Newspaper Page Text
Rumors Current That Presi
dent Will Stand Aside.
of all the churches are cordially in
vited to be present and make this a
Union meeting of all the people.
M, G. McManeus,
P. H. Herhing,
L. B. Powell,
J. S. NVkatiieks,
R. 0. Bell,
file Believes Now That He Will
Controll New York Slate Con
vention and That His Policies
Will Prevail.
New York.—Colonel Roosevelt
refuses to break the steadfast si
lence lie has maintained in regard
to the Taft administration. Asked
in his office at The Outlook what he
thought of the. report that Taft had
practically made up his mind to re
fuse to allow his name to be offered
in 1912 for renomination in order
to clear the way fori Qoosevelt’s re
turn to the presidency, he said:
“There have been a great many
stories printed and there will be a
great many more. I can not afford
to discuss them.”
This was all he would say, and
he offered the same statement in
reply to a request for comment on
President Taft’s Jetter to an Iowa
insurgent, made public a few days
ago, in which the president declared
‘ that no distinction would he drawn
hereafter between insurgents and
fegu'ars in the distribution - of fed
eral patronage.
Colonel Roosevelt’s earliest visi
tor at The Outlook today was Lloyd;
.. .. .. . • . ' ...
Notice Pythians
A special meeting is hereby called
to convene at Pythian Hall on Mon
day night.,next, the 26th, inst., .at
7:30 o'clock. Important. Large
attendance requested. This Sept.
21, 1910. Wh. Searcy,
V. C.
!'. Grisorim, '‘chairman of tlip '\ew
York' republican county cdmmikt'ee,
with Whom he went over in detail
the poli.ical situation in New York
state. After Mr. Griscom had left
the ex-president' indicated that in
spite of any claims the Woodruff'
Barnes faction has advanced, he
felt that actual conditions favored
the principles he advocates, and
intimated his belief that his end of
the party would he in control when
the republican state convention met
in Saratoga on September 27.
Barnes Raps Colonel.
William Barnes, Jr., issued a
statement from republican head
quarters taking another crack at
the colonel, and the colonel answer
ed back; saying that he was very
happy indeed because he could not
number Mr. Baynes among iris
Barnes said,that the future of the
republican party in this state would
either'be doomed or brightened by
the platform adopted and the offi
cials selected at the state conven
“Ibis is tiffs turning-point in the
history of the party,” said he.
“Whether it will follow the radical
policies of Roosevelt and lose the,
strategic position it has held in this
state for many years as the party of
sanity will be seen thenV;’>’
“I am indeed blessed in my . ene
mies,” said Roosevelt. “1 am gen
uinely grateful to . Mr. Barnes for
having unconsciously made the is
sue so clear between what he calls
‘Rooseveltism’on the one side and
on the other side the boss with big
interests which seek to control pol
itics as well ns the bosses.”
Dr. Lundy H. Harris, of Board ol
Education of Methodist Church,
Hero of His Wife’s Story, Takes
Morphine. Lett Letter To Host
Telling of His Act.
Cartersville, Ga., Sept. 19.—Dr.
Lundy H. Harris, secretary of the
the board of education of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, and one of
most brilliant educators and preach-,
ers in the Southern states, died At
the home of Clarence J
Slick Rase:;! ol Precious Mem
ory iv* ytnr and Grady Coun
ties Peniten
tiary. U , ■
A. D. Oliver, whose career as a
banker and develo :er at Climax is
familiar to the newspaper readers of
this section, 1'm's escaped from the
penitentiary and is now probably
looking for another good opening in
the world’;of high finance. Oliver
was convicted on one or more of the
numerous indictments against him
and sentenced to a term in-the pen
itentiary. It seems that ho was
sent to Toombs bounty to serve Jiis
sentence, and it was from there that
he made his ^escape. The Bain
bridge Post brings the following an
nouncement of his escape:
The people of this section will; he
interested to know but not at'all
surprised,that the famous Oliver has
decamped from the penitentiary in
the county of Toombs, where he
was sent. ThS report had been in
circulation for ' several days, blit
now has been'practically verified’by
the officers, The famous gentleman
of the Cromwellian name left very
UN . ... H . . .. J^m$imentavv references to the
Pine Log, sixteen miles from this l J3 ec( j uir county authorities, making
city, Sunday night at 10:45 o’clock I fhnt. Sheriff
after taking an overdose of morphine
One of four letters written by Dr.
Harris before taking poison was ad
dressed to Clarence Anthony, his
host-and staled lay 11ad taken the _
urvg with ,!ie uXenten: of ending , m(1 up
his life. Other letters, which w’ere
not opened, were addressed, one to
the coroner of Bartow county, one
to Dr. W. P. Lovejoy, of this city,
and one to his wife, Mrs. L. H.
Harris, noted authoress, in Nash
ville, Tcnn.
Dr. Harris came to Pine Log
at the invitation of his friend, Dr.
Lovejoy, seeking to regain health.
Board was secured for him at the
home of Mr. Anthony and he seemed
to he improving until last Sunday,
when upon being found missing'
from the house, a search was made
and Dr. Harris was found in a stupor
in a cotton field’. Physicians de
clared the stupor to be the result of
morphine poisoning and every ef
fort was made to save his life.
Dr. Harris is known as one of
the prominent educators in the
south, having held a professorship
at Emory and Young Harris colleges
Mrs. Harris, author of the fajflrous
story, “A Circuit Rider’s Wife,”
arrived in Carter ville Tuesday mom-
Sermon to Knights of Pyhthias
By request of Dixie Lodge No. 150
of the Knights of Pythias, Dr.
Robert H. Harris will preach a
a special sermon for the K of P’s at
the. Baptist church, Cairo, October
2, at 11 a. m. The congregations
The body will be taken to Oxford
for'burial. No inquest was held.
mm IK m box
Owned Stock in Two Banks, But
kept His Wealth Secreted, in
His Desk.
Dublin, Ga.—Although be was
vice president and a director in the
Bank of Dudley, this county, owned
a good block of the stock in the
bank and owned stock in one of the
Dublin banks, Thomas Haskins,
who died a short time ago, had no
money on deposit in cither institu
tion, hut kept a vtjry large sum in a
tin box in an old desk in his room.
The morning after the funeral of
Mr. Haskins this box was opened
and $11,400 in money and notes
i hiiiiiuiel never slept to keep him
from sleeping. ; The sheriff
reidly up against it hard, as every
body^ iiiO*f*»j$iectio!i thought that
i ijiyer cqfll |b jhrough key MEg
.•■»ey Hues. 'I he state
that recipes the gentleman will
never be forgotten at all. This will
possibly close the chapter in Geor
gia, but as to other states, may the
Lord have mercy on them.
' ■ ■ 7* a m ■
and mortgages to the amount of
$18,000 were found.
After the death of Mr. Haskins a
relative stated that $30,000 ought
to be found in the desk. Mrs.
Haskins would not open it, hut
asked some friends to take charge
and count the money. They open
ed the box that was kept in the
desk and they were very much sur
prised to find such a ldrge sum off
money and otherjyaluable assets.
Mr. Ilaslfins some months ago
sold a plantation to a gentleman
living then in Atlanta; There was
$9,000 due and the purcharser came
to Dublin to take up his note. He
tendered a check dir an Atlanta
bank. This was declined and the
money demanded. The hank was
telegraphed to and sent the money
by-ex press. There was $5,000 in
currency, $2,000 in gold and $2',000
silver in the 'package;' Mr. Haskins
put the gold in onu pocket, tire cur
rency in another and carried the
silver to a bank.. The next day he
checked it out, however, and car
ried the money home with liim. 4.
It is not probable that Mr. Has
kins distrusted the banks, but he
could not break the habits of a life
Mrs. Haskins very promptly sent
the money and notes and mortgages
to a bank vault£ov safe-keeping.
Proceedings of County
Board of Commissioners of Road s
and Revenues of said county met
pursuant to adjournment
strueted to see tlajhRoar.okb i!r
Company file bond' in .accordance
with hid without further. .dql'ny-•
and if not check deposited, lie’ Col
lected. .j
Commissioner Powell reported*
that lie had not had time to inves-
•tigate the application of Scott Reed,
and asked that he bo allowed until
next meeting to investigate and re
port. On motion it’ was deferred.
After hearinj report of Commis
sioner Sasser, to whom was referred
the application of Mrs. Pinny to
have placed on pauper list of coun
ty .action was deferred until next
meeting of the board.
On motion Josephine Pyles was
placed on pauper list of county,
and to be paid $3.00 per month.
On motion ordered that the $4.00
paid Caroline Horton be paid to K.
W. Davis to be used for her bene
fit. ;*
On motion ordered that George
Knight he placed on pauper list of
county' and be paid the sum of
$4.00 per month.
Petition of I. O. Spence et. al.
for flew public road in Spence dis
trict referred to road commissioners
of Spence district to investigate and
report to next meeting of this
Petition of B. L. Watson et. al.
for new public road in North Cair'o
district referred to commissioners
of North Cairo district to investi
gate and report back to next meet
ing of this board.
• Petition of J. B. Wight et. al.
for new public road in South Cairo
district referred to commissioner-?,
of South Cairo district to report to
»<Vxt, meeti ug of .jhoai$.>
Petition for now public road try
S. M. Beach et. al. referred to com
missioners of Duncanville district
to investigate and report to next
meeting of this board.
On motion tire following accounts
were approved and r rdored paid:
L. C. Albritten one day’s work
as riding bailiff 9 3 00
J. C. Brauy, waiting on J. J.
Wells in jail 5'80
J, A. Winn; lining in branch
on publicroad .. . . 5 00
J. L. Peebles, expense of car
rying Stokes children to in
dustrial Home at .Macon.... 15 30
M. L. Ledford, postoge and
stationery - 2 25
The Dyson Mfg Co., lumber-. 1 82
fra Higdon, waxine for court
J. C. Kincaid, M. D., attend
ing prisoners and paupers. .
E. G. Harrell, bailiff Superior
court —
J. W. Blair, five days riding
bailiff Superior court
R-. L. Nicholsdn, fire days ri
ding bailiff Superior court—
J. B. Watts, five days riding
bailiff Superior court
G. G. Akridge, five days riding
bailiff Superior court
P. H. Herring, Ordinary, or
dering school election
1*. G. Ray, reguilding Henry
Grady picture.i
P. H. Herring, Ordinary, pro
ceeding to commit Stokes
children to Georgia Industri
al Home, • - - 3 50
Foot & Davies, blanks for Or
dinary’s office —
Grady Counc.y Progress, Sta
tionery for Clerk
J. G. Peebles, for Finney,
work on Jones bridge
Grady County Progress, sta
tionery for S. C
R. F. Whitten, lumber fox-
bridge |
L, M. Brinson, r'eparing Wal
den bridge
II. J. Vinson, five days bailiff
T. J. Arline. attending small
p6x patient.
City of Cairo,";; light and wa
ter for court house and jail.
Marshall & Bruce, blank mar
riage licenses
Roddennery Hurdware Co.,
nails and material for fence
and jail.....
W. J. Willie, convicts sent to
At Pine Par& Last Thursday
' :
Present: Thomas Wight, Henry
Mitchell, L. L. Banvick, Albert,
Powell,.!. L. Peel'h& and J- M.
On motion the chairman was m-
Seveval Ladles Were Frightened
At Tlife Occurunc. The Young
Men Were Arrested ahdPlaced
In Jail But Release^ Later on
.Thursday afternoon as Dr. C. J:
Kincaid stepped from tiro Const
Line train, ffqrn Thonmsvrlle at
Pine Park lie was attacked by two
young men, Messrs. Griffin mid
Ballard, with guns. The guns were
thrown on him, lie was hit on\the
head and the; gun jabbed in his
stomach. The guns were loaded.
The young men were drunk and
used profane language, 'which to
gether with their actions, frightened,
the ladies who were getting off the
train. One lady was rudely shoved'
aside by one of the men, using a
gun very roughly in the operatic! u
General indignfttiou at their con
duct was expressed and rvSVTflflta
against both men were fworii ifbff
They were arrested and put in
the Grady county jail at Cairo
Thursday night.
Dr. Kincaiil was returning homo
fronVThhmasvilie. He is a prom
inent physician who makes his
honiff in Pine
They were tried before ’Squire
Hurst Saturday evening and bound
over to the city and superior court
under $700 bond each.—Ed.
4 50
8 50
11 00
16 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
3 35
1 76
6 90
2 25
1 50
5 75
1 00
2 00
10 00
40 75
11 36
8 40
Foot & Davis, stationery for
Clerk City Court —
Poulk Bros, for shoes for pris
W. T Crawford, per diem at
M D. Do1l»,'five days as ri-
ingbailiff Superior court....
Jury commissioners, service
revising jury list
21 77
60 00
12 00
1 50
60 25
15 00
24 00
M) ■
Mrs. C. C. Skelton, meals 'for
W. J. Wells
W. E. Oliver, medical service
for W. .1. Wells
Eugene Glower, medical ser-
W vice for W. J. Wells
W. A.Walker, medical service
for W. .I. Wells 10 00
H. S. Swatts, bringing back
prisoners to the county.— 32 20
E. F. Dollar, Sheriff, jail fees.184 20
Mrs. C. C. Skelton, board for
nurse for Wells 5 00
Jesse White, waiting on Wells 6 60
Albert Powell, half day, look
ing after bridge..
L. L. Barwick, 2 da
6 00
days looking
after roads and bridge.....
Henry Mitchell, one day look
ing after roads and one day
looking after small pox.... . .
On motion ordered that no more doc
tors bills for paupers be paid.
On motion adjourned, .until Tuesday,
20th inst. at 10 o’clock A. M.
J. M. SAsSER, —
M. L. Ledkohp, Clerk.
Baptist Church Notes-
The congregation Sunday morn
ing was off fully twenty-five per
cent. No upparant reason; fis the
day.was fine and health conditions
i nthMeoinmlinity are good. The
subjfectfhf the sermon was “God’s
Constant Guidance.”
The Sunday school attendance
was fifty-one short; hut the interest
was very good.
The Sunbeams society held a well
attended and enthusiasoic meeting
irnmedially after the close of Sunday
SCllOoJ. ' r jH|K|H
The night attendance was only ,
fair. The subject was, “No Christ,
No God, No Hope.”
The prayer meeting, Wednesday
night was an occasion of much in
terest, the subject being tire parable
of “The Talents.”