The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 28, 1922, Image 2
Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Moiitgomarv ('utility. Will be gold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day ill Jail., 19JW, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property of which ! the following is a complete descrip- I t ion • One certain bay mare mule, about j fourteen hands high and weighing about one thousand pounds and be ing about eight years old. Levied | on and will be sold as the property! Lena Webb to satisfy a fi fa issm <1 from the superior court of Toombs | county in favor of The < Uizens lbink | of Vidaliu vs Lena Webb, J. A. Me ! heodjanil W. W. Phillips liml by said plaintiff transferred to .1. A . Me I.< ml. Property in possession of Lena Webb and a bond taken for same. Levy made and returned to no by | O. K. Hurcli, deputy, and written , notice given. Tills the 6th day of December, 1922 K. K. Burch, Sheriff, Sherilf Sale. Georgia- Montgomery County. Will n< sold before the court house (loot iu Mt. Vernon on the Hist Tues day in Jan,, 192 k, bet ween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete descrip tion : Twenty acres of land more nr less, situate, lying and being in the 1781st G. M. District ot said county and state, and bounded us follows: On the north by lands of Melton Williamson, east by the Denise Phillips place, south by lands of Clayton McLeod and west by lands of J. D. Phillips. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Webb to satisfy a tax fi fa issued hv II C Davis, tax collector, vs Mrs Le ona Webb, for state and county taxes for the year 1920. Levy made and returned to me by II 11. Adams, L. U., and written no tice of same given in terms of the law. This the sth day of De cember, 1022. E. E. Lurch, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia Montgomery County. By virtue of an order hereto fore granted by the Ordinary of said county, the undersigned will sell at public outcry on the first Tuesday in January. 1923, before the court house door in said coun ty between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: All that tract of hind situate, lying and being in the Kibbee-Ti ger District G. M. of said county bounded north by land of Mrs. Eliza A. Stephens; east by land of O. 0. Hamilton; south by land of J. Palmer, Mason and Braddy and others and west by land of E. S. Adams, containing 234, acres, more or less. Reference being had to a plat of the said land made by S. B. Morris, sur veyor on the 21st day of October, 1922. Said land will be sold as the property of W. H. H. Ste phens, late of said county, de ceased, for the purpose of pay ing debts and distribution among the heirs at law. This the 2nd day of December, 1922. J. W. Stephens, Administrator. DR. V. M. BARCO Chiropractic Specialist Chronic and Nervous Diseases t Offices over Bank of Soperton, Soperton, Ga. Mrs J. E. Thompson’s, Vidalia At Soperton, Mon. Wed-, Friday At Vidalia. Tuos. Thurs., Sat. High-Grade Fertilizers for Sale. Stock oh hand in Mt. Ver non at all times. Henrv A. Johnson. ' Texas Home Lubricant Oil, tree from acid and will not gum or corrode. Prevents rust on guns, tools and machinery and metal surfaces. For sale by Dix ie Filling station. 1130 j Velvet Beans wanted. Best Prices Paid. Mt. Vernon Mer cantile Co. 1123 Cures Malaria, Chills and MO Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Notice of Sale. Whereas. Mrs. Ollie Martin by her warranty deed dated the 21st day of , October, 1921, and duly recorded in Hook No. *26 folio 564-685 of Hie Hec -1 uriL of Deeds of Montgomery Coun-; | ty, Georgia, conveyed to The (.'ill- 1 I z«ns Bank of Ah ton, a hanking cor- 1 I potation under the laws of said Slate, j I certain real estate which is herein-; ! after fully described, to secure acer- 1 ! min promissory note of the said Mrs. j iOllle Martin for the principal stun ! of Fourteen Hundred andJFifty-five ($1455.00) Dollars, said note bearing I (late October 21, 1921, and falling duel October Ist. 1922, together with inter-J est and attorney's fees thereon - and Whereas. The Citizens Hank of j Alston, by and through one W, i Wooten Jt duly appointed liquidating agent of tin-estate Hanking Depart ment of the State of Georgia, ap pointed to take charge of the affairs of The < 'it l/.ens Hank of Alston t hen and now in liquidation, did on the 28tli day of January, 1922 sell, assign, transfer and set over to The Litl/.elis & Southern Hank tin- said mortgage deed of the said Mrs. Ollie Martin aforesaid, and also the debt, in said mortgage deed described and there by secured, together with all its right, tit!•■ and interest ill and to the said mortgage deed, the property therein described and thedebt there by secured, with all of the rights, powers and privileges given to The Citizens Hank of Alston by the said mortgage deed as is shown by the record of said assignment in Hook 27 folio il of t lie Records of Deeds of Montgomery County, Georgia; the land or real estate so conveyed as sueli security being described as fol lows : All of lot number (I) in Hiock No. nine (9) and all improvements there on in the Town of Alston. Montgom ery County, Georgia, as shown by the map of said town and recorded in the office of the Clefk of the Su perior Court of Montgomery County, Georgia, May 26, 1920, in hook num ber 27 and page 888 and Whereas, tlie said promissory note aforesaid became due on the first day of October, 1922, was not paid when due and is st ill dire and unpaid, there being due thereon the follow ing amounts. to-wit. Principal $11.10.00. $29.10 as interest and the sinn of $1 18. 11 as attorney’s fees; Now Therefore. The Citizens <fc Southern Hank, the present, owner and holder of said note aforesaid as well as the said mortgage or security deed given in connection therewith, under and by virtue of the power and authority in it, vested by said mort gage or security deed aforesaid, will to sell the above described real estate and its appurtenances lhereunto belonging at public sale to the highest bidder for cash before the door of the court, house iu the Town of Mount Vernon, Montgom ery County, Georgia, within the le gal hours of sale on the first Tuesday 1 the 2nd day of January, 1929. for the purpose of paying said indebtedness ' hereinbefore set out and the costs of I tlns sale. As is provided in said mortgage or security deed aforesaid (that its agi lit or legal representative or as signs may make to the purchaser or purchasers of the said property good and sufficient lilies in Fee Simple to to the same, thereby divesting out of I lie said party of the first part all right and equity which said party may have in said property and vest ing the sam<»in the purchaser or clur chasers aforesaid) the undersigned will execute to the hurchaser at such sale good and sufficient title in Fee Simple to tlie above described prop '• • ity in as ample manner as the salm is now lie id by tin - said M is. Ollie Martin. This December Btli, 1922. The ('itizrns <V Southern Hank, l’.y Mills H. Lane, President. M. B. Calhoun, Attorney. Sale of Real Estate Under Power of Sale. Ueoitfin Montgomery County Dnuor and by virtue of the power contained in tliatci’i'Utin dml to secure debt, made and de livered by A I*. Mclntyre to Keulty Savings and Trust Company, of Savnnnrh, Ga.. on the 15th day of October, 1918, recorded November 2nd. 1918, in dots! book No. 24. page 655. Clerk's Office Mont gomery County, Georgia, and in accordance with the appointment of the undersigned as sole Trus tee. and in pursuance of the powers in said deed to secure debt, the undersigned as sole Trustee, will sell be fore the court house door in Mt. Ver non, tia . on tlie tirst Tuesday In January. 1923, U'twtHMi the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate. to-wit i All those tracts or parcels of land, situate, ly ing and U*ing in the 276th District G. M. Mont gomory County, Georgia, and bettor described as follows. Tract No. 1: Bounded north by lands of AJI. Mclnty re. «-a*t by other lands of A. I*. Mclntyre, U ing the 27 1-4 acre tract below described; south by lands of Josn* and Jessie Peterson and west by Oconee Greek, containing 192 1-2 acres, as shown b> plat of the satne made by S. H. Morris, County Surveyor. TiactNo. 2: Bounded not th by Jessie and Jtv sie l*eter>un, east by M. Sharpe; south and west by Mrs. Mamie Mocks, containing 17 acres, as shown by plat of same made by S. B. Morris, County Surveyor, tracts numb* is one ami two Itcing u i*oi tian of n tract of laud originelly grant ed to t»i|i*ert Priest on January 10th, IS;*4. Tract No. ; Bounded north by lands of A. H. Mclnty rs ami the run of Dry Branch, east by Dry Branch and lands of Mathias, south by lands of A. P Mclntyre. Mini west by other lands of A. P. I Mclntyre,, (being the l‘.*2 1-2 acres tract above de svribedl containing 27 1-4 acres as shown by plat of the same made by S B. Morris, recorded in deed I*ook No. Ilk page 115, Montgomery County, Georgia. T ract No. I Bounded on the north by other lands of A P, Mclntyre and branch, east by lands of Mathias, south by Dry Branch and other lands |of A P. Me Inly re, being the 27 I*4 acres above de scribed, and west by Dry Bianch, containing 39 ' J-4 acres, as shown by t*4at made by S. B Morris j and recorded in deed hook No. Kk page 115 Clerk's Office uontgomery County. Georgia, all of said | tracts lying adjacent an 1 containing in the ag gregate 278 1-2 acres, and known as the Malcolm II Mclnty re place, said tracts of land to be sold ‘ ! as a wh and Uot by the tiact. The sale of the abovedesciibod property is to he | | had for the purpose of paying an indebtedness j j secured by said deed to secure debt, the amount * •; now due and owing to said Realty Savings and j Trust Co., being the sum of $7000.00 principal, l and SM »'T interest and also all costs and expenses j of this proceeding, including ten per *ent of the amount of principal and interest as foes for This- j tee as well a* all other items secured by said deed ; to secure debt, default having been made in the i stipulations as in said deed set out, A complete conveyance will be made by the un . derwigtied, on date of sale purchaser paying for Revenue stamps and titles. This December 2nd. 1922. J. Wade Johnson, Sole Truster. ! 666 | is a Prescription for Colds, Fe ver and LaGrippe. It’s the most speedy remedy we know, prevent ing Pneumonia. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR, MT. VERNON, GEORGIA. Notice of Sale. Whereas. Garfield H. Burke did by his warranty deed to secure debt I bearing date tlie first day of Febru ary, 1919 andduly recorded in book, No. 25 folios 76 and 76 of tfie records of deeds of Montgomery county, Georgia convey unto the British aim American Mortgage Company, I,un ited, a corporation, the following j ! described real estate, to-wit: i The following described property j l situate, lying and being in the conn-j j iy of Montgomery and state of Geor- j gia, to-wit: ■ In the thirteen hundred land forty-third (1343rd) district G. |M. containing one hundred six and ] one half (106 1-2) acres, more or less, ' I bounded on tlie north by' lands of j | Elizabelh Palmer; on the east, by the j Soperton and Mount, Vernon public i road; on the south by lands ofJ. E. I i Horne; on the west by lands of J • ! ' W. Adams. To secure (lie promrnissory notes of the said Garfield B. Burke for the principal sum of Seventeen Hundred and Fifty ($1750.00) Dollars, payable in installments and in said deed pro vided that in the event, of default in the payment of any installment of said debt., said company or its as signs might, declare the unpaid bal ance thereof at once due and payable and sell said land for the payment thereof; and Whereas, said British and Ameri can Mortgage Company, Limited, did, by an assignment bearing date the first day of November, 1919, and recorded the 13th day of December, 1919, in Book No. 25 folio 224 of the records of deeds of Montgomery < ktunty, Georgia, grant, bargain, sell, transfer, assign and deliver unto The Prudential Insurance Company of America, its successors and assigns, all of its right, title, interest, proper ty and possession,claim and demand at law or in equity ot, iu and to tlie security deed aforesaid securing the debt, therein described, together with all of its rights, powers and privi leges thereunder, also the indebted ness secured thereby and the promis sory note or notes evidencing said indebtedness, also all Its right, title interest, property arid possession, claim or demand at law or in equity of, in and to (lie real estate and other properties in said deed to secure debt debt specifically set out and describ ed ; and Whereas, the said The Prudential Insurance Company of America did, by an assignment hearing date the I i 11) day of May, 1922, assign, trans fer awd set over unto The Mount Vernon Hank, of Mount Ver non, Georgia, all its right, title and interest, in and to the said Loan Deed hereinbefore specified covering tin? property above described, and also its right, title, interest, property and possessslon, claim and demand tit law or in equity of, in and to the in debtedness secured thereby and the notes evidencing said indebtedness; and Whereas, tlie installments of said debt due November the Ist, \920, November Ist, 192! November Ist. 1922, together with the interest due November Ist, 1920 and Novem ber Ist, 1922. were not paid when due and are still unpaid and said The Mount Vernon Hank, the nresent owner and holder thereof has de clared the unpaid balance of said debt due, the total amount due oil said indebtedness on the date of sale hereinafter shown being fifteen hun dred and seventy live ($1575.00] Dol lars principal debt; Three Hundred Twenty Fight Dollars [5328,58] and fifty eight cents interest to date of sale arid One Hundred and Ninety Dollars [5190.35] snd thirty five cents as attorney’s fees; and Whereas, the said Garfield P>. Burke did by his warranty deed to secure debt hearing date the 6th day of December. 1919 and duly recorded iu Hook No. 25 folio 229 of the Rec ords of Deeds of Montgomery County Georgia, convey unto Tlie Mount Vernon Hank the above described real estate [subject to. the loan deed first above mentioned] to secure the promissory note of the said. Garfield B. Hm payable to said bank tor the principal sum of Six Hundred and Ffty Five Dollars [5655 50] and fifty cents, besides interest thereon, and in said deed provided I hat in the event of his default in tlie payment of said note or any renewal thereof as anil when the same suould become due that Tlie Mount Vernon Bank sell the said land for the payment ot said note with the accrued interest; and Whereas, the total amount of the indebtedness due on the said note payable to The Mount Vernon Hank on tiie date of sale hereinafter shown being six hundred and fifty five dollars [5655.60] and fifty Cents as principal debt; Twenty tone Dollars [529.05] and five cents as interest to date of sale and the sum of sixtv eight dollars [568.45] anti forty five cents as attorney's fees; and Whereas, the said p:incipal not* - to The Mount Vernon Bank [or a renewal thereof] became due on tin first day of October, 1922 and the Garfield It. Burke fails and refuses to pay the same; Now, Therefore, the Mount Ver non Hank, the present owner and holder of both of said debts herein- i before specified as well as the owner \ and holder of the deeds to secure I debt at* above mentioned, under ami i hv virtue of the power and authori ty in said Hank vested by virtue ot satd deeds to Secure debt as afore said "ill proceed t> soil the above described real estate and its apptn te- j nances thereunto belonging at public sale to the highest bidder for cash 1 before i he door of t lie «. ourt house in j the Town of Mount Vernon, Mont gomery County, Georgia between the ’ legal hours of sale on the first Tttes ! day the 2nd day of January next,! ! 1923, for the purpose of pa\ ing the -aid indebtedness as aforesaid and '• the costs of this proceeding; and the money derived from tin sale of -aid ptopeity shall he disbursed a- pro vided for in said two security deeds Aforesaid; and title deeds *ro said i property will he executed by the me | i dersigned by its proper officers. This tlie 6tl) day of December. 1922. Tiie Mount Vernon Hank, By Willie T. McArthur, President..,! M. B. Calhoun, Attorney. 666 quickly relieves Colds and LaGrippe, Constipation, Bilious-, I ness and Headaches. mvttvwwi -vwv\vwv%tw»twi**%»*w*w»»»*v>*%»%***»**********»**%**MS I USE II Chatham Fertilizers I H QUALITY ' AND | Results obtained by Jj j # X. - • one of our customers CONDITION THE the past " ||;j r* Tarry town, Ga., > Obfe I Nov. 25. 1922. !j ; Chatham Chemical Co,, ! ■Savannah, Ga. Gentlemen;— !j j I used your Chatham j | j \ 9 2-3 fertilizer on my || i; yUSURPfiSSEO * arm year an^j ° I* '| acre. I consider it the : ! ; best fertilizer I have used jj || * g|! YJII g in some time, and was j; ;i mechanical condition of ; same. Expect to use it ; ; I "" ‘ again the coming’ year j; |j and as long as.l.can'get :; j; i Manufactured Yours very truly, I | 1 •j; || C. F. Ferrell. : ’SAVANNAH, GA: 1 1 HENRY A. JOHNSON ! : : Sales Representative MT. VERNON i * 1 Ltmv>t»iw—***** , * t *** M * tM * tMW * wtwt * l ** WMM * wlw ** Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. To all whom it may concern : Miss Maggie Morris, a resident ot this state, having in due form applied to the undersigned for the guardianship of the persons and property of J. B. Morris, son of James Morris, and Ntllie Burton, Addie Mae Grinstead, Hubert Griustead, Curtis Grinstead, Fre da Grinstead. Mattie Griustead, Myrtle Grinstead and Nan Grin stead, minor grand-children of James Morris, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given j that said applicatirn will he heard j at the next.court of ordinary for, said county, on the first Monday! in January, 1923. Witness my! ha nd and official signature, this 4th day of- December. 1922. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary Montgomery County. Notice to Public. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mount Vernon Bank, held in the offices of said bank on December the 6th, 1922, the following resolution was of fered and unanimously adopted: Whereas, Section 3 of Article 1 of The Banking LawS\of Geor gia as enacted by the General Assembly August 16th, 1919, re quires that a branch bank shall be operated as branches, and un der the name of the parent bank That, effective Jan ary Ist, 1923, the name of The Commercial Bank, Uvalda, Ga., a branch of the Mt. Vernon Bank, be changed in conform ance with said act to rend “The. Mount Vernon Bank, Uvalda Branch.” The above is a correct trans cript from the minute of a meet- 1 ing of the Board of Directors of The Mt. Vernon Bank. W. A. Peterson, Cashier Mt. Vynonßank. House for Sale. Five-roem dwelling and small tract of land, located in edge of Mt. Vernon, for sale cheap. See J. I Fountain, * Mt. Vernon, Ga. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. To all Whom it Mav Concern: Mrs. Abbie R. Calhoun of said state having applied to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of J. E. Mobley of said county, this is to cite all and singular the heirs and credit ors of J. E. Mobley to be and appear at the January term, 1923, of said court, and show cause, if t any they can, why letters of ad ministration de bonis non should! uot be granted on the estate of | said J. E. Mobley. Witness my! official signature. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary. City Tax Notice. A tax levy of four mills has been levied by the Town Council of tjie town of Mt. Vernon, Ga., for work on the streets of the town and for other improvements of the town. The tax books are | now open and all parties owning property in the town of Mt. Ver non, Ga., are hereby notified to call on J. C. McAllister in his of fice at the Court House, make your returns and pay the taxes. 1 The Tax books will close on the 20th day of December, 1922, This December 4th. C. A. Mason, Mayor, A. B. Hutcheson, Clerk. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Georgia—Montgomery County. Notice is hereby given to all' creditors of the estate of H. B. McNatt, late of said county, de-' ceased, to render in an account of their demands to us within the time prescribed by law, prop-1 erly made out. And all persons indebted to said deceased are nereby required to make immediate payment to either W. A. McNatt, Sr., Lyons, j ! Georgia, or H. G. McAilister, | Scotland, Georgia. This the 12th day of December, 1922. W. A. McNatt, Sr., H. G. McAllister, Administrators of the estate of H. B. McNatt. Deceased. I Notice. This is to notify the people of Ailey, Ga., and the public gen erally that the town council has passed an ordinance prohibiting the cow’s and hogs from running on the streets of Ailey, to take effect January Ist, 1923. J. W. Downs, Clerk. Cabbage Plants. Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield and Succession Cab bage Plants. Ready to be set. On sale at Sanitary Market, Mt. Vernon. H. A. John on, 1123 Mt. Vernon. Gin Report Dec. 1. The tabulation of the gin report up to December 1 shows that there were ginned in Montgom ery county to this date 6565 bales of upland cotton. To this date last year the figures were 3321 bales ginned in Montgomery. MULES FOR SALE. I have just unloaded at my barn in Ailey a car of nice young Tennessee mules, and I am offering for sale or exchange. Prices i§l3s upward. W. J. PETERSON. W. R. GRACE & CO. Nitrate of Soda 1 Imported Direct From South America. Use it on Your COTTON - GRAIN • CORN And Grow a Crop. Get Latest Prices From C. T. WATKINS, DUBLIN, GA. or Nitrate Agencies Co., Agents Savannah, Ga.