountain. Dis.
Mrs. Mary J. Blocker vs E. A.
Holton et al. Ver. for plff.
W. P. Calhoun et al for use
Montgomery county, vs J. H.
Dees et al. Judg. for plff.
J. T. Warnock et al vs U. S.
Fidelity and Guaranty Co. Dis.
J J McArthur vs Hardy Hall.
Ver for plff.
Mrs S V McNatt vs Lewis
Sharpe. Dis.
Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs J !
H Sanders and J R Beckum. Ver. j
for plff.
W A Jones vs C W and J A j
Beckworth. Ver for plff.
R C Neely Inc vs Manning;
Mosley et al. Ver for plff.
F M & W O Sharpe vs M A
Yearty and W D Peterson. Ver.
for plff.
Minnie P Cox vs Will Cox. Ver,
for plff.
Selig Co vs W B Cadle and W i
P Pritchett. Dis.
Elner Mcßae vs Otho Mcßae. |
Dis. j
Cora E Conner and C C Conner, ;
adrs. A B Conner, vs H C Davis, j
T C Montgomery county and B
B Ware, sheriff Treutlen county.
Minter-Smith Hardware Co. vs
B F Morris. Ver for plff.
Mcßae & Bro (use D A Mcßae) i
vs J E Mcßae, adr. Jas. Morris. I
! Ver for plff.
Mcßride Bros vs B H Peterson,
deft in fi fa, J D Wood, clt. Dis.
International Agricultural Cor
poration vs Jason Powell. Ver.
for deft.
P J McNatt vs H B Morris.
Ver for plff.
George Ann Hudson vs Lester,
Canady. Settled.
Mrs Florence Braddy vs E S'
Adams, ver for plff.
Altamaha Fert. Co vs J D Sel
lers, ver for plff.
Mrs Clifford Mcßride vs Am-
Express Co., judg. agreed.
W H Stillwell vs B A Smith,
judg for plff.
Mrs Neva C Wilkes vs Jake
Wilkes, ver for plff.
S L Smith vs J A Hicks, with
i drawn, cost to plff.
Fisher, Lowrey & Fisher vs J
j L Cook, ver for plff.
done and the state be permitted
to act as a unit, Georgia has no
funds, without the bond issue
with which to match federal dol
lars; consequently, she would!
lose her allotment of federal aid”, 1
said Mr. Farmer.
The state legislature will be
called on at its next session to
submit this matter in a constitu-,
tional amendment to the voters;
of the state, in which event 1
it is unthinkable the fund will j
not be provided and the wonder
ful system of proposed highways, !
linking every county seat in thei
state into one great system ofi
permanent roads, completed.
I The proposed bond issue is a i
' matter with which the rural coun
ties of the state should seriously
I concern themselves, for it pro
j vides the only hope of some of
them to participate in the great
| system of highways that will,
| when completed, link every coun
|ty seat in the state. If the bond •
issue carries, these roads will be
! built without one penny's addi-|
j tional tax on the people, for the j
i bonds will be retired by the pre-!
sent automobile license fees and
gasoline tax.
W A Jones'vs Annie E O'Neal i
| et al, dis.
Fisher, Lowrey & Fisher vs
Lucindy Williams, dis.
Bank of Soperton vs W A Da- ’
vaht et al, ver for plff.
Zona Reed vs E E Burch, Shf.
Annie B Harris vs J Wade
Johnson and P R Cohen, with-!
J A'Mcßride vs M B Calhoun, '
adr. M D Hughes, ver for plff. j
Wm Kennedy vs Mamie Ken
nedy, ver for plff.
Bank of Soperton vs Maggie
i Love et al, ver for plff.
; J Wade Johnson vs Chas R
; Palmer, ver for plff.
! Swift'& Co.vs W H Smith, ver
! for plff.
j Int. Ag. Corp. vs Jas Hicks et |
al, ver for plff.
! Soperton Guano Co. V vs Maggie
Love et al, ver for plff.
Leader & Rosansky vs Frank
Beacham, prin., Lewis Sharpe,
guarantor, ver for plff.
j Montgomery Co Bank vs J G
Morris et al, ver for plff.
Mt. Vernon Bank, trans., vs
J. L. Nixon and T. N. Thomp
son, ver for plff.
Sta'evsZona Reed. S4O or 3
i John Willis. Mistrial.
\ Jim Adams. Nolprossed.
L. Collins. Nol pressed,
i Maria Joiner. Nolprossed.
1 Lawson Collins. Nolprossed.
Joe McKinnon, Murphy Rawls
and Jodie Collins. Nolprossed.
Clem Cooper. S3O or 3 mos.
W H Allen. Not guilty.
Arthur Reeves. $75 or 6 mos.
Sam Hester. SSO or 3 mos.
W. H. Allen. Not guilty,
i Will Hudson. SSO or 3 mos.
R. C. Mann. Nolprossed.
i Anderson Mills. $l5O or 3 mos.
| Anderson Harris. 12 mos., or
serve 3 mos. and fine SSO.
Henry Hicks. $75 or 6 mos.
Marion Whitlock. Nolprossed.
Gibe Syles. Nol prossed.
Seventh Grade Honor Roll
Margaret Salter, Rosa Daniels,
1 Dorothy Hunt, Ruby Jones, Cora
Conn, Gregory Hughes and Scha
lah Stephens. This means an
average of 95 in work, neither
an absence nor a tardy mark
against them.
Weekly Notes From
Tarrytown High School.
Present enrollment 170. At
tendance last week 137.
The Ciceronian Society render
led a Splendid program last Fri
day afternoon. The girls say
1 thev always do.
Prin. Warren is planning the
organization of a civic scout club
| with the boys in the near future.
;The boys in the school have
shown such good scout spirit in
, the past two years of the school.
The ninth grade is rejoicing
because.they have finished and
passed their ninth grade algebra.
They have done splendid work in
their mathematics.
The Seventh grade will be
: ready in some of their subjects
for the county contest—should
anything like that ‘‘come to
We are glad to give some notes
from the fifth and sixth grades,
and we are glad to say that these
children are doing some fine
I work.
j We are glad to have with us a
new pupil, James Moxley.
The fifth grade had a test on
; geography last week .There were
several good marks made.
Many of the pupils in the
fifth and sixth grades are taking;
t music.
| We have begun an honor roll
! for the best behavior in the room,
j Those who were on this roll last
week are; J. W. Barber, Willie
Mae Brady, Felix Helms, Adel
Helms, Udell Helms, and Flor
ence Warnock.
Those who made stars in spell
ing are: Mary Dell Burns, Var
nell Cadle, Louise Waller, Mil
dred Warnock, Willie Mae Braddy
and Theo Spence.
Fire at Alamo.
Alamo, Ga., Feb. 15.—Fire de
stroyed three mercantile business
! establishments here tonight and
! for a time threatened the whole
1 town. The flames were stopped ;
1 before they reached the brick
1 buildings of the town, however. !
Mercantile establishments de-!
■ stroyed are Pope Brothers, the
White building and E. W. Clem
ents building. The fire started
in a restaurant in the Pope build
ing. The total ioss will be $40,-
There was a big crowd in town
on account of court week and
there has been much excitement.
The fire was gotten under control
shortly before 10 o’clock.
I Millinery 1
Opening |
Miss Bessie Higgs announces S
to the ladies of Mount Vernon jg
and vicinity her Spring Showing of g
Millinery, Trimmings, etc.
Friday, February 17,1922 1
The ladies are invited to attend w
and review the latest styles and fads jg
in Millinery and Ladies’ wear.
Old Stand, Next to Bank Mt. Vernon jj|
Was a Well Known Citizen
and Faithful Church
Mr. H. B. McNatt, one of the
best known and most highly re
spected citizens of Montgomery
county, died at his home in Uval
da Saturday morning last, 11:30
o’clock, after having been ill for
several weeks. He had suffered
a decline in general health for
the past two years or more.
Mr. McNatt had long been
identified with the affairs of this
county, of which he was a native,
a member of one of its oldest
families. He was 64 years of
age, and during a very busy life
had devoted most of his time to
farming, in which he made a
success, and as a result of which
he had amassed a considerable
store of this world's goods.
He is survived by his wife and
eleven children, the sons being
Jas. H. of Uvaldfy E. M. of Sa
vannah, W. A., Jr., of Lyons, P.
J. of Mt. Vernon, R. H. of Okla
homa, John, a pupil in thte Brew
ton-Parker, and Eugene and H.
8., Jr., still at home. His daugh
| ters are Mrs. H. G. McAllister of
Scotland. Mrs. Huley of Florida,
and Mrs. Roseoe Price of Vidalia.
One brother, Mr. W. A. McNattl
resides at Lyons. His sisters are
Mrs. Mat Cook of Lumber City,
Mrs. H. C. Grace of Cedar Cross
ing and Mrs. Jim Odum of
| Toombs county.
Deceased was twice married,
his first wife having been Miss
; Lucy Hall. His second wife, who
survives him, was Miss Lou
| Mr. McNatt was a member of
the Methodist church, and for
many years a steward, and as an
official member took a very active
interest in the affairs of the
Services were conducted in the
Uvalda Methodist church Sunday
: afternoon by the presiding elder
of the Mcßae district, Rev. J. M.
Outler. Remains were -4aid to
rest in the Uvalda cemetery fol
lowing t he service at the church.
| Mr. McNatt was a highly re
spected citizen, and in his death
I the county loses a good man. He
! will be missed bv many appre
ciative neighbors, friends, the
town in which he lived, and the
church which he loved.
NO. 45.