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wmmmssfflmmmmmmmmwgm j
The Drug Store fills a very im«
portant place in any thrifty
community. Ours is even §
more than this—it is
a Real Necesssity
29 If
jl AILEY, GA. |
00000000000000000000 000000
I Cannot Dispute It j|
Pure food makes pure blood and pure 0
blood sustains healthy bodies. No |
man, scientist or quack, can dispute it
Our Meats Prove it |
Fresh and Cured Meats 0
I Fresh Fish and Oysters
and Table Delicacies J
Shipment of Fresh Bread Daily 0
S. S. Bush MT. VERNON, GA. $
Petty's Cotton Seed is Given First Prize
Product Grown on Dawson Farm is Ranked Highest at
Southeastern Fair in Atlanta.
Dawson, Ga., Oct 23.—Petty’s
improved toole wilt resistant cot
ton seed, grown and improved on
the H. A. Petty farm, has won
another distinction of note, hav
ing been awarded first prize at
• the Southeastern Fair, which was
neld in Atlanta during the past
Petty’s seed have heretofore
won the distinction having rank
ed first in the 1921 cotton varie
ty test held at the Georgia State
College of Agriculture, with re
gard to yield of lint cotton per
acre; also having ranked first in
yield acre in the 1921 cotton va
riety test held at the Coastal
Plain Experiment Station near
Tifton. On the farm of the
Georgia State College of Agri
culture, some thirty odd varie
ties of cotton were used in the
test, Petty’s improved toole hav
ing ranked first.
We have the above seed for sale. See us
at once if you want these prize winners for
your 1923 cotton crop.
©lf? iMimfcjfltttfnf Monitor.
Mr. Petty began improving his
cotton in 1916 or 1917 by the sin
gle stalk selection method, being
very careful to keep records on
the different plots and having his
cotton ginned on a private gin on
the H. A. Petty farm, thereby
keeping his seed absolutely pure
as he did not gin for the public.
Mr. Petty has continued the
above method until now, his suc
cess is quite evident and the de
mand for Petty's improved cot
ton seed is much greater than the
supply available and he cannot
, fill the orders received for seed.
His cotton has made a very
creditable showing in all sections
planted. Mr. Petty has made
shipments of his seed, pot only
out of the State of Georgia but
; out of the UnitedJJStates and in-
I to China and Italy.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County,
j Will be sold before the court house
I door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1i)23, between the legal
! hours of sale, to the highest bidder
j for cash, certain property, of which
the'following is a complete dsscrip
Thirty acres of land carved
from a tract of land situate, ly
ing aud being in the 1781st G. M.
district of said county, aud bound
ed as follows: North by lands of
Grady Phillips, east by lands of
Mathew Phillips, south by lands
of Toney Phillips aud west by
lands of the Margaret Moßley es
tate aud west by lands of Boston
Durden. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of Mathew
Phillips to satisfy a tax fi fa is
sued by H. C. Davis tax collector,
vs Mathew Phillips for state and
county taxes for the year 1920.
Levy made and returned to me
by H. H. Adams, L. C., and writ
ten notice of levy given in terms
of the law. This the sth day of
December, 1922. E. K. Burch,
Dissolution Notice.
State of Georgia—Montgomery
The partnership composed of
the estate of W. J. Peterson, de
ceased, and T. A. Peterson, here
tofore conducted in Ailey, Mont
gomery county, Georgia, under
the names of W. J. & T. A. Pe
terson, doing a general retail
merchandising and trading busi
ness, and Ailey Hardware Com
pany, doing a retail hardware
business, and Montgomery Coun
ty Bank, doing a general banking
business, is by mutual consent of
the heirs at law of the estate of
W. J. Peterson, deceased, and T.
A. Peterson this day dissolved.
The entire one-half interest of
the estate of W. J. Peterson, de
ceased, in said partnership hav
ing been sold and transferred to
T. A. Peterson. He assuming
all obligations of indebtedness
outstanding against said partner
ship and agreeing to pay same
and being vested with full au
thority to collect and enforce pay
ment of all obligations of indebt
ness owing to said partnership.
It is mutually agreed that the re
tail mercantile business may con
tinue to be operated under the
firm name of W. J. & T. A. Pe
terson until December 31, 1922.
However, this continuance . is in
no manner to carry with it any
responsibility or liability what
ever on the part of the estate of
W. J. Peterson, deceased, and is
only permitted for the temporary
convenience of T. A. Peterson,
the purchaser.
The estate of W. J. Peterson,
deceased, as represented by the
heirs at law of said estate this
day retiring from said partner
ship. This December 2nd, 1922.
Heirs at law of the estate of
W. J. Peterson, deceased:
Flora Catherine Snooks,
Thomas Alexander Peterson,
William James Peterson,
Jessie Mae Peterson,
Jim Peterson,
Marie Peterson,
Hugh Peterson, Jr.,
John Calhoun Peterson,
Ala Brewton,
Cleopatra McLaurine,
W. M. McLaurine, Guardian
Cleopatra McLaurine,
T. A. Peterson.
Signed in the presence of us:
C. W. Skipper,
C. W, Robison, N. P., State at
Georgia—Montgomery County.
H. S. Riddle, administrator of
Zera Riddle, deceased, represents
to the court in his petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that
he has fully administered Zera
Riddle’a estate; this is, therefore,
to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they cau, why said
administrator should not be dis-;
chaged from his administration
and receive letters of dismission
on the first Monday in January,
1928. J. C. McAllister,
Lost, on the streets of Mount
Vernon on last Saturday evening,
a brown fur choker. Finder will
please return to
Miss Carol Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Sale of Land Under Power
Contained in Security Deed.
Under aud by virtue of of the
authority contained in a Deed to
secure debt executed byC. F. Lad
son to First National Bank of Vi
dalia on the Bth day of Aug.,
1919, and recorded in the office
of the Clerk of Superior Court of
Montgomery County in Deed
Book 27 page 288, there will be
sold before the court house door
in Montgomery County, between
the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in Jan., 1928, to the
highest aud best bidder for cash,
the property conveyed by said
deed and described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land
lying, situate and being in the
1448 rd Dist.,G. M. of Montgom
ery County, Ga., containing 48
1-2 acres, more or less, bounded
on the north by the lands of J. E.
Ladson, on the west by lands of
W. B. Ladson, on the south by
the lands of James Morris and on
the northeast by the lands of
Flora Cooper.
Default has been made in the
payment of the principal and in
terest on a certain promissory
note of even date of said deed,
for SIOOO.OO, which said amount
said deed was executed to secure,
and the said First National Bank
of Vidalia. the legal holder of said
note and security deed, in accord
ance with the terms thereof will
sell said described property for
the purpose of paying said indebt
edness and the said First National
Bank'of Vidalia will make to the
purchaser a good and sufficient
deed to said property under the
terms of said Deed to Secure Debt
aforesaid. This Dec. 6th, 1922.
First National Bank of Vidalia
For Leave to Sell.
State ot Georgia—Montgomery
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that
Louis Roberson and M. B. Cal
houn as administrators of the es
tate of C. H. Peterson, deceased,
have applied to me by petition
for leave to sell the following
real estate belonging to the es
tate of the said O. H. Peterson,
deceased, to-wit:
One lot of land situated, lying
and being in the Town of Soper
ton. originally Montgomery but
now Treutlen county, Georgia,
which said lot fronts fifty (50)
feet on Main Street and runs back
south a distance of one hundred
(100) feet, add being bounded on
the North by Main Street; east
by lands of W. T. McCrimmon;
south by lands of Mrs. Lillie M.
Williams and west by Second
Street, together with the perpetu
al right to join a twelve inch brick
wall running along the east side
of said lot, the same being 16 feet
high and 100 feet long, and also
the perpetual right to join th
twelve inch brick wall running
along the south side of said lot,
the same being 15 feet high and
and 50 feet long —and that an or
der was made thereon at the De
cember term, t 922, of the court of
ordinary of said county for cita
tion, and that citation issue. All
the heirs at law and creditors of
the said C. H. Peterson’ deceased,
will take notice that I will pnss
upon said application at the Jan
uary Term, 1928, of the court of
ordinary of Montgomery county,
Georgia; and that unless good
cause is shown to the contrary,
at said time, said leave to seU the
above described land will be
granted bv the court. This the
4th day of December, 1922.
J. O. McAllister,
Ordinary of Montgomery
County, Georgia.
Notice is hereby given that the
last meeting of the Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enues of Montgomery County for |
the year 1922 will be held on
Friday, Dec. 29.
A. B. Hutcheson,
Nationally Known for Their
• i
Superb Quality
See the New Miller Wedge Tread and
Get Prices on Our Entire Line
Located at Corner Railroad Avenue and
. Aighway MT. VERNON
The Montgomery Monitor and
The Progressive Farmer one
year for $1.50. OFFER WILL
New Price
The world has never known
an enclosed car of this type
at a lower price. No car at
any price has ever offered a
greater value. j
Place your order now to in
sure early delivery. Terms
if desired.
Mount Vernon Motor
NO. 33