Newspaper Page Text
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VOL. 1.
On Last Friday By Bishop
H. C. Morrison.
A Neat Frame Structure—About
300 In Attendance Although it
Was Raining—A Sumptuous
Dinner Served at the Church.
The Methodist church at Cal
vary is one one of the two church
buildings dedicated in two su
ccessive days of last week bv
Bishop H. C. Morrison. The
other is at Maybraw,. in Miller
county. v
These ijwo churches, with the
one at Patten, in Thomas county
are the results of Tent meetings
conducted at these places by
Rev. F. A. Ratcliffe, of Cairo.
Three hundred and forty mem
bers came into these three
churches at these meetings and
three substantial edifices were
built to house the congregations
which had been organized.
In the last three years, as a re
sult of the evangelistic work of
Mr, Ratclilfe, about one thousand
have joined the church on the
profession of faith besides three
hundred and fifty by letter;, fif
teen chunffies have'been organ
ised and nine hous^"-ihf worship
.s„u . '< tht
The membership at Patten,
over two hundred and fifty, is
the largest of all these congrega
tions, while the church edifice at
Calvary, dedicated last Friday, is
the finest.
The Methodist folk in and
around Calvary have a house of
worship in which they can take
pardonable pride. While many
assisted in its erection, it was
■only made possible by the energy
and liberal gifts of a few.Among
the latter, your reporter takes
the liberty of mentioning the
name of Mr. Joe Higdon, who
has recently moved to Cairo from
Calvary. In calling special at
tention to Mr. Higdon where all
did §o well and among them some
of the other churches, ^invideous
comparsion is not intended, nor
The church is a large attractve
frame building painted white. It
has pretty gothic windows, a
neatly arranged pulpit, and the
' seating capacity is four hundred.
Continued on last page.
its kind ever instituted in Georgia.’
Solicitor Wooten was assisted in
preparing the petition by Bacon
and Burson, of this city, and Tip
ton and Passmore, of Sylvester, at
torneys employed by him under a
resolution of the grand jury ap
proved by the judge.
The judge’s order is to the. effect
that the Commercial 'Club, a cor
poration, its officers, members, em
ployes, etc., be restrained from fur
ther exercising any of, its .franchise
or charter powers and from selling,
handling; or dispensing alcoholic*
spirituous, malt and intoxicating
liquors, or in anv way, directly or
indirectly, handling, mixing, serv
ing, dispensing, furnishing or pro
viding for its officers, mem hers, or
any person or persons, any of the
liquors above described, at-.ts place
of business or elsewhere. ' ;
■■Ofif, / L .
Cairo’s New Bilking
1 Institution.
Will Have Capital Stock ol $39,-
000—To Begin Business About
November lSlb—W. TV Craw
ford, President; W. L. Wight,
In this issue of Thk Pkoorbss
will be seen’ the apnlication for
a charter for The-.; Fanners & Mer
chants Bank of Cairo.
Application has been filed with
Hon. Phil Cook, secretary of sjate,
and after advertisement Once a week
for four weeks,-as required byflaw,
(Commercial Club, Whose Hos
pitality is. Known A11 OVer
South Georgiu, Forced by
Ordinary Herring Has Received
a Supply For All Desiring to
Pay the Tax and Give Bond.
If you want to keep out of
trouble by carrying a pistol ypu
should go .at once and See Judge
P. H. Herring and giVebond and
pay-for your privilege.-
Under the new pistol law, if
you desire to canty a pistol where
it can be seen .'O j must give-bond
and take out a flense.
Fifty cents vra-give you a li-
but you
must have goodjsecuricy.
This license does not give you
the privilege df carrying the
pistol concealed.)
Judge Herring has j ust received
the bonds and license, and those
desiring to carry a pistol^ should
call on him and get a license. It
you have no bond and an officer
sees you with a pistol in your
hand a case can, and probably will
be made against you.
Mr. C. R. Muggridge was the
first person to take out a license
In Grady, doing so Monday.
the charter will he granted urn! the
promoters of the new institution
expect to organize, issue stock and
he ready for business by November
15 - 1
The friends and promoters of the
new bank am enthusiastic over .the
prospects for the success of the new
institution. -•>.
riqmeof Cairo’s best business men
are large,stockholders' and a large
number of the mostsubstantial farm-
era’.hav’d."bought.stogk in it, all of
which insures large 'deposits' ap’d a
jberal.shareypf .the..'business of the
Two Charges Made Against W.
W. Pippin For Carrying Con
cealed Weapons.
Already the new pistol law,
which was published in The Pro
gress last week, has got W. W.
Pippin into trouble.
He was caught Monday carry
ing a pistol without-a license and
'also for carrying concealed wea
pons and was given a fine of $75
for the offense.
This is the first case in Grady
county under the new law.
NO. 13
and for his services he will be com
pensated by live dollars per annum.
The irideruicii who serve their town
free of charge and graft are: Messrs
T. M. Redd, J. G, Kincaid, H. D.
Payne, J. P, Faulkner add J. G.
Moore. The clerk of the council
upd city treasurer is Mr. E; L. Al
derman and he is tho;best paid of
ficial in the city, getting the mu
nificent sum of twenty-five dollars
per annum for Ids work.
The town marshal is Mr. T. Iv.
Prevatte and they believe that he
will he able,to prevent disorder if
such a thing is possible. The peo
ple of the town number about o'
hundred and fifty, hut they are all
enthusiastic about the future of the
town. *
-Judge to Shut Up Shop.
Albany, Ga., Oct. 8.—Albany’s
locker club, known .as the Commer-
. cial Club, which was indicted by
the grand jury yesterday for viola
ting the prohibition law, was this
afternoon closed by the sheriff and
its stock of liquors nailed up, on an
injunction order issued by Judge
Frank Park, of the superior court.
The order was granted upon the
petition of the solicitor general,Col.
W. E, Wooten, on information
furnished by the grand jury. The
proceedure is said to be the first of
Well Pleased
Pawnee, Ga , 9-27-1910.
Grady County Progress
T. A. J. Majors, Editor
Dear Sir: —
I like Thk Pro
gress fine. Enclose you
will find Postal Money Or-
for $1.00 to pay for year’s
subscription for your paper.
Wishing you much success.
Yours truly,
J. W. Coker.
Whigham, Georgia.
R, F. D. No\ 6.
ounty. • . \ r
j\\ K'VjQ-iiro only
I^ifople, there are, by the lust ccn-
sujs, over 6,000 ('people in Cairo dis
trict, and they return over $1,500,-
000 worth of property for taxation.
\ Grady county has about 20,000
people with a tax digest of about
$3,500,000. There are now only
three banks in the co.unty with a
combined total capital stock of $85,-
The friends and promoters of the
new enterprise claim that there is a
good field for the new bank and
that there will be no dimunition of
business with the old ones.
Thomas county has eleven banks
with a capital stock of over $700,-
000, or about three-fourths of a
million dollars. *
This county has four-fifths of the
territory that Thomas lias,, alxrnt
65 per cent, of her population and
50 per cent, of Thomas’ tax digest.
Yet Grady has only about 12 per
cent, of the capital in the hanking
business that Thomas county has.
\\\ T. Crawford is to be president
and W. L Wight, cashier.
At first the promoters thought
of making it a national bank, but
as a national bank can not loan
money on real estate, and because
it is more expense and takes longer
to organize n national bank;' they
decided to make it astute bunk.
Burned the Window Facing out
and Removed Iron Bars—One
Up For Assault and One • Foi
Two prisoner made a, get away
from Grady county jail some time
during Monday night.
They were Sandy Hand; who
was placed in jail Saturday un
der the charge of criminal assault
upon a little 9 year old negro
girl, and who identified hirr.
while walking the streets oj
airo. The other was known a:
‘Hobo Jack” and was- gonyiptec
week for stealing a gun. , ; <Ht
as given six months if*' the'
■hair-gang and' i\*as being hek*
ntil the authorities called
im. f
They secured their freedojn bj
burning the window facing ir
hall of the jail out, thus being
able to remove the iron bars.
They made good their escape
’Bacco Barns Being Burned
Around Amsterdam
Disgruntled Tobacco Growers
Arc Thought to Be Behind iEr>
Movement—Growers Have Or
ganized to Protect Themselves
Night riders have recently be-
/The Mayor Gets Five Dollars Per
Year and the Treasurer Five
Times That Amouut-They Have
Begun Their Olllclal Lite.
The i-iwn of Tine Park lias begun
i's legal, active municipal-life. At
the meeting of the town council,
held last week, the officials of that
town, recently incorporated hy the
acts of the State legislature, for
mally fixed their duties and pow
ers. ■ *
SMr. B. A. Alderman ia mayor
Interest Yet Developed Ir
Polltlcs-There Are No New
There was nothing doing in citi
politics in Cairo the past week.
N<» one in either the first, seconr
or fourth wards desire to be cursei
for the next twelve months hy thei:
neighbors and the people generall.i
for failure to do their duty as citj
fathers or for doing same. At leasi
chose wards have not nominate!
their candidates.
If-this state of affairs continuer
the thiydwardites wiil have to cal
another meeting and nominate i
ticket for the town as they seem t<
lie the only ones who have political
gun the destruction of property
in what is known as the tobacco
region of-Georgia and Florida and
comprising the southern parts of
Decatur and Grady counties and
the northern part of • Gadsden
county, Florida.
The trouble so far has been
confined to: the Attapulgus and
Amsterdam sections of Decatu r
county where five tobacco barns
have been burned to date. Three
barns being burned on the night
of October 5.
The farmers and tobacco grow
ers met and organized a society
for self protection one night last
week. It seems that the princi
pal ones who are destroying pro
perty are disgruntled tobacco
growers who do not own any pro
perty or barhs themselves but
Eire lflerely lessees of lanji. They
hay^'r^jpd^hdnferior grade of.
,-tobacco for the r pftst three.tyears y
(ind.seem to before at' the A,
Toli^f Tobacco Syndicate because
chey cannot get full price for
their product.
The barns burned were pro
perty of the Cohen Syndicate and
were filled with tobacco which
was -going through a curing pro
::ess preparatory to shipment.
There is considerable uneasi
ness throughout the tobacco sec
tion for fear that serious loss of
noth life and property will' be
sacraficed unless steps are taken
co check the trouble. This sec
tion is fast assuming the lawless
ness displayed by the tobacco-
growers of Kentucky and Tennes
see a short while back.
The state authorities should
bake a hand and check this law
lessness before it assumes a ser
ious aspect.
Which Proves Thai Cairo is Grow
ing at a Lively Clip
Is Cairo grbwing?
Well just take a search for a
house and you'll see that there is
something doing in the growing
Notwithstanding that the car
penters have been kept busy all
summer there is a dearth of
houses to rent.
This scarity of dwellings is an
indication that Cairo is growing
at lively pace.
At present the ‘‘For Rent”
sign is taking a long rest,. and
the sign of ‘‘Houses Wanted” i-
being displayed.
• .
- V Lt
' ' I
The Griggs Monument Funds Be
ing Raised In Grady Gets An
other Boost.
Grady county’s proportion of the
Iriggs Monument Fund is growing
<loyv but sure.
Congressman Griggs worked for
,he best interest of the people of
his section and the amount re
quested of the people of G rady is
onall, and there should be no
.rouble in raising same.
The following additional amount
has been subscribed since last
W. L. Wight $ 5.C0
Previously acknowledged._ 12.50
'■ *v
Total - 17.50
Hunt up B. M. Johnson at Wight
& Browne’s drug store and give him
your subscription today.
When in town call around and
let us put your name on Ttui
Progress’ mailing list.