Newspaper Page Text
Sale of Real Estate Under
Power of Sale.
G* orjria—Montgronx-ry ('ouuty.
1 ’ ti« I* ■ r ail by virtue of tlx- |>ow<-r
contained in that curtain <1 »-«*<! b>a»*-
curi 1 (b'bl, iniub' by Mis. Kiln I lurk
to P. H. ('ohon. under date «f No
vember 15th 1920, and recorded De
cember Hi h, 1 ‘.(20 in df < d book Xn. 27,
pagrifi 424 ft <'jerk's offluc Motit^om-J
ery county. tlx* uixb ii-igix d
will si ll at public outcry bcfon tlx*
court house door of said county, to
highest bidder for cash, Ix-twoeri tlx*
legal hours ol saloon tlx hirst 1 ucs
day ill December. 1922, tlx.* follow
itlg described real (‘State, to-wit.
All that tract or jiarcol of land,
situate, lying and being m tlx- 270 i b
District*G. M. Montgomery County,
tieoigia, bounded nortb by lands of
j* ju. Daniel, east by lands of .1. F.
( dark, south Iry lands of .1 Jell Mc-
Arthur and west by lands of T. < .
McArthur, containing seventy-live
(~r,) acres, more or less mil known
as the FI la < 'la i k hoiix* | lace.
Said sale to he bail for the purpose i
of paying tlx* indebtedness set out in ,
said deed to secure debt, tlx* amount !
now due being Two Thousand (12000) j
dollars principal, and One Hundred !
Seventy Seven and fiD-lbO (177.oi));
dollars interest In December Ist,
1922, togeibei with cost of Ibis pro
ceeding including ten per cent of tlx*
amount of principal and interest for
(‘ontinis'iotx r'- tee.-, lor tlm making
of sale and all advertising fees, de
fault having been made in tlx pay
ment of tlx* interest fine on May
Ist, 1922, and the principal and inter
est due Nov. Ist 1922, said deed pro
viding that in event of default in tlx* ;
payment of any of said notes princi- |
pal or interest, then the whole of
said debt would become due and
payable at I lie opt ion of I,lie holder,
time being the essence ot the con
tract, and tlx Ixdoi r liav ing by this
proceeding declared the whole sum
due and paycble by reason o! the
above default*
v, .. Hr tf'vj »gl u. ■sVj ■
) * ‘
LsJ'/ 1* 4 fx&y ’.'N , erf* 1 " 1
■j 2 I
How Many Names ot objects Beginning With the
Letter “P” Can You Find?
Hire's »m lu*r Weld 1 vou’ll nil like. The above picture contains a number of object! be
fiinn i wxh the letter “P.” CAN YOU FIND THE MOST? Take a good look at the picture, there
nre lot* 01 ' i V . d», like “Poker,” ‘‘Package," "Pumpkin," and others. Nothing is hidden—you don't
have to turn th ■ picture uapide down or sideways. Just make up a list of the objects whose names
1 begin with the letter "P," and mail it to The Con litution.
the Cor-‘ iiulion invites you and nil the folk* in your family to try their hand at hunting “P”
Wore* I* y, and lots ol fun for everyone. Fifteen cash rrwsrds see offered for the 15 best
Large “P” Word Pictures Free on Request
If you want a latgc, clear copy of this “P"
Word picture, just address a postcard to the Con
test .Manager, Atlanta Constitution, and he will
send you a picture tree by return mail. With this
large picture \.>u can pick out all the “1>" Words
Anyone can take part in this game without it
costing one penny, and win one nt the smaller
cash prizes, piovided the fudges decide his or hei
answer to be among the t S best. t his game is
iUSt a plain test oi your skill. Your ability to
fittd "I" Words determines the prize you-win.
J Simple Rules to Observe
1. Anjutir may compete, except oi:r employees or ih.-ii
Total I’roy Miami. tn other similar nor a .■ou'
ire also li.elttniJe.
* * onl.v ©mo »iilo of ll.t? |>ap«T tn wrlttu£ yom iin
***** V«*m w*uM number each |n«ge nn<! «*ntii troril «i»h*
Milt. l coßttH'UtlYvtj 1, S. ft. tl. . Writ# ' Mir lull ||w#
j * ft I • ••. • i ritUtfeiad m its of «nuh mm,
All xi -,r. in i.-*i U ms I- Ur U.CC tv
1 Constitution. A ft pn't ceit addlttvnaf
•' . i. «" nt sled fur | •'.*u.|'tuv«» aw »|Mk'ifird m Use
ft. n»t muyt naviita Itir Unr«-»f autut*cr of worUa
«u . corn-vtljf naia«* »;.. *tn »ltonu iu the iHcttin "in*
Hr»t I'rUr. vtr
* ' • ‘ ' -if of t.tH. t’o Nil mini 1 1 ir.-y
a ♦hi • au a m t > .• .mu ataat
It' an os •* v n 1 in. 1 1 .**l at'.tl Dot f .*m a \ |»r»‘
t•• tmguiar it u»« «i the plural mutt i. •» . .. ,i
t Cnly one inswcr will In' ai . t ptrd from a fam ?r m
i . t . , ••.
T't’ry avtirr artll tveriwe thf wntm* couahtoratUtn
*' i: ‘*\ ' ' • . - O- a r* a, ill
ii. NMthMi, Ftyle, or Laid" rtting will Lave ot» twirllf
11. AnDt*nn>'**m«nt of Ok* j»rit.e winnrra and tho niu
ling Hat of word*. U'crtljrr with (be cnriort lut tl**t«*r
tiln*d hj the judg*a. will !e anno' In columns
t f fits Const!t iiva just as toon i.ft.r «’ » *>«» . I
gjiine as {iosailde.
A complete conveyance will bo
mail,, to tlx* purchaser on day of
•ah such purchaser paying for title
and revenue stamps.
i iii- mil day of November. 1922.
P. 11. ('alien.
AMomev in fact for Mrs. Kila Clark
.!. Wade Johnson, Attorney.
< ’oininissioncr.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Will be sold Ix-forc the courthouse
door in said county, fin the first
Tip lay in December, 1922, within
the legal hours of sale, to the highest
hid del for cash, all that certain
traei or parcel of land, situate, lying
and Im in ■ in the27r»lh (1, M. District
.Montgomery county, Georgia, con
taining one hundred and twenty-two
(122) acres more, or less, hounded
north by lands of estate Matthew;
Sharpe, east and south by lands of I
. -tab M. Sharpe and west by lands
tab Mrs. \V. F. Mathias and lands!
of J.T. Langford, made up of two
tracts, one routatning 99 5-4 acres,
mail r les• a* shown by plat of the j
ole mad'* by S. lb Morris. Feb. 14th
i;> 2, recorded deed book 2ti, page 227
Clerk’.* (Mlice Montgomery County,
tin. ind orx tract containing 22 1-4
aeri - more or less, as shown by plat
i. < <irilcfl in deed book Hi page 119
i , rk - < tllice .Montgomery Comity,
- i and known as the home place of
lid .1. W. .Mclntyre, with the irn
pi p'.eim rit thereon Levied on as
j 'he property of J. W. Mclntyre, to
,itisly an execution issued from Hti
i. : joi i .>iii tof said County on No
vemlier til li„ 1922, in lavor of P. It.
obex and against J. W. Mclntyre.
Written not ice given the defendant.
J. W Me Intyre, In term* of the law,
I lie iii da.' of November 1922.
I-:.' F. BUHCH, Sheriff. |
Winning Answer* Will Receive Priiea as Follow*: £ ]
Prut if
Two Blx-
PrUe if One Month, sr
Pi it# it No Sin- Moutl* One Yearly
Subscriptions Subscription Subscription
nre sent. 1$ sent. Is Mat.
Ist Trite ... .$35.00 $500.00 $1,500.00
2nd Prize 30.00 250.00 1.000.00
3rd Priro 25.00 150.00 500.00 j
4th Prite 20.00 100.00 250.00 Prlte 15.00 75.00 150.00
(Stli Prize .... 10.00 50.00 100.00 I ?
7th Prite 7.00 30.00 75.00
Bth Prite 500 20.00 50 00 I
9th Prite 5.00 10.00 25.00
10th Prite 5.00 10.00 25 00
11 th Prite 5.00 10.00 25.00
12th Prite 5.00 10.00 25.00 S
13th Prite 5.00 10.00 25 00 ’
14th Prite .... 5.00 10.00 25.00 ;
15th Prise . ... 5.00 10.00 25.00
I VI II V \o«r li*t er ivoril* tliu*t tie mailed on ot
'.! it X. , 1 1*■ r meg lint if yon mail your quatlfy
! r .-u cr I i f.ire Noiie-lier lKth. A |H-r vent will
iv site d to any grlse you may win. as s reward sot ;
YOU CAN WIN $1,500
Aft.r \>>u have found all the objects you can
pi>s*'bly *ce in the above picture and you are
prettv sure they are correct, you can make your
wer eligible (or the 51.500.00 PRIZE by sub
setibin-’ to the Daily and Sutidav Atlanta Consti
tution for one year at $0.50. A one-year sub
seripiiiHt is all that is required to put your answer
xx hcix it can win the $1,500 GRAND PRIZE. A
s;\ iv.' nths subscription makes your answer eligi
ble (or the $500.00 Eirst Prize.
Either your own, or a friend's or neighbor’s
vrder xxill count —new or renewal. If you are
xx taking I'he Constitution we will extend your
subscription, or start it at any future date.
Subscription Rates, Payable in Advance
By MAil. Carrie* or Agcut
Daily find Sunday Constitution, 6 month*, $5.00
Onily and Sunday Constitution, 1 y«ar, $9.50 i
Only regular orders aft tho above rata caa count to
juftli;; an answer.
Make all check*, money order*, ote.. payablo to The
Sale of Real Estate Under
Power of Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery Conritv.
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mort
gage made by F. B. Bell to The Coni- i
merclal Bank (a branch of The Mt. |
Vernon Bank, a banking corporation I
under the laws ot said State) dated
the 10th day of April 1919, and re-j
corded the 20th day of April 1919 in j
Book 38 page 86 of the Records of
Mortgages of Montgomery County.
Georgia, the undersigned will sell at
public outcry before the court bouse
door of said county on the first Tues
day in December 1922 within the
legal hours of sale, all of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
All that certain tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the 275th
District G. M. of Montgomery Coun
ty, Georgia, and in the Brown Divis
!pm of the colored portion of the
i Town of (Jvalda. Georgia, and known
i in said plat as lots numbers seven (7)
land eight (8) fronting Brown Street
land being forty-eight and one-half
I feet wide and running back one hun-
Idred and fifty feet to an alley. Said
sale to be had for the purpose of pay
ing an indebtedness as m said inert*
gage set out, together with the costs
of this proceeding including ten per
cent, of the umount for attorney's
fees, as provided for in said mortgage
aforesaid, the debt secured by said
mortgage having matured and said
maker of said mortgage failing and
refusing to pay the same, and tlx*
amount of said indebtedness on Un
said day of sale being $85.00 princi
pal; $11.31 interest and $7.63 attor
ney’s fees. Title deeds to the pur
chaser will be executed by the pro
per officers of the undersigned and in
the name of the undersigned, as is
provided in said mortgage aforesaid.
The Commercial Bank (Branch ol
I The Mt. Vernon Bank).
* ♦
II Oconee Pharmacy t
(The Drug Store Around the Corner) #
# J
J $
These Standard Pens appeal to the individual who wants £-
J an article that can be depended on for Constant Service
% Accurately Compounded From %
# J
| Pure, Fresh Drug's * *
J No matter how exacting your taste may be, £-
i there is something in our assortment that will *
I please your taste, and at reasonable figures
l t
* h. H. Morrison, Prop. Mt. Vernon
j *
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of Montgom
ery County, granted upon the ap
plication of John E. Mcßae, ad
ministrator of the estate of
Janies Morris, deceased, late of
said county, to sell the lands of
the said james Morris, deceased,
for the purpose of paying debts
and distribution, there will be
sold before the court house door
of Montgomery county, Georgia, j
at public outcry, to the highest
bidder for cash, in the city of 1
Mount Vernon, between the le-1
gal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in December, 1922, as j
the property of said deceased,!
the following described lands,
to-wit: Ail that certain tract or
parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the 1343rd Dist. G. M.
Montgomery County, Georgia,
and bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by lands of Melvin
Graham; Ladson lands and Miss
Rosa Connell, on the east by;
lands of Miss Rosa Connell and
John N. Connell: on the south by
lands of W. O’Conner and Mrs.
Frances Garner, and on the west)
by lands of Mrs. Frances Garner,
N. L. Spooner and Mel- ■
vin Graham, and contain
ing three hundred eighty and
three tenths (380.3) acres, more
or less, except fifty (50) acres
carved from said tract and set
aside for year’s support of Mrs.
Mary Morris. Also all that tract
or parcel of land situated, lying
and being in the 1343rd Dist. G.
M. of said county and state and
bounded on the north by lands
of Mrs. E. T. McLeod, on the
east by lands of E. T. McLeod,
on the south by M. C. Adams
and on the west by Oconee river,
and known as a portion of the
Sam Moore survey and containing
seventy-five acres, more or less,
as shown by the record of deed
from E. T. McLeod to James
Morris, Jr., as recorded in Deed
Book No. 1, page 304 of the
Clerk’s office of Montgomery
county, Georgia.
This the Bth day of November,
1922. J E. Mcßae.
Administrator of the Estate of
James Morris, deceased.
Cures Malaria, Chills and
h()(l Fever, Dengue or Bilious
Is the Place to Get at All Times J
jji the Most C H O I C E 4
i Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters 4
a» . >
g» Our Service and Standard of Quality are Recognized 4}
'k by a Constantly Growing Patronage. Free S
Delivery—the Instant Kind—that Pleases
mi. jda. .A jAjfic. jl3h.jJk.AL AA A jAI jA AAA A AAA A A A J
In supporting the county paper, you
get more than value received.
•• \ V
Egg Mash Produces Eggs
and the Hens Like it
| Put up in Large Size Packages and
Sold tit Agreeable Prices. Try it
For lack of room, we cannot carry
tin extensive stock, but run strong on |
If not a customer, come in and join the
satisfied people who buy from us
MkCrimmon’s Store
|| MT. VERNON, GA. j