Newspaper Page Text
WP,S,"il„ Cairo Wed- Palp, f es j, a „
Mr, Hameul Cooper spent Sunday country has- leaves* which roach a
in Moultrie..
J. J. Coppage atid furiiily were
Thomasville visitors this week. :
, , ... #
Judge Frank Park of Sylvester
was heron foL u 1 ■* Sr* . Ji ii. watts and.;wife visited t
William Stubbs, of Mali, Ga., this week wfi u on ® ^ay mokuSundny Mr Richmond Goro : ,
Mr.-and Mrs. Albert Holman, of court and granted a charter for
Thomasville, were visitors,in Cairo the, Wight Realty Company,
Sl,Ad ^ WANTED-Work on farm or
»» wu xami v/i
C. A. Oates, and little daughter anywhere that will pay a living-
Fannie Holmes, spent Tuesday in Address F. M. Norton Cairo, Ga.
F. B. Harris, of Leo Fla., visited
frienejs and .relatives near Cario dur
ing the holidays
Mr, Lem Parish - has - returned
home, after a successful season in
the theaterical world.
Miss .Lottie Jones spent Monday
and Tuesday in ThomasvfUe as the
Sliest of Mrs. A Holmes,
Mr Robert McManeus, of Jackson
ville, Fla, (1 visited friends and re
latives' in Cairo this week. ’’
G. Posey, who has been working
third trick at the A, C. L. depot has
hnen moved up eo second, . • •
Cairo public schools will resume
Thursday, Jan. 5th, .19i6.
Miss Lelah Dean . dK’iliingswiirth,
•f Troy. Ala., is the charming guest
•f her sister, Mrs. tVW. Hurst.
Rev tester Walker mid ' fatnily
have been spending the holidays
with his mother Mrs..Susan Walker.
Ljttle Miss Mabel Belcher, , of
Hastings, Okla., jis- visiting her
*nole, Dr. b>i P. Belcher, of A.k-
Jeff Odum left Monday night for
Jacksonville, Fla., to accept a lucra
tive job with the Florida Hardware
Company at that -that place
W. S, HUey, who has been work :
ing second-trick afr thd A. C. L. de
pot, has accepted a position with
the railroad as relief agent, will
leave Cairo about the first of the
After the first of January Mr.
R olftliid'WiHiams : W i f f ( whrk thiVd-
tvick at the A. C. L, depot. Rol-
landh'as niahyfJM£r®» in Gair(Vwho
will he glad to see his return to this
Mr. Ward Wight led the EnwprJjli
Legue" Tuesday ' nig tit'. The ‘ Talk
was on the social side of the Legu^
work was instructive and interest
ing Professor Wight is the.head
of chat dep^tnipht of the-League at..
Sylvester where he i s now teaching.-
[3 00
3 12
3 27
•3 34
3 44
3 50
4 00
Mrt T■ Mi’riHi. mummy 111 oan
-M.IS. 1. MCU1fk.e, a widow, lH11 Thi , IVomnl.or 5th, 1010,.
M^-emall-clnldrenv " hliS'jttSf'
with-foUl'- Hmau crninrenv lias jusi .1. 0. smith,
moved into the former residence Oft Admlah'Mtor upon tl« estate of Leona
Mr. Walter DaVjs, MrA iicfcorkle Ad. “r- r». .
Ben rranklm was the
Mr. Walter DaVjs, Mrri- Mctorkle
intends to conduct a lioardmg house
at her home, which is very oomfor-:
tahly.:fui*hishe(l : , iis-, llow ready-fih( *'
guest. It is hoped that she will ; bo
welL'piUronized , ‘ ' - d ■ ■ •
-If you think you are
any body get over it. There, is no
use in being uncomfortable. ! '
*elp you to ke^ppyt pf-trouble tbaifi
to get you but' after you are once in
up to your knees. - , v >
Cultivltte'the friendship ol every
farm aninml-, from-tlie dbg to the an Irifant in age but a
■horse. The man who ha* ’^*
frieuds>f this,kind: ft , %t" %
have many elsewhere; ’ *
><* f
[apt It
Advertise in Tub PnouRKss for the
Some one htts/snid tl
.ii qlHtlgoiugJ!) school
bhr to do'one of four things; Teach:
8t|ho )l, get married, loom millonorV
!' s 'enog, Hlaki'ly reporter.
.Nine ndgi|ics placed on the county
grtfig and one state convict was thy
cmitrilnitatioii of Calhoun superior-
court last week to the gpod road
cause.—Calhoun County Courier.
r p. 1 t unveil, u* «» uu» visiiua
he Inapt palm of the' Amazon 'ton Sunday morning.
nminfvtr Imo . ___i • » . .■ .1.
length of from Jliirty to fifty, fee v t*'
J; B. Watts and;wife visited the-
Jc? u/T- Ill' 1 1
Calndar From A. C. L.
Mr. Editdrs
I am sending under seperate
cover, by United States mail, a
copy of our 1911 Wall Calendar,
which we would thank you to
hang in your office and let it serve
as-a reminder, of the excellent'
ervice offered by the Atlantic
guest of Cr. W. Helton Sunday.
Pillic Harrison was also thie guest
•py of this calendar will
be sent to any address upon re
ceipt of request and six cents in
postage to cover mailing charges,
’ Yours very truly, ' • :
E. m. North,
Asst.; G. P, A.
pf G. W.,.Heltpn Sunday.. . .
W. M. More visited G. W. Hel
ton : Sunday,. ' ; r' . /f;;
Time Table No. 2
Sltpctlve Saturday, October lat, 1910, 12:'6li^A. K
Every body Shot ^maslbtit father'
Sunday and .lie killed a
-Mopday myniMig.'- * •’ 1 '
South Bound
1st Class
7 00
7 12
7 *
7 44
7 49
8 00
\ r
2 49
2 59
3 05
3 15
' " , T
r-Cairo AV9
Cranford; p
Ar Calvary Lvfe
Worth Boofld
flss 1st Class
d Passenger
8 56
5 15
5 03
4 48
4 21
4 15
4 21
4 15
F Trains stop on signal.
Administrator’s Sale.
GL MGlih^ra^ ‘County. - -T
By virtue 1 of .an order of.'the- Opurt of
Ordinury of said county will Iks sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary, 1911. at the court house, ( in mid
county; between tlte usual (hours of sale,
the following real estate situate in Grady
county, tO r wit: (,80') eighty-six'acres,
.more or less .of Lot "No (210) ..Two-Hun
dred and Ten, also (124) one hundred
and twtuity-four Mres more or less of Lot
No;: (231) Two Huu'drbd andThirfy.One.
All said lauds lyingand being in the (16)
Sixteenth' district of Grady county, tin.,
Mid aggregating (210) two ilmiidmd and
ten acres more or less. Terms cash.
This December 0th, 1910. }
T. M. Wiik;iiam,:
Administrator of R. E. Whigliam.
; Lfcave itoSelt Eaiidi
GEORGIA—Grudy County;
NofiVd is Hereby: givdn that tli’e 1 hunler-
payinent of debts. Said application w-3
lieUl-oii-tbeVirst Monday in January,
best printer , of .hps' day
And we bave soine of the
good a printer may; be he cannot,
and will not,,get results from . do .Monday;
worn out material. ^Well, all of
Tired Creek.
G. B. Willis visited G. W. Hot
Mrs. Mattie Willis and Miss
Mr. Isell Pprkin.s and. Miss Eth,ejk
Rbgans were -joined in' tire hoiy
Boards of, .nratiipipny, .VVednesday
everiing' Jast. We wish' them-'a
happy journey oroi-^ifcs seas.
Sam Cooper formely of Oclochnee-
Ga. has bought out* the JeromO
Currie mill, and has moved into our
midst ngaini
B. R. Harrison and wife were tbe
G. B. Willis visited the family of
. tV.-Helton ; Sdnda^. -’
fW. T. Helton and wife yi'e^re th/:
guest of his father Xmas.
’lhony Returned home' with Her sister
•Mrs Harrison Wilder Sunday after-
Pine Level.
Mrs. Ethel Halstead of near Am-
ericui is spending a while with her
parents Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Darffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whigha-ui
offlrhoinasvilJje^B visiting thpir pa-
rents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wlrig-
David Ssllers and wife spent the
holidays with relatives! near Cotton,
Joe•'Whigliam was selling syrup
in Cairo Monday.
J. N. Butler attended to business
in Pelham: one day last Week.'
Arthur tVliighiam and Ezra Naylor
^1.. J ..L i a. „ n*'?... -mJr^ - v • *
made a shprt trip to Cairo Monday
Willie Mills was calling on his
best -girl Sunday, . .< -
Miss Vera Pipkins spent Sunday
! with ' Misses Bertha, and Hebhie
Sellers! 1,1
Mrs. Ida Castlebery.. lof ■ Pelham
is visiting Mrs. .Cassie Butlen
Noa'h Elkins tthd family spent
Sunday with the family' of CV F.
WRmBle. 1 s ' 1 '
■ ,: ‘v v- • -A '■ ‘ • If ell ,!
Mr. .J. 1( N. Mqss, yrent. to, Cai,i;o.
'. " :i
) ';!iiv
Booth' Crossing
Mrs. G . M. Rehli'erg spent Xmas
,I ' i v- i '■- ] r. ■, ; -.-ii,
with hef ^ister Mi’f.- lt, E. Holton.
Mrs, Ljzzie , C^irretV spenf, thrfe
week? with heudjvqglitep.iMrs. R. p,.
Helton returned .Mpnday,. , , , ,
MV. Roy Milrsli speiit Saturday
night with Mr, Henry Booth.
.. Misses Lizzie and Bell Broom
besf faf<iihi».cl§$T-l ^Nb-riteltrir^iow -spPiit Xmas at lioliie-
t > IV \I Snu n
Miss LohisSwnn spi-nt. ]‘ust Sun-
day with lterfricnd Miss Annie Mc-
’Cldjand;; i
Mr Lee Hesters and si'ster Miss
Clara spent ^nn day with their cous
ins Misses Collie and Annie Mc
Clelland. 1 ;-
Mr£ N M Nesmith is spending
a while with her daughter Mrs Al
beit 'Powell 1 ,' ,: i ’ • - ’ J
Ajher Powell made a biwuics,s„trip
to Cairo, liist Wednesday.
On last.-tjUird ,Sunday Mr, Harrison
Wilder was happily raarrifed to Miss
Jewel Taylor of Harmony. The
bride is a ^harming yoting daughter
of a prbsperous farmer of Harmony,
The groom, is a young farmer of this
section. They will make thei r home
in this section . ; We aye-always glnjl
to welcome such sweet girls in onr
sectiyn. Btist-wishewiforthem. •
D Nesmith spent, Sunday last
With Albert Powell arid wifiL 1
Miss Jossje )v.ill Taylor of Har-
Brown Eyes.: )
to the public that 7 we are pre
pared to write
Fire Insurance
and would appreciate your pat
ronage if given us.
We represent several of the
best old yine- companies. Act
Wisely by insuring your prop- ;
erty at once. Tfie cost is light
and the protection great.
■Office in Parker Building!
I’m selling' out my entire stock consisting of
On account we. have to vacate the premises.
We also give you special inducements with c. _ v s
of $.J 0.00; ; ’ We 'will 7 give you a present. A handsome $3.00
every purchase
We also
i l'O;0Oi a ^|j_|l.„ a.yjpjwj i#
clock. Don’t.inisj^ the purchase in my store be-
you go elsewhere.- ■ .'•) ,
. 4. SHAPIRO, Proprietor.
iilJjli ,;fj
use a
■' : A &
•Jii •.(»>: • ivsKYji-ti A
complete stock or tiy
J. G. Smith and Franklin and Nor-
Miss Magilie Rerihei-g speiitiNinas
wji Ji Miss Nancy • V'one returned
Ui% :Lee Bootlv was in: Cairo ,Mori-
„ B,new and up-to-date
up«ume irian who would rather ~ r . kl . ; . i. ^ V -di . r r ,,
and! d you are ‘‘Front -Mispuri” ! ' l mViS.fS8,.jRK% -gST" 1 !
"■ ■' ' - - i wtid lu Cairp Monday.
can “Show You’’ just try and see.
jjyeatelilte the 'BJyEMggL cfcHiW. MiiiWifm and
- u.'ii-’jjte i ,
dui a ,'Giant” in
j t0 strepgtK and size. ^Just l^ep^ on
your mind that we are here to
wonder ho.w it was celrilirated by
l a. oi;m tie! •-
r’ .iurutwa
Mru Albert'EowelL: and little son
Leonard made a business trip to
Trlbuiu last Saturday.
And a' large supply of other makes as
, and Wagons..
-■svirtiruT--. -i i -'•> - - • . If 1|
save you money ,by coming to see us 1
! when m need or any or our goods.
•vb'v.'-.-: - .71" ‘•■■■■Vicr
'■■J sJ.'iJlL
"ffrv r (!'i AvrrTrfrrr
rr & son.
We are awful busy these days buj; we w ill
'•* o :itii -. i: ’ - O'. *
surely find time to do your work. So remem-
ber if ypu have anyting in the printing line to
be printed “The Baby M can do it.
If we; can’t do your work remember tha t
t . il VO -;t. • i :
it cannot be printed in Cairo. Anything you
want at n The Baby’s’ 1 home.