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Having made arrangements with the Grady County Progress for 500 subscriptions offer them for the low price of 50cts. for 30 days,
beginning March 8th, and ending April 8th.
CLUB OFFER No. 1--Grady County Progress, Semi-Weekly Journal, and Uncle Remus, or McCalls Magazine one full year $1.30.
CLUB OFFER No. 2-Grady County Progres, Tri-Weekly Constitution, and Uncle Remus, or McCalls Magazine, one year $1.30.
CLUB OFFER No. 3—Grady County Progress, Semi-Weekly News, of Savannah, one year $1.30.
CLUB OFFER No.4--Grad / County Progress, Tri-Weekly Constitution, Needlecraft, Peoples Popular Monthly, and Southern Ruralist,
all one year for $1.30.
CLUB OFFER Nc.H-Grady County Progress, Tri-Weekly Constitution, and Southern Cultivator, all three one year for $1.30.
The Progress is the olicial paper for the Sheriff, Ordinary and Clerk Superior Court of Qrady County, and is the Leading paper in South Georgia.
Beginning with the March 6th Edition, this paper will run one of the most interesting Serial Stories ever published.
Grady County Progress sent one full year to any addres for SOcts.
Make all Remittances Direct to M. E. LIGHTFOOT.
Notice Of Election For Bonds
To the Voters of the Town of
W high am, Grady Count) Georgia.
You are • hereby notified that
there will be'an election held in
said Town for Bonds to conform to
the Ordinance which is hereto pub
lished givingSyou and]’each of you
notice of said Election, the amounl
of Bonds and for what purpose they
will issue, the amount of the Prin
cipal and Interest due annually, all
of these, facts are set out full in this
Ordinance and when the fullamunt
shall he paidfoff. .
Be it ordained by the Mayor ar d
Council, and it is hereby ordained
bv the authority aforesaid, that il
appearing to the Mayor and Coun
cil, that the Town of Whighnm is
very much in need of Electric
Lights. And to establish and erect
a system of Electric Lights. Thai
it will be necessary to make im
provements and repairs in the Wa
ter Works System now in use, be
lieving that it will meet with the
approval of every Citizen and Tax
(A) That a Bond issue of §6,000.
00. sh.ould be issued for the pur
pose to Establish and Erect an Elec
trie Light System for the Town ol
(B) That to meet this required
improvement, that a lliond issue o)
§2,000.00 should issue for the pur
pose of improving, repairing tin
Water Works System.
Now therefore be it ordained by
the Mayor and Council of theTowi
of Whighnm, Grady County, Geor
gia, that there shall be an Election
held in the Town Hall, Rhe same
being the place where Elections are
held for Mayor and the Council, 01
the 18th day of April, 1913, for the
purpose to determine whether there
shall be or not he a Bond issue in
• the sum of §6,000.00 forj the pur
pose of Establishing "and 1. Erecting
an Elictric Light System for the
Town of Whiglmm. That said
Bonds shall be of a denomination
of 8375.00 .each, and sixteen in
number. That said Bonds shall
draw interest at t)ie rate of 6 per
cent per annum. All interest shall
be paid annually, beginning on the
1st day of January, 1914, and an
nually thereafter, and there shall he
one Bond of the denomination of
§375 00 paid annually, beginning
on the 1st day of January, 1917,
and annually thereafter, until the
Sixteen Bonds shall be paid in,full
oh the 1st day of January, 1933,
all of tvhich shall be paid in lawful
money of the United States at any
Bank in Atlanta Georgia. And the
the same Election shall be for the
purpose to determine whether there
shall he or not he a Bond issue for
the sum of §2.000.00 for the pur
pose of improving and repairing the
Water Works System now in use by
the Town of Whiglmm. That said
Ponds shall lie of the denomination
of §125.00 each, and Sixteen in
number, that said Bonds shall draw
interest at the rate of 6 per cent per
anniVm, all interest shall he paid
annually, beginning on the 1st day
of January, - 1914, and annually
thereafter. And there shall beom
Bond of the denomination of $126.
00 paid annually, beginnig on tin
1st day of January, 1917, and an
nually thereafter untill the Sixteci
Ronds shall he paid in full on tin
1st day of January 1933, all ol
which shall be paid in lawful monoj
of the United States at any Bank
in Atlanta, Georgia. All Bonds
shall hear date of July 1st, 1913.
Be it further ordained by tin
mthority aforesaid, that the Elec
don shall be held on the 18th daa
of April, 1913, by three Free Hoi
ders of said Town as managers, it
the Town Hall, the place where tin
elections are held for Mayor am
Aldermen of the Town, that s«i<
managers shall open said election
for voting at 9 o’clock A. M. am
shall close the same at 3 o’clock P.
M. of the same day. All registers
voters of the Town of Whiglmn
shall be entitled to vote at sai
election, that all voters shall hav
on their Tickets these words: '‘Fo
Electric Light. Bonds or Again.-
Electric Light Bonds” and shal
vote for or against thes bonds. Als
at the same time and at the sann
election shall have these words oi
their Tickets; “For Water Work
Bonds or Against Water Work
Bonds.” That the Managers of sail
Election, with the Mayor and Coun
eil together shall consolidate t.hi
vote of said elect.on and declare tin
results and should the results de
clared be the required two thirds
ns fixed by law in favor of the
Bond issue for Electric Lights, thei
these Bonds shall be and is “hereby
authorized to issue as heretofore su.
And should the results declared
be the required two thirds as fixed'
by law in lavor of the Bond issui
for WaterWorks, then thesolBond
J shall he and is hereby authorized
to issue as heretofore set out.
Be it further ordained by the
authority aforesaid, that should
this ordinance, be ratified at the
aforesaid election by the requisite
two thirds of the voters ns required
by law', then the Mayor and Coun
cil is hereby authorized to issue
bonds as are by this ordinance au
thorized, to make sale thereof, and
to use the funds from said sale to
establish and erect an electric light
system for the town of Whiglmm.
And should this ordinance be
ratified at the aforesaid election by
the requisite two thirds of the vo
ters as required by law, then the
Mayor and Council is hereby au-
thnrized to issue bonds as are by
this ordinance authorized, to make
sale thereof, <ind to use the’funds
from said sale to improve and re
pair the water works system of the
town of Whigham.
Be it further ordained by the
authority aforesaid, that notice
witli this ordinance shall be pub
lished in the Gnuly County Progress
the official organ of Grady County,
Ga., where the Sheriff's sales are
published for said county,beginning
on the 17th day of March, 1913,
and continuing to the 17th day ol
April, 1913, the same being for a
term of 30 days before - the day
herein fixed for the election for
Be it furtherjordained by the au
thority aforesaid, that all ordinan
ces and parts of con
flict with this ordinance, be and
;he same is hereby repealed.
Read in open Council the first
ind second time, this the 20th day
>f February, 1913, and received the
following votes of Council:
B. A. Parker votes yes;
D. G. McNair votes yes;
W. C. Bell votes yes;
E. P. Trulock votes yes;
J. O. Williams votes yes;
I - J. O. Harrell, Clerk of Coun - -
il hereby certify that the above
irdinance was advertised as required
y law. This the 20th day of Fcb-
uary, 1913.
J. O.HarreT, Clerk.
The. above ordiimnc read in full
n open Council, this the^third time
m tbit the 7th day af March, 1913,
md did receive the following:
B. A. Parker votes yes;
D. G. McNair votes yes;
W. C. Bell votes - -
E. P. Trulock votes yes;
J. O. Williams votes yes;
R. R. Terrell,
Act. Clerk of Council.
Examined and approved, this
the 7th dav of March, 1913.
IL R. Terrell,
Mayor of W higlmm, Ga.
I-J. O. Hairell hereby certify
that the caption of this ordinance
has been advertised for more than
throe days after its final passage
and with the Mayor’s approval,
this the 17th day of March, 1913.
J: O. Harrell,
Clerk of Council of Whigham; Ga.
The above being the oalinance in
full, with all the conditions therein
you will take due notice and bo
governed by the same.
This the 17th day of Marh 1913,
R. R. Terrell,
Mayor of whigham, Ga.
J. O. Williams
Alderman, whigham, Ga.
E. P, Trulock
Alderman, whigham, Ga.
B. A. Parker
Alderman, whigham, Ga.
D. G. McNair
Alderman, whigham, Ga.
W. C. Beil
Alderman, whigham, Ga,
J. O. Harrell,
Clerk of Council
Do not buy second hand or worked
over Pianos, but buy from D.
J. Bloodwortli, representing the
the UNITED STATES, and have
Pianos shipped DIRECT from the
FACTORY to the HOME assuring
and at thesame time eliminate the
“MIDDLE MAN’S” profiit. Sold
on very Easy Terms.
Write or call on me when you
want it Fine Piano.
D. J. BLOOD WORTH, Salesman’
CAIRO. .'. .'. A. .'. .'. GEORGIA
We Have
Opened up a new Press
ing Club around in the City-
Bakery, and would appre
ciate > your Pressing and
Quick Service and good
Work Guaranteed
Thanking you in • advance
tor your Business.
Ira Hancock, Mgr.
Phone - No. 197
CAIRO, . . . GA.
Careful and prompt attention
given to all legal matters entrust
ed to my charge.
$ For Clean Towels And j
| Sharp Razors Go To jj
| W. H. P. Oneal’s |
f Barber Shop jj
| South Broad Street, I
f Cairo - - Ga. g
. ;
Paris Police Use Them In Capturing a
Homicidal Lunatic.
Paris.—A weapon for the firing of
asphyxiating bombs, devised after the
recent siege of the automobile bandits
In tbelr strongholds, was used for the
first time in the capture of a negro
who had become suddenly tnnd In the
Anteuil quarter, threatening every one
with a loaded revolver.
Detectives chased the man from room
to room In a house where he had taken
refuge, firing gas bombs as they went
The fugitive was finally cornered on
the roof of the house In a state of
semiasphyxiation. He was quite pow
erless and was transferred to a hos
W. J. Willie
Will practice in all Courts, State and
'ederal. Collections a specialty.
Office in L, B. Cowell building.
Phone 73. - . CAlRu, GA
Cairo, - - . Georgia.
Fees Reasonable. Practice in Super
ior Court, s Court of Appeals and Sup
reme Court.
[ Office: Judge’s chamber, Court Hous
Phone, No. 73
Attorn ey-at-Law.
Office in Davis Building—up stairs.
Close Season For Frogs.
Mndlson, Wls—A plan to forbid the
eating of frogs In Wisconsin for ten
years, to prevent their being killed or
enptured. has been introduced by As
semblyman Newton Spoor of Green
Lake county, who says that last year’s
plague of mosquitoes In Wisconsin Is
largely due to the manner In which
the frogs have been killed off.
We save you Time and Money on
Largest and best selected Stock in South
Phone 251 JAMES H. BROWN, Thomasviile, Ga.