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VI ■ ■ 1111 i
Georgia—Grady County.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months' support to the fam
ily of A. F. Richtee, deceased, having
been filed in my office, all persons con
cerned are cited to show cause by the
7th day of November, 1010, why said ap
plication for twelve months’ support
should not be granted. This Oct. 10,
1910. P. H. Hkrkino! Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
Notice of application for leave to sell
land: Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the Ordinary
of said county for leave to seli land be
longing to the estate of A. F. Richter for
the payment of debts and distribution.
.Said application will be heard at, the reg
ular term of tlie Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Mon
day in Novotnber. This Oct. 10, 1010.
J. W. Cannon,
Administrator upon the estate of A. F.
Georgia—Grady County. .
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support to the fam
ily of W. .1. Curry, deceased, having
been filed in my office, all persons con
cerned are cited to show cause by the 7th
day of November, 1910, why said appli
cation for twelve months’ support should
not bu granted. This 12th October, 1910.
P. H. HERRING, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County. _
To whom it may concernT. M. Whig-
ham having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of R. E.
Which am, late of said county, notice is
hereoy given that said application will
be heard at the regular term ot the court
of ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in November, ■ 1910.
Witness my baud and official signature.
This Oct. 12, 1910.
Horae Theit is Caugnt
Thomasville, Oct. 13.—A negro,
Vender Jackson was brought from
Boston this morning by Mr. W. A.
Fulller, The negro is charged with
stealing a horse and buggy at Bos
ton Saturday,
many vehicles in the public hitch
ing place, the negro decided to leave
in the best looking rig hecduld find.
This he did, the horse and buggy
Tielonging to a negro named Peek.
He was immediately followed and
caught ten miles from Boston. He
was locked up and brought here
this morning. The negro is an old
*• convict, having at one time been on
the gang from this county.
Con. Roddenbery Has
Park Laid Out.
A splendid assortment of newest and tastiest type
styles and highest grade papers have fust been in
stalled in our Job Department.
Good Printing costs but little more than
poor work, and is much more satisfactory
Congressman S. A
has been employing his leisure time
while at home this summer in hav
ing laid out and fitted up a large
ftream runs th’.ougpark just out of
Thomasville which he expects to keep
open for the oenefit of the public.
This park is to the east of town,
not far from Glen Arven, a large
through it which has been damned
up forming a very pretty lake upon
which boats have been put. There
is also a verp fine swimming pool,
swings, etc. This park is within
easy reach with a fine road leading
to it and will no doubt prove very
Smallpox Raging
Dr. Ainsworth, of the health com
mittee, of Thomasville, Monday
night told the council of the small
pox situation in the city. He stated
that they had been unable to stamp
it out this summer and that as it
was a winter disease, he believed
some vaccination method should be
Let us figure with you on anything in the PRINT
ING line. We’ll do our level best to please you.
PHONE 141,
tain land described in a bond for titles,
thereto attached purporting to'be signed
by D. W. Cliason, late of said county,
deceased, the said application alleging
that saiu land has been fully paid for,
or the money tendered the administrator
of 1). W. Chason’s estate, all parties con
cerned are hereby .notified that said ap
plication will be heard before the Court
of Ordinary for said county on the 1st
Monday in November, 1910.
This 3rd day of October, 1910.
P. II. Herring, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
Mrs. Tansy Phillips having made ap
plication to require titles to he executed
Tax Notice First Round.
Duncanville Ort. ^
Higdons 1 ** l 8
Whigham '
Spring Hill “ 20
Lime Sink 24
Blowing Cave 25
Spence " 26
Pine Park (afternoon) “ 27
Ragan (G . W. Rehburgs Gin ^
afternoon)--.- 28
Second Round
Duncanville Nov. 14
Higdons “ 15
Whigham “ 16
Spring Hill “ 17
Lime Sink.— ----- “ 21
Blowing Cave “ 22
Spence 23
Pine Park (afternoon) “ 28
Ragan (G. W. Rehburg gin
afternoon) “ 29
Popes store (forenoon) Dec. 5
Rigsbys (afternoon) “ 5
Whigham “ 12
The dog tax law has not been re
pealed and everyone owning a dog
or dogs are supposed to pay the tax.
I am reliably informed by good 1 law
abiding citizens of the county that
a great many dog owners have not
returned them for taxes,, if my
friends throughout the county will
co-operate with me in finding out
who these parties are T will do all
in my power to see that the taxes
are paid. Not only are there dog
tax dodgers but people who do
not own dogs try to dodge tax every
year, I have caught many of these
in the past. Get a list of all hands
, working at these mills and • turpen
tine stills turn over to me and I
will guarantee over half of them will
be tax defaulters.
' .Respectfully,
R. W. Ponder.
We have in our warehouse a
complete stock of the
J. G. Smith and Franklin and Nor-
man Buggies
And a large supply of other makes as
well as Harness and Wagons. Can
save you money by coming to see us
, when in need of any of our goods.
adopted at once. Alderman Parker
•then made the council laugh with
his droll reference to that somewhat
hazardous experiment. Hecbjccted
to vaccination.
Mills Shut Down for
Better Prices
On account of the very low price
of lumber just now, several of the
mills in this vicinity have shut down
temporarily, among them being the
large mill of the Tallahassee Sawmill
Company on the line of the Florida
Central Railroad Company. The
Cherokee Mill and others in this
county are still running and the
owners hope not to be obliged to
shut down.
Thomasville Wants
Paved Streets
More paved streets is what the
people of Thomasville are wanting
now and what they are hoping t<
get before a great while. The pav
ing of the principal business streets
of the town a few years ago hat
proved such a success that the de
mand for more like them. Since
automobiles are being so generally
used the defects in the streets, an
noticed as never before.
Notice is hereby siven that the undersigned has
applied to the Ordinary of said County for leave
to soil land belonging to the estate of H. B. Ballard
for distribution and payment of debts. Said ap
plication will be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in November, 1910.
Mrs. J. F. Ballard,
Administrator of H. B. Ballard Estate.
This 13th dav of October. 1910.
Petition for Letters
of Administration
GEORGIA-Grady County: , , „
J. S. Smith having applied to me in due form to
>e appointed permanent Administrator upon the
jstate of Leona Long late of said county, notice 13
tereby given that said application will be heard at
-.he regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said
county on the first Monday in November, 1919.
Witness my hand and official signature this 13th
; ay of October. 1919. P. H. Hermeo.
Office in-Parker Building.
Singer Sewing Machine Company,
Has opened headquarters in the store of
C. E. VanLandingham, formerly the
Reader Powell store. ' H m 1 ■
He carries a full line of Sewing Machine Attachments,
Needles, Oil, etc., for all makes, and will sell you a
.SINGER or WHEELER & WILSON on easy pay
ments or for cash.
We don’t want your money unless we
2an give you- something for it. We
never fail. We always leave our cus
tomer with a smiiihg face. (
Our experience Rives us advantage of others.
We have the best machinery that experience can
. lelcut or that money can buy. We will be glad to
•Igure with you on the water problem. We feel
uro that we can save you money. Wo handle all
clnds of pumping powers. If you need anything
n our line wo will be glad to have you drop us a
dne, All of our work is done under contract, and
'emember that if we fail to comply with our con
tract you owe us nothing. Headquarters
Twenty-Five Thousand Leaving
This Country Yearly.
Sir James Phliny Whitney, t
member of the Canadian govean-
New York this week.
n Powell, I extend an invitation to. my friends and the gen
eral public to call and see me. .It will be my purpose to carrj
a stock of .
I am now making a special sale on “PANTS, havmj
just received a new lot. Come soon, that you jnay be able t(
ment, was in
He says that 25,000 Americans art
to Canada each year, and thal
We Fit Your Eyes
If,; going
almost without exception they art
well-to-do. As a result the provi
dence of Ontario is rapidly gaining
j| in population and wealth. .
! All kinds of printing neatly dont
at The Progress office. We havt
all the latest typo faces. Just give
us a try and be convinced.
For first class commercial print
ing come to this office.
Bring your Job Print
ing to The Progress
office. We have the
best equipped plant
in this section.
AND. Gl’AKANTKK tli.i lit in l>o*li
(enses and fraiU'-s. \V«* bav« Inlteinof
tlie highest praise frtmi customers who
iiuve been Wearing our famous clear
cut Crystal Ironses for years. They
were fitted by mail perfectly. We can
do the same for you. Write for our
eye-tester and face measure.
truly, C. E. Vanlandingham, 5
Crystal Optical Co. *
213 Temple Court. !