Newspaper Page Text
ft i r 11 m
t 'Hm'v"./ /.ftlSM* *
For the liberal patronage a^orded
■ ,
The Grady Furniture Company
Will open for business abont January 3rd..
Will occupy the G. S. Johnson stand,
i Come and see us.
,- v 1 ■ i• • jni• * ; itJin* .
Opened for'business iri your tftidst last July
Hoping to recieve your patronage during 191 1 and
1 1 * r> 1 ■' i i y 11 u 1
Minutes Grady Courts
of County Commissioners.
? Hoard of coinmlssioneVs of roads 'and
iv von nos of said county mat pursuance
to ndioiuoinont. TtjOnnw \yigld, Al
bert-l J owol I .1 I,. Peebles, J. M, Sasser,
Henry Mitohctl and L. I,. Barwick
Minutes of jirpvlduH lnootipR• reini anil
approved. .
On motion the now public, roads pe.
itioned for by S.’ M. Befteh’Sot al was'
granted and the commissioners of Dun
canville District ordered to {open up and
cut pwLfiame in accordance with petition
and reflation published. And the com
missioners ordered to put bands on saim
and work same as one of tbo public roadi
of the county. Same to be known as tin
McIntyre public road.
Application for new public road by D.
L, Turner c£ al for now public road h
Litnc Sink District referred to con uni ss-
inner of Liiue Sink District to mark on
same if found to be iof public utility an
make their report under oath to ne.\
meeting of this board.
On motion ordered that I. M. Sassc
Henry Mitchell and L. L. Berwick wei
appointed as a committee tb inspect, ne
bridge on Ocbiocknee River with powi
to accept or reject same; and if accept'
the chairman authorized to make fin
ettiemervt of same and draw warrant i
payment of same.
On motion the chairman of the bon'
was instructed to take out a $5,000.00'i
suranco policy on the jail- . V !
On motion, the following accounts wc
approved and ordered paid.
Acct. W.'C. Matthews, 17 days lookii
after bridge at $3.00 per day $5V.i
Ivy Brinson, material and work <
Jones mill bridge $150.0'
E, G. HaiToll. holding .inquest ov-
Eran,® Salzor $17.0
T. j. Arline, looking after small pi
W. 11. Hawthorne', lcm'her for bridj
Credit by $?>.00 fine money-in 1 lands i
W.R. II. , .... .
J, B. Watts,, three days, service as cit
court balifl , $0.0' .
E. if. Harrell, theree days city com
balifl'. li; ' , $0.01
E."'-M. 'Makwell; ilumbeV for Ton.
7 .; 7 $1-25
Elliott Fistin ,Co., supplies clerk. S. C
, $3.04.
City of Cairo, water aiid light for Court
I-Io'uSe .* ' $4.5*
Jail;' $7.36,
II. K Gotiden et al holding state el
ection | j $11.00.
Wighc-Bro. Co,, blankets for jail cloth-
ing, for prisioners ' $11.00.
W.'-J, Willie cost for cotiViet $20.00;
Lonoy'te. \Vbidden lumber- $17.00
Grady Cou/it.y Progress stationery clerk
s. q....... i $10.00
W. T. Qrowford, C. S. C. per diem at
court, etc. $17.70.
.1. E. Hurst etal, bolding congressional
lection 1 : ‘$12i00
W, l Cy (! Dunlaij,gate binges $2.50
II. F. Watts, jail fees etc $13.40.
J, II. Cartpr, lupiber., ,$$,37.
' E. F. Dollar, jail fees etq to be paid.
'when O. Ked by chairman ' $126.40!
II. I), Conitdll, liiitn ‘ d
.key ■ ■-■■! -i i$2;2fl.i
Albert l’owcll. inateriul and i work for
Speiice bridge ;:; f $10, )!>..
half daysextra.
Stationary foa
county Treas. .; •: • i $3.00/
1 I-fewry Mitcbpll, three ; days spry.i.qi!
extra a^ county commissioner. ,.$9 00.
J. M. Sasser one aiid a halt' davs service
extra ss county'eoihiuissioniiF $4.ob
Tluintus Wight 1 , 1 ( two days service extra
as cotanty commissioner ■ * $6;00. i
J. L, Freebies,* one dtiys /service extra
iis cqunty .commissioner
P. it Herring, distributing election
blanks T ' - "V/ '$3.50.'
1 T. ll. Milh), hdldinir' congressional el
ection • • ' $11.00.
M. Pqpe, ,” ot ,al ; $0,00.
MarshaU &, Ijruce JtjJo,., filingdoAket for
clerk $17.50.
! L. Barwick, two dyya extra service as
county coininissioiior $0.00.
On iilotion the matter of ordering and
putting ip a new index system in Clerks
qfliee referred to Chairman Wight and
W. T.''browford, clerk superior court
with power-to 'U()t. ' : .‘i 1 : '
Petition to put John 1'rince on pauper,
fprui denied.
, Alattdr of claim for 'leftned'ImftbOr by
T. M. f Glpwtpie.refqrw^ to,,BridgeiCpui-
mit-tee to report ait next meeting.
v< Oh 1 1 -in'othih 'S'eof. 1 Rtthd" was placbd
fla pauper ; list; and to. iflxi^paid -f^tKl
per month.
On' Vnotfon tile 1 matter of building ap
proach to new bridge near- Piuo park re
ferred to Bridge, committeo. , .
.. On motion adjourned.
Thomas Wight,' .t, M. Sasser, '
Albert;Poweill, J. L. Peebles,
—0IUI.V (Virs-rv. '
To the Superior Court of Said County.:
The petition of J. B. Wight,, K. P.
Wight, TV. S. Wight and TbonuiH Wight,
all of Grady county, Georgia, respect
fully shows:—
1. That Duly ddsire. fob tbemselvosj
their ussoeitikes anil'sut'eessbrs, to .lie in-*
eofporab-d and made a body politic un
der, tlit* iuune and style of t-iie Wight
Kealty'Cbnipnny, fot- a period of twenty
2, The central office of said.Company,
•(hull-be in the city of Cairo," State and
KlMi^ aforesaid, but petitioners desire
‘Ale rigid, to establish .branch offices in
(Ms State or elsewhere, wiienever the
iordflrs of a majority of the stock may so
tp'nVmi'ni- . . Ir ■
WJJV'Ut-V ' if
/Albert I’owyll tyvo iuid one half di
tim'e looking alter bridge. '
Grady Ccmniy Progress, StatiS
• leteriiii'Tu*. • <■ T
3. The object of said , corporation is
leeuiiiary gain, to itself ilud \ ils sliaro-
4. Tiio business to he carried on by
aid corporation is to buy ,and sell real
'state, to hold seal estate for the purpose
»f doing a'general 1 farming business,. auil
o buy and sell timber and to manufAct-
ire lumber aiid tur(K!iitine and to do a'
(choral farming business Including tliai
uising of live stock, and also to operate
ommissaries and general merchandise ^
msiness, and to do any and all. things
ncidont to and that can lie successfully,
arried cm in conjunction with said bum-*
iess. ;
5. Thu capita) stock of said eorpora-
ion shall lie Twenty-Five Thousand'
$25,000.00) dollars,- ’ wltli the privilege
■f increasingltlio saino to One Hundnsl,
Thousand ($100,000.00) dollurs by a mt
ority rote of tiib stockholders, said Stock 1
0 lie divided into shares of. one ‘hundred
$ipp.00) dollars each. Ten percent, of
he amount of capital to be emplbyed by
houw has aotuully been paid in.
I/ptitioners desire the right to havpi tbo.
ubseription to said capital stock paid in
lonuy or property to do taken at a fair
aluation. ,
6. Petitioners desire the right- to suo
lid be sued, tp,plead and be impleaded,
o ha'vo and use a coinmhn sbal, to mako
.11 necessary by-laws and regulations, to
io all otlier things that niay be necessiiry
'or; the'successful carrying on of said ibua-
, ness,,and to execute, notes and bonds,:w
vidcnce of indebtedness incurred, or
Vliich may bef incurred, in tlie condiict
*f the affairs of the corporation, and 4®,
ecure the same by mortgage, security
Iced, ok other form of lieu under existing
7. They desire for said corporation the'
lower and authority to apply lor and ac- .
:ept amendment to its charter of either
ortn or substance by a vote of a majori- 1,
y of its stock outstanding, at. the ,tiulo-
Chey also ask authority for said incorpoa
•ation to wind fcjjsLits affairs, liquidati ^
ind'discontihue : its business at any tima
t may determine to do so by a vote of
:wo-thirds of its stock outstanding at tbo ;
-time.- i . v ;
8. They desire for said incorporation
the right, of renewal when and as pro
vided by the-laws of Georgia, and' that it
•have all such otlier rights, powers, privp.
ileges and immunities as are incident to
like' incorporation -or permissible under
the laws of Georgia. ,
Whbreof, jietitioners pray to. be ' in
corporated under‘the name aiid stylo
aforesaid witli the powers,,privileges and
immunities herein set forth, aiid as are
now Or may hereafter be allowed a eoV-
poratiou ot similar character un(ior. t|io ,
laws of Georgia.
1 1 M. L. Lutu-oro,
Petitioner’s Attoriipy. ,
Filed in office Xov. 3l)tli, 1910.
J. M.'McN'aT'r, Jr.,
Deputy Clerk.
ty, )iereby_ eerily that ,the ( above arid
foregoing is a true and correct copy of
the petition of file in my office. ' i t
* Given, piider lny hand.ana seal of,office,
.tliis doth day of November, 11)10.
! J. M. McNair,’iJU. i
. Deputy C’lcrk Superior Coqrf., Grady.:
County, Georgia.
-- LUltXi i ...i ll , Lila(
FORGIA-rGiiiAnv jQpi«STT„. ,
I, J. M. McNair, Jr., 'Deputy Clerk of
le Superior Court-in and- for saiiVcoun-*
1 hree or four nice
2 to 4-horse farm9
frorii 3 to 4 miles ^f
Cairo. Price must
be right.
t.U ■: *» • ' * J *. 1 l iflfi'i •.'••H.Xl&i.MI
Caiiro, Ga. '•
:l , . ' ot’ > I ‘. ' H . :
Bring your Job; Pnnfc*
Wg-to 1 he Progress
\rn ■ -..-.r-t-ii
in this section, "